Correction and development program for the development of cognitive processes in children 5-6 years old

Compiled by: N.N. Pozdnyakova

The proposed program for the development of cognitive processes is part of the joint integrated work of specialists with children withindicators of the development of cognitive processes below the age norm.

Explanatory note.

Preschool age is a special, unique in its significance period in a person's life. This is the time of active knowledge of the surrounding world, meanings, human relations, self-awareness in the system of the objective and social world, the development of cognitive abilities. A.N.Leontiev considered preschool age as the time of the actual formation of the future personality. Calling the first seven years of life a period"humanization" he especially emphasized that it was at this time that the necessary generic human characteristics were mastered - articulate speech, specific forms of behavior, the ability to productive species activities. It is very important that in this significant period of life, the ability to sign transformation of reality, sign thinking (thinking of the human type) arises and intensively develops. Therefore, the problem of providing assistance to the child in the early periods of life is so acute.

A large number of scientific publications of various specialists are devoted to the problems of children preschool age, which do not have a pronounced clinical and pathological characteristics, but have features that prevent them from adequately adapting to the social conditions of life.

Relevance: The high development of cognitive processes is relevant and significant in modern society. Children with low scores cannot fully master the preschool program. They cannot draw anything according to the program, as the fine motor skills of the hand are poorly developed, they are poorly oriented in geometric shapes and sizes. They have difficulty with such operations of thinking as analysis and synthesis, the ability to draw conclusions, generalizations. As a result, speech is poorly developed, vocabulary is depleted. Accordingly, the child may lose interest in activities in kindergarten and other development institutions. There is a fear of asking what the teacher does not understand.

This program allows not only to develop cognitive processes, but also to form logical thinking, to realize the individual creative potential of the individual, to establish communication with adults and peers on the basis of joint activities. Development fine motor skills and imagination - serves as one of the most important sources in preparing children for primary schooling. The development of cognitive processes will help children to be confident in later life. But modern society we need people who are intelligent, courageous, logically correct thinking, having a communicative ability in communication.

Methodological basisof this program is a correctional program aimed at overcoming difficulties in the emotional, personal and cognitive spheres in children of senior preschool age Veraksa A.N., Gutorova M.F.

Orientation correctional and developmental programs.
Addressee: children 5-6 years old attending a preschool educational institution. The program involves individual and group work with children, the quantitative composition of the group is 4-5 people.Classes are held once a week, for 20-30 minutes, for 3 months.

Purpose of the program : to develop the cognitive processes of preschoolers. Help them solve personal problems: lack of attention, inability to control their emotions or overcome shyness, anxiety.
The goal is achieved through the solution of the following tasks:

1. Development of attention, memory, thinking, imagination.

2. Development of fine motor skills through play and exercises.

3. Development of communication skills.

  • Increasing self-esteem.

Indications for conducting correctional and developmental classes:Low and below average indicators of the development of cognitive processes.
Methods that ensure effectiveness:exercises for the development of cognitive processes. Finger gymnastics. Exercises for cohesion, trust, communication.

Efficiency cut: Before and after classes, cognitive processes are diagnosed: memory, attention, visual-figurativeand logical thinking, perception, speech.

II. Psychodiagnostic methods used:

« What items are hidden?»

« What is missing from the drawings?»



"Put down the icons"

"Image Memory"

« fourth extra»

" Find differences "

"10 words"

"Collect the Picture"

« Sequence of events»

"Finish the figure"

III. The general structure of classes.


1. Greeting.

2. Exercises aimed at establishing mutual trusting contact, at the development of the emotional-volitional sphere.

Main part

1. game exercises aimed at developing cognitive sphere child, the assimilation of sensory standards and the expansion of horizons;

2. exercises aimed at the ability to control one's actions / to relieve internal muscle tension;

3. work with cycle tasks« preschooler folder" programs " solar steps»;

4. dynamic exercises, finger gymnastics.

Final part

1. Summing up the lesson

2. Ritual of farewell

Lesson 1.


Hello. I am a psychologist. Every week you will come to this office, and we will play different games with you and perform interesting tasks. Do you agree? Tell me what you want me to call you? Look, there are a lot of soft toys on this shelf. Choose the one you like. Let her be your friend during class. Call her whatever name you want. Get to know her.

Game "Introduction"

Target: correction of the emotional sphere, the establishment of friendly relations.

Children pass the ball to each other and say:" My name is... " ( as they are affectionately called in the family). This stage of the lesson is especially important if the subgroup includes a child who has not previously attended kindergarten. In this case, he talks about himself, about what he loves, what interests him; establishes contact with peers.

Game What has changed? »

Target: development of attention, memory On the table 5 B toys. The psychologist asks the children to memorize them and close their eyes. At this time, he removes one toy. Children open their eyes and guess what has changed.

Exercise "Kicking"

Target : emotional discharge, removal of muscle tension.

Children lie on their backs on the carpet, legs spread freely. Then they begin to kick slowly, touching the floor with their entire feet. During the exercise, children alternate legs and raise them high, gradually increasing the speed and strength of kicking. At the same time, for each kick, the child says" Not! ", increasing the intensity of the impact. Then the children listen to calm music (relaxation).

Game "Collect the whole"

Purpose: development and correction of the cognitive sphere of the psyche; development of visual-figurative thinking.

The psychologist offers children to collect cut pictures from 3-8 parts.

Game "Paint the rug"

Goal: Development of thinking, fine motor skills

« Paint over the rug and the element that matches it with one color«

Game "Labyrinth"

A sheet with a task is placed in front of the child and instructions are given« Help the fisherman catch a fish»

Game "Icicle"

Purpose: Relax the muscles of the hands

« I want to give you a riddle:

We have a white nail hanging under our roof,

The sun will rise,

The nail will fall

(V. Seliverstov)

Correctly. This is an icicle. Let's imagine that we are preparing a performance. You will portray an icicle. When I read the first two lines, you will take a breath and raise your hands above your head, and on the third, fourth lines, you will drop your relaxed hands down. It turned out great!

Summary of the lesson.


Lesson 2

Greetings. Hello. I'm very glad to see you again. And your friend missed you too. Take it off the shelf. Tell him what interesting things happened to you this week.

Game "Edible - - inedible"

Purpose: development of attention, acquaintance with the essential properties of objects.

Children form a circle.

The leader takes turns throwing the ball to the children and naming objects and food. If something edible is called, the child catches the ball, if it is inedible, he hides his hands.

Domino "Associations"

Purpose: development of attention, thinking, associative representations in children.

An adult offers children to decompose dominoes according to associative representations. For example, a cow is dairy products, a dog is a bone, etc.

Game "Find the Differences"

Purpose: development of attention.

Two pictures are laid out on the playing field, differing from each other in the set of elements used. The child must find the differences.

Stop game

Purpose: development of attention, speed of reaction, overcoming motor automatism.

Children go to the music. Suddenly, the music stops, but the children must continue to move at the same pace until the leader says" Stop! ".

Game "Regularity"

Purpose: to develop visual perception, memory, thinking

A sheet with a task is placed in front of the child and instructions are given:« Without violating the patterns, draw figures instead of dots».

Game "What is less"

Purpose: to consolidate knowledge about the shape, size

A sheet with a task is placed in front of the child and instructions are given:« In each picture, color the item that is smaller.»

Game "Lark"

dynamic exercise

The lark sang in the sky,

Hand movements are performed

rang the bell,

Raised hands rotation

Frolic in the sky, Hid a song in the grass

Slightly waving your arms, lower them through the sides down

Whoever finds the song

The child squats, wrapping his arms around his knees

Will be fun all year round

Child clapping his hands cheerfully

Summary of the lesson.


Lesson 3.


The game " Fingers are good animals, fingers are evil animals"(O. Khukhlaeva)

Purpose: development of the emotional sphere, communication skills

An adult offers the child to turn his fingers on his right hand into good kittens, and on his left hand into evil puppies. They need to talk to each other, get to know each other, play or quarrel.

The game " Color the kitten»

Purpose: to teach to navigate in space and on a sheet of paper. Learn to correctly understand the prepositions in, on, before, behind, under, etc., develop attention, spatial thinking

A task is put in front of the child and instructions are given: color the kitten sitting on the chair with an orange pencil, the kitten under the chair with gray, and black near the chair.

Game "Who loves what"

Goal: Learn to go through mazes, develop attention, fine motor skills

The child must guide the animals along the lines to their favorite treat.

Game "Hot and cold"

Purpose: development of attention, observation. Assimilation of the diminutiveand comparative form of the word

The host hides some small toy in the office. The child has to find it according to the clues. The closer he is to the toy, the warmer, the further, the colder.

Work with assignments from the workbook« We develop attention, memory, thinking» (page 2)

Game: "Number Hide and Seek"

Purpose: development of attention, thinking, counting skills.

On a flat surface, cards with numbers from 1 to 10 are laid out in random order. The child must examine the cards and, without touching them, show the numbers in order from 1 to 10. After that, one of them turns away, and the other shuffles all the pictures, and hides one. The first one should rather say what number is missing.

Domino game

Purpose: development of attention, the ability to follow the rules of the game, fostering a sense of collectivism.

Children at the table play dominoes (with the image of various objects). The leader monitors compliance with the rules of the game.

The game " Flying, not flying»

Purpose: development of attention, ideas about the environment.
Children form a circle. The host calls various objects and animals. If an object that flies is called, the children raise their hands, if an object that does not fly is called, they squat.

Exercise "Assemble the whole"

Purpose: correction and development of the cognitive sphere of the psyche; development of visual-figurative thinking, attention.

Children collect pictures from parts (puzzles).

Summary of the lesson


Lesson 4

Game "Two Sheep"

Purpose: reduction of mental stress, aggression and weakening of negative emotions.

Players are divided into pairs.« Early, early two sheep met on the bridge», - leader says. With legs wide apart and leaning forward, the children rest on each other's palms. They must confront each other without moving. Who moves - lost. It is possible to make sounds"Be-e-e." Then relaxation takes place.

The game: " fourth extra»

Purpose: correction and development of the cognitive sphere, development of thinking, the ability to generalize objects on a certain basis.

The psychologist shows the child tables consisting of four pictures and offers to circle an extra object. The child finds an item and tells why it is superfluous.

Game "Catch a fish"

Goal: Development of fine motor skills, dexterity, concentration.

The child is given a fishing rod with a hook. His task is to hook as many fish as possible.

Game "Parsley"

Goal: development of motor coordination, development of the emotional sphere of the child

An adult reads a poem and plays it with the child.

The game "Klub"

Purpose: development of the ability to communicate, not embarrassed to express their attitude to the environment; the formation of cohesion between children.
Children sit in a circle, the leader has a ball in his hands. He wraps
The thread around the finger and betrays the ball next to the child sitting. At
In this case, the facilitator asks the child about something, for example:" How you
name? Do you want to be friends with me? Who do you love and why?" etc.

Exercise "Pyramid"

Purpose: development of perception of magnitude, improvement of attention.

An adult offers the child to arrange various objects (matryoshka, buttons, pyramid rings) in ascending and descending order.

Game "Don't Move"

Purpose: Improvement of attention, regulation of behavior. Overcoming motor automatism.

The child jumps to the sound of a tambourine. Suddenly, the sounds cut off and the child freezes in place.

Game "Two items"

Purpose: development of thinking, imagination

The child is invited to name two items, which include three signs each:

  • Sweet, light, pleasant
  • Strong, kind, smart.
  • Ringing, joyful, loud.
  • Light, shiny, early
  • Cheerful, cheerful, energetic.

Summary of the lesson.


Lesson 5


The game " Good and evil cat»

Target: correction of the behavior of aggressive children; reduction of mental stress, weakening of negative emotions.

An adult invites children to first portray evil cats, then to calm music - good cats (relaxation).

The game " In the mirror shop»

Target: correction of the emotional sphere; development of self-confidence, looseness.
An adult invites children to visit a mirror shop. One child is chosen to play the role of a monkey, the rest of the children portray mirrors. A child pretending to be a monkey enters a store and sees his image in the mirrors. He thinks they are other monkeys and starts
make faces at them. Reflections are the same."Monkey" threatens them with a fist, and they threaten her from the mirrors; she stomps her foot, and the monkeys stomp too. Whatever does"monkey" reflections in the mirrors exactly repeat her movements.

The game " fourth extra»

Target: correction and development of the cognitive sphere of the psyche; development of thinking, the ability to generalize objects on a certain basis.
The facilitator shows the children tables consisting of four pictures and suggests identifying an extra item. Children find an object and tell why they are superfluous.

Game "Say the other way around"

Target: development of thinking, attention, speed of reaction.
Children form a circle. The leader throws the ball to one of the children and calls an adjective or adverb. The child returns the ball, naming a word with the opposite meaning.

Game What has changed? »

Target: development of attention, memory.

The facilitator puts in front of the children 5-7 toys and asks to close your eyes. AT this time he removes one toy. Opening their eyes, the children must guess which toy has disappeared. Summarizing.


Lesson 6


Game "Kicking"

Purpose: correction of the emotional sphere; emotional release, release of muscle tension.

Children lie on the carpet on their backs, legs spread freely. Then they begin to kick slowly, touching the floor with their entire feet. During the exercise, children alternate legs and raise them high, gradually increasing the speed and strength of kicking. At the same time, for each beat, the child says" Not! ", increasing the intensity of the impact.
Then the children listen to calm music (relaxation).

The game "Zhmurki"

Purpose: correction of the emotional sphere; development of courage, self-confidence, ability to navigate in space.
The driver is blindfolded. One of the children twists it in place to make orientation difficult. Then the children scatter around the room, and the driver tries to catch them. If he succeeds, he tries by touch to determine who he has caught.

The game " ABC mood»

Purpose: acquaintance with different emotional states of the people around them, development of the ability to understand this state.
The host gives a set of cards (b pieces) to the children sitting at the table, each of which depicts different emotional states of the character. The host asks the children to find cards on which the character is happy, offended, angry, etc. Preschoolers are shown the appropriate cards. The adult then asks the children to share experiences in their lives when they experienced the same feelings.

The game " Dwarfs and giants»

Purpose: development of attention, speed of reaction.

At the command of the leader"Dwarfs! » children squat, on command"Giants! » - get up. An adult gives commands at random and at a different pace.

Exercise "Nonsense"

Purpose: development of attention, the ability to understand pictures with a ridiculous plot.
An adult shows the children pictures and offers to find on them something that does not happen in life.



Lesson 7


Exercise "Compliments"

Purpose: correction and development of the emotional sphere of the psyche; relieving mental stress, overcoming barriers in communication, developing the ability to see one's positive sides.
Children join hands and form a circle. Looking into the eyes, the children take turns saying a few kind words to each other, praising them for something. The recipient of the compliment nods his head.« I am very pleased thank you!» He then gives a compliment to his neighbor. The exercise is carried out in a circle.

The game "What's missing?

Purpose: correction and development of the cognitive sphere of the psyche, development of attention.
The facilitator offers the children cards with the missing details. Children find the missing part and name it.

The game "Fire - ice"

Purpose: development of attention, speed of reactions.
At the command of the leader" Fire! ", the children standing in a circle begin to move. On command"Ice! ", they freeze in the position in which the team found them.

An exercise " Noisy pictures»

Purpose: correction of the cognitive sphere of the psyche; development of attention, visual perception.

An adult puts a picture in front of the children, on which randomly intertwined lines are drawn, and offers to find the image hidden behind these lines.

Summary of the lesson.


Lesson 8


The game " What does the mood look like»

Purpose: correction of the emotional sphere of the psyche; development of the ability to understand the emotional state of another person and the ability to adequately express one's mood.

Children form a circle. The host invites them to take turns telling what season, natural phenomenon, weather, their current mood is like. Leader starts:« My mood is like a white fluffy cloud in blue sky. And your?»

Game: Domino "Associations"

Purpose: development thinking, attention, ability to obey a certain rule.

An adult offers children to decompose dominoes according to associative representations. For example: cow - dairy products, dog bone, etc.

The game " Forbidden movement»

Purpose: development of attention, memory, speed of reactions; relieving mental stress.

An adult explains the rules of the game to children:« I will perform different movements, and you will repeat them after me. One movement cannot be repeated». The leader shows this movement. Then he starts to perform different movements and suddenly shows a forbidden movement. Whoever repeats it becomes the leader.

The game " fourth extra»

Purpose: correction and development of the cognitive sphere of the psyche; development of thinking, attention, the ability to generalize objects on a certain basis.
The facilitator shows the children tables consisting of four pictures and suggests identifying an extra item. Children find objects and tell why they are superfluous.

Summary of the lesson.


Lesson 9


The game "Whose voice? »

Target : correction of the emotional and personal sphere of the psyche; development of attention, auditory perception.

Children sit in a circle and cover their eyes with bandages. The leader transplants several people and touches the child with his hand. The one touched by the leader says:" I'm here! » Children have to guess who said these words.

An exercise " Make a figure out of counting sticks»

Purpose: correction of cognitive and creative abilities; development of attention, fine motor skills of the hand, the ability to work, focusing on the sample.
Children, following the model, lay out different figures from counting sticks.

The game " Earth, air, water, fire»

Purpose: development of ideas about the environment, attention, speed of reactions.

Children stand in a circle. The host alternately throws the ball to the children, they say" Fire "

An exercise " magic figures»

Purpose: development of creative abilities, imagination, fine motor skills of the hand.

An adult invites children to become"wizards" and turn the figures into various objects or draw a picture by completing the figures, the Adult notes the best drawings.

Summary of the lesson


Lesson 10


An exercise " How do you feel?»

Purpose: correction of the emotional sphere of the psyche; development of the ability to understand their emotional state and the state of others.
An adult shows the children cards with the image of various shades of mood. Children should choose the one that best conveys their mood (the mood of mom, dad, etc.).

An exercise " Logic endings»

Purpose: development and correction of the cognitive sphere of the psyche; development of thinking.
The facilitator asks the children to complete the sentences:« Lemons are sour, but sugar ..., A bird flies, and a snake ...., You see with your eyes, but you hear ..., Apples and pears ... .., A knife and a piece of glass ..." etc.

Ear and nose game

Purpose: development of attention, dexterity, speed of reactions, creation of healthy emotional arousal, cheerful mood; relieving mental stress.

An adult invites children to perform appropriate actions on command. On command" Ear! » the guys should touch the ear, on command" Nose! » - up to the nose. Leading, performs actions with the children, but after a while"wrong". Children, ignoring"mistakes" should show that part of the face that the presenter calls.

Exercise "Fold the pattern"

Purpose: development of spatial thinking, the ability to create different patterns according to the model, the ability to work according to the scheme.
The host lays out a pattern from the cubes and invites the children to make exactly the same pattern from their cubes (Nikitin's cubes).

Summary of the lesson.


Lesson 11


Game "Wish"

Purpose: correction of the emotional and personal sphere of the psyche and relationships of children; fostering kindness, respect for peers, the desire to see the good in people and not be shy about talking about it.
Children sit in a circle and throw a ball to each other, saying good wishes.

Game What has changed? »

Purpose: development of attention, memory.

The host puts 3-7 toys in front of the children and lets them look at them for a few seconds. Then he asks the children to turn away. At this time, he swaps several toys. Turning and looking at the toys, the children should say what has changed.

Game "Four Elements"

Purpose: development of attention, the ability to obey certain rules, the cohesion of the players, dexterity, speed of reaction; relieving mental stress.

The players sit in a circle. At the command of the leader" Earth " children put their hands down, on command"Water" - stretch their arms forward, on command" Air " - raise their hands up on command" Fire " - produce rotation of the hands in the wrist and elbow joints. Whoever makes a mistake is considered a loser.

The game " fourth extra»

Purpose: correction of the cognitive sphere of the psyche; development of thinking, attention, the ability to generalize objects on a certain basis.
The facilitator shows the children tables consisting of four pictures, and offers to determine the extra item. Children find objects and tell why they are superfluous.

Summary of the lesson


Lesson 12

An exercise " What and when I feel»

Target: correction of undesirable character traits, behavior of children; development of the ability to express one's feelings, to correctly assess the attitude of other people towards oneself.

The facilitator asks the children how people might feel. (Anger, disappointment, surprise, joy, fear, etc.) Next, he invites each child to choose one card from a set of pictures with a schematic representation of the emotional state and tell when he experiences such feelings (« I rejoice when...», « I get scared when..." etc.).

Exercise "Describe from memory"

Purpose: development of memory, attention.

The host briefly shows the children a doll (any toy), then removes it and offers to answer the questions:« What is the doll's hair like? What dress? What eyes? Does the doll have bows (shoes, socks)? Is she standing or sitting?" etc.

The game " Earth, air, water, fire»

Target: development of ideas about the environment, attention, speed of reactions.
Children form a circle. The host alternately throws the ball to the children, they say"Water" ("Air", "Earth"). The child returns the ball by naming an animal that walks on the ground (floats in water or flies). At the word" Fire " the child should turn around and clap their hands.

Domino game

Target: correction of the cognitive sphere of the psyche; development of attention, thinking.
Children at the table play dominoes (with the image of various objects). The facilitator makes sure the rules are followed.

Summary of the lesson.



Durneva Marina Alekseevna, teacher-speech therapist, MBDOU kindergarten No. 17, Kamensk-Shakhtinsky.

Target: implementation of correctional and developmental work in the form of specially organized classes aimed at developing the cognitive sphere of preschool children of 6 years old.

- to teach to build logical chains, to distinguish between the general and the particular, the whole and the parts, to establish patterns and cause-and-effect relationships;
- learn to navigate in space;

Description: Senior preschool age is a sensitive period in the development of the cognitive sphere of children. Therefore, it is so important at this age to conduct specially organized classes with children that will allow them to develop and correct their cognitive sphere. For these purposes, I systematized, supplemented and adapted to the senior preschool age the correctional and developmental program of L. I. Sorokina, aimed at developing the cognitive sphere of six-year-old children. This material will be useful to preschool psychologists and other teachers working with older preschool children.

I. Explanatory note
II. Program content
Lesson number 1: "Competition game"
Lesson number 2: "Help Dunno"
Lesson #3: "School"
Activity #4: Attention Island
Activity #5: Attention Island
Lesson number 6: "Competition game"
Lesson number 7: "Play with Pinocchio"
Lesson #8: "Competition Game"
Lesson number 9 "Forest school"
Lesson No. 10 "Forest School"
Lesson number 11 "Competition game"
Lesson number 12 "We are scouts"
Lesson number 13 "Games with the Bunny"
Lesson number 14 "Visiting the Hare"
Lesson number 15 "Let's help the Wolf"
Lesson number 16 "Let's help Pinocchio"

III. Program provision
3. 1. List of main literature
3. 1. List of additional literature

I. Explanatory note.
Preschool childhood - the first period mental development child and therefore the most responsible. At this time, the foundations of all mental properties and qualities of the individual, cognitive processes and activities are laid. The active development of cognitive abilities at this age is the most important component of the mental development of the child, which is the basis for the formation of his mental development.
The mental development of a preschooler is the most important component his general mental development, preparation for school and for the whole future life. But mental development itself is a complex process: it is the formation of cognitive interests, the accumulation of various knowledge and skills, and the acquisition of speech.
The "core" of mental development, its main content is the development of the cognitive sphere. The main components of the cognitive sphere are cognitive processes and abilities - dynamic components, as well as cognitive interests and cognitive activity, which act as a motivational component of the child's cognitive sphere.
At each age stage, a preschooler develops certain cognitive abilities. So a six-year-old child should develop the following cognitive abilities:
- ability to observe;
- ability to visual and auditory perception;
- ability to creative imagination;
- the ability to arbitrarily, independently generate an idea and recreate an imaginary plan for its implementation;
- the ability to arbitrary and verbal-logical memorization;
- the ability to distribute and sustain attention;
- ability for visual-schematic thinking and organization of activities;
- the ability to classify, generalize, establish logical connections;
- the ability to navigate in space.
It is possible to determine the level of development of these processes and abilities using certain methods.
The purpose of this program:
- implementation of correctional and developmental work in the form of specially organized classes aimed at developing the cognitive sphere of preschool children of 6 years old.
Program objectives:
- learn to build logical chains, distinguish between the general and the particular, the whole and the parts, establish patterns and cause-and-effect relationships
- learn to navigate in space.
- to form the ability to observe;
- develop visual and auditory perception;
- to form the ability to creative imagination;
- to promote the development of arbitrary and verbal-logical memory;
- to form the ability to distribute and sustain attention;
- develop visual-schematic thinking and the ability to organize activities.
- cultivate curiosity, independence, accuracy;
- to educate children in the ability to respond with common sentences and listen to the answers of their comrades.
A necessary condition for the effectiveness of the program is the active participation of children in the classroom, their interest.
In accordance with these requirements, story games-classes were developed, in the content of which various educational games and exercises were used.
Program principles:
1. The principle "from simple to complex" (gradual complication of tasks, which allows you to gradually prepare the child to complete tasks of a sufficiently high level of complexity).
2. The principle of activity and freedom of self-expression of the child (putting the child in a position of self-control and self-expression).
3. The principle of sympathy and participation (an adult provides support himself and, without imposing, organizes it from peers).
The program is designed to work with children of preschool age.
Total number of classes: 16, twice a week.
Duration of each lesson: 20 - 30 minutes.
Classes are held: in the afternoon; group.
Number of children in the group: 8 people.

Lesson number 1: "The game is a competition."
Target: development of voluntary attention, the ability to navigate in space, visual, voluntary memory, visual perception, the ability to distribute and maintain attention, the ability to compare.
Equipment and material: tokens, the musical composition "The wind is blowing", a tape recorder, 10 cards with the image of objects, individual forms, a simple pencil, a poster "A boy and 5 portraits".
Lesson content.
1. Organizational moment.

2. The game "Do not yawn" (development of voluntary attention, the ability to navigate in space).
Children walk in a circle to the music. At the leader’s signal (“Don’t yawn!”), they must stop and turn 180 °, and then continue to move.
You have passed this test. Well done! And now the task of attention is even more difficult.
3. Game "Animals" (development of attention).
Children are invited to choose any animal (hare, wolf, fox, etc.). The host alternately names the animals. Hearing the name of his animal, the child should clap his hands.
And everyone passed this test. Congratulations, you will all take part in the competition.

Children are offered 10 picture cards, each of which depicts 1 subject. Children look at these cards for 2 minutes. Then the cards are removed, and the guys are asked to take the pictures that they remembered in a whisper to call the host. For each correct answer, the child receives a token. Whoever has the most tokens wins.

Each child is given a worksheet with pictures. Cross out the fish and circle the apples. Who has everything right - gets 2 tokens, who has mistakes - 1 token.
6. The game "Help me find a portrait" (development of visual perception, ability to compare).
Children are invited to carefully look at the boy and 5 portraits and answer which portrait belongs to this boy. The token is given to the first person to find the portrait.
7. Bottom line.

Lesson number 2: "Help Dunno."
Target: development of visual perception, attention (the ability to distribute attention, stability of attention), dexterity and the ability to compare.
Equipment and material: a letter from Dunno, individual forms, pencils and colored pencils, a ball.
Lesson content.
1. Organizational moment.
Guys, we received a letter from Dunno. He asks us to help him complete the tasks that the teacher gave him.
2. The game "Find the object" (development of visual perception, the ability to distribute attention).
Each child is given an individual form with drawings. Among 8 drawings, the child must find the same object as the standard. The task is limited in time, children are given 30 seconds to study the picture. After that, they must put a cross next to the correct picture.
3. The game "Labyrinth" (development of stability of attention).
Each child is given an individual form with drawings. We need to help the boy to go to kindergarten, and the girl to school.
4. Fizminutka (development of attention and dexterity).
It is explained to children that the ball can be caught only when, throwing it, they say: “Catch!”. A competition is organized for the most attentive.
5. The game "Find an object not like the others" (development of attention and ability to compare).
Each child is given an individual form with drawings. Among several objects, you need to find one that is not like the others and color it (the color of the child's choice).
6. Bottom line.
All forms are collected and sent to Dunno.

Lesson number 3: "School".
Target: development of verbal-logical memory, auditory and visual perception, attention (voluntary attention, attention stability).
Equipment and material: poster for the game "Find the Hidden Animals".
Lesson content.
1. Organizational moment.
I suggest you go to school today. Close your eyes and imagine that you are already schoolchildren, you need to go to school and study in the classroom. The first lesson "Development of speech."
2. Exercise "Reproduction of the story" (development of verbal-logical memory, auditory perception, speech).
Each child is told a story. Then they are asked to reproduce what they heard as close to the text as possible. If the child did not cope with the story, you should ask him questions.
After the lesson, the break begins. And during the breaks, children play different games. We will play too.
3. The game "Follow the rules" (to develop voluntary attention).
Option 1: the players in turn must make movements: 1st - clap your hands once, 2nd - clap your hands twice, 3rd - clap your hands once, etc.
Option 2: children make the following movements: 1st - squats and stands up, 2nd - claps his hands, 3rd - squats and stands up, etc.
The next lesson is "Singing".
4. Exercise "Singing together" (development of attention).
The host offers to sing some song familiar to all children and explains what to do in this case: one clap - start singing, two clap - continue to sing, but to yourself, mentally. One clap - again continue to sing out loud.
And again change.
5. The game "Find the hidden animals" (to develop visual perception and stability of attention).
You need to look carefully at the picture and find the animals hiding there.
6. Bottom line.
Here we are at the school. Now close your eyes and go back to kindergarten. Was it interesting at school? What was the most difficult task for you?

Lesson number 4: "Island of Attention".
Target: development of verbal-logical and voluntary memory, auditory and visual perception, attention (voluntary attention, attention stability), the ability to navigate in space.
Equipment and material: a letter from Professor Vverkh-Tormashkin, individual forms, pencils and colored pencils, album sheets, a musical composition “A Fantastic Journey on a Yacht”, a tape recorder.
Lesson content.
1. Organizational moment.
Guys, we received a letter again, but this time from Professor Vverkh-Tormashkin. Here is what he writes:
“Hello my little friend!
My name is Professor Vverkh-Tormashkin. I am engaged in the study of wildlife and very much want to undertake one risky sea expedition.
The fact is that quite recently I found in one old book a sea map, on which the island of Attention is indicated. It seems to me that amazing animals should live there, which simply need to be found and studied. And if you believe the inscription on the back of the map, then you can find a pirate treasure there!
All this is so interesting that I immediately began to prepare for an expedition, but here's the trouble: you see, I'm terribly absent-minded and if I set off on a journey without a true friend, I'll definitely get lost and never reach the island.
That is why I decided to write you a letter and invite you on an exciting journey to the island of Attention.
But I want to honestly warn you, my young friend: it will be a rather dangerous journey, full of surprises and mysterious coincidences. I hope that my knowledge and your observation, attention and ingenuity will certainly lead us to the destination of the trip - the island of Attention, where amazing animals live and pirate treasures are kept.
Can we help the professor? Then go!
1. The game "Map" (to develop the ability to focus, to keep attention on one object for the required amount of time).
Professor Vverkh-Tormashkin sent us a map of the island. Crosses on it mark safe places: lakes, clearings, paths. And zeroes are dangerous: swamps, predators, sharp rocks. Help him connect all the crosses in the route so as to bypass the zeros (a card for each child).
2. The game "Pack things up" (development of the distribution and stability of attention).
Professor Vverkh-Tormashkin always carries with him a lot of different medicines and potions in small jars - and now they are scattered everywhere! Circle all the jars to make it easier for him to find them (an individual sheet for each child).
3. The game "Find a ticket" (development of visual perception, stability of attention).
Everything, the fees are over, and we go straight to the ship. But, the professor, due to his absent-mindedness, confused the new tickets with the old ones. Find two identical tickets among the tickets and color them yellow (an individual sheet for each child).
4. Exercise "Repeat and draw" (development of verbal-logical and arbitrary memory; auditory perception).
Here we are on the ship, but in order to set sail, the captain suggested that we complete the following task: repeat the poem and draw what it says.
"The blue sea sparkles,
The seagull circles the sky.
The sun disperses the clouds
And the boat is running away.
5. Bottom line.
We have passed all the tests and we can hit the road!

Lesson number 5: "Island of Attention".
Target: development of arbitrary memory, visual perception, attention (voluntary attention, distribution and stability of attention), the ability to navigate in space.
Equipment and material: individual forms, a simple pencil, a poster for the game “Look and remember”, a treasure chest (toys from Kinder Surprises), a musical composition “A fantastic trip on a yacht”, a tape recorder.
Lesson content.
1. Organizational moment.
Today we will continue our journey with Professor Vverkh-Tormashkin. We close our eyes and imagine that we are on a yacht. We can already see the island. We have reached our destination.
2. The game "Find and count" (development of visual perception, distribution and stability of attention).
Very shy parrots live on Attention Island. And now they are all hiding in a tree. Help the professor find and count all the parrots (an individual sheet for each child).
In the plan of our trip there is also a pirate treasure chest. To get to them, you need to pass a series of tests. Here is the first test.
3. The game "Repeat the picture" (development of arbitrary memory, visual perception).
Children are given individual sheets. Look at the picture and remember how the objects are located on it. Turn the sheet over and draw all the shapes in the same sequence.
Well done! Here's another test.
4. The game "Look and remember" (development of arbitrary memory, visual perception).
The children are shown a picture. Consider and memorize the picture (memorization time 10 seconds). The picture is removed, the children are given individual cards, it is necessary to circle the objects that were in the picture.
Well done! And you passed this test! And here is the treasure chest (the presenter shows the chest, opens it with the children, takes out treasures (Kinder Surprise toys for each child).
5. Bottom line.
Here our journey is over! It's time to go home!
The game "Do not yawn!" (see lesson No. 1; the musical composition “A Fantastic Journey on a Yacht” is used); (development of voluntary attention, the ability to navigate in space).

Lesson number 6: "Game-competition."
Target: development of arbitrary memory, visual and auditory perception, attention (voluntary attention, distribution and stability of attention).
Equipment and material: tokens, plot pictures for the game "Scouts", geometric figures, plates with the image of objects from geometric shapes, individual forms, a simple pencil.
Lesson content.
1. Organizational moment.
Today we will have a competition. You will be given various tasks. Whoever completes these tasks correctly receives a token. Whoever has the most tokens at the end of the competition is the winner. And in order to complete all the tasks correctly, you need to be very careful. Now we will see who is the most attentive and who will take part in the competition.
2. The game "Forbidden movement" (development of voluntary attention, auditory perception).
Children repeat all the movements of the leader, except for one: when the “Hands up” command follows, they should be lowered down.

3. Game "Scouts" (development of concentration, stability of visual attention, observation).
Children are invited to consider a fairly complex plot picture and remember all the details. Then the facilitator turns the picture over and asks a few questions about it. Gradually more and more complex pictures are shown. For each correct answer, the child receives a token.
4. The game "Make a figure" (development of visual perception, arbitrary visual memory).
Children are given geometric figures (for each child). A plate with an image is displayed. It is necessary to make the same figure. For each correctly completed task, the child receives a token.
5. The game "Find objects" (development of visual perception, the ability to distribute and sustain attention).
Each child is given a worksheet with pictures. Cross out the balls and circle the cubes. Who has everything right - gets 2 tokens, who has mistakes - 1 token.
6. Bottom line.
The number of tokens is counted, the winner is determined.

Lesson number 7: "Play with Pinocchio."
Target: development of arbitrary memory, visual and auditory perception, attention (arbitrariness and stability of attention).
Equipment and material: toy "Pinocchio", pictures for the game "Find the differences", 10 picture cards for the game "Remember the pictures".
Lesson content.
1. Organizational moment.
Pinocchio came to visit us. He wants to play different games in his dreams. Here is the first game.
2. The game "Find the differences" (development of visual attention).
Children are shown 2 pictures. It is proposed to find 7 differences (3-4 pictures).
3. The game "Request" (development of auditory perception, stability of attention).
The host shows any exercises, but the children should only perform those before which the word “Request” sounds. The game is played out.
4. The game "Remember the pictures" (development of visual, arbitrary memory).
Children are offered 10 picture cards, each of which depicts 1 subject. Children look at these cards for 2 minutes. Then the cards are removed, and the guys are asked to name the pictures that they remember.
Then the task becomes more difficult. Children are invited to carefully look and remember the order in which the cards are located. Then the pictures are shuffled, the children must arrange them in the same order as they lay.
5. Bottom line.
Pinocchio says goodbye to the children and offers to play the farewell game "Forbidden Movement" (see Lesson No. 6); (development of voluntary attention, auditory perception).

Lesson number 8: "Game-competition."
Target: development of arbitrary memory, visual and auditory perception, attention (stability of visual attention).
Equipment and material: tokens, pictures for the game "Find the Differences", posters and split pictures for the game "Make a picture".
Lesson content.
1. Organizational moment.
Today we will have a competition. You will be given various tasks. Whoever completes these tasks correctly receives a token. Whoever has the most tokens at the end of the competition is the winner. And in order to complete all the tasks correctly, you need to be very careful. Now we will see who is the most attentive and who will take part in the competition.
2. The game "Request" (development of auditory perception, stability of attention).
The host shows any exercises, but the children should only perform those before which the word “Request” sounds.
You have passed this test. Well done! Congratulations, you will all take part in the competition.
3. The game "Find the differences" (development of visual attention).
Children are shown 2 pictures. It is proposed to find differences (3 - 4 pictures). For each correct answer, the child receives a token.
4. The game "Make a picture" (to develop visual perception, attention span, arbitrary memory).
Distribute the pictures to the children, cut into 6 - 7 parts. A reference picture is shown, which the children must remember, then it is removed. Each child must collect the same from the cut parts. For each correctly completed task, the child receives a token (6 cubes).
5. Bottom line.
The number of tokens is counted, the winner is determined.

Lesson number 9: "Forest school".
Target: development of visual perception and attention, coordination of auditory and motor analyzers, the ability to reason, compare, correlate the form with the sample, make elementary conclusions; strengthening the muscles of the hands, developing the coordination of movements of the fingers, the formation of the ability to control the movement of the hands by showing, presenting, verbal instructions.
Equipment and material: Fox toy, Gyenish blocks. Demonstration material for the exercise “Put the figures”, handout for the exercises “Find the patch”, “Scarves”, colored pencils, sticker prizes.
Lesson content.
1. Organizational moment.
Guys, guess who will come to visit us now.
Redhead, with a fluffy tail,
Lives in a hole under a bush.
The Fox appears and invites the children to play forest school.
2. Exercise "Put the figures" (Develop visual perception and attention, learn to correlate the form with the sample)
The first lesson in the forest school is designing.
The psychologist takes turns posting cards with drawn figures. Children lay out Gyenesh blocks according to the model.
3. Exercise "Four elements" (Develop attention, coordination of auditory and motor analyzers)
And now physical education.
Children stand in a circle and perform movements in accordance with the words: "earth" - hands down, "water" - hands forward, "air" - hands up, "fire" - rotation of the hands in the wrist and elbow joints. The pace of the exercise gradually accelerates.
4. Exercise "Find the patch" (Develop visual perception and attention)
And now needlework.
Children look at the painted rugs and select patches that will allow you to restore the pattern (draw a line with a pencil connecting the rug with the desired patch).
5. Finger gymnastics "Scratch" (Strengthen the muscles of the hands, develop coordination of the movements of the fingers, form the ability to control the movement of the hands by showing, presenting, verbal instructions)
Break in the forest school.
The psychologist gives the children instructions: “Now we will turn into cats. At the expense of “one”, you need to press your fingertips to the top of your palm, hissing like an angry cat: “Shhh!”. On the count of "two" - quickly straighten and spread your fingers, meowing like a contented kitty: "Meow!" Repeat several times.
6. Exercise "Scarves" (Learn to reason, compare, make elementary conclusions)
And now the drawing lesson.
The psychologist gives the children drawings of scarves, two colored pencils each, and formulates the task: “The Fox has two scarves - red and yellow. The long scarf is not yellow, and the short one is not red. Color the scarves properly."
7. Bottom line.
The fox praises all the children and gives everyone small prizes (stickers) for correctly completed tasks. He promises to come to the children for the next lesson.

Lesson number 10: "Forest school".
Target: development of the ability to find the right figure according to verbal instructions, classify objects according to given characteristics, work together according to a visual pattern; development of attention and visual-figurative thinking, auditory perception, coordination of movements, auditory and motor memory.
Equipment and material: Fox toy, Gyenish blocks, handout for the “Classification” exercise, demonstration material for the game “Colorful chains”, “Fables”, colored pencils, multi-colored flags.
Lesson content.
1. Organizational moment.
The fox comes to the children again and tells what classes are held in the forest school.
2. Exercise "Instructions" (Learn to find the right figure according to verbal instructions, develop auditory perception)
First, the fox checks which children are attentive.
The psychologist (on behalf of Lisa) gives the children an assignment: to find among the logical blocks all non-red, non-blue, non-circular, non-triangular, non-square, non-thick, small figures.
3. Exercise "Musicians" (Develop coordination of movements, auditory and motor memory)
And now there is a musical lesson in the forest school.
Children, together with a psychologist, pronounce poetic lines and perform movements in accordance with the text.
I play the violin
Tili-tili, tili-tili.
(Left hand - to the shoulder. With the right hand, they imitate the movements of the bow)
Bunnies jump on the lawn
Tili-tili, tili-tili.
(Tap fingertips on the table)
And now on the drum:
Boom boom, boom boom
Tram-tram, tram-tram.
(Vigorously strike the table with palms)
Bunny in fear
They ran through the bushes.
(Perform finger movements on the table, imitating running hares)
A change has come.
After completing the exercise, finger gymnastics “Scratch” is repeated (see Task No. 9).
4. Exercise "Fables" (Develop voluntary attention and visual-figurative thinking)
The psychologist shows the children confusing pictures and says: “Little Fox found out that the Fox was going to visit us and drew a picture for us. But he doesn't go to forest school yet, so he made a lot of mistakes. Please find all errors. Children look at the picture and take turns naming the mistakes.
5. Exercise "Classification" (Learn to classify objects according to given characteristics)
And now in the forest school drawing.
The psychologist distributes cards and asks to color the images of toys with a red pencil, items of clothing with a yellow pencil, and items of dishes with blue.
6. Bottom line. The game "Multi-colored chains" (Develop voluntary attention, learn to work together according to a visual pattern)
The fox praises the children for correctly completed tasks and plays a game with them before leaving.
The game involves five people. Each child receives a red, blue or yellow flag and faces the psychologist. Then the children should line up as shown on the card shown by the psychologist. The rest of the participants in the game - the judges - check the correctness of the task.

Lesson number 11: "The game is a competition."
Target: development of the ability to schematically depict objects with the help of sticks, the formation of the ability to abstract from minor details, highlighting the main feature of the object, the development of voluntary attention and auditory perception, short-term and long-term auditory memory, the improvement of graphomotor skills.
Equipment and material: handout for the exercises “Draw a picture with sticks”, “Copy points”, “Tracks”, counting sticks, noise orchestra instruments.
Lesson content.
1. Organizational moment.
Today we will have a competition. You will be given various tasks. Whoever completes these tasks correctly receives a token. Whoever has the most tokens at the end of the competition is the winner. Here is your first task.
2. Exercise "Draw a picture with sticks" (Learn to schematically depict objects with sticks. To form the ability to abstract from minor details, highlighting the main feature of an object)
The teacher distributes cards with a schematic representation of objects one by one (from simple to complex). Children lay out the forms with the help of counting sticks.
For each correct figure - a token.
3. Exercise "Copy points" (Develop voluntary attention)
The psychologist distributes empty tables and tables with dots - samples. Children must fill in the empty tables with dots in accordance with the samples.
For a correctly completed task - a token.
4. Exercise "Remember the words" (Develop short-term and long-term auditory memory)
The psychologist reads the words to the children (ball, hand, moon, sea, cat, watermelon, bull, water) and asks them to repeat those that they remember.

5. Exercise "Paths" (Develop fine motor skills of hands, improve graphomotor skills)
The psychologist distributes cards with images of tracks.
Children should draw a line with a pencil inside each track, without going beyond its borders.
For each correct task - a token.
6. The game "Remember your number" (Develop auditory memory, attention and auditory perception)
The psychologist distributes the instruments of the noise orchestra to the children. Each participant in the game is assigned a number that he must remember. Then the psychologist calls the number, and the child, whose number is called, knocks (waves) once with his musical instrument.
At first, the game is played at a slow pace, gradually the pace accelerates.
At the end of the game, the children remember the words that the psychologist read to them during the “Remember the words” exercise.
For each correct word - a token.
7. Bottom line.
The number of tokens is counted, the winner is determined, prizes are awarded.

Lesson number 12: "We are scouts."
Target: development of the ability to read instructions, to combine the signs expressed by conventional symbols into a single image of the figure to be found; development of logical thinking, coordination of movements, memory (auditory, short-term and long-term auditory), visual perception, attention, coherent speech.
Equipment and material: Gyenes blocks; handout for the exercises "Find a figure", "What is superfluous?", "House"; pictures for the game "Snowmen"; simple pencil.
Lesson content.
1. Organizational moment.
Today we will play the game "Scout". Who are the scouts, what do you think? (children's answers)
Not everyone can be a scout. Now we will find out which of us can become a scout.
2. Exercise "Find the figure" (learn to read the instructions, combine the signs expressed by conventional symbols into a single image of the figure to be found).
Any scout can read an encrypted mission. We will now practice this skill.
Before starting work, the psychologist, together with the children, repeats the symbols for the signs of Gyenes blocks (color spots - the color of the block, houses of different sizes - size, images of little men - thickness).
You need everyone to read your encrypted letter and find the item that is indicated in your encryption. (Each child is given a card with symbols. Children find the necessary figures in a box with Gyenish blocks and all together check the correctness of the choice).
3. The game "What is superfluous?" (to develop logical thinking by eliminating an extra picture).
Each scout must be attentive in order to notice what he needs. We will now check which of you is attentive. I will give you picture cards now. You must carefully consider your card yourself and cross out the picture that is superfluous (after finishing work, everyone checks the correctness of the choice together).
4. The game "Two claps" (to develop coordination of movements and auditory memory).
All scouts must play sports to be strong. Let's do a little exercise with you. Children, together with a psychologist, form a circle on the carpet and perform movements, pronouncing poetic lines.
Two claps over the head
Two claps in front of you
Hide two hands behind your back
And we will jump on two legs.
5. Exercise "Snowmen" (to develop visual perception, attention, coherent speech).
And now you, as real scouts, will have a special task. The psychologist hangs up a picture of two snowmen. Children examine them, compare them and say in turn how they differ from each other.
6. The game "Remember the words" (to develop short-term and long-term auditory memory and thinking).
Any scout must have a good memory, as he must memorize a lot of different information. Let's check how you can memorize and play the game "Memorize words".
The psychologist reads the words, then asks to repeat them (nose, ear, forehead, bus, mouth, eyes, train, cheek). Children take turns saying one word at a time. Then they should name the groups into which these concepts can be divided.
7. Exercise "House" (to develop perception, to teach the mental connection of parts of an object into a single whole).
Here's another task for you.
The psychologist gives each child a card. Children circle the figures that make up the house with a pencil.
8. Bottom line.
At the end of the lesson, the psychologist invites the children to remember the words that he read to them.

Lesson number 13: "Games with the Bunny."
Target: development of voluntary attention, logical and auditory memory, fine motor skills of the hand, sensorimotor coordination; the formation of the ability to classify concepts, the development of verbal-logical thinking and coherent speech; the formation in children of the ability to negotiate, help each other during the game.
Equipment and material: soft toy of a hare, equipment for the game "Bambaleo".
Lesson content.
1. Organizational moment - the game "Clap your hands" (to develop voluntary attention and auditory memory)
We have a guest coming to visit today. In the meantime, we are waiting for him, let's play the game "Clap your hands" with you.
The psychologist reads the words and asks the children to clap their hands if they hear the name of a wild animal (watermelon, lion, shoe, cat, water, thunder, tiger, dog, tree, hare, autumn, monkey, magazine, raccoon, tooth, cow , iris, ball, moon, elephant, mimosa, flour, horse, leg, scissors, squirrel, folder, mouth, pig, giraffe).
Then he proposes to list the names of these animals.
Here we are playing a game. What do you think, which of the wild animals will come to visit you today? This riddle will help you. Guess who it is.
A ball of fluff, a long ear.
Jumps deftly, loves carrots.
The psychologist shows a soft toy hare.
2. The game "Pairs of words" (to develop logical and auditory memory)
Bunny wants to play with you.
The psychologist reads pairs of words between which there are semantic connections. Then he reads the first word of each pair, and the children take turns remembering the second word (pit-shovel, brush - paints, pear - vase, son - skates, birch - mushroom, candy - friend).
3. Finger game "Bunny-ring" (to develop attention, fine motor skills of hands, sensorimotor coordination)
Guys, our bunny knows another interesting game.
Children, together with a psychologist, form a circle and perform movements, pronouncing poetic lines.
The hare jumped from the porch
And found a ring in the grass.
(Hands are clenched into fists, index and middle fingers spread apart.)
And the ring is not simple -
Shines like gold.
(The thumb and index fingers are connected in a ring, the remaining fingers are spread apart.)
After the game, the exercise "Two Claps" is repeated.
4. The game "Extra word" (learn to classify concepts, develop verbal-logical thinking and coherent speech)
And now the bunny wants to ask you to help him solve a difficult problem that his teacher asked him in the forest school.
The psychologist asks to choose from three words superfluous (taking into account the selected feature) and explain your choice. Children take turns answering.
Color: cucumber, carrot, grass.
Shape: watermelon, ball, sofa.
Size: house, pencil, spoon.
Material: album, notebook, pen.
Taste: cake, herring, ice cream.
Weight: meat grinder, feather, dumbbell.
5. The game "Bambaleo" (to teach children to negotiate, help each other during the game, develop thinking)
Our bunny knows another very interesting game.
On an unstable plate, children take turns placing first light, then heavy figures so that the plate does not turn over.
8. Bottom line.
So our lesson has come to an end, let's thank the bunny for teaching us how to play various interesting games.

Lesson number 14: "Visiting the Hare."
Target: development of combinatorial and verbal-logical thinking, visual perception and voluntary attention, sensorimotor coordination of movements, auditory and motor memory, fine motor skills of hands.
Equipment and material: toy hare, Gyenish blocks, handout for the exercise “Houses”, “Copy by dots”, pencils, mini-maze game.
Lesson content.
1. Organizational moment.
Who was our guest at the last lesson?
Today the bunny invited us to visit him. To get to his house you need to solve not a simple problem. You are ready?
2. Exercise "Houses" (Develop combinatorial thinking, visual perception and attention)
The psychologist gives each child a picture of a house. Children must mentally combine the two signs of Gyenesh blocks and lay out the necessary blocks on free “apartments”. After completing the task, the children change houses.
3. Exercise "Old duck". (Develop motor coordination, auditory and motor memory)
Here we are visiting the bunny. And he wants to teach us how to play a new game.
The psychologist and children read the poem and perform movements corresponding to the text.
The old duck went to the market
I bought a basket for my first son,
I bought pants for my second son,
The third chick got a lollipop
I bought a comb for the fourth child.
After completing the exercise, the exercise “Two Claps” and the finger game “Ring Bunny” are repeated (see Lesson No. 13).
4. Exercise "Part - whole" (Develop verbal-logical thinking)
And here's another one interesting game in which the bunny will play with you.
A psychologist (on behalf of a hare), referring to each child, names an object that is part of something (door, dial, fin, branch, stem, head, sleeve, step, leg, handle). Children name the whole.
5. Exercise "Copy by dots" (Develop fine motor skills of hands, voluntary attention)
It's time for the kids to go back. Let's thank the bunny for playing with us and draw and give him drawings.
The psychologist gives a worksheet to each child. Children copy drawings point by point. The psychologist checks the correctness of the exercise.
6. Bottom line. Exercise "Mini-maze" (Develop sensorimotor coordination)
Children give their drawings to the hare.
To get out of the hare's house, you need to go through the labyrinth.
Each child takes a mini-maze with both hands and moves the ball inside the maze so that it does not fall out.

Lesson number 15: "Let's help the Wolf."
Target: development of auditory perception, voluntary attention, creative imagination, logical and creative thinking, coordination of movements, auditory and motor memory, visual-spatial orientation, fine motor skills; formation of the ability to understand the instruction, keep it in memory and look for figures (blocks) in accordance with it.
Equipment and material: a letter from the Wolf, Gyenish blocks, handouts for the exercises “Logic pairs”, “Unfinished picture”, “Go through the maze”, pencils and colored pencils, noise orchestra instruments.
Lesson content.
1. Organizational moment.
Children, we received a letter in kindergarten, but you can guess who wrote it to us now.
Again he runs on the trail,
Looking for something for dinner.
Knows a lot about piglets
Gray and toothy...
The wolf writes in his letter that he studies at the forest school, but Aunt Owl gives her students such difficult tasks. Let's help the Wolf complete them so that he can get a good mark.
2. Exercise "Show the figure" (Develop auditory perception, attention, learn to understand the instruction, keep it in memory and look for figures (blocks) in accordance with it)
In front of each child is a box with Gyenes blocks. The psychologist asks to find a red big thin triangle; yellow small thick circle, etc.
Children find blocks and show them.
2. Exercise "Logical pairs" (Develop logical thinking)
The psychologist distributes worksheets with the task to each child. Children connect objects with lines that are logically related to each other. Then each child explains their choice.
3. Exercise "Unfinished picture" (Develop creative thinking and imagination).
The psychologist gives each child a drawing with an element of the picture.
Children, using colored pencils, draw this element to the whole image. Then they come up with a name for their drawing.
4. Fizminutka "House" (Develop coordination of movements, auditory and motor memory)
And now let's have a little rest with you and spend a physical minute like in a real school.
Children, together with a psychologist, perform movements, pronouncing poetic lines.
Under the mushroom - a hut-house,
(Join fingers together)
A funny gnome lives there.
We'll knock softly
(Banging the fist of one hand on the palm of the other)
Let's ring the bell.
(Imitate movement)
The gnome will open the door for us,
Will call in a hut-house.
(They call, imitating movement)
Wooden floor in the house
(They lower their palms down, press one to the other with ribs)
And on it is an oak table.
(The left hand is clenched into a fist, the palm of the right hand is placed on top of the fist)
Nearby is a chair with a high back.
(They point the left palm vertically upwards, put the fist of the right hand to its lower part)
On the table is a plate with a fork.
(Hands lie on the table: left - palm up; index and middle fingers of the right hand are extended, the remaining fingers are clenched into a fist)
And pancakes lie in a mountain -
Treat for the kids.
After completing the exercise, the exercises “Old duck” and “Two claps” are repeated (see Lessons No. 13; 14).
5. Exercise "Yes or no?" (Develop voluntary attention and auditory perception)
The psychologist reads the sentences. If the children agree with these statements, they clap their hands (yes), if they do not agree, their hands are on the table (no).
- Meat grinder grind meat.
- They cut a tree with an axe.
- It's cold in winter.
- The newspaper can be made of plastic.
- Donkey can talk.
- Water flows from the stone.
- The roof is made of straw.
- Blue tomato.
- The wheel is square.
- Sausage is made of meat.
6. Exercise "Go through the maze" (Develop visual-spatial orientation, attention, fine motor skills of the hands)
The psychologist distributes worksheets with the task to each child. Children are looking at the labyrinth, looking for a path that will lead travelers to the forest. Then mark the path with a simple pencil.
7. The game "Remember your animal" (Develop auditory memory, attention and auditory perception)
Children are given the instruments of a noise orchestra. Each child names an animal. Then the psychologist names the animals. The child whose animal is named swings his instrument once. The pace of the game gradually increases.
8. Bottom line.
This is where our lesson comes to an end. We helped the wolf complete all the tasks. Now he will know how to answer Aunt Owl's questions correctly.

Lesson number 16: "Let's help Pinocchio."
Target: development of visual-spatial orientation, visual-figurative and logical thinking, voluntary attention, coordination of movements, auditory and motor memory; the formation of the ability to concentrate and distribute attention, analyze, synthesize and combine, understand the schematic representation of a person's posture.
Equipment and material: Pinocchio toy, Nikitin's cubes "Fold the pattern", demonstration material for the exercises "Make a picture", "Fables", "Freeze", handout for the exercise "Machines", colored pencils.
Lesson content.
1. Organizational moment.
Pinocchio comes to visit and asks the children to help him complete homework, which was asked by Malvina.
2. Exercise "Make a picture" (Develop visual-spatial orientation, voluntary attention, learn to analyze, synthesize and combine)
Malvina asked Pinocchio to make such a pattern from the cubes as in the picture, but he cannot. Shall we teach him?
The psychologist gives each child 4 cubes from the "Fold the pattern" set. Then he hangs out samples of three pictures in turn, which the children will have to add up.
3. Exercise "Fables" (Develop visual-figurative thinking and voluntary attention)
Pinocchio drew a drawing, but Malvina said that it was wrong. Why?
The psychologist puts up a picture. Children examine it and take turns calling all the inconsistencies.
4. Exercise "At the deer" (Develop coordination of movements, auditory and motor memory)
Children, but Pinocchio learned something. And now he will teach us to play one game.
Children, together with a psychologist, stand on the carpet and perform movements, pronouncing poetic lines.
At the deer
(Hands depict horns)
(Hands represent a roof over the head)
(Spread their arms to the sides, showing how big the house is)
He looks out his window
(Bend one arm horizontally at chest level. Put the elbow of the other hand on it, prop the head with the palm of your hand)
Bunny runs through the forest
(Run in place)
There is a knock on his door:
Knock knock, open the door!
(Imitate knocking on the door)
There in the forest
(A fist with a bent thumb is waved over the shoulder, pointing back)
Evil hunter!
(Imitate aiming a gun)
- Run faster
(Imitate door opening)
Give me a paw!
(Hold out hand for a handshake)
And we also know a lot of different games. Let's teach Pinocchio to play them.
After completing the exercise, the exercises “Old duck”, “Two claps”, “House” are repeated (see Lessons No. 13; 14, 15).
5. Exercise "Machines" (Develop logical thinking)
And here is another problem that smart Malvina asked.
The psychologist gives each child a picture: “Pinocchio has two cars: red and blue. Freight - not red. What color is the car? Color the cars the right way.
6. Bottom line. Exercise "Freeze" (Learn to understand a schematic representation of a person's posture)
You helped Pinocchio complete all of Malvina's tasks. And for this he will play one more game with you.
The psychologist explains the rules to the children: “Everyone should run around the room, and at the command of the host, “One, two, three, freeze!” stop and take the pose shown on the card (shows one of the cards with a schematic representation of a person). Those who take the wrong posture are out of the game.”
At the end of the game, one or two children remain, who are considered winners.
Pinocchio says goodbye to the children and leaves.

III. Program provision
3. 1. List of main literature
1. Govorova R., Dyachenko O. Games and exercises for the development of mental abilities in children // Preschool education. 1988. No. 1. p. 23-31.
2. Govorova R., Dyachenko O. Games and exercises for the development of mental abilities in children // Preschool education. 1988. No. 4. p. 29-33.
3. Pisarenko P. V. Soon to school. Attention. - Donetsk: VEKO, 2006.
4. Tikhomirova L. F. Cognitive abilities. Children 5 - 7 years old. - Yaroslavl: Academy of Development, 2001.
5. Fomina L. V. Educational activities in kindergarten. - Yaroslavl: Academy of Development, 2008.

3. 2. List of additional literature
1. Bashkirova N. Tests and exercises to prepare children for school. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2010.
2. Wenger L. A. Games and exercises for the development of mental abilities in preschool children. – M.: Enlightenment, 1989.
3. Gatanova N. V., Tunina E. G. The program for the development and education of a preschooler: Tests for children aged 5–6 years. - St. Petersburg: Neva Publishing House, 2004.
4. Gutkina N. I. Psychological readiness for school. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2007.
5. Kryazheva N. L. Is the child ready for school? - Yaroslavl: Academy of Development, 1999.

Municipal budgetary educational institution of the city of Novosibirsk "Secondary school No. 000"


at a school meeting

methodological council


Working programm

Individual and group lessons on the development of cognitive processes in children with handicapped health

Novosibirsk city



The development of cognitive functions is a traditional area of ​​work for a psychologist at school. It involves the stimulation of cognitive activity as a means of forming a sustainable cognitive motivation; development of attention (stability, concentration, increase in volume, switching, self-control, etc.); memory development (expansion of volume, stability, formation of memorization techniques, development of semantic memory); development of perception (spatial, auditory), spatial and temporal representations, sensorimotor coordination; formation mental activity: stimulation of mental activity, the formation of mental operations (analysis, comparison, generalization, identification of essential features and patterns), development of elementary inferential thinking and flexibility of thought processes.

Classes are conducted by a psychologist according to a plan drawn up in accordance with the program for the individual development of the child, developed by PMPk educational institution. An important condition for lesson planning is the implementation of the principles of complex influence on a number of higher mental functions with the allocation, at the same time, of the dominant objects of influence that change as cognitive activity and its self-regulation develop in children with disabilities.

The main goal of the program implementation: correction and development of the cognitive sphere of students with disabilities.


    psychological study of the child's readiness for school; creation of conditions for the formation of components of the psychological readiness of children for school; development of intellectual abilities (thinking); development of memory, attention, imagination; development of cognitive activity; development of fine and gross motor skills; form the internal position of the student; creation in the classroom of conditions for building a system of educational cooperation - is achieved through the use of tasks of different quality in group work for joint activities and reflection of its results

Program Structure

This program is designed to work with children with disabilities within the framework of an educational institution.

Diagnostic stage

1. Group lessons.

2. Individual work.

Includes initial (at the beginning of the year) and control (at the end of the year) diagnostics of cognitive processes.

3. Work with parents, educators.

· Involving parents in creating conditions in the family that contribute to the most complete assimilation of knowledge, skills and abilities acquired by children in the classroom, and their implementation in everyday life;

· Educational work with parents and educators in the form of consultations, speeches at parent-teacher meetings.

Program scope calculated for 9 months. A total of 16 classes with a frequency of meetings - 1 time per week. The duration of one lesson is from 25 to 30 minutes.


Purpose: Acquaintance of a psychologist with children, children with a psychologist, children with each other. Development of the skill of working in pairs. The development of memory, attention.

Lesson progress:

1. Greeting ritual:

Goal: getting to know each other, developing the ability to listen to each other.

Move: The psychologist chooses an object (toy), shows it to the children and says that this object will be a symbol of our group, it will help us in everything. It is recommended that the children sit in a circle. The psychologist holds the object and tells the children about himself, then passes the symbol to the child sitting next to him, he also tells everything he sees fit about himself, and so on in a circle. When the acquaintance is over, the children, together with the psychologist, choose the place where their symbol will be located.

Then everyone agrees that before starting the lesson, they will take each other's hands in a circle, and in the center there is a symbol. And everyone in turn wishes everyone something good. This will be the greeting ritual in all classes.

2. "Four elements"

Purpose: to develop attention related to the coordination of the auditory apparatus.

Move: The players sit in a circle, the leader negotiates with them, if he says the word "earth", everyone should put their hands down, if the word "water" - hands forward, "air" - hands up, "fire" - rotation of the hands in the elbows joints. Whoever makes a mistake leaves the circle. All children applaud the winner.

3. "Remember the order"

Purpose: development of memory.

Move: The psychologist shows 6-7 colored pencils in his hand. After 20 seconds, removing them, asks the sequence of their location.

4. "Parrot"

Purpose: development of the skill of working in pairs, the ability to work according to the model, the development of attention, memory, to learn to understand another person.

Move: The psychologist demonstrates an exercise with one of the guys. He asks the child, for example, to name any time of the day, to talk about the events of the summer, about himself. The psychologist plays the role of a parrot, trying to pick up the intonation of the child, to repeat his voice. Children break into pairs, play, reflecting facial expressions, gestures, carefully watching their partner.

5. The result of the lesson:

What did we do today?

What did you like the most?

6. "Ritual of farewell"

Children, together with a psychologist, sit in a circle and, passing the symbol to each other, say goodbye to everyone.


Purpose: formation of a positive attitude towards school. Development of the skill of working in pairs, groups. Education of observation.

Lesson progress:

1. "The Ritual of Greeting"

2. "Mood in color"

Purpose: development of imagination, emotional attitude of the child to work.

3. "Running associations"

Goal: formation of a positive attitude towards school "

Course: Children are divided into 2 groups. The psychologist asks the question: “What words come to mind when I say the word school?

Each group is responsible. Then the children talk. In the discussion, there is a search for interesting, pleasant, not only gaming, but also educational moments in the concept of "school".

4. "Image of objects"

Goal: education of observation, development of imagination, the ability to see another.

Stroke: The child depicts an object with facial expressions, gestures, the rest of the children guess it. Who guessed it - becomes the leader.

Purpose: To give children the opportunity to relax. Learning to follow instructions.

Take your seats:

Everyone raised their hands to the top.

Sit down, get up, sit down, get up

And then they took off running

Like my bouncy ball.

6. "Mirror"

Goal: developing the skill of working in pairs

Move: Children are divided into pairs. They stand face to face, look at each other and repeat the movements.

7. The result of the lesson.

8. Ritual of farewell.


Purpose: to acquaint children with the inconsistency of phenomena through the concept of "good bad".

Lesson progress:

1. "The Ritual of Greeting"

2. “Help the rain find out if he is good or bad?”

There was rain. Once he was bored in a cloud and suddenly he heard someone calling him from the earth: “Help me, good rain, pour me!” The rain came down to the ground and realized that a grain was calling him from under the ground. The rain poured down on it and a tree grew. "Thank you, good rain!" the tree said. "Thank you, good rain!" the tree said. The rain jumped from pleasure over the bushes and ... doused the bird. The bird cried: “Bad rain: wet all my feathers, now I can’t fly up, the fox will catch me!” The rain got upset, went without looking at the road, and ended up in a swamp. And there the frogs were very happy with him: “Hello, good rain! Help us! We have been waiting for you for a long time - the swamp dries up completely. He let the rain fall with all his strength and wet the girl. The girl got angry: “Bad rain! Soiled my new dress, and the bow got wet and became ugly! The rain was frightened, he wanted to hide on a cloud, but he heard the boy call him: “Hey, good rain! Fields longer and stronger - I need to let the boats in the puddles! It started raining again.

And in the evening he returned to the cloud and thought: “Am I good or bad?” What do you guys think?

Offer to draw one of the episodes of the story. Encourage the personification of rain.

3. Discussion of drawings, summing up the lesson.

4. Ritual of farewell.


Purpose: development of memory, thinking, skill of joint activity.

Lesson progress:

1. "The Ritual of Greeting"

2. "Pairs of words"

The goal is the development of memory. Learning to memorize by association.

Stroke: Children need to remember the second words from a pair of words: cat - milk, bun - butter, boy - car, winter - mountain, table - pie, teeth - brush, river - bridge.

Then the psychologist says the first word of the pair, and the children the second word. The psychologist explains how it is easier to remember if you establish the relationship between words.

3. Physical education "Humpty Dumpty"

Purpose: development of memory, the skill of working according to the model.

Stroke: Children turn their torso to the right, to the left, their arms dangle freely like a rag doll’s words “fell down in a dream” sharply tilt the body down.

The psychologist sets an example, the children repeat.

"Humpty Dumpty

sitting on the wall

Humpty Dumpty

Fell off in a dream"

4. "Collect a picture"

Purpose: development of thinking.

Course: Each child is given details from a cut picture. Children collect, a psychologist helps if necessary.

The second task is more difficult. You can add an element of competition. It is possible to collect pictures together.

5. "Confusion"

Purpose: development of the skill of joint activity.

Move: The leader is selected. He leaves the room. The rest of the children join hands in a circle, without unclenching their hands, they begin to get confused - who knows how. When confusion has formed, the driver “untangles” without unclasping the children.

6. The result of the lesson.

7. Ritual of farewell.


Purpose: Development of communication skills, imagination, attention.

Lesson progress:

1. "The ritual of greeting."

2. "Search non-stop."

Purpose: development of attention.

Move: Within 10-15 sec. See around you as many objects of the same color (size, shape) as possible.

3. "Magic egg".

Purpose: development of imagination.

Progress: each child is given a template in the form of an egg, which is circled on a piece of paper. Then the children are invited to complete the oval, so that a new object is obtained. At the end of the lesson, you can organize an exhibition of drawings.

If you invite the child to finish drawing several ovals, so that different objects are obtained, this will contribute to the development of flexibility and fluency of thinking.

4. "Little Monkeys"

Purpose: development of attention, communication skills.

Move: each of the children standing in a row (3-6 people) takes some kind of pose. One of the players, after looking at them for 40-50 seconds, copies the pose of each, and the rest stand calmly.

5. "It happens - it doesn't happen"

Purpose: development of imagination, attention.

Move: The psychologist says sentences. If this happens, the children clap their hands; if this does not happen, they stomp their feet.

“The wolf roams the forest. The wolf sits on a tree. A cup is boiling in a saucepan. The cat is walking on the roof. The dog swims in the sky. The girl caresses the dog. The house is drawing a girl.

6. "Beep".

7. The result of the lesson.

8. "Ritual of farewell."


Purpose: development of attention.

Lesson progress:

1. "The ritual of greeting."

2. "Dunno tales."

Dunno made up stories, but, as usual, he mixed everything up in them. When he began to tell his stories to his friends, everyone laughed out loud and said that this does not happen. Try to guess what Dunno got confused.

In summer, girls and boys put on warm hats, warm boots, fur coats and go sledding.

In spring, all animals prepare for a long hibernation.

In autumn, bright green leaves bloom on the trees.

In winter, we love to swim and sunbathe, admire the flowers and pick berries.

3. "Flower - seven-flower"

The psychologist draws a flower with seven petals: red, yellow, blue, pink, brown, blue, orange. The center of the flower is green. Children are invited to remember this flower and draw exactly the same.

4. "Inattentive gardener"

The gardener decided to plant new fruit trees in the garden, but he was very inattentive and bought 2 extra bags of seeds from the market. Help the gardener find extra bags if they say: "Apple", "Pear", "Cherry", "Rose", "Plum", "Birch", "Peach".

5. "Engine with clowns"

All children turn into a "train" in which "clowns" ride. "Clowns" love to play, have fun, jump, so the "train" at the signal of an adult (beep) stops, the "carriages" go in different directions, the children fall. The main task is to be attentive to the surrounding children when falling, try not to hurt them. After the "train" is repaired, the game continues.

6. "Flies - does not fly."

Children sit or become a semicircle. The psychologist names objects. If the object flies, the children raise their hands. If it does not fly, the children's hands are lowered. A psychologist can deliberately make mistakes, for many guys their hands will involuntarily, by virtue of imitation, will rise. It is necessary to hold back in a timely manner and not raise your hands when a non-flying object is named.

7. The result of the lesson.

8. "Ritual of farewell."


Purpose: development of thinking.

Lesson progress:

1. "The ritual of greeting."

2. "Cut pictures"(folding a picture from its parts)

Any postcard is taken (it is better to use an image of the inanimate world) and cut into two equal parts. The child is asked to compose it. The other into four parts and so on. Performing the task, the child focuses on the picture depicted on the postcard.

3. "Come up with a riddle."

The logic of inventing riddles is difficult for preschoolers, so you should start with external signs of surrounding objects. For example: “Big, round, striped, and red inside” (watermelon). Then added functional signs: “Noisy, grumbles, swallows, cleans everything at home” (vacuum cleaner).

4. "What is extra?"

The psychologist names three (later four) subjects, one of which does not fit this classification. For example: cucumber, apple, tomato (vegetables - fruits); chair, table, wardrobe, dress (furniture - clothes). The child highlights the “extra” object and explains his choice. It is good to use visual support in this game - pictures and objects.

5. Pantomime.

I am an indoor flower in kindergarten. I feel good when they water me, loosen the ground, wash the leaves. I don't like it when guys scream loudly. I'm bored when the guys go home and I'm left alone.

Express joy, pleasure, boredom, irritation with body and facial expressions.

6. The result of the lesson.

7 "The Ritual of Farewell".


Purpose: development of memory.

Lesson progress:

1. "The ritual of greeting."

2. "Phone"

The game involves at least three players. The verbal message is passed to each other until it returns to the first player. The message can consist of one word, gradually turning into a long sentence.

3 "Stories from pictures"

The child is asked to write a story based on the picture. Funny stories are used, you can from comics.

4. "Stories from memory"

The child is asked to retell a recently watched cartoon.

5. "Words"

Children take turns calling words, where the last letter of the previous word is the beginning of the next. For example: "watermelon-umbrella-trolley bus ..."

6. The result of the lesson.

7 "The Ritual of Farewell".


Purpose: Development of students' speech, phonemic hearing.

Lesson progress:

1. "The ritual of greeting."

2. "Half a word is yours."

Stroke: The psychologist pronounces the beginning of the word, the children finish the word. Words can be selected on certain topics. Work can be carried out in pairs and frontally.

3. "Describe the subject"

Purpose: Acquaintance with the concepts of "properties and signs of objects", the formation of the ability to guess an object by its signs.

Progress: the psychologist conceives the subject, the children ask leading questions, trying to guess what they have planned by the signs.

4. "I know"

Goals: Development of children's speech, replenishment vocabulary development of observation and attention.

Move: children, using the ball, pronounce the following text, rhythmically hitting the ball on the floor:

I know five boys' names:

Sasha - time

Dima - two,

Igor - three,

Denis - four,

5 "Guess what you showed" (pantomime)

Purpose: To develop attention, observation, speech, patience.

Move: The person who wishes depicts an object (living or inanimate) without uttering any sounds. The rest try to guess what is being depicted.

6 "Compose a fairy tale about the subject."

Purpose: Speech development, vocabulary replenishment.

Action: The psychologist and the children choose any object and try to write together a fairy tale about the adventures of this object.

7 "Day - Night"

Goal: Development of speech, the ability to focus on finding the necessary concept.

Stroke: The psychologist calls the word, the children - the opposite in meaning: “Day - night, sweet - sour”, etc.

8 Summary of the lesson.

9 "The Ritual of Farewell".


Purpose: development of imagination

Lesson progress:

1. "The ritual of greeting."

2. "What kind of dog is there?"

You can ask the child to imagine a dog and tell as much as possible about it: what kind of hair it has, what it likes to eat, what shape its tail and ears have, what character it has, etc.

3. "Draw according to the description."

The psychologist reads the text: “There was a white house. Its roof is triangular. The big window is red and the small one is yellow. The door is brown. The text should be read again at a slow pace, one sentence at a time. Children at this time with their eyes closed should imagine this house, and then draw it.

4. "Desires"

Imagine, we have a real magician in our group. He says that he can fulfill any 5 wishes for everyone. What would you ask him? This old man is very wise. He can answer any questions. What would you ask him?

5. Summary of the lesson.

6. Ritual of farewell.


Purpose: development of motor-motor attention.

Lesson progress:

1. "The ritual of greeting."

2. "Correction test".

Purpose: teaching the ability to concentrate, volume, switching, stability of attention.

Children are invited to arrange icons on a special form, as in the sample. The psychologist records the time spent on the task and the number of errors.

3. "Who flies?" The psychologist says the words. If he names a flying object, the child answers "flies" and pretends to flap his wings. If a non-flying object is named, then the child is silent and does not raise his hand.

4. "Edible - inedible" Depending on the named object (it is edible or not), the child must catch or beat off the ball thrown to him by the psychologist.

5. "Ear - nose" The child listens to the command: "Ear" and touches the ear. "Nose" - touches the nose. The psychologist first performs the task together with the child, then deliberately makes mistakes. The child must be careful and not make a mistake.

5. Summary of the lesson.

6. Ritual of farewell.


Purpose: development of thinking.

Lesson progress:

1. "The ritual of greeting."

2. "Put it in order"

Ready-made series of plot sequential pictures are used. The child is given pictures and asked to look at them. They explain that the pictures should be arranged in the order in which events unfold. In conclusion, the child writes a story from the pictures.

3. "Guessing Fables" The psychologist talks about something, including several fables in his story. The child must notice and explain why this does not happen.

Example: Here's what I want to tell you. Yesterday, I was walking along the road, the sun was shining, it was dark, the blue leaves were rustling under my feet. And suddenly a dog jumps out from around the corner, how it growls at me: "Ku-ka-re-ku!" - and the horns have already set. I got scared and ran away. Would you be scared?

I am walking through the woods yesterday. Cars drive around, traffic lights flash. Suddenly I see a mushroom. It grows on a branch. He hid among the green leaves. I jumped up and tore it off.

I came to the river. I look - a fish sits on the shore, crosses its legs and chews sausage. I approached, and she jumped into the water - and swam away.

4. "Ridiculous"
Offer the children drawings that contain any contradictions, inconsistencies, violations in the behavior of the characters. Ask the child to find errors and inaccuracies and explain his answer. Ask how it really is.

5. Fizminutka "Roly-Vstanka"

Purpose: To give children the opportunity to relax. Learning how to act


Move: Rest is our physical education minute

Take your seats:

Once - sat down, two - got up.

Everyone raised their hands to the top.

Sit down, get up, sit down, get up

As if they became a roly-poly,

And then they took off running

Like my bouncy ball.

6. The result of the lesson.

7. Ritual of farewell.


Purpose: development of memory.

Lesson progress:

1. "The ritual of greeting."

2. "Chain of actions" The child is offered a chain of actions that must be performed sequentially. For example: "Go to the closet, take a book to read, put it in the middle of the table.

3. Sketches

Purpose: teaching techniques that help memorization.

Invite each word to draw a picture that would help the children later remember the words.

The same can be done when memorizing phrases. The child himself chooses what and how he will draw. The main thing is that it helps him then remember what he read.

For example, say seven phrases.
The boy is cold.
The girl is crying.
Dad is angry.
Grandma is resting.
Mom is reading.
Children are walking.
Time to sleep.

For each phrase, the child makes a drawing (diagram). After that, invite him to accurately reproduce all the phrases. If there are difficulties, you can help with a hint.

If a child remembers 6-7 phrases - very good.

4. "Retelling".

To draw the attention of the children to the fact that if the child cannot retell the text, the psychologist reads the story again, but asks the children to pay attention to certain specific details. "What is this story about?" The psychologist connects what is read with what is familiar to the child, or with some similar story, compares these stories (what are the similarities and differences). Answering questions, the child thinks, generalizes, compares, expresses his thoughts in speech, and is active.

Such a conversation significantly activates the memory and thinking of the child.

5. "Beep".

Purpose: disclosure of group relations, communication skills.

Move: Children sit on chairs. The person who enters with his eyes closed walks in a circle, sits on his knees with the children and guesses on whom he sits. If you guessed correctly, then who was named, says "Beep".

6. The result of the lesson.

7. "Ritual of farewell."


Purpose: development of logical thinking, speed of reaction.
Lesson progress:

1. "The ritual of greeting."

2. "Mood in color"

Purpose: tracking the emotional state of children. Psychological support.

Course: Children are invited to paint their mood on a piece of paper. Then the psychologist offers to support those who are in a bad mood. Children do this with a symbol in their hands.

3. "Seasons".

The psychologist shows the children large paintings depicting the seasons. In turn, the children approach the psychologist and take a card from a stack of small pictures (rain, snowflakes, a rainbow, flowers, mushrooms, twigs without leaves, buds, green and yellow leaves; a bird's nest with eggs, chicks, pictures of different clothes), and determine What time of year does the card belong to?

4. "I am the moon and you are the star."
All children, except for one, sit on chairs in a circle. There are three chairs in the middle, one of them is sitting on one of the children. He says, for example: "I'm the fire brigade!". One of the children, who first comes up with something suitable, sits next to a free chair and says: "I am a hose." Another hurries to the second chair and says: "And I'm a fireman." The child - "the fire brigade must choose one of the two, for example:" I take the hose ". He hugs the "hose" and they sit on chairs with other children. The remaining one child must come up with something new, for example:" I am a sewing machine !" and the game continues.
5. Summary of the lesson.

6. "Ritual of farewell."


Purpose: development of visual attention.
Lesson progress:

1. "The ritual of greeting."

2. "I know ten names."

The game uses a ball. They sit in a circle. Players throw the ball to each other with the words:
- I...
- I know...
- Ten (seven, five...)
- Names ... trees! (birds, flowers, professions, fruits, animals, fish, cities...)
And then, everyone in turn should name the names of what was asked:
- Linden - time!
- Birch - two!
- Maple - three! ...
As a rule, in such a game, children quickly memorize all the names and over time the number of names increases.

3. "Find two identical objects." A card is offered with the image of five or more items, of which two items are the same. You need to find the same items, explain your choice.

4. "Exclusion of the superfluous." A card is offered with the image of 4-5 objects, one of which is different from the rest. It is necessary to find it.

5. Spot the difference.
A card is offered with the image of two pictures that have several differences. It is necessary to find these differences as soon as possible.

6. "Laying out the pattern." The child is offered to lay out a letter, number, pattern, silhouette, etc. from a mosaic (or sticks) according to the model.

7. The result of the lesson.

8. "Ritual of farewell."


Target: determine the psychological climate in the group, the mood of the children.

Lesson progress:

1. "The ritual of greeting."

2. Test "Point of mood".

Before starting to write or draw, invite the children to put a mood point on their sheet in the upper right corner. The child chooses the color himself.

Test interpretation.

Yellow - dreaminess, playfulness, lightness.

Violet, lilac, blue - rich inner world, a penchant for mysticism.

Blue-green (colors of water) - overstrain, concentrated attention, will. Encourage more often, afraid to make a mistake.

Red - a huge "I", the desire for success. Openness, vulnerability, disobedience. Cholerics are more likely to choose.

Green - the child is abandoned, needs love.

Orange - mild excitability.

Brown - a feeling of discomfort.

Gray - fear, insecurity

Black is stress.

White - the starting position, the beginning of the path.

3. "Circle your palm and revive."

Children independently trace their left hand on a piece of paper. The psychologist suggests turning the silhouette into something. Shows several options on the board.

The silhouette sheet can be rotated.

4. Summary of the lesson.

5. "Ritual of farewell."



Number of hours

Acquaintance of a psychologist with children, children with a psychologist, children with each other. Development of the skill of working in pairs. Development of memory, attention

building a positive attitude towards school. Development of the skill of working in pairs, groups. Education of observation.

to acquaint children with the inconsistency of phenomena through the concept of "good bad".

development of memory, thinking, skill of joint activity.

Development of communication skills, imagination, attention.

attention development.

development of thinking.

memory development.

The development of students' speech, phonemic hearing.

imagination development

development of motor-motor attention.

development of thinking.

memory development

development of logical thinking, speed of reaction.

development of visual attention.

determine the psychological climate in the group, the mood of the children.


1. G. A Shirokova, . Workshop for a child psychologist. – Rostov-on-Don, 2004

2. . Want to know everything! The development of the intellect of children 5 - 7 years old. Individual lessons, games, exercises. - M., 2005.

3. . Psychological games and trainings in kindergarten. – Rostov-on-Don, 2005

4. Psychology: middle and senior preschool age. Lesson development. Comp. MM. Mironov. - Volgograd, 2006

5. . Express is a training and development program. - S.-P., 2005






Shcherbina N.I.,

educational psychologist

Belgorod -2013

Explanatory note

Preschool childhood is considered the most important period in the formation of the human psyche by scientists and researchers not by chance. It is at this age that the intensive development of the intellectual and emotional-volitional spheres of the child takes place, his communicative qualities are formed and behavioral stereotypes are laid. Under the influence of activity and communication, a preschool child develops a motivational sphere of personality, which is complex system subordination of motives, among which a significant place is occupied by cognitive ones, which ensure the activity of preschool children in educational activities. Unfortunately, often adults are more concerned about the acquisition of ready-made knowledge and skills by the child, and not the formation of his interest, the desire to know the world around him. Therefore, the underestimated level of performance of diagnostic tasks by older preschoolers, indicating the insufficient development of certain cognitive functions, raises many questions from parents and teachers working with children to provide them with timely psychological assistance.

Children with disabilities in a preschool institution are children with speech disorders (type 5 disorders) and, as a rule, many of them need psycho-correctional assistance. If these are children with a low level of development of attention and mental processes, then the systematic implementation of specially selected game exercises allows you to soon note a positive trend in the development of the cognitive sphere. Much more difficult is the situation when it seems difficult for a child to overcome his insecurity, timidity, painful shyness, tightness, unreasonable fears, that is, everything that interferes with his successful personal growth, social development. Analysis of diagnostic data taking into account age features allows you to identify the main difficulties, problems in the development of preschoolers and on this basis to determine the direction of correctional and developmental work.

The organization of psychological and pedagogical support for preschool children who need timely targeted assistance has its own characteristics. The specificity of correctional and developmental work with preschoolers is based on the fact that the developing psyche of the child has great advantages, compensatory and adaptive capabilities, which allows both to identify emerging difficulties in the early stages of their education, and to correct them, and even prevent their occurrence as a result of preventive work. .

In modern conditions of modernization of the education system, the main line of transformation has become the implementation of an individualized approach to each child. Of particular importance in the context of solving the problems of preschool children is the individualization of education, by which we mean a scientifically based system of psychological and pedagogical measures, carried out taking into account the potential of each preschooler. Therefore, in the process of correcting a child's lag in the development of cognitive functions and personality neoplasms, an important role is played not only by specialists of a preschool institution, but also by parents. Early detection of special educational needs child allows you to inform parents in a timely manner about the possibilities and methods of corrective and developmental influence according to specially designed and adapted programs.

This program is based on the statements of the domestic psychological science about the development of a preschool child as an active, active process, about the paramount importance of preventing developmental deviations. The optimal timing in the development of the child's psyche is determined by sensitive periods in the development of each of the mental processes, taking into account the child's zone of proximal development (L.S. Vygotsky), when the development program relies not so much on mature processes as on maturing functions. The content of the program was also based on the position of L.I. Bozhovich about the need of a preschool child to receive new experiences, as a source of his knowledge, which is the foundation of both his cognitive development and general mental development. The program is also based on the scientific developments of N.N. Poddiakova about the search activity of a preschooler as his natural state: research activities is the main source of preschoolers' ideas about the world around them. Researches of domestic scientists V.I. Bekhtereva, L.V. Fomina, which revealed a pattern in the development of movements of the hands, fingers and brain activity, formed the basis for the use of finger techniques. Finger training in the game is an active way of stimulating the cerebral cortex and, therefore, plays a large role in mental and speech development.

Modern views on the content of psychological and pedagogical support for preschoolers suggest the formation of their cognitive activity and, most importantly, cognitive motivation. The development of such skills as operating images with the establishment of relationships and interdependencies, their graphic display, is based on active practical actions aimed at changing and transforming the situation, on anticipating the results of certain actions.

The content of this program was developed on the basis of studying the results of diagnostic examinations and assessing the level of development of cognitive processes and emotional and personal characteristics among pupils of preschool educational institutions. The correctional and developmental orientation of games and exercises is due to the requirements for the level of development of preschoolers of each age group, set out in the OOPDO, approved by the Ministry of Education Russian Federation. Therefore, the developed program for the correction and development of the emotional-personal sphere and cognitive processes of older preschoolers is an integral part in solving not only educational, but also educational tasks facing a preschool institution.

The long-term practice of organizing correctional and developmental work in a preschool institution gives the right to assert that the use of this program to accompany preschoolers who need to provide them with the necessary targeted assistance (children with disabilities) allows to sufficiently stimulate children's initiative and independence, creativity, freedom of choice, motor and cognitive activity of children, cooperation between an adult and a child. Thus, the use of a correctional developmental program is a necessary component in solving problems psychological support preschoolers in the context of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard, as it will contribute to the formation of targets for the development of the child in accordance with the quality standard of preschool education.

Target programs for the correction and development of the emotional and personal sphere and cognitive processes of older preschoolers:

- stimulation of cognitive interests, needs and abilities for active search activity of preschoolers on the basis of enrichment and development of their emotional and personal experience, volitional sphere.

Tasks programs:

Creation of a state of psychological comfort and emotional well-being, as one of the most important conditions for health preservation;

Formation social competence: the ability to compare various character traits, adequately express one's own feelings and moods, correctly assess the attitude of others towards each other (to oneself);

Group cohesion: overcoming barriers in establishing interpersonal contacts, psycho-emotional stress;

Mastering the elements of expressive movements (facial expressions, pantomime) as a means of conveying emotional states;

Formation of skills of arbitrary behavior;

Development of children's ability to express their thoughts;

Development of perception, observation;

Development of figurative and logical thinking;

Development of gross and fine motor skills.

The development and use of a working correctional and developmental program is based on the following principles:

Unity of diagnosis and correction: selection of material for classes with children in accordance with the results of examinations (control diagnostic sections determine the dynamics in the development of the child and, consequently, the effectiveness of the methods and techniques used, thus, all correctional and developmental work is based on diagnostic data);

Maximum consideration of the individual characteristics and abilities of the child, his age capabilities (taking into account the current and potential level of development of the child, his learning ability);

An activity approach in the implementation of programs for the correction and development of preschool children with speech disorders (including the organization of a developing environment that stimulates the active participation of children in educational process using practical, research methods);

Constant updating of the content, forms and methods of correctional and developmental work, the use of non-traditional technologies (the content of classes is based on the use of game methods, taking into account the leading activities of preschoolers, on a variety of activities);

Comprehensive support for preschoolers with disabilities speech development(the development of the emotional-personal sphere and cognitive processes is the basis for the development of speech functions);

Continuity and unity of requirements with the optimal distribution of the content of educational activities, its integration (on speech therapy classes techniques are used to activate mental processes, play emotional states; in the psychologist's classes, children practice speech actions);

The social orientation of correctional and developmental work with preschoolers with speech disorders (including, in the classroom of a psychologist, children with speech disorders communicate among peers with the norm of speech development).

Thus, psycho-correctional and developmental exercises are based on a game method using elements of social and behavioral therapy trainings, art therapy with many of its types and versatile applications. The purpose of the methods used is the manifestation of emotional reactions, attitudes, attitudes of behavior, the creation of an “image-I” through the perception of oneself through the eyes of others. The games and exercises of the presented program are aimed at solving not only cognitive problems, but also at the development of the emotional, personal and social sphere. The reasonable use of various forms of correctional and developmental work, both group and individual, reflects the semantic structure of the program.

Fascinating and useful activities in a playful way are of a certain practical value not only for teachers, but also for parents who are not indifferent and interested in the full development of their children. Game situations of the program help to create an atmosphere for the manifestation of creativity, an atmosphere of cooperation that does not deprive the child of the opportunity to express himself independently, as well as to develop the ability to find various (optimal) solutions to the problem, first with the help of an adult, and then independently.

The correctional and developmental classes that make up the program are held with children aged 5–7 years during school year once a week. The duration of classes for children of the older group is 20-25 minutes, for children preparatory group 30-35 minutes. The structure of the classes is quite flexible, as it is designed taking into account the age and individual characteristics of children. Each lesson consists of an introductory, main and final part, in which certain goals are achieved:

The introductory part is aimed at establishing emotional contact between all participants, at removing barriers in communication, psychological stress;

The main or working part carries the semantic load of the entire lesson - these are games and exercises aimed at developing and correcting the emotional-volitional and cognitive spheres of the child;

The final part of the lesson is aimed at creating a positive emotional background for each of its participants as a result of work in the lesson.

Lesson 1

Purpose: preparing children for group classes; developing a style of group interaction; the development of figurative representations, visual perception, observation, hand-eye coordination, spatial orientation, the ability to coordinate joint actions in a game situation.


Game: "Acquaintance" - children call their names in a circle, get acquainted with a teacher-psychologist.

Main part:

1. The game "Attention, flag." Children stand near a psychologist who shows them three flags of different colors, each of which corresponds to a specific action: red - you need to jump, green - clap your hands, blue - step in place. On a signal (raised flag), the children perform the appropriate action.
2. The game "What the artist confused" (Figure 1). Children are asked to look at two pictures and find as many differences as possible in the pictures.
3. The game "Fold the picture." Children are given subject pictures cut into 6 parts. You need to put them together without a sample and make a short descriptive story.
4. The game "Labyrinth" (Figure 2). The children got lost in the forest. They need to find a house and not meet the wolf. First, the child leads through the maze with his finger, and then with a pencil.
5. The game "Circle and color." Children are given stencils of animals. It is necessary to circle the animal along the contour, then draw and color.

Relaxation:"Magic Dream" (Appendix I).

Farewell: The game "Smile to a friend." Everyone stands in a circle and conveys their mood and wishes to the neighbor in the palm of their hand.

Lesson 2

Target: development of figurative representations, visual perception, observation, tactile sensitivity, perceptive actions, creative imagination, communication skills.

Greeting: Acquaintance. Game "Hello joyfully."

Main part:

1. The game "Name as many as possible ...". Children are asked to name as many objects of a certain color and shape that are in the room as possible.
2. The game "Guess by touch." Children are given bags with pasta, cereals, peas, beans, buttons, small items, etc. It is necessary to determine what is in the bag. Children can consult with each other.
3. The game "Find the same" (Figure 3). The children look at the drawing. Among the four items in the top row, you need to find the same one as shown below, and explain why this particular one.
4. The game "Finish the picture" (Figure 4). A sheet of paper shows schematic drawings and lines. You need to finish them to get a plot picture. You can invite the children to write a short story.
5. Collective compilation of a plot picture from cubes.

Children are offered to consider the cubes and put together a plot picture from them.

Relaxation: "Magic dream".

Farewell: game "Smile to a friend".

Lesson 3

Purpose: development of perception, creative imagination, the ability to memorize a multicomponent instruction, perform a task in accordance with the rules, stimulate the muscular system of the hands, motor dexterity of the fingers.

Greeting: Game "Wishes".

Main part:

1. The game "Gnome" (finger gymnastics).

The gnome walked through the forest, (index and middle fingers "go" along the table)

I lost my cap, (shake your hands)

The cap was not easy, (rhythmic strikes of the fingers against each other)

With a golden bell!

Who will tell the gnome more precisely, (squeezing and unclenching the hands)

Where to look for him missing? (repeat everything 2-3 times)

2. "Connect the dots"

Children look at the picture, trying to figure out who hid in it. After consulting, they make the assumption that they need to be connected in order, focusing on the numbers from 1 to 10. The children connect the dots and decorate the picture, finish it to make the plot picture “In the Forest”. After completing the drawing, the children are invited to write a story.

3. The game "Tangram". In continuation of the theme, children are invited to make a bunny from geometric shapes. An example is his silhouette image. If the children have difficulties in completing the task, you can give them a contour image of the object.

Relaxation: "Magic dream".

Farewell: Good Morning game.

Lesson 4

Purpose: development of creative imagination, visual perception, motor coordination of the hand, fine motor skills of the fingers.

Greeting: Game "Wishes"

Main part:

1. The game "Gnome" (finger gymnastics)

2. "Smooth handkerchiefs"

Each child should fold a square sheet of paper diagonally in 3-4 steps - “we will smooth out handkerchiefs for forest dwellers”.

3. The game "Name as many as possible ..."

Children are invited to name as many objects of a certain size and shape outside the window as possible.

4. The game "Magic bag".

Children must determine which objects are in the bag without looking into it, but only by feeling them with their fingers.

The psychologist offers children to compare two story pictures and find as many differences as possible in them.

Relaxation: "Sunny Bunny". (Appendix 2).

Farewell: The game "Smile to a friend."

Lesson 5

Purpose: development of figurative representations, visual perception, observation, large and small motor skills, the formation of combinatorial abilities, stimulation of analytical and synthetic activity.

Greeting: The game "Congratulations".

Main part:

1. The game "Who will tie knots more?"

On a piece of rope (ribbon), children must tie as many knots as possible in a certain time, and then, having exchanged with a neighbor and closing their eyes, count them by touch.

Farewell: Good wishes game.
Lesson 7

Purpose: development of motor coordination, perception, observation, imagination, communication skills.

Greeting: The game "Smile at each other." Compliments game.

Main part:

1. The game "Connect the dots and color."

Children use a pencil to connect the dots, focusing on their alternation. They reveal the secret of the picture (herringbone, car, bunny), draw and paint over them, combining them into a common plot. Then each child comes up with interesting story that happened to his characters. Children choose their favorite story.

2. The game "dexterous hands".

Each child is given a box containing a spool of scrolls and a pencil. At the signal of the psychologist, the children wind the thread around the pencil and stop at the signal. Then, having coordinated their actions with a peer, they do the following: one child holds a pencil, and the other winds the thread on a spool, then change. Then they determine which pair coped faster.

3. The game "What the artist confused" "(Figure 8).

Children are invited to consider two pictures and find as many differences as possible, observing the rule: answer only at the signal of the psychologist and do not repeat. For the correct execution of the rule and the difference, the child receives a chip. At the end of the game, the winner is determined.

4. The game "Cut pictures".

Children are divided into 2-3 subgroups, each of which is given an envelope with parts of a split picture and the task is to quickly fold the picture. Which group will do it better? They start working on a signal from a psychologist. When compiling a picture, there are certain difficulties. The psychologist deliberately changes parts of the pictures in the envelopes. For example, one group lacks one part, while in another, children find an extra one. After completing the task, each subgroup should compose a story or a fairy tale based on their picture. The best story or fairy tale is determined.

Relaxation: "Save the chick."

Farewell: The game "Handshake in a circle"

Lesson 8

Purpose: development of creative imagination, differentiated perception, fine motor skills of fingers, coordination of hand movements, communication skills.

Greeting: Game "Smile to each other" Game "Compliments".

Main part:

Farewell: Game "Wishes".
Lesson 13

Purpose: development of voluntary attention, memorization, logical thinking, speech.

Greeting: Mood color. The game "The wind blows on those who ..."

Main part:

1. The game "Attention, you can start" (Figure 13). The children look at the drawing. The psychologist gives the task: “The figure shows geometric shapes. There is a mosquito in the square, a ladybug in the circle. It is necessary to count mosquitoes and ladybugs. After completing the work, the children report the number of insects found. In the event that they get a different amount, ask: “Why did this happen?” - "Someone was inattentive."

2. The game "We repeat one after another" One child calls a word, the other repeats it and calls his own, etc .; and so on up to 7-8 words. In case of difficulties, the psychologist provides assistance. The game should be played energetically, without long pauses.

3. The game "Extra word".

pike, crucian, perch, crayfish - chamomile, lily of the valley, lilac, bluebell

branch, apple tree, pear, plum - ear, face, nose, mouth, eyes

lynx, bear, tiger, cat, lion - snake, spider, lizard, tree, snail

4. Game "Continue the sentence"

Mom went to the store to...
I will go to school because...
The girl got sick because...
I go to preschool because…
If you walk in the rain...
Katya has a new dress because...
If it's cold outside...

5. The game "Find objects made of wood, plastic in the room."

Relaxation: "Butterfly".

Farewell: The game "Smile at each other."

Explanatory note

The proposed program is based on the program of Lokalova N.P. "120 lessons of psychological development junior schoolchildren» Psychological program for the development of the cognitive sphere of students in grades I-IV.

The individual program for the development of cognitive processes is designed for classes with a 2nd grade student Ivan Ivanov, who is studying under the VII type program. This program is designed taking into account the individual characteristics of the child. The boy has a lack of formation of the motivational-volitional sphere, attention, memory, and the position of the student.

The program is designed taking into account and relying on the child's reserve capabilities: activity, working capacity, sufficient emotional contact with an adult, sufficient interest in gaming activities.
In June 2012, the boy was examined for TPMPC, as a result of which the development of the cognitive sphere of the child was recommended (correction of cognitive processes, emotional sphere).

The main goal is the correction and development of the cognitive sphere of the student.
To achieve the goal, the following tasks were set:
- development of cognitive abilities (perception, attention, memory, thinking);
- formation of the internal position of the student;
-development of communication skills.

The program includes the following blocks:

1. Diagnostic (primary diagnosis). The purpose of this stage is to identify the level of cognitive processes, communication skills.

2. Correctional / developmental block. The goal is the development and correction of cognitive processes: memory, attention, thinking, communication skills, emotional sphere.

3. Diagnostic (secondary diagnostics). The block for evaluating the effectiveness of corrective actions is aimed at analyzing changes in cognitive processes, mental states, and personal reactions in a student as a result of developing influences.

Basic techniques and methods of work: Psychological games and exercises, art therapy, fairy tale therapy, conversation.

Skill development takes place in three stages:

. obtaining information about the content of a particular skill;
. application of acquired knowledge in specific situations (skill development);
. transferring the skills learned in the classroom into the daily life of the child.

Classes are held once a week. The duration of each lesson is 45 minutes. The volume of the program material is designed for 30 lessons. Classes are held in the office of a psychologist.

Expected results:

Subject to the successful implementation of this program, there will be a positive trend in the development of cognitive activity, as well as in the motivational, emotional and communicative spheres.

The effectiveness of the program is evaluated by the results of observation, psychological examination, which is carried out at the beginning and at the end of remedial classes.

Thematic planning
Grade 2 (1-30)

Lesson topic

Methods and tasks

Number of hours

Development of voluntary attention.
The development of auditory memory.

Count it right
repeat the numbers
find a way

The development of visual-figurative thinking.

Where did the bunny go?

The development of visual memory.

Development of arbitrariness of average movements.

Flying - not flying
Do it right
Remember and draw

Development of verbal memory.

Find the shapes
Words starting with the same letter

Development of the ability to navigate in the space of the sheet.
Development of logical memory (establishment of associative links).
Development of finely coordinated movements.

Above, left, right, below
Neighbor, through one
Combine words
Let's make beads
Cut out figurines

The development of visual-figurative thinking.
Development of voluntary attention (stability).

Name in order
What is shown here?

Development of thinking (establishment of patterns on abstract material).

Development of the accuracy of voluntary movements.

Find the shapes
Divide into parts
Who is more accurate?

Development of visual perception (allocation of letter forms).
Development of thinking (processes of analysis).
The development of auditory sensations.

name the letters
Which? Which? Which?
Noisy boxes

Cross out the letters and listen
How many signs?
Lay out blindly

The development of visual memory.
Formation of elements of self-control.

Guess the words
Draw from memory
forbidden number

Development of the ability to obey the verbal instructions of an adult.
Development of thinking (finding common features in unrelated material).
Development of the motor sphere.

Graphic dictation
Search for common
Get into your circle

Development of spatial perception.
The development of visual-figurative thinking.
Development of flexibility of mental activity.

Find the pyramid
draw a chair
Check-in at home

Development of thinking (establishment of patterns).
Development of direct visual memory.
Development of thinking (processes of analysis).

Find the shapes
Exactly the same
Shape coloring
Fill in the drawing

Development of spatial representations.
The development of visual memory.
The development of auditory memory.

Balls in a tube
Pick up a patch
Repeat and add
Find a pattern

Developing the ability to identify essential features.
The development of the ability to relate to the sample.
The development of auditory sensations.

Choose the main
Find a suitable triangle
Noisy boxes

Development of visual-verbal analysis and synthesis.
Development of spatial representations.
The development of the imagination.

Guess the words
Dictation of spatial actions
Magical forest

Development of tactile sensations.

Development of thinking (establishment of patterns).

Rough planks
Pick a picture
Find the shapes

The development of auditory sensations.
Development of voluntary attention (stability, switching).
The development of visual-figurative thinking.

Noisy boxes
Crosses, dots
Divide the square

Development of tactile sensations.
The development of mediated memory.
The development of visual sensations.

heavy boxes
Pick a picture
color guessing game

Development of voluntary attention (distribution of attention in conditions of collective activity).

We do together
Find different
Find the ninth

The development of mediated memory.
The development of visual-figurative thinking.
The development of auditory perception.

Encrypt the sentence
Call and check by tapping

Development of verbal memory and arbitrary attention.
Development of spatial representations.

What changed?
What hasn't changed?
Shape transformation

Development of the ability to reproduce the pattern.
Development of thinking (synthesis processes).
Development of the motor sphere (macromovement).

Finish the drawing
What is shown here?
Needle and thread

Development of thinking (processes of analysis).
The development of visual-figurative thinking.
Development of tactile sensations.

Find the players in the same uniform
The circus
Divide the square
Rough planks

The development of mediated memory.
The development of visual sensations.
Development of the motor sphere (subordination of behavior to external signals).

Encrypt the sentence
color guessing game

Development of thinking (comparison operation).
The development of visual direct memory.
Development of thinking (establishment of patterns).
The development of muscle sensations (a sense of effort).

Find the same
Same, different
Exactly the same
Find the ninth

Development of thinking (generalization of visual material).
Development of thinking (establishment of patterns).
Development of tactile sensations.

fourth extra
Find the shapes
heavy boxes

Development of an internal plan of action.
Development of visual mediated memory.
Development of the motor sphere (the ability to quickly slow down your movements).

Match Shapes
memorize the shapes

Development of voluntary attention (distribution).
Development of thinking (abstraction?.
Development of the ability to navigate in the space of the sheet.

Cross out the letters and listen
Look around
Where is the kettle?

Development of thinking (the ability to compare).
Development of thinking (establishment of patterns).
Development of visual perception of the form.

Find different
Find the ninth
Mysterious contours
