Was dedicated to intelligence as one of the most important skills for any copywriter. And today's material will be its logical continuation. Obviously, intelligence is important, but even more important is the answer to the question " How to develop intelligence?» Our brain is a unique and little-studied organ, but scientists have already identified enough patterns that you and I can use to develop our own capabilities. That is what will be our topic today.

Brain activity is a collection of electrical impulses. The cells that conduct them are called neurons. Neurons are connected to each other, and the result of their interaction determines our capabilities. By developing our brain, you and I contribute to the emergence of not only new neurons, but also new connections between them, and, consequently, expand the range of our capabilities.

How to develop intelligence: ways

We pass from theory to practice. Intelligence is the ability to think, analyze, remember and perceive. Therefore, it is a complex concept that involves different parts of the brain and requires integrated approach. Below are both the methods of developing intelligence themselves, and explanations of what effect they have on the brain.

Way to develop intelligence # 1: Writing

The simplest way to train the intellect, although not the most obvious. Suppose you have a brilliant idea in your head. You have two options: keep it in your head and silently implement it, or put it on paper and implement it, registering each step. In the second case, processes will take place in your brain that are very different from the first case, despite the fact that the implementation of your idea may end up being the same.

This is due to the fact that when you write down, you visually perceive information, and, therefore, use the parts of the brain responsible for vision, and more parts of the working memory (there is no mistake here: the concept of "operative (short-term) memory" has the same relation people as well as computers).

Also, when you write down, you analyze the information more deeply, triggering more complex thought processes in your brain. As a result, your intellect develops.

Way to develop intelligence # 2: Games

There are a huge number of games that allow you to develop intelligence. The most effective are the games that require you to plan and calculate. One of the most popular (and my favorite) is chess.

Chess develops logic and far-sightedness. To achieve success, you need to be able not only to count and anticipate, but also to keep in mind many possible scenarios. As a result, many brain centers are involved: from vision to memory.

Way to develop intelligence # 3: Puzzles

Puzzles are another great way to develop not only logical, but also spatial thinking. There are a lot of puzzles, both online and offline. I personally prefer the Rubik's Cube and spatial wire puzzles. They are inexpensive, and they occupy the head for many hours and give a feeling of total moral satisfaction when a solution is found.

Intelligence Technique #4: Breaking the Pattern

Many people repeat the same actions every day, such as going to the store, driving to work, eating, hygiene procedures, etc. All this we do according to the template. We don’t even think about how we do it, and we have brought all these daily rituals to automatism. It's like a beaten path that does not strain the brain at all.

At the same time, if the pattern is broken, then the brain is simply forced to engage in more active work. For example, try opening a door with a key with your eyes closed. The action is the same, but it will not follow a pattern and will require the brain to activate new departments in order to complete the task. As a result, new connections between neurons will appear.

There are many ways to break the pattern, and they can be used in Everyday life"with a bang." Just add to your activity something uncharacteristic for you, something that is not in your habit, and very soon you will see the result.

Way to develop intelligence # 5: Ballroom dancing

I look forward to the fact that when you are reading these lines now, you are indignantly thinking how ballroom dancing can affect the intellect, when it can be completely and completely attributed to sports.

In fact, sport itself is also a good way to train the intellect, but ballroom dancing is superior in this regard. Their secret is that while dancing you need to constantly think. Think about every move, about your partner, about your posture, about the frame, about the music, about what you will be doing in a moment and about so many other things. For several years I was engaged in sports ballroom dancing, and by the end of each training session I was very exhausted, both physically and mentally, because the load is simply enormous.

It's funny: I tried different types of dances, but compared to sports ballrooms, the effect was much weaker.

Way to develop intelligence # 6: Visual arts

When you draw, your brain activates many departments to complete the task. Of course, we are not talking about making you a Rubens or a Titian. You can draw anything: for example, faces at lectures or caricatures of speakers speaking from the podium at conferences.

Way to develop intelligence # 7: Education

Another unique way to increase your intellectual potential. Start absorbing new information and converting the acquired knowledge into skills. A foreign language or a new Adobe package, web design or a new engine for a site - you can learn anything, and all this will favorably affect the development of your intellect.

Way to develop intelligence # 8: Copywriting

The time has finally come to close this vicious circle. We develop intelligence in order to excel at copywriting, but it should be noted that, in itself, copywriting greatly contributes to the development of intelligence, since it involves a lot of thought processes:

  • Analysis
  • Synthesis
  • Problem solving
  • Finding an Approach
  • Choosing the best option
  • Filtering out unnecessary data
  • memorization

Look at most successful copywriters and you will see that they are all intellectuals.

Way to develop intelligence # 9: Physical activity

Physical activity, such as lifting weights, running, pulling up or push-ups, of course, does not directly affect intelligence. However, they have a very indirect effect. The fact is that during physical exertion, the so-called neurotropic factor of the brain is produced. This is a protein that is responsible for the development of neurons, the very cells that are key in our brain.

So it turns out: the load on the muscles contributes to the development of intelligence. However, it should be noted that since this method is indirect, it is ineffective by itself, but it can significantly increase the efficiency of all other methods.

Way to develop intelligence # 10: Rest

As in any business, in the development of intelligence it is important to know when to stop. That is why rest is taken out as a separate way. Not to be confused with, which carefully disguises itself as a vacation, but in fact has the opposite effect.

Conclusions: as you can see, none of the above methods can make you a professional copywriter, say, in a month. However, these methods will allow you to raise the level of your thinking to a qualitatively new level and open up much more ways for you to achieve success in many areas, including copywriting. In addition, they do not require titanic efforts, and the return on them will pay off handsomely.

Our jobs, opportunities, relationships… our whole life depends on how our mind works. At any age you can develop your mind, which in any case will be useful to you.


There are many interesting and useful books in the world, by reading which you enrich your mind with new knowledge, thus developing your mind. At the same time, you need to be vigilant so as not to waste your time on empty books that will not give you anything.

Vocabulary replenishment

Expand your vocabulary, learning new words of your profession, foreign words or those words that you hear but do not know their meaning. This can help not only in strengthening your memory, but also in moving up the career ladder, since in the modern world, knowledge of foreign languages ​​​​and the ability to express your thoughts are important.


Logic tasks strengthen the connections of neurons in such a way that the brain begins to work better and serve you longer. There are many types of puzzles that develop memory, thinking, mindfulness, fantasy and more. Start enjoying and benefiting from these games and tasks.


Mathematics teaches us to think critically and gives us access to analytical thinking which contributes to the development of the mind.


Drawing is a great opportunity for self-expression. Try yourself in creativity, as this can not only give you a new hobby, but also give you the opportunity to develop your thinking.


While cooking, you use your senses, sensations of various smells and tastes. Cooking is especially useful if you are not using recipes, in which case all your senses are involved.


Listening to music develops sensitivity and also stimulates emotional intelligence. If you listen to an opera in a language you do not know, you may be pleasantly surprised that you will not only know what is happening on the stage, but also feel the emotions of the performance.


Poetry can stimulate your creativity as you try to create something beautiful with words. It's also a great way to train your memory when you have to remember the right words as well as memorize the verses.


Meditation is a great way to expand your consciousness, calm your mind, and weed out unnecessary thoughts. But most importantly, meditation gives you the opportunity to control your mind, despite the fact that usually the mind controls us.

Foreign languages

Learning a new language can be challenging, interesting and fun. Not only will you strain your mind to memorize new words and phrases, but you will eventually be able to think in another language.

Think for yourself

In today's world, it is very easy to get an answer to almost any question. All you have to do is go online and use search engines. It is also easy to do simple and complex calculations with the calculator. And it is easy to get prepared information from the media. But the less we use our own mind to find answers, the weaker it becomes. So, try to rely not only on other people's information, but also think for yourself. This will help you not only in the development of the mind, but also in life.

We are born in order to improve ourselves and no matter what your initial data is, everything can be brought to perfection: you can develop an ear for music by playing music, you can develop your body with the help of physical education, you can develop culinary talent, coordination, and much more. But most of us are more interested in another question: how to develop your intelligence. The fact is that the ability to think with your head is also not innate, otherwise the losers would never have turned into world-famous scientists.

What is the intellect

The size of the brain, and the number of convolutions, are given to us from birth, but in fact, these indicators do not play a special role: an elephant or a whale has a larger brain than Nobel laureate, surprisingly. For that, it is in our power to increase the number of neural connections in the brain, and this will only positively affect the functioning of the brain. But intelligence can be different, for example, analytical, logical, critical, predictive, deductive. The ability to figurative and abstract thinking and the ability to concentrate. Intelligence can be evidenced by the ability to distinguish cause from effect, and the speed of performing various operations, and the depth of the mind, and erudition ... why do we need all this? Yes, just for a more comfortable survival, both in an office environment or in a dangerous jungle. Either way, exercise your brain. Exactly how, let's find out.


Yes, do not think that games are for children. Firstly, any game teaches the right attitude to life: we enjoy the process itself, not the results, and we also learn to be friends with rivals. What kind of games does the brain need?

Firstly, there are many applications on the Internet, so if you have a free minute, it is not necessary to look at photos of cats. There is, for example, a memory simulator that is based on the N-back task, there is the Einstein game (a collection of tasks for the brain), there is the Brain of a Genius game. By the way, all these entertainments significantly increase IQ, which has been proven by experiments.

Crossword puzzles are also needed and this is not killing time. But it's better if they are serious.

"What where When?" and company. In all, more or less big cities there are intellectual leisure clubs and fans of intellectual games. One should not think that only the children of Anatoly Wasserman or Alexander Druz are taken there - everyone is taken there and this is an excellent and interesting social circle. Sometimes communicate with smart people just as useful as reading books. By the way, in Mind games fans play not only in the club, but also away, on buses, in the courtyard at the entrance. Here is the answer to how to become smarter.

Tetris. So what? Experiments prove that this toy increases the amount of gray matter. Those who played it for three consecutive months and 30 minutes a day noticed positive changes in their critical thinking, information processing and reasoning skills.

Chess, poker, checkers, preference. Also interesting communication and the opportunity to develop the rudiments of logic. Those who are good at chess or checkers may well try the game for a while.

Feed your brain

The right diet will help heal memory. Therefore, we focus on:
  • Walnut.
    The basis of the erudite diet, and there is also so much lecithin that five nuts a day is enough to quickly activate the memory;
  • A fish. Protein is! Plus iodine and omega-3s. These substances give the energy needed to transmit an impulse to cells;
  • Spinach. There is a lot of lutein here, which saves brain cells from aging;
  • Pumpkin seeds. Again, omega-3s, and also zinc, which helps you think faster than ever.
  • Sage. It not only soothes and relieves inflammation, but also does not allow the amino acids responsible for memory impairment to clear up. Drink sage tea!
  • Coffee. Of course, it is important not to overdo it with this drink, but with the right dose (up to 4 cups of a natural drink), the release of norepinephrine and dopamine is stimulated, which will help maintain concentration. If there is no coffee, caffeine tablets, green tea, chocolate, cocoa, energy drinks or Coca-Cola are suitable.
  • Tablets. And there is nothing wrong with them, especially if you need to work with your head a lot. We are looking for phenotropil, deprenyl, allertec or phenibut in the pharmacy. The latter, however, does not act too quickly. Also, dietary supplements with ginkgo biloba, ginseng root, guarana or eleutherococcus will be very useful.

Learn, learn, learn

This does not mean that you need to get a second, third, tenth diploma. If the soul and mind are not drawn to such knowledge, then there is no need.

There are free courses on the Internet, for example, knowledgestream.ru, you can also start an unusual hobby and achieve perfection in it, sign up for ballroom dancing: this style of dancing, by the way, teaches not only to successfully communicate with the opposite sex, but also to think with your head - everything you still have to think about every movement, about what you need to do in a second, and you also need to learn to improvise. And of course, it’s impossible not to, without which the brain will simply wither. So, there are sites where Russians and Russians are placed in parallel. English lyrics films or books. This is it!

Well, don't forget to read. You can, you can fight with your inner voice by singing something while reading, you can listen to an audiobook while cooking borscht. If the reader's voice doesn't match your inner voice, try the method of humming while reading...

And finally, if there is a free minute, we don’t look at photos of cats, but open Wikipedia and study a random article. Or we are looking for an answer to the question that has long worried, but the hands did not reach.


Indeed, keeping personal diary allows you to save intelligence until old age and is a vaccine against Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases, as well as senile insanity. What's the secret? Yes, it's just an opportunity to learn how to formulate your thoughts correctly. Why is a personal blog better than a diary? Yes, by the fact that many people read it, which means that we try not only to express our thoughts correctly, but also think about what would be interesting to write tomorrow, and also about how to respond to the sharp comments of readers ...

We train memory

Without it, erudition is unthinkable, by the way.

  • The simplest thing that can be done with memory for its own good is to learn poetry from a third of an hour a day. Most likely, you have not done this since your graduation, and you memorize everything at the speed of an Estonian turtle, but the results will please you with time.
  • Going for groceries, we re-read the list several times and remember not the names, but imagine the route through the store. Having skimped, try to estimate the price of everything at once as accurately as possible. If everything worked out, reward yourself with nuts or spinach.
  • You also need to develop a sense of numbers. It is difficult to explain what it is, but if it is there and you can estimate by eye how much and what you have, the brain works better. When pouring coins from your wallet, try to say how many of them, but not counting. It is equally useful to pack things in a small bag - this is how the brain solves difficult problems. That's why you need to travel!


  • Listen to the classics. Better than Mozart, and even better a sonata in C major or a symphony 40. Whether or not there is a Mozart effect is not easy to say, but the classic relaxes and puts the mind in order;
  • Develop intuition by trying to guess what the interlocutor will say in the next few seconds;
  • Walk. Where without fresh air.
  • Engage in physical education. It is better if it is weight lifting or running. These exercises promote the production of brain-derived neurotrophic factor, a protein that develops neurons.
  • Drum on the table. The sense of rhythm also affects the brain positively.
  • Get enough sleep and rest.
  • Read! It's always fashionable.

Each person has his own specific abilities: for some they manifest themselves to a greater extent, and for others to a lesser extent. Intelligence is determined not only by the abilities acquired from the moment of birth. It is the result of learning and further development thinking through the analysis and synthesis of information received from outside.

Of course, an important role is assigned to the imagination. But still, it contains a certain set of abstract objects. With an increase in horizons, the development of imagination occurs, and memory training is carried out using various methods.

Intelligence and ways of its development

We often ask ourselves the question: how to achieve the development of our intellect? You can develop your intellect through exercise. The main thing is that you need to conduct classes regularly.

The following are ways to develop intelligence:

  • games and activities for the development of intelligence;
  • reading educational books;
  • fixation and analysis of information;
  • constant learning.

Let's take a closer look at each of the methods and consider additional information.

Mind games

In the course of any game, a person develops certain abilities. An excellent tool for the process of training the brain, its concentration, attentiveness, as well as the ability to plan subsequent actions are games of chess and backgammon. Thanks to the constant thought process, in addition to mental abilities, the ability to intuition also develops. Also, for the development of intelligence, there are specialized online games.

With Wikium you can organize online intelligence training according to an individual program

Games to improve memory and attention, puzzles

Another effective method- games for the development of intelligence and spatial-logical thinking. Puzzle games include: assembling puzzles and a rubik's cube, solving a crossword puzzle, rebuses and riddles. Thus, we see that games for the development of intelligence in adults are very interesting and exciting.

Reading of books

This way of development is affordable and powerful. By regularly reading educational books and not taking a long break between readings, you do not allow the brain to relax, the learning process is constantly going on, and as a result, it is constantly “growing”. It is worth noting that well-read people do not experience difficulties in communicating on various topics.

Recording and analysis of information

Conducting an analysis of any information and various ideas should be done not verbally, but in writing. Thus, information is better absorbed and remembered due to the activation of several parts of the brain at the same time. In addition, the concentration of textual information is significantly increased (3 times or more). The result is a deep synthesis of information with the subsequent adoption of the right decision.

Continuous learning

To feed your intellect, you need to come up with a completely new activity for yourself that you have not done before. You should set aside a certain time for this activity, thereby favorably influencing brain activity.

A positive correlation has also been established between IQ and human musical ability. Start taking the time to study music to further develop your abilities.


Rest is an important condition

If a person experiences a lack of sleep, then his body and brain cannot concentrate on anything, and therefore it is scattered. According to the results of the studies, scientists were able to establish that fatigue contributes to a multiple decrease in the level of IQ in humans. To activate mental abilities before important events, it is enough just to go to bed earlier and devote more time to sleep.

Breaking standards

By changing the daily monotonous, jagged and automatic actions, we do not contribute to the tension of the brain, since in such situations it works "on the machine", the cognitive process is minimized. This suggests that you need to change your daily habits and behavior. For example, to activate brain activity and give impetus to a new bundle between brain neurons, try opening doors with your eyes closed, rearrange furniture from one place to another, and change your route from home to work and back.

Physical Education

Due to physical activity in the human body, the formation of protein (neurotropic factor of the brain) occurs. It is the protein that is responsible for the development of neurons, which are the basis intellectual abilities.

Improving physical education will be useful not only for the brain, but also for the whole organism.

There are many more factors that affect intelligence, and ways to develop it. We have only touched on some of them. We can definitely say: an active life position and healthy lifestyle life will help you both in the development of intelligence and in achieving life goals.

The level of intellectual development, or IQ, is characterized by indicators of the brain. In order to calculate the value, you must pass a scientific test. It can be found on the Internet or in the relevant sections of books on increasing intelligence. IQ includes memory, logical thinking, perception (visual, auditory, olfactory) and so on. Modern world leaves its mark on society. Everything more people want to increase the coefficient, despite the possible difficulties. Consider effective ways in order.

Method number 1. Expand your horizons

  1. It is known that sedentary work has a negative effect on the activity of internal organs and the spine. So the presence of the brain at the same level affects intellectual development.
  2. In no case do not allow stagnation, strive to develop in every possible way. Set a goal, which is to constantly strive for more. Have you been dreaming about a new car? Well, make a plan and start implementing your plan.
  3. Learn new information every day, visit literary and art exhibitions, museums, theaters. Start studying history or painting, become a specialist in one of the areas.
  4. Sign up for a drawing section or a music school, learn cutting and sewing courses. Hairdressing, nail or eyelash extensions are suitable for fashionistas. Men can focus on automotive or electronics.
  5. The more knowledge you gain, the higher your IQ score will rise. An excellent option for self-development is considered foreign language. New letters and sounds are quickly deposited in the brain, sending impulses for quick perception. As a result, logical thinking increases, memory and perception of reality improve.

Method number 2. Watch

  1. A smart person is distinguished not only by understanding what is happening, but also by the ability to observe. As a result of such manipulations, logic develops. You find connections between random objects and draw conclusions based on what you see. Observation allows you to put together or, on the contrary, put random and intentional events on the sides.
  2. Let's give a simple example: while walking along the sidewalk, you noticed how a car drove into the oncoming lane, as a result of which a head-on collision occurred. A typical person will pass by, writing off what happened as a coincidence. The wise will do otherwise.
  3. If you stand aside and observe, you can identify the factors that triggered the accident. Perhaps there is an open hatch on the road, or one of the drivers fell asleep at the wheel.
  4. Such aspects help to solve complex problems that may appear in the future. By developing mindfulness, you increase the level of intelligence. It is worth focusing on art, music, astronomy, architecture, business, law, history and other "smart" sciences.

Method number 3. Strive for more

  1. Always strive to be better than yesterday. The recommendation applies not only to the spiritual and material sphere. People who want to get rich are constantly looking for additional income.
  2. If you're in college or working in a low-paying position, change things up. Believe in yourself, take refresher courses, take a prestigious post. In the case of students, in addition to the institute scholarship, start working as a waiter or salesman.
  3. It is important to involve yourself in different areas. If you work on a 2 * 2 schedule, you get about 15 days off per month. For the average person, this is quite a lot, consider part-time vacancies. At the same time, it is important that the two positions are opposite in type of activity.
  4. It is known that mental work is more tiring than physical work. If you spend 5 days a week in the office, make it a habit to hit the gym after work. Such a move will allow the brain to work 25% more efficiently, as a result of which important points, whether it's a book you've read or clippings from scientific literature.
  5. Set big goals, they are easier to hit. Many believe that dreamers cannot achieve heights in their careers or personal lives. However, the situation is different. The dreamer does not set limits for himself, he always strives for more. Therefore, he regularly takes risks, after which he reaps the fruits of his own success.

Method number 4. Change the way you see things

  1. Images and habits are firmly rooted in the human brain, as a result of which new ways are perceived “skeptically”. Simply put, if you are used to peeling potatoes in a certain way, there is no point in changing anything, but in vain.
  2. The new is the well-forgotten old. Instead of driving to work / school on the usual road, cut the route in half or bypass the traffic jam in another way. As a result of such manipulations, the brain will literally begin to think, building logical conclusions.
  3. If you go the usual route, you will not pay attention to all the potholes. The brain will not work because the actions are performed on a subconscious level. Such manipulations significantly reduce intelligence (IQ).
  4. If you take notes in a notebook, transfer everything to electronic media. From now on, create notes in a text editor or the Notepad application. Seemingly simple things, but so effective. In addition to increasing IQ, manipulation helps to get rid of the routine.

Method number 5. go in for sports

  1. Scientists have repeatedly proven the relationship between active physical activity and mental activity. Sport increases blood flow, as a result of which metabolic processes are significantly accelerated.
  2. If you perform simple exercises daily, after a month, memory and perception will improve, logical thinking and IQ will increase.
  3. It is not necessary to visit the gym and work with "iron", aerobic exercise is better suited for these purposes. Do daily twenty-minute runs in the park or work on the track (about 40 minutes), jump rope, pump the press, squat, lunge, twist the hoop.
  4. Take a closer look at popular areas such as yoga (even tantra will do), swimming, Pilates (gymnastics through breathing exercises), stretching (stretching all muscle groups), water aerobics. Play basketball or football with your kids, go skiing/skating.

Method number 6. Read

  1. Perhaps reading is the most common way to increase the level of intellectual development. However, it is important to understand that only the “correct” books are considered effective.
  2. The best option is considered scientific literature. If you do not feel cravings for such works, give preference to art books. On the network, you can download any work absolutely free on your tablet or smartphone.
  3. Thus, you will improve not only IQ, but also visual memory. Reading also helps to increase vocabulary, improves literacy, develops logic. Whenever possible, read books of all genres to become a versatile person.
  4. Before choosing literature, it is important to make sure that a particular book suits your level of intelligence. Too light works will act disastrously. You must draw information from every page you read.

Method number 7. Learn the art of self-expression

  1. Multifaceted personalities have a higher level of intellectual development than those who spend all day on the couch. If you belong to the latter type, it's time to correct the situation.
  2. Express yourself in any convenient way. Sign up for courses acting skills or learn to play the piano. Speak in public, toast at every opportunity, become the soul of the company. Interact with a large number of people, it is not necessary to call everyone friends.
  3. The human brain draws information not only from electronic media, books or reference books. In the process of communication, you take away a particle of the opponent for yourself, starting to express yourself or think like an interlocutor.
  4. If you choose the right audience (environment), you can achieve heights, as they say, through other people's thoughts, views, ideas. In this way, your horizons expand much faster, you grow mentally and increase your IQ.

Method number 8. Control your IQ

  1. To understand if you are moving in the right direction, you need to take an IQ test with frequent intervals. The best option is to carry out manipulations 1 time in 7-10 days, more often.
  2. In this case, you need to write down the indicators in a notebook, and then analyze the results. Weekly changes of 5-10 points are considered normal. Well, if you can achieve a greater effect.
  3. When choosing a test, pay attention to whether the site has a license. Pirated versions ask for confirmation by e-mail, this is not correct. Beware of scammers, they offer to pay a fee in exchange for results.

It is difficult to increase the level of intellectual development, but the procedure cannot be called impossible. Expand your horizons, learn something new every day. Always strive for more, do not stand still. Learn to express yourself, play sports, regularly check your IQ.

Video: how to increase a child's IQ
