The test includes several multiple choice questions. It is enough for the student to choose one of the proposed answers. If the student correctly answered all the questions of the tests, he receives a mark of "5". If he answered 80%, then he gets a mark of "4", if he answered 50%, then a mark of "3".

1. What is the name of the most complete of the sources covering history Ancient Russia?

a) Novgorod First Chronicle;

b) "The Tale of Bygone Years";

c) Ostromir Gospel.

2. Which of the following principles is applied in the study of Patriotic history?

a) the principle of large numbers;

b) the principle of alternativeness;

c) the principle of balance.

3. What is the science that helps to better understand history?

a) architectonics;

b) archaeography;

c) biogeography

4. What linguistic community do the Slavs belong to?

a) Turkic;

b) Indo-European;

c) Ural.

5. Is there a relationship (and what) between the way of farming and social development Eastern Slavs 8th-9th centuries?

a) there is no relationship;

b) slashing method - more progressive;

c) more progressive arable farming.

6. What are the objective prerequisites for the formation of the Old Russian state?

a) calling by the Ilmenian Slavs of the Varangians to Russia;

b) the emergence of private property among the Eastern Slavs and the beginning of the stratification of social society.

a) Norman

b) German;

c) East Slavic;

d) Baltic.

8. Why did Kiev become the main political center of the Old Russian state?

a) Kiev was in the geographical center of the Old Russian state;

b) Kiev was the religious center of the Slavic tribes;

c) Kiev was the most ancient political and cultural center of the Eastern Slavs, it occupied an extremely advantageous military-strategic position.

9. Why did Christianity become the state religion of Ancient Russia under Vladimir I Svyatoslavich?

a) Vladimir Svyatoslavich was fascinated by the beauty of the service in Christian churches;

b) accepting Christianity, Vladimir Svyatoslavich was primarily guided by the state interests of Russia;

c) Vladimir Svyatoslavich miraculously came to believe in Christian religious truths.

10. What was the impact on the historical development of Russia Mongolian yoke?

a) the Mongol yoke contributed to a more rapid overcoming of feudal fragmentation and the formation of a centralized state;

b) the Mongol yoke slowed down the economic, political and cultural development of Russia, was one of the main factors determining its relative historical backwardness from Western Europe.

11. What were the reasons for the rise of Moscow and its transformation into the center of the Russian state?

a) Moscow was the most ancient and developed center of Russia;

b) the weakness of other principalities;

c) the advantage of the geographical position, the political flexibility of the Moscow princes, the support of Moscow by the church.

12. What was the territory of the present Voronezh region by the time the formation of the Russian centralized state was completed?

a) it was a densely populated area with a large number of cities;

b) the territory was a "Wild Field" - a depopulated region with a completely destroyed economy;

c) these lands were subordinate to the Crimean Khan.

13. Which Moscow prince is called the first collector of the Russian land?

a) Ivan Sh;

b) Dmitry Donskoy;

c) Ivan Kalita;

d) Vasily Sh.

14. Which Moscow prince completed the unification of Russian lands around Moscow?

a) Ivan Sh;

b) Alexander Nevsky;

c) Dmitry Donskoy;

d) Vasily Sh.

15. What was the name of the main form of boyar feudal land use in the 15th-mid-16th centuries.

a) estate;

c) estate.

16. What were the consequences of the reforms carried out by the Chosen Rada and Ivan IV the Terrible in the middle of the 16th century?

a) formed the Russian Empire;

b) decentralization of state administration was carried out;

c) there was an increase in the centralization of power in Russian state.

17. Which Moscow prince first promulgated written laws, called the Code of Laws?

a) Vasily the Dark;

b) Vasily Sh;

c) Ivan Sh;

d) Ivan the Terrible.

18. Did Russia have in the second half of the 15th - the middle of the 16th centuries. diplomatic, trade relations with countries with countries of the West and East?

a) extensive relations have been developed with a number of countries in Europe and Asia;

b) Russia was in diplomatic isolation;

c) Russia restored broken relations with the countries of the East and West and began to develop new ones.

19. Choose the correct chronological order of the change of candidates for the Russian throne during the Time of Troubles (1598 - 1613):

a) Fyodor Godunov, False Dmitry I, Vladislav, False Dmitry P, Boris Godunov, Vasily Shuisky;

b) False Dmitry I, Boris Godunov, Fyodor Godunov, False Dmitry P, Vladislav, Vasily Shuisky;

c) Boris Godunov, Fyodor Godunov, False Dmitry I, Vasily Shuisky, False Dmitry P, Vladislav.

20. Why did the Zemsky Sobor in 1613 elect Mikhail Fedorovich Romanov to the Russian throne?

a) the boyars wanted a strong king;

b) it was a compromise between different political camps in Russian society;

21. When did the formation of absolutism begin in Russia?

a) under Ivan Sh;

b) under Ivan IV;

c) under Mikhail Fedorovich;

d) under Alexei Mikhailovich;

e) under Peter I.

22. What is a "policy of protectionism"?

a) patronage of the monarch to random people and their nomination to court and government positions not on the principle of “state benefit”, but on the basis of qualities that attract the monarch himself (personal devotion, physical beauty, etc .;

b) the economic policy of the state aimed at supporting the national economy.

23. Thanks to what document, people from the "vile" estates could count on receiving a title of nobility in Russia?

a) "Charter to the nobility";

b) the General Regulations;

c) "Tables of Ranks";

d) the statute of the Chief Magistrate;

e) the Council Code of 1649

24. What were the orders of the 16th - 15th centuries replaced by?

a) ministries

b) Supreme Privy Council;

c) colleges;

d) State Council;

e) by the Council of Ministers.

25. In 1719, a museum and a library attached to it were opened for free visiting in St. Petersburg. What was his name?

a) the Hermitage;

b) Artillery Museum;

c) Kunstkamera;

d) Russian Museum;

e) Naval Museum.

26. What is the main goal of Peter I?

a) strengthening the personal power of the monarch;

b) the desire to modernize Russian society;

c) strengthening the country's defense capability;

d) ensuring total control by states both over the activities and the personal lives of citizens.

27. What places and architectural structures of Voronezh are associated with the stay of Peter I and the construction navy?

a) the so-called "Arsenal";

b) "Petrovsky Island" and the Assumption Church;

c) the so-called "Travel Palace";

28. What direction of Russian foreign policy was the main one in last years reign of Peter I?

a) Far East (associated with the preparation of the expedition of V. Bering);

b) Balkan (rapprochement between Russia and Montenegro);

29. What phenomenon in Russian history called the policy of "enlightened absolutism"?

a) the reforms of Peter I;

b) the policy of the government of Catherine II;

c) the liberation of peasants from serfdom by Alexander II;

30. At the end of the XVIII century. Three divisions of the Commonwealth were made. In which of them did Russia participate?

a) in the first and second;

b) in the third;

c) all three.

31. To whom was the throne transferred under the Law of Succession to the Throne, issued by Paul I in 1797?

a) eldest son

b) the emperor's wife;

c) the emperor's brother in seniority.

32. What is a "Secret Committee"?

a) the censorship committee that appeared at the beginning of the 19th century;

b) the close circle of Alexander I, which influenced his policy;

c) secret police.

a) Alexander I suddenly died;

b) there was a merger of the Southern and Northern societies and a decision was made to act;

c) the plan for the uprising was ready, and the members of the society did not want to waste time.

34. What did the “Eastern Question” mean for Russia in the second half of the 19th century?

but) Caucasian war for the annexation of the North Caucasus;

b) the inclusion of the Central Asian peoples in the empire;

c) resolution of the problem of the Black Sea and the Black Sea straits, support freedom movement Balkan peoples.

35. Who was called "temporarily liable" in post-reform Russia?

a) a breeder who rented a state-owned enterprise for a while;

b) a soldier who retired after military service in the reserve;

c) land tenant;

d) a peasant.

36. Which of the bourgeois reforms of the 60-70s. nineteenth century turned out to be the most radical and consistent?

a) zemstvo;

b) urban;

c) military;

d) judicial;

e) financial;

e) in the field of education.

37. Name the longest bourgeois reform of the nineteenth century.

a) zemstvo;

b) urban;

c) military;

d) judicial.

38. What are the features of the development of capitalism in Russia.

a) accelerated comprehensive development of the country;

b) the development of the economy only at the expense of Russian capital;

c) capitalism in Russia did not have its own characteristics.

39. Select three opposing socio-political currents that have developed in Russia at the turn of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries.

a) government, liberal, revolutionary-democratic;

b) liberal-monarchist, populist;

c) reactionary, constitutional, anarchist;

40. Was an attempt made by the tsarist government to resolve acute political, economic and social problems who faced Russia in the early twentieth century. through reforms without revolutionary upheavals?

41. What are the goals in the revolution of 1905-1907. were the basis for the unification of the parties of the "left bloc"?

a) the implementation of the bourgeois-democratic revolution and the destruction of the autocracy;

b) the implementation of the bourgeois-democratic revolution and its development into socialist revolution;

c) the implementation of the bourgeois-democratic revolution and the destruction of the autocracy. The highest ideal of struggle is the replacement of capitalism by socialism.

42. Have there been any positive changes in Russia since the revolution of 1905-1907?

a) the revolution was defeated and therefore did not lead to any changes in society;

b) there has been some improvement economic situation workers and peasants;

c) despite the defeat of the revolution, its outcome was a partial modernization political system and its further evolution towards becoming a bourgeois monarchy.

43. Do you agree with the point of view that the Stolypin agrarian reform failed?

44. Determine the attitude of the main parties in Russia to the First World War?

a) all parties refused to support the foreign policy of tsarism during the war years;

b) the parties of the revolutionary-democratic camp refused to support the foreign policy of tsarism during the war years;

c) only the RSDLP refused to support the foreign policy of tsarism during the war years;

d) only the Bolsheviks refused to support the foreign policy of tsarism during the war years.

45. Were there any peculiarities in the February bourgeois-democratic revolution of 1917?

a) there were no features. The February bourgeois-democratic revolution took place like the bourgeois revolutions in the West, and the bourgeoisie came to power;

b) The February Revolution in Russia had its own characteristics and was strikingly different from the bourgeois revolutions in the West.

a) a revolution

b) revolution.

47. Was there an alternative to the October Revolution in 1917?

48. The main provisions of the program of which party included the "Land Decree"?

a) the Bolshevik Party;

b) the Socialist-Revolutionary Party;

c) the cadet party.

49. What were the reasons for the rapid establishment of Soviet power throughout the country?

a) the establishment of Soviet power throughout the country was not necessary. It was enough to convene the Constituent Assembly and confirm the establishment of Soviet power;

b) in order to win to the end, the October Socialist Revolution must go beyond the capital.

50. What is a civil war?

a) mass demonstrations of hooligans on the streets of cities;

b) an armed form of struggle for state power between classes and social groups within the country;

c) mass strikes with political demands.

51. Why did the Bolsheviks need power in the country?

a) physically destroy all representatives of the bourgeoisie;

b) to enrich the members of his party by robbing the whole people;

c) abolish capitalist ownership of land, factories and other basic means of production in order to build socialism.

52. One of the most important steps in the transition to civilian life after the civil war in Russia was the decision to:

a) replacing the surplus with a tax in kind;

b) the return of land to the landowners;

c) permission for the activities of the parties of the Cadets and Octobrists;

d) denationalization of large-scale industry.

a) on this day, the First Congress of Soviets of the USSR began its work;

b) on this day, all Soviet republics signed a union treaty;

c) on that day, at the congress of the RCP (b), a decision was made to form the USSR.

54. What are the reasons for the curtailment of the NEP.

a) the NEP did not justify itself economically;

b) the impossibility of long maneuvering between the market and the directive; economic changes were not complemented by political ones;

55. Thanks to what was the regime of Stalin's personal power formed?

a) a positive assessment of Lenin;

b) party support.

56. What society was built in the 30s?

a) a socialist society has been built;

b) an industrial society has been built;

c) a post-industrial society has been built.

57. Did the USSR take part in the Munich Agreement of 1938?

b) partially;

59. What events completed the radical turning point during the Great Patriotic War?

a) exit Soviet troops to the state border of the USSR;

b) Moscow battle;

in) Battle of Kursk;

d) Battle of Stalingrad.

60. When was the city of Voronezh liberated from the Nazi invaders?

61. What factors contributed to the successful recovery of the Soviet economy in the post-war period?

a) the enthusiasm of the Soviet people and internal economic factors;

b) US assistance in accordance with the Marshall Plan;

c) help from other allies in the anti-Hitler coalition.

62. What was the result of the new alignment of forces in the world after the end of World War II?

a) Germany continued to pose a danger to the world;

b) there was a shift of the political, military and economic center from Europe to the USA;

c) Europe maintained its leading position in the world.

63. How can one assess the political situation in Soviet society after the war?

a) society was in a state of apathy;

b) the provision was contradictory;

c) the country was immediately returned to political repression.

64. How can you evaluate the activities of N.S. Khrushchev?

a) only positively;

b) only negative;

c) his activities were controversial. As a result of his leadership, certain successes were achieved in our country, but miscalculations were also made.

65. What does Khrushchev's "thaw" mean after Stalin's death?

a) a number of important state measures aimed at the partial democratization of the life of society;

b) a series of measures on a national scale aimed at the complete liberalization of the country;

c) the revival of the cultural life of the country.

66. What was characteristic of our country in the period from 1964 to the early 70s?

a) the scale and intensity of work to find ways to renew society, establish a scientific approach and the economy;

b) reform of political structures;

c) major transformations in the social and spiritual development of society.

67. What were the results of the economic reform of 1965?

a) the reform did not bring the expected results;

b) the reform gave a certain impetus to the economic development of the country and unleashed the initiative of industrial enterprises;

c) the reform caused changes in the management system of industry and construction;

d) the reform ended with great success in the development of the country.

68. What characterizes the stagnant period in the development of Soviet society (1970-1985)?

a) a sharp weakening of innovative aspirations, the conservation of the principles and forms of social organization;

b) the struggle for radical change in all spheres of society

c) Soviet society did not have a stagnant period at all.

69. When was the final act of the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe signed?

a) in 1975;

b) in 1979;

70. What were the reasons for the lag of our country behind the leading countries of the world in the conditions of the growing influence of scientific and technological revolution?

a) the lack of an effective management mechanism;

b) deficiencies in the STP management system;

c) insufficient number and competence of scientific personnel;

d) the low level of activity and responsibility of the working masses.

71. How has it changed foreign policy our country since the mid-80s?

a) led to an aggravation of the international situation;

b) contributed to the easing of international tension;

72. What is the purpose of the reforms that began in 1992?

a) improve the state economic system;

b) to carry out the transition to a market economy and, in accordance with this, to transform social relations.

Subject of study Patriotic history are patterns of political and socio-economic development of the Russian state and society as part of the global process of human history. The history of Russia examines socio-political processes, the activities of various political forces, the development of political systems and state structures.

Methods for studying history:

1) chronological- consists in the fact that the phenomena of history are studied strictly in temporal (chronological) order. It is used in compiling chronicles of events, biographies;

2) chronologically problematic- provides for the study of the history of Russia by periods, and within them - by problems. Applies to all general research, including in various courses of lectures on history;

3) problem-chronological- used in the study of any one aspect of the activities of the state, society, politician in its progressive development. This approach makes it possible to more fully trace the logic of the development of the problem, as well as to extract practical experience most effectively;

4) periodization- is based on the fact that both society as a whole and any of its constituent parts go through various stages of development, separated from each other by qualitative boundaries. The main thing in periodization is the establishment of clear criteria, their strict and consistent application in the study and research;

5) comparative historical– based on the recognition of known repeatability historical events in world history. Its essence is to compare them to establish both common patterns and differences;

6) retrospective- is based on the fact that past, present and future societies are closely interconnected. This makes it possible to recreate a picture of the past even in the absence of all sources relating to the time under study;

7) statistical- consists in the study of important aspects of the life and activities of the state, a quantitative analysis of many homogeneous facts, each of which individually is not of great importance, while in the aggregate they determine the transition of quantitative changes into qualitative ones;

8) sociological research used in contemporary studies. It makes it possible to study phenomena in the main political history. Among the techniques of this method are questionnaires, surveys, interviews, etc.

Sources of study national history very significant and complex. The exact boundaries of the range of sources do not seem to exist due to the integrity and indivisibility of the historical process, the interconnectedness of people's activities at various stages of historical and political development. Approximate source classification: 1) archaeological sources; 2) annals and chronicles; 3) ethnographic sources; 4) archival documents; 5) documents of state bodies and public organizations of the Russian state; 6) documents political parties and movements of Russia 7) works of statesmen and public figures of Russia; 8) periodicals; 9) memoir literature; 10) museum documents; 11) photo, phono and film documents; 12) electronic media.

Topic 1. Methodology and theory of historical science. Russia in the world historical process.

The subject of history as a science, the purpose and objectives of its study, the functions of historical knowledge; Methods and sources of the study of history; problems of historical knowledge. Formational and civilizational approaches to history are their essence. Historical types of civilizations. Character traits Eastern and European civilizations. Meaning of the East-West dichotomy. The history of Russia is an integral part world history.

Topic 2. Place of the Middle Ages in the world-historical process. History of Russia from ancient times to the end of the 17th century. The main stages of the formation of statehood.

Discussions about the chronological boundary of antiquity and the Middle Ages. The content of the concept of "Middle Ages"; origin of the Slavs. Early political associations of the Eastern Slavs. The process of formation of Old Russian statehood and its main stages. The role of Norman influence. Modern interpretations of the "Norman question" ("Normanism"). The problem of the political and cultural influence of Byzantium on the development of ancient Russia. The role of Orthodoxy in the formation of Russian medieval society. Russia period feudal fragmentation. Russia and Horde. North-Eastern Russia between the Crusaders and the Horde. Alexander Nevsky and his foreign policy priorities; the formation of the Moscow principality and the reasons for its rise. The beginning of the unification of Russian lands around Moscow. The beginning of the formation of the estate system of organization of society, its evolution, the formation of autocracy; Moscow state at the beginning of the 16th century. Features of the socio-political structure. The beginning of the reign of Ivan IV. Reforms of the "Chosen One" and their assessment. Oprichnina its causes and consequences. Time of Troubles in the history of Russia: causes, essence, manifestations, results. The main directions of political and socio-economic development of the country in the XVII century. Strengthening the centralization of the state, new phenomena in economic life country.

Topic 3. World history transition to a new time. XVIII century in Western European and Russian history: modernization and enlightenment, features of Russian modernization.

The theory of modernization. Technological changes in society and new phenomena in economic life. European Enlightenment; enlightenment ideas. Beginning of modernization and Europeanization of Russia. The objective need for change. Imperial modernization, its features. Social, economic and cultural reforms of Perth I: content, nature, relationship, consequences. Russia in the era of Catherine II. "Enlightened absolutism" in Russia, its features. Attempts to regulate social relations and legislative activities. "Instruction" of Catherine II - the legal justification for enlightened absolutism. The work of the Legislative Commission. The development of social thought in Russia in the XVIII century. Russian enlighteners.

Topic 4. The main trends in the development of world history in the XIX century. Russian Empire in the 19th century. Problems of modernization of the country.

19th century in world history. Formation of an industrial society. Formation civil society and the rule of law. Russia in the first half of the 19th century. Conservative and liberal trends in the public life of the country. The first reforms of the XIX century, the difficulties and contradictions of their implementation. Activities of M. Speransky. Patriotic War 1812. Change of course in the early 20s: causes and consequences. Revolutionary tendencies: ideas and political practice of Decembrism. Ideological struggle of the 30s-50s of the XIX century. The theory of official nationality. Westerners are Slavophiles. AI Herzen and the theory of "Russian socialism". Prerequisites for the liquidation of serfdom. Manifesto and position on February 17, 1861: the main provisions, the purpose and nature of the reform, its inconsistency and half-heartedness, the liberal reforms of the 60s and 70s; their role in the democratization of the country in connection to the pan-European process of creating civilized forms of statehood. Results and consequences of the reforms of the 60s - 70s. Features of the post-reform development of Russia. The beginning of the stage of capitalist modernization of the country. Catch-up modernization. Capitalization of the Russian economy and its specificity. The role of the state in the country's economy. S. Yu. Witte and his role in the implementation of emerging capitalism. Socio-political struggle around the problem of historical choice. Russian communal socialism. Populism and its evolution. Marxism and its spread in Russia. The emergence of Russian social democracy. Features of the first political parties. Russia and the world at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries: uneven and inconsistent development. Exacerbation of the problem of division of spheres of influence and redivision of the world. Military-political union in Europe. Russia and the countries of the Triple Alliance and the Entente. Aggravation of the autocracy crisis at the turn of the century.

Topic 5. Place of the XX century in the world-historical process. Russia at the beginning of the century: revolution or reform?

Russia at the beginning of the 20th century. Contradictions and crisis of the Russian version of capitalist modernization at the beginning of the century. Bourgeois-democratic revolution in Russia (1905 - 1907). And its consequences. Political struggle in the State Duma and its impact on society. Russia after the revolution Stolypin reforms, their essence, results, consequences. Causes and nature of the First World War. Russia in the system of international relations in the prewar years. Coalition confrontation. The course of hostilities. The growing split of Russian society, the socio-political crisis in the country, the forms of its manifestation. February revolution and its results. The problem of historical choice after February.

Topic 6. Socio-economic and political development of the country in the first decade of Soviet power.

Revolution of 1917. The Bolshevik Party is in power. The doctrine of the world proletarian revolution. Brest Peace. The formation of the Bolshevik regime: the transition to harsh forms of emergency dictatorship, strengthening the role of state enforcement agencies. The struggle around the constituent assembly and its dispersal. The first socio-economic transformations of the new government. "Red Guard attack" on capital. Civil War in Russia, its stages. War communism: politics, ideology, practice. Transition from emergency to totalitarianism. The crisis of the Bolshevik power system in late 1920 - early 1921. The objective need to change the strategic course. Transition to NEP, its concept. Development of the country on the path of the NEP: difficulties, main contradictions. The ideological and political struggle in the party in the 20s, the victory of the supporters of I.V. Stalin, the establishment of a regime of personal power.

Topic 7. Soviet society in the 30s.

Course towards the construction of socialism. The need to create an industrial structure of the economy in the USSR. Strategy of forced development. Forced industrialization. Rigid centralization of economic management, administrative control, turning off market levers. Collectivization of peasant farms. The liquidation of the kulaks. The political system of the 30s. The origins and essence of totalitarianism, the fusion of the party and the state. The introduction of the cult of personality. Mass terror. Results of the economic and political development of the USSR by the end of the 1930s. International relations on the eve of the Second World War.

Topic 8. Second World War and the Great Patriotic War of the Soviet people. Post-war world 1945-1953.

Unleashing the Second World War. USSR in the conditions of the outbreak of war. The Great Patriotic War: beginning, character, goals, main periods, events. Soviet totalitarian system and society during the war years. historical
the role of the USSR in the defeat of fascism. Results of the Second World War and the Great Patriotic War. The price of victory. The new alignment of political forces in the world after the end of the Second World War. Polarization of the post-war world. "Cold War" as a form of interstate confrontation. Alternatives of post-war development. Post-war economy: main problems. Strengthening the "Cult of Personality". A new wave of repressions in the second half of the 40s-50s.

Topic 9. Soviet society in the 50s-80s. Attempts at liberalization and the global crisis.

NTR and its influence on the course community development. USSR in the mid-60s-80s: the growth of crisis phenomena. Social policy, foreign policy of the USSR. 1964 coup. Economic reform of the mid-60s and its failures. Crisis of the Soviet industrial system. The contradictions of the socio-economic and socio-political development of Soviet society. The emergence and development of the dissident human rights movement. USSR in the system of international relations in the 70s - 80s.

Topic 10. System restructuring. Changing the model of social development.

Soviet Union 1985-1991 The USSR is on the way to a radical reform of the socio-economic development of society. The concept of restructuring. Publicity. The beginning of "radical economic reform". Reform of the political system. Philosophy of "new thinking". The failure of attempts to reform socialism. The reason for the failure of the restructuring. Search for new solutions. August events and their political consequences. Belavezha agreements. The beginning of radical liberal modernization. The course towards the formation of a new system of ownership. Beginning of a new stage of reforms: concept, results. Economic and social price for the “shock version of modernization. The crisis of power and its resolution in October 1993. The victory of the president, the decision to strengthen the power structures. Constitution, transition to a presidential republic. Socio-economic modernization, culture and modernity, the spiritual state of the society of the period, foreign policy activity in the new geopolitical situation (1993-1999)


Note. This program (the content of the discipline) was offered to students
until 2007.

TESTS in the discipline "National History".

1. Determine which period of the Middle Ages:
but) early middle ages;
b) the classical Middle Ages;
c) late middle ages
correspond to the following forms of feudal statehood:
a) absolute monarchy; in
b) early feudal monarchy; but
c) centralized monarchy with estate representation b
2. Put the following events in historical order:
a) Battle of Kulikovo;
b) the baptism of Russia;
c) the overthrow of the Mongol-Tatar yoke:
d) the emergence of Kievan Rus;
match them with the corresponding date:
a) 988; b
b) 1327;
c) 1480
d) 1380; but
e) 882; G
f) 911;
g) 1097;
h) 1223;
i) 1240
and with the name of the prince under which this event took place:
a) Ivan Kalita;
b) Oleg; G
c) Ivan III
d) Dmitry Donskoy; but
e) Saint Vladimir b

3. Arrange in chronological order the following historical actions and events:
a) Trouble; 3
b) Oprichnina; 2
c) reforms of the Chosen One; one
d) the actions of the first tsars of the Romanov dynasty to strengthen
royalty 4
4. Define activities meaning:
a) pursuing a policy of mercantilism;
b) the creation of a centralized
administrative system
assertions of absolutism;
c) the implementation of the policy of enlightened absolutism;

1. Decree on uniform inheritance,
2. Introduction of the poll tax.
3. State monopoly on a part of goods, certificates a
4. Convocation of the Legislative Commission. in
5. Establishment of manufactories. but
6. Strengthening the jurisdiction of merchants. but
7. Establishment of a system of colleges. b
8. Introduction of recruitment duty. b
9. Complaint to the nobility. in

10. Manifesto February 19, 1861.
11. Establishment of the Holy Synod. b
12. Introduction of the title of emperor. b

5. Match dates and events:
a) 1775-1783
c) 1789- 1794
d) 1721
e) 1785
1. Great French revolution in
2. Letter of commendation to the nobility d
3. Convocation of the Legislative Commission. b
4. War of Independence in North America. but
5. Proclamation of Russia as an empire. G

6. Determine the common features characteristic of the modernizations carried out by Peter I and Alexander II:
a) the reforms were aimed at solving the problems of military-political expansion, defense against external enemies, maintaining the status of a great power; V
b) the purpose of modernization was to increase the people's well-being and stimulate people's initiative;
c) the transformations set the task of creating a civil society;
d) reforms were carried out "from above"; V
e) the broad masses of the people were the social support of the modernizers;
f) as a result of the reforms, serfdom was strengthened;
g) the result of the reforms was the creation of a wide layer of private owners;
h) reforms meant the establishment of an industrial society in Russia;
i) the reforms were carried out at the initiative of the ruling stratum, which was not interested in a radical transformation of all spheres of public life. V

7. Identify steps to reform the country related to naming:
a) Alexander II; b, d, g
b) SU. Witte; a, c, h
c) A.P. Stolypin. d, e, i.
Answer set:
a) steps aimed at making the structure of industry heavier (industrialization);
b) the abolition of serfdom in Russia;
c) financial reform, ensuring the country's transition to gold circulation;
d) judicial and zemstvo reforms;
e) a course towards the destruction of the peasant community and the transfer of land allotments into the personal property of the peasants;
f) mass resettlement of peasants beyond the Urals;
g) military, urban reforms;
h) the use of foreign loans, raising the issue of switching to foreign direct investment, the introduction of a series of indirect taxes;
i) preparation of decisions on freedom of religion, inviolability of the person, on state insurance of workers, on the reform of local self-government, on the reform of the education system.

8. Determine the political currents of the second half of the XIX - early XX centuries.
a) conservatives b, h.
b) liberals; c, f, m
c) revolutionary populists; a, d, l.
d) Marxists d, f, c.
which could express the following views, ideas, requirements:
a) a view of the communal organization, which combines personal interests with the social character of production, as the starting point of the future socialist system;
b) adherence to the formula "Orthodoxy, autocracy, nationality";
c) orientation to the Western path of development, common European civic values;
d) the assertion that capitalism is a necessary stage in the evolution of mankind, while socialism is the result of a revolutionary struggle
the proletariat;
e) the desire to protect the people, admiration for the people, awareness of the "guilt" and "unrequited" debt of the educated strata of society to the people;
f) the assertion that the ultimate goal of the revolutionary struggle is the establishment of the dictatorship of the proletariat and the building of socialism;
g) protection of the idea of ​​the absolute value of the human person, the legal order, the priority of law over political power;
h) upholding the inviolability of the estate-monarchist system;
i) the demand for freedom of conscience, publicity, independence of the court, freedom of manifestation of private initiative;
j) defense of the thesis about the working class as the main transforming force of society;
k) the possibility of non-capitalist development of Russia from the peasant community to socialism;
l) an attempt to find a middle path of development between reaction and revolution.

9. Using the concepts below, determine what was
1) the same a, d, e, h.
2) different b, c, f, g.
in the first Russian revolution of 1905-1907. and the February Revolution of 1917?
a) the nature of the revolution;
b) the depth of economic difficulties and the degree of opposition to the mood before the revolution;
c) the degree of discrediting the ruling regime on the eve of the revolution;
d) the driving forces of the revolution;
e) the main goals of the revolution;
f) resolving the issue of power in the course of the revolution;
g) the duration of the revolution;
h) the ability of workers to rapid political self-organization.

10. Select from the following decisions, actions, signs, those that characterize:
a) "emergency"; 2,3,6,
b) military "totalitarianism". 1,4,5,7.
1) the decision of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee on the transformation of the Soviet Republic into a single military camp;
2) mass terror as the physical destruction of opponents, intimidation of the population;
3) uncontrollability of combos;
4) creation of the Council of Workers' and Peasants' Defense;
5) renunciation of terror against the masses;
6) emergency bodies that acted outside the law, using special powers and dictatorial methods;
7) limiting the actions of the governing bodies within the framework of revolutionary legality.

11. Place in historical order the following
models of building socialism:
a) NEP; 2 (c, d, f, l)
b) accelerated development strategy; 3 (a, e, h, j)
c) war communism. 1 (b, f, i, m)
Match them with their corresponding economic measures:
a) "whipping the country" by administrative-mandatory methods;
b) the introduction of universal labor service;
c) permission of free trade;
d) admission of capitalist elements into the economy, while maintaining commanding economic heights in the hands of the state;
e) complete collectivization in the grain-growing regions of the country;
f) the elimination of commodity-money relations, the introduction of direct product exchange;
g) the establishment of a fixed tax in kind from peasant farms;
h) widespread use of forced labor;
i) the introduction of an equalizing system for the distribution of foodstuffs and consumer goods;
j) liquidation of the kulaks as a class in the grain-producing regions of the country;
k) transfer of state enterprises to self-financing;
l) conducting a total nationalization of industry and trade.
12. The emergence of the state among the Eastern Slavs refers to the next period of the Middle Ages ...
a) the early Middle Ages; V
b) the classical Middle Ages;
c) late middle ages
d) renaissance
13. "The Tale of Bygone Years" links the origin of the ruling dynasty
in Russia with...
a) Askold;
b) Dirom;
c) Rurik. V
d) Rogvolod.
14. In his policy towards the Horde conquerors, Alexander Nevsky believed that it was necessary ...
a) provide the Horde with immediate armed resistance and ensure independence by force of arms;
b) recognize dependence on the Horde khans, given the danger posed by the northwestern neighbors of Russia, and gradually build up strength. V
c) defended his personal interests, in strengthening personal power and enrichment.
d) adhered to a neutral position, balancing between the Horde and the ruling elite.
15. During the formation of the Russian centralized state
appears and is becoming more widespread
a form of feudal landownership...
a) estate;
b) an estate; V
c) public lands.
d) allotments
16. The first bearer of the royal title in Russia was ...
a) Ivan III; V
b) Vasily III;
c) Ivan IV;
d) Peter I.
17 . A new phenomenon in the economic life of the country in the XVII century. became...
a) the emergence of feudal landownership;
b) the development of new territories by the Russian peasantry;
c) the formation of the all-Russian market, the emergence of manufactories. V
d) strengthening and centralization of power
18. One of the reasons for the reforms of Peter I was the desire of the king ...
a) create a rule of law state in Russia;
b) establish capitalist relations;
c) promote Russia to the ranks of the great powers. V
d) all of the above
19. Changes in the public consciousness of Russia in the XVIII - first half
19th century wine were associated with the dissemination of ideas ...
a) Renaissance;
b) Reformation;
c) Enlightenment. V
d) Late Middle Ages

20. P. Pestel in Russkaya Pravda wrote that...
a) Russia will be a constitutional monarchy with a People's Council, a State Council;
b) Russia will be a republic with a People's Council, a Sovereign Duma, and a Supreme Council. V
c) an absolute monarchy
d) a constitutional monarchy with a Sovereign Duma
21. The theory of peasant communal socialism was first substantiated ...
a) SRs;
b) A. I. Herzeny; V
c) Slavophiles.
d) the Bolsheviks
e) the Mensheviks
22. Broad public support for the reforms of the 60s. 19th century was
secured thanks to...
a) the uprising of the Decembrists;
b) dissemination in the society of the values ​​of the theory of "official nationality";
c) the activities of representatives of public thought in Russia in the 1930s and 1940s. 19th century V d) all of the above
23. In the 70s of the XIX century. there were such organizations of populists ...
a) "Union of Salvation", "Union of Prosperity", "Northern" and "Southern" societies;
b) "Land and Freedom", "Black Repartition", "Narodnaya Volya"; V
c) "Emancipation of Labour", "Union of Struggle for the Emancipation of the Working Class".
d) "Union of Salvation", "Narodnaya Volya";
24. The main goal of the agrarian policy of P.A. Stolypin was ...
a) Strengthening traditional village structures that help
the peasant to survive in the conditions of planting capitalism from above
and the industrial system, the ruin of the countryside;
b) creating a market work force for the developing Russian
c) the creation of a broad layer of peasant farmers, the expansion of the social support of the autocracy in the countryside. V
d) Russia's transition from the agrarian sector of the economy to the industrial one.
25. The circumstance that testified to the collapse of the June 3rd political system was ...
a) the murder of P.A. Stolypin in September 1911;
b) the formation of the Progressive Bloc in the Duma in August 1915; V
c) the February Revolution of 1917.
d) revolution of 1905
26. Activities used by Western countries in the years
World War I and state coercion
regulation of economic relations were ...
a) restriction of private property and the market, control of exchange and prices, rationing of the distribution of raw materials and consumption of people; V
b) centralization of economic life, deprivation of the enterprise
independence, managing the economy with the help of orders,
directives, the power of the party-state bureaucracy;
c) surplus appropriation, nationalization of industry and transport,
transition to direct commodity exchange, regulated by the state,
egalitarian distribution system, the introduction of a universal
labor duty.
d) all of the above
27. A number of historians believe that the alternative to the October Revolution of 1917 was the so-called "third way" - the achievement of civil accord through the creation of a coalition ...
a) Mensheviks, Socialist-Revolutionaries, Cadets; V
b) Mensheviks, Socialist-Revolutionaries, Bolsheviks;
c) Left Social Revolutionaries and Bolsheviks.
d) Left Socialist-Revolutionaries and Bolsheviks, Mensheviks.
28. The "Red Guard attack on capital", undertaken by the Bolsheviks in 1917-1918, meant ...
a) accelerated nationalization of large, medium and small enterprises; V
b) the beginning of mass repressions against the bourgeoisie;
c) "export" of the world revolution.
d) all of the above
29. An attempt by right-wing socialist forces to act during the years of civil
war under the banner of "pure democracy" was doomed because...
a) Socialist-Revolutionaries and Mensheviks only covered up their true goals
(the conquest of power) by democratic slogans;
b) in a civil war, the choice is strictly determined and
acting as a third force is futile;
c) the Socialist-Revolutionaries and Mensheviks already in the preceding period of the revolution lost the support of the broad masses of the people. V
d) all of the above
30. Further continuation of the policy of "war communism" and
delaying the introduction of the NEP would lead ...
a) to get out of the economic crisis and directly
transition to communist relations;
b) to strengthen the dictatorship of the proletariat;
c) to the collapse of the Bolshevik regime. V
d) bleeding the economy of intervention and civil war.
31. The establishment of a totalitarian regime in the USSR in the 1930s was connected with...
a) with the search by the leadership of the country for a modernization strategy for
the basis of market relations;
b) using such a socialist mobilization
a model that provided for the democratic practice of forming public opinion, carrying out relevant decisions through the mechanisms of power;
c) with the adoption of a strategy of accelerated development, which required a sharp increase in state intervention in the life of society, the widespread use of administrative-command control levers. V
d) with strict centralization of power and widespread use of administrative and command levers of control
32. Famine in the USSR in 1932-1933. was called...
a) excessive seizure of grain from the collective farms of grain regions in the course of agricultural procurement, an increase in the export of grain abroad for the purchase of industrial equipment; V
b) an increase in funds for the development of health care,
educational revolution;
c) an increase in funds for the implementation of a wide range of
social rights of workers and employees proclaimed in the country in
d) all of the above
33. One of the reasons for failure Soviet army at the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, this ...
a) the indecisiveness of the border garrisons, who failed to provide worthy resistance to the enemy;
b) the betrayal of General A. A. Vlasov, who surrendered his army to the enemy;
c) the incompetence of I. V. Stalin and the indecision of the high command. V
d) previously signed agreements with the German side.
34. A radical turning point in the course of the Second World War and the Great Patriotic War occurred ...
a) September 1, 1939 - June 22, 1941;
b) 1944-May 1945;
c) November 19, 1942 - 1943 V
d) August 30, 1942 - 1944
35. After the end of the Second World War, there were changes in international relations and a transition from the anti-fascist coalition to the "cold war" because ...
a) the war against fascism intensified ideological differences between countries;
b) the war with fascism increased mutual rejection of each other
opposite systems;
c) the disappearance of the common threat of fascism contributed to the growth of the contradictions inherent in the anti-Hitler coalition and a new split into opposing blocs. V
d) all of the above.
36. Our country returned to the pre-war model of the economy of the 30s because ...
a) there were no forces in the country that raised the question of the need to reorganize the economic management system; V
b) idealization of the pre-war past dominated in society;
c) the pre-war model of the economy proved its high mobilization potential.
d) this is due to the incompetence of the party's board.
37. N.S. Khrushchev decided to expose the "cult of personality"
Stalin because...
a) wanted to strengthen his position in the struggle for power, to earn "political capital";
b) sincerely wanted to correct Stalin's "mistakes", to eliminate some "deformations" that were generally not characteristic of socialism; V
c) he himself suffered because of Stalin's cruelty and had his own personal scores with him.
d) decided to put the country on the path of liberalization and modernization.
38. L. I. Brezhnev continued to remain in power for a long time because ...
a) rejected numerous proposals to resign;
b) was a symbol of the power, prosperity and authority of the USSR, and the people did not want another leader;
c) was very convenient for the higher partocracy as a harmless and faceless manager of the country. V
d) pursued a competent foreign and domestic policy.
39. The transition to the "liberal revolution", to the course of intensive
formation of market relations, formation of a new system
property started...
a) since April 1985, when the concept of acceleration was put forward
socio-economic development of the country;
b) since 1987, when the economic reform began,
aimed at expanding the boundaries of independence
enterprises, their transfer to self-financing and self-financing;
c) from January 1992, when free prices were introduced, trade liberalization took place, privatization began. V
d) since the events of 1993
40. "New Russians" is...
a) former communists who converted to Orthodoxy;
b) entrepreneurs, a new class of modern Russian society; V
c) political emigrants who returned to Russia.
d) people engaged in shadow business.
41. In modern Russia, which is in conditions of strategic instability, prevails ...
a) movement towards a developing country of the "third world";
b) global strengthening of the welfare state through its improvement;
c) the process of changing the model of social development, the creation of a "mixed type" state, the stage of the period of transition to capitalism with Russian specifics. V
d) all of the above.
42. What is the name of the most complete of the sources covering the history of Ancient Russia?
a) Novgorod First Chronicle;
b) "The Tale of Bygone Years"; V
c) Ostromir Gospel.
43. Which of the following principles is applied in the study of Patriotic history?
a) the principle of large numbers;
b) the principle of alternativeness; V
c) the principle of balance.
44. What is the science that helps to better study history?
a) architectonics;
b) archaeography; V
c) biogeography
45. What linguistic community do the Slavs belong to?
a) Turkic;
b) Indo-European; V
c) Ural.
46. ​​Is there a relationship (and what) between the method of agriculture and the social development of the Eastern Slavs of the 8th-9th centuries?
a) there is no relationship;
b) slashing method - more progressive;
c) more progressive arable farming. V
47. The authors of what historical theory are German scientists of the 18th century G.Z. Bayer and G.F. Miller?
a) Norman V
b) German;
c) East Slavic;
d) Baltic.
48. Why did Kiev become the main political center of the Old Russian state?
a) Kiev was in the geographical center of the Old Russian state;
b) Kiev was the religious center of the Slavic tribes;
c) Kiev was the most ancient political and cultural center of the Eastern Slavs, it occupied an extremely advantageous military-strategic position. V
49. Why did Christianity become the state religion of Ancient Russia under Vladimir I Svyatoslavich?
a) Vladimir Svyatoslavich was fascinated by the beauty of the service in Christian churches;
b) accepting Christianity, Vladimir Svyatoslavich was primarily guided by the state interests of Russia; V
c) Vladimir Svyatoslavich miraculously came to believe in Christian religious truths.
50. What were the reasons for the rise of Moscow and its transformation into the center of the Russian state?
a) Moscow was the most ancient and developed center of Russia;
b) the weakness of other principalities;
c) the advantage of the geographical position, the political flexibility of the Moscow princes, the support of Moscow by the church. V
51. What was the territory of the present Voronezh region by the time the formation of the Russian centralized state was completed?
a) it was a densely populated area with a large number of cities;
b) the territory was a "Wild Field" - a depopulated region with a completely destroyed economy; V
c) these lands were subordinate to the Crimean Khan.
52. Which Moscow prince is called the first collector of the Russian land?
a) Ivan Sh; V
b) Dmitry Donskoy;
c) Ivan Kalita;
d) Vasily Sh.
53. Which Moscow prince completed the unification of Russian lands around Moscow?
a) Ivan Sh;
b) Alexander Nevsky;
c) Dmitry Donskoy;
d) Vasily Sh. V
54. What was the name of the main form of boyar feudal land use in the 15th-mid-16th centuries.
a) estate; V
b) feud;
c) estate.
55. What were the consequences of the reforms carried out by the Chosen Rada and Ivan IV the Terrible in the middle of the 16th century?
a) the Russian Empire was formed;
b) decentralization of state administration was carried out;
c) there was an increase in the centralization of power in the Russian state. V
56. Which Moscow prince first promulgated written laws, called the Code of Laws?
a) Vasily the Dark;
b) Vasily Sh;
c) Ivan Sh; V
d) Ivan the Terrible.
57. Did Russia in the second half of the 15th - mid-16th centuries. diplomatic, trade relations with countries with countries of the West and East?
a) extensive relations have been developed with a number of countries in Europe and Asia;
b) Russia was in diplomatic isolation;
c) Russia restored broken relations with the countries of the East and West and began to develop new ones. V
58. Choose the correct chronological order of the change of candidates for the Russian throne during the Time of Troubles (1598 - 1613):
a) Fyodor Godunov, False Dmitry 1, Vladislav, False Dmitry P, Boris Godunov, Vasily Shuisky;
b) False Dmitry 1, Boris Godunov, Fedor Godunov, False Dmitry P, Vladislav, Vasily Shuisky;
c) Boris Godunov, Fyodor Godunov, False Dmitry 1, Vasily Shuisky, False Dmitry P, Vladislav. V
59. When did the formation of absolutism begin in Russia?
a) under Ivan Sh;
b) under Ivan 1U;
c) under Mikhail Fedorovich;
d) under Alexei Mikhailovich; V
e) under Peter 1.
60. How can one characterize the state policy after the Time of Troubles?
a) as liberal;
b) as conservative; V
c) as democratic.
61. Thanks to what document could people from the “vile” estates count on receiving a title of nobility in Russia?
a) "Charter to the nobility";
b) the General Regulations;
c) "Tables of Ranks"; V
d) the statute of the Chief Magistrate;
e) the Council Code of 1649
62. In 1719, a museum and a library attached to it were opened for free visiting in St. Petersburg. What was his name?
a) the Hermitage;
b) Artillery Museum;
c) Kunstkamera; V
d) Russian Museum;
e) Naval Museum.
63. What is the main goal of Peter 1?
a) strengthening the personal power of the monarch;
b) the desire to modernize Russian society; V
c) strengthening the country's defense capability;
d) ensuring total control by states both over the activities and the personal lives of citizens.
64. What places and architectural structures of Voronezh are associated with the stay of Peter 1 and the construction of the navy?
a) the so-called "Arsenal";
b) "Petrovsky Island" and the Assumption Church; V
c) the so-called "Travel Palace";
65. What direction of Russia's foreign policy was the main one in the last years of the reign of Peter 1?
a) Far East (associated with the preparation of the expedition of V. Bering);
b) Balkan (rapprochement between Russia and Montenegro);
c) South. V
66. What phenomenon in Russian history has been called the policy of "enlightened absolutism"?
a) the reforms of Peter 1;
b) the policy of the government of Catherine II; V
c) the liberation of peasants from serfdom by Alexander II;
67 . Who was called "temporarily liable" in post-reform Russia?
a) a breeder who rented a state-owned enterprise for a while;
b) a soldier who retired after military service in the reserve;
c) land tenant;
d) a peasant. V
68. Which of the bourgeois reforms of the 60-70s. Х1Х century turned out to be the most radical and consistent?
a) zemstvo;
b) urban;
c) military;
d) judicial; V
e) financial;
e) in the field of education.
69. Name the longest bourgeois reform of the nineteenth century.
a) zemstvo;
b) urban;
c) military; V
d) judicial.
70 . Name the features of the development of capitalism in Russia.
a) accelerated comprehensive development of the country; V
b) the development of the economy only at the expense of Russian capital;
c) capitalism in Russia did not have its own characteristics.
71. Select three opposing socio-political currents that have developed in Russia at the turn of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries.
a) government, liberal, revolutionary-democratic; V
b) liberal-monarchist, populist;
c) reactionary, constitutional, anarchist;
72. What are the goals in the revolution of 1905-1907. were the basis for the unification of the parties of the "left bloc"?
a) the implementation of the bourgeois-democratic revolution and the destruction of the autocracy;
b) the implementation of the bourgeois-democratic revolution and its development into a socialist revolution;
c) the implementation of the bourgeois-democratic revolution and the destruction of the autocracy. The highest ideal of struggle is the replacement of capitalism by socialism. V
73. Have there been any positive changes in Russia since the revolution of 1905-1907?
a) the revolution was defeated and therefore did not lead to any changes in society;
b) a certain improvement in the economic situation of the workers and peasants was achieved;
c) despite the defeat of the revolution, its outcome was a partial modernization of the state system and its further evolution towards transformation into a bourgeois monarchy. V
74. The main provisions of the program of which party included the "Land Decree"?
a) the Bolshevik Party;
b) the Socialist-Revolutionary Party; V
c) the cadet party.
75. Why did the Bolsheviks need power in the country?
a) physically destroy all representatives of the bourgeoisie;
b) to enrich the members of his party by robbing the whole people;
c) abolish capitalist ownership of land, factories and other basic means of production in order to build socialism. V
76. One of the most important steps in the transition to civilian life after the civil war in Russia was the decision to:
a) replacing the surplus with a tax in kind; V
b) the return of land to the landowners;
c) permission for the activities of the parties of the Cadets and Octobrists;
d) denationalization of large-scale industry.
77. Why is December 30, 1922 considered the day of the formation of the USSR?
a) on this day, the 1st Congress of Soviets of the USSR began its work; V
b) on this day, all Soviet republics signed a union treaty;
c) on that day, at the congress of the RCP (b), a decision was made to form the USSR.
78 . What kind of society was built in the 30s?
a) a socialist society has been built; V
b) an industrial society has been built;
c) a post-industrial society has been built.
79. What events completed the turning point during the Great Patriotic War?
a) the withdrawal of Soviet troops to the state border of the USSR;
b) Moscow battle;
c) Battle of Kursk; V
d) Battle of Stalingrad.
80. When was the city of Voronezh liberated from the Nazi invaders?
a) November 19, 1942;
b) August 23, 1943;
c) January 25, 1943; V
d) July 18, 1943
81. How can you evaluate the activities of N.S. Khrushchev?
a) only positively;
b) only negative;
c) his activities were controversial. As a result of his leadership, certain successes were achieved in our country, but miscalculations were also made. V
82. What does Khrushchev's "thaw" mean after Stalin's death?
a) a number of important state measures aimed at the partial democratization of the life of society;
b) a series of measures on a national scale aimed at the complete liberalization of the country;
c) the revival of the cultural life of the country. V
83. What was characteristic of our country in the period from 1964 to the beginning of the 70s?
a) the scale and intensity of work to find ways to renew society, establish a scientific approach and the economy; V
b) reform of political structures;
c) major transformations in the social and spiritual development of society.
84. What were the results of the economic reform of 1965?
a) the reform did not bring the expected results; V
b) the reform gave a certain impetus to the economic development of the country and unleashed the initiative of industrial enterprises;
c) the reform caused changes in the management system of industry and construction;
d) the reform ended with great success in the development of the country.
85. What characterizes the stagnant period in the development of Soviet society (1970-1985)?
a) a sharp weakening of innovative aspirations, the conservation of the principles and forms of social organization; V
b) the struggle for radical change in all spheres of society
c) Soviet society did not have a stagnant period at all.
86. When was the final act of the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe signed?
a) in 1975; V
b) in 1979;
c) in 1982
87. What were the reasons for the lag of our country behind the leading countries of the world in the conditions of the growing influence of scientific and technological revolution?
a) the lack of an effective management mechanism; V
b) deficiencies in the STP management system;
c) insufficient number and competence of scientific personnel;
d) the low level of activity and responsibility of the working masses.

Tests on "History of the Fatherland"
for the distance education system

1. During the period of the formation of the Russian centralized state, the following form of feudal landownership appears and becomes more widespread ...

A) estate +
b) estate
c) public lands

2. The origin of the ruling dynasty in Russia is associated with the name ...

A) Askold
b) Dira
c) Rurik +

3. A new phenomenon in the economic life of the country In the 17th century, it became ...

A) the emergence of feudal landownership
b) the development of new territories by the Russian peasantry
c) the formation of the all-Russian market, the emergence of manufactories +

4. Determine the common features characteristic of the modernization of Peter 1 and Alexander 2

A) the reforms were aimed at solving the problems of maintaining the status of a great power, expansion and defense +
b) the reforms meant the creation of a civil and industrial society in Russia

5. Changes in the public consciousness of Russia in the 18th century were associated with the spread of ideas ...

A) revival
b) Reformation
c) Enlightenment +

6. The name of which reformer was associated with the abolition of serfdom in Russia,
judicial, zemstvo, military, city reforms?

A) Alexandra 2 +
b) S.Yu. Witte
c) A.P. Stolypin

7. The course of Russia, aimed at creating a wide layer of peasant farmers, expanding the social support of the autocracy in the countryside is associated with the name ...

A) P.A. Stolypin +
b) S.Yu. Witte

8. The theory of peasant communal socialism was first substantiated ...

A) SRs
b) A.I. Gertsenym +
c) Slavophiles

9. An alternative to the October coup of 1917 was the so-called "third way", that is, the achievement of civil accord through a coalition ...

A) Mensheviks, Socialist-Revolutionaries, Cadets
b) Mensheviks, Socialist-Revolutionaries and Bolsheviks +

Methodology is a system of scientific principles and research methods based on the dialectical materialist theory of historical knowledge.

The dialectical-materialist theory proceeds from the fact that society must be considered in constant development, and the source of this development is the internal contradictions of society itself or the social phenomenon under consideration.

Principles are the main, fundamental provisions of science. A method is a way of studying patterns through their specific manifestations.

Basic principles of historical science:

a) objectivity, b) historicism, c) comprehensiveness.

Specify what is the content of each of these principles in relation to the study of history.

The main methods used in the study of history:

a) chronological, b) problematic, c) retrospective, d) system-structural. Other methods are also used, and usually several methods are combined with each other (for example, problem-chronological). Formulate the main features of each of the main methods.

Approaches to the study of history.

When studying society, the whole variety of social relations is usually grouped into four blocks: a) the economy, b) the social sphere, c) politics, d) the spiritual sphere. Today, two approaches to the study of history prevail: a) formational, b) civilizational.

Formation is a historical type of society based on a certain mode of production and acting as a stage in the development of the world history of human society. Considering societies with this approach, the researcher seeks, first of all, to identify the similarities of society with other societies that have passed or are at the same stage of formational development. This allows us to apply the historical experience of other societies to solving the problems of our own society.

Civilization is usually divided into world and local. World civilization acts as all mankind taken together, developing in a single progressive movement as something whole. A local civilization is a region of the planet at the national or state level, which differs significantly from other regions in the direction of its development. With a civilizational approach, the search for the uniqueness of each society, its differences from other social systems, comes first. This allows you to identify the leading trends and principles of development of the studied society, which cannot be ignored, using the experience of other civilizations in solving their internal problems.

Science has not yet developed a unified idea of ​​civilization. Therefore, in different scientific and educational publications, one can find different interpretations of the essence and terminology of the civilizational approach.

Each local civilization goes through several stages in its development:

1) the challenge of nature - a period when society is forced to realize the radically changed situation in which it exists, and to begin, for its own survival, the search for new solutions that are radically different from the usual stereotypes of the former social life in all spheres of society;

2) birth - the period when an ethnos is formed, the boundaries of the territory of its habitat are determined, the state is formed and the ideology of this society is developed;

3) growth (or flourishing) - a period when typical features of economic life, social structure, political system and spiritual culture are formed, which distinguish this society from others, determine its identity.

4) break - the period when society begins to experience internal upheavals, which are the result of an increase in the contradiction between the traditional features of the social order and the changing objective conditions in which this society exists.

5) sunset - a period of destruction of the traditional forms of existence of a given society, a change in its value system. The internal contradictions of society are supplemented by seriously complicated external factors. As a result, society must either restructure itself in accordance with the changed conditions, i.e. move to another civilization, or perish.

The total period of existence of a local civilization is estimated at an average of 1000-1500 years.

Types of civilization:

1) by natural and geographical position: a) marine, b) continental, c) coastal.

2) according to the type of human interaction with nature:

a) primitive societies (man is completely dependent on nature),

b) agrarian societies (a person takes ready-made what nature gives him),

c) industrial societies (a person remakes nature, based on his own needs, creates a “second nature”),

d) post-industrial (information) societies (a person interacts with nature, compensating for the damage caused to it by his activity).

3) in terms of the pace and direction of development:

a) East - a slow, sustainable type of development of society, based on the merging of man with nature;

b) The West is a dynamic, rapidly developing society based on the active influence of man on nature.

Self-determine , which of the indicated types include Russian civilization and formulate those features that determined its originality in relation to each variant of typology.

Questions for self-examination:

1. Formulate the subject of the story.

2..Name the main methods of historical science. Formulate the main features of each method.

3. Define a formation.

4. What are the structural elements of the formation and how are they interconnected.

5. Define a local civilization.

6. Specify the main features of marine, continental and coastal civilizations.

7. Formulate the main differences between an agrarian society and a primitive and industrial society.

8. What is the difference between western and eastern types of civilizations?

9. Specify the main stages in the development of local civilizations.

10. What spheres of public life are mainly considered in the formational approach and which ones - in the civilizational one?

Eastern Slavs in antiquity.

Territory and population.

The first mention of the Eastern Slavs as an independent ethnic group can be traced in sources from the 6th century. There is no consensus on the origin of the Eastern Slavs in historical science. The migration theory prevails: the Eastern Slavs are from Central Europe. But there is also an autochthonous theory (the Eastern Slavs are the original inhabitants of the East European Plain), as well as a number of theories trying to find the ancestral home of the Eastern Slavs in Central Asia, in the Arctic North and other regions of the planet.

On one's own formulate reasons for this diversity of opinion among researchers. trace on the map of the place of settlement of the East Slavic tribes by the 9th century.

Socio-economic development.

Eastern Slavs in the VI-VIII centuries. - settled tribes whose main occupation was agriculture. Formulate based on the text of the textbook, what were the features of the slash-and-burn system of agriculture, as well as ancillary farming classes. Define, at what stage of the social division of labor were the Eastern Slavs by the 9th century. (whether trade has already separated from agriculture and handicrafts).

During this period, according to archaeological materials, the transition of the Slavs from the tribal community to the neighboring community is traced. Formulate the main differences between these types of community from each other. The transition to a new type of communal relations stemmed from the development of the economy and changes in economic conditions.

Political system.

The social system of the Eastern Slavs in this period is usually called "military democracy". Formulate main features of this system. The highest officials in the administration were the elder and the prince. Veche played a significant role. Check the functions of each of the officials and the powers of the chamber.

Between the tribes of the Eastern Slavs by the 9th century. established fairly stable tribal unions. Try to define based on the text of the textbook, did the Eastern Slavs have cities by this time.

Religion and the Church.

Religion of the Eastern Slavs until the X century. - paganism. The paganism of the Eastern Slavs is rather difficult to reconstruct due to the limited sources, so you can find various options for describing the pantheon. But researchers agree that the highest pagan deities of the Slavs personified the forces of nature, then followed by a number of lower deities (domovye, goblin, water, etc.), which were an expression of the animation of nature that surrounded man. Another row was occupied by the deceased ancestors, whose cult played an important role in the life of the ancient Slavic society.

note on the features of the cult: a) The absence of temples (only temples and trebishche are known - open places where idols were placed and rituals were performed); b) There is no consensus about sacrifices - how typical were human sacrifices to the gods?; c) The role of the Magi is also debatable - was it a special estate or not?

In general terms, the religious system of the Eastern Slavs contained two main values: a) the unity of man with nature, b) the priority of generic, collective values ​​over personal ones.


Information about the achievements of the culture of the Eastern Slavs is scarce due to the lack of a sufficient number of sources. The question of the presence of ancient Slavic writing in the pre-Christian period of Russia remains controversial. It is generally accepted that the level of scientific knowledge of the Eastern Slavs was not lower than the level of scientific knowledge of the neighboring peoples surrounding them.

Archaeological sources do not give grounds to believe that stone architecture was known to the Slavs at that time.

note that the calendar is focused on the cycle of agricultural work.

IN family relationships pair marriage and a large patriarchal family dominated.

Questions for self-examination:

1. Indicate the territory of the settlement of the Eastern Slavs by the 9th century. ?

2. Formulate the main provisions of the migration theory of the origin of the Eastern Slavs.

3. What were the features of the formation Russian civilization in the pre-Mongolian period?

2. Russia in world civilization. Features of education and development

Russian state.

  • 3. Ethnogenesis of the Eastern Slavs. Socio-cultural foundations for the development of the Slavic tribes in the middle of the 1st millennium AD
  • 4. The formation of the ancient Russian state. Kievan Rus in the 10th - early 12th centuries: socio-political system and early legislation.
  • 5. The adoption of Christianity in Russia and its consequences.
  • 6. The evolution of ancient Russian statehood in the 12th - early 13th centuries. Characteristics of Russian principalities and lands in the conditions of decentralization of Kievan Rus.
  • 7. Russia and the Golden Horde: the problem of relationships and mutual influence.
  • 8. Rise of Moscow. The formation of the Muscovite state in the 14th - 15th centuries. State activity of Ivan III.
  • 9. Muscovy: the system of power and administration (16th - 17th centuries).
  • 10. Muscovy: the evolution of the estate system (16th - 17th centuries).
  • 11. Culture of the Moscow State in the 16th -17th centuries.
  • 12. The concept of modernization of traditional society. Beginning of modernization in Russia. Reforms of Peter I.
  • 13. The policy of "enlightened absolutism" of Catherine II: its manifestations, features, results.
  • 14. Russian Empire in the 18th - 19th centuries: ways of creation, features of the national policy-autocracy.
  • 15. Socio-political development of Russia in the first half of the 19th century.
  • 16. Reforms of Alexander II: background, content, significance.
  • 17. Socio-political and socio-economic development of Russia in the second half of the 19th century. - early 20th century
  • Features of Russian modernization:
  • Slow pace of modernization:
  • 18. Public thought and social movement in Russia in the first half of the 19th century.
  • 19. Public thought and social movement in Russia in the second half of the 19th century.
  • 20. Culture of Russia in the 19th century.
  • 21. "Silver Age" of Russian culture.
  • 22. Reforms Witte o.Yu. And Stopypina P.A. And their importance for the modernization of Russia.
  • 23. Creation and activity of political parties in Russia at the beginning of the 20th century.
  • 24. Changes in the political system of Russian society in the 1900s - February 1917.
  • 25. A national crisis is brewing in Russia. February Revolution of 1917 The collapse of the monarchy. Formation and activity of the provisional government and councils of workers' and soldiers' deputies.
  • 27. Civil war and foreign intervention: causes, characteristics of the opposing forces, consequences.
  • 28. NEP and its significance for socialist construction.
  • 29. Education of the USSR: causes, projects and principles of creation, results.
  • 30. The evolution of the Soviet political system in the 20-30s.
  • 31. Industrialization in the USSR: goals, features, first five-year plans, results.
  • 32. Collectivization in the USSR: goals, methods, results.
  • 33. "Cultural revolution" in the USSR: goals, methods, results.
  • 34. Foreign policy of the Soviet state in the 20-30s.
  • 35. The Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945: main periods and events, causes of victory, results and lessons.
  • 36. Socio-economic development, socio-political life, culture, foreign policy of the USSR in the post-war years. The USSR and the Cold War.
  • 37. The Soviet state and society in the 50s - the first half of the 60s. Reforms of N.S. Khrushchev. Economic Management Reform
  • 38. The Soviet state and society in the mid-60s - mid-80s. Growing crises.
  • 39. USSR in 1985-1991 The policy of "perestroika" M.S. Gorbachev and its results.
  • 40. The collapse of the USSR: causes and consequences.
  • 41. Formation of the new Russian statehood and political development of the country in 1992-2006.
  • 42. Socio-economic development of Russia in 1992-2006: achievements and problems.
  • .one. Subject, methods, sources of studying history. The value of studying the course "Patriotic History".

    History- the science of the past of mankind. The past of mankind is not identical with history. History studies the past, but historical work will never correspond to the past. Successful study of the past requires methodology historical research, i.e. a set of methods and principles by which historical facts are selected and interpreted. History is a set of specific and diverse actions of individuals, their communities, the real process of development of society as a whole.

    History is the activity of a person pursuing his own goals.

    The ancestor - Herodotus: "History is the mentor of life."

    The main goal of the story- to explain the past, the present, to help look into the future, to develop, to form a historical consciousness among the broad masses.

    I. forms historical consciousness. I.s.- this is the total representation of society as a whole and its individual groups about their past and about the past of a person.

    Source levels consciousness:

    1. Ordinary (household)

    2. The level of stereotypes. Stereotypes are formed under the influence of thin. lit-ry and do not always objectively reflect reality. History distortions can occur when using thin. method for the sake of political conjuncture with personal or financial motives.

    3. "School" - knowledge systematized in chronological order.

    4. Professional - analysis of sources based on scientific methodology; makes it possible to identify trends and forecasts.

    Ch. the task of history- based on the study of the past, understand the current situation and transform it, taking into account the achievements and miscalculations of previous generations.

    A source- a document that directly reflects the historical process (laws, state office work, statistics, personal documents).

    source study- an auxiliary historical discipline that studies historical sources.

    The main sources on the history of Russia 12-17th century. serve as annals, from the 18th century. - Mrs. office work, in the 20th century. documents appear. parties.

    Literature: Tatishchev (1st 5-volume history of R., "Apologetics of Peter's rule"), Lomonosov (Criticism of the Norman theory), Karamzin (history of the Russian state), Klyuchevsky (Course of Russian history).

    Tasks course can be considered in a narrow and broad sense. In the narrow– acquaintance with the latest conceptual ideas on the history of the Fatherland from ancient times to the end of the 20th century, taking into account the multidimensionality of the historical process, to form a certain system of theoretical ideas and knowledge among students, to reveal the history of Russia.

    In a broad sense- education by history of the formation of patriotic and humanistic principles in the minds of students: national self-consciousness, respect for the past of the Fatherland and pride in one's people, the formation of a new generation of Russian intelligentsia.

    Course value

    1. Comprehension of general patterns in the history of the world, the direction of the historical development of the world and Russia.

    Regression? Decline? heyday?

    2. Local stories are hard to understand outside of the global context:

    The history of Russia is connected with the History of the Slavs, the History of Sweden, Germany, England, Mongolia, Greece and other countries

    3. Gives an idea of ​​the cultural and historical typology of peoples and countries.

    4. World experience.

    Course value (more):

    1. Awakening and development of the national spirit. national identity. Perception of oneself as Russian.

    2. Understanding the historical roots of the country's problems.

    3. Development of historical culture. Understanding the historical context of certain events. Ability to use historical material in their activities.

    Participation in elections - analysis of political programs, conscious reading of the press.


    4. Predictive function.

    Preliterate history, sources:

    Linguistics - linguistics

    Archeology, ethnography, onomastics - the study of proper names,

    anthropology is the science of the origin and evolution of man,

