Exercise "Ode about myself"

Take a sheet of paper. Calm down, relax, if necessary, look at yourself in the mirror. Write yourself a compliment. Praise yourself! Wish yourself good, health, success in business, work.

Love and everything else. The form of presentation is small sentences of 5-10 words in prose or verse. Write yourself a few. Choose from them the one you like the most. Beautifully rewrite, if possible - put in a frame and hang (place) in a conspicuous place. Read this ode aloud or mentally every morning. Feel how when reading the ode, your mood rises, vitality, how you fill up vitality, And the world becomes bright and joyful.

Exercise "Formula of self-love"

Remember the famous cartoon about a little gray donkey who is tired of being a donkey. And he became at first a butterfly, then, if I am not mistaken, a bird, then someone else ... until, finally, he realized that it would be better for himself and for all others if he remained a little gray donkey.

Therefore, I ask you, do not forget to go to the mirror every day, look into your eyes, smile and say: “I love you (and give my name) and accept you as you are, with all the advantages and disadvantages. I will not fight you, and there is absolutely no reason for me to defeat you. But my love will give me the opportunity to develop and improve, to enjoy life myself and bring joy to the lives of others.

Exercise "Become confident"

The transition from one state to another is accompanied by a corresponding rearrangement of the facial muscles. For example, a smile transmits nerve impulses to the emotional center of the brain. The result is a feeling of joy and relaxation. Try to smile and hold the smile for 10-15 seconds. Change the smile to a smirk - feel dissatisfied. Look angry - feel angry. Your face, voice, gestures, posture can evoke any feeling.

And if you are not confident in yourself, then constantly pretend to be a confident person. If you hunch over - straighten up, control your voice - so that it does not tremble, do not fiddle with anything in your hands, do not draw - this is also a sign of anxiety, insecurity. You can say to yourself, “I need to be confident. I can't really become one, but I can control my posture, my voice, my face. I will look like a confident person.” And you will become a confident person.

Exercise "I'm 100% sure"

Purpose: to learn to be liberated and love yourself.

This exercise is good for training for women.

Material: small mirrors. If not, then the participants bring powder with a mirror.

Every woman at least once in her life was (or is) unhappy appearance(figure, face, hair...)

During the training, participants stand in a circle. Further

We say compliments to each other (3 compliments each)

Each participant tells about herself to those present 3 qualities for which she must be loved. The last quality (be sure to touch on appearance) must be said in front of the mirror.

Bottom line: as a result of this exercise, ladies begin to love and appreciate themselves. If you regularly do this exercise at home in front of a mirror, the results in a short time are very good. Establishing relationships with a man, for those who are free - finds a soul mate. A woman begins to pay attention and thus her self-esteem grows.

Technique "Feelings of confidence"

Try to consciously evoke feelings that you associate with confidence. To do this, it is enough to remember and re-experience three situations in which you felt more confident than ever. As a rule, people say that in such cases they seem to grow wings behind their backs. It seems to a confident person that he suddenly grew up, that everyone around him is like-minded people. A rod appears inside, a person straightens his back, and, straightening his shoulders, looks directly into the eyes of others. There is a feeling that his coordination of movements is just great and he can easily perform the most difficult acrobatic pirouette.

Self-confidence exercise

Purpose: to form self-esteem, self-confidence, to contribute to the acquisition of experience in speaking in front of an audience, which in turn effectively affects the increase in self-confidence.

Required time: 30 minutes.

Procedure: A willing participant is called, he sits on a chair opposite the rest of the players. The essence of the game is as follows: the main participant must trust as much as he sees fit, reveal himself to the rest of the group. He needs to talk about himself. Whatever he sees fit.

The main participant can talk about his acquisitions during the training, about his own experiences, impressions, about how he felt in this group, in the classroom, what unpleasantly hurt his “I”, and what inspired him, etc. About your abilities; plans for the future.

At the end of the story of the main participant, the rest ask him exciting, interesting questions related to the participant. After the speeches of all participants, a general discussion of the game.

Exercise "King and Queen"

Participants choose two people from their group to be king and queen. They sit down on a makeshift throne (preferably with an elevation). The task of the rest of the participants is to come up and greet the king and queen separately. The greeting can be in any form. "Monarchs" also welcome the participants.

Analysis: This is an exercise in discovering the "defenses" of the individual. Each of the participants, based on the game situation, must endure some humiliation - a bow to the king; and each in his own way will have to "defend himself" from this traumatic situation. It is analyzed who and how avoided this situation of subordination.

Exercise "Beautiful Women"

The participant is called. Host: After walking around the room, take out all the women whom you consider beautiful for yourself, sit opposite them and look, admire them ... I have to ask the girls one very important question: “Did you know that you are beautiful?” - "No" - "So know it!" Thank the one who chose you, you can sit down in your seats.

Analysis: “Of the selected 1-2 people correspond to the standards of beauty that we have become accustomed to through television, films and magazine covers. But there are always those who are surprised that they were chosen. This exercise shows all the non-standard human preferences. This is a test of optimism. There is a person (girl) among us who, perhaps, considers himself unattractive. So I ask you to believe, in someone's eyes, he can be very beautiful.

For persuasiveness, you can ask one or two more people (preferably men) to make their choices.

Exercise "I am Alla Pugacheva"

The exercise is carried out in a circle. Each participant chooses for himself the role of a person who is significant for him and at the same time known to those present (Alla Pugacheva, the President of the United States, a fairy-tale character, a literary hero, etc.). Then he conducts a self-presentation (verbally or non-verbally: pronounces a phrase, shows a gesture that characterizes his hero). The rest of the participants try to guess the name of the "idol". After the exercise, a discussion is held, during which each participant verbalizes the feelings that arose during the presentation. This exercise helps to increase self-esteem and can be used to develop the skill of confident behavior.

T self-confidence rebranding: training goals, program + 10 exercises

At loyalty is notjust some set of rules, it's more like state of mind and sensations of self-perception in relation to reality. Self-confidence training allows you to learn how to find a similar state in yourself, manage it, and turn it on as needed. Self-confidence consists of positive thinking, an adequate assessment of oneself and one's capabilities, of learning and practicing in different situations and from communicating effectively with others and achieving your goals in that communication (as well as helping others achieve their goals).

Targetand self-confidence training
This self-confidence course will allow participants to gain an understanding of what self-confidence is, what it consists of, in what situations it is needed, and how to manage it. Participants will also learn the difference between assertive, aggressive, and dependent behavior, and develop the skill of how to behave better in situations that are relevant to them.

Who is this training for?Self-confidence training is one of the basic psychological trainings, therefore, it is recommended to a wide range of employees and managers, both those who, by the nature of their activities, communicate with a large number of people, and those who work more with information and are less involved in communication. The level of development of communication skills for this training can be any, all practical tasks and techniques will be easy, understandable and useful for each participant. We especially recommend ordering a similar training for new employees of your company who will work with clients. Remember that the company necessarily includes the development of confidence!

Confidence comes from a sense of well-being, acceptance of your body and mind, and faith in your own abilities, skills, and experience. Low confidence can be the result of many factors, including: fear of the unknown, criticism, dissatisfaction with personal appearance, lack of self-esteem, poor management of time and priorities, lack of necessary knowledge and previous failures. But everyone has failures, it’s just that some learn from them, while others perceive them as a sentence.

Self-confidence training program:

Day One: "Meet Your Confidence"

Introspection of our emotions: identifying and pronouncing emotions

How to recognize limiting thoughts

Learning to Distinguish Facts

Getting to know feelings (fears, doubts, insecurities)

Awareness of your needs

Identifying our needs and learning to express them

Reveal limiting beliefs that reduce confidence

Understanding positive and negative thinking

Building new and positive beliefs to build self-confidence

Learning to cope with stress and practice the skill of confidence

Second day: "Developing confidence and self-esteem"

Developing Creativity to Overcome Obstacles and Gain Confidence

Recognition of differences in communication with others, respect for differences and their acceptance

Developing a Positive Approach to Increasing Self-Confidence

Thinking in Win/Win Strategy

We can't always do things in the best possible way, and mostly due to a lack of proper preparation. This can have far reaching consequences. On the one hand, we are not able to express ourselves as we would like. Moreover, in the long run, we may start to doubt ourselves and believe that we can never do anything better than we do now. All you need to do is to study the directions in which you want best results and get regular practice and feedback about their actions. Gradually, one step after another, we will feel that we are doing something better and better, and this will gradually increase our confidence.

4. Try a healthy and balanced diet.

You may wonder what role food can play in boosting your confidence. But trust me, we underestimate the role of a balanced diet in building self-confidence, and life in general. Being in the best shape possible, both physically and mentally, is what helps you eat every day. If it's preservatives, unhealthy foods, or lots of chocolate that people eat into their need for love, then the level of confidence will probably not be as high as if you cook yourself a healthy breakfast.

5. Take a step towards your dream.

We all have our own dreams. Some of us want to be a successful writer, and some of us want to be a great musician one day, and some of us want to be a successful football player or the most beautiful mom. We cherish these dreams, live them, and they add a lot of meaning to our lives. We must try every day to get closer to them, even if this step seems very small today, looking at the big picture. This will help us enjoy our life, feel good about ourselves, and in this way we develop the feeling that life is beautiful, after all. As they say in India, "In the end, everything will be very good!". And if you are not well now, it means only one thing, that this is not the end, so rejoice at this already!

6. Do it physical exercise.

Do physical exercises every day in any way that suits you. This can range from running and working out in the gym to participating in competitive sports. By doing these physical exercises, you will feel in great shape and become an even more confident person. By doing the exercises, you can also make new friends and develop communication skills as well. Physical effort, whether it's running or gardening, can release endorphins, improve your mood, and boost your overall confidence.

7. Stop negative and disturbing thoughts.

Stop worrying and developing negative thoughts by constantly worrying about the circumstances. If you can make a difference, just do it. And if you can't do anything about it, why all this constant worry and helplessness? Let go of these things. If you couldn't figure it out this time, try your luck next time or some other way. Negative thoughts are very detrimental to a person's development and well-being.

8. Enjoy the moment you are living.

This may be difficult for many of us, but it is the best way to build confidence and be successful in life! It is important to fully focus on the moment you are living. Read the book The Power of the Now. The main thing is to live in the moment, cherish it, try to do your best and enjoy it. This way you will do your best and feel much better. So the next time you catch yourself on negative thoughts, look around and urgently find something that could make you feel positive and bring you back to enjoying the present moment.

Remember every day that life is very short and you may not get a second chance to live it differently. Live 100% right now. Always act with confidence and always believe that you can succeed even when it seems like a distant or unrealistic possibility. Work every day, even just a little bit, to realize your dreams and enjoy every moment you live. Listen to your heart with all your might to take it where it really wants to go. Your aspirations and dreams will always show you the right path! Do what you like and love what you do!

10. Help someone become more confident!

We always know how best to act in a given situation, especially when it does not concern ourselves. Being inside the problem is sometimes difficult to see even the obvious way out, and confidence is sometimes not enough at the right moment. But when we discuss our situation with others, with those who are outside of these experiences, then he or she can easily see a way out or suggest optimal behavior. Be that person for another, help him or her see your strengths, increase your motivation, and feel even more confidence with your help!

Thank you for miraculously reading this far, but you didn’t even notice how with each paragraph you read, confidence and a positive outlook on life gradually filled you too :-)

Do you want to order confidence training for your employees?


Self-doubt is not a terrible vice. It would seem that something terrible will happen if, because of her, you refuse to try yourself in a new job or meet a person you like. What if it would turn out that this work is the vocation of a lifetime, and the person is your destiny? you will never know because you were insecure and didn't take your chance. If you count how many losses in life occur due to indecision and timidity, you can be horrified. Doubts devour everything - money, energy, love, success. Only regrets about unfulfilled dreams and unrealized opportunities remain.

But all this is never too late to change. To do this, you just need to become a confident person. By using simple self-confidence training, which consists of simple exercises, you can better know yourself.

Confidence is born precisely from knowing your capabilities and yourself.

The purpose of the training: to explore and know yourself, self-improvement, increasing personal and professional growth, self-knowledge and therapy, revealing your untapped potential.

Training objectives:

  • learn to live brightly and joyfully, fulfilling your cherished dreams;
  • learn to open and realize your habits and outlook on life;
  • find out your true nature;
  • with absolute confidence to feel in any situation;
  • understand how to deal with shyness and anxiety;
  • confidently maintain a conversation and business negotiations;
  • easy to perform in front of a large crowd of people;
  • not be afraid to take risks.

"How I see myself, how I will be in the future"

The purpose of the training exercise: to learn to develop an objective self-assessment of oneself, to learn to focus on the result that needs to be achieved.

This exercise should be done in a group. You need to take a piece of paper, pencils and draw the way you see yourself. The more colorful the drawing, the better. Draw important elements of your life: hobbies, hobbies, beloved pet, etc. After that, all the leaves need to be collected and mixed, after which everyone shares their impressions about each drawing.

Using a piece of paper and pencils, draw yourself again, but only now in the future. It is necessary to say aloud a kind of "defense" of the drawing.

“If that happened… then I would do…”

The purpose of the training exercise: to develop a quick response to various conflict situations.

The exercise is carried out in a group in a circle. One person comes up with conflict situation(for example: “If my wallet was stolen on the bus ...”), and the second expresses his reaction to it (for example: “... I would start screaming, call the police”).

"Wings of Confidence"

The purpose of the training exercise: to discover new energy opportunities.

You need to sit or lie down comfortably and consciously generate the sensations that you associate with confidence. To do this, you need to rummage through your memory, remember and relive several situations in which you felt very confident. Usually in such cases there is a feeling that wings have grown behind the back. The person straightens his back, straightens his shoulders and confidently looks into the eyes of others. At the same time, control of the situation increases and coordination of movements improves. you are an absolutely confident person.

"The most charming and attractive"

The purpose of the training exercise: to love yourself and learn to be liberated.

Exercise for women is well known, but very effective. Everyone needs to take a small mirror with them. All trainees are required to stand in a circle. At first, everyone gives each other at least three compliments. After that, each participant tells the audience about her 3 qualities for which she can be loved. The last quality should affect appearance and is said in front of a mirror.

If you do this exercise at home regularly, you can get stunning results.

"Searching for Real Hope"

The purpose of the training exercise: to assess your real capabilities.

Throughout the week, you need to pay attention to all situations where you are faced with empty dreams, and when you are faced with real hope (regardless of their size).

For example:

  • in the afternoon, the thought comes to you that it would be nice to sign up for a sports club or go for a run, after which you get distracted and forget about it;
  • standing on the scales in the middle of the day, you think it's time to lose weight, and during dinner you refuse the pie;
  • your friend constantly tells everyone what car he wants to buy, without having the funds and doing nothing to change it;
  • a friend declares that she wants to quit smoking for 5 years already, but does nothing;
  • every day you think about learning English or enrolling in advanced training courses, and you don’t even make a single necessary phone call for this.

You need to make a list. At the end of the week, read it carefully and ask yourself the following questions:

  1. How do I feel about people living in empty dreams?
  2. What kind of response do people get from others who use real hopes?
  3. What do people focus on in the first and second situations?
  4. Which hopes are real and which are empty?


The purpose of the training exercise is to realize your true aspirations and increase self-confidence.

Each participant in the training should think about how he would like to be: how to behave, how to dress, what attitude should be towards himself and others, in what environment to move, etc. Taking into account all this, it is necessary to draw up a consistent program for your own " autopilot." It must be written according to a certain scheme. For example: "I'm confident, I'm good." After completing the program, each in turn reads it aloud in such a way that others have the feeling that this person really is like that.

Using these simple 6 exercises, you will easily discover new energy opportunities for yourself. An insecure person spends a lot of energy on fear, anxiety, resentment and anger, instead of using it to achieve goals. Learn to apply this energy in the directions you need, life will become much easier and more fun. you will discover more and more new horizons! You just need to cast aside all doubts and head towards the confidence that will fill your body with energy and your heart with joy.

Why do some achieve success, build strong families, easily get what others have been unable to do for years? By and large, all people have almost the same initial data: everyone has 24 hours a day, everyone studies in typical schools and universities, everyone is aimed at happiness and well-being. But in reality, units break through.

Basic moments

The difference in social hierarchy becomes more and more obvious by the age of 30. At this point, a person begins to analyze his life and ask himself rhetorical questions.

Important! You should not tell your innermost thoughts about yourself to those around you. If you really want to talk out, then it is better to choose for this unfamiliar person or hire a psychiatrist, as every adult in America does.

One of the reasons for failed aspects of life can be low self-esteem. The problem is widespread. They live with it, though not happily. But with perseverance, you can easily overcome the problem and be shocked by the results. So, psychological development exercises will be considered below.

  1. Surely, in life there were cases from which it was possible to somehow get out. Maybe not even the same person. For example, an unhappy marriage. Someone considers it as a way out of a dead end street, someone - as a tragedy. It is also a matter of self-esteem.
    The goal is to identify the qualities that helped you get through difficult times. All qualities should be written down on paper.
    For example: if we are talking about a long job search or a penniless period - patience, perseverance, responsibility for oneself, optimism, and so on.
    A common case in which self-esteem “hurts” the most is parting. What motives helped you take a step back? Belief in a better future, the need to know your worth, foresight? If the initiator was another? Then, for sure, such qualities as patience, optimism, fortitude and energy helped to survive.
    The next step involves the promotion of these qualities. For example, optimism. Now it should be on the subject and memorize them. Fortunately, the search engine is now available to absolutely everyone. Quotes can be memorized, written down or shared on social networks in your profile.
  2. The next self-esteem exercise is to play the other person. You can choose the one you like and admire. If this is a model, then walking, imagine yourself as it. If this is a character, then learn his successful phrases and periodically enter into his image. What will it give? It will give confidence that it is very easy to become different. It is enough to master even one trait - the manner of speaking or gait. When the role of an idol is played, you can already create your own image, what it could be with high self-esteem.
  3. If adults are helped by life experience and more wide opportunities, then the exercises on require participation from the outside. A teenager may not know his problem, but he is betrayed by troubled relationships with peers, lack of ambition and self-flagellation. Everything is aggravated by the fact that the teenager does not have the skills to adequately interpret the assessment of others. He takes everything at face value. Any remark, any random remark can form certain attitudes in it. In fact, everyone goes through this.

Adults with whom a trusting relationship has been established can help a teenager. A heart-to-heart conversation and an explanation of some simple life postulates helps a teenager to correctly form his inner world.

How does exercise help build self-confidence?

To understand what kind of exercises for and self-confidence a particular person needs, it is necessary to determine the level of the initial state. This will help online tests from serious sources. Mild problems, in which, in general, the person is doing well, but periodically there are difficulties in relationships with the world, are quite solvable with the help of regular exercises to increase self-confidence.

But most of them are designed for group classes. The problem is that an insecure person does not always dare to sign up for group trainings. Such people often prefer isolation and blame only their own person for everything. They issue harsh verdicts with overtones of the hopelessness of the situation.

In fact, the problem is solved very simply. Any method opens your eyes to two simple things:

  1. Belief in one's insignificance is not an objective assessment at all, but a subjective opinion of a person, which was formed under the influence of the people around him. A person will understand that he was once inadvertently misled about his own person, and he believed in it.
  2. The first factor is completely and completely subject to the person himself, one has only to find out the peculiarities of the perception of other people. For example, how we present ourselves is how people perceive us. If one doubts another person's abilities, there are many ways to ward off such a negative influence.

Another aspect of group training is the unstable outcome. Trainings conducted in the form of a game can be perceived by the psyche as an exciting game. As impressions are erased, old settings can be restored. How to avoid it?

No matter how beautifully psychologists speak and reanimate the inner world of a person in his eyes, he needs tangible supporting arguments. That is, while the impressions are fresh, you need to back them up with deeds.

Interesting! By the way, this is why many companies hire specialists and conduct corporate trainings. Upon completion, a person has a chance to immediately test the acquired knowledge in practice, and thus strengthen his self-esteem.

If it is not possible to pay for trainings on your own, then it makes sense to look closely at working in such companies. These are usually companies specialized in providing services to the population or selling expensive goods. Work in such an area completely reformats a person, nurturing in him unshakable self-confidence and teaching him to subtly influence the behavior of other people. Then there is definitely no need for exercises to develop self-confidence.

Examples of Confidence Exercises

Nobody's perfect. Few of us were brought up by psychologists and teachers according to all the rules of science. Children have no moral right to blame their parents for something, since parents, a priori, are the most loving people. If they couldn't give something, it means they didn't have it themselves. And the current generation should not forget that our ancestors were brought up in harsh realities. post-war years, they lived by darning children's tights and standing in line for basic necessities. It would be foolish to point out their mistakes by reading articles from the Internet.

The whole point of these arguments is that inner work is exclusively independent work whether it's self-confidence exercises or another problem. Unfortunately, many modern people the word "self-improvement" evokes an unhealthy attitude. The reason is simple - selfishness speaks in them.

But there is no need to argue with those who think differently and have their own views. If it is believed that such people from the environment can harm our progress, then the only sure way against them is not to tell them too much. Thus, colossal psychic energy, so necessary for one's own benefits, is preserved.

There is one feature of the human psyche - what attention is focused on is realized in life, or, in short: "thoughts are material." If thoughts are occupied with low self-esteem and doubts about the effectiveness of exercises to increase self-esteem in adults, then life will turn in the same direction.

There is a panacea for this feature of the psyche - distraction. Not avoiding the problem, but switching to something that brings real benefits. What could it be? For example, doing what you love. If you don’t have something you love, then you need to find it urgently. If there is no such possibility, then take responsibility for another person. The changes that occur in the process of such decisions deserve a separate discussion.

In the meantime, we need to summarize the work on self-assessment. So:

  • Forgive everyone.
  • Define your boundaries and defend them.
  • Be passionate about something.
  • Don't stop working on yourself.

The results will be amazing if you have time to analyze them and compare yourself with others.

If the resentment against the parents still does not let go, then perhaps they really did not give something. It is the ability to take responsibility for one's own person.

Shyness is widespread in modern world phenomenon. The famous American psychologist Philip Zimbardo set himself the task of not only studying the nature of this mental state, but also finding ways to deal with it.

An important step to change yourself is to give up self-abasement. To do this, mark all the negative moments in your life over the past two weeks that made you feel bad about yourself. Use introspection to sort out negative opinions about yourself. Every time you start beating yourself up, say "stop". Do this until you break the habit of assessing each step as "unsatisfactory."

Note how many times during the day you managed to resist such assessments. Reward yourself for this (with a compliment, going to the cinema, sweets - whatever you need at this moment and for this achievement).

Here are 10 exercises that will help build self-confidence.

1. Counterarguments

Make a list of your own weaknesses. Write it on the left half of the sheet of paper. On the right, opposite each item, indicate those positive points that can be opposed to negative ones. For example:


  • No one who knows me likes me.
  • I have almost no attractive features.


  • Those who really know me treat me well.
  • I have a lot of attractive features.

Expand and justify counterarguments, find suitable examples. Start thinking about yourself in a positive way.

2. Other words for shyness

It happens that we feel shy in one or two situations, but, nevertheless, consider ourselves shy. Instead of counting and saying, "I'm a shy person," try to think and speak about yourself in more specific terms—certain circumstances and reactions. For example: "I get nervous when I speak in public" or "I feel out of place in the company" or "I get nervous meeting with the president of our firm" or even more specifically: "My heart beats faster if I feel that the guy (girl) paid attention to me.

Make up the maximum full list their responses to specific situations. Then decide how these reactions can be controlled. For example, if your hands are trembling while speaking, clasp your fingers, put your hands on your knees, in extreme cases, put them in your pockets.

3. Frank dialogue

Make a list of all the people who make you shy or reject you. Place two chairs opposite each other. Sit in one chair and imagine that the number one on your list is sitting in the other.

Turning to him, express everything that is connected with the problem of your shyness. Then sit in his chair and try to answer from his point of view. Return to "your" place and do the same for the other person. Etc.

4. If I wasn't shy...

Get comfortable and close your eyes. Imagine a person or situation that constantly makes you feel shy. Don't miss any details - not a single word or gesture.

Now imagine how you would behave in this situation if you were not shy. What would you do? What would they say? How would it all end?

Awaken this positive image within yourself daily for a week.

The next time you have to really face a similar situation, restore your positive image in your mind. And behave accordingly.

5. Do you know what I like about you?

Choose among your friends the one you trust the most and do this exercise with him. Write down what features of this person you like the most, and let him do the same for you. (Try to have ten items on each list.) Take turns explaining to each other why you included each item on the list. Begin by saying, "What I really like about you is..."

How do you feel when your friend compliments you? Learn to accept praise (at least say thank you) and enjoy the joy that compliments bring.

Learn how to compliment your friends. Use this skill to Everyday life, not sparing praise even in the most ordinary situations.

6. A collage of virtues

Each of us, at least, knows how to do one thing better than others - at least fry an omelet, shine shoes or tell jokes. And you? What are you best at doing?

Cut out suitable pictures and headlines from old newspapers and magazines that illustrate your strengths and make a collage out of them.

Hang the resulting "picture" in a conspicuous place.

7. Role model and self-esteem

Imagine someone you admire. It can be a friend or relative, or maybe the hero of a movie or book. Imagine circumstances in which this person would experience shyness. What would he do? What would you say? How could you help him? What are the strengths of this person?

List them: _________________________________

If you had these virtues, what kind of person would you be? How would having these traits affect your shyness? Close your eyes and imagine situations in which you don't feel shy. What do you feel in this regard?

8. List of good events

Get a notebook and write down all the good things that happen to you for two weeks.

  • Make a list of pleasant events daily, then analyze it.
  • How many of these events were caused by the initiative of other people?
  • How many of them happened on your initiative?
  • How many good things happened?
  • What does it take to get more of them?

From now on, every time something good happens, do not lose sight of this event and do not deny yourself the pleasure of enjoying it.

9. Get interesting

You need to develop a skill that you think will help you engage in social interaction. You should work on at least one trait that can be positively assessed by others, bring them joy and benefit. A person who can play the guitar or piano is a welcome guest in any company. Learn to tell funny stories or perform magic tricks. It is very useful (and not at all difficult) to learn how to dance, especially for men who feel insecure, one has only to play music. Stay up to date international events and trendy topics (problems of overpopulation, ecology, etc.). Read good books, both serious literature and bestsellers - and be prepared to discuss them.

10. Know how to relax

It is difficult to focus on new values ​​if you are constantly tormented by anxious thoughts, tension and nervousness.

Complete relaxation is the right way to unleash your potential and avoid unpleasant experiences.

  • Allocate 15-20 minutes of your time for this exercise.
  • Find a secluded place where no one will disturb you.
  • Sit in a comfortable chair or lie down on the sofa or on the floor. Place a pillow under your head.
  • Loosen or even remove everything that restricts movement - clothing, jewelry. If you wear glasses or contact lenses, remove them.
  • Before relaxing the muscles, they must be tightened. Do all of the following steps in turn.

A. Clench your fists... harder... even harder... open.

B. Pull in the stomach as far as possible. Freeze in this position. Relax.

C. Grit your teeth... harder... even harder... relax.

D. Squeeze your eyelids as hard as you can. Relax your eyelids.

D. Pull your head into your shoulders. Deeper. Relax.

E. Breathe in. Hold your breath. Exhale.

G. Extend the arms and legs. Stronger. Relax.

Now try to do all these steps at the same time.

  • Imagine that a soft warm wave is spreading through your body. Relax gradually, as the wave from the head rolls lower and lower, capturing every muscle. It is especially important to relax the tension around the eyes, forehead, neck and back. Tension subsides, relaxation sets in. Let the wave of relaxation wash away muscle tension.
  • Open your eyes. Keeping your finger a few centimeters away from your face, focus all your attention on it. Slowly lowering your hand, you feel how the eyelids fill with heaviness, the breathing becomes deeper, the whole body enters a phase of deep relaxation. The eyes are closed. Hands hang freely along the body.
  • Take a deep breath in and out, continue counting to yourself: one...deeper, two...deep, three...deep, and so on up to ten (the deepest exhalation).
  • Now imagine a situation that is most conducive to relaxation. Feel it to the smallest detail, feel its sounds, smells, touches. Maybe it's a raft trip on a warm summer day, or a hot bath, or a walk in the woods after a refreshing morning rain. Whatever that image is, immerse yourself in it.
  • Your spirit and body are now ready to accept "Today's Agenda". Plan upcoming events, imagine possible circumstances and yourself as their master. You won't be alarmed. You won't be shy. And you will enjoy it. You can handle everything. This is the instruction you will give to yourself. Over time, you will find that you can give yourself more specific guidance on how to prepare for exciting events.
  • Feel the joy of your good mood and relaxed state of the body.
  • Before (counting from ten to one) you come out of the state of relaxation, you realize how nice it is to be yourself and own your thoughts, feelings and actions. Trust that this feeling will become permanent. It can be used to help you get a deep and restful sleep at night or to feel energized for social skills exercises.

So, you have embarked on the path to feeling strong and balanced as a person. The longer you practice, the better you will master the skills of self-control and relaxation.

Comment on the article "Self-confidence: 10 exercises against shyness"

Follow the child. Do not force your child to get into uncomfortable situations. Instead, listen carefully to what he has to say to guide him in the direction of the people and activities he is interested in. You are trying gently and imperceptibly to return him to a normal mental state, and in this you can succeed only if the child does what he himself likes. Add some spice to variety. It's hard to guess what occupation a shy person will have...

Just as some children are born with an unbridled temperament, so others are born shy and timid. Shyness is often a symptom of a reserved temperament, which is inherited like curly hair and blue eyes. How to learn to behave in the company of others Just as some children are born with an unbridled temperament, so others are born shy and timid. Shyness is often a symptom of a reserved temperament...

Raising a child from 10 to 13 years old: education, school problems, relationships with classmates, parents and teachers, extra classes, leisure, and just yesterday their representative spoke at a school meeting, something sounded about self-confidence ...

Probably, everyone at school had a classmate who almost did not communicate with anyone and kept to himself. I had. Most often, when trying to start a conversation with him, he shied away, blushed, and sometimes stuttered. But then, fortunately, this “snail period” outgrew and one day unexpectedly joined our company. How this happened, I did not notice, but I know for sure that his wise mother was behind this rebirth. Shyness is a completely solvable problem A shy character is not uncommon ...

Hello! My name is Yulia. I am 31 years old. I am a personal stylist. I did not come to this kind of creativity right away. Having worked for more than 10 years in an office from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. in a large Western company, but without getting moral satisfaction, I decided to radically change myself and my lifestyle. This decision was not easy for me. I have been looking for myself for a long time. The answer, as usual, lay on the surface. Since childhood, I was fond of clothes and the appearance of everyone who surrounded me. She created the design of dresses and embodied her ...

In general, adults believe that shyness is a disadvantage. Many believe that this trait is inherent in children with low self-esteem. Shyness, in fact, can become a disadvantage when parents perceive it that way. A shy toddler can be just as self-confident as his fighting peers. How the baby perceives his shyness depends entirely on the parents. If you treat your child as a person and accept his shyness as a trait of his ...

But you yourself must have a strong determination and confidence that you can do it. Constant swings do not allow you to relax: either a jump or a rollback. 22. 10 .2013 19:07:34 and here... But according to the results of the autistic child, only excessive shyness remained (with...

Tips and recommendations for a person who wants to gain absolute confidence in himself and in his affairs. Perhaps this is the best motivation for work - self-confidence. What to do to become confident successful person A: 1. Stop comparing yourself to others. Playing comparisons, you will often be the loser - there will always be people who will be better than you. This is in human psychology - after all, no one compares himself with someone who is worse than him. Be yourself. 2. Stop criticizing yourself. Some...

According to my observations, the inner core of self-confidence either exists from an early age Imperceptibly switched to you, I hope you don't mind :-) .

How to increase self-confidence?. - get-togethers. The child is from 10 to 13. And it would be better if my mother then explained how not to burst buns in the evening, and even showed some exercises: (03/14/2013 14:20:37, lleva.

Programs are held on the basis of the children's health camp "Young Builder", located in an ecologically clean area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe Moscow Region - Istrinsky district surrounded by coniferous forest. Every shift for schoolchildren senior group within the framework of the Star Academy, it is proposed to take part in mini-trainings in a playful way aimed at self-knowledge, development and personal growth, trainings on self-love and self-acceptance. As well as trips to the Weekend Camp (for 2-3 days) specifically for the training program "Understand ...

Until the age of 7, so-called natural fears based on the instinct of self-preservation predominate in children. At the age of 7-10, there is a kind of balance between natural and social fears (loneliness, punishment, being late). If we describe this in more detail, we can highlight the specific fears inherent in each period of life. The first year of life - Fear of a new one environment- Fear of separation from mother - Fear strangers From 1 to 3 years - Fear of the dark (the main fear at this age) ...

After passing the exams at the traffic police, and after the car really “smelled”, I always recommend hiring any instructor you like (during the first five-minute conversation, it will become clear whether the person is right for you or not). I have no doubt that all instructors will subsequently be able to at least (or perfectly and perfectly) teach you how to drive a car. You will have to spend more than one hour with an instructor side by side, and if a person is not “on the same wavelength” with you, then it will be difficult for you to trust him ...

I'm talking about our realities) In general, a child may have different fears, a sense of awkwardness, shyness. Thus, the zone of proximal development of the baby will be created and self-confidence will appear.

09/27/2010 14: 10:44, Nata F. By the way, from such “fears that it won’t work out” - I gave mine up. groups, there are many other exercises there, where he ...

how to learn to believe in your child?. Education, development. A child from 7 to 10. This greatly raises self-esteem and self-confidence in boys. According to verses, train your own sense of rhythm, there are many exercises, or with a neuropsychologist.

Raising a child from 7 to 10 years old: school, relationships with classmates, parents and teachers, health, extra classes, hobbies. I lacked self-confidence... 04/17/2007 02:03:27, here...

The main thing: in praise, express your confidence that the child can cope. At the age of 4, a child of acquaintances was exactly the same. Now he is 6, the shyness complex has passed. Maybe mom herself in the family on the roles of Cinderella? 05/29/2006 10:32:41 AM, Muglenok.

As for pushing with his elbows, it wouldn’t even occur to him (me too). I don't want to go against nature - I want to help make contact. He found his niche in his first team. Shyness and restraint does not mean weakness at all.
