Russia, becoming the successor Soviet Union, for some reason, she immediately forgot about mothers of many children and really remembered relatively recently, faced with a demographic crisis called “Women do not want to give birth”, caused, first of all, by the difficult economic situation. He replaced the "Mother Heroine" with the Order of Parental Glory, which, unlike the Soviet counterpart, is awarded to both parents. Another difference between "Glory" is that it is awarded to families with not ten, but four children. And, most importantly, it is supplemented by not the most serious, according to experts, benefits and benefits.

So, while supporting several children, their parents have the right to pay 50% of the amount of utilities and, to an extraordinary installation of the latter, to reduce the amount of taxation of income, to retire earlier (though, subject to the development of a certain length of service), to save for work experience mothers. For children, a 50% discount is provided for paying for kindergarten, free travel in municipal public transport, free treatment and examination in public medical institutions, free summer holidays in children's camps and some privileges when entering universities. Which, given modern realities, often remains on paper. True, the regions have their own assistance programs. For example, in the Altai Territory, parents do not need to pay for the purchase of medicines intended in pharmacies. Children from such families also have a priority right to enroll in and vouchers to a country holiday camp.

Will Mother Heroine be returned?

The bill providing for the restoration in Russia of the title and order of "Mother Heroine" in 2013 began to be considered by the State Duma of the Russian Federation. The document, in particular, provides that the main reason for their delivery will be the presence in the family of at least five children aged from one to five years. And the benefits will have to become, according to one of the authors of the bill, Mikhail Serdyuk, no less significant than those in the Soviet Union.

Started with the letter "A"

The heroic title and the order attached to it appeared in the USSR on July 8, 1944, almost a year before the end of the Great Patriotic War. Irrevocably lost millions of men, most of who were young, the country then also found itself on the edge of a demographic abyss. The way out of it could be to encourage Soviet women to give birth as often as possible, including providing them with serious social benefits. And in the fall of 1944, the first 14 mothers who gave birth and raised at least ten children were awarded in Moscow.

It is symbolic that the order number 1 was awarded to a woman whose name and which began with the letter "A" - a resident of the Moscow region Anna Aleksakhina, mother of 12 children. Eight sons of Anna Savelyevna became participants in the Great Patriotic War, half of them did not return home. Subsequently, the Order of Aleksakhina was transferred by her children to the State Historical Museum. By the way, at the same time as the Order of the Mother Heroine, two more awards to Soviet women appeared - Maternity (for the birth of five or six children) and the Order of Maternal Glory (from seven to nine).

"Seven Simeons"

In addition to their own children, including those who died or went missing during hostilities, military or police service, when saving a person’s life or who died due to occupational illness and work injury, the state also took into account those whom mothers adopted. The Soviet government should be given its due, it strictly fulfilled its material obligations. All women awarded the title of “Mother Heroine” were allocated separate multi-room apartments in cities or houses in rural areas, and monthly cash benefits were paid. And their children had the opportunity to receive a good education and profession.

At one time, the musical family of Irkutsk Ovechkins was not deprived of the attention of the state, for example. The mother-heroine Ninel Sergeevna, who headed it, raised 11 children alone, who created the Seven Simeons family ensemble, famous for almost the entire Union. That, however, did not prevent them, almost in full strength, from committing a particularly dangerous crime and trying to hijack a civilian plane abroad.

Historians argue that the last awards to Soviet mothers in November 1991 were presented by the president of the USSR, which was fading into oblivion, Mikhail Gorbachev. However, from time to time, materials are published in the Russian media that provide a completely unique and not very plausible-looking fact that in the early 90s another person was encouraged by the Order of the Mother Heroine. And - a man named Veniamin Makarov, who raised in his Yekaterinburg four-room apartment, received just in the form of a state benefit, several dozen foster boys from the street and from. By the way, Makarov is now suing one of them because of this apartment.

Given honorary title appeared back in the Soviet Union, in a rather difficult time - in 1944. Then the country was still fighting the Nazi hordes, but the leadership was already thinking about economic recovery. Taking into account the huge casualties among the civilian population, stimulating the birth rate was undoubtedly a priority task for the Soviet government in the long term. The leaders of the USSR realized with this obviousness that large families should become a model for other citizens.

In particular, the government then decided to award the honorary distinction “Mother Heroine” to those women who gave birth and raised more than ten children in their lives. At the same time, one contender was nominated from each union republic. Throughout the post-war period, until the collapse of the USSR, more than 430 thousand women received this order, and with it the title.

The status of the first mother of the heroine belongs to Anna Aleksakhina, who raised 12 children, who lived in the village of Mamontovka. A well-deserved award was presented to her on November 1, 1944, directly in the Kremlin Palace.

How are things currently

Until 2008, in Russia, the government did not encourage mothers with many children. At the same time, in some federal subjects, such women were presented for other awards.

But the problem was that none of the insignia offered any special benefits that large families desperately need. In addition, the awards could not reflect the main achievement of a woman and did not give her a high rank.

But in the end, the legislators decided to introduce the Russian analogue of the Soviet order. As a result, women with many children began to be awarded the sign "Parental Glory". To a certain extent, the introduction of such a practice was due to the fact that a rather alarming demographic trend has developed in the country since the collapse of the USSR - the birth rate was falling and, consequently, the population was declining. Letting everything take its course would be disastrous, because it could put an end to the country's development prospects.

How many children should a mother-heroine raise

In 2008, the authorities decided to award an honorary title to those women who are raising 7 or more children. At the same time, it is indicated in the statute to the insignia that they do not have to be native.

Along with the award, certain benefits are also expected.

Preferences, it should be noted, quite often differ in different regions Russian Federation. In particular, in some subjects, families with many children are provided with:

  • discount on utility bills of 30 percent or more;
  • the right to free use of public transport;
  • the opportunity to arrange a child in a kindergarten without a queue;
  • exemption from taxes when starting a business;
  • interest-free loans for business development;
  • certain favorable conditions for building a house.

Nevertheless, the main type of assistance available to everyone, without exception, is undoubtedly maternity capital. These funds allow the parent to provide for the maintenance of children, improve living conditions, etc.

Award procedure

First of all, it is worth noting that both parents can now be awarded the order mentioned above, since it is quite obvious that not only the mother, but also the father takes part in the upbringing of the younger generation.

The award, by the way, implies the payment of a one-time allowance in the amount of 50 thousand rubles - this money will also come in handy in a large family.

Meanwhile, not all parents with seven children or more are eligible to apply for the award. There are a number of requirements for them. They must in particular:

  • form a socially responsible family;
  • lead the right way of life;
  • take care of children's health;
  • their education;
  • ensure their development both in the moral and spiritual spheres;
  • set an example to others in nurturing and adhering to the values ​​of traditional marriage.

Parents become eligible for the Order after their fourth child is 3 years old, but the other children must still be alive. At the same time, the state also takes into account the dead or missing sons and daughters, if this happened to them in a military post or in the performance of civil or official duty.

The only problem is that contenders for the honorary title will need to collect a lot of documents to confirm their compliance with the criteria specified in the statute of the award.

Such strictness of requirements is explained quite simply - the state does not consider it possible to reward or encourage parents who produce offspring into the world, but do not care about it. Such irresponsible citizens deserve more blame than reward.

However, not everyone manages to collect the necessary papers, since parents with many children have very little free time.

State support for large families

In 2016, the federal government introduced several new benefits for this category of citizens. In particular, it was decided:

  • compensate for the cost of heating housing in which there is no central heating;
  • reimburse expenses for kindergarten in the amount of 20 to 70 percent;
  • Reduce commuter fares by 50 percent.

In addition, the state is ready to pay in full:

  • two meals a day for children school age, and students under 18;
  • uniform and sportswear;
  • medicines for children under 6 years of age;
  • excursions to museums (no more than 1 time per month).

At the same time, parents are allowed to receive additional or basic education on preferential terms, and as a result, increase their level of well-being by changing their occupation to a more profitable one.

How many children does the mother-heroine have? What privileges does the family receive?

Over the past few years, the role of women in modern world has changed significantly. Today she can be a politician, an astronaut, the owner of a large company - it all depends on her desire. However, almost every girl still dreams of becoming a mother. Despite the difficult financial and social conditions in the country, in many families the husband and wife decide to raise more than one child. How many children does the mother-heroine have to give birth to receive this honorary status?

The tradition of the honorary title of mother-heroine originated in Soviet times. Thus, the authorities tried to influence the birth rate in the country, promising certain benefits and privileges to those who dared to take such a serious step. The order to present the corresponding medal was signed in the summer of 1944. To obtain it, it was required to give birth and raise at least 10 children. At the same time, there was another obligatory condition: younger child should be one year old, all other children in the family must be alive.

For the calculation, it is also taken into account how many children the mother-heroine adopted or adopted. Among other things, if one of the older children died in the line of military duties, is listed as missing for the same reasons, he is also taken into account when awarding the mother with a medal and title.

What other medals and orders are provided for heroine mothers?

Now that we know how many children the mother-heroine has, it will be necessary to mention other honorary titles. Thus, the medal of motherhood was received by women who gave birth and raised more than 5 children. There were several degrees of such an order or medal, they were awarded depending on the number of pupils in the family. Briefly, the scheme invented Soviet government, looked like this:

  • 5 children - medal of the second degree;
  • 6 children - a medal of the first degree;
  • 7 children - an order of the third degree;
  • 8 children - an order of the second degree;
  • 9 children - order of the first degree.

New initiative of Russian deputies

Unfortunately, this good tradition has been forgotten. V modern society a large number of children, housekeeping and home improvement has become a very unpopular occupation. However, over time, we return to many correct values, including this one. For the first time, they started talking about reviving the good tradition in 2013. A draft law on the need to revive the honorary title - the title of "Mother Heroine" was submitted to the State Duma of the Russian Federation for consideration. How many children do you need to give birth and raise in our day to be awarded such a great honor? Deputy Mikhail Serdyuk, the initiator of the return to traditions, believes that this requires the fulfillment of the following conditions:

  • have at least 5 children;
  • the age of the youngest - from a year, the oldest - up to 8 years.

The first mother-heroine in the USSR

It should be recalled that the last real order was awarded on November 14, 1991. According to dry statistics, over the years of the existence of this unique title, it has been awarded to more than 430 thousand women who have accomplished the great feat of motherhood. One of the most famous mothers was the woman who was the first to receive an honorary order. Her name was Aleksakhina Anna Savelyevna. All her life she lived in the tiny village of Mamontovka, not far from the capital. In total, Anna Savelyevna had 12 children, 4 of whom died during the Great Patriotic War, defending the borders of their homeland. At the moment, this first order has been transferred by the relatives of the mother-heroine to the State Historical Museum and is available for viewing to everyone in the numismatics department.

After the collapse of the Soviet Union in Russia, as in many other republics, honorary titles, orders and medals were no longer issued. Instead, mothers of many children were awarded the Order of Friendship or the medal "For Merit to the Fatherland", but all these awards did not reflect the main essence, feat and work accomplished by hundreds and thousands of Russian women.

The revival of the right traditions

The revival of worthy traditions in our country began only in the 21st century. The prerequisite for this was the establishment of the Order of Parental Glory for Russian parents with many children. What is the fundamental difference between the new award, established under President Medvedev, and the previous title? How many children does the mother-heroine have to give birth to be considered as such in this case? According to the new conditions, the order is awarded to both parents - both mother and father - if there are 4 or more native or officially adopted children in their family. In addition, such a married couple can count on receiving a diploma and a financial amount of 50 thousand rubles at a time.

Appearance of the new order

However, this information does not answer the question of how many children the mother-heroine must have in order to receive such an honorary status. Families where parents raise more than 7 children are also awarded the badge of honor of the new order. It is unique and stylish appearance. Yes, it is a cross. blue color, on which the coat of arms of the Russian Federation is located.

What benefits have been and will be provided?

In the Soviet Union, information about how many children the mother-heroine had was extremely important, because in addition to honorary titles, the holders of this title could count on a significant improvement in living conditions. Thus, many women received separate spacious housing, as well as financial benefits. There is no similar scheme debugged in this way in the Russian Federation. However, our country, Russia, assigns certain benefits to mothers with many children. How many children does the mother-heroine have to give birth to be able to use them? There is no exact answer to this question, it is determined depending on each specific allowance or benefit. Yes, get into Kindergarten kids from families with three or more children can be out of turn. In general, the list of privileges can include:

  • discount on utilities (depending on the region);
  • trips to camps and resorts.

Programs for state support of large families are constantly being modernized. Thus, it is planned to provide:

  • allowances at various levels;
  • benefits for receiving higher education for kids;
  • reduction in the cost of utility bills (in those regions where there is no such subsidy yet);
  • provision of minibuses, land plots and much more.

How many children the mother-heroine must have to receive all these benefits is not specified at the moment.

Mother-heroine in the CIS countries

The tradition of awarding such honorary titles has been preserved since Soviet times in Ukraine. So, on the territory of this country, the title "Mother Heroine" is still being awarded. How many children in 2013 were able to benefit from such social support! A similar policy is followed in Belarus. Women who have given birth to 5 or more children are awarded the title "Mother-Heroine". How many children in 2014 can count on such support, and how will it be expressed? So, as already mentioned, a woman must have 5 or more children to receive an honorary title. All the children receive a regular general allowance, which in total amounts to about 700,000 rubles in local currency, in terms of dollars this amount looks much less significant and amounts to only 80 dollars. However, heroine mothers can also count on one-time support from President Lukashenko in the amount of 2.5 million Belarusian rubles. A nice bonus is the honorary order.

Mother of the heroine: how many children should the mother of the heroine have

To date, the status of the mother of the heroine is assigned to women who have raised ten or more children. It is worth noting that at the time of obtaining the status, the youngest child in the family must be at least one year old.

Together with this status, a mother of many children can receive the "Medal of Motherhood" award and two orders "Maternal Glory" and "Mother Heroine".

Conditions for obtaining a status

Heroic Mother status is the highest distinction given to women who have given birth or adopted at least ten children. Upon obtaining the status, the following categories of children are taken into account:

  • officially adopted, according to the current legal order;
  • children who died or went missing in the defense of the country or in the course of hostilities.

This also includes persons who performed their civic duty in connection with the rescue human life and the protection of socialist property and law and order.

Benefits and rewards for mothers of large families

Since 2009, mothers of many children have received the Order of Parental Glory. This award is given to both parents with many children, provided they raise four or more children. Moreover, in addition to the award, parents are entitled to financial assistance in the amount of fifty thousand rubles.

In some cases, families are provided with separate apartments and monthly child allowances. In addition to these payments and awards, mothers of heroines are entitled to the following benefits:

  1. Care allowance. Paid over a year and a half. Its size depends on the amount of earnings of the woman for the last two years.
  2. Opportunity for early retirement. This benefit has been provided since 2002. The pension is calculated when a woman reaches the age of 50 years. In this case, the minimum insurance period must be fifteen years. In the absence of the specified length of service, the accrual of a pension is carried out on a general basis.
  3. Establishment of a part-time job. Under the law, a mother with many children has the right to work in this mode (Article 93 of the Labor Code).
  4. Payment for housing and communal services. Families with many children are provided with a discount on utility bills. The size of this discount averages 30-50%. In addition, a 50% discount on phone payments is provided.
  5. Educational benefits for children from large families. First of all, children preschool age the right to priority admission to kindergarten. Also, children in preschool and school institutions are entitled to free meals three times a day. In addition, children are given free school and sports uniforms every year.
  6. Transport benefits. Families with many children are provided with free travel on public transport, with the exception of taxis. Parents who are raising more than five children are entitled to receive a compensation payment for travel in public public transport.
  7. Monthly provision of tickets for trips to museums, exhibitions, cinema, theaters, etc. Also, every year, families are issued free vouchers for holidays in sanatoriums and resorts.

Since 2008, the heroine's mothers have the right to open a kindergarten at home. At the same time, they receive the status of an educator and the newly formed institution joins the regular one. kindergarten, which will continue to supervise the work of the new mini-kindergarten.

A mother of many children who has become a teacher receives an appropriate entry in the work book and accumulates work experience for herself. In this case, a woman is paid a salary of up to ten thousand rubles. It should be noted that this benefit is provided to citizens living in Moscow.

An interesting video about the heroine's mother:

The procedure for obtaining the status of mother-heroine

As mentioned above, both parents can receive the reward for raising children, as they jointly take part in the upbringing process. Before assigning the status, the guardianship authorities must check the large family for compliance with the following requirements:

  • compliance of the family with the social plan;
  • ensuring the development of children, both in the spiritual and moral spheres;
  • maintaining a proper lifestyle;
  • care for the health of children;
  • education for children;
  • setting an example for other families in educating and maintaining the values ​​of traditional marriage.
The order is issued when the youngest child reaches three years

If all the above criteria are met, the Order of Parental Glory will be issued to the family only when the fourth child in the family turns three years old. All other children must still be alive.

The state can also take into account the dead children, but only on condition that the death occurred as a result of military service or the performance of civic duty. To obtain the status of mother-heroine and the order, parents must collect a certain package of documents, the composition of which they can find out at the local department of social protection of the population.

At the same time, large families must pass all the checks that are carried out by the guardianship and guardianship authorities.


As for me, for every child, his mother is a heroine, and it doesn’t matter if he has 9 brothers and sisters or not. The main thing is what kind of mother. And in our time, anyone who gave birth to at least one can be called a mother-heroine.

Raising children at all times was difficult, both physically, morally, and financially. And this time even more so. Therefore, it is not worth counting only on the help of the state.

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How many children are given the title of "Mother Heroine"?

How many children should a "heroine mother" have?

The title, and at the same time the order "Mother Heroine" is given to a woman who has given birth and raised 10 or more children. Moreover, they will award the order and confer the title when the youngest child turns one year old, and the rest of the children are alive (such a cynical condition that has existed since the times of the USSR, as if when one of the children dies, the woman will be a heroine to a lesser extent, complete nonsense).

And the user iulianiy correctly noted in her answer that a medal is awarded for 5 children, but this is not a medal for the heroine, this is the Motherhood Medal, which comes in two degrees and is awarded - 2nd degree for 5 children, 1st degree for 6 born children.

Medal of Maternity 1st class

As of 1995, there were approximately 13.5 million women in Russia with this medal.

Women who have given birth and raised seven, eight and nine children are awarded the Order of Maternal Glory, which has 3 degrees. The order (as well as the medal) has been issued in the USSR since 1944 (until 1995 exactly), I don’t know what it is now.

In 1995, 5.5 million women were awarded the Orders of Motherhood in Russia.

Order of the Mother Heroine for 10 or more children. Legally adopted children are also included in the number of children.

As of January 1, 1995, approximately 431,000 women have been awarded this order. I personally knew one of the heroine mothers - in my stairwell there lived a woman who had 7 of her own and 5 adopted children. I don’t know what subsidies and benefits they were given, but they were the owners of two apartments on the site, which they connected to each other.

The title of "Mother Heroine" in the days of the USSR could be obtained for 10 children, but subject to several conditions, the eldest child should have turned one year old, and all the other nine children should be alive at the time of the award (as for me, the conditions are very cynical ). With the collapse of the USSR, this title did not officially become, now the issue is being resolved regarding this title and the benefits due to it.

Now in Russia there is an award of the Order of Parental Glory for four or more children.

For three children (as the authors, probably "wise" with experience, write in the answers), they never gave the "Mother Heroine", I will say by personal example that I have three children and the question of the Mother Heroine has never been raised, because it is not supposed to.

The highest title for mothers of many children "Mother-heroine" was established on July 8, 1944. From that time until the collapse of the USSR, this title with the award of the order was awarded to mothers who gave birth to 10 children. But only after the last child turned one year old, and nine others were alive at that moment.

With the collapse of the USSR, the title of Mother Heroine also became a thing of the past.

Only in 2009 did they begin to award the Order of Parental Glory. It is awarded for four children plus a one-time allowance of 50 thousand rubles.

Since 2013, in the State Duma of the Russian Federation, our deputies have been deciding on the revival of the title "Mother Heroine", but so far they have not been able to resolve the issue. They probably can't agree on benefits.

My niece has three children and she was given the title of mother-heroine. As far as I know, this honorary title was previously given to women who gave birth to five children. Now, of course, they treat with understanding the work of a mother who brings up many children.

Previously, the title of mother-heroine was given only for five children, but in modern miter, when it is considered that one or two children is the norm, the title of mother-heroine is already given for three children.

And although three children should be the norm.

my mother has a mother heroine medal, she was given it only after the fifth child.

In Ukraine, the honorary title "Mother Heroine" is awarded by the President of the Republic to a woman who has given birth to five or more children. An important condition is the education of these children up to the age of eight.

In the USSR, the title of "Mother Heroine" was very honorable. It was assigned to a woman who gave birth and raised 10 children (all must be alive, the youngest must be one year old).

In Russia, deputies want to renew the title of "Mother Heroine".

The title, undoubtedly very honorable for any woman, the mother of the heroine can get a woman if she gives birth to three or more children. Previously, it was 5 children, but with a decrease in the birth rate, this threshold was decided to be reduced to three children. Only now, in addition to the title, you also need respect for such mothers, which, unfortunately, they lack in Everyday life both on the part of the citizens and on the part of the state.

In the Soviet Union, the title of "Mother Heroine" was given for ten or more children. But a lot has changed since then. Now this title has been abolished, but instead they are awarded the Order of Parental Glory. It is received by both parents who have four or more children. Along with the order, a cash prize and a certificate are issued. If there are more than seven children, then they also give a miniature copy of the order and its sign.

For some reason, today the title is not given to everyone

Not because they don't want to, but because not all mothers apply for a reward.

Previously, they gave a reward for 5 children

Now times have changed and three children is already a real feat

In the Duma they want to return this tradition

But while the review is underway and it can last for years (however, as always)

The sign "Mother is a heroine" is not given in Russia, although they want to revive this tradition. The last title "Mother - Heroine" was given on November 14, 1991 in the Soviet Union.

They gave this honorary title and badge back in the Soviet Union, provided that a woman has 10 children upon reaching the last 1 year and all are alive at the same time.

for three children, the mother of the heroine in our time should give.

How many children should a mother-heroine have?

Mother heroine - how many children should a woman have to receive this honorary title? About, How many children mother heroine you need to have in order to be considered a “heroine of our time”, where to apply to obtain this status and what awards she can count on, we will tell in our article.

Are there the title of "Mother Heroine" and the Medal of Motherhood?

Let's start with the question of whether how many children mother-heroine must have in order to receive such an honorary title, and is such an honorary title being awarded at all at the present time? We answer: today such a title does not exist in our country.

During the existence of the Soviet Union, such a title was awarded to mothers of many children who raised 10 or more children - at the same time, at the time of awarding the title, the youngest of the children had to be at least 1 year old, and all other children had to be alive. At the same time, there were such awards as " Maternity Medal”and the orders“ Mother Heroine ”and“ Maternal Glory ”.

If we talk about the origins of these awards and honorary titles, it should be noted that the period of their birth fell on a difficult period for the whole country - the Great Patriotic War. The country was experiencing a difficult demographic situation, and this became one of the ways to encourage women who, in such a difficult time, saved their children.

Now there is talk of reviving the title of "Mother Heroine" and providing women who are awarded it with a number of benefits. A draft law "On the establishment of the honorary title "Mother Heroine of the Russian Federation"" has already been developed. In accordance with the provisions of this draft law, women awarded the title "Mother Heroine of the Russian Federation" are proposed to receive benefits in the amount of 1 to 7 living wages (depending on the number of children), provide benefits for paying utility bills and provide financial assistance when children enter higher schools. In addition, the state proposes to allocate cars and land plots to such families, as well as to assist in obtaining a loan for the purchase of housing.

The condition for conferring the title, and, accordingly, receiving state assistance, is that a woman has 10 or more living children (while the youngest of them must be at least 1 year old). In addition, all children must have Russian citizenship.

It should be noted that Russian legislation does not separate the rights of natural children and adopted children, therefore, even families in which all children (or some of the children) were adopted will be able to receive the title and material assistance.

Is the order/medal "Maternal Glory" issued?

Such an award as the order / medal "Maternal Glory" is also not awarded today, since it was introduced during the existence of the Soviet Union. But this does not mean at all that large families are not encouraged in any way and the state does not pay attention to them: instead of the above award, the medal of the Order of Parental Glory was introduced.

The medal of the Order of Parental Glory is awarded to families who have raised or are raising 4 or more children. Today, this is the analogue maternity medals. It should be said that not only those children who were born in the family are taken into account, but also those who were adopted. At the same time, the youngest child at the time of awarding the order must be at least 3 years old, all children must be alive. The exception is cases of death of children in the performance of their labor duties, in connection with the performance of service or the performance of their civic duty, as well as other cases provided for by law.

It is also important to note that only those families that have provided their children with harmonious intellectual, physical, cultural, spiritual and moral development, lead a healthy and socially adapted lifestyle, and set a good example of strengthening the institution of family and education, can apply for the medal "Parental Glory". children.

For similar merits in strengthening the institution of the family, the Order of Parental Glory is also awarded. At the same time, there are 2 forms of the order: for men and for women.

The award was established as an honorary badge, awarded when a woman was awarded the title of "mother heroine" for the birth and upbringing of 10 or more children.

The award was established on July 8, 1944, by the Decree of the Presidium of the Armed Forces of the Soviet Union. In accordance with the charter, the honorary title and the order "Mother Heroine" are awarded to mothers after the tenth child reaches the age of 1 year, provided that the remaining 10 children are alive.

Price of the Order Mother Heroine

To date, prices for the Order of the Mother Heroine start from:
1944 Stamp stamped quantity ≈10000 pcs. - 25000 rub.
1945-91 quantity ≈450000 pcs. - 17000 rub.
Price updated as of 04/21/2019

In addition, children adopted in accordance with the laws of the USSR were taken into account, as well as children who died defending the USSR, went missing during a combat mission, were injured, led to death in a hospital, and died as a result of injuries or occupational diseases. in production.

Along with the assignment of the title and the receipt of the order, the Mother Heroine received a number of benefits and allowances in pensions, payment of utility bills, queues for rare goods, etc.

Description of other awards of the USSR: The badge of the Excellent Sanitary Service is an award for medical workers who courageously fought for every life, both military and civilian Soviet country and the Order for Personal Courage.

Order of the Mother Heroine in the award system of the USSR

Description of the order Mother heroine

The award is made in the form of a five-pointed gold star, the symbol of the Soviet Union. From under the stars, silver rays diverge, forming a pentagon. The height of the pentagon is 28 mm. The total height of the award with the block is 46 mm. The order is made of 950 gold, the weight of gold is 4.5 g, silver - 17.6 g.

The award with the help of an eyelet and a ring is attached to a figured block made of silver. On the block there is a stylized red ribbon (made in red enamel) on which there is an inscription in capital letters "MOTHER-HEROINE". The inscription and the edges of the block are gilded, a pin is built into the reverse for attaching the order to clothes.

The award is worn on the left side of the chest, and similarly to the star of the hero of the USSR, it is located above other orders and medals.

In total, during its existence, about 431,000 women were awarded the Order of the Mother Heroine.

In everyday life and in the media, you can periodically come across the expression "mother-heroine", but what does this expression mean? What does it take to deserve this high title and how many children does the mother of the heroine have in Russia in 2019?

basic information

To begin with, let's make a reservation: the title "Mother Heroine" together with the order of the same name existed in the USSR, but in modern Russia there is no such title. If you have heard this term, then you should know: we are talking either about those awarded with a Soviet award, or about the colorful name of a mother of many children, which does not have an official status.

So, are awards for large families a thing of the past? Of course not. To encourage mothers in their hard work of giving birth and raising children, there is the Order of Parental Glory and the medal of the Order of Parental Glory, which, however, are Russian counterparts rather than the Mother Heroine, but the Soviet Order of Mother's Glory and maternity medals respectively.

The first awards of the parental order in the Russian Federation took place in January 2009.


The main legal acts regulating the status and grounds for awarding the above awards are decrees of the President of the Russian Federation. The first of them is called "On measures to improve the state award system of the Russian Federation" (has the number 1099, adopted on September 7, 2010). It contains the main body of information about the country's award system.

Also, some information about the Order of Parental Glory, for example, the amount of a one-time monetary incentive, is contained in decree number 775 dated May 13, 2008, “On the Establishment of the Order of Parental Glory”.


In the Soviet Union, the title "Mother Heroine" appeared in the summer of 1944. The country needed to make up for the hardest multi-million human losses of the Great Patriotic War, and the government decided to establish a special award for mothers.

It should be noted that this was not the first national history award for merit in raising children. In 1913 in Russian Empire In the 17th century, the insignia of the Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Princess Olga was established, which was to be encouraged by women for various merits, including the upbringing of heroic children who performed heroic deeds worthy of perpetuation.

Interestingly, the design of the insignia of the modern parental order is inspired by the aforementioned imperial insignia.

First woman to receive the award

The first award took place in the fall of 1944 - the title was awarded to Aleksakhina Anna Savelyevna, the mother of 12 children, 8 of whom fought on the fronts of the Second World War, which took the lives of four of them. The award ceremony took place in the Kremlin. Today, the order "Mother Heroine" number 1 is stored in the State Historical Museum, where it was transferred by the children of Anna Savelyevna.

There is a legend that they initially wanted to assign the first rank to a communist, but among the members of the party they could not find a woman who would meet the requirements of the Statute.

As a result, Aleksakhina, who was not a member of the CPSU (b), became the first to be awarded. When a commission from Moscow was supposed to visit the woman, it turned out that she was living in a barracks in terrible conditions. By order of the district committee authorities, on the eve of this visit, furniture was brought to her. After the capital's auditors left the village of Anna Savelyevna, the "gifts" were returned back to the district committee.

Nevertheless, a year later, the mother-heroine's family was given two rooms, which was a significant encouragement for the difficult post-war years.

The last decrees on awarding the order were signed in 1991. Over the entire history of its existence, about 431 thousand women had the right to decorate their breasts with a golden star on a block with the inscription "Mother Heroine".

Under what conditions was the title awarded?

Returning to the Soviet award, it should be noted that a woman could be awarded it under a number of conditions:

  1. She gave birth to and raised at least 10 children (children who were adopted or adopted are also taken into account).
  2. The youngest child is one year old.
  3. All children are alive (including children who died or went missing while performing military duty, protecting public order, socialist property or saving the life of another person).

The awardee was awarded the order of the same name and the Diploma of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR.

How many children should be in a family

I must say that in addition to the order "Mother Heroine" there were two more Soviet awards, which marked mothers of many children:

  • Order "Maternal Glory";
  • maternity medal.

The Order of Maternal Glory had three degrees, and was awarded to mothers who gave birth and raised:

  • 9 children - 1 degree;
  • 8 children - 2nd degree;
  • 7 children - 3rd degree.

The maternity medal had two degrees, and was awarded to mothers who gave birth and raised:

  • 6 children - 1 degree;
  • 5 children - 2nd degree.

What privileges are awarded

If we talk about the modern Order of Parental Glory, then in addition to the signs of the order, one of the parents or adoptive parents awarded by him receives a lump sum, which currently amounts to 100 thousand rubles.

In addition, modern mother-heroines receive the following preferences in the Russian Federation:

  • care allowance. It can be paid for one and a half years. When calculating it, the woman's earnings over the past two years will be important;
  • possibility of early retirement. Upon reaching the age of 50, a mother of many children with at least 15 years of insurance experience can receive this benefit;
  • part-time;
  • discount on payment for services related to housing and communal services. The size of such a discount ranges from 30-50%;
  • discount on payment for telephone services;
  • free vouchers to sanatoriums;
  • benefits related to preschool and school education. Among them are the right to priority admission to kindergarten, to receive free three meals a day at school and free school and sports uniforms;
  • free trips to cultural institutions. The latter refers to theaters, museums and cinemas;
  • free public transport. This is a benefit for families with at least five children.

Action algorithm

In order to receive a state award for raising children, citizens of the Russian Federation must comply with a number of conditions:

  • give birth (or adopt) and raise 7 children;
  • children must be citizens of the Russian Federation;
  • the 7th child must reach the age of three;
  • all children must be alive (including children who died or went missing while performing military duty, protecting public order or saving the life of another person);
  • comply with the social plan;
  • take care of the health of your children;
  • give children a proper education;
  • develop children spiritually and morally;
  • conform to the values ​​of traditional marriage and set an example for other families.

Package of documents

The set of documents required to receive the order and medal of the order may change, so it is better to find out the exact information in the social protection authority at the place of residence.

As a rule, the following is attached to the relevant application:

  • certificates from organizations in which the persons nominated for the award work, containing information about the length of service and positions held;
  • an award list containing information about the registration of marriage, place of residence and employment of persons presented for the award;
  • information from the guardianship and guardianship authorities on the living conditions of children in the family;
  • information about the achievements of family members - state or sports awards, diplomas for academic success or extracurricular activities;
  • documents on adoption or adoption;
  • coordination with various authorities, including education, health and social protection authorities;
  • information from law enforcement agencies on the observance of public order.

Such an impressive package of documents should remove all doubts about whether the family is worthy of being awarded an honorary order. For the award process, it will be important to establish that the children of the recipients not only live in proper conditions, receive food and medical care, but also develop comprehensively.

What does the medal look like?

The medal of the Order of Parental Glory is similar to the order in terms of the reasons for awarding it, with the exception of the number of children born and raised - 4 in the case of a medal.

The Order of Parental Glory and its medal have an important difference from their Soviet counterparts - it is awarded to both parents, and not just the mother, moreover, the male and female signs of the order and the medal are different. In the case of an order, the awardee is also awarded a sign that is not intended to be worn on clothing. It is assumed that he should take a place of honor in the house of an exemplary family.

Who can't claim

Parents are not eligible for the above awards:

  • who have a criminal record;
  • who have ever been deprived of parental rights;
  • who were limited in their rights in relation to children;
  • who gave at least one of the children for state support.

At the first stage local authorities or the social security authority decides on the nomination for the award. This is done by special commissions, which, after one month, send the submission for approval to the head of the subject of the Russian Federation. He, in turn, approves it, sending it to the President of the Russian Federation for consideration.

After 3 months, the highest official issues his verdict on this issue, after which the entire family of the recipients is invited to the Kremlin for a solemn ceremony.

The most famous was the one that killed her own children

Forty-fourth year. The victory over the fascists is already close, but how hard every step towards it is given to the country! Many soldiers died on the battlefield, the Soviet Union desperately needs young healthy men and women - it is necessary to restore the destroyed state.

On July 8, 1944, the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR was issued, according to which women-mothers were marked with awards: those who give life, who, despite the difficulties of wartime, raise their children to their feet and bring them to people.

A woman who raised five or more children from now on received the “Medal of Motherhood”. In addition, the Order of Maternal Glory was established - for the upbringing of 7, 8 and 9 children. The highest award - the title and order of the "Mother Heroine" - relied on those truly heroic women who gave the country ten or more new citizens.

The same Decree established measures to provide various assistance and support to expectant and present mothers. There were state benefits, allowances, payments. And after the issuance of the Decree, children's institutions began to open in the country - nurseries, kindergartens.

The Order of the Mother Heroine was awarded in the Soviet Union until 1991. The stories of some mothers of many children cannot leave anyone indifferent.

Anna Aleksakhina - Order No. 1

In one of the dank autumn evenings In 1944, they knocked on a barrack near Moscow: “Who is Anna Aleksakhina here?” Neighbors escorted the stranger to the kitchen, where a woman was hosting among boiling cauldrons. Here she was handed a stamped paper, announcing the high award of the Kremlin. She received the award itself a little later from the hands of the “all-Union headman” Mikhail Kalinin.

This woman brought up ten sons and two daughters in the most difficult years. The war took six boys - four did not return from the front, two died from their wounds after the Victory.

The remaining sons and daughters did not let their parents down - they worked honestly all their lives, they did not have to blush for them. Only there were no large families among them.

The younger children of the Aleksakhins always remembered how hard the family lived, how they ate nettle and quinoa stew, how strictly their father brought them up and how sorry their mother was. But at that time, almost all peasants lived like this. And they gave birth to children without hesitation - the more workers in the family, the easier it is to feed themselves.

For several months, the government was looking all over the country for a mother of many children, worthy of the first to receive an honorary award. Aleksakhina's lack of a party card almost became an obstacle to the officials' decision. However, there was no other way out - mothers with many children were in no hurry to join the party. Apparently they didn't have time...

The Order of Anna Aleksakhina "Mother Heroine" number one is today stored in Moscow, among the exhibits of the Historical Museum.

Forty-eight children of Shura Derevskaya

This amazing woman was called mom not even forty-eight - sixty-five people! But only forty-eight of them managed to become adults - Alexandra Avraamovna Derevskaya, "Romny Madonna", passed away when the rest of the boys and girls warmed by her were still very young ...

And it all started shortly after the end of the First World War. Shurochka, a young sister of mercy who fell in love with Emelyan Derevsky, readily becomes a mother for his son - a weak, rickety Mitya whose mother died of an incurable disease. Further more. Shura adopted an orphan Pannu, then a small one appeared in the family Timothy, behind him - Valya: an almost blind two-year-old orphan from an orphanage, whom Shura simply could not leave in the care of the state ...

It's amazing: how did this girl have enough strength and energy to warm, feed, educate everyone? The weakest, sickest and neglected children found love and affection in her family, straightened out, became cheerful and strong.

If it weren't for the war... World War II took Timothy's son from Alexandra and Yemelyan. And how many orphans this war has left! Shura could not ignore the human tragedy - more and more new children appeared in her house ... Escaped from the orphanage, lost during the evacuation, blockade children, foundlings ... There was a place for everyone both in the house and in the heart.

Victory has come. The Derevskys with 29 children moved to Ukraine - to the Sumy region, the village of Romny. More and more children, less and less strength and health ... Emelyan broke down - unable to withstand such a life, he left his family, although he continued to help financially. And Shura began to get sick. Taking advantage of the difficult situation, all kinds of commissions frequented the house of Alexandra Derevskaya - the state decided to take away the children from a single sick mother. Some of them were taken away - it is not known to which boarding schools and orphanages. Despite everything, Alexandra died happy - surrounded by loving grown-up children. And bequeathed to them to always take care of each other.

Heroine with a bomb

Really worthy women did not always receive a high award. Story Ninel Ovechkina and her 11 children will continue to excite the minds and hearts for a long time to come.

The passengers of the Tu-154, flying March 8, 1988 from Irkutsk to Leningrad, did not even suspect that they would become victims of a criminal family. Yes, it would never have occurred to anyone to think badly about such an exemplary family! Children - gifted musicians playing in the family ensemble "Seven Simeons" have long been the heroes of many articles and television programs.

But they wanted so much more... To make a difficult decision was spurred on by a tour in Japan, where a lucrative contract was offered to the talented family. The Ovechkins, led by their mother, began to develop a plan to escape from the Soviet Union. It was decided to hijack the plane. The musicians took several homemade bombs and sawn-off shotguns with them.

At first, the hijacking attempt went like clockwork: holding the passengers at gunpoint, the criminals forced the pilots to fly to Finland. But when they realized that special forces had entered the plane during refueling, the Ovechkins detonated the bomb. The plane caught fire ... The criminal mother made a decision: she ordered her eldest son to shoot her and the rest of the brothers, and then shoot himself. The plan was partially carried out: most of the Ovechkins died.

The flight attendant also died. Tamara Hot and three passengers. The rest were rescued by the military.

After the collapse of the USSR, the order "Mother Heroine" was not awarded. In total, from 1944 to 1991, about half a million women received the honorary title in the Soviet Union.
