We judge a person by their first impression. appearance, and the life experience we have accumulated often allows us to correctly determine the features of character by certain features of appearance. Observations of the relationship between a person's appearance and his character laid the foundation for physiognomy- a system of knowledge that allows you to determine the type of personality of a person and his spiritual qualities(both innate and acquired) based on the analysis characteristic features faces and expressions.

In a narrow sense, physiognomy - this is the expression of the face and figure of a person, due to the very structure of the face, skull, torso, limbs, regardless of expressive movements. Facial expressions are considered by physiognomy, allowing you to draw conclusions about the emotional manifestations of a person. Also separate kinesics, which studies the totality of human body movements in the process of communication, phrenology, revealing the connections of the human psyche and the structure of the surface of his skull, and so on.

Physiognomy interprets character according to facial features in three stages:

  1. Bright, special features, as a manifestation of the main specific character.
  2. Protruding parts, telling about the possibilities of a person.
  3. Symmetry and asymmetry as an expression of individual personality traits.

The asymmetry of the human face is associated with the uneven development of the cerebral hemispheres and structural features of the skull. The presence of asymmetry in a normal human face can be proven by creating images of the same face from two left and two right halves. The two additional portraits are absolutely symmetrical and thus differ significantly from the original.

The basic ideas of physiognomy originated in antiquity. Each culture accumulated its own observations: among the ancient Bedouins - qiyafa, among Muslims - firasat, in China - xiangfa (xiangshu, xianzhenshuo), etc. Physiognomy was especially revered in the East, considering it a full-fledged branch of medicine, believing that the whole life path You can read a person by his face.

In the West, the first physiognomists were Theophrastus and Hippocrates, and also Aristotle, to whom the first systematic treatise in this field is attributed - physiognomics.

In the Middle Ages, studies of physiognomy were replenished with the observations of the philosopher John Scott and the artist and scientist Leonardo da Vinci.

Physiognomy has not lost its significance today. Modern research confirms the connection between the internal psychological content of a person and the external features of the structure of the face. Physiognomy is closely related to psychology, it helps to compose the most complete psychological picture person. The following are some data of modern physiognomy:

  • Eyes mirror of the soul - they will talk about creative and spiritual qualities. Owners of large eyes are sensitive, have the makings of a leader. Bulging eyes speak of slowness and laziness. Deeply sunken eyes - in angry, unfriendly people, prone to cunning and resentment, physiognomy explains such negative manifestations of character by the fact that life failures are destined for this type of eyes.
  • Forehead speaks of the mind of a person, his philosophy, ideology, morality and morality. Wide, high foreheads with open angles and even wrinkles are most often found in intellectuals and talented people. A very high forehead with a long face betrays a tough, unkind person prone to violence. A short and narrow forehead indicates a small mind and a strong will, as well as hard work and housekeeping.
  • Chin measures strength of character and sexuality. If it is wide, this is a sign of a strong temper (remember the cartoon supermen), if it is poorly defined, it indicates softness, and a heavy jaw indicates uncontrollable passions. A slightly split chin is characteristic of passionate people and womanizers.
  • NoseWith sees the will and activity. A straight nose of moderate thickness and length is a sign of tenderness, accommodatingness and hard work, with a hump - in people who are exalted, disposed to mental work and constant in cordial relations. A slightly upturned nose speaks of carelessness, natural cheerfulness and spiritual simplicity, and a too upturned nose speaks of courage and a tendency to take risks. A crooked nose betrays the deceit and hypocrisy of the owner.
  • Mouth talks about sensuality and love, as well as about the inner energy of a person. A large mouth can indicate courage or deceit, a small one can indicate fearfulness, pursed lips can indicate firmness and determination, and a droopy jaw can indicate stupidity or serious health problems.

However, it is worth mentioning that all signs are finally formed by the age of forty, until that time, one can only assume a person's predisposition to certain character traits.

Physiognomy- a unique tool for analyzing facial features with a decoding of the individual characteristics of a person. The ability to correctly read the internal state, character and inclinations from the outside can help in different situations interactions in society: at the first personal acquaintance, during the selection of personnel, at important negotiations, etc.

Practice observing characteristic features you can do it anytime and anywhere: on the bus, at work or on the street. You can start with yourself by looking in the mirror. The habit of observing faces and associating their features with certain forms of behavior significantly increases social communication skills.

Psychology 1

Greetings, dear guests of the blog! Often, after meeting a person, we create a certain idea about his personality, character, and behavioral characteristics. We understand what topics can be discussed with him, whether humor is appropriate, how to behave so as not to offend his feelings.

But often our opinion is also erroneous, and in the process of communication we begin to be surprised at some points. To get to know a person better, it is not enough that he talks about himself and what kind of facial expression he has. Experienced physiognomists can learn almost everything about a person by looking at facial features.

Today I will share the secrets of how to determine the character of a person by facial features.

What will physiognomy tell you?

Basically, most people think that character is something very complex to be easily revealed through the nose and lips. Yes, this is true, but there is a connection between our external data and internal features.

Try to evaluate your friends using the method of physiognomy, and you will understand that this science opens all the cards for us.

What does physiognomy help with?

  • get to know your loved ones better in order to smooth out sharp corners in conflict situations;
  • secretly find out more information about the person you are interested in;
  • easily recognize socially dangerous individuals;
  • learn more about yourself, as well as how your inner world is in harmony with external data.

Thus, understanding at least a little in the art of physiognomy, you get only one advantage.

Public feature - forehead

It is believed that the lower part represents the individual, and the top represents society. If they are harmonious, then the person easily adapts in society and finds new acquaintances. The elongated top of the forehead indicates the character of the leader.

If the forehead is, as it were, divided into two zones: top and bottom, then this may indicate that a person.

If the lines are straight, quadrangular, this is a sign of a good heart. A steep forehead indicates high intelligence. Excessive bulge is a sign of limitation and closeness.

A person with a sloping forehead is strong-willed, not used to obeying others. This is also evidenced by the deepening at the nose. If it is absent, the person is disciplined.

Pronounced brows indicate laxity. The round shape is inherent in complaisant, flexible people who are able to win over others.

Forehead features:

  • small with a zigzag border of the scalp - hot and tough nature;
  • bulge in the corners, breadth - intelligence;
  • resembling a crescent - a narrow-minded person;
  • deceitful, greedy, cunning people have a low forehead, tending back;
  • excessive bulge is characteristic of mundane individuals;
  • directness - a broad soul, kindness.

You can't judge a person by their forehead alone. In physiognomy, all the details are important, because everything consists of little things. So let's move on.

Energy Trait - Nose

Do you want to know the energy potential of a person? Pay attention to the nose. Size doesn't matter. People with a huge nose can have such qualities as indecision, lack of initiative. A small nose can be persistent, strong.

You have to look at the form. A nose with a hump at the base indicates a hard character. The fossa in this zone speaks of timidity, shyness. The hump is observed in strong-willed and passionate. Such noses are characteristic of the Roman people, and its history proves its significance.

Also, a slight hump may indicate a creative nature.

Nose features:

  • large and direct observed in the proud, talented, calm;
  • like an eagle - dominance;
  • pointed - endurance and willpower;
  • when the nose continues the forehead, it is vanity;
  • long - egocentrism;
  • tending to the mouth - vulnerability, resentment;
  • upturned at the end - assertiveness, curiosity, cunning;
  • snub nose speaks of excessive frivolity;
  • a thick organ indicates that a person likes to drink.

Observe people from your environment, whether the description of their nose matches the character. You will be very surprised when you learn to decipher the data of nature.

Beauty trait - eyes

Eyes are considered to be the most attractive feature of a person. They take part in communication and say more about us than we think. It is the epitome of spirituality.

To decipher the meanings, it is necessary to be able to interpret the right eye in men, and the left in women. So, if a person has a more developed right eye, then he is inclined to self-giving. Transparent eyes are observed in clean, kind people.

Dark and with brilliance for the cunning and treacherous. The best shape of the eye is considered to be an oval, which personifies the harmony of the soul. Eyes set deep, as a rule, are observed in slow, but deep personalities.

Eyes that are close to each other indicate that their owner has blurred the line between negative and positive. For people with harmoniously set eyes, this problem does not exist. These people are determined in their intentions.

Bulging huge eyes with small eyelashes - a quick-tempered, absurd personality who, during a good mood, is sensitive and cheerful.

Narrowed eyelids, raised eyebrows, a sharp look - a cunning, observant, self-centered person.

Narrow eyes with half-drooped eyelids - fearlessness, integrity, incorruptibility.

Sleepy eyes with lowered eyelids and thick eyebrows - softness, passivity, laziness.

Wide-open eyes, eyebrows with a break, eyelashes bent up - a strong-willed, honest, open, independent personality.

Petty and cunning people have small eyes with heavy eyelids.

Cheekbones - the personification of strength

Our cheekbones tell how the spirit manifests itself in life. According to them, we can talk about the sociability of the individual, the ability to correctly understand and use information. This feature is pronounced in many eastern peoples, so they are able to unite with each other.

On the cheekbones they speak of such qualities as cunning, a tendency to lie, self-interest. People whose corners of the eyes are lowered to the bottom, and the cheekbones are pronounced with a poorly developed frontal zone, are precisely such and one should be vigilant with them. The bulge of the cheekbones indicates cruelty and anger.

Reading ears and cheeks

If a person has thin cheeks, this indicates spiritual limitation. But even in huge cheeks there is little positive. They talk about strong vulnerability, vulnerability.

Ears are a very important feature in physiognomy. In their configuration, they resemble a human embryo, and experts see great meaning in them. If the lobe is sagging, it speaks of spiritual freedom. In dependent and constrained individuals, the lobes are adjacent to the body. If there are no lobes at all, which also occurs, these people are envious and dangerous.

The top of the ears speaks of the ability to adapt. If it is close to the head, then this person is slow, but if something begins to study, then it is given to the fullest. In cunning, nimble people, the tops of the ears move slightly to the sides.

Large ear shells speak of magnetism. That is, such individuals are able to manipulate, influence people.

Sensual mouth and lips

Small lips and mouth indicate pedantry. Compressed lips are observed in selfish people. correct form lips, proportionality, harmony, the same bulge indicate honesty, a strong-willed personality, inclined to think.

If the lower lip is wider than the upper one, this indicates laziness, gluttony. And when the top is larger than the bottom - a feature of a kind person.

Beware of people with very thin, pursed lips. They are selfish, cruel, sarcastic. People with full lips are very sensitive.

We study the inner core of the chin

This is the personification of endurance, perseverance. If a person has an elongated chin, he is distinguished by prudence. Convex and rounded observed in practical. The insidious have a pointed chin. Moving forward speaks of purposefulness.

The fossa on the chin indicates stubbornness, isolation, narcissism. Soft is inherent in sensual natures, and bony is greedy. In passionate people, a tubercle is observed in the center of the chin. In a reliable person, the chin is moderately rounded and convex.

Dear guests, put this knowledge into practice and subscribe to updates of my Internet portal, share information on social networks. See you soon!

Assumptions about the character of a stranger. People with a heavy square jaw tend to be aggressive and stubborn, the kind who go all out to get their way. The owners of elongated faces are narcissistic, often they have an excellent figure, which they are proud of. Chubby people are usually friendly and cheerful, but they can also be grouchy.

Look at the amount of facial hair. Both, and due to an excess of hormones in the body, hair can grow more abundantly than others, above the upper lip, at the temples, at the forehead line. These testify to a passionate nature - and an increased sense of possessiveness. Jealous people often turn out to be those who have thick, fused eyebrows.

They say that the eyes are the mirror of the soul. This is true in a way: they can be used to determine the nature of a person. It is no coincidence that most people like people with large open eyes - they are open, sensitive. But small, deep-set eyes indicate tenacity and observation, attention to.


Keep in mind that facial features of a person can be determined by his nationality: for example, if in China almost all the inhabitants are narrow-eyed, this does not mean that, according to physiognomy, each of them has a mundane, practical character.

Books are a way of transmitting and storing information. Their existence became possible with the advent of writing in the 5th-4th millennium BC. Since that time, knowledge has ceased to depend on the oral form of their transmission, the development of civilization has accelerated. Further changes in books are directly related to the development of society and technology.


Writing appeared in the ancient civilizations of Mesopotamia; such available materials as clay tablets and tree bark were used for recording. The very first records concerned economic accounting.

The first major change to the book was with the invention of the papyrus in Egypt, which allowed long messages to be recorded on a medium that took up little space, since individual sheets of papyrus could be combined into one and the resulting book could be rolled into a thin scroll. In Egypt, papyrus books were mainly used for accounting records, but scientific and historical information was also recorded.

Around the 10th century BC, the Phoenicians brought papyrus to Ancient Greece. The Greeks also took Phoenician as the basis of their writing and improved it by adding denoting vowel sounds. Now it's much easier to record. In Greece, and then in Rome, large libraries appeared with tens of thousands of books in the form of papyri. The most diverse information began to be recorded in books - philosophical and scientific works, works of art.

Fyodor Dostoevsky " Crime"- this text simply needs to be overcome, if only in order not to lose face in a conversation with foreigners. Pretty much every one of them (at least college graduates) knows this book because it's part of the required curriculum. The ratio of good and evil in the world, the possibility of permissiveness and inevitability and the primacy of God's or human punishment, responsibility for deeds, socialist views and philosophical questions - there are really a lot of different layers in this book. But, and beyond that, it's just a very good detective story.

A time to love and a time to hate

Charles de Coster, The Legend of Ulenspiegel. To understand the cheerful spirit of a real free person - a person for whom the words "homeland", "country" and "state" are definitely not the same thing, and faith in freedom, as the greatest gift of God, is always primary, in order to understand what a real anarchist spirit, every modern educated person needs to read this book.

Lewis Carroll Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. The origins of absurdist literature and one of the most popular literary genres today - fantasy - were born by Sir Lewis Carroll in this book. "The Adventures of Alice" has become a kind of Ecclesiastes of the twentieth, and now the twenty-first century, since this wonderful tale revives almost the same questions and answers as in the biblical book, but they are put by the author on behalf of a little girl who personifies youth of all mankind.

Ivan Bunin "Dark Alleys" is the greatest literary collection, consisting of novels and stories only and exclusively about love, written so stylistically flawlessly that it is considered a standard. And you need to know the standards. Love languor of heroes different ages, gender and positions, their meetings and partings, make this book truly the greatest love encyclopedia.

Time for war and time for peace

Franz Kafka "The Process". This book shows the absurdity of a world in which the pursuit of an irreversible state machine-system can last as long as life: from birth to death. The guilt of the hero is unknown, but he is guilty by definition, and therefore will be subjected to an endless trial. A lawsuit turns an ordinary bank clerk into a sexy hero, and the heroes never die of old age. They die beautifully - from a knife in the heart.

Evgeny Schwartz "Dragon". One of the greatest playwrights and explorers of human characters of the twentieth century, Yevgeny Schwartz, wrote his play knowing exactly the prototypes of all his characters. This play creates surprisingly vivid portraits of ordinary dictators and redneck chauvinists, nationalists and low-key townsfolk who do not want any changes and can gladly destroy any hero who comes to save them from the clutches of the cruel Dragon.

Umberto Eco "The Name of the Rose" is a historical detective story, a philosophical novel about literature, politics, art. The book immediately became a classic of the twentieth century, the apotheosis of the postmodern view of life: the search for comedy in tragedy.

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Tip 4: What books are must-read in 2017

lives. It opens the reader's eyes to the types of people and their vices. This is a simple boy talking about topicality.

At the time the novel was released, it made a splash with its scandalousness.

Erich Maria Remarque "Life on loan"

Some works are required reading because of their life-affirming overtones. This Remarque novel tells about the relationship between a race car driver and a patient. There is a risk, and love and thrills.

Many of Remarque's novels are full of cliches, but despite this, reading always makes you want to live.

Gabriel Garcia Marquez "100 Years of Solitude"

This fascinating story tells about the everyday life and experiences of many generations of one Colombian family. Questions of honor, love, death are intertwined in a tangled ball that readers perceive differently. The unusual mystical style and the cornerstone questions of life make this novel a must-read.

Daniel Keyes "Flowers for Algernon"

This book is required reading for American schools. The plot tells about the fate of a mentally retarded man who decided to take part in a project to increase intelligence. A moral dilemma arises when the results become unpredictable. Topic " little man» sharply stands in modern society Therefore, this story should be read by every student.

Leo Tolstoy "War and Peace"

This work is not without reason included in any book in the world. The combination of the horrors of war with the ups and downs of the secular life of society in the 19th century leaves an indelible mark on the soul of the reader. A large number of heroes with different destinies share their personal experiences. The theme of love, betrayal, loss, relationships with parents - all this describes in detail. The problems of that time remain relevant even now, so this novel cannot be ignored.

The must-read lists are constantly updated. The main criterion for them should be called meaning-forming. Several books can change, so you need to choose responsibly.

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We are used to judging a person by the first impression of his appearance, as people say “clothes”, without even thinking that this is not just. The ancient sages said that with an ugly face, but a good heart, the first can be reborn. But if the heart is evil, then even the most beautiful face will be destroyed by it over the years.

Modern research confirm that the connection between internal psychology and external features definitely exists. There are even special science, which originated in China - physiognomy - studying the character and abilities of the body shapes of their owner. With the help of this article, you will understand exactly how to find out the character of a person by facial features.

Traces on the face - signs of fate?

One old Chinese legend is known, which tells about the meeting of two people of different classes - a policeman and a master in the field of physiognomy. With a fleeting glance at the guardian of order, he made a very strange proposal to the counter - to marry his daughter. Over time, an ordinary village policeman turned into the first emperor of the Han Dynasty.

Maybe we should not consider this story just a beautiful fairy tale, because each of us has noticed more than once the anxieties and worries literally written on the face of our neighbor, as well as sincere joys? Experts in “reading people” are sure that such insignificant individual features as scars and moles, specks and wrinkles, as well as the complexion itself, are nothing more than marks of human destiny, both present and future.

Shape Matters: Facial Geometry

You can also determine specific features by the chin: wide - strong-willed nature, square - obsession with material goods, sharp - resourcefulness and cunning.

7 main character components that you can "see"

  • confidence- the proportion of the face in length and width. According to psychologists, this quality corresponds to 70% of the width of the face compared to its length.
  • friendliness- the height of the eyes in relation to the distance between the upper part of the eyes and the eyebrows. For example, if a person's eyebrows are higher than usual, then he is probably disposed to limit personal space.
  • tolerance is the horizontal distance between the eyes. A more patient character distinguishes individuals with wide-set eyes.
  • sense of humor- the length of the trough. A long one indicates flat irony and sarcasm, a shorter one indicates an adequate perception of jokes at one's own expense.
  • the shape and size of the lips can be determined generosity of speech. Owners of thin lips in most cases are very restrained.
  • outlook- the size of the fold on the eyelid. Thicker speaks of analytical warehouse the mind of a person, and a subtle or completely absent testifies to the determination and habit of being guided by actions.
  • heard this expression magnetic character[b]? So natural magnetism can be recognized by the depth of eye color. The richer and deeper it is, the more charismatic the person is.

And "every dash will be cute": learning to read faces

Forehead: human weaknesses and virtues

According to the shape of the foreheads are divided into two types: narrow and flat demonstrates a rough, hard and adamant person, and high and round reveals a lively mind capable of exact sciences, originality and good imagination. The nature of such a person is unpredictable and quick-tempered. And in Tahiti, for example, it is still believed that the lower and smaller the forehead of a person, the more successful he is in his personal life.

Tell me what your nose is like and I'll tell you...

The nose is one of the main "reference points" of the human face. Such an interesting historical fact that the Russian Empress Elizabeth did not allow the masters to paint their portraits in profile, being afraid of her own small and slightly upturned nose, which deprived her of a proud and imperious appearance corresponding to a high status.

And on one of the islands in the jungle there is an Amazon village, where each girl is cut through the tip of her nose in such a way that a scar with a small dimple remains. Local residents believe that such a manipulation will give the future Amazon a strong, dexterous and decisive character. When remembering famous personalities, a good example is the writer Gogol, whose nose was very long and narrow, which is considered an undoubted sign of talent.

The ideal shape of the nose is considered to be a rounded tip with harmonious "wings". If the nostrils are too large, it means that the character has certain defects. Bony, tall and skinny is a sign of excessive pride, while full and bulbous speaks of the kindness and cordiality of its owner. The famous owner of a hooked nose is Pushkin. Maybe it was because of this physical feature that he always distinguished himself with courage and courage.

Eyes are windows to the soul

Big eyes speak of sensitivity and courage, an inner desire for primacy, while small eyes are inherent in closed, intractable and gloomy personalities. The iris of the eye is in the same connection: if its size is impressive, then a person can be defined without hesitation as soft and calm, and more modest indicators indicate an imbalance. inner world and, accordingly, regular failures in relations with others.

If we talk about planting the eyes, then a straight horizontal line is considered a favorable sign. The slope to the bottom speaks of male determination and female imprudence, and swollen eyelids - of fatigue from life.

A historical example with large, not too far apart eyes is the famous soothsayer Nostradamus. According to the above features, one can recognize prudence, sensitive and receptive nature.

Mouth and lips: a clue to life

Since over time the shape of the lips changes under the influence of facial expressions, which, in turn, is directly dependent on the mood of a person, a lot can be said from these features. Specialists of physiognomy are sure that the wider the opening of the mouth, the better character its owner in general and the ability to a career in particular.

A modern person does not know himself and his character well, to say nothing about the people around him. But sometimes it’s enough just to look in the mirror and look at the usual features. Self-knowledge is never superfluous.
