EGE on history 2018. Option 101. Part 1

Answers to tasks 1-19 are a sequence of numbers or word (phrase). First, specify the answers in the text of the work, and then transfer them to the answer form No. 1 to the right of the number of the corresponding task, starting from the first cell, without spaces, commas and other additional characters. Each digit or letter is written in a separate cell in accordance with the samples given in the form. The names of the Russian sovereign should write only letters
(for example: Nikolaivitor).

№1 Position in chronological sequence historical events. Record the numbers that are indicated by historical events, in the correct sequence in the table.

1) Chesme battle
2) Creating the Charter of Vladimir Monomakh
3) Murder of the heir of the Austro-Hungarian throne of the ERCGerzog Franz Ferdinand

Answer: 213

Explanations:Creating the Charter of Vladimir Monomakh 1113. The murder of the heir of the Austro-Hungarian throne, Erzgertzog Franz Ferdinand, occurred on June 28, 1914. The Russian-Turkish war, during which in 1770 the Chesme battle took place.

№2 Set the match between events and years: to each position of the first column, select the appropriate position from the second column.

A) the death of Falsmitria I
B) the beginning of the monetary reform G.Ya. Sokolnikova
C) the beginning of the monetary reform E.F. Cankrin
D) baptism of Russia

1) 988
2) 1036
3) 1606
4) 1839
5) 1922
6) 1961

Answer: 3541.

Explanations:Lhadmitria's death refers to troubled time 1606The beginning of the monetary reform G.Ya. Sokolnikova 1922. Beginning of the monetary reform E.F. Cankrin 1839 Baptism Rus 988

№3 Below is a list of terms (titles). All of them, with the exception of two, belong to the events (phenomena) of the history of Russia of the period 1985-1991.

1) referendum; 2) "Novoyagarovsky Process"; 3) national projects;
4) default; 5) publicity; 6) Alternatively elections.

Find and write down the sequence numbers of terms (names) relating to another historical period.

Answer: 34.

Explanations: Defalt in Russia 1998. National projects appeared in Russia at the beginning of the XXI century.

№4 Record the historical term about which we are talking about. In the Russian state in the XVI - early XVIII century. serve people who made a permanent army; Infantry armed with firearms

Answer: Streltsy

Explanations: The formation of shooting troops was started in 1540 with Ivan Grozny. Sagittarius in the XVI century - early XVIII century.

№5 Set the match between processes (events, events) and facts related to these processes (events, events): To each position of the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.

Processes (phenomena, events)
A) Smolensk war
B) Russian-Turkish war 1877-1878.
C) Batievo invasion on Russia
D) Kursk battle

1) Battle under Prokhorovka
2) fights for Zeelian heights
3) Conclusion of the Polanovsky world
4) siege pie
5) Battle on the City River
6) Conclusion of the Brest World

Answer: 3451.

Explanations:In 1632-1634 Russian-Polish or Smolensk War is the conclusion of the Polanovsky world of 1634. Russian-Turkish war 1877-1878 - Siege of Pleven. The invasion of Batya on Russia - Battle on the City River 1238 Kursk Battle - Battle under Prokhorovka.

№6 Install the correspondence between the fragments of historical sources and their brief characteristics: To each fragment indicated by the letter, select two corresponding features indicated by numbers.

Fragments of sources

A) "Keeping inviolable the basic law of the Russian Empire on the being of the autocratic power, we recognized for the benefit of establishing the State Duma and approved the Regulations on the elections in the Duma, spreading the laws of these laws on the entire space of the empire, with those only changes, which will be recognized as necessary for some, in special conditions, its outskirts. On the procedure for participation in the State Duma elected from the Grand Duchy of Finland on issues of general for the empire and this region of legal entities will be specified by us. Together with SIM commanded, we once ordered to submit us to approval of the rule on the enforcement of the Regulations on the elections to the State Duma, with such a settlement so that members from 50 provinces and the area of \u200b\u200bDon Troops could appear in the Duma no later than half of January ... "

B) "Indigenous state laws define the composition of the Council, the creature and the main forms of its action.
I. In accordance with state institutions, the Council is a institution, in which all the actions of the procedure for legislative, judicial and executive are connected and they will go up to the holding power and are poured from it.
II. Therefore, all the laws, statutes and institutions in their first draws ... are considered in the State Council ...
IV. The Council is drawn up from the SPE, the highest power of attorney in the estate called ".


1) This document was issued during the reign of Nicholas II.
2) the authority mentioned in this passage existed in the Russian
Empire more than 100 years.
3) This document was issued during the reign of Alexander II.
4) the contemporary of the publication of this document was P.N. Milyukov.
5) This document was issued during the reign of Alexander I.
6) In the passage, the territory was mentioned in Russia in the 1720s.

Answer: Fragment A: 1 4 Fragment B: 2 5

Explanations: Text and Finland is attached to the Russian Empire in 1809, as a result russian-Swedish War. The State Duma appears at the beginning of the 20th century under Nicolae II. The contemporary of the publication of this document was P.N. Milyukov. Text B Establishment of the State Council. The authority of the authorities mentioned in this passage existed in the Russian
Empire more than 100 years. This document was published during the reign of Alexander I.

№7 That from the listed belong to characteristic traits Russian socio-economic development in the first half of the XIX century? Select three responses and record the numbers in the table under which they are specified.

1) Mass yield of peasants from the community to cut and farm
2) Introduction to the appeal of the first paper monetary signs
3) the emergence of the category of obliged peasants
4) Start of Railway Construction
5) The emergence of the first monopolistic associations in industry
6) widespread departure

Answer: 346.

Explanations:The emergence of the category of ordered peasants after signing the decree of the obligations of the peasants in 1842. Wide departure of waste is referred to the first half of the XIX century. The massive outlet of the peasants from the community to the cut and the farm - the Stolypinsky Agararian reform.

№8 Fill in passing in these proposals using the list of missed items below: for each sentence, indicated by the letter and containing the skip, select the number of the desired item.

A) In August 1943, the partisan operation began to conduct ________.
B) the creator of the "flying tank" - the most massive aircraft of the USSR during the years
Great Patriotic War - Was ________.
C) Kiev was released from the fascists in ________ 1943
Missed elements:
1) "Rail war"
2) S.V. Ilyushin
3) Uranus
4) November
5) M.I. Koshkin
6) February
Write in the table selected numbers under the appropriate letters.

Answer: 124.

Explanations:M. I. Koshkin Soviet Designer Engineer, Creator and First Chief Designer T-34 Tank.

№9 Set the correspondence between events (phenomena, processes) and their participants: to each position of the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.

Events (phenomena, processes)
A) Internecine war in the Moscow principality in the second quarter of the XV century.
B) Northern War
C) location limit
D) strengthening ideological control after the Great Patriotic War


1) A.D. Menshikov
2) Vasily oblique
3) Ivan IV
4) A.A. Zhdanov
5) Marina Mnishek
6) ld Trotsky

Write in the table selected numbers under the appropriate letters.

Answer: 2134.

№10 Read the passage from the memories of the Soviet warlord and write the name of the country, the results of the conflict with which we are talking.
"In March 1940, a meeting of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the CPSU (b) was held, which was of great importance for the development of our armed Forces. The meeting considered the results of the war ...
What was the essence of the requirements filed by our Armed Forces and the Government?
Given the results ... conflict, and most importantly, the nature of the fighting of the world war began, before the troops were delivered - acutely and in the whole volume - the task of learning today that tomorrow will need to be in war. The reorganization of all types of armed forces and childbirth began
troops, serious measures were taken to strengthen the unity, order
and disciplines in the troops. "

Answer: Finland

Explanations: In March 1940, a meeting of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the CPSU (b) was held, which was of great importance for further development Our Armed Forces. The meeting discussed the results of war with Finland.

№11 Fill out the empty cell cells using the list of missed elements below: for each pass indicated by the letter, select the number of the desired item.

Missed elements:
1) XVII century.
2) Edition of the "Cast Charter"
3) Proclamation of the monroment doctrine in the US
4) defeat England invincible Armada
5) XVIII century.
6) Joining Novgorod to the Moscow State
7) adoption of the Declaration of Human Rights and Citizen in France
8) "Bloody Sunday"
9) XVI century.
Write in the table selected numbers under the appropriate letters.

Answer: 657123.

Explanations: P.riotindion of Novgorod to the Moscow State January 15, 1478. The adoption of the Declaration of Human Rights and Citizen in France is 1789. Edition of the "cast-iron charter" of 1826. Proclamation of the monroment doctrine in the US on December 2, 1823.

№12 Read the passage from the manifesta.

"Headquarters headquarters.

In the days of the Great Fighting with an external enemy, seeking for almost three years to enslave our homeland, the Lord God has pleased to send Russia a new grievous test. The beginning of the internal folk unrest threaten poorly reflected in the further conduct of a stubborn war. The fate of Russia, the honor of the heroic of our army, the benefit of the people, the whole future of the expensive of our Fatherland requires the configure of the war by all means to the victorious end. The cruel enemy strains the last strength, and an hour is already close when the valiant army is us together with glorious allies will be able to finally break the enemy. In these decisive days, in Russia's life, we considered the debt of conscience to facilitate our close unity and cohesion of all the forces of folk for the early achievement of victory and, in harmony with the government dummy, we recognized for the good to renounce the head of the state of Russian and add up the supreme power. Not wanting to part with our beloved Son, we hand over our brother to our great prince Mikhail Alexandrovich and bless him for the entry into the throne of the Russian state. We are aligning our brother to rule the affairs of government in full and non-unauthorized unity with representatives of the people in legislative institutions, on the principles, koi will be installed, bringing in that haired oath ... "

Using an excerpt and knowledge of history, select three faithful judgments in the list.

Write down in Table numbersunder which they are indicated.

1) Among the allies mentioned in the passage was England.
2) The name of the Son mentioned in the passage - Alexey.
3) The author of Manifesta writes that he does not believe in the victory of Russia in the war.
4) The author of Manifesto notes that his decision was supported by the State Duma.
5) Grand Duke Mikhail Alexandrovich, mentioned in the passage, was the Russian emperor for more than a year.
6) This manifest was written during Civil War in Russia

Answer: 124.

Explanations:In similar tasks, you must find keywords to determine the historical period.

Consider the scheme and follow the tasks 13-16.

№13 Fill in the pass in the sentence: "City, marked in the scheme
digit "2", entered into Russian state in ____________ century. "
Answer write down the word.

Answer: Seventeenth

Explanations:The city, indicated in the diagram of the number "2" Kiev.

№14 Specify the name of the city-fortress designated in the diagram of the number "1".
Answer: ___________________________.

Answer: Azov

Explanations:The task requires the analysis of a historical card.

№15 Fill in the pass in the sentence: "Decree of Empress Catherine II River, marked in the diagram of a number" 5 ", was renamed _______________.
Answer: ___________________________.

Answer: Ural

Explanations:After suppressing the uprising under the leadership of Emelyan Pugachev. For a complete oblivion, the Yook River was renamed to the Urals - by the name of the mountains in which she originates.

№16 What judgments related to the historical situation indicated on
Scheme, are faithful? Choose three judgments out of six offered.
Write down the numbers in the table under which they are indicated.
1) area of \u200b\u200bflax production for sale is indicated on the horizontal scheme
2) the main economic specialization of the area designated in the scheme
Points, was the production of bread for sale.
3) The city marked in the diagram of the number "6" was the center of ferrous production.
4) One of the reasons for the rebellion of the monastery of the monastery designated in the scheme
The number "4" was discontent with the church reform of Patriarch Nikon.
5) The scheme indicates and signed the city, where at the end of the XVII century. At the initiative
Peter I began construction of the first in the history of Russia regular
6) The digit "3" in the diagram is indicated by the Irbit Fair.

Answer: 345.

Explanations:The city, marked in the diagram of the number "6" Tula, was the center of ferrous production. Under the number "4" is marked by the Solovetsky monastery, the monks of which were unhappy with the church reform of Patriarch Nikon.

№17 Set the correspondence between cultural monuments and their brief characteristics: to each position of the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.

Monuments of Culture

A) Tenty Church in Kiev
B) Monument "Warrior Liberator" in Berlin Trepps Park
C) Arkhangelsk Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin
D) Monument "Millennish Russia"

1) Author - E.V. Vuchetich.
2) Author - Aleviz New.
3) The beginning of construction refers to the time of the reign in Kiev Vladimir Monomakh.
4) Author - M.O. Mikeshin.
5) This cultural monument was destroyed in the XIII century.
6) Author - V.I. Mukhin.
Write in the table selected numbers under the appropriate letters.

Answer: A-5, B-1, B-2, M-4

Explanations:Aleis is a new Italian architect who worked in Russia at the beginning of the XVI century. The author of such famous temples as the Arkhangelsk Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin, the Cathedral of Peter Metropolitan in the High-Petrovsky Monastery. Monument "Millennium of Russia", erected in Veliky Novgorod in 1862 in honor of the thousand-year anniversary of the legendary variation of Varyagov on Russia. The authors of the monument project are sculptors Mikhail Mikeshin, Ivan Schroeder and Architect Viktor Gartman.

Consider the image and perform tasks 18, 19.

№18 What judgments O. this image Are faithful? Choose two
judgments of five offered. Write down the numbers in the table under which
They are indicated.
1) This envelope is released during the leadership of the country M.S. Gorbachev.
2) the cathedral depicted on the envelope is the tomb of the dynasty
Moscow princes and kings.
3) the participant of the event, which is devoted to the image on the envelope, was Boris Godunov.
4) During the construction of the cathedral depicted on the envelope, the features of Vladimir architecture were borrowed.
5) The cathedral depicted on the envelope was built in the XVI century.

Answer: 34.

Explanations:During the construction of the Assumption Cathedral depicted on the envelope, the features of Vladimir architecture were borrowed. You can perform the task using exceptions.

№19 Which of the presented buildings are located in the same city, where is the cathedral depicted on the envelope? In response, write down two numbers that are indicated by these buildings.

Do not forget to transfer all the answers to the answer blank number 1 in accordance with the instructions for performing the work.

Answer: 13.

Explanations:The building must be in the same city (Moscow), where the Assumption Cathedral is located. In the first image - the Church of Ascension in Kolomensky. On the second St. Isaac's Cathedral located in St. Petersburg. On the third - the temple of Vasily blissful. In 4 images, the Church of the Intercession on the Nerley, located next to the city of Vladimir.

Part 2

To record responses to the tasks of this part (20-25) use the formResponses number 2. Record first task number (20, 21, etc.), and thendeparted answer to it. Records write out clearly and picking up.

Read the excerpt from the historical source and briefly answerquestions 20-22. Answers suggest the use of information fromsource, as well as the use of historical knowledge at the course of historythe corresponding period.

From the Message of Monarch

"Our authorized ambassadors ... arrived to you with our credential letter, in which we asked you to trust them with the words that were said from our name. You write that they declared you that they came with all the necessary powers to conclude the Christian world; But when you allowed them to negotiate with the pans of your Rada, they demanded the preservation of four castles in the Livonian land: Neigausen, Neishlos, Nymül and Ruge, and even added to this cities, who last year with the help of God switched to your hands ; For this, they, in your words, had to be sent back, without graduating from negotiations. And then they asked you to send them to send us for the authority of all the conditions of peace and friendship, and you allowed them ... the same merchants who were detained in our land without any guilt, you ask to voluntarily release them Property and thereby give you the proof of our tendency and readiness for friendship.

Your Panya, as our ambassadors report ... They spoke to them from your name, that you will come with us, only if we give you all the Livonian land until the last Pyats, that Veliy, we will be lit and the igniter - all this is already ... and that we must To destroy the city of Seber and even pay you four hundred thousand Golden Chervonsev for your loss that you have equipped, going to fight our lands. We have never met such self-confidence and perplex: now you are going to put up to put up, and your Rada makes such immense requirements - what will they demand, interrupting peace negotiations? "

№20 Name the monarch - the author of this message. Name the monarch - the addressee of this message. Indicate up to half a century, when this message was written.

Answer: Ivan IV Grozny, Stephen Batorius, 1558-1583.

Explanations:Keywords: Livonian Land (referred to about the Livonian War), Panya (in this text - appeal to the Poles), Veliya (inflicted in the Livonian War).

№21 Using an excerpt, specify the conditions for the conclusion of the world put forward by the address of this message. (Give at least three provisions.)


1. "We will give you all the Livonian Earth to the last Pyats, which is Veliy, they will be lit and the igniter"

2. "We have to destroy the city of Sebezh"

3. "Pay you four hundred thousand Gold Chervons"

Explanations: Answers in the second paragraph of text.

№22 Specify any three outcome of the war, the events of which is mentioned in this passage.

Answer: 1. The zapolsky truce between the Russian kingdom and the speech of the 1582 response put an end to a long and unnecessary war. Russia abandoned Livonia.

2. It was lost the coast of the Gulf of Finland. He was captured by Sweden, with which in 1583 a plus world was signed.

3. The development of Russia, the devastation of the treasury, a significant decrease in the population in the counties of the central and north-western parts of the country.

Explanations:In this task, it is important to indicate in the response of contracts concluded after the Livonian war.

№23 During the years of civil war, the Bolsheviks opposed the significant forces of the White Guards and the Interventory. However, the Bolsheviks won the victory over them. Indicate at least three reasons for this victory. White errors
Do not specify movement.


  • The red movement was one: a single command, which was under the control of the center (took two capitals and the central industrial district).
  • Most of The population has passed on the side of the Bolsheviks, they were the only one offered to solve the peasant and working questions. The Bolsheviks offered to spend the nationalization of the Earth, transfer it from the hands of landowners to the hands of peasant farms and plants to transfer the workers.
  • The Bolsheviks had a powerful ideological foundation, represented slogans uniting people.
  • The connection of white movement with the interventionists of the Bolsheviks was interpreted as cooperation with foreigners and the sale of the Motherland.

Explanations:In this task, specify strengths Bolsheviks.

№24 According to historical issues, various, often contradictory points of view are expressed. Below is one of the contradictory points of view.

"The uprising of the Decembrists in 1825 was doomed in advance for failure and defeat."

Using historical knowledge, give two arguments that can be confirmed by this point of view, and two arguments that can be refuted to it. When presenting arguments, be sure to use historical facts.

The answer is written in the following form.
Arguments confirmation:
1) …
2) …

Refuture arguments:
1) …
2) …


Arguments confirmation:

1) The Decembrists were secretly in force and on their side did not have a wide layer of the population, the people did not know what values \u200b\u200bthe Decembrists are fighting, people gathered on the square were mostly seva.

2) The uprising was poorly organized, because the head of the uprising Sergei Trubetskaya did not come to the square on the day of the uprising, therefore, having lost the leader, the uprising lost the organization.

Refuture arguments:
1) the uprising could pass successfully, because for him the most suitable time was chosen (the period between the kingdom and the political and dynastic crisis).
2) The XVIII century was the era of palace coups, the main role in which the Guards shelves played, nobles, they made coups and imposed the conditions for monarchum, therefore, based on the history, the uprising could have passed successfully.

Explanations:In this task, you need to recall the circumstances of the events on December 14, 1825.

№25 You need to write a historical essay of one of the periods of Russia's history:

The essay requires:

- indicate at least two significant events (phenomena, processes) relating to this period of history;
- call two historical Personswhose activities are associated with the specified events (phenomena, processes), and, using knowledge historical facts, characterize the roles of the names of the personalities in these events (phenomena, processes);

Attention! When characterizing the role of each person named, it is necessary to specify the specific actions of this personality, largely influenced the course and (or) the result of the specified events (processes,

- indicate at least two causal relationships characterizing the causes of events (phenomena, processes), which occurred in this period;
- Using knowledge of historical facts and (or) opinions of historians, assess the influence of events (phenomena, processes) of this period to the further history of Russia.
During the presentation, it is necessary to correctly use historical terms, concepts relating to this period.

Ege of history is another pretty controversial subject. Most of the discs on the exam can check the knowledge of certain facts. But what is the facts without surrounding factors. The fact broken from the context is not knowledge of history, namely, this is assessed by the exam. For this reason, the history of history is experiencing many attacks. But as long as the knowledge of graduates is assessed by the EGE, then it is necessary to prepare for him.

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History | Ege 2018.

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History | Ege 2018.

The Solution of the online test exam 2018 on history introduces schoolchildren with the tasks of this EGE and helps to master the necessary skills to solve the tasks of Kim. Teachers can use online testing for free on training lessons and monitor students. The training version of the history of history complies with Development 2018.

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History | Ege 2018.

The Solution of the online test exam 2018 on history introduces schoolchildren with the tasks of this EGE and helps to master the necessary skills to solve the tasks of Kim. Teachers can use online testing for free on training lessons and monitor students. The training version of the history of history complies with Development 2018.

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History | Ege 2018.

The Solution of the online test exam 2018 on history introduces schoolchildren with the tasks of this EGE and helps to master the necessary skills to solve the tasks of Kim. Teachers can use online testing for free on training lessons and monitor students. The training version of the history of history complies with Development 2018.

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The Solution of the online test of the exam 2018 on social studies introduces schoolchildren with the tasks of this EGE and helps to master the necessary skills to solve the tasks of Kim. Teachers can use online testing for free on training lessons and monitor students. The training version of the social science of social studies complies with Development 2018.

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Social Studies | Ege 2018.

The Solution of the online test of the exam 2018 on social studies introduces schoolchildren with the tasks of this EGE and helps to master the necessary skills to solve the tasks of Kim. Teachers can use online testing for free on training lessons and monitor students. The training version of the social science of social studies complies with Development 2018.
