In ancient times, at every royal, princely or imperial court, it was customary to contain an astrologer scientist who studied the movement of the stars, made horoscopes, predicted a successful marriage or a time suitable for a military campaign. There were enough predictors in the history of the Russian state, and the most famous and mysterious of them is still the monk Abel. Throughout his life, he wrote down the revelations he saw in a manuscript, which he called "A very terrible book." Predictions did not always predict joyful events for the rulers - because of their anger, Abel spent more than two decades in dungeons.

Archival documents prove that many of his prophecies came true with amazing accuracy. He foresaw the events of 1917, predicted Napoleon's military aggression, saw the years when the Russian emperors would die, predicted the fall of the Romanovs, predicted World War II.

According to rumors, Abel predicted the reign and resignation of Boris Yeltsin, as well as the presidency of Putin. He wrote about the appearance in Russia of the second Boris, whom he called a giant titan. The country with him will find itself in a state of decay and disaster. However, Boris will leave the board very suddenly, and in his place will come a certain "A man of short stature." The monk also predicted the appearance of a ruler who will rule three times. Abel prophesied to the Russian state a great destiny and the role of a place that would become a stronghold of Orthodoxy.

One of Abel's most controversial predictions is a prophecy, which experts regard as a prediction of events after Putin's departure from power. If you believe the predictions of Abel, then after Putin there will be 10 kings for an hour who will not bring anything. Then a new ruler will come, who will make Russia Great.

In the list of key figures for Russia, Abel mentions a certain Lame, who will make every effort to stay in power, the Golden-haired Lady with three chariots and the "Great Potter" who will be able to unite the country and punish the perpetrators of the turmoil. Interpretative experts say that the monk predicted a difficult time that will come in Russia in 2017. It is unlikely that the monk knew the word "crisis", but his words can be interpreted that way. It is also believed that the year will be the time of the end of hostilities in the Donbass.

Abel also mentions the war in the Middle East. In the Arap kingdom, a leader in a blue turban will turn many countries to ashes. A 15-year war of the cross and the crescent will begin, Carthage will collapse, and death will threaten everyone.

The impetuous sovereign who has come here will punish everyone. Great joy will come in Russia - the three branches will merge into a single tree, the demons will run. Russia has great prospects. The predestination of a great destiny will become possible thanks to God's chosen one, who is in power.

Few know that in Russia there is an icon of the Nativity of the Virgin, written according to the predictions of the monk Abel the clairvoyant. On it, messages were left to the descendants, indicated in the margins and expressed in artistic images. Here is the date of death of Catherine II, the period of the reign of Paul I, there is even the date of the end of the world. Its researchers identified it as 2780. Also depicted here is Nicholas II, who was martyred and canonized.

The year 2024, indicated on the icon, is special for Russia. The blessed tsar will ascend to the throne of Russia, from which the greatness of the state will begin. Time will tell!

All the great prophets of the world predicted that sooner or later the suffering and trials of Russia will end. Our country, like a phoenix, will rise from the ashes and be reborn! Who will be the one who will rule this country? Who can take on such a great mission?

Sergius of Radonezh (1387)

The earliest and most mysterious prophecy about this belongs to one of the greatest and most beloved saints in the country - the Monk Sergius of Radonezh.

“My time will come when the heavenly Luminary will rush to the Earth, and then you will come to fulfill the will of the dates. And the hated will be saviors, and the vanquished will lead the victorious. And the three roots, separated by a curse, grow together with love, and they will be led by one sent not from their tribe. Before the deadline, they will curse the Tatars and Jews, and they will curse the Russian land. When your bones are given over to destruction, the time will be fulfilled for the three curses and the one who is invisibly visible will be at the throne, clothed with Crowns and the Ring. And where you attach the Ring, there will be My Hand and the Lords. "


In a number of sources, the alleged conversation between Abel and Paul I is conveyed in this way:

"Is this really the end of the Russian state and there will be no salvation for it?" Paul asks. “The impossible for man is possible for God,” Abel answers. - God hesitates with help, but it is said that he will give it soon and erect a horn of salvation for the Russian. And the great prince will rise up in exile from your house, standing for the sons of his people. This will be the chosen one of God, and his blessing will be on the head. It will be one and understandable to everyone, it will be learned by the very Russian heart. His appearance will be sovereign and bright, and no one says: "The Tsar is here or there," but: "This is He." The will of the people will submit to the grace of God, and he himself will confirm his calling. His name has been fated three times in Russian history. Two of the same names were already on the throne, but not on the royal one. He will sit on Tsarskoe as the Third. It is the salvation and happiness of the Russian state. The paths would be different again on the Russian mountain. "

Seraphim Sarovsky

It is believed that the future fate of Russia was revealed to Seraphim of Sarov, and it was he who was instructed from Above to take all measures to save the Romanov dynasty. In a conversation with his student, professor of the Theological Academy N. Motovilov, Seraphim of Sarov said that the imperial power in Russia would be overthrown in 1917 and to save the dynasty the last emperor Nicholas II must have, in addition to the official heir of Tsarevich Alexei, who will be born in 1904, another - secret, who must be called Michael.

Everything that Motovilov heard from his holy mentor, he had to convey to his wife Elena at his hour of death. She, in turn, was to convey this to Blessed Pasha of Sarov, a nun of the Diveyevo Monastery, who was to inform the imperial couple about this. This order should have been passed on to the emperor when he came to venerate the holy relics of Seraphim of Sarov. As the monk said, "when the king glorifies me, then I will glorify him."

Seraphim died in 1833 in the city of Sarov, his relics were transferred to the Diveyevo monastery in 1903, when Nicholas II reigned. The royal couple arrived at the procession and liturgy in Diveyevo. Then Pasha of Sarov invited the emperor and his wife to her cell and handed them the order of the "fiery elder". The nun told Empress Alexandra Feodorovna: "You will give birth to one son next year, and you will come to give birth to me, and so that no one knows about it."

Did the royal couple succeed in fulfilling the order of the Monk Seraphim? There is an opinion that it was possible ...

Vasily Nemchin

As already mentioned, the prophet predicted that the time will come when the “great Potter” will come to power in Russia, who will be a spiritually enlightened, wise ruler. He will be the founder of the new monarchy and there will be "great joy - the return of the crown, and then" taking under the crown "of the whole" big tree ".

As Nemchin wrote, "Three branches will merge into one, and there will be a single tree." Thanks to this, a new powerful state will appear. Most likely, the three branches mean the Russian, Ukrainian and Belarusian peoples, who will unite again in the post-apocalyptic period.

Pelagia Ryazan

According to the recollections of a fellow villager, Blessed Pelagia predicted:

“There will still be a defender of the Faith - the Tsar - the smartest man... Prepared by God Himself! "

Saint Theophan of Poltava (1930)

Something that no one expects will happen. Russia will rise from the dead and the whole world will be surprised. Orthodoxy in her will be reborn and triumphant. But that Orthodoxy that was before will no longer be ... God Himself will put a strong Tsar on the throne. He will be a great reformer and he will have a strong Orthodox faith. He will bring down the unfaithful hierarchs of the Church, he himself will be an outstanding person, with a pure, holy soul. He will have a strong will. "

Archbishop Theophan of Poltava (Bystrov)

about the prophecies of his confessor - Elder Alexy of Valaam:

“I am not speaking on my own behalf, but I am communicating the revelations of the elders. And they gave me the following. (...) Russia must still recover, of course, by short time.And in Russia there should be a Tsar, chosen by the Lord Himself. He will be a man of fiery faith, great mind and iron will. So open about him. (...) He will be a great reformer and he will have a strong Orthodox faith. (...) He will come from the Romanov dynasty through his mother. He will be God's chosen one, obedient to Him in everything. "

Spiritual patron of Russia

Another interesting and, perhaps, the most intimate topic of old prophecies is the statement that our country is destined for support and help from Above.

Orthodox people in Russia have long believed that the Mother of God herself is helping our country.

And in the letters of E.I. Roerich says that, in addition to earthly rulers, Russia also has an invisible spiritual patron - the Monk Sergius of Radonezh, who did not leave his beloved country even after his departure from the earthly plane of existence.

The Roerichs sacredly honored the memory of this saint and considered him the greatest ascetic not only of Russia, but of the whole world. In 1938 E.I. Roerich wrote:

“All those Russians who have purified their hearts and broadened their minds during these years of suffering must prepare for a quick feat in their country. You know that at the head of our homeland is the most powerful Patron, namely, its Builder and Educator of the spirit of the people, Reverend Sergius of Radonezh. The seeds laid by Him have not died and live in the depths of the people. In the appointed time, they will sprout up as wonderful sprouts. So the Trinity-Sergius Lavra is already being restored, and the people are reminded of the wonderful defense of the homeland by its Founder against the Tatars and Poles. It is also noteworthy that, apparently, no one is embarrassed by the fact that help against the Poles was shown by the Reverend already in his subtle body. All these milestones are given to understand the coming great time. (Roerich E.I. From a letter dated 03/08/38.)

It is interesting that the Bulgarian seer Vanga, in her conversation with V.M. Sidorov also called Sergius "the greatest saint", who now helps the whole world most of all, and especially Russia.

This is how V. M. Sidorov reports his conversation with Vanga about Saint Sergius in his small work "Lyudmila and Vangelia".

From the book of V.M. Sidorov "Lyudmila and Vangelia".

- Do they honor Saint Sergei in Russia?

“Not enough,” I say. - Mostly in the church.

- I see a monastery. (I confirm that the Trinity-Sergius Lavra contains the relics of St. Sergius.) This is the heart of Russia. He is a great prophet. He is not an ordinary saint, but the main Russian saint.

With unexpected energy:

- There is no such force that could break Russia. Russia will develop, grow and grow stronger.

And he adds that these are not her words, but the words of Saint Sergius.

- I see, - Wang continues, - he holds Russia in the palm of his hand. I see a church floating in the air. I see people with spears and helmets.

- Vanga, - I interrupt her, - you give an accurate description of one painting by Roerich.

- What kind of picture? - Wang asks.

- She is little known because she is not exhibited. It depicts Saint Sergius holding in his hands a cathedral that personifies Rus and Russia. He blesses the soldiers - they are visible in the depths of the picture - going to the Battle of Kulikovo. The caption to the painting reads: “It was given to Saint Sergius to save the Russian Land three times. The first time under Prince Dmitry, the second time under Minin. Third "- followed by an ellipsis.

- Why not exhibit?

- Because of the prophetic inscription.

Vanga, as it were, peers into the distance. Informs:

- The picture was drawn by four souls who came from another world. Little is known about this picture. It is necessary that many people know about it, so that everyone knows. Take care of the painting like the apple of your eye. This is a great document, this is the greatest wealth of Russia. Do not send it to other countries. It is intended only for Russia.

And, as if concluding what has been said, he exclaims:

- The one who was Saint Sergei is now the greatest saint. He is the leader of all mankind. Oh, how he is helping humanity now! He turned into light, his body turned into light. "

Social structure in Russia of the future

One of the most interesting questions related to future history our country - what will be the social system in Russia in the post-apocalyptic period?


An interesting prophecy about the social system of Russia was set forth in his quatrains by the greatest prophet of the world:

The commune law will be opposed to the old law.

However, the old order will first be strengthened,

Then it trembles a little, weakens and rolls down the slope.

And the ancient communist system will be revived forever.

What did Nostradamus understand by ancient communism? The principles of communal life preached by Christ and Buddha?


The famous Bulgarian seer also predicted that in the future a ruler endowed with special wisdom would appear in Russia.

According to the testimony of the writer and poet V.M. Sidorov,

Back in 1971, Wanga, according to her family, foresaw the collapse of socialism in Russia and the countries of Eastern Europe.

She later said:

“In sixty years, the world will begin to change dramatically. (…) The old leaders will leave. New ones will come. " (Sidorov V.M., Lyudmila and Vangelia.)

The first part of Vanga's prophecy has already come true - the USSR collapsed, the old Russia returned. V. Sidorov heard this prediction from Vanga in 1979.

Regarding the future social system in our country, Vanga predicted:

“Socialism will return in a new form. Will be again Soviet Union but new. There will be cooperative farms. And Bulgaria will overcome difficulties. Bulgaria will move forward only together with Russia - she is our mother. Russia was and will be a great power ... ". (Sidorov V.M., Lyudmila and Vangelia.)

Vanga repeated the prophecy about the future prosperity of Russia in an interview with the vice-president of the Russian Union of Entrepreneurs Yuri Sakhanov, who met with her in April 1996:

“Russia is the foremother of all Slavic states. Those who turned their backs on her will return in a new guise. Russia will not deviate from the path of reforms that will ultimately lead to the growth of its strength and power. "

A longtime acquaintance of Vanga, Professor D. Filipov, witnessed a similar prophecy:

“Socialism will return, but with a new face. There will be a Soviet Union again, but renewed. There will be agricultural cooperatives again. And Bulgaria will overcome difficulties. The prosperity of Bulgaria is possible only in alliance with Russia - she is our mother. Russia has always been and will be a great power.

Write about Marx, about Lenin, the youth should know them. Why should you be ashamed of them? "

In our time, literally streams of curses are heard against the classics of communism, as well as the socialist past of Russia. But were it only Marx and Lenin to blame for the fact that the socialism that was built in Russia and the countries of Eastern Europe turned out to be by no means the kingdom of freedom, equality and brotherhood, which the Pavels Korchagin and Makary Nagulnovy dreamed of?

E. Casey

The collapse of the communist (or rather, pseudo- or vulgar-communist) ideology in Russia and Eastern Europe was foreseen by the famous American prophet Edgar Cayce. But he also wrote that the new system in Russia will most likely be based on the idea of ​​genuine communism, which was spoken of in the testaments of Christ:

“Changes are already outlined, and this will surely be an evolution or revolution of the ideas of spiritual thinking. And an example to the world will appear, in the end, from Russia; but no, this is not communism! But, most likely, basically the same thing as the teaching of Christ - his kind of communism ... "

But there were other predictions about the future social order in Russia. So, Vasily Nemchin, Feofan Poltavsky and some other predictors believed that the monarchy would be restored in Russia.

Feofan Poltavsky wrote that "in Russia, at the will of the people, the monarchy and autocratic power will be restored."

Ss. 301-302):

5.4.8. History clues
It is no longer possible to influence the present with therapeutic agents. Popular wisdom says: "It's too late to drink Borjomi when the kidneys have failed."
You can influence what will happen by throwing convincing clues to decision-makers at those moments in history when, in a stupor at the forks of uncertainty, one has to make a painful choice of a further path.
The years of the global crisis 2012-2015 is that "window of opportunity" when the heirs of the USSR can get off the dead-end path of a society of unrestrained consumption of things and use the methods of intelligence and diplomacy to replace the game, that is, go from the principles of good receiving body to the principles of good date Spirit in the New Horde. As the "Kingdom of Truth - the Power of the White Tsar" predicted for the peoples of Eurasia for a long time. According to the Scriptures, "the King of Truth in the rank of Melchizedek" unites in one person military, secular and spiritual power, and not like the heirs of Ancient Rome: legislative, executive and judicial.
In Chinese hieroglyphics, the meaning " White Tsar"Conveys the hieroglyph huang (from the title of Qingshi huang ) - the emperor. Above, the key is white, below is the van (king) as a symbol of power, connecting three elements: heaven, earth and a person between them. In the legends and tales of the mountain peoples of Russia (Altai, Caucasians), the coming White Tsar is Chinggisid: Ivan the Terrible of our days.
And it is not necessary to look for the White Tsar - Chinggisid among the descendants of the princely families of the Yusupovs or Urusovs, other clans of khans, murzas and beks. The clue of history is this: in 2003, the results of a study of the DNA of the population of the countries of the Eurasian zone became known. It turned out that the same structure of the Y-chromosome, based on random checks of people of different ethnic groups and racial types, is extrapolated to sixteen million people scattered from the Pacific Ocean to the Black Sea. According to the calculations of geneticists, they should all have one common ancestor who lived at the end of the 12th century. We can confidently assume that this is a tree of the descendants of Genghis Khan.
For a bloodless maneuver towards a new system of life in Russia, all have developed the necessary conditions... The attention of the people is absorbed by the fuss about side scenarios. Modern boyars are mired in strife, nomenklatura games and intrigues. And the supreme rulers fell for the external layout of their tandem, each of them was driven into his own corner by the onslaught of the rally street, in the split of power "megalomania" and confidence in the future have lost. That is why they can perceive and translate into political practice fresh ideas, in fact "military tricks" of a worthy way out of the crisis.
And here, in order not to be mistaken and to get on the right wave, a hint from history is important. For this, the Scripture commanded "to discern the signs of the times."
Distinguishing the signs of the times - and these are the cosmic grounds for Saturn's passage of the constellation Sagittarius - one can firmly believe that in Russia in three years, from autumn 2012 to summer 2015, one can confidently carry out an apical coup. In the cycle of Saturn (29.5 years) in Russia, there is a change of power elite in the form of “cutting off the top”. In 1924-1927, the Trotskyists were removed from the levers of government. In 1953-1956, the Stalinists were thrown from the top of the state. The turning point of the 1982-1985 system was the "five-year funeral" of the last leaders of socialism. In 2012-2015, the entire current liberal "vertical" will be thrown away from power by intrigues and force.
At the same time, Putin, as the head of this vertical, can either personally carry out a summit coup, pave the way (a straight path) for the White Tsar and leave with honor, or fall victim to a fatal struggle. There is no doubt that Putin will win the battle for the presidency. But the battle to capture the future in 2013-2014 will definitely lose. For he was late in reaching the line of attack.
The offensive of the Popular Front is an imitation. And the one who holds it loses.
Since the classical schemes of direct Greco-Roman confrontation do not promise the success of Putin's vertical (the liberals imposed the They - We chess game on him), then it is time to use military cunning, go to the "war of meanings", replace the game and without any special losses it is worthy to avoid collapse.

You can read about Putin's "wiring" behind the scenes of the world.

A. Kashansky. Foreword to the book
In the book offered to the reader's attention, a very important question for Russia is raised: "What human qualities should the supreme ruler of the country possess and why?" The author's concept, used to create a psychological portrait of the best leader for the country, is based on the classification of the types of connection between consciousness and the unconscious. This methodology is in the research area psychological science... But a psychological portrait of a person destined for higher power cannot be built only on the basis of psychology and the usual rational methods, because any IMAGE always contains an irrational component. The approach to the answer to the question so urgent for all of us, Russians, can be given by non-politics - a doctrine that considers the world in its all-encompassing unity and studies the irrational with the help of completely rational methods.
Nebopolitics makes it possible not only to create a psychological portrait of the future "White Tsar", but also to determine what values ​​he should be guided by. What should be his soul? What is a soul, does it finally exist? Why take its properties into account? Consideration of these questions already goes beyond the limits of psychological science, but closely adjoins it. Therefore, in order to clarify the understanding of a non-political view of psychology, it must be emphasized here that from the point of view of non-political politics, the human psyche is a complex synthesis of imaginative perception of the world and logical thinking. Images are the essence of information coming into consciousness directly from the eternal information field of the Universe, and logical thinking is the result of the use of symbolic languages ​​and logical algorithms by the consciousness. Between the primordial image and "computer" logic is the human soul, which controls the formation of images in the subconscious and consciousness, the interaction of which is considered by the author. Depending on the characteristics of the soul, images will be formed, and hence the values ​​in which a person believes and which he follows "at the behest of the heart."
The most powerful information attack, undertaken during the pre-election campaign, with the help of sophisticated technologies, is capable of changing - deforming the image of a candidate for power and imposing this beneficially changed image on the public consciousness. It is vitally important for us, resisting the propaganda pressure, to be able to discern the person on whom the fate of the whole country will depend, based on objective criteria. In our opinion, one of the advantages of the book is an attempt to urge citizens to make a responsible choice, proceeding not only from the "call of the heart" or "the logic of reason", but also from the position of balanced wisdom, which combines both, and also the requirement to obey the spirit time. Determining exactly how the “spirit of the times” is changing is one of the tasks of non-political politics, the tools of which the author uses, combining in his research the methods of psychology, historical analogies and the principles of non-political vision of the world.
Undoubtedly, the time is coming for Russia to “collect stones”. The country is on the verge of "small prosperity", which will be accompanied by the formation of a new system of values, the development of a new historical mission and even the formation of a new historical community, which we will call " Russian people of the future ". New times will require new heroes and new leaders. This book tells about how to help to recognize their faces in a huge crowd of "political passers-by".

Excerpts from the book:

He [Yeltsin] refused the services of the balanced Primakov and the psychotimist Kiriyenko, and chose Putin, who embodies the best epileptoid traits: honesty, decency, loyalty to the given word and the obligations assumed. V. V. Putin is a talented man, he would be very good at the stage of development of success, but not at the stage of its complete absence. As a result, we have what we have: the pinnacle of creativity is administrative reform, the cancellation of elections and the dominance of special services under complete absence control over the work of the bureaucratic apparatus and law enforcement agencies. And this is not his fault. The current president of Russia is simply not capable of non-standard solutions due to his mental structure. And this means that it is not for him either to prepare and make the transition from the period of chaos to the period of "little prosperity."
This will have to be done by the new Russian ruler, who is called the "White Tsar" in the teachings of non-globalization. This does not mean at all that Russia should switch to a monarchical form of government or return to the days of patriarchal antiquity. The term "White Tsar" is generalized and implies the coming to power of such a person, whose activities would be illuminated by the white light of truth. We are talking about a spiritual guide who would truly love his people as a good shepherd loves his flock. The "White Tsar" is the one who will be able to overcome the obstacles formed by centuries of mistrust formed between the authorities and their subjects, to bring harmony in relations between people, when the rich will not despise the poor, and the poor will not hate the rich, when happy prosperity will become the lot of the overwhelming majority of the population countries, when black envy, plaguing the soul, will cease to be a characteristic feature of Russians. The time of his coming to power has come. He, this man, already lives among us. And in order not to be mistaken in his choice and allow him to realize his historical mission, the author invites you to familiarize yourself with his psychological portrait, which is given in the next chapter. (pp. 118-119)

Image of the White Tsar

Strongest of all - self-controlled.


The demon of man is himself.

Indian proverb

The White Tsar is the anointed of God, and not at all the chosen one of the people of the society for the consumption of material goods, or the henchman of political forces, clans or confessions. Therefore, the White Tsar himself will place upon himself the crown of spiritual, secular and military power "not of this world." The true power of consent and serving the truth in essence, leaving the formal legislative, executive and judicial powers alone to the existing state.

The "radius of the personality" of the White Tsar will determine the limits of the "White Kingdom". According to Orthodox tradition, "not the strength of the White Tsar, but his truth" will be afraid of all "servants of evil", and even the Antichrist.

Personal data: a man, middle (40-50) years old, Russian (primarily by the type of his consciousness), with a higher education, the head of a state or commercial structure, who has reached such a level of financial well-being that would allow him to be independent in his views. In addition, this is a person who is either directly an employee of the power structures of the federal level, or who is in close proximity to them. In any case, his appearance in the political arena should be quite expected and not surprising.
Appearance: the figure is proportional, the appearance is attractive and does not cause rejection in the titular nation (Russians), height does not matter much, the main thing is that it is not pathologically small or tall. Hair color does not matter, nor does the structure. One has only to take into account that any eccentricity for the Russian type of consciousness (resinous curly or violently growing redheads) should more than be covered with charisma emanating from such a person. The face is expressive, the features are European. The look is clear, a little restless and tense, indicating both the desire to achieve a goal and the ability to do it, despite serious obstacles. Therefore, this is not the gaze of an all-knowing sage, but the burning gaze of a strong and decisive person who fully relies on himself. In general, the appearance should bear the stamp of masculinity, intelligence, secrecy and bubbling internal energy.
Addition: being slim is encouraged, but not the determining factor. Considering, however, certain prevailing stereotypes (a fat bad "bourgeois", a rich fat "world-eater" neighbor, "three fat men" and so on), the candidate should be rather thin than a full man... A certain sportiness should also be present in the figure, that is, in the case of a man, the shoulders should be wider than the pelvis, and not vice versa. The shapes should be sufficiently proportional and not cause visual rejection. Here the question may immediately arise of what to do with Hitler, Mussolini and Stalin, who did not differ in particular proportionality in build and attractiveness. This can be answered only by the fact that they were not psycho-chemists-reformers, that is, they appeared in history not at the stage of transition from chaos to “small prosperity”, but more “created” in conditions of chaos. And second - knowing about their shortcomings, they preferred to wear military uniform, which in many respects smoothed out the negative impression of the non-standardness of their figures. The appearance in modern conditions of a candidate for the post of head of state in a military jacket (with the exception of real military men) will clearly cause a wave of rejection among people. So to cover up their absurdity with the gloss and chic of a uniform tunic, persons striving for power, most likely, will not succeed.
Psychomotor skills: the movements are athletic, energetic, confident, calculating, stingy and precise, but not rude, not manly. There are no signs of laxity, disorder. The gestures are simple, adequate to the irritation. Facial expressions and movements betray decisiveness with elements of aggressiveness, which rather indicates not anger, but absolute confidence in one's strength and in one's mission.
Speech: the rate of speech is normal, accelerating as the desire to convince the interlocutor of the correctness of the words spoken increases. This is not a speech by a trained speaker, with properly placed pauses and accents. Confident in what he says, the applicant is absolutely sincere in all his intonations, ups, downs, and accents. Such a person will not speak on a piece of paper or a previously memorized text. Even if he starts reading, in a few moments he will break away from what he has written and will say what he thinks. Sometimes getting confused in phrases, sometimes choosing the wrong words. But for all the incorrectness of such a speech, its flaws will be compensated for by internal energy, sincerity and relevance, which will not leave the audience indifferent. It is impossible to imagine the presence of opportunistic passages in such speech. It is also impossible to imagine that a candidate will be able to change her position depending on the preferences of those in power and the media.
Voice: the timbre of the voice is normal. There can be no special signs here. Except that the timbre of the voice should not be misleading regarding the gender and mental normality of the applicant.
She prefers classic style in clothes. No addiction to fashion brands and no dependence on well-known brands. Wears what is comfortable and does not look very pretentious and defiant. Some bright elements in clothes (tie, scarf) can be an indicator of psychotimism. But, most likely, this will not happen, since he prefers emphasized asceticism for emphasis.
Overall impression: the candidate is a holistic person, confident in himself and accustomed to leadership. He lives in harmony with himself, his own appearance does not cause any complexes and internal tension. He is friendly with interlocutors, but nothing more. The reaction to what hurts is quick and adequate. There is a sense of humor. But this is not a sage's sense of humor, free and explaining everything. It's not very flexible and doesn't really need it. A certain alertness in the gaze is striking (like a person expecting some kind of trick), which is due to the fact that there is no time for empty conversations and pastime, and during business meetings, as a rule, you deal with real or potential opponents, including from among their followers. There is a certain lack of relaxedness in appearance, dress and manners, which, nevertheless, does not spoil the overall positive impression and does not reduce human attractiveness. Friends, if any, are very few, and they are not related to his work and business. It is either something connected with childhood, or with some strong shock (war, catastrophe, illness). There are associates. And they are interesting as long as they share his views and help on the way to the goal. Vindictive and generous at the same time. The change of these qualities depends on the actual state of "success - failure".
Motivation: He explains his consent to power with the good goal of reviving and flourishing the country, while excluding the motives of personal leadership, although they, from a mental point of view, are the main ones: to achieve the set goal, to prove one’s innocent, to surprise others with his foresight and ability to foresee the course of events. Self-realization of oneself is seen precisely in achieving public recognition of one's righteousness.
Biographical information: the applicant, most likely, was born in Russia, most likely in the city, in a family of employees (presumably engineering staff) in the period 1955-1970. The family, most likely, was complete, and if not complete, then this was compensated by normal communication with a real father outside the family or with a stepfather in the family (otherwise this would not have allowed them to successfully pass the stage of sexual identification in early age). At the same time, in the period up to 1.5 years in the life of the applicant, some very important events for the formation of his personality occurred or took place, which predetermined his oral fixation and psychochemical personality structure. In particular, he could be separated from his mother for a long time (business trips, employment, a 24-hour day nursery, illness, etc.), or, on the contrary, overly patronized by her (which is less likely). Applicant graduated high school, studied there well enough (which was a round excellent student - not necessarily), was actively involved in sports (but not professionally), attended various circles (most likely, with a technical bias). Already from school years in him there was clearly a desire for leadership, perhaps not always realized. He received a higher education quite deservedly, most likely, acquired as a result of technical or economic specialty... It is possible that during his student years he was actively involved in Komsomol work and even was nominated for an elective position. At the same time, he combined this position in the team with real leadership, being a "sociometric star" in the group in which he was. Military service is possible, but not required. At the same time, the candidate's attitude towards it was very favorable: he was not afraid of the army and was always quite adequate in military-patriotic terms. I built my life after college in the interests of career growth, not personal convenience. Achieved a lot during the Soviet era. Perestroika and the subsequent capitalist redistribution did not frighten or confuse, but on the contrary gave strength and opened up new horizons. As a result, he achieved a lot, becoming a well-known entrepreneur-leader. However, achievements in this field could in no way compensate for the bitterness of the thieves' lawlessness happening around, which ultimately forged the determination to change the existing order of things and try to save the country and people. Such lofty goals and fitting them on to oneself were carried out in the conditions of the continuing growth of authority and influence. That is, in this case, the motives were not resentment, irritation and aggression of a loser seeking through political levers to compensate for his complexes, but on the contrary: success in everyday life gave confidence that his real purpose could be much higher than the niche that he is in society takes.
Relationship with family: reverent attitude towards the mother. Regarding the relationship with the father, it is difficult to say anything definite. The applicant was most likely the only child in the family. In any case, in the presence of sisters or brothers, his relationship with them will be warm, but not dominant.
Married, possibly with a second marriage. Has children. He occupies a leading position in the family, being in the full sense of the word the owner of the house. It is possible that the first marriage (in the case of such) broke up due to the rejection of the spouse (presumably of the same age and even a fellow student) of the growing role of the husband and his natural desire for authoritarianism.
Loves children. He is strict and fair with them, in any case he tries to be so. Thoughts about their destiny leave a certain imprint on the relationship with them and on the systems of upbringing used (no special lisps, especially with boys, strictness and all-round care, but also no beatings or unacceptable abuse).
From the characteristics of others: disciplined, restrained in communication, he is suspicious of new acquaintances, active, bad habits no, on the whole he is benevolent, but one feels alertness, adheres to generally accepted norms and rules in his behavior. Differs in increased energy, which manifests itself in constant employment. Moreover, this is not the imaginary employment of workaholics, which is more typical of epileptoids, but creative activity, the results of which are felt almost daily. A fairly high level of self-control and self-organization. Self-esteem is very high, which sometimes seems excessive to others. Initiative. He often relies on intuition in making decisions and succeeds at the same time.
Emotional dependence on third parties or any circumstances is not observed. He strictly controls all the information that concerns him personally, his relatives and friends. In the manifestation of feelings, he is extremely restrained. And this tension is felt. Optimistic enough. Sadness or near-depressive states are not observed. Addictions hide. But oral fixation is noticeable (either smokes a lot and often, or loves to eat well, or has a sweet tooth). In general, there is some kind of weakness that testifies to this. But no addiction to alcohol. With the people around him, he intuitively finds the right line of behavior. There is no sycophancy in relations with superiors, but there is no rudeness with subordinates either. He likes flattery, but he does not tolerate it and he himself tries not to flatter. He is impulsive, not autistic, decisive, he thinks realistically, on a large scale, without excessive zeal and philosophizing.
He is not concerned about his state of health, although he is watching his physical form. Adapts well to change. Sexuality is highly differentiated. There is a tendency towards domination and the orientation of thoughts and actions into the future, which is associated with an awareness of his own importance and the role that he may have to play in the fate of the country. Unmotivated anger and aggression are practically absent. Good performance control.
V Everyday life and behavior tries to take steps aimed at winning a positive assessment of others. He treats criticism quite painfully and does not like either the criticism itself or those people who are engaged in it, considering them to be talkers and envious people. There are practically no problems in the psychosexual sphere. He is passionate about the business he is doing. Internal energy is very strong. Any lethargy or pessimism is not felt. No childishness or emotional immaturity. Among the strongest psychological defenses- sublimation, with the help of which he directs his unconscious impulses and aggression in a socially approved channel. In addition, they are used: universal control, denial and rationalization.
How he sees himself: the applicant considers himself an emotionally stable person, calm, realistic in relation to life, persistent and persistent in achieving goals, able to keep himself in control and control his thoughts, emotions and actions. He looks at things seriously and realistically, is well aware of the demands of reality, is objective about his own shortcomings.
Has a sense of high responsibility, is obligatory, conscientious and adheres to strong moral principles. He is deeply decent by virtue of his own convictions, is precise and accurate in business, tries not to break the rules, and is conscientious.
In relationships with other people, he can show discernment and prudence, coldness and rationality. He is able not to succumb to emotional impulses, to see logic behind the affect. In the team he behaves correctly, politely and detached. He approaches problem solving reasonably and unsentimentally. He is skeptical about slogans and appeals. In communication, he is polite. Monitors his speech and manners.
In addition, he believes that he has a fairly high practicality, that as a person he is mature, balanced, sane, well versed in everyday important things, soberly assessing circumstances and people. At the same time, he almost completely denies that he has any weaknesses and desires, demonstrates absolute indifference to success and failure. But the demonstrated calmness, equanimity and satisfaction with any state of affairs are nevertheless demonstrative in nature and emphasize the closeness of nature.
The applicant does not differ in kindness and tenderness, but he cannot be called cruel either. He is more self-confident than prone to feelings of guilt. He believes that his fate is in his own hands, experiences a sense of validity and consistency of his inner motives and goals. He is able to effectively manage his emotions and feelings about himself. He denies internal conflicts, and he is not inclined to self-accusations (self-flagellation).
It seems to him that his personality, character and activity are capable of evoking respect, sympathy, approval and understanding in others. At the same time, he feels the value of his own personality and highly appreciates it according to the criteria of spirituality, wealth inner peace and the ability to evoke deep feelings in others.
Attitude towards faith: the applicant is a believer, but not religious. He has no fanatical predilections, and he is quite loyal to other religions and worldview systems. (ss. 144-153)

Good day everyone! My last publications on the Internet did not leave indifferent very many of my readers, and they began to actively express their opinions to me. I am very happy about it. This means that the people finally began to think about the state structure of Russia, about the purpose of religion in our society, about what is really good and what is bad with us!

Here I want to answer a number of questions and comment on a number of ideas (visions) of Olga S., who addressed me with a letter.

Anton, I, of course, could not help but write such a commentary on your article "General Reshetnikov, who is he? Lost, fool, traitor? Or ..." Those who claim to rule the world have long brought us all IN DEBRI, when they instilled in all of us the idea that the most valuable thing for all of us is the STATE!

In fact, this is really the BIGGEST invention of those forces that are trying to crush all peoples. Indeed, with the help of this very concept of "STATE", these forces are so cleverly able to manage the masses of the people.

To make people work and to cut taxes from them, it is enough to proclaim: "WE WILL GIVE ALL FORCE TO THE CONSTRUCTION OF OUR STATE!" or "LET'S THROW ALL FORCES TO RISE THE ECONOMY OF OUR STATE!"

When it is necessary to conquer more territories from which it will be possible to cut taxes EVEN MORE, the head of state again turns to the people who wear military uniforms and perform the function of the MILITARY: "We will not shame our state, we will teach a lesson and ..."

If any ruler of another state decides to take a fatter piece from the ruler of this state, then our ruler will immediately call on the people "To defend not the state, but our Fatherland, to a battle for life and death"... For a ruler to lose a piece of his land is to lose TAXES from this land, that is, to reduce the flow of money to the treasury. Naturally, the people cannot but respond to such a call, and they go to defend their homes and families!

And how convenient it was at all times to SEIZE POWER in foreign "STATES" through their agents sent there! In any "state" there is a ruling elite - this is the very essence of the "state", and that elite represents a relatively small number of people, and if the agents of the ruler of another state penetrate into this ruling elite of an alien state and ultimately become head of it, then that's it! A STATE captured in this way by agents of the ruler of another STATE immediately turns into donor, from whom, by analogy with the medical meaning of this term, without asking anyone's consent, they can take both "blood" and even "internal organs".

What interests do THOSE who want to stand OVER ALL PEOPLES have, to explain, I think no one needs ...

Imagine how happy these forces are, striving to rule over all people, when they SEE people in RUSSIA selflessly BATTLE each other for the idea of ​​transforming our FATHERLAND into a fairer STATE than we have now! Some stand for a socialist STATE, others for a capitalist STATE, others for a monarchic STATE, and still others for a republican STATE!

People fight each other for life and death! And even a SIMPLE THOUGHT will not come into their heads that there is absolutely NO DIFFERENCE what the STATE will actually be! Since the very top of ANY state, in the end, EVERYTHING EQUALLY falls into the hands of the secret LOVERS, whose purpose in life is to "rule over" and feel like GOD'S CHOSEN!

At least what you call the ruler of the state: a tsar, a monarch, an emperor, the "Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union", a president - all this is just a SHIRMA, behind which is hidden the PREDATORY MOTHER OF POWER, the goal of which is ONE - to subordinate the will of all people to your will, the exploitation of all people for the sake of their own vested interests !

Therefore, my dear people with the hearts of a Man, not a predator, let us START THINKING not about a monster called "STATE", but about the LIFE OF PEOPLE in the COUNTRY, COME FROM ANCESTORS!


Let's think not about the concept of "STATE" imposed on us, but about BUILDING A NORMAL SOCIETY, in which there will ALWAYS be a SPECIFIC HUMAN LIFE in the FIRST and MOST IMPORTANT PLACE. And not just life, but necessarily a WORTHY HUMAN LIFE!

Only then all your ENERGIES, valiant men, in whom the LIVING HUMAN HEART beats, will finally be able to merge into a ONE STREAM aimed at creating human conditions for LIFE for ALL PEOPLE, and not at slave labor for the "STATE", which is tantamount to the slave work of the people for "OWNERS OF THE STATE", which is tantamount to slavish work FOR THOSE who seek to rule over everyone!

Best regards, and hope for understanding, Olga

I thanked Olga S. for this letter and for her thoughts and wrote to her the following:

"Your reflections are of great interest and value to me! They are correct both from the position of a layman and from the position of a person who thinks logically and sensibly, but does not possess at the same time esoteric knowledge about how we work, how the world works and who is actually governs the world and us, people. From the position of a person who possesses esoteric knowledge "about the Spirit that is God" (remember, this is what is written in the Gospels ?!) and knowledge about our immortal soul, many of your arguments, Olga, not true! On the other hand, it’s very good that you shared them with me! When I can find the time, I will try to answer all your questions in a popular way, so that you too will understand what I understand. "

Olga S. answered me:

"The fact is that many people put their own meaning into the concept of" STATE ", which seems to them to be TRUE. from year to year and from century to century there are FRAUDERS who benefit from this state of affairs.You, I think, have read the book "THREE YEARS. 1606-1906" written in 1907 by Afanasy Borisovich Petrishchev. This work miraculously demonstrates PEOPLE'S FAITH IN A GOOD KING. And this FAITH is actually a correct and wonderful feeling! First of all, it characterizes the people themselves from the POSITIVE side. And you are probably right that just this wonderful BELIEF of people can really be explained either from the point of view of esotericism, or from the point of view of BELIEVE in the MAN himself, as the most complex, harmonious and beloved creation of Nature.

However, in reality, we have never had ANY FINE KING, and more importantly, IT CANNOT BE IN PRINCIPLE!

Fraudsters KNOW this (this knowledge, perhaps, can also be attributed to the field of esotericism), and they use it, brazenly deceiving the people and supporting in them this naive BELIEVE in a GOOD, KIND KING!

The situation is exactly the same with the "STATE". I KNOW very well what a noble concept people put into it. Otherwise, HOW could they GIVE THEIR LIVES FOR HIM ?!

I am only trying to convey the idea that it is on these noble thoughts that ALL THE DECEPTION IS BUILT, as a result of which honest people voluntarily serve their enslavers.

Here, perhaps, even esotericism is not needed to understand that people cannot live outside of society, without communication with each other. They can only live in COMMUNITIES!

When communities are formed NATURALLY, in the course of evolution, then they are normal, natural. During the forcible construction of the "STATE" these natural communities are replaced by ARTIFICIAL EDUCATIONS, invented by a small handful of people in their own INTERESTS.

Therefore, THIS IS THIS DUALITY and exists in our REALITY. Most people think that THEY LIVE IN A NORMAL COMMUNITY, while in fact, through the efforts of the ruling elite, all the correct connections and relationships that previously existed in the natural, and therefore NORMAL SOCIETY, were replaced by ARTIFICIALLY CREATED, abnormal!

I describe everything in such detail so that you, Anton, know that most likely I guess what you would like to tell me in your answer. Moreover, in the light of the above, I already KNOW that this will be an ABSOLUTELY RIGHT look.

Best regards, O.S.

For me, as a researcher of the history of the peoples of the world, the history of religions and the history of the fundamental science of nature - physics, everything that Olga S. told is of great interest as the opinion of a person who thinks absolutely correctly, but who lacks for a clearer understanding of the existence of this world a certain amount of knowledge of an esoteric (hidden) nature. Why some part of higher knowledge, primarily of a worldview and managerial nature, is always hidden from the people, she herself explained when she wrote the following words:

"And how convenient it was at all times to seize power in foreign" STATES "through their agents sent there! In any" state "there is a ruling elite - this is the very essence of the" state "and consists, and that elite represents a relatively small number of people, and if the agents of the ruler of another state infiltrate this ruling elite of an alien state and ultimately become the head of it, then that's all! donor, from whom, by analogy with the medical meaning of this term, without asking anyone's consent, they can take both "blood" and even "internal organs".

Olga advised me to definitely read the book "THREE YEARS. 1606-1906", written in 1907 by Afanasy Petrishchev. This book is truly unique in its own way. It very clearly shows in what deplorable situation the state-forming people of Russia found themselves in their Fatherland for centuries - Russian people! And what were the thoughts of the imperious non-Russian elite who ruled Russia.

“In 1820, the Little Russian governor drew attention to how the peasants felt when they learned the laws about them. It happened like this. One writer wrote an article in which he praised the government for its laws on peasants in every possible way. came to some village and was read to the peasants, so this village learned what the government was issuing laws on peasants, and this had such an effect on it that there was a riot.

The military governor reported this to the sovereign in St. Petersburg. But in St. Petersburg they already knew what effect acquaintance with Russian laws had on the peasants. And back in 1818 it was forbidden to print any articles "on the peasant question", even those in which serfdom defended herself.

In 1821, the sovereign ordered to prohibit even "The printing of individual landlord regulations, directly before the management of the peasants"... It was under Alexander I. Tsar Nikolai Pavlovich had to go even further: under him, even at universities, it was forbidden for professors to touch on some Russian laws.

This attitude towards the law persisted, however, even after Nicholas I. Just a few years ago, many newspapers were forbidden to publish articles of the law. And no further, as in 1902, the Ekaterinoslavskaya newspaper "Pridneprovskiy Kray" was severely persecuted for publishing the original words of Emperor Alexander II, published in the "Government Bulletin".

At first glance, it turns out to be a complete absurdity. The government demanded that the people obey the laws and observe the laws, and at the same time forbade the people to acquaint the people with the laws, ignorance of which, however, no one can excuse. But this seems absurd only at first glance! In reality, however, the government could only do as it did. For him, his own laws were dangerous.

Once Nikolai Pavlovich said the following words to the Smolensk nobles:

“I will speak to you as the first nobleman of the empire. The land belongs to us, the nobles, by right, because we acquired them with our blood, shed for the state. But I do not understand how a person (i.e., a peasant) became a thing. And I cannot explain this to myself otherwise than cunning and deceit on the one hand and ignorance on the other».

Don't understand the words: "Cunning and deceit" how to reproach. It was just a way thanks to which the ruling elite managed to introduce in Russia serfdom... And under Nikolai Pavlovich, one had to resort to the same method.

Landowners, for example, in the southern provinces, annually selected the most beautiful peasant girls, took them to the fair and sold them to buyers of "live goods" who came from Turkey in their harems.

Picture by artist Nikolay Nevrev “Bargaining. A scene from the serf life. From the Recent Past ”(1866; Moscow, Tretyakov Gallery). The artist captured the sale of a Russian courtyard girl!

In the northern provinces, sales at fairs were not practiced. But buyers came here disguised as traders in shawls, pipes, silks and other goods. And here an exchange bargaining took place: the landowner took a shawl and silk from the buyer for his wife and daughters, and the buyer took peasant girls from the landowner for this, who were sent in whole lots to Turkish and Persian harems.

No government, of course, would dare to pass a law permitting such a heinous trade in "women's goods."

Under the same Nikolai Pavlovich, the most incredible atrocities against the peasants were practiced. In Saratov province, for example, the landlords invented such punishments. If a woman or a girl did not obey the master, then she was crucified naked on a block and the hair was singed between the legs, under the armpits and on the head with torches, just as pigs are fired, with the only difference that the pigs are preliminarily killed and then fired, and women first they fired, and then it seemed to them either to recover, or to die from burns.

The landowners sentenced the most obstinate peasants to death by starvation; and in order for the condemned to really die of hunger, they put a wooden sleeve in his mouth, tied this sleeve with a rope, and the master sealed the ends of the rope to the naked body with sealing wax (the seal was imposed on the naked body for fear that otherwise someone would help the punished to remove it without breaking seal, clothing and take the sleeve out of your mouth).

However, some landowners found it too cruel to drive wedges into their mouths, and therefore they put a net on the head of a condemned man, which was also sealed to his naked body with personalized wax seals. The landowners put less serious criminals with their feet in a hot frying pan, flogged them with salty rods, or thorns, and rubbed their wounds with salt (of course, cheap, large - "buzun"). More often, a lighter punishment was used: plucking a beard along a hair, hitting under the teeth with heels, hanging by the arms or legs on a pole, "duck" ... All, however, cannot be enumerated.

Again, it must be said that no government would dare to issue a law that would permit such atrocities. And there were no such laws in Russia. Moreover, the Russian laws expressly prohibited the killing and torture of people. And it turned out that the peasants could learn from the laws that their landlord had no right to act as he did. The law, therefore, incited the peasants to disobey the landlords. This means that it was impossible to allow the village to recognize him. And then, perhaps, they will say: "But, after all, the government knew about these atrocities! Why didn't it pursue them?"

It did not pursue because they were needed, and it was impossible to do without them. There is an opinion that after the decree of Peter III "about the freedom of the nobility", landlords completely for nothing began to use the land and labor of serfs, since their obligatory service to the state ceased... But this is not entirely correct. In fact, even after the decree of Peter III, a service was found for the nobles, and, moreover, extremely important and necessary for the government. Under Nikolai Pavlovich, this service was well understood and appreciated by Prince Vasilchikov, who said: "The power of the landowners is necessary to maintain the power of the autocratic."

The sovereign's brother, Konstantin Pavlovich, was of the same opinion, who found that it was impossible to destroy the landlord's power, for this would shake the autocratic power. The eldest son of the sovereign, Alexander Nikolaevich (who later became the emperor), found that the peasants should be prohibited from buying them out even when the landlord's estate is being sold for debts, from public bargaining. Tsar Nikolai Pavlovich himself said to the State Council in 1842: "Any thought about this (that is, about the destruction of landlord power) would only be a criminal encroachment on public peace and the welfare of the state."

According to the apt expression of Nicholas I, landowners were needed as "police masters" who help keep the people in subjection, that is, collect money from them for the treasury and recruits for the army. And the treasury and the army are the most important things that the government needs and without which it cannot live.

In addition, the landowners had constant supervision over the peasants, did not allow the peasantry to unite and begin to act together, helped the government to prevent such upheavals as they were under Pugachev. That is, each landowner really fulfilled the duties of a police chief, both basic (collecting taxes and troops) and secondary (preventing and suppressing uprisings and riots).

And whether it is easy to carry out these duties, we still see on the example of police officials. In some places, the police manage with relatively lenient measures, and if they hit people in the police stations, then not with oak stakes, but with rubber sticks. In others, such as, for example, in the Tambov province, in 1906 she had to whip peasants in the face with whips and bake cigarettes on the breasts of naked women. And thirdly, as, for example, in Warsaw, a criminal from prison companies had to be appointed to the post of chief of the detective police, because an ordinary person is not capable of those unheard-of atrocities that were needed to keep the inhabitants of Warsaw submissive.

Of course, the law unconditionally prohibits, for example, such a punishment, which was invented in Warsaw: a person who is not sufficiently submissive to the police is put tied to the floor with his chest up, and the policemen jump on him from the bench, trying to have the heels hit the tied person either on the chest or on ribs. But how to prohibit this punishment if the police find that without it the residents will not feel the proper fear and will not submit? Inevitably, I have to say: "Do what you want, just not to be left without taxes and recruits acted in a timely manner"... The government had to treat the landowners in the same way: "Do what you want, so as not to be left without taxes and soldiers."

And the landlords did what they wanted. Fortunately, the government itself set an example for them. So, for example, the nobleman Arakcheev, who under Alexander I infinitely managed all affairs, ordered his peasants to beat them in the stomach with sticks until the intestines fell out through the wounds. The same Arakcheev, wishing to impose the death penalty and knowing that this was prohibited by law, ordered "Give 12000 sticks without a medic".

There was such a case with the sovereign himself. Two people violated the quarantine law. This case was presented to the sovereign. And Nikolai Pavlovich wrote on it: “Thank God, we have never had the death penalty, and it’s not for me to introduce it. Drive through 1000 people 12 times "... That is, to give twelve thousand stick strikes. And whether a person can survive if he was hit 12 thousand times in a row with a stick at full swing - this was silent. Perhaps they will also say this: "Could it be that nothing but the threat of inhuman punishment could keep the peasants in submission?"

Of course, the method was and, moreover, quite simple: to establish such laws and procedures so that the people would like them, and so that the people themselves would value them and consider them just. But the people believed that all the land, including the cabinet and appanage ones, belonged to them, and that the landowners owned it unfairly!

The sovereign, as we see from his speech, believed that the land should be noble! The people were waiting for freedom. But even not only the will, but also the simple emancipation of the peasants from serfdom meant that the landlords should be deprived of the free peasant labor. And since the landlords will lose this, who will protect the autocracy? The situation was complicated by the fact that the peasantry endured all disasters only in the hope of the government. "Here the government will give the land, here the government will liberate!"

Meanwhile, the government had to think about something else. For example, there was such a case. The landowner of the Podolsk province, Count Mechislav Potocki, wanted to give 2/3 of his land to the peasants. The government banned this, as it believed that the example of Potocki would excite peasants in other localities. And this fear was well founded, for the peasants of other localities would really be worried. But equally fundamental fears forced to hide that Potocki was forbidden to donate his land. For if the peasants find out about this prohibition, they will say: “This is how the government cares about us! It means that there is nothing to hope for ”...

The government had to hide laws, decrees and orders, which in any way limited serfdom, because they "rebelled" the people against the landlords. The laws, decrees and orders protecting serfdom also had to be hidden, because they undermined the faith of the peasants in the government and thus rebelled against the autocratic power and against its guardians - the landlords.

This is the reason for the "blindness" that our village people have been complaining about for a long time. This complaint was especially expressively expressed by the deputy of the Tambov province Losev in the State Duma of 1906.

“The strength of us, the peasants, is incalculable, like that of Samson the hero, - said Losev. - But, like Samson, we are blind and do not see where to go so that we feel better. the same as Samson. Let's say: "Die, my soul, together with the Philistines." We can shake the entire building of the Russian state, and it will collapse. Let us perish at the same time. But let those who have blinded us also perish. "

This complaint is well founded. But we saw that the government could not care about education, in which it was impossible to preserve either serfdom or the belief that the authorities care about the people. And then the authorities had to not only not to care about education, but also to take special measures against it!

Under Alexander Pavlovich and Nikolai Pavlovich, the peasantry was still, as in the time of troubles, ignorant. As before, it did not know how to arrange "land and freedom." And as before, due to his blindness, he was forced to pin his hopes on others. However, a diverse intelligentsia appeared, which was ready to lay its head for the peasants. And most importantly, she knew how to arrange so that there was both land and freedom. Let the peasantry still be blinded by Samson, who at least feels that he can shake the pillars of the building, but also understands that at the same time, due to his blindness, he himself will not be saved, and can only say: "Die, my soul, together with the Philistines!"

But a keen eagle had already appeared over the head of this Samson. By itself, he could not cause any harm to the building. But he could very much teach Samson how to shake the pillars so that the debris would fall on the heads of only the “Philistines”.

For the government there was terrible danger that the intelligentsia, powerless in its small numbers, will unite with the powerful peasantry, like Samson the hero, but helpless in its blindness and its ignorance.

The intelligentsia possessed sufficient knowledge of how to establish a new order, and the people had sufficient strength to translate this knowledge into the work of life. And such a union was all the more likely because the intelligentsia was striving for the same thing as the common people.

To what extent Tsar Nikolai Pavlovich understood this danger can be judged by the following. By the way, the Decembrists, even before the riot in 1825, thought a lot about how to arrange a new order. New plan state structure was written in the form of laws, which were called "Russian Pravda". There was nothing wrong with this book. It was exactly government plan, in general terms, the same as now adopted in Germany, Sweden, Denmark, Italy and other countries. But Tsar Nikolai Pavlovich clearly saw what would happen if such a book penetrated the peasants. And he imposed the strictest ban on Russkaya Pravda.

This book was banned for 80 years! And it was published in Russia only after the manifesto on October 17, 1905. The same understanding of the danger prompted a number of other measures: the persecution of schools, hindering access to education, the prohibition of newspapers and books, especially those that are cheap and accessible to the people by language, and much more, which I have described in more detail in the book From the History of the Russian School. For every intelligent person who entered the village, it was ordered to establish a special police supervision.

If an intelligent person approached the common people, the police marked him as "politically unreliable" and instructed spies to carefully monitor him. There were such cases: educated people, wishing to serve the people, entered the volost clerks; this was noticed by the authorities, and they began to observe the clerks of the volost. And so, if the police chief or the police officer noticed that the clerk was drinking and taking bribes, then he was considered a trustworthy person, and a clerk who did not drink and did not take bribes was considered unreliable and was kicked out of service.

Then it was necessary to spread deliberately false rumors about the intelligentsia - that the intelligentsia are atheists! That they were bribed by foreigners to "revolt Russia" (foreigners, they say, envy the fact that Russia is strong, and bribe Russian traitors, hoping to weaken our state with their help)!

To arm the people against the intelligentsia, they used every pretext. For example, once there were frequent fires in St. Petersburg. Immediately some dark people appeared who began to spread the rumor that the intellectuals were organizing the arson. This method, however, is still practiced. So, in the summer of 1906, the city of Syzran burned down. And just during the fire there was a rumor that "students" were burning, which, of course, turned out to be heinous gossip.

Hence the so-called "discord between the people and the intelligentsia." The intelligentsia used all its forces to get the people free. The people also wanted freedom, but did not sympathize with the intelligentsia and were hostile to it. True, the people did not always and not everywhere beat the intelligentsia, although sometimes dark people came out against them with stakes and knives. But almost always and almost everywhere he did not understand her. By the way, they tell such an anecdote. When the Decembrists on the Senate Square talked about the constitution, the illiterate people were surprised and asked each other as if: "What is this - a constitution? It must be the wife of Constantine."

Was it really so in Senate Square? God only knows. But later, many times the word "constitution" aroused bewilderment as incomprehensible, "hardly basurmanskie", and, in all likelihood, very harmful for a peasant (otherwise why would the authorities imprison people talking about this very constitution?). And it took many years before the common people began to understand that this is a foreign word, and it means state order, which is necessary in order for the people to receive both land and freedom .... "(Quoted from the book of the publicist, member of the Trudovik (People's Socialists) Party Afanasy Petrishchev (1872-1951) "Three hundred years. 1606-1906".

And that's what is surprising, in modern Russia the views of the "ruling elite" on the people do not differ much from the views that the ruling elite of Russia had 150-300-400 years ago!

In the previous article, I gave a historical reference from the world encyclopedia regarding serfdom in which the dynasty non-Russian tsars Romanov kept Russian people for nearly 300 years.

Reference: "Serfdom in Russia - which existed since Kievan Rus XI century, the system of legal relations arising from the dependence of the farmer-peasant from the landowner, the owner of the land inhabited and cultivated by the peasant. In Kievan Rus and the Novgorod Republic, unfree peasants were divided into categories: smerds, purchases, and slaves. In tsarist Russia, serfdom spread widely with the coming to power of the Romanov tsars, officially confirmed by the Cathedral Code of 1649, abolished under the pressure of circumstances on February 19, 1861 (March 3, 1861) by the tsarist manifesto. "

In fact, serfdom was established For Russians in Ukraine immediately after the so-called "baptism" of Kievan Rus by Prince Vladimir, and in Muscovite Rus serfdom established the Romanovs who came to power in 1613, broke the true Orthodox faith in 1650 and replaced it in the course of the Church Reform with false Christianity, which is flourishing in today's Russia.

Another illustration to the above:

As for what I wrote in this reference, yesterday I had to sort things out with one so-called "believer" who was offended by these statements.

In response, I wrote that I had to disappoint him, because our religion, although it is called "Christian", but in fact, in its essence, it is anti-Christian, because it does not give the people the knowledge "about the Spirit, which is God", which gave the Savior to the people around him. Priests from the Russian Orthodox Church tell the people only half the truth, but more often than not - a lie.

An opponent wrote to me: Orthodox Christian Russian Faith is not "anti-Christian", since Orthodox Christians firmly believe in Christ - the Son of God, and are ready to give their lives for Him. And how can we, Orthodox Russian Christians, sincerely believers in Christ, the son of God, be insulted by calling us anti-Christians? I do not understand this! - so only Satanic Jews, that is, adherents of the evil one (devil, Jehovah), can substitute concepts.

I answered: you are in deception because you are believers! Even according to the 4 Gospels, on which modern false Christianity is based, Christ was a Teacher, he gave people knowledge "about the Spirit who is God"... For example, he taught people how to heal (literally miraculously, as it might seem from the outside) the lame, blind, lepers ... and do many other useful things with the power of the Spirit (God's power!). Christ the Savior was a Teacher with a capital letter, and he taught his disciples and followers in practical matters! During the life of Christ and his apostles, one did not have to believe in him! It was necessary to listen carefully and absorb his Teaching "about the Spirit" and then do as he taught! Is that clear? And now there are millions of believers in the world, and those who do things in co-creation with the Holy Spirit, as Christ did and his apostles did - there are always a few of them! Think about it, then you may understand why I say that the current so-called "Christianity" is actually anti-Christianity.

Alas, my opponent did not understand me even after these words, he only burst into a moralizing and slightly abusive speech addressed to me: "You will end badly, but not because the Almighty will punish you (God never punishes anyone), - He simply cannot help you, because you turned away from Him, that is, betrayed Him and went over to the side of Satan, to the side of Judeo -satanism ".

Now look, how I see what actually happened in Russia with the coming to power of the royal family of the Romanovs, whose surname can be read in Latin as - Roman. These Romanovs were not Russian by blood, and they were actually secret agents of the powerful and very vile rulers of the "Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation", who then set themselves the task of seizing power over the whole world.

I was personally convinced that the Romanovs were not Russian by blood, when I collected and folded nearby portraits of the Romanovs - the first emperors and empresses of the Russian Empire, whose imperial coat of arms was a two-headed eagle, exactly the same as that of the "Holy Roman Empire of the German nation "ruled by the Habsburgs. In lifetime portraits, the genetics of the Romanovs are very easy to read!

Emperor HRE Leopold I (left) and Emperor RI Peter I, between them there is a single coat of arms for both HRE and RI.

Peter I, his wife and his daughters, each of whom was in the role of the Empress of the Russian Empire.

And now, after such a protracted preface, you can add a little esoteric knowledge to the story.

Think about it!

What or who makes the animal world, the world of birds and fish and even insects during the mating season to wear "ceremonial costumes", to arrange dances and love games with representatives of the opposite sex?

African crowned cranes.

I'm sure everyone will say: "natural instinct!"

Reference: "Instinct is a set of innate tendencies and aspirations, expressed in the form of complex automatic behavior. In a narrow sense, a set of complex hereditary acts of behavior characteristic of individuals of a given species under certain conditions. Instincts form the basis of animal behavior. In higher animals, instincts undergo modification under the influence individual experience.

According to the book by Danilova N.N., Krylova A.L."Physiology of higher nervous activity" ... "Instinct is a complex of motor acts or a sequence of actions characteristic of an organism of a given species, the implementation of which depends on the functional state of the animal (determined by the dominant need) and the current situation. Instinctive reactions are innate in nature, and their high species specificity is often used as a taxonomic feature along with the morphological features of this animal species "..

In other words, instinct is some kind of behavioral attitudes given to each individual, genus or species by the Creator of nature himself. And the person in this row is no exception. During the mating season, couples of young people in love do virtually everything that animals, birds or even insects do! They have both the mating season itself and the desire to dress for a wedding in such an unusual way, as they will never dress again, unless one day they divorce and play a new wedding.

The overwhelming majority of people think that such their behavior and such aspirations are due to their will and their personal desires, however, this is a great delusion. We perform in this way a program written in our blood, which is turned on like a tape recorder at a certain time or under the influence of certain factors!

The situation is similar when the majority of people, for one reason or another, think about questions of religion or power.

For example, during the time of the Russian (Romanov) Empire, the slogan "For Faith, Tsar and Fatherland" was widespread. Moreover, in various encyclopedias it is written that this is a RUSSIAN MOTTO, widespread at the time Russian Empire, in this form took shape in the 19th century. Traditionally, he designated the basic commandments that a Russian officer who got to war should have known: soul - to God, heart - to a woman, duty - to the Fatherland, honor - to nobody... That is, this motto was created by those in power (someone from the noble family of Yurievsky) for Russian soldiers and officers who had to fight on the battlefields for their faith, for their non-Russian tsar, and for their Fatherland.

When modern people think about power and faith, then after long attempts to figure everything out, they finally throw up their hands and say, they say, society is so arranged that how can we do without a tsar or a president or a leading party and where can we have no faith in anything - then?!

When thinking about these questions, the consciousness of people is also dominated by the program of faith and the program of behavioral actions in society, written in the blood of each of us. And since a person was created by the Creator for life in a communal-clan system, then often his behavior at the instinctive level is subordinated to the one who, by birth, possesses the qualities of a leader. Between a leader and people who do not possess the qualities of a leader, as a rule, a connection is established at the level of a biofield.

Word "biofield" appeared in our lexicon relatively recently, it was introduced into everyday life by a Ukrainian scientist B.V. Bolotov when he studied the leading systems and their laws in the animal kingdom and in the world of fish, and when he was able to establish that leader can have a kind of influence on representatives, even being separated from them by a sound and light-absorbing screen.

This is what he himself said in his book. "Immortality is real":

“I once bred aquarium fish and watched them begin to gather and swim in a flock. I was interested in why they swim in flocks? In biology, it was argued that gregariousness is an instinct. But instinct is a concept that doesn't give us any explanation. And then I asked myself the question: what will happen if I cut this flock in half?

This is very easy to do in an aquarium. Those who argued that flock is an instinct, said that there will be two flocks, led by two instincts, were deeply mistaken. When I cut the school of fish in half, I noticed that one school really remained a school and swam, as usual, only in smaller numbers. And the second - blurred in different directions. Moreover, some of the fish turned upside down, slightly moving their fins, some were with their heads down.

As I soon became convinced, for the other half of the pack, there was a complete loss of orientation in space. I caught these fish in a separate cage, and again cut the rest of the flock in half. The phenomenon was similar to the previous one. I caught the disoriented fish again and transplanted them into the aforementioned separate cage (small aquarium). Many times I have divided that flock, which was the leading one in the whole flock. I named her the leader... She was not much outwardly different from other fish. But she, apparently, had some kind of fields, so when I put her in a test tube and lowered her into a flock where there was no leader, a flock immediately formed around her.

At first, I did not know how they saw the leader - either they discovered it with their eyes, or in some other way. When I closed the test tube, the flock around the leader was still preserved, i.e. isolation of the leader from the pack failed. But I put the leader in a soundproof chamber (thermos) and created metal barriers. It was all in vain. In short, I have established that the leader has fields, which I call biofields. It seems to me that this term was introduced into everyday life by me personally. When I first studied the non-electromagnetic agent of the magnetic field in toroidal magnetic cores, I discovered that the biofield is nothing more than the deformation of the medium by magnetic lines of force. Such deformations can easily be observed in ring magnets magnetized along the ring. The deformation of space by magnetic fields was experimentally proved for the first time by me and only in 1990 was confirmed by Japanese researchers. Despite my earlier priority (1961), this effect is called the Aharonov-Bohm effect in the literature. I had an application for the discovery and application of the biofield in 1958.

I subsequently discovered that biofield are possessed not only by leaders, but also by other individuals, but to a lesser extent. The biofield is also found in other biological objects, including cellular structures.

In a bee family the leader is obviously uterus... If every year in a bee hive the queen is replaced by a younger one, then the family, as you know, will exist for an infinitely long time, although it will be partially modified.

When replacing uterus, For example, Ukrainian breed on the uterus Caucasian breed the family changes so much that it becomes significantly different from the original. However, in general, the family structure will remain to some extent the same ... "

This story by Boris Vasilyevich Bolotov contains an important hint for understanding our history: a native of the Caucasus once possessed such a literally magical power of influence on people. Joseph Stalin:

Read after the memoir of the Prime Minister of England W. Churchill:

“It was a great happiness for Russia that during the years of difficult trials Russia was led by the genius and unshakable commander IV Stalin. He was an outstanding personality, impressed by the cruel times of the period in which his life was passing. Stalin was a man of extraordinary energy and erudition, unbending willpower, sharp, tough, merciless both in action and in conversation, to which even I, brought up in the English parliament, could not oppose anything ... His influence on people is irresistible. We, as if on command, got up. And, strange to say, we kept our hands at the seams. Stalin possessed deep, without any panic, logical and meaningful wisdom. He was an unsurpassed master of finding ways out of the most hopeless situation in difficult moments. In the most tragic moments. , and also in moments of triumph he was equally restrained, never succumbed to emotions. He was an unusually complex person ... He was a man who had his he destroyed the enemy by the hands of his enemies. forcing us, whom he openly called imperialists, to fight against the imperialists ... He accepted Russia with a plow, and left it equipped with atomic weapons. "

Stalin was a real nugget leader who left a vivid mark both in the history of Russia and in world history. I will note that possessing colossal power and the power of influence on millions of people, Joseph Vissarionovich never wore a golden crown on his head and did not even think about it.

So, if the leaders' power over society is provided by some particularly strong biofield, then who then were those who loved to count and portray themselves literally God's chosen?

And again I want to return to the time of the reign of the Romanov dynasty.

Surprisingly, the representatives of this royal family knew very well what the Ukrainian scientist B.V. Bolotov had rediscovered for themselves only in the twentieth century. That is, the Romanovs knew that true power over the people can only be with the one who is marked with the Holy Spirit, and therefore has special qualities of a leader!

To emphasize that they have something, the Russian emperors of the Romanov breed, have holiness from the Holy Spirit, they sometimes demonstrated it in the attributes of their power, including on the medals that were awarded to the military personnel of the Russian Empire:

Do you see on these medals a small pyramid with an eye, from the center of which rays emanate - the Holy Spirit?

This is information that is closed to the people, as well as a topic that even now those in power are trying to either chatter or keep silent!

After all, if you say, they say, "yes, it is true that only the" anointed of God "has the right to be the true ruler of the people", then the people, of course, will immediately want to ask: "Well, who of the current contenders for state power is a real, and not a fake leader ?!"

I would ask a question that is now overdue for me: "How, then, did the non-Russian Romanovs reign over the Russian people, plunging them into serf slavery for almost 300 years ?!"

I am sure that this was not without secret knowledge of human nature!

Since the reader has already understood that a person does not always obey his mind, that sometimes the effect can be such that you cannot see it with your eyes, although it is, you cannot understand it with your mind, because its mechanism is beyond the limits of simple human logic, then for understanding what happened in Russia in the 17th century, namely to understand the coming of the Romanov dynasty to power, we can consider a very instructive example from the life of our smaller brothers.

Scientists are confident that in terms of their social structure, ants are the closest creatures to humans on Earth. Each new discovery in the science of ants (myrmecology) only confirms this.

Lomehuza or the model of a dying society

Before us is a healthy nest of the red forest ant (Formica rufa). This species is characterized by a domed anthill, the top layer of which consists of a 10-centimeter layer of sticks, needles, dry leaves, and pebbles. The nesting material is constantly stirred by ants so that the anthill does not start to rot - this is a kind of forced ventilation. The height of our anthill is 56 centimeters, the diameter is 98 centimeters. The dome has 11 holes. The approximate population of the anthill is about 10 thousand individuals. The rim chambers are located under the dome, in which the eggs, larvae and pupae of ants are stored. Deeper still - rotten stump or large branches. Underground, at a depth of up to 1.5 meters, there are chambers communicating with each other. The queen lives in one of them.

Ants at work

There is a strict hierarchy and distribution of roles in the anthill. The nest is run by the queen - a female laying eggs. Worker ants are also females, but they do not produce offspring as long as the queen is alive. The life span of the queen is 15-20 years, the working ant is up to 7 years. Males live only one season, they do not participate in the life of the anthill and die immediately after mating.

In the immediate vicinity of the queen, there is a retinue of 10 - 12 working ants, they take care of her: they lick her and feed her. These are, as a rule, young ants, since all inhabitants of the nest go through about a month's stage of courting either the queen or the larvae. Then they move to the farthest part of the anthill patrol zone (its radius reaches 5-6 meters) and there they are looking for food - foraging. The ant transfers the found food up the chain of command, and only from there it is distributed throughout the anthill. Together with food, the anthill is nourished by a special pheromone - a substance that the queen secretes. It contains information about the health of the queen and the condition of the nest. The ants from the retinue lick this substance from the queen, transfer it to a special goiter and transfer it to each other along a chain. Thus, all individuals of the ant society are included in a single information space.

Forage ants

The anthill has its own punishment system. For example, if a healthy forager ant returns to the anthill with nothing several times in a row, he is "executed" - killed and allowed to feed himself. It is curious that ants act in a completely different way with those who have lost their ability to work as a result of injury. They are fed as long as they are able to ask for food, that is, to tap their antennae on certain parts of the head of a healthy ant.

Worker ant

But sometimes a small light brown beetle sits on the anthill - Lomehuza... The beetle penetrates into the rim chamber, where the ant offspring is kept, and lays eggs there. To all attempts of the inhabitants of the nest to deal with the stranger, he responds by secreting a special substance, which the ants immediately lick and fall into a state of euphoria. Under the influence of this substance, they simply move aside and calm down for a while.

This is how the death of the anthill begins.

Stage 2: Enemy Form

This species was first described in detail by the German explorer Wassmann in 1897. It is a tiny bug - about three times smaller than the ginger forest ant. Most often, it enters the anthill from the air and penetrates through one of the inlets.

The ants do not obstruct him in this, since they are immediately carried away by the narcotic substance that he secretes. Moreover, they immediately begin to feed it, since the beetle knows how to ask for food like an ant - by tapping its antennae on certain parts of its head. Sometimes the lomehuza enters the anthill from a neighboring nest, with which a healthy anthill has a good relationship. Infection occurs on exchange roads. Ants willingly share "drag-dealer beetles", transporting them on their abdomen. In the same way, they carry lomehus with them, budding from their anthill in order to create a new family.

Lomehuza has exactly the same process of offspring development as an ant: an egg - a larva - a pupa - an adult insect. The female "drag dealer beetle" lays 100-200 eggs right next to the ant eggs - they are absolutely no different. When the larva of the lomehusa hatches, one difference becomes noticeable - its abdomen is concave. But at this stage, she already knows how to ask for food and begins to secrete the drug, so the ants now, although they recognize the stranger, begin to take care of the Lomehuza larva as their own offspring. Adult beetles live here, in the anthill. They will live here as long as the anthill is able to feed them, drawing off more and more of its resources. But so far this process takes place under the dome and is hidden from the eyes of the observer. It is possible to distinguish an anthill affected by a lomehuza from a healthy one at this stage only in sunny weather, when all the inhabitants of the nest crawl out to the surface of the dome to warm up. But after a few minutes, the ants drag the Lomehuz back under the dome. They also think they are in command of the anthill.

Stage 3: New disease

Until now, the disease of our anthill has developed in a latent form. Only a specialist myrmecologist could see it. In the dome chamber, together with their offspring, the ants raised the larvae of Lomehuz - their future death. They recognized strangers in them, but could not resist them: the larvae secrete a narcotic substance, which the ants cannot resist.

But now, even to a layman, if he looks closely at the dome of the anthill, it becomes clear that something is wrong with the nest. Compared to other anthills, his life seems to be inhibited. The ants are much less active here, the patrolling zone of the nest has narrowed, and even where foragers still work, you can see the following picture: an ant is trying to drag something, but then it quits its job and just wanders around. Hangs out.

The first thing that comes to mind is that they are all already high. But this is not the case. Those who are under the influence of a substance secreted by lomehuza, as a rule, sit inside an anthill. The inhibited individuals that we observe on the surface are already a new generation of ants. By analogy with humans, they can be called down ants.

In the language of science, they are called pseudoergats. According to the basic plan of the structure, these are still working individuals, but their chest part is slightly enlarged compared to a healthy individual. Therefore, outwardly they are a cross between working individuals and females. In fact, pseudo-ergats are unable to lay eggs or mate with males. Nor can they fully perform the functions of a working ant.

Pseudo-ergats are still trying to do some work, since there are still enough active ants in the nest that make them work, but they do it very badly. However, among active ants, more and more individuals are hooked on the substance secreted by the "drug dealer", so that the coercion on their part is getting weaker. At the same time, antisocial ants eat on an equal basis with everyone else. Thus, the balance of expenditure and income items of the budget of our anthill is violated, the ants begin to lack forage to feed everyone - the queen, and lomehuz, and pseudoergats, and healthy ants, the number of which is decreasing more and more rapidly.

Studying this phenomenon, scientists-myrmecologists at first believed that the appearance of pseudoergats is associated with underfeeding of the larvae, since ants now give a significant part of their food to the lomechus. Another version was put forward - pseudo-ergats appear as a result of a disease with a virus carried by "drug dealers" beetles. However, later science established that the reason for the appearance of pseudoergats is the same narcotic substance secreted by Lomehuses. That is, now in our anthill, drug addiction has grown into the stage of an epidemic of drug addiction, which determines not only the behavior of ants, but also their physiological structure.

Stage 4: External Intervention

If the anthill were more numerous, the process could drag on for many years: beetles-"drag dealers" reproduce more slowly than ants, they simply would not keep up with the population growth, affecting only some sectors of the nest. But our anthill is small, so only external intervention - cleaning - can save it.

We should hurry up. Cleaning the anthill from lomehus is possible until the down ants have had time to breed in large numbers. For cleaning, we need two containers (ordinary buckets with tight lids are suitable), a large piece of polyethylene 1.5 by 1.5 meters in size, rubber gloves and a spatula. We find the healthiest sector of the anthill, cut it off with a spatula like a piece of pie, quickly move it into a bucket - along with ants, larvae, eggs and nesting material - and close it tightly with a lid. Then pour the contents of the bucket with ants in small portions onto polyethylene and carefully sort it out. The way they sort out cereals for porridge: we simply move healthy ants and nesting material from one pile to another. We catch "beetles-drag-dealers" and hopelessly sick ants-downs (pseudo-ergats), crush them and throw them away. We immediately transfer each peeled portion of the anthill to the second bucket.

Lomehuz is easy to recognize - they are very different from ants in size (2-3 times smaller) and color (bright brown). It is more difficult with pseudoergats - they hardly differ from healthy ants. But they are betrayed by their behavior. Healthy individuals immediately begin to perform their functions: foragers collect building material scattered over the polyethylene, nesting ants show concern about larvae and eggs, guard ants bite the offender. Only pseudo-ergats wander around.

The whole cleaning procedure took us just over an hour. Dead Lomehuzes and pseudo-ergats fit into one faceted glass - we dissected some of them for scientific purposes. During the cleaning, we came across one female queen, but even if all of them remained in the infected nest, there was no need to worry: just in August, the ants are swarming - the mating season. Winged females and males appear in the nest, they actively mate in the air and there is no shortage of fertilized females. Now all that remains is to find a place for the surviving anthill.

And no one will help those who remained in the nest affected by the Lomehuz.

Stage 5: Life After Death

Now you need to find a place where they could settle down and establish a new nest. Red forest ants love moisture, so forest edges and clearings disappear immediately. A place in a forest that is identical in composition to the one where our previous anthill was located is best suited. A prerequisite is that the distance from the mother's nest must be at least a kilometer. Otherwise, our healthy ants will simply return to the dying anthill, and nothing will save them. Neighborhood with other nests, even if they are not affected by lomehus, is also undesirable: their inhabitants are likely to react hostile to strangers and the nascent anthill will be plundered. There are some species of forest slave ants that capture larvae from other nests and then raise slaves for themselves.

Finally, we found the perfect spot - in a spruce forest, next to a small rotten tree stump. Gently pour out the contents of the bucket, and the ants immediately begin to settle in a new place. The queen and nesting ants dig holes in the ground, other individuals lay larvae and eggs in them, others collect the nesting material poured out of the nest, and the fourth begin to patrol the area. The land extracted during the construction of burrows is immediately used to erect a rampart around the future nest - this resemblance to human cities is characteristic of all settlements of red forest ants. To speed up the construction, you can sketch leaves, twigs, sawdust around the circumferential shaft - the ants immediately pick them up and use them in business.

Compared to how it happens in nature, our anthill is built in more difficult conditions. Usually, a family, forming a new nest, does not break ties with the mother's nest and receives help and support from there for a long time. Nevertheless, even in conditions of complete isolation, our anthill is reviving and already on the third day takes on its usual shape.

After another 3 days, the dome grows to 15 centimeters, and after a week our anthill is no different from the previous one.

Two weeks later, on the site of the first anthill, we found a mound, which has already begun to overgrow with grass. There are no more ants here, there is no one to sort out the nesting material, the dome has ceased to be ventilated and began to rot.

And in the new place, the dome grew by another 5 centimeters. This nest is no longer afraid of "drug dealer beetles". The science of ants - myrmecology has long been established interesting fact: An anthill, cleared of lomehus, acquires immunity against their narcotic substance. Why - scientists do not know, but it is so.

This article shows a vivid example of the destruction of society on the fifth priority of governance.

The experiment was carried out with the help of the head of the Mirmecological reserve "Peshki", Doctor of Biological Sciences Anatoly Zakharov, as well as scientific advisor Tatyana Putyatina, Professor of Doctor of Biological Sciences Gennady Dlussky.

Dmitry Sokolov-Mitrich, Tatiana Putyatina.

After reading this story of scientists-myrmecologists, I personally had a desire to draw a parallel with the Christian teaching set forth in the 4 Gospels. It seemed to me that if the working ants were created by God the Creator, then their killers - Lomehuz, it seems, were created by the devil himself! This creature is painfully insidious!

And what is written in the Gospels? Remember!

24 Christ offered them another parable, saying: The kingdom of heaven is like a man who sowed a good seed in his field;
25 While the people were asleep, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat, and went away;
26 When the greenery came up and the fruit appeared, then the tares also appeared.
27 And when the servants of the householder came, they said to him, Master! Did you not sow a good seed in your field? Where is the tares from on it?
28 He said to them, The enemy of man has done this. And the servants said to him: Would you like us to go and choose them?
29 But he said, No, so that when you pick out the tares, you do not pluck up the wheat with them,
30 Leave both to grow together until the harvest; and during the harvest I will say to the reapers: first gather the tares and bind them in sheaves to burn them, but take the wheat into my barn "(Matthew 13).

Don't you think that the main goal of the Teachings of Christ the Savior is to convey to all people the knowledge that the world is occupied by "two-legged Lomehuses" who act as insidiously as these little ant killers ?!

And if LOMEHUZES produce in their bodies real opium, with drops and vapors of which they drive ants crazy, then our "BIPONGED SCRAP", to drive people crazy, use the so-called "spiritual opium" for which false religions were created to spread.

This my assumption is confirmed by this fragment of the Gospel, which says how and who made the arrest of Christ the Savior:

"But to the chief priests and the rulers of the temple and the elders who had gathered against Him, Jesus said: As if you had come out against a robber with swords and stakes to take Me? Every day I was with you in the temple, and you did not raise your hands against Me, but now your time and the power of darkness... "(Luke 22: 52-53).

It turns out that "the power of darkness" is religious power acting vile, insidious and treacherous in relation to ordinary people who do not have the makings of a leader! And since ordinary people have no protection from "spiritual opium", they, just as ants see their best friends in Lomehuzes, see representatives of the religious authority as "real servants of God." And they call it by faith.

In view of all of the above, the future ruler of Russia, I see a Man, a real leader who will fulfill the prophecy of Christ about the Harvest and cleanse our world of all "two-legged Lomehuz" and their larvae.

This is the prophecy of the Savior:

37 he who sows the good seed is the Son of man;
38 the field is the world; the good seed is the sons of the Kingdom, and the tares are the sons of the evil one;
39 the enemy who sowed them is the devil; the harvest is the end of the age, and the reapers are Angels.

40 Therefore, as they gather tares and burn them with fire, so it will be at the end of this world:
41 The Son of Man will send his angels, and they will gather from his kingdom all the temptations and the perpetrators of iniquity,
42 And they will cast them into a fiery furnace; there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth;
43 Then the righteous will shine like the sun in the kingdom of their Father. Whoever has ears to hear, let him hear! ..(Matthew 13).

This article contains excerpts from various sources of well-known and little-known fortune-tellers: monks, clairvoyants, astrologers and the media, with minor commentary from the author.

About the rulers of Russia Nemchin writes that 10 Kings will rise from the confused kingdom. And after them a different person, different from all previous rulers, will rule. He will be a sage and esoteric who owns secret knowledge, he will be mortally ill, but he will completely heal himself - "The Great Potter". He promulgates the concept of the New State, built exclusively on a completely independent economy based solely on self-sufficient principles.

The “Great Potter” will come to the very pinnacle of power in Russia when, personally, two fives come together for him.

Under the "Great Potter", 15 leaders will unite, who will create a New Great Power. The state of Russia will be recreated within new borders.


  • I. Ten "kings":
    1. Ulyanov (Lenin) - 1918 - 1923
    2. Stalin I.V. - 1924 - 1953
    3. Khrushchev N.S. - 1953 - 1964
    4. Brezhnev L.I. - 1964 - 1983
    5. Andropov Y. - 1983 - 1984
    6. Chernenko K. - 1984 - 1985
    7. Gorbachev M.S. - 1985 - 1991
    8. Boris Yeltsin - 1991 - 1999
    9. V.V. Putin - 2000 - 2008
    10. Medvedev. YES. - 2008 - 2012
  • II. A person with fundamentally new knowledge and technologies.
  • III. A person who survived after, as the people say, after wounds incompatible with life.
  • IV. This person turns 55 in 2011.

Nemchin associates with him the "new monarchy" and the "golden age" of Russia. He is destined for a "long and blessed reign." Nemchin sometimes even calls him a "magician", an esoteric who possesses secret knowledge. Judging by the prediction, Russia under his rule will not only be reborn, but will be, as it were, sculpted anew. There must also be a unification of 15 leaders who will create a new state. And we had 15 republics that were part of the USSR. And the full flowering of Russia will begin after 2025.

Venerable Seraphim of Sarov

“… The Lord has chosen the future King. He will be a man of fiery faith, brilliant mind and iron will. First of all, he will put things in order in the Orthodox Church, remove all false, heretical and lukewarm bishops. And many, very many, with few exceptions, almost all will be eliminated, and new, true, unshakable bishops will take their place. "

Michelle Nostradamus

Nostradamus, this name has been one of the most popular all over the world for 400 years. Such a phenomenal interest in the person of Michel Nostradamus is caused by his famous prophecies, many of which, according to some scientists, still come true.

The newest decryptions of Nostradamus's predictions indicate that from 2014 Russia will begin a rapid entry into the Golden Age.

French soothsayer R. Nehru (15th century), teacher of Nostradamus

"Blessed will be the one who is born on the border of two eras in that nation, for he will already be marked by grace." And he, in his words, will have to be born again "in the northern city, in the northern people, which is the people of poets, prophets and martyrs."

Astrological forecast of the astrologer Sergei Popov

“In 2011-2012, Uranus will leave the sign of Pisces, and Neptune will leave the sign of Aquarius - this will end the period of“ prosperity ”of the current Russian oligarchic elite, new people will come to power in Russia, patriotically oriented and in terms of mental potential corresponding to the tasks facing Russia. Russia is a global locomotive of development, pulling everyone else with it, it will take over the monopoly on the latest technologies, Russia will have a “bright future” and a period of prosperity. It is to Russia that the Center of World Politics will shift. "

Clairvoyant Edgar Cayce

“Before the 20th century is over, the collapse of communism will begin in the USSR, but Russia, freed from communism, will face not progress, but a very difficult crisis, however, after 2010 the former USSR will be revived, but will revive in a new form. It is Russia that will lead the revived civilization of the Earth, and Siberia will become the center of this revival of the whole world. Through Russia, the hope of a lasting and just peace will come to the rest of the world.

Each person will begin to live for the sake of his neighbor, and this principle of life was born in Russia, but many years will pass before it crystallizes, but it is Russia that will give the whole world this hope.

The new Leader of Russia will not be known to anyone for many years, but one day, he will unexpectedly come into power thanks to the power of his new completely unique technologies, which no one else will have to resist. And then he will take all the supreme power of Russia into his own hands and no one will be able to resist him. Subsequently, he will become the Master of the World, will become the Law that brings light and prosperity to all that exists on the planet ...

His intellect will allow him to master all the technologies that the entire human race has dreamed of throughout its existence, he will create unique new machines that will allow him and his companions to become fantastically strong and mighty almost like Gods, and his intellect will allow him and his companions to become practically immortal ... God will be with him.

He will revive the Religion of Monotheism and create a culture based on goodness and justice. He himself and his new race will create centers of a new culture and a new technological civilization all over the world ... His home, and the home of his new race will be in the South of Siberia ... "

Clairvoyant Wang

“A new man under the sign of the New Teaching will appear in Russia, and he will rule Russia all his life.

... A new teaching will come from Russia - this is the oldest and most true teaching - will spread throughout the world and the day will come when all religions in the world will disappear and will be replaced by this new philosophical teaching of the Fiery Bible.

Russia is the progenitor of all Slavic states, and those that separated from her will soon return to her in a new capacity. Socialism will return to Russia in a new form, there will be large collective and cooperative agriculture in Russia, and the former Soviet Union will be restored again, but the union is already new. Russia will grow stronger and stronger, no one can stop Russia, there is no such force that could break Russia. Russia will sweep away everything in its path, and not only will it remain, but will also become the sole undivided "mistress of the world", and even America in the 2030s will recognize the complete superiority of Russia. Russia will once again become a strong and powerful real empire, and will again be called by the old ancient name Rus.

Predictions of the French clairvoyant and astrologer Maria Duval

“Against the background of the global depression, Russia has an exceptionally bright future and an enviable fate awaits the Russians - it is Russia that will be the first to get out of the crisis, stand firmly on its feet, acquire strong army, will continue its development and will even lend money to many European countries.

... By 2014, Russia will become the richest power and the standard of living of the average Russian will already reach the current very high standard of living of the average European, and all Russian citizens will have approximately the same income, but to acquire this power of its own, you will have to pay a certain price - Russia will have to be with someone. then fight. All of humanity is on the verge of the birth of a new world, in which new inventions await us, including a cure for old age, which increases life expectancy up to 140 years, and it is Russian scientists and Russian researchers who will play a key role in all these discoveries and inventions.

American clairvoyant Danton Brinkey

"Follow Russia - which way Russia will go, the rest of the World will follow it in the same way."

Astrologer Mikhail Levin

According to Levin, after 2016, serious changes will begin to take place in Russia. In particular, some provisions of the Russian Constitution will be changed, as a result of which the president will lose part of his powers, while the parliament, on the contrary, will expand them. In addition, as the astrologer believes, after 2016, the state forming a class in Russia will be represented by completely different people than it is now.

In 2018, as the astrologer predicted, power in Russia will pass into the hands of people who have nothing to do with the current state leaders, after which many state structures will undergo a large-scale purge, in particular, this will affect the judicial system and many strong structure, including the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

By the 2030s, this process will be completed, at the same time the basis of a new culture will be formed in Russia. According to Levin, the consciousness of Russians by this time will change greatly - they will move away from the patriarchal and traditional perception of the world, replacing it with the desire for change and progress.

Tamara Globa

At the "elections" in the future era, when the forces of darkness will think that they have corrupted the world and victory is "in their pocket", the Spirit of Russia will win "by a margin of one vote" ... And this will be the voice of Conduct ...

“The whole world knows that the future belongs to Russia, that the new Saoshyant will rule in Russia (Saoshyant is the ruler of the world), that the light from Russia will go all over the world.

This is one of the reasons that the egregor battle has flared up over us and in Russia - everyone wants to possess our territory, minds, souls and destinies of our people. Finally, there will be a return to the attempts to bring about world brotherhood. The slogans "Freedom - Equality - Brotherhood" will come to life again.

The prediction of the astrologer and clairvoyant Yuri Ovidin

"Russia will become the homeland of a completely new religion ... A Representative of the Universe is already on earth, he will create a religion of the future based on the idea of ​​spiritual purity ..."

Pavel Khailov, ufologist, Yekaterinburg region.

Cosmic souls are sent to Earth in a special important points development of our civilization with a specific task, for extrasensory adjustment of people's consciousness. These are volunteers from the Madar Coalition (mid-level civilization), as well as volunteers and mediators from the higher Hierarchies. For volunteers from Madar, the memory of past lives can be blocked (as in ordinary people), this is done for a more successful adaptation to the earthly conditions of the existence of society, but the memory of volunteers from the Higher Hierarchies is not blocked, and they remember all their previous incarnations.

Among the second group cosmic souls(the messengers of God) can be called I. Christ, Krishna, Muhammad, Buddha, etc. These high essences had special tasks on earth - the revival and strengthening of faith in the Most High, the rise of the spiritual and moral state of people. Such souls, having settled in an earthly body, usually become religious leaders, saints, righteous men, philosophers and great ascetics. They usually do not go into politics or business, because usually dirty things are going on there.

Knowing and understanding the achievements of their native civilization, the messengers have to endure and get used to earthly wild manners and customs, listen to abuse, get used to ignorance and tyranny.

Tatiana Samofalova

Once every 2000 years, on the planetary dial, a person comes to Earth with a vibration level, the so-called Aquarius level. They are born in a transitional sign that opens the Scorpio-Aries circle, in a place and country that has the same sign. They are born in the zone of transition from one level of vibration to another level.

They are placed in incredibly difficult conditions to temper their spirit, and begin to gradually move to the place where the sign of the Guide system coincides with the sign of the system in which he was born ... Only two or three people know about the birth of such a person on Earth, no more. And they start looking for a certain period of time. And they find it.

Mass media, "Aquarius", No. 16 (61)

In the years of turmoil, everyone looks at Aries as a savior. Russia has always gravitated towards Aries, the sign of Christ himself.

Vladyka Theophan

Vladyka Theophanes was asked: "Will the last Russian Tsar be Romanov?" To which the archbishop already answered on his own: "He will not be Romanov, but by his mother he will be from the Romanovs ..."

Mass media, "New Aquarius", No. 11 (85), 1996

Oryol - in the Slavic language Ar. The crown over the eagle is the sign of the country of the Aryans.

... The country of the Aryans, the country of Light, the country of the Bears, as it was called on Earth, because people who came from the constellation Ursa Major lived in it.

Ursa Major is a cluster of medium-sized stars. Among them is the Big Tungana - the mistress of the constellation.

The second name of the Tungana is the Pole Star. Hence the settlers were called Polarians - Aryans.

Another name for Tungana is Vesta. Vest in the mirror of the Cosmos - East is an ascending current. And so, the country of the Aryans is also translated as the country of the ascending current of Light, the country giving birth to Light, the Sun.

The name of the person who is able to revive the country must match the name of the country of the upward current. Then and only then will the pyramid of Light come to life and great transformations on the Planet will begin.

The appearance of such a person will cause a storm of indignation among all those who cannot withstand his Stream of Light, therefore this person until the time determined by the Cosmos is on the sidelines. Its rapid ascent along the hierarchical ladder will be due to the help of light energy.

The predictions of the monk Ragno Nero in the 14th century.

"In the Northern Country of Hyperboreans, a new universal religion of Fire and Light will appear in Russia ... The religion of the Sun (Fire and Light) in the 21st century will recognize a victorious march and it will find support in the northern Country of Hyperboreans, where it will be revealed in its new quality." ...

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Hyperborea (ancient Greek "beyond Boreus", "beyond the north") - in ancient greek mythology and the tradition inheriting it, this is the legendary northern country, the habitat of the blessed people of the Hyperboreans.

The Free Encyclopedia Wiktionary

"Hyper-". Meaning: when added to nouns, it forms nouns with the meaning "exceeding any norm." Analogs: super-, super-.

Mass media, "Aquarius". No. 15 (60)

After all sorts of cataclysms, the collapsed state will be revived and united by its former leader, the Bear.

Site "Slavic culture"

“The most dangerous animal is the bear. Its original true name is ber. But you don't need to say it out loud in the forest. Ber will hear that they are calling him, and will appear. Therefore, they came up with a take klikuhu-drove - a bear. Not knowing honey, as many people think, he is not a honey manager - he knows how to collect honey and what to do with it. You can call a bear whatever you like - a master, a toptygin, a bear, a clubfoot, but just don't take it! To take must be treated with respect! Ber is not dangerous only when he lies and sleeps. Lying ber - den. "

Mass media, "Aquarius". No. 15 (60)

The field of all kinds of cataclysms, the collapsed state will be revived and united by its former leader, the Bear.

An ancient prophecy of the monk Abel.

“In the distant future, Russia will be ruled by the Chosen One of God and his name is three times destined in the history of Orthodox Russia, and on his head is the Blessing of God ... But his name will be hidden until the time ... Russia will become great with him, she will return to the origins ancient life his, great destiny destined for Russia ... "

". His name is three times destined in the history of Orthodox Russia":

1. Boris Fedorovich Godunov.

2. Boris Nikolayevich Yeltsin.


Wanga once said that Russia would be reborn during the reign of two brothers who are not brothers.

They were brothers with Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin in one of their previous incarnations.

From the above, we can assume the following:

  • Name: Boris
  • Surname: synonymous with the word "Hyper" (large).
  • Year of birth: 1956
  • Zodiac sign: Aries.
  • Place of birth: southern Siberia.
  • Place of residence: city under the sign of Aries - (Samara).
  • On my mother's side: from the Romanov family.
  • Sage and esoteric.
  • Was ill.
  • All this time I was on the sidelines.
