Many centuries surrounding advise a pregnant woman not to worry so as not to harm the future child. Recent research scientifically confirms the truth of these tips. At all stages of intrauterine life, such a factor, as a strong stress during pregnancy, affects the development of the fetus and can cause difficulty in adaptation, increased concern, illness, and even mental disorders in a distant future.

Causes and symptoms of stress during pregnancy

No woman lives 9 months of waiting both in a sanatorium, and negative emotions are often its companion all over pregnancy. The causes of stress can serve:

  • physiological and hormonal changes in the body;
  • concern about the future, fear for yourself and an unbounded child, excitement before the upcoming births;
  • conflict situations in everyday life, at work, in the family;
  • negative information about pregnancy proceeding;
  • visit a doctor in female consultation or stay in hospital on preservation;
  • breaking relationships, the death of a loved one.

Many stressful effects are short-term and easily tolerated by a woman, since the mechanism of occurrence and overcoming stress allows any living being to adapt to changing living conditions and to reach a higher level of adaptation. This mobilizes the resource capacity of the body, makes it stronger and stronger.

With prolonged or intensive supernaturing of the body, exhaustion comes nervous systemThe feeling of anxiety does not weaken, and such negative symptoms arise:

  • increased fatigue, repetitive errors in action;
  • feeling dissatisfaction with the results of their work;
  • the inability to concentrate;
  • allergic skin reactions;
  • increased anxiety and anxiety;
  • various sleep disorders, nightmares and drowsiness during the daytime;
  • student heartbeat, trembling, dizziness.

How stresses affect pregnancy

Medical practice, life experience and recent scientific studies show that long negative stress leads to serious consequences and pregnancy complications. This can be manifested in strong toxicosis and deterioration of oxygen nutrition of the fetus, the development of various diseases of the mother, anomalies and pathologies in the infant. Women often hurts belly after stress during pregnancy, which speaks of the uterus hyperthonus and the threat of miscarriage. So that stress does not cause illness, it is necessary to actively counteract him and not give the place of fear and alarm.

Stress on early pregnancy

Strong emotional stress in the early periods of gestation can lead to such consequences as miscarriage, malformations of the fetus, incompatible with life, frozen pregnancy. In the first 12 weeks, organs and systems of the future child are laid, so the destructive action of negative experience will manifest itself at the physical level of the development of the embryo.

Stress in late pregnancy

Some studies of Russian scientists (prof. G. I. Brechman, Dr. Sh. S. Tashayeva, T. A. Malysheva showed that an unrolved child responds to the negative emotional experiences of the mother by changing his position in the womb. Often it leads to such pathology as Facial or pelvic presence of the fetus, and, as a result, to severe childbirth or Cesarean section. At the same time, it was noted that in some cases, after improving the state of the future mother, the child changed his position on the right, occipital, and there was normal childbirth.

Also, psychotrambulating situations in late periods can cause premature births, and in the child in the future there are such behavior features such as hyperactivity, anxiety, bugness or a federation. Such babies can often root, catch up, suffer from allergic skin reactions.

How to cope with stress during pregnancy

Unrest, experiences, increased loads on the body and nervous system, "hormonal storms" and a lack of understanding in the family cause a negative reaction in a pregnant woman. Physiological stress makes us stronger and maybe teaches the future kid to overcome the vital difficulties. The most important thing is to negotiate the stressful situation to ensure that hormones that have been separated for its overcoming have been used for good, and not harm to the health and development of the fetus.

It must be remembered that the negative event itself is not as scary as the attitude towards him, his perception and experience of what happened. You can avoid the destructive impact of stress:

  1. Having learned to reduce negative influences, avoid them so that they do not become permanent and depleting.
  2. Conduct that the super-storage condition, when the body cannot cope with the load, is an extremely rare phenomenon and it is quite difficult to get it.
  3. Use the mechanism of completion of stress, starting any active actions to help overcome the negative impact of irritating factors.
  • do physical work - wash the floors, a window, stroll a quick step;
  • speak out, complain, throw out your discontent verbally;
  • throw out emotions, blowing or breaking anything (your own options);
  • eat something delicious (chocolate candy or pastry);
  • try to relax and think about something good.

Stress, which ended, has exhausted itself in active activities, does not harm the future child.

Consequences of stress during pregnancy for a child

The child who suffered a negative experience of the mother, being in the womb, can exercise such signs of suffering severe concerns in 8-9 years as hyperactivity, inattention, anxiety, difficulties in perception educational material. Frequently strangers and psychosomatic diseases, such as diathesis, asthmatic bronchitis, pathology of digestive and endocrine systems. Some children, already becoming adults, often suffer from depressions and disturbing disorders.

Therefore, it is so important that close people are near the pregnant woman helped to cope with negative emotions and complex circumstances in the life of a woman.

Stress pregnant mom is very threatening the health of the future baby.

Stress is harmful to everyone. At the moment, scientists study the impact of stress tested by the mother during pregnancy, on the health of the baby.

The pregnancy itself is already stressful for the body of the future mother. We will try to find out how dangerous by the mother's stress for the baby, as well as consider ways to combat excessive excitement and anxiety.

What is stress?

The very concept of "stress" means the reaction of the body to certain situations: hormonal restructuring, changes in external conditions, strong experiences, and so on. And pregnancy entails a lot of changes in the body of a woman. Perestroika concerns and psycho-emotional background, so future mothers are always brighter and painful react to the influence of environmental environment.

This is a completely natural process required to adapt to the new position and the right to wear the child.

But such a reaction can become pathological. If the first two stress stages are a manifestation of a normal protective reaction, then the third, the latter may cause protracted and other mental disorders.

Causes for stress during pregnancy

Reaches for experiences in pregnant women, unfortunately, really quite a lot: especially if the pregnancy is the first. Consider the most common fears among future mothers:

1 fear for baby health.Even under the ideal conditions of conception and constant surveys, there is a small percentage of the likelihood of pathologies from the fetus.

But modern medicine is not limited to the diagnosis of the health status of the baby in the womb. If you detect any deviations in the development of doctors will always be ready to provide required help To eliminate them. Your experiences about the health of the child can only give the opposite result. Therefore, it is best to simply calm down and do not miss planned surveys, surrenders and ultrasound.

2 Fear of negative changes in appearance.The fear of losing the former form after childbirth is perhaps the most groundless of the "pregnant women" of fears. The appearance of many giving birth women not only did not deteriorate after the nipping, but also became more spectacular, bright and attractive. And such trifles like an emerging tummy and rounded hips can easily be eliminated by classes in the gym.

3 Fear before the upcoming births.How to pass, sometimes remains a mystery even for a specialist observing pregnancy throughout the term. Possible pain, insufficient competence of medical personnel - any pregnant woman repeatedly thinks about this.

It is quite simple to solve this problem. You need to communicate as much as possible with women who have already experienced childbirth, express their fears.

An experienced mother will definitely give you a delight advice and help dispel all fears. It will not be further visiting training courses. Here you will be taught by the methods of proper breathing, special gymnastics and other useful things.

Thanks to the knowledge gained, you will not be confused at the most responsible moment, and your baby will be on the light healthy and strong.

Consequences of stress during pregnancy

Not a single woman for all the time pregnancy could not protect himself from stress, and therefore in his head every future mommy lies a question - "How can the stress experienced by me can affect my child? Does he feel all my experiences? "

The group of food antidepressants, contrary to the established opinion, do not include chocolate candies, no ice cream or jam. The ability to improve the mood of inherent in products having in the vitamins of group B, manganese and vitamin C.

Interesting! Why does a child yelling in his stomach?

Such products are fish, nuts, low-fat meat (chicken, turkey, rabbit), cottage cheese, natural yogurt, red painting fruits (apples, grenades), berries and dried fruits. These products will help not only improve the mental state of the mother, but will also be very useful for the baby.

2 Love and be your beloved.Scientific experiments have shown that it is alone women most often exposed to stress. Moreover, feel a lonely woman can even be married.

It is important to understand that getting rid of stress is able to help not so much sex as a feeling of complete understanding in the family. Do not close in yourself: you need to share experiences and thoughts with your half.

A joint campaign on filmmakers, the theater or an exhibition is a good way to forget about domestic issues and anxieties. New impressions experienced together, be sure to give a good mood and you, and your satellite of life.

3 Interesting hobbies - the best cure for stress. Many women begin to discover new talents in the period of maternity leave or pregnancy. If we do not always have time for creativity in the usual pace, right now you can do something exciting and enjoyable.

Future mommy can attend master classes, during which the teacher will be in an affordable form to give you basic knowledge about a particular form of art. In addition, on such courses you can find new acquaintances: Communication with interesting creative people always leaves positive impressions.

Creating something with your own hands, you will be distracted from negative thoughts. The fruits of your creativity will also become an excellent decoration of the interior of your home.

4 healthy sleep and right mode day.Negative impact on the nervous system also has physical fatigue. Therefore, pregnant women are so important to comply with the normal day of the day. Go to bed no later than 22-23 hours. It is in this watch that the body maximizes its strength. The dream started at a later time is less effective.

Many consider pregnancy with the happiest period of life, but not always everything is so carefree. Health problems and experience for the future child contribute to the emergence of stressful states in pregnant women.

Do depressed and stressful situations affect pregnancy? Get a unambiguous answer is quite difficult. A short-term emotional surge is to some extent useful for the body, which will not say about a long stress, which adversely affects the well-being of the future mother and its health, and also prevents the normal development of the fetus.

Symptoms of nervous stress

A woman waiting for a child may not even feel that he dwells in constant stress. At the initial stage of such a state, there are only psychological symptoms:

  • bad sleep;
  • apathy;
  • plasticity;
  • reduced performance;
  • irritability;
  • feeling fatigue;
  • panic attacks.

With protracted depressions, the future mothers appear physical symptoms of stress. These include:

  • heart palpitations;
  • high blood pressure;
  • migraine;
  • nausea;
  • frequent ORVI and colds;
  • reducing body weight;
  • increase muscle tone.

Causes of pregnancy

Stress in the early periods of pregnancy may arise in a variety of reasons. For greater extent, this factor depends on the nature and psychological susceptibility of a woman.

The most common occasions for the appearance of stress are considered:

  1. Fear of childbirth. Having heard the growing stories of grandmother or girlfriends, pregnant starts to panic and nervous in anticipation of the upcoming birth. During this period, to reduce emotional tension, you can attend special trainings for pregnant women and read literature on modern ways of making birth.
  2. Problems at work. Many pregnant women continue to go to work before reaching the decret, and if labor activity is not of the lungs, there are many stressful situations. Some are experiencing about unofficial work, because it is possible to lose the workplace and career growth will be questionable.
  3. Fear of losing the beauty and former figure. Often women are in position worry about their external viewbecause the set of mass is happening very quickly. In addition, stretch marks appear, which look not aesthetic. It should be understood that after the birth of the baby you can restore your previous forms. You can do physical exercises in a couple of months after the delivery. It is important to control your diet and comply with the correct mode of the day even during the baby tool.
  4. Estimation on the development and intrauterine formation of the fetus, as well as the normal course of pregnancy. Strong stress on this soil occurs quite often. The future mother worries whether the fetus develops correctly, whether any pathology will arise.
  5. The fear of not cope with the new role of a good mother and wife. After the appearance of the baby on the light of a young mom sometimes falls very difficult. The baby often wakes up at night and requires constant attention. During this period, it is necessary to maintain a young mother and to overcome emerging difficulties together.

Danger and consequences for the future mother and baby

Experts believe that experienced strong stress during pregnancy can be an impetus to the emergence of serious complications. The consequences of mental overvoltage may not appear immediately, but to have a negative impact of only a few years after the appearance of the baby on the light. Problems for such a child may appear not only in the younger school age, but also in adolescence.

In early terms

Stress is dangerous on any period of pregnancy, because not only causes harm to the female body, but also can cause the anomalies for the development of the fetus. In the first months of gestation, stressful states threaten miscarriage, because the uterus tone increases due to the emission of hormones.

In addition, a tendency to reduce immunity appears, which contributes to the unimpeded penetration of viruses and bacteria into the body of the future woman in labor, causing various diseases. In the period from 5 to 9 week, stress can provoke an abnormal formation of maxillofacial bones in the fetus. The consequence of this wolf's mouth or the holy lip becomes (we recommend reading: what is the wolf fall in children: photos of pathology).

If a woman experienced an over-emotional shock in the second trimester of pregnancy, autism can develop in the future. Subsequently, it will be difficult for him to communicate with peers and being in the team. Stress in the early deadlines provokes the appearance of diabetes as a mother and her baby.

In later terms

Serious emotional overexcitation in the third trimester threatens with early childbirth or, on the contrary, the baby will be born tolerated. In addition, such a state may affect the course of the delivery. Sometimes childbirth is too heavy or doctors make a decision in favor of Cesarean sections.

When stress that appeared at later dates, the fruit often suffers from the lack of oxygen, the blood flow in the placenta is disturbed. The kid can be born with an insufficient nervous system (autism, enuresum or hyperactivity), will lag in development.

How to avoid stress during pregnancy?

Every woman who is being prepared to become a mother must be aware than dangerous stress for her and baby, and try to avoid such situations so that there are no unforeseen consequences. Unless to overcome the nervous voltage, it is not possible to use useful tips:

  • Try to overcome fear. If a woman is afraid of his child, you need to consult with your doctor and, at the request, pass an extra ultrasound. Special training for pregnant or psychologists will help to cope with fear.
  • The hobby will help distract from negative thoughts and relax.
  • Walk outdoors. Hiking satisfy the organism with oxygen and improve blood circulation. Do not forget about ventilating residential rooms.
  • Communicate with people who do not cause negative emotions, irritation and dislike.
  • The appropriate nutrition and good sleep will be rid of the overwork and provide the body with important substances, as well as an energy reserve.
  • Perform special exercise for pregnant women. Famming or yoga classes will help support the body in the right form and give a charge of cheerfulness and good mood.

How to remove stress during pregnancy?

Panic attacks, anxiety and other negative should not absorb a woman during gestation. Such a state should be able to overcome, because stress affects not only the well-being of the mother, but also on the health of the crumbs.

If negative emotions and poor mood often overtake the future mother, it should not succumb to them, but, on the contrary, eradicate at the initial stage. In the arsenal, women should have several useful and effective techniques that help her effectively overcome this or that stressful situation.

Useful practices

When a woman feels that it is about to touch, or the situation is almost on the verge of it, it is necessary to resort to useful methods for removing stress. In this case, it is recommended:

  • take a warm shower or dial the bath by adding a few drops of beloved essential oil into water;
  • listen to slow relaxing music;
  • perform respiratory gymnastics;
  • do yoga or meditation;
  • ground Aromolampu;
  • go to a slight massage.

Such techniques will help to cope with stressful situations. For example, having mastered the practice of relaxation breathing, one can achieve a visible effect in a few minutes. The body relaxes, pressure is normalized, cardiac abbreviations come to normal.

Medication drugs

Sometimes the doctor can advise the woman to take sedatives that soothe and normalize sleep. The permitted herbs include Valerian, mother-in-law and teas, as part of which they are. On the recommendation of the specialist, you can drink soothing drugs, such as Notta or New Passitis.

With prolonged stress during pregnancy, the medicalist can prescribe stronger drugs, sometimes even antidepressants. At the same time, the doctor takes into account possible risks for the fetus and the effect of treatment for the future mother.

To overcome depression help and vitamins that need to be taken only after consulting with the attending physician. Promote overcoming the negative states of the vitamins of the group B, folic acid and magnesium B6.

Studies have shown that strong stress during pregnancy can cause harm to the future child. In women susceptible to stress, kids are twice as often, with any defects of development, than those whose pregnancy proceeded emotionally calmly and smoothly.

The causes of severe stress can, the decay of marriage, the loss of close and so on. Loneliness, constant nervous voltage (or, on the contrary, apathy), depression, feeling of abandonment, fear of what something can go wrong - all this is difficult to postpone the future mother. But the worst thing is that the nervous experiences of the woman have an impact on the kid.

Effect of mothers stress during pregnancy

  • Future mothers experiencing stress during pregnancy, expose their kids to stressful hormones. Also on the development of the fetus may be negatively affected by malnutrition (when women due to disorders and experiences disappears) and formed toxins.
  • Hormone, which stands out during stress, is called cortisone. It leads to an increase in blood sugar and reduce oxygen flow in tissue. Both of these conditions may entail innate defects.
  • The "habitat" of the future kid becomes more "toxic".
  • In the future, the child, due to the mother's stresses, there are often manifestations of such properties as passivity, misinterfidence (another extreme - hyperactivity is also possible and is also not the norm), inattention, poor self-control. So children are more likely to be needed by the course of treatment with antidepressants.
  • Stress during pregnancy can cause asymmetry in the location of the fingers, ears, legs and elbows. Such children may have a reduced IQ ("intelligence coefficient").
  • Due to violations in the child's nervous system, there are problems associated with memory, thinking, perception.

Miscellaneous consequences of the stress of a pregnant woman for boys and girls

For future mothers awaiting boys and girls, the consequences of stress during pregnancy will be different.

If the girl is expected

Tiredness and sleep disorders are poured into an increased irritability of the future mother. If she expects a girl, then this irritability can lead to rapid genus and the lack of the baby "First Creek".

If the boy is expected

Internal dissatisfaction, fear and experiences on health may adversely affect the birth of a boy. Here the risk is even greater: the heavy emotional state of the mother can lead to premature departure of the accumulating waters and the beginning of childbirth. Also, for some reason, the likelihood of cord bodies around the neck at birth is increasing.

Pediatric problems for kids

The kids born prematurely due to severe stress, there is a high risk of respiratory disease, blindness, and delays of motor development.

Children born in depression mothers are in a higher risk group and have problems with sleep in infancy and early age.

In order to avoid all possible problems, you should pay much attention His psychological comfort and healthy sleep. Sleep play important role In maintaining the health of the cardiovascular system and the immune system, regulating metabolism and appetite, "supporting" a good mood.

Certify the emerging stress to help you and the following 5 ways to help you.

6 ways to combat stress during pregnancy

You should not afford you can allow yourself to be risen. Ideal, of course, would be an option if during all nine months of pregnancy you would be fenced from stress and any serious emotional experiences. But in real life it is unlikely to be implemented in life. After all, anything can happen.

In cases of "unforeseen disorders", it is necessary in its arsenal to have stress management strategies. Here is a selection of five excellent options to distract from sad thoughts and raise the mood.

1. Go to the gym or engage in sports "at home"

Exercise during pregnancy help reduce nervous stressImprove the overall health of the body. You not only support a great form - you get the energy charge sufficient to be in a tone and get rid of various malaise associated with pregnancy.

Of course, it is important that workouts are "compatible with pregnancy." That is, that the sports classes do not entail an increased risk for the baby (the threat of injury, the lack of oxygen, etc.).

List of exercise types that you will fit best:

  • Hiking or slow walking on the treadmill;
  • calm cycle rugs along predominantly level terrain or riding a bike without load;
  • swimming and aqua aerobics;
  • step-simulator;
  • aerobics "With weak return" (without sharp movements, jerks, jumps).

2. Pick up "Pregnancy Consultant"

Often, the future mothers have stressful situations due to ignorance of what is normal in its position. She begins under the magnifying glass to consider each sign and worry: should there be so or is it something out of a series of outgoing? That is why all women who are going to become Mama for the first time, we recommend, besides consulting with a doctor, "find a friend to yourself - a woman who is pregnant itself (but for a period of several months more than you), or who recently gave birth. When you have the opportunity to refer to an experienced mom, it will be able to reduce concern and relieve tension. Down with the premium depression!

By the way: Recently, forums have been specially popular for future and mothers. If you do not have pregnant women among friends, you can chat in one of these forums. Just be sure to filter the information!

3. Learn to meditate

Studies have shown that meditation It can help reduce the negative impact of strong stress (and increase stress resistance), relieve pain, reduce blood pressure and heart rate. Regular meditations will also help to solve the problem with sleep - they will be fenced from insomnia, allow faster to fall asleep and completely restore for forces per night.

Before you begin meditating, find a comfortable, spacious place where you will be comfortable in every sense. Sit, set the timer for five minutes (gradually the meditation time can be increased to 20 minutes). Put your hands on the stomach, close your eyes and sit, focusing only on your breath, while the timer turns off. That's all - in the simplified version - what to do!

4. Practice Relaxation Breath

Do not forget about your breathing. And here it should be mentioned about the regular practice of the so-called relaxation breathing (amer. The term "Labour Breathing"). If you "deal with" such breathing periodically, exercises will help you reduce the level of stress during pregnancy.

Just put your hand on the stomach and breathe "belly", feeling your hand climbs with every breath and descends with exhalation. After the development of this simple reception, a little modify it: breathe deeply and make small pauses before exhalation. After the exhalation before breathing slowly, count to four.

Such breathing is called the "breath of yogis." After five to ten minutes, you will find that it slows down, the body relaxes, consciousness is freed from the alarming thoughts and comes calm.

5. Go to the massage

Everyone knows that massage Very useful for the body. It helps to remove back pain, cramps in the legs, headaches and solve some other problems associated with pregnancy. For example, it soothes and relaxes the nervous system, contributing to the production of endorphine hormone. So you have a good reason to approach your husband with a bottle of massage oil and "hint" on what you want. And this reason is motherhood! :)

6. Take advantage of "magic" of aromatherapy

Some aromamaslas help to relax, come to themselves, to deduct from the controversial problems. If you do not have individual contraindications, then try using this method of dealing with stress. The "permissible" during pregnancy include grapefruit, bergamot, lavender, lemon, tea tree.

From instructions for use:

Grapefruit oil. Aromatherapy properties of this oil allow you to raise the mood, give cheerfulness, overcome stress and its consequences. Also known is the fact that it facilitates manic-depressive states. Interestingly, grapefruit oil simultaneously has a light sleeping bag and exciting effect. It can mitigate the sharpness of the premenstrual syndrome, facilitate pain in migranes, reduce the uncomfortable sensations during pregnancy, relieve the feeling of fatigue and headaches.


Want to know about the effect of stress in more detail? It is very brightly described in the book of John Medina "Rules for the Development of Your Child's Brain" (in Maze, in Ozone). In general, the book is very interesting: the whole process of fetal development is described there (and very accessible and exciting, but with physiological details) and changes that occur in the mother's body.

The book can be bought in an electronic version on Litres (if someone is more convenient to read from the screen). In addition, it will be cheaper.

The book also gives advice to develop a child up to 4 years: to pay attention to what affects its abilities and character. Read on one breath.

If you experienced serious stress during pregnancy:

This may affect your child's temperament: babies become more excited, it is more difficult to calm down.

This can reduce the child's intelligence coefficient: the average decrease can be about 8 units according to certain mental and motor indicators measured in the first years of the child's life. [...]

This may impede the development of the child in the future motor skills, its ability to concentrate attention. Differences continue to develop at a six-year-old. Harm can be applied and a child's reaction system for stress.

Stress can even reduce the volume of the brain of your child.

Also in chapter, you will learn about 3 types of toxic stress and about laboratory studies on rats confirming that anxiety can lead to unimaginable consequences: the stomach ulcer, sleep loss and decrease in immunity.

We hope our tips will be useful to you, and stress and depression will bypass you!

The period of pregnancy has many physiological and psychological nuances. Doctors are reinsured, prescribe many analyzes to prevent any detrimental changes in a state of mother and child, prescribe peace and advise take care. But, like anyone, a woman in a position under the influence of various life circumstances can feel stress. The reasons and manifestations of stress during pregnancy a lot. What consequences does he face? How to cope with him? Do I need to go to the doctor? Let's answer these questions.

Everyday and medical understanding of stress

People often characterize their state with medical terms. And B. modern world, oversaturated information, is sometimes made with complete confidence in accordance with the chosen word to this Regulation.

But after all, it is impossible to put myself the diagnosis. In addition, juggling with concepts, we often put in them inaccurate sense or even at all in your own way. From here there are differences in understanding between professionals who have relevant knowledge in this area and ordinary people.

So, stress in a common sense is a strength of tension, as a rule, negative.

From the point of view of medicine, stress is a non-specific body reaction or an adaptive syndrome, developing under the influence of various intensive or new effects (strong physical exertion, psycho-emotional injury).

Several types of stress stands out.

  • Estrass caused by positive emotions.
  • Distress. Arises as a result of a long exposure to an unfavorable factor or strong shock. The most disastrous type of stress, since the body is not able to cope with him independently, which leads to severe physical and psychological consequences.
  • Emotional stress. Psycho-emotional experience of people of various life situations, when a long time is limited to the satisfaction of social and biological needs.
  • Psychological stress. The state of emergency psychological stress and disorganization of behavior in society as a result of the impact of extreme factors.

From the classification it can be seen that the differences between the ordinary and medical understanding of stress lies in the following:

  • non-specific people are often called the usual nervous excitement or spiritual excitement, which are inherent in emotional people, inclined to mood and splashes;
  • on the other hand, the majority do not recognize stress from positive emotions, considering a person pernicably affects only negative experience. But if you are so happy to an unexpected gift, which is unable to keep the joyful cry or tears, then from a medical point of view you experience Estrass;
  • people believe that stress is always caused by objective life circumstances. But it is not. After all, different people relate differently to the same occasion. For some, the purchase of a house is a strong stress, and for others - the desired event, comparable to pleasant troubles. The emotional reaction of the body is born as a result of analyzing their own thoughts and assessments.

Symptoms and signs

Stress has its own symptoms. Among the signs there are general, characteristic of all people, and there are additional, specific, which are manifested in pregnant women. The complexity of the diagnosis is that sometimes signs of stress are accepted for the usual, typical of pregnancy.

Floodiness - a sign of transferred stress in pregnant women

All symptoms can be divided into two groups: physical and behavioral.

Physical symptoms

  • weight loss (if it is not caused by toxicosis);
  • headaches as a result of pressure drop, which is also a sign of stress;
  • stomach spasms, sometimes even vomiting. In contrast to toxicosis, attacks are infrequent and more controlled;
  • insomnia. It differs from the one that is often observed in women in the last months of pregnancy and is associated with inconvenience when the belly presses the internal organs;
  • raw, redness, itching and severe peeling on the skin. As a rule, in such situations, the results of the analyzes do not show any deviations;
  • respiratory difficulties. It is easier to identify them in the early deadlines, since the child does not press the internal organs;
  • panic attacks, accompanied by the increase in heartbeat;
  • pressure jumps;
  • tone muscle. Very dangerous symptom, especially in the last months of pregnancy, since there is a risk of premature births;
  • the behavior of the baby in the tummy: it ceases to move or, on the contrary, manifests strong activity;
  • lack of appetite or, on the contrary, severe traction for food. Often, a pregnant woman is gaining very large weight, which also affects the generic process. The correctly selected diet is very important;
  • frequent aggravations of ORVI. Owned due to the weakening of the immune system.

Behavioral signs

  • depression. It is her very difficult to recognize and diagnose. Here again there is a big confusion with the concepts. To go to a psychologist, if you feel that you went to a dead end, it will not be superfluous. You are listened to, help you find a weight out of a heavy state;
  • irritability. Light irritability inherent in all women in position, but systematic explosions are not the norm, for no matter what kind of gestation is neither;
  • difficulties with a concentration of attention;
  • flameness. In general, emotion emotions is not bad. The nervous system is unloaded, man becomes better. However, tears without reason - an alarming mark;
  • the appearance of thoughts about suicide. May be observed after heavy shocks. Better, of course, immediately consult a doctor at the very first prerequisites for this;

It is important to be able to distinguish when the symptom is the real consequence of the suffered stress, and not just the action of progesterone. Analyze the latest events in life and your condition before and after a certain case. If you understand that the rash on the hands appeared after, for example, a quarrel with her husband, and the results of the tests do not reveal any deviations, then it is most likely the body's response to the experience of the situation.

The reasons

The causes of stress may be different. Here the main role is played by the so-called psychological threshold, to whom the woman considers the course of any occasion. Important is the psychological state at the moment. After all, even the most bad behavior in high spirits are perceived easier.

However, the specificity of stress in pregnant women is such that in addition to the psychological reasons (quarrels with her husband, the jealousy of the older child, the fears due to the material situation) also appear physiological. Here is the list of the most typical reasons characteristic of the period of waiting for the kid:

  • fear of upcoming birth. This is the most common of all fears. Because of the scarcity of knowledge in this field, as well as imposed on the reality of stereotypes, this process is represented by the quintessence of pain and danger;
  • fear of pregnancy and fears due to its flow. This faces the overwhelming majority of women. Even with the planned pregnancy, time is necessary to get used to the new role for himself, plan further actions. But nature has fully envisaged and allocated as many as 9 months to prepare;
  • physiological changes. The problem of shapes and excess weights for a woman is always relevant. Fear of gaining extra kilograms, losing attractiveness is able to remove even the most resistant from equilibrium. Frighten and rapid rates of changes occurring. Remember that everything is reversible and temporarily!
  • family and household problems. Nobody is insured against them. An understandable thing, the appearance of a new family member will make some adjustments to the usual way of life. This is especially true if parents are waiting for the firstborn. But maybe so that the cause of strong stress will be a small household conflict;
  • problems at work. Unfortunately, up to 30 weeks the pregnant woman is forced to work and as a member of the team to participate in a complex system of internal relationships;
  • anxiety for the kid. In the first trimester, many are afraid of miscarriage, they are experiencing in the second that the kid moves little in the tummy, in the third - that early will be born. These are normal manifestations of maternal instinct;
  • any unforeseen circumstances.

Possible consequences

Bad well-being of the mother is transferred to the child

Pregnancy in women develops in stages. Each month of navigation is very important, as there is a gradual development of internal organs and skills (the ability to compress their fingers into the cam, open eyes). Any interference in these processes threatens serious consequences. The table presents possible complications associated with each trimester of the child's waiting.

The consequences of stress in the early and later periods of pregnancy (in trimesters)

Period Private consequences General consequences
1 trimester
  1. Miscarriage.
  2. Development of schizophrenia at the child.
  3. Weakening immunity. Frequent ARVI.
  4. The emergence of such anomalies as a result of the improper development of the embryo on 8-9 weeks, as the "hunger of the lip" and "wolf fall".
  1. Intrauterine hypoxia of the fetus (lack of oxygen). It can cause both deviations in development and suffocation (asphyxia).
  2. Disruption of uterine-placental blood flow. The consequences: hypertension, the threat of non-obscure pregnancy, the heavy form of gestosis (at the mother), the immediate delivery by the cesarean cross section (2-3 degrees).
  3. Source delay in development.
  4. Strengthening toxicosis, which can lead to early existence of water or levion.
2 trimester
  1. Development of congenital autism. Also, children can get worse in society worse, do not wish to communicate with peers.
  2. Increased blood sugar, as a result of which diabetes, postpartum bleeding; Birth of a large child (more than 4 kg).
3 trimester
  1. A conventional cycle of pregnancy is knocked down. Early childbirth is often provoked (up to 36 weeks), but per allocating (42 or more than a week).
  2. Prolonged complexities that can lead to emergency delivery by cesarean section.
  3. There is a risk of anomalies in the development of the baby's nervous system.
  4. There may be a delay in psycho-emotional development: the child will begin to speak later, it will be difficult for him to concantary attention.
  5. There are often cases of cord babies.

Can stress be the cause of frozen pregnancy

There are no reliable information that even severe stress is the cause of frozen pregnancy.In general, this relationship is poorly studied. Among the main prerequisites for non-pregnancy, doctors identify genetic or gynecological diseases in mothers, autoimmune violations. However, some scientists tend to believe that indirect stress still provokes the unfavorable outcome of pregnancy.

For example, the famous British obstever Grantly Dick Reed, who has changed in the middle of the 20th century, the negative opinion of most fellow citizens of natural childbirth, wrote:

I believe that in the blood of the mother there is something that is changing depending on its mood. When changing the psychological and emotional state of the mother of the inner secretion, there are substances that enter the blood, nourishing not only the mother, but also a child. Thus, the condition of the child cannot remain the same. Today we know that when changing the emotional state of the mother, you can register the strengthening or weakening of the fetal heartbeat, that is, it is possible to declare that the child's development depends on the mood of the mother during pregnancy.

Ways to overcome

It is believed that with the action of stress caused by negative factors, it is more efficient to fight with the help of recreation or maximum relaxation, that is, you need to distract from the problem. Yuri Borlan, Creator modern methodology Studies unconscious man, believes that this is not quite so. In his opinion, this approach is not universal, and a person who has a strong psychological stress or is diagnosed by depression, not to do without professional psychological and medical care.

Solving problems and fighting strong fears

  • It is important to identify the specific reason for stress and try to cope with it.. The solution to the problem in this case will bring satisfaction.
  • If stress is generated by fear, it is necessary to urgently fill out information gaps, because of which fears arose. After all, the most obscurity is missing. Now there are many courses and trainings for pregnant women, where they simply explain in detail what is happening in the body in the process of beating and childbirth. They will give advice, how to facilitate the state. The period of the child's waiting is natural for a woman, so it should not bring strong discomfort.
  • If in the head chaos and you lack certainty, you can help appeal to special psychological techniques and spiritual practices. Observe yourself, find the point of the support, spread all past and expected events "on the shelves".

Proper nutrition

First, the mood of a woman can directly depend on discomfort caused toxicosis or heartburn. Both of these symptoms can be facilitated by adjusting their diet. Secondly, the common opinion is that during pregnancy, you can afford everything I want is wrong. In addition, there are no reliable evidence of communication between the desire of a certain product and the actual shortage in the body contained in it of a trace element or substance. And to maintain the livelihood of a growing baby, you must eat on average for only 300-500 kcal a day more than the usual norm.

Calirage diet for weeks of pregnancy

Up to 15 weeks, you do not need to change your usual diet at all. From 15 to 28 weeks, doctors recommend increasing the food of food to 25-30 kcal per kilogram of body weight, and from 28 to 30 weeks - up to 35 kcal per 1 kg of body weight. And nutritional food should not be regulated using sweet or flour.

Healthy lifestyle and positive attitude

  • Yoga or light physical education. It is known that during physical Loads The body produces a hormone that improves the mood.
  • Regular outdoor walks.
  • Exception of stress factors. No need to complicate everything. If you interfere with loud music - just turn it off.
  • Care as much as possible with people who are sincerely located, with those with whom it is easy and pleasant.

Medicine help

Abroad, there is a long time ago there is a practice of appeals to private psychoanalystics, helping to "work" complex life situations so that there is no obviousness, primarily in front of them. Russian people, because of their mentality, often perceive it, as an excess, which, besides, can not afford. However, we have all sorts of free hot psychological help. No need to be shy to ask for help when she really needs you!

As a rule, doctors prescribe a pregnant reception of sedatives on a vegetable basis: tincture of valerian or mother-in-law, "Persene", "New Passit". More serious medication is applied only in particularly difficult situations. It is resorted to antidepressants only when harm from the material health stress turns out to be more destructive than possible consequences for the future child.

Gallery "How to deal with stress"

Serious consequences of stress are successfully treated with special preparations. Tell your doctor about your condition The less unresolved household problems, the less stress. Decide them together, do not take everything on yourself Proper nutrition I. healthy image Life is a guarantee of good mood Yoga will help to find peace and confidence in their power You can get all the necessary knowledge on free courses for pregnant women who are in every female consultation.

Prevention of stress

Stressful women can become quite ordinary life circumstances. And if they are not always ignored, it is worth trying to at least reduce possible damage.

  • Look at your surrounding. Perhaps there are people in it, from communicating with which it is better to refrain, at least for a while.
  • Write in the column those things that most spoil you mood. In another column, on the contrary, write down your ideas how you can reduce a detrimental effect, and in the future, try to follow this plan.
  • Evaluate situations and actions of people calmly and rationally. Pregnant woman does not lose their ability to think and does not become incapable. Hormones play an important role, but the mind is not turned off.
  • Control your emotions. Do not exaggerate and do not "cheat" too much.

Remember! For as many as 9 months from your decisions, not only depends own lifeBut the fate of another person.

Video "Stress during pregnancy"

Most people understand that a woman is very vulnerable during the tooling of the child. In a civilized society, there are certain traditions, for example, to give up a pregnant place in transport or skip them out of turn. Nevertheless, stress factors are diverse and not avoid them. To overcome stress, a woman primarily must arrange priorities and soberly assess any critical situation.
