Tatarstan intends to declare itself to the world as "a separate state" ... in the field of education. To this end, in the new academic year, for the first time, he will take part in the international comparative study of the quality of education PISA. "The results of our republic will be compared with the results of such states as Korea, Finland, Singapore, the United States," Tatarstan Minister of Education Engel Fattakhov stated the goal at the republican August teachers' council, which was held yesterday in Muslyumovo.

The current teachers' council was devoted to the topic "Ethno-cultural and educational potential of the education system of the Republic of Tatarstan", which sounded especially relevant in the light of the recent statement by Vladimir Putin that it is unacceptable to force citizens to learn not native language and reduce the hours of teaching Russian. However, the Minister of Education of Tatarstan, stating that the president did not mean our republic.

Engel Fattakhov began his speech at yesterday's plenary session with achievements. He recalled: the USE graduates this year than last year, and in the Russian language Tatarstan graduates with an average score of 72.5 surpassed those in St. Petersburg, Saratov, Udmurt ...

In terms of the number of Olympic winners, Tatarstan retains the third place after Moscow and St. Petersburg. For the second year in a row, directors of our schools are among the top three at the all-Russian competition.

Then the minister turned to problems. One of them is the large gap in USE results between leading schools and outsiders. In particular, in the Russian language, a whole gulf lay between the worst and the best in the Zelenodolsk region, the Kirov and Moscow regions of Kazan. The same situation is with mathematics.
- Even in small schools, they could not properly prepare their children for exams. So, in one of the schools of the Alekseevsky district there was only one graduate - and he passed mathematics by 27 points. There are only two students in the rural school of Alkeevsky district, and also an average score of 27! - the minister was indignant.

Fattakhov stressed that in improvement educational process important role different assessments of the quality of education play.
“In 2018, for the first time, the republic will take part in the international comparative study of the quality of education PISA, which makes it possible to position Tatarstan as a separate state ... The results of our republic will be compared with the results of such states as Korea, Finland, Singapore, the United States,” the head of the Ministry of Education solemnly announced.

The hall of the Muslyum Palace of Culture reacted to the news with deathly silence. How else to react to the words about the separateness of Tatarstan, when the agreement between Tatarstan and the federal center ordered to live a long time and is now on the political agenda.

The minister did not pass over the acute issue of studying two state languages ​​in Tatarstan - Russian and Tatar. According to Fattakhov, a lot is being done to improve their teaching. But he focused exclusively on Tatar.
- Approved teaching concept Tatar language and literature. This is a strategic document that sets the vector for development. The development and testing of new generation textbooks has begun, ”Fattakhov said.

Then he warmly addressed the heads of cities and districts:
- Please keep questions national education on personal control ... Reports on the high coverage of children with teaching in their native language in the absence of real teaching is self-deception. The effectiveness of Tatar schools, especially in cities, requires your attention. For the second year in a row, we give children the opportunity to take exams after the 9th grade in eight subjects in the Tatar language. Considering that only 50% of children continue their education in grade 10, this is a good opportunity to complete basic education in their native language. At the same time, in such primordially Tatar regions as Atninsky, Sabinsky, Apastovsky, Kaibitsky, this year not a single schoolchild has passed the OGE in Tatar.

Note, according to the Ministry of Education and Science, more than a thousand children applied for the OGE in the Tatar language in the last academic year in the republic, but as a result, only 393 students from 25 municipalities decided to take exams in their native language.

This year we have assigned responsibility for national education issues to the deputy heads of district education departments. I believe that in large cities separate employees should be allocated, whose responsibilities will include the task of preserving and developing native languages. There is a good example in Kazan: they retained such positions in the city education department and in district administrations, - the minister praised the capital. And he cited as an example the Kazan Tatar gymnasium №2, which this year already took five Tatar first grades.

Engel Fattakhov also asked the heads of municipalities to pay close attention to national education in kindergartens, as in preschool age languages ​​are best absorbed. In general, upbringing in their native language today in Tatarstan covers 54% of Tatar babies. According to the minister, this is not enough. And now he has already lectured Kazan:
- We studied the activities of 40 kindergartens with the Tatar language of education in Kazan. It turned out that only 24 teachers speak the Tatar language. Only a third of children continue their education in national schools... Based on the results of the audit, orgmeasures were adopted. In the new academic year, such monitoring will be carried out throughout the republic.

Complaining about the low indicators in teaching in native languages, Engel Fattakhov suggested that Rustam Minnikhanov, who was present at the teachers' council, should revive the research institute of national education at the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tatarstan.
- The existing scientific potential will be used. This will not require financial investments, ”the minister said to the president.

At the end of his 40-minute speech, Fattakhov stressed that in matters of national education, Tatarstan actively cooperates with the federal ministry and finds support in many ways.
- Meanwhile, a number of unresolved issues remain ... - noted Fattakhov. - Until we find support for the All-Russian verification work for 4 grades in native languages. The issue of writing dissertations in the native language has not been resolved; today it is impossible to do even in Tatar philology. The new educational standards in the new edition are alarming. There are a number of provisions that require revision, taking into account national regional characteristics.

Photos from the websites of the President of the Republic of Tatarstan and the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Tatarstan

Speech by the President of Russia Vladimir Putin at the Council for Interethnic Relations on July 20 in Yoshkar-Ola, at which he announced the inadmissibility of compulsory teaching of a non-native language in the national republics and the reduction of hours to the Russian language, in Tatarstan they try to disavow in every possible way. This is done in two ways: they pretend that Putin's words do not concern Tatarstan at all, but he allegedly speaks about some other region, or who simply deny the statement of the head of state.

The Minister of Education and Science of Tatarstan behaved most revealingly in this regard. Engel Fattakhov, who combined both positions in his commentary: firstly, Putin's words are not about Tatarstan, and secondly, here in Tatarstan everything is according to the law (let's clarify, according to local laws).

“In the common people it is called“ turning on the fool, ”- this is how the chairman of the Society of Russian Culture of Tatarstan reacted to Fattakhov's words. Mikhail Shcheglov... According to him, “the reaction of the Russian-speaking residents of Tatarstan to the words of the President of Russia was one - inspiration. However, the leader of the RUKT says, if “A” was said, then “B” should also follow, meaning that after the words of the President of Russia, instructions and concrete actions to change the situation should follow, since the problem in the language educational policy of Tatarstan is recognized as urgent ... At the same time, Mikhail Shcheglov repeats: “First of all, its speakers, and not the Russian-speaking residents of Tatarstan, should develop and preserve the Tatar language: the experiment on compulsory teaching of the Tatar language to Russian-speakers in the republic has failed in a quarter of a century, it is time to recognize and accept it as a reality, refuse him".

Shcheglov was echoed by the head of the Center for Ethnocultural Education Strategy of the Federal Institute for the Development of Education Olga Artemenko observing the reaction in Tatarstan. In her commentary, she also said that one gets the impression that “in Tatarstan, a fool was turned on at Putin’s statement.” “I read the comment of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Tatarstan Engel Fattakhov that the speech of the President of Russia about the inadmissibility of learning a foreign language and reducing the hours to Russian in the school timetable does not apply to Tatarstan,” continues Artemenko, “he is wrong when he says that the statement Putin does not concern Tatarstan and Bashkortostan: it is precisely these regions that the words of the Russian president concern first of all, and Tatarstan even more than Bashkortostan. "

According to the specialist, the situation in Bashkiria is better - in the sense that local legislation does not indicate the obligation to study the state language of the republic (Bashkir), and in Tatarstan, the study of Tatar is an obligation. Therefore, in Ufa, it is possible to challenge the practice of compulsory teaching of the Bashkir language: even the prosecutor's office of Bashkortostan can issue a warning to the head of the republic about the inadmissibility of violating the law when schoolchildren are obliged to study Bashkir language... In Tatarstan, according to local legislation, the study of the state language of the republic (Tatar) is mandatory, so it is impossible for parents to achieve voluntariness of its study through the courts.

Artemenko herself proposes to distinguish between the concepts of "the state language of Russia", "the state language of the republic" and "native language". “Minister Fattakhov, declaring that officials in Tatarstan fulfill the federal standard of education, is disingenuous, because there is no federal standard for teaching the state language of the republic, there is only a federal standard for teaching the state language of the Russian Federation. “In places of compact residence of Tatars, Tatar should be studied as a native language, in places of compact residence of Russians - Russian as a native language, and in multi-ethnic regions like Tatarstan or Bashkortostan, there should be a choice in learning their native language, which, alas, is not present” , - says the Moscow specialist. "There will be no conflicts and protests if the state language of the republic is also studied by choice," Artemenko is convinced, adding that if the authorities of Tatarstan agree to this, then no statements will follow from Putin, pointing to the ethnolinguistic problem in the national republics.

One way or another, but Putin's speech in Yoshkar-Ola for the second time this summer is an unambiguous signal sent to the authorities of Tatarstan ( the first case - the story around the non-extension of the agreement on the delineation of powers between Tatarstan and the federal center - approx. EADaily). All this is happening against the background of the exponential silence of the President of Tatarstan Rustam Minnikhanov, who prefers not to speak out on this issue in any way. Perhaps Minnikhanov understands that if he speaks out now, he will have to openly stand on one of the sides in this conflict, and this is fraught with either loss of support from the Tatar nationalists (quite influential in the republic’s establishment), or, much more serious, a conflict with President of the Russian Federation. Perhaps that is why Minnikhanov chose to go on vacation, leaving instead of himself for the main "Russian" Prime Minister of the Republic of Tatarstan Alexey Pesoshin.

Sergey Ignatiev

Where are the minister and the prosecutor?

Before the long-awaited session, at which the most pressing issue of recent months was supposed to be discussed, in addition to the main topic, several more intrigues had accumulated. Unexpectedly for everyone, the Prosecutor of the Republic of Tatarstan Ildus Nafikov went on vacation yesterday, right before the meeting.

The question "Has the Minister of Education already arrived?" became the most popular with journalists this morning. Engel Fattakhov still did not appear on the sidelines of the State Council of the Republic of Tatarstan, which gave rise to suspicions, would one of his deputies take the rap in front of parliament? It soon became clear that Fattakhov was already in the hall, he just entered not from the central entrance, but by roundabout routes.

There was also the prosecutor of the republic, who specially arrived at the session, but did not say a word during the entire session. But his counterpart finally broke the vow of silence. Over the past few months, Engel Fattakhov has diligently avoided public speaking... Today he spoke about the state of affairs, speaking for the first time on the topic of the language crisis in Tatarstan.

- For 10 days, the schools of the republic were jointly inspected by the Prosecutor General's Office and Rosobrnadzor. Such an order of the President of Russia was published on August 28, just before the start school year... The President's instruction touches upon two issues: the state of the study and teaching of the Russian language, the voluntary study of the native and state languages ​​of the republics of the Russian Federation.

Tataralmost foreign, albeit state

There are no problems with teaching Russian in the republic, the Minister of Education said. In 2017, following the results USE results of Tatarstan graduates is higher than in most regions of Russia. The difference with Moscow is only 7 hundredths of a point. It should be expected that it will be even better, because as part of the execution of the President's instructions, the volumes of studying the Russian language were brought up to those recommended in the sample programs.

- Starting from the second quarter of this academic year, parents of students of the republic are given the opportunity to choose their native Russian language for their children to study. Schoolchildren of the republic, whose parents chose Russian, and we have 30% of them, will study 2 independent subjects within the school schedule - Russian as a state language, Russian as a native one, the minister explained. - The total number of classes in Russian language and literature in the school timetable can reach 11 hours a week or 2 lessons a day. At the same time, there are currently no exemplary programs and textbooks on Russian as a native language. A selection teaching materials we lead ourselves. These will be combinations of courses in rhetoric, world fiction, culture and in-depth study Russian language and literature.

However, the minister was not expected to report on the successes of Tatarstan education at all. Everyone is interested in the question of how the Tatar language will be taught in schools and whether it will be at all.

- Today the consultation with the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation continues. For the transitional stage, we have proposed the following. To develop versions of curricula for primary and basic general education, in which it will be possible to choose and study the native language - Russian, Tatar, Chuvash, Mari, Udmurt, Mordovian, etc. in the amount of 2-3 hours. At the same time, the state Tatar language will be studied in the amount of 2 hours by all students. In high school, the study of the Tatar language as a state language is proposed to be organized on a voluntary basis. In this situation, we believe that this approach could become a compromise solution that would allow to bring the volume of Russian language learning to the levels recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, to ensure the choice of the native language at the request of parents within the approximate area of ​​“native language and native literature”, to preserve the possibility of learning Tatar language as the state language, to ensure the voluntariness of studying the state Tatar language at the senior level, - said Fattakhov. - During a regular meeting with the Minister of Education of the Russian Federation Olga Vasilyeva yesterday, she confirmed her readiness to agree on this compromise solution. We expect to receive a corresponding letter next week. Further, we consider it necessary to organize joint work to amend federal educational standards with the obligatory participation of representatives of the regions in this work.

- In the 90s, there was a transition to universal teaching of the Tatar language. This required attracting personnel, including through the retraining of non-core specialists. In parallel, programs and textbooks were developed. By the beginning of the 90s, there was practically no experience of teaching the Tatar language in a foreign language audience. There are two main problems of teaching the Tatar language. The first is the insufficient methodological preparation of teachers for working in a foreign language classroom. We do not fully realize that we are entering the classroom with children for whom the Tatar language is almost a foreign language, albeit the state one. The second is that programs and textbooks are aimed at studying the structure of the language, and not at communication technologies, - summed up the minister.

"Not a single Tatar teacher will be fired during the school year."

The new curriculum will increase the workload for Russian language teachers. The total need for them is about 220 people. The same number of teachers of the Tatar language may be made redundant. All in all, there are about one and a half thousand of them in the republic. The minister said that even if their teaching load is reduced, the salary will remain the same for two months. The fate of the teachers was clarified by the President of the republic.

- We have prepared an option that takes into account all the norms of federal legislation and the laws of the republic. It has been preliminarily agreed with the specialists of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. This document has been introduced. Yesterday our minister met with Olga Yuryevna (Olga Vasilyeva, Minister of Education of Russia - Ed.), there is confirmation. We have made a decision that not a single teacher will be fired. We will take all the necessary measures for a sufficient number of Russian language teachers, for this we have a reserve. And at the same time, not a single teacher of the Tatar language will be fired during the academic year. We already have a roadmap for each school. People should be calm, schools should be calm. There will be no illegal, illegal steps on our part. We are waiting for a new federal standard, where the state language of the republic will be taught two hours a week. I also negotiated with the administration, there is understanding, I really hope that in the near future we should sort this issue out. We must strictly comply with the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Republic of Tatarstan, laws and regulations issued by the Ministry of Education of Russia. This path must be traversed. Today I would not like to discuss again the importance and seriousness of this task. Let our colleagues work with the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, and after that we will report to the parliament on the work done, - suggested Rustam Minnikhanov.

After this statement by the President, Farid Mukhametshin proposed to abandon the debate, and postpone the discussion of the burning issue for the next session. They promised to announce her date later.

"We go, as always, at the forefront"

After the meeting, journalists lined up around Razil Valeev, chairman of the committee on culture, science, education and national issues of the State Council educational plans, will it be necessary to revise the already selected programs, will the Tatar language appear in the first grades?

- It all depends on what decision will be made in Moscow, in the Ministry of Education of our republic and the President of the Russian Federation. I think that if the consistency of positions was reflected in the conversation of the ministers, then changes should be made to the GEF Russian Federation, said Razil Valeev.

- Will this apply only to Tatarstan or to all republics? - the correspondent of "MK-Povolzhye" inquired.

- To all republics.

- That is, in fact, Tatarstan opens the way for the study of national languages ​​in all republics?

- Yes, you can think so. On October 24, at a meeting in Makhachkala, I spoke about this, and there all the national republics supported Tatarstan's proposals. They also work, not just us. For example, Yakutia is very active in this area, Chuvashia. But we are, as always, at the forefront.

That the days Engel Fattakhova in the post of Minister of Education of the Republic of Tatarstan they were considered, they began to talk in November. The rumors were caused by the study of the Tatar language, which reached the Russian government. Fortunately, the point has been set in this matter. Probably, for many, Engel Fattakhov will be remembered as the person in whom the "language conflict" broke out, but during his time a number of important innovations were made.

Fight against extortions

In 2012, Engel Fattakhov replaced Albert Gilmutdinov as Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Tatarstan. According to human rights activists, one of the reasons for this was the numerous cases of school extortions. Sitting in the chair of the Minister of Education of the Republic of Tatarstan, Engel Fattakhov announced his desire to fight the extortion. So, in 2014, he forbade collecting money from parents for any needs: repairing classrooms and schools, buying workbooks, etc. However, the parents of schoolchildren continue to complain about the extortions. As it turned out, some educational institutions have come up with fundraising from both parents and teachers.

Learning foreign languages

Engel Fattakhov paid special attention to foreign languages. According to him, testing in different classes showed that the students do not know English well. In September 2014, Engel Fattakhov foreign language a compulsory subject for all first graders. In addition, the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Tajikistan has developed a map for improving training. So, in all 10 grades in 2018 year will pass testing in English with a "speaking" section. Thus, according to him, the republic is preparing to introduce compulsory exam in a foreign language.

Before the start of the academic year in 2015, the Minister of Education of the Republic of Tatarstan said that in September six schools of the republic will start Chinese... The experiment involves a lyceum in the Bugulma region, a school in Sabinsky, a Tatar gymnasium No. 1, a gymnasium No. 6, schools No. 18, 35 of Kazan.

Testing in 4 grades

In Tatarstan, a regional program for assessing the quality of education has been developed. In addition to the USE for 11th grade graduates and the OGE for 9th grade students, testing for children graduating from grade 4 has started in Tatarstan since 2015. As Engel Fattakhov noted, it was introduced in order to regularly check the knowledge of students and get away from the perception of the exam as a psychological barrier.

Reduction of 10th and 11th grades

In 2015, Engel Fattakhov said that in order to improve the USE indicators, strong children with good academic performance should be admitted to the 10th grade, and C grade students and poor students can be sent to colleges and technical schools.

This is what the schools did, but the parents were unhappy with the new method. Therefore, after checks by the Prosecutor's Office of the Republic of Tatarstan, a number of educational institutions either opened the 10th grade, or provided places for students in the existing ones.

Note that the problem of high school remains. In 2017, the parents of schoolchildren again turned to the supervisory authority with a request to help transfer their children to 10th grade.

Astronomy lessons

From September 2017 to the schools of Kazan astronomy. The subject is studied by pupils of the 10th and 11th grades. Schools were provided with appropriate textbooks, and teachers underwent retraining. It should be noted that the return of astronomy to schools is an all-Russian trend.

Introduction of a professional standard for teachers

In 2016, Engel Fattakhov said that the republic places particular emphasis on providing high-quality education for all schoolchildren of the Republic of Tatarstan, regardless of their place of residence: city center, remote microdistrict, village. In this regard, he spent two times in USE form for teachers that the teachers were extremely unhappy with.

In addition, he will distribute 10,000 laptops to teachers, update working equipment and financially motivate teachers.
