The term "hyperactive child" has recently been on everyone's lips: doctors, educators, teachers, psychologists, parents. How to distinguish a fidget from a baby with signs of attention deficit? How to distinguish ordinary pampering from neurological disorders?

A hyperactive child is characterized by a number of qualities: impulsive, excited, stubborn, capricious, spoiled, inattentive, distracted, unbalanced. It is important to understand: in what situations do you need professional help from a psychologist, medication for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and when it is necessary to revise the principles of education. It often happens that parents are looking for a "saving pill." But it is enough to rebuild relations with a son or daughter so that recovery comes in the most natural way. This requires time, effort, patience and, most importantly, the desire to change something in yourself and your relationship with children.

What is hyperactivity associated with?

The causes of hyperactivity in children most often lie in the perinatal period of fetal development and difficult childbirth.

  • Unfavorable pregnancy. Stress, smoking, unhealthy lifestyle, diseases, taking medications during pregnancy - all this can affect the development and formation of nervous system fetus.
  • Neurological disorders during fetal development and at birth. Hypoxia (lack of oxygen during fetal development) and asphyxia (suffocation) are the most common causes ADHD. Rapid or premature labor, stimulation of labor can also affect.
  • Additional factors. Unfavorable psychological atmosphere in the family, conflicts between parents, too hard or soft methods of education, nutrition, lifestyle, child's temperament.

The likelihood of ADHD is greatly increased when these factors are combined. For example, a child was born with asphyxia, premature, he is brought up in strictness and constant conflicts - hyperactivity in such a baby can be clearly manifested.

How to recognize hyperactivity in a child

Diagnosing ADHD is not easy, as signs of hyperactivity can be symptoms of other neurological disorders. What should you pay attention to?

  • First symptoms. May appear during infancy. Poor sleep, a long period of wakefulness from the first months of life, the excitability of the baby, an atypical violent reaction to noise, bright light, games, hygiene procedures, a slight lag in the development of motor skills - all these may be the first harbingers of hyperactivity in children under one year old.
  • Age 3 years. A turning point in the life of the baby, when the famous crisis of three years comes. At this time, most children experience capriciousness, stubbornness, mood swings. In hyperactive babies, these signs are even more pronounced. Also, in children with ADHD, awkward, chaotic, fussy movements are noted, speech develops with a delay.
  • Health. Hyperactive kids often complain of fatigue and headaches. These children are often diagnosed with enuresis, nervous tics.
  • The first signs of restlessness. Kindergarten teachers can pay attention to them. When the process of socialization begins, and the child moves out of the family, the signs of restlessness become more pronounced. In kindergarten, it is impossible to put a baby to sleep, feed, seat him on a potty, and calm him down.
  • Violations of the development of memory and attention in preschool age. Children under 7 years of age develop memory and attention intensively. A child with ADHD has a slow learning curve in preparation for school. And this is due not to a lag in development, but to insufficient concentration of attention. It is difficult for a child with signs of hyperactivity to sit in one place and listen to the teacher.
  • Failure at school. We emphasize once again that poor grades in children are associated with hyperactivity disorder and attention deficit, and not with their mental inclinations. On the contrary, hyperactive students are often developed beyond their years. But the problem is that it is difficult for them to integrate into the system and discipline: it is difficult to sit through 45 minutes of a lesson, listen, write, and complete the teacher's tasks.
  • Mental aspects. Over time, the following qualities appear: irascibility, irritability, resentment, tearfulness, anxiety, distrust, suspicion. Phobias can develop at an early age, which can persist into adolescence and throughout life if they are not dealt with.
  • Perspective. In adolescence, such a child, as a rule, develops (more precisely, it is formed by adults) low self-esteem. A hyperactive teenager is aggressive, intolerant, conflict, non-communicative. It is difficult for him to find friends, to establish warm, friendly relations. In the future, he may develop antisocial behavior.

Symptoms of ADHD in children appear in a complex and regularly. You should not immediately attribute a “fashionable” diagnosis to a child with excitability, poor sleep, capriciousness, which are observed from time to time. Many objective factors can change the psycho-emotional state of the baby. The reason may be teething, a change of scenery, going to kindergarten, failing at a game, etc. Even climatic conditions affect the condition and behavior of the baby.

Diagnosis of ADHD

And yet, until the age of 6-7, no one makes a neurological diagnosis, even if there are signs of ADHD. This is due to the psychological characteristics of preschool children. At preschool age, children experience two serious psychological crises - at 3 years and 7 years. What are the criteria for a medical diagnosis of ADHD?

8 manifestations of hyperactivity

  1. Chaotic, fussy movements.
  2. Restless sleep: spins, talks in sleep, throws off blanket, can walk at night.
  3. Cannot sit on a chair for a long time, constantly spinning around.
  4. Not able to be at rest, often in motion (running, jumping, spinning).
  5. If you need to sit and wait (for example, in a queue), you can get up and leave.
  6. Overly talkative.
  7. Does not answer questions, interrupts, interferes in someone else's conversation, does not hear what they say to him.
  8. Shows impatience if asked to wait.

8 Attention Deficit Symptoms

  1. Carelessly and quickly completes the assigned tasks (homework, cleaning the room, etc.), does not bring the matter to the end.
  2. With difficulty concentrates attention on details, cannot remember them, reproduce them.
  3. There is an absent look, immersion in one's own world, communication difficulties.
  4. It is difficult to learn the rules of the game, often violates them.
  5. Absent-minded, often loses personal belongings or puts them in such a way that they cannot find them later.
  6. There is no self-discipline, all the time it is necessary to organize it.
  7. Easily switches attention to other objects.
  8. The “spirit of destruction” lives in him: he often breaks toys, things, but denies his involvement in the case.

If parents counted 5-6 matches from the listed criteria, you need to see a child neurologist, psychotherapist and psychologist.

How to treat a child

When treating hyperactivity in children, it is important to understand what will be most effective for a particular child? What is the degree of ADHD? Is it worth using medications right away or is psychotherapeutic correction enough?

Medical methods

Medical treatment of ADHD with psychostimulants is more commonly used in the West and in the United States. Stimulants help increase concentration in children, give a quick positive result. However, they have a number of side effects: poor sleep, appetite, headaches, irritability, nervousness, unwillingness to communicate. These signs usually appear at the very beginning of treatment. They can be reduced as follows: dose reduction and replacement of the drug with an analogue. Psychostimulants are prescribed only for complex forms of attention deficit, when no other method works. These include: "Dexedrine", "Fokalin", "Vyvans", "Adderall" and many others. In Russia, the prescription of psychostimulant drugs is avoided, because according to the protocol for the treatment of ADHD, they are prohibited. They are being replaced by nootropics. Strattera is widely used in the treatment of ADHD in children. Any antidepressants with attention deficit should be used with great care and only under the supervision of a physician.

Working with a psychologist and psychotherapist

This is the most important part of therapy, which in difficult cases is carried out in parallel with drug treatment. A psychologist and a psychotherapist use a variety of techniques to correct the behavior of a hyperactive child. Various exercises are given to develop attention, speech, thinking, memory, increase self-esteem, creative tasks. Various communicative situations are also modeled that will help the child find a common language with parents and peers. Specialists have to work with anxiety and fears in hyperactive children. Relaxation methods are often used to help relax, relieve tension, and normalize the functioning of the brain and nervous system. For speech defects, classes with a speech therapist are recommended.

What is important to know? Psychocorrection in a child will be effective only when parents cooperate with a specialist and accurately fulfill all the tasks and advice of a psychologist or psychotherapist. Often parents have such a position - "cure the child", while relationships in the family need to be treated.

Lifestyle Correction

Daily routine and hyperactivity are two things, at first glance, incompatible. And yet, parents need to arrange for the restless life on schedule.

  • It is extremely important to maintain a sleep schedule: go to bed and get up on time. If the fidget is out of schedule, it is difficult to put him to bed, it is difficult to bring him to his senses in the morning. You can not overload such children with information before going to bed, play active games. The air in the room should be fresh and cool.
  • Arrange nutritious meals. Snacks should be avoided, especially fast food. It is advisable to reduce fast carbohydrates in the diet (sweets, pastries), which excite the nervous system.
  • Walking before bed. Fresh air calms the nervous system. In addition, there will be a good opportunity to talk, discuss how the day went.
  • Physical exercise. Necessary in the life of a hyperactive child to discharge his irrepressible energy. You can try yourself in individual and team sports. Although the latter will be more difficult. Athletics, gymnastics, cycling, swimming are most suitable. It is good if the child goes in for sports for himself. Competitions and any competitive moment will bring even more tension and aggression. Much in this situation depends on the coach and his pedagogical skills.

Reminder for parents raising a child with ADHD

How to raise a hyperactive child?

  • Raise self-esteem. Hyperactive children are often punished and reprimanded: “sit down”, “don't turn around”, “shut up”, “calm down”, etc. This is regularly repeated at school, at home, in the garden. Such remarks create a feeling of inferiority in the child. All children need to be praised, but hyperactive children especially need emotional support and praise.
  • Build personal boundaries with children. It is necessary to educate fidgets in severity, but justice. Punishments and restrictions should be consistent, adequate and agreed with all family members. Children with signs of ADHD often do not have "brakes". The task of parents is to show their own boundaries, show parental will and make it clear who is the boss in the house, clearly formulate prohibitions. There should be no aggression. If mom and dad have too soft a character, a hyperactive family member will certainly take the reins of power.
  • Small and useful tasks. Hyperactive children need to be involved in household chores and encouraged to take initiative. It is better to give simple, step-by-step tasks. You can even draw a plan, a diagram, a step-by-step algorithm of actions. These tasks will help the child organize their personal space and time.
  • Do not overload with information. When reading books, doing homework, you need to give small loads - 15 minutes each. Then take a break with physical activity, then again proceed to a static activity that requires concentration. Overwork is detrimental to children with ADHD.
  • Learn a new kind of activity. It is difficult for hyperactive children to be interested in something for a long time, they switch their attention too quickly. However, you need to look for different types of activities (music, singing, drawing, reading, modeling, dancing), in which the child will reveal himself as much as possible. It is necessary to find a business that will "educate" fidget in an invisible way and require some kind of personal effort, motivation.
  • Communicative aspects. Everything is forgiven at home for hyperactive fidgets, but they often find themselves in a conflict situation with teachers and are rejected by their peers. It is important to discuss with children their life outside the home, difficult situations, the causes of conflicts. This will help them adequately evaluate their actions in the future, control themselves, be aware of their emotions, and learn from their own mistakes.
  • Diary of success. Psychologists recommend having a notebook or notebook where you can write down (or sketch) all the big victories and small successes. It is important that the child is aware of the results of their own efforts. You can also come up with a reward system.

Some parents believe that the best cure for hyperactivity in children is vitamin "Re", that is, a belt. This harsh remedy only exacerbates the problem and will never remove the true cause of disobedience. The behavior of children with ADHD often causes the righteous anger of parents, but it is still better to avoid spanking.

Difficulties of social adaptation

In kindergartens and schools, children with ADHD are classified as "difficult". Sometimes conflicts associated with inappropriate hyperactive behavior become so aggravated that it is necessary to transfer the baby to another Kindergarten or school. It is important to understand that the system public education will not be adjusted to the individual characteristics of the child. You can search for a suitable kindergarten or school for a long time, but you can’t find it. In this situation, it is important to teach the child to show flexibility, patience, friendliness - all those qualities that are so important for communication and normal social adaptation.

  • hyperactive students should be in the teacher's field of vision;
  • it is better for them to sit at the first or second desk;
  • do not focus on the behavior of such children;
  • often praise, encourage, but do not overestimate;
  • give small tasks in which the child will move: bring a magazine, distribute notebooks, water flowers, wipe the board;
  • emphasize the strengths of the student, give them the opportunity to show.
  • be on the side of the child, but at the same time not create an open conflict with the teacher;
  • find compromise solutions;
  • listen to the opinion of the teacher, because an objective view from the outside can be valuable for understanding your own child;
  • do not punish, do not read morality to the child in the presence of a teacher and peers;
  • help to adapt in the children's team (take part in joint events, you can invite children to visit, etc.).

It is important to find not some special school or private kindergarten, but a teacher who will treat the problem with understanding and be an ally of parents.

Treatment of a hyperactive child with medications is advisable only for complex forms of ADHD. In most cases, psychocorrection of behavior is carried out. Therapy is much more successful when parents are involved. After all, the child's hyperactivity is often associated with family relationships and improper upbringing.


Hyperactivity is a rather complex disorder that occurs in children, most often in early preschool age. For such a baby, complex treatment is not required, but parents need to be very attentive to children.

It is mandatory to work with hyperactive children, because otherwise the child's success in school may be low, it may also affect the relationship of the baby with parents and loved ones, the child may suffer from excessive mental and motor activity.

In this article we will tell you what kind of correction these children need. before school age Let's consider games for hyperactive children.

If you have a hyperactive child, then first of all you must understand what reasons led to this and eliminate them. Usually the reasons are:

  1. Transferred infectious diseases.
  2. Injuries during childbirth, late or early childbirth.
  3. Poisoning by chemicals or heavy metals.
  4. Lack of daily routine.
  5. Poor or improper nutrition.

Most often, hyperactivity is manifested in boys, as a result, sleep patterns may be disturbed in babies, they may suffer from incontinence, speech disorders, and heart disease. Very often, a child suffers from hyperactivity due to attention deficit disorder.

attention deficit

If a child suffers from hyperactivity, then most likely he also has an attention deficit disorder. But such a conclusion can be given based on the results of a survey by a psychologist, psychotherapist and pediatrician. During the examination, it will also be necessary to find out if the child suffers from other diseases that are very similar to hyperactivity and attention deficit, as these may also require appropriate treatment.

If the doctor can prescribe treatment and medicines that will help focus the child's filming, calm his nervous system, help make his behavior calmer, improve attention and memory. This correction will help both parents and the child.

Usually, in addition to the fact that treatment will be carried out, the child must completely change the preschool lifestyle. Here, the recommendations of a psychologist for your child's age will be useful. He will teach the baby, who is already in his seventh year, to relax, do breathing exercises, calm down and relax different muscle groups.

It is desirable that teachers and the director of the school where the child is studying are also made aware of the fact that the child is hyperactive. This way, your child can get help with learning, a quieter place in the classroom, or more time to complete assignments.

Hyperactive child – School of Dr. Komarovsky

The main signs of hyperactivity

Symptoms of the disorder can be detected in completely different ways. Most often, the child shows some kind of spontaneous reaction, which he himself is unable to suppress. As a rule, such reactions are a manifestation of excessive emotionality, which is a consequence of an unbalanced nervous system.

Another very important sign of the peculiarity that the child is endowed with is the difficulty in concentrating attention and the inability to calmly wait for something or sit in one place. Usually such a child is disorganized, forgetful and distracted. As a result of this, the following signs of hyperactivity appear - poor performance of tasks, the child moves a lot, talks a lot, interrupts everyone.

Very often, parents confuse the causes and signs of hyperactivity with attention deficit, as well as with the usual whims. But you also can’t overdo it, if your baby has hyperactivity in one situation, it’s not necessary to look for reasons for this, it can be pure coincidence. But if they appear in other situations, then you should consult a doctor so that he can prescribe the appropriate treatment for this feature of the baby, which requires a mandatory correction.

Specific signs of hyperactivity in children:

  1. The baby cannot sit still, he shows restless movements of his arms and legs. He is constantly spinning, spinning, fidgeting, pulling hair and clothes.
  2. The baby shows unreasonable physical activity. He can run, jump, climb wherever he can.
  3. The baby cannot play with concentration and calmly. He screams and squeaks, performs unconscious movements.
  4. The kid can listen to the question to the end, he can answer inappropriately, and also not really think about listening to the opponent.
  5. The kid is naughty, nervous and cannot wait for something for a long time.
  6. The baby can interfere with other children, usually sticks to them during the game and can cause discomfort with their behavior.
  7. The sleep of the peanut is restless, a sheet is often knocked under it, it opens and turns over.
  8. The kid does not understand that people have their own needs and desires.
  9. The baby does not control his desires and emotions, including aggressive ones.
  10. The peanut is not attentive, makes mistakes as a result of this inattention.
  11. Poor concentration of attention, the baby can hear speech, but poorly learns what was said to him.
  12. The peanut, who has gone into his sixth year, may be interested in many things, but he experiences problems with understanding this or that process or phenomenon.

Of course, this behavior definitely needs correction and treatment, parents definitely need to find a good doctor for their baby. But, remember that such features do not make the baby bad, parents need to take into account the advice of a doctor and psychotherapist, as well as control and correct the upbringing of the baby.

Features of education

Correction of hyperactivity is not only medication, it is also the right upbringing and attitude towards the baby. In order for the correction to benefit the baby, parents whose baby has already gone to the seventh year will need to:

  1. Set for yourself the boundaries of the baby's behavior, taking into account its features, within which you do not show anger.
  2. Be sure parents need to talk with the baby, explain to him the scope of the boundaries and explain what sanctions may follow if the baby crosses these boundaries.
  3. Be sure to talk about what the red border is, which should not be crossed in any case. Correct correction implies that at first there will be one such border so that the baby does not get confused. For the age when the baby is six and the seventh year has gone, this will be correct and it will be easy for the baby to follow the instructions of adults.
  4. Adults should not be angry with the child, remember that the baby is not to blame, he just has such features. Remember the advice of experts and repeat to yourself that correction and treatment is not an easy process for you and for the crumbs. Don't make too many demands on your baby and don't get angry.
  5. If it didn’t work out not to get angry, distinguish between your anger and love for your baby. Let your child know that even if he did a bad deed, this does not mean that he himself is bad or unworthy.
  6. Forgive the baby for his features, encourage his good behavior. Express your feelings to him with words of love and praise.

In order for the correction and treatment of hyperactivity and children who are already seven years old to be successful, you must correctly perceive and follow the advice and recommendations of a psychologist. Then the upbringing of a hyperactive baby, who has already gone to the seventh year, will be easy and simple, and children's whims will be perceived calmly.

So, expert advice on how to raise a hyperactive baby who is seven years old:

  1. Make the daily routine clear and understandable for the little one. Incorporate rituals into your daily routine.
  2. Let the baby be only in a calm and familiar environment, protect him from irritants.
  3. Get your child interested in sports and exercise.
  4. Do not limit the baby in active play and other activities, let him expend energy.
  5. Do not punish the baby and do not force him to sit in one place.
  6. Love the child and show him all your love, praise him and talk about how important he is to you.
  7. Awaken your child's interest in creativity and learning.

10 rules for raising a hyperactive child - Dr. Komarovsky

Every mother needs to know the signs of hyperactivity in children under 3 years old. Contrary to popular belief, hyperactivity is not just the inability to sit still, inattention, excessive noise and mobility of the baby. This is a diagnosis that should be given to you by a treating neurologist who knows your child and observes him for some time.

The brain generates nerve impulses too quickly. These processes prevent a small person from concentrating on some business, switching from active games to relaxing, falling asleep. Hyperactivity can begin in a child not in the “difficult” three years, but much earlier. Some symptoms can be recognized already in infancy. And the sooner you do this, the better it will be for you and your baby.

Here are some distinguishing features of hyperactive children:

  • The child physically develops faster than their peers. Such babies sit down early, get up, start walking and crawling. They often fall off sofas and drive their parents crazy with this, while their peers are still peacefully lying in cradles. By itself, this symptom does not mean anything, if there is real hyperactivity, it will manifest itself somehow else.
  • These children cannot simply fall asleep or rest if they are very tired. Instead of sitting down, a hyperactive baby will begin to “cut” circles around the apartment, screaming at breakneck speed, and then. It is difficult to put a child with such a diagnosis to sleep even in infancy, often a mother has to swing and carry her child in her arms for a long time before sleep finally comes.
  • From the very beginning of life, hyperactive children sleep less than others. Newborns spend in their sleep most days, but not those with hyperactivity. These babies can stay awake for 5 hours, cry for a long time, but not fall asleep.
  • Another manifestation of ADHD is light sleep. The child wakes up from every rustle, shudders from any slight noise. It is very difficult to put him back to sleep, you have to rock him for a long time and carry him in your arms
  • A change of scenery, guests, new faces - all this is a real test for a hyperactive child. It is difficult for him to withstand such an active lifestyle of his mother, he can fall into tantrums from a large number of impressions, he recovers for a long time and comes to his senses after a day full of emotions. From stormy delight, he turns into a long cry, then falls asleep, exhausted from tears. How more people indoors, the more tired the child is.
  • A symptom of ADHD, that is, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, is a strong attachment to the mother. The kid is afraid of other adults, does not make contact, hides behind his mother. Such children are jealous of their mother for strangers and turn every conflict into a tantrum.
  • A girl or boy with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder cannot do one thing for a long time. Any toy quickly gets bored, the baby either takes one and throws it, then takes another and also throws it.
  • Frequent mood swings are an important symptom of ADHD. Just now the child was laughing, and now he is screaming and destroying everything from anger. If this happens often, it is worth taking him to a neurologist for examination.
  • Not only impulsivity and irritability signal problems of the nervous system. If a child often floats away somewhere in dreams, thinks and does not hear what is being addressed to him and does not pay attention to what is happening around, this is also a reason to ask a neurologist a question.
  • ADHD is often accompanied by a child's depressive mood and fears. You may notice that the baby has become withdrawn, looks sad and tired. He seemed to have lost interest in games and hobbies. Fears can make a child unnecessarily touchy and anxious.
  • Hyperactive children often twitch their arms and legs, and fidget in their chair when they need to be quiet. When standing in line for a game, they may jump up and down with impatience. If you play a quiz with such a baby, there is a chance that he will shout out the answer even before you say the full question.
  • Losing things, making mistakes due to inattention, switching to things that are irrelevant are the eternal companions of patients diagnosed with ADHD.

All these signs do not mean that your child is necessarily diagnosed with hyperactivity. It should be placed by a neurologist. Similar behavior occurs in healthy children and is a consequence of their healthy temperament. In order not to panic ahead of time and not heal a healthy child, you need to take a very responsible approach to the issue of diagnosis and not judge by a few symptoms “by eye”.

A healthy child can also run, jump and stand on his head, but he will not fall into hysterics, but will come to sit quietly, watch cartoons. Another difference is that it is easy to distract a healthy child from hysteria with a toy, a song, a bird outside the window. Good long sleep and fast falling asleep are also a sign of a healthy nervous system.

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is not really a disease. With the right approach and behavior of adults, the child will “outgrow” this condition, and in the future the peculiarity of the brain will not cause him any problems.

The causes of a child's hyperactivity may be hidden during the mother's pregnancy. If she suffered from toxicosis and high blood pressure throughout her pregnancy, and the child suffered from intrauterine hypoxia, then the risk is 3 times higher than usual that the child will be born with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.

Stress, hard work or smoking during pregnancy can also affect the health of the nervous system of the unborn baby. In addition to perinatal factors, the course of childbirth can also influence the brain. At risk are births by caesarean section, prolonged labor with fetal hypoxia, a long anhydrous period and the imposition of forceps, and, on the contrary, very rapid labor.

The doctor asks the mother about the family history, whether there were people with such a diagnosis in the family, asks to give a description of the baby. It is important to tell the neurologist about anything that raises suspicions, whether it is poor sleep or severe excitability. There are certain diagnostic criteria approved by the American Psychiatric Organization, it is with them that the neurologist will correlate the stories of the parents.

In addition to the conversation, there are hardware diagnostic methods, such as an electroencephalographic study or a study using magnetic resonance imaging. These are completely painless methods that can give a complete picture of the state of the child's nervous system.

How to raise a child with hyperactivity

If you are a mother of a hyperactive child, try not to overload his psyche with excessive vivid impressions and noise. Think carefully about visiting and family holidays, visits to parks and cultural events. Do not turn on the TV in the background, watch cartoons for a long time. After watching cartoons, children are often very tired, without realizing it.

Some tips for dealing with hyperactive children:

  • Be clear about your requests and requirements. Do not speak in long sentences and florid language, do not load the request to remove the toys with additional morality and meaning. A child with hyperactivity has a poorly developed logical and abstract thinking it will be difficult for him to understand you.
  • Formulate the restrictions correctly. Try to limit the use of negatives and the word "no", instead of "do not run in the club" say "run on the sidewalk". Any prohibition should have a reason, clearly and briefly explain it to the child. Suggest an alternative. For example, you can’t beat a cat, but you can pet it. You can’t pour water from a mug onto the floor, but you can into the bath.
  • Don't forget the sequence. No need to set the child several tasks at once. “Put away your toys, wash your hands and go eat”, he most likely will not understand. At some stage, he will be distracted, forget what was required of him, play too much. Voice each request separately, first about toys, when the toys are removed, it’s time to wash your hands, and only then invite them to the table.
  • Help to navigate the time. Instead of dragging your child home from a walk right away, warn him in advance that it’s time to go home soon - 20 minutes before the right time, for example. After 10 minutes, remind again, after five - again. By the time of the training camp, the child will already be mentally prepared for the fact that you need to switch from the game. The same applies to "time to go to bed" and "time to turn off the cartoons".
  • Provide a choice. Invite the child to choose from two toys, items of clothing, two or three dishes. This setting of the usual “get dressed” and “go eat” gives the child the feeling that he himself can make some decisions, which means that his mother trusts him.

If you clearly see that the child is overexcited and cannot cope with emotions, take him to a quiet place, for example, to another room, offer him water. Hugs and pats on the head will help. The child should feel that the mother is calm and that she loves him. Before going to bed, observing rituals, a bath with an extract of hop cones or needles, reading a book helps a lot. You can do a light massage, sing a quiet song. It is not recommended to watch cartoons before going to bed, a maximum of one short cartoon lasting 10-15 minutes.

Rules for Parents

Follow a clear daily routine. This is essential for a child with ADHD. , sleeping and bathing - everything should happen at the same time. This will help your beloved child to tune in in advance and give him a sense of calm and solid ground under his feet. In nutrition, it is worth limiting the consumption of food additives and dyes, the use of chocolate and large amounts of sugar and salt.

In the baby's room there should not be a lot of bright distracting pictures, a large number of scattered toys lying on the floor and scattering his attention. For a very young child, give out toys one or two at a time, remove them as soon as he loses interest. A 2-year-old can already take part in the cleaning himself.

Every time the child coped with himself, overcame the tantrum and was able to calm down in time, praise and encourage him. Positive reinforcement will help him regulate his behavior. Your relationship must be trusting. Believe me, it’s already hard for him, you shouldn’t aggravate the matter with swearing and quarrels.

Permissiveness creates an intuitive fear in children and leads to neuroses. For yourself, clearly define what exactly is impossible and why, do not deviate from the accepted framework. It is important not to overdo it with prohibitions. You can celebrate the success of the child with stars, and when they accumulate 5 or 10, reward the baby with a cute present.

Remember, the baby behaves this way not to spite you, it is difficult for him to cope with himself. He draws attention to himself, asking for your help. Be an ally of your child in conflicts on the playground, do not listen to relatives who say that you do not need to take the child in your arms and reassure, and advisers with the eternal "let him roar." In a difficult moment, a little person needs a loving and calm mother nearby, her support and understanding.

Drug therapy for the treatment of ADHD

It is good for a child with ADHD to take a multivitamin and mineral supplement, it is worth enriching the diet with omega-3 fatty acids. Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) are particularly important and are often deficient in the blood of those with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. The combination of magnesium and vitamin B6 is very useful for the nervous system. Patients experience a decrease in aggressiveness and an improvement in attention, after. In some cases, a doctor may prescribe mild sedatives such as valerian and motherwort.

Russian doctors often prescribe nootropic drugs (piracetam, glycine, phenibut, pantogam) to improve metabolic processes in the brain and increase cortical tone in patients with ADHD. Clinically, their effectiveness has not been proven, but neuropathologists often note in practice an improvement in the condition of children with hyperactivity and a decrease in the severity of symptoms of attention deficit disorder.

Diet in the treatment of hyperactivity

Many parents report improvements in their children's condition when following a gluten-free diet. Others benefit from a diet that eliminates sucrose and starch. For patients with hyperactivity, everything that is good for brain tissue is useful: a large amount of protein from meat, nuts and legumes, carbohydrates from vegetables and fruits, fatty fish, olive oil. Exclude sweets and snacks with preservatives and flavor enhancers, dyes from the child's diet.

Experts advise moms and dads to find those foods to which the baby may have an individual intolerance. To do this, rotate products, keep a food diary. Eliminate one product at a time from the child's diet and monitor his condition.

If the child goes to kindergarten, talk to the teacher, tell about the problem. Hyperactive children need special approach and attention. Teachers working with a child should know his diagnosis and characteristics. The same applies to relatives and family friends who often visit your home. Hyperactivity is a diagnosis that your baby will definitely outgrow if you learn about it in time and provide the child proper care and help. There is nothing terrible in it, mostly adults who suffered from ADHD in childhood forget about their condition and live the same way as all healthy men and women. There is a chance that after a year or two of proper treatment you will get rid of any manifestations of hyperactivity.

“There is no such thing as a child. Only mother and child

It is not easy for adults to understand the behavior of children, because it is often not possible for us to remember our own childhood experiences.

It happens that parents notice changes in the child's behavior, such as: restlessness, excessive mobility, emotional instability, mood swings, tearfulness, ignoring the rules and norms of behavior, sleep problems, difficulty focusing on any activity, etc.

If you notice any of the above in your child, do not immediately panic and self-diagnose "hyperactivity". Why?

Hyperactivity or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a complex collection of 5-7 symptoms presented in different situations and settings. At the same time, these symptoms are counted separately for "inattention" and "hyperactivity". The diagnostic process is quite complex and requires the skills of an experienced specialist.

An outstanding domestic psychologist, founder of Russian neuropsychology, Alexander Romanovich Luria, wrote: “There are no only mental and only somatic diseases, but there is only a living process in a living organism; its vitality lies in the fact that it combines both the mental and somatic aspects of the disease.

I want to note right away that I tend to call such children not “hyperactive”, but “overexcited”. I will explain why: “a child is always a symptom of the parents”, that is, he literally expresses what his parents feel and experience, and especially his mother.

Often, parents bring an overexcited child (even if he is already 12 years old) and talk about the fact that the child “as if someone had moved in”, that the child has become “uncontrollable”, “capricious, which are few”. It also turns out that they have already gone to the doctor for a prescription for a sedative (a very dubious and hasty decision, in my opinion).

However, when you ask your parents the question: “What are possible reasons such behavior in a child? they almost never say "we". As a rule, they answer: “We don’t know. He seemed to be furious."

This suggests that parents perceive a child up to 3-4 years old as a kind of autonomous, unintelligent creature, similar to a plant, which "the main thing is not to forget to water." Such beliefs are extremely wrong.

The child is extremely sensitive and receptive. In his behavior, he often expresses the feelings and experiences of his parents, even if they are well hidden. All people unconsciously feel good about each other and the world around them, and children in this sense are real specialists.

Important to know: The child, due to his narcissism, tends to believe that everything that happens in the family is because of him - whether it be positive moments or negative ones.

When talking with parents, the details of family life are also clarified. Over the years, I have noticed some specific features characteristic of such families.

Common Causes of Child Hyperactivity

1. The mother of the child is unnecessarily anxious.

A mother's anxiety never goes unnoticed by a child. An anxious mother, often without noticing it herself, makes sudden body movements, is fussy, anxious notes are heard in her voice and intonations. Such a mother speaks about the simplest things with anguish in her voice. All this is easily noticed by a child, but he cannot realize it from the point of view of an adult, but perceives what is happening through his own subjectivity.

What to do? Such a mother should consult a specialist and work out the causes of her anxiety.

2. Parents quarrel in front of the child, are unnecessarily tense or communicate too emotionally.

A small child literally perceives a quarrel between parents or an emotional discussion of news as screams and excitement. He, too, begins to feel tension.

What to do? If possible, avoid such behavior with a child, and discuss existing disagreements with a specialist.

3. Excessive control, constant interference and evaluation of the child's actions.

Imagine that a person is standing next to you around the clock, watching you and evaluating your every action. You probably won't like it.

What to do? Provide the child with freedom and moderate control.

Incestuous behavior of parents - as a cause of overexcitation of the child

Incest is incest that never goes into action. In fact, this is a constant prelude to sexual intercourse. “Incest is a family game” often unconsciously.

"Difficult children" are often the result of incestuousness that prevails in the family.

1. Parents kiss the child on the lips, touch, stroke, etc.

Any touch never passes without a trace for the human brain at any age. The brain always reacts to them and converts them into emotions. If you do not believe, then ask someone to touch you or kiss you. Surely you will feel something.

Lips are the first erogenous zone of a person with early age. Stimulation of erogenous zones excites, it's not a secret. And here the message that accompanies the kiss is very important. You can kiss and stroke your child in different places, but with different emotions. The vast majority of kisses on the lips carry an erotic charge that goes beyond the mother-child relationship.

What to do? Do not kiss the child on the lips. Kissing a child, for example, on the forehead or crown. And kisses on the lips and seductive touches are best left for the wife / husband.

2. Nude and semi-nude view of one or two parents in the presence of a child.

The older the child, the more he perceives this through the prism of sexuality, and due to the incestuous nature, these experiences are traumatic and are forced out into the unconscious part of the psyche, while continuing to influence the child's self.

What to do? Don't walk like this in front of your child.

3. Compliments to the appearance of a child older than 6-7 years.

Due to the transformation of the perception of parents and the narcissism developing in the child, from a certain age it is better to say less compliments about the child's appearance, and more about him. intellectual abilities.

4. Persistent desire to wash the child, paying excessive attention to the genitals.

Some parents get very carried away helping their child to bathe. And they focus a lot of attention on the genitals. Often these rituals continue into adolescence, or even throughout life.

What to do? Teach your child to do it on their own from an early age. At the age when the child cannot do this on his own, he should be washed and, in particular, washed away without excessive zeal.

5. Suspiciously long breastfeeding (more than 1.5 years).

Long-term breastfeeding that goes beyond the needs of the child (when he can already take adult food) speaks of some other benefit. For example, about the pleasure of the process itself.

Especially if there is no more milk, and the mother does not wean the baby, then the question arises: “And who gets more pleasure at these moments? Mother or child? In this case, there is an "excitation exchange", which, in turn, accumulates over time.

What to do? Stop breastfeeding at the age of one to one and a half years, do not impose your desires on the child and do not succumb to the sweetest manipulations on the part of the child.

6. Copulation and foreplay in front of a child.

This should not be done from infancy. It is a mistake to think that "the child does not understand anything, he is small." The child does not see, but feels your excitement.

At the age of one, when the child can already observe the actions of adults, he sees how the parents make sudden movements and make certain sounds. The child does not understand what is happening, since he does not yet know what sexual intercourse is, but he can perceive it as Shakespeare metaphorically called coitus: "a two-backed monster."

Should I say if the child is already 10 years old? Someone will ask: “But what if we have a odnushka?”. Alas, I cannot answer this question.

What to do? Stop practicing intercourse in front of a child.

7. Putting the child in the parent's bed or approving the child when he comes.

It is worth making an effort and deny yourself and the child the pleasure of spending the night together. Especially systematically. Especially in the nude. Especially hugging in the nude. Especially if the child is already an adult.

And you should not drive your husband into another room when the son or daughter comes to the parent's bed. It's always a special story if it's mother and daughter. But more about that another time.

On an unconscious level, incestuousness works like the constant seduction of the child by the parent in order to keep him to himself. The child also seduces the mother because it is necessary for him to survive. But she does it instinctively, and the mother, being an adult, should think and not abuse it.

On a conscious level, such eroticism on the part of the mother can be expressed in the words: “What is it? What didn't I see there? "Show me if the hymen is intact?" “Look how beautiful your mother is,” “Just tell me that you don’t love your mother - I’ll be offended right away,” etc.

How does this affect the child? Until puberty, all these gestures are taken for granted by the child, because he cannot know how it is in other families. However, when a child reaches the age of puberty, 10-12 years old, all the repressed experiences of previous years pass through the prism of sexuality.

By the way, it is at the age of 10-12 that ADHD, schizophrenia and other mental disorders are diagnosed. However, an overexcited child can be from early childhood. Often this happens in a family where a child is like a mother's penis, which she constantly touches.

Try to imagine that you are being tugged from birth until the age of 12. Do you want a man then? So that he touches you, loves you? This kind of incestuousness, bordering on incest, is also the cause of sexual dysfunction in the child when he grows up.

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One of the most common diseases in children is hyperactivity. According to statistics, 20% of children aged 3 to 5 years have this diagnosis. It is then that the disease is most manifested.

A hyperactive child experiences inconvenience during training, is poorly socialized. It is difficult for him to establish contact with peers, to focus on gaining knowledge. Pathology may be accompanied by other diseases of the nervous system.

In 1970, hyperactivity was included in the international classification of diseases. She was given the name ADHD, or Attention Deficit Disorder. The disease is a disorder of the brain, which entails a permanent nervous tension. Children shock adults with their behavior, which does not correspond to established norms.

Teachers usually complain about too mobile students. They are restless, constantly undermining discipline. mental, physical activity increased. Memory and motor skills may remain intact. The disease is most common in boys.

Reasons for the development of pathology

Most often, brain malfunctions are laid in utero. Hyperactivity can lead to:

  • finding the uterus in good shape (threat of abortion);
  • hypoxia;
  • smoking or malnutrition of the mother during pregnancy;
  • constant stress experienced by a woman.

Sometimes pathology occurs due to a violation of the birth process:

  • swiftness;
  • prolonged period of contractions or attempts;
  • the use of drugs for stimulation;
  • childbirth up to 38 weeks.

Least of all, hyperactivity syndrome appears due to other reasons not related to the process of giving birth to a baby:

  • diseases of the nervous system;
  • family problems (conflicts, tensions between mom and dad);
  • overly strict upbringing;
  • chemical poisoning;
  • dietary disturbance.

The listed reasons are risk factors. Not necessarily in the process of rapid childbirth, a baby with this syndrome is born. If the pregnant mother was constantly nervous, often lay on the save due to uterine hypertonicity or oligohydramnios, then the risk of ADHD increases.

Symptoms of pathology

It is difficult enough to separate excessive activity and simple mobility. Many parents misdiagnose their children with ADHD when the problem is not there. Some symptoms may indicate neurasthenia, so you can not prescribe treatment yourself. If hyperactivity is suspected, contact a specialist.

Before the age of 1 year, brain disorders manifest themselves as symptoms:

  • excessive excitability;
  • a violent reaction to daily procedures (crying during bathing, massage, hygiene procedures);
  • increased sensitivity to stimuli: sound, light;
  • problems with sleep (the crumbs periodically wake up at night, stay awake for a long time during the day, it is difficult to fit);
  • lagging behind in psychomotor development (they start crawling, walking, talking, sitting later).

Children under 2-3 years of age may have speech problems. She has been at the babbling stage for a long time, the baby has difficulty forming phrases, complex sentences.

Up to a year, hyperactivity is not diagnosed, since the described symptoms may appear due to the whims of the crumbs, disturbances in the digestive system, or teething.

Psychologists around the world have recognized that there is a crisis of 3 years. With hyperactivity, it passes sharply. At the same time, older family members think about socialization. They begin to drive the crumbs to preschool institutions. This is where ADHD starts to show up:

  • restlessness;
  • chaotic movements;
  • motor disorders (clumsiness, inability to properly hold cutlery or a pencil);
  • speech problems;
  • inattention;
  • disobedience.

Parents may find it difficult to get their preschooler to sleep. In the evening, a three-year-old begins to show severe fatigue. The baby begins to cry for no reason, to show aggression. This is how accumulated fatigue makes itself felt, but despite it, the baby continues to move, actively play, and talk loudly.

Most often, ADHD is diagnosed in children between the ages of 4 and 5. If mom and dad paid little attention to the health of a preschooler, then the symptoms will appear in primary school. They will be visible:

  • inability to concentrate;
  • restlessness: during the lesson, the student jumps up from his seat;
  • problems with the perception of adult speech;
  • irascibility;
  • frequent nervous tics;
  • lack of independence, incorrect assessment of one's strengths;
  • severe headaches;
  • imbalance;
  • enuresis;
  • numerous phobias, increased anxiety.

You may notice that a hyperactive student has excellent intelligence, but he has problems with academic performance. As a rule, the syndrome is accompanied by conflicts with peers.

Other children shun overly mobile babies, because it is difficult to find a common language with them. Children with ADHD often become the instigators of conflicts. They are overly touchy, impulsive, aggressive, mistakenly assess the consequences of their actions.

Features of the syndrome

For most adults, a diagnosis of ADHD sounds like a death sentence. They consider their children mentally retarded or handicapped. This is a big mistake on their part: due to prevailing myths, parents forget that a hyperactive baby:

  1. Creative. He is full of ideas, and his imagination is better developed than that of ordinary children. If the elders help him, then he can become an excellent specialist with a non-standard approach or a creative person with many ideas.
  2. The owner of a flexible mind. He finds a solution to a difficult problem, making his work easier.
  3. Enthusiast, bright personality. He is interested in many things, he tries to attract attention to himself, seeks to communicate with as many people as possible.
  4. Unpredictable, energetic. This quality can be called both positive and negative. On the one hand, he has enough strength for many different things, and on the other, it is simply impossible to keep him in place.

It is believed that a baby with hyperactivity is constantly moving randomly. This is a persistent myth. If the lesson completely absorbed the preschooler, he will spend several hours behind him. It is important to encourage such hobbies.

Parents need to understand that hyperactivity in children does not affect intelligence and talent. These are often gifted children, in addition to treatment, they need education aimed at developing the skills given by nature. Usually they sing, dance, construct, recite poems well, perform in public with pleasure.

Types of disease

Hyperactivity syndrome in children can have different symptoms, since this disease has several forms:

  1. Attention deficit without excessive activity. Most often this variety occurs in girls. They dream a lot, have a wild imagination, often lie.
  2. Increased excitability without attention deficit. This is the rarest pathology, accompanied by damage to the central nervous system.
  3. Classic ADHD. The most common form, its flow scenario is individual in each case.

Regardless of how the disease proceeds, it must be treated. To do this, you need to go through several examinations, interact with doctors, psychologists, and teachers. In most cases, children are prescribed sedatives. Consultation of a psychoanalyst is obligatory for parents. They must learn to accept the disease, not to hang "labels" on the baby.

Features of diagnostics

At the first contact with specialists, it is impossible to make a diagnosis. For the final verdict, observation is required, lasting about six months. It is carried out by experts:

  • psychologist;
  • neurologist;
  • psychiatrist.

All family members are often afraid of going to a psychiatrist. Do not hesitate to come to him for a consultation. An experienced specialist will help you correctly assess the condition of a small patient, prescribe treatment. The examination should include:

  • conversation or interview;
  • observation of behavior;
  • neuropsychological testing;
  • completion of questionnaires by parents.

Based on these data, physicians receive full information about the behavior of a small patient, which allows them to distinguish between an active baby and one with disabilities. Other pathologies may be hiding behind hyperactivity, so you should be prepared for the passage:

  • brain MRI;
  • ECHO KG;
  • blood tests.

In order to timely identify comorbidities, it is necessary to consult with an endocrinologist, epileptologist, speech therapist, ophthalmologist, otolaryngologist. It is important to wait for the final diagnosis.
If doctors refuse to send for examinations, contact the head of the polyclinic or act through psychologists from educational institutions.

Complex treatment

There is no universal pill for ADHD yet. Children are always prescribed complex treatment. Some tips for helping a hyperactive child:

  1. Correction of motor activity. Children are not allowed to play sports with competitive elements. Demonstration of achievements (without marks), static loads are allowed. Suitable sports: swimming, skiing, cycling. Aerobic activities are allowed.
  2. Interaction with a psychologist. Techniques are used to reduce the level of anxiety of a small patient, to increase his sociability. Success scenarios are modeled, classes are selected that help increase self-esteem. The specialist gives exercises for the development of memory, speech, attention. If the violations are serious, then a speech therapist is involved in corrective classes.
  3. Useful change of scenery, environment. If the treatment is beneficial, the attitude towards the baby will be better in the new team.
  4. Parents are overreacting to behavioral problems in their children. Mothers are often diagnosed with depression, irritability, impulsiveness, intolerance. Visiting a psychotherapist with the whole family allows you to quickly cope with hyperactivity.
  5. Autotraining, classes in sensory relaxation rooms. They improve the activity of the nervous system, stimulate the cerebral cortex.
  6. Correction of the behavior of the whole family, changing habits, daily routine.
  7. Therapy with medications. In America, psychostimulants are often prescribed for ADHD. In Russia, they are banned for use, since this group of medicines has a lot of side effects. Doctors recommend nootropic drugs and sedatives, which use herbal ingredients.

Drug therapy is used only when other methods of influence have not brought results. The use of nootropics in hyperactivity has no evidence base, they are usually prescribed to improve the blood supply to the brain, normalize metabolic processes in it. The use of these drugs improves memory and concentration.

Parents should be prepared for the fact that the course of treatment will last several months. Medicines give a positive effect in 4-6 months, and you will have to deal with a psychologist for more than one year.

No one can diagnose ADHD without testing. Signs of hyperactivity in children can only be seen by a specialist. You should not self-diagnose and prescribe medications. Do not neglect the recommendations of specialists and regularly conduct examinations. Many are interested in the features of the life of a family with a hyperactive child - what should parents do - the advice of a psychologist in this case is as follows:

  1. Organize the day. Incorporate unchanging rituals into it. For example, before going to bed, bathe the baby, change into pajamas and read a fairy tale. Do not change the daily routine, this will save you from tantrums and excitement in the evening.
  2. A calm and friendly environment at home will help minimize energy emissions. Unexpected arrivals of guests and noisy parties are not the right atmosphere for children with hyperactivity.
  3. Choose a sports section and follow the regularity of attending classes.
  4. If the situation allows, do not limit the activity of the crumbs. He will throw out his energy and become calmer.
  5. For children with ADHD, punishments in the form of prolonged sitting in place, doing tedious work are not suitable.

Many are interested in how to calm a hyperactive child. To do this, psychotherapists give individual consultations based on a change in the educational process. First of all, keep in mind that with ADHD, children deny any inhibitions.

Using the words "no" and "can't" is sure to provoke a tantrum. Psychologists recommend making sentences without using direct negatives.

Tantrums must be prevented. This can be done through behavior modification.

Another problem with ADHD is the lack of control over time and frequent switching of attention. Gently return the baby to the goal. Make sure that the task takes a certain amount of time to complete. Give directions or run classes in sequence. Don't ask multiple questions at the same time.

Spend a lot of time with overly active children, pay attention to them. Engage with them joint activities: Walk in the forest, pick berries and mushrooms, go on picnics or hikes.

At the same time, avoid noisy events that stimulate the psyche. Change the background of life. Instead of TV, turn on calm music, limit the time you watch cartoons.

If a hyperactive baby is overexcited, do not yell at him and exclude physical violence. Talk to him in a calm and firm tone, hug him, take him to a quiet place (away from other children and people), find words of comfort, listen.

Features of the learning process

Treatment of hyperactivity in school-age children should be carried out in conjunction with teachers. They should be aware of the problems of the student and be able to captivate him in the classroom. Most often, programs with creative elements in classes, facilitated presentation of material, are used for this.

Now, inclusive education is developing throughout the country, which, with the syndrome, allows children to gain knowledge not at home, but in a team. Problems and misunderstandings are not ruled out. The teacher must be able to resolve conflicts in the classroom.

During the lesson, hyperactive children should be involved in action. The teacher should give such students small assignments. They can wash the board, take out the trash, hand out notebooks, go for chalk. A little warm-up during the lesson will allow you to throw out the accumulated energy.

Possible consequences

Do not let pathology take its course. The child is not able to cope with ADHD on their own. He won't outgrow this syndrome.

In advanced cases, hyperactivity leads to manifestations of physical aggression against oneself and others:

  • bullying of peers;
  • fights;
  • attempts to beat parents;
  • suicidal tendencies.

Often a hyperactive student with a high IQ graduates with unsatisfactory grades. He cannot get an education at a university or college, he is experiencing problems with employment.

In an unfavorable social atmosphere, a grown up student leads a marginal lifestyle, takes drugs or abuses alcohol.

In a supportive environment, ADHD can be beneficial. Mozart and Einstein are known to have had this syndrome. However, do not rely only on natural data. Help your child realize their importance and channel their energy in the right direction.
