Questions to consider:
1. Theories of the origin of life on Earth.
2. Evidence ancient life.
3. Geochronological table. Variety of life in every period

1. Theories of the origin of life.

There are several hypotheses for the origin of life on Earth.

1. God created life.

2. Life is brought from outer space.

3. Life has arisen by itself as a result chemical reactions.

According to scientists, life originated 4 billion years ago. It originated as a result of spontaneous chemical reactions that led to the formation of organic acids.

In the first half of the 20th century, the American chemist Stanley Miller conducted an experiment in which he tried to recreate the conditions of life on Earth that prevailed about 4 billion years ago. An electric current was passed through an aqueous solution containing chemical elements. at that time, the Earth's atmosphere was rife with lightning. As a result of this experiment, simple carbon compounds appeared. Later, complex carbon compounds were also found in meteorites. Therefore, there is an assumption that the origin of life was facilitated by chemicals brought from space. However, most scientists adhere to the third hypothesis - life arose independently and developed gradually as carbon compounds became more diverse and complex.

According to scientists, the origin of life took place in the sea, tk. on land, there was destructive radiation and strong temperature fluctuations. Mineral substances dissolve well in water and chemical reactions proceed without difficulty.

Finally, a grandiose event took place in the history of the Earth - a fairly stable complex molecule, capable of self-reproduction, arose. Over millions of years, the so-called "primary broth" appeared - a liquid medium teeming with microorganisms. Such reasoning is not groundless speculation of scientists. But there is compelling evidence that the very first primitive life forms quickly spread throughout the seas of the planet. What the petrified testifystromatolites age 3.5 billion years.

The drift of life from space is not excluded. After all, finding bacteria on the skins of spaceships. Found the remains of bacteria in meteorites.

2. Evidence of ancient life.

The science that studies a variety of data about the life of past years is calledpaleontology.

Evidence for the existence of ancient living organisms are:

1. Traces legs or crawls, preserved on soft silt, solidified magma, which subsequently solidify. Footprints can indicate the size of the animal, modes of movement.

From the bones, you can get an idea of ​​the position of the body, size, way of feeding and movement. Based on the scars on the bones, showing the place of muscle attachment, a conclusion is made about the location and size of the muscles, therefore, the shape of the animal's body is created. Color, length of coat and size of scales - these signs are speculative.

3. Prints leaves, animals.

4. Frozen organisms in soil or ice. In Siberia, mammoths have been found that have survived for 25 thousand years.

5. Contained in amber plants, insects, spiders. Amber is a fossil resin from conifers.

Fossil organisms are found buried in ash, swamps, quicksand, tar pit (Los Angeles), frozen patches of soil and ice.

3. Geochronological table. Variety of life in every period.

The age of fossil remains is determined by radiocarbon, which can be used to determine the age of any organic matter by the period of its decay.

To streamline the long history of the Earth, scientists divide it into different periods of time. The longest are the eras. Eras are divided into periods, and periods into eras.


It began about 3.8 billion years ago, lasted 1.3 billion years. At the beginning of Archea, life arose on the planet: its chemical traces were found in rocks with an age of 3.7 billion years. The microorganisms that left them were unicellular. These primitive creatures were similar to modern bacteria and fed on organic compounds dissolved in water.


Prevendian period 2500 - 650 million years ago

Translated from Greek. "Proterozoic" - "early life".

Tiny cyanobacteria appeared on Earth - blue-green algae, which used the energy of the sun to grow. They have photosynthesis. Their descendants still exist.

Cyanobacteria lived in shallow seas. Some formed huge blocks of lime - stromatolites, fossils of which are found in ancient rocks. Modern algae still form them.

Vendian period 650-540 million years ago

The first animals appeared 1 billion years ago. Their bodies were composed of many cells. At the end of an era lived at the bottom of the seaharni, like bunches of feathers.


Translated from Greek. "Paleozoic" - "ancient life".

Cambian period 540-510 (505) million years ago

During this period, various multicellular animals were formed: trilobites, gastropods, brachiopods and bivalves, crustaceans, arachnids, sponges, corals, echinoderms. Many have acquired shells and shells. Many species gave rise to the modern chord.

Shoulders - sedentary animals with a bivalve shell and feeding on plankton.

Trilobites - primitive arthropods (ancestor of crayfish, spiders and insects) with an elongated flat body covered with a hard shell in the form of plates. Each segment of the body, except the last, carried limbs. Sizes 1 to 5- 7 cm in length. There were types up to 60- 75 cm.

Plants were dominated by unicellular and multicellular algae, which emit oxygen intensively.

Ordovician period 505-438 million years

It is characterized by the appearance of nautiloid molluscs - relatives of octopuses and squids. Of the arthropods were trilobites, horseshoe crabs. Lived differently; different mollusks, corals. The first fish appeared. They did not yet have fins and jaws, but they had a bone shell on their heads, apparently serving as protection from predators. These first fish, known ascorymbose,were poor swimmers, and the absence of jaws forced them to eat as follows: they sucked in the silt, and then filtered it through peculiar cracks, and thus small invertebrates remained in their mouths, which served them as food. In our time, such creatures would probably seem primitive and awkward, but then they were the most developed animals on Earth. First, they had a spine, which, when combined with other bones, formed a strong skeleton. Secondly, they reached much larger sizes than other animals. And thirdly, they already had eyes, mouth and even a small amount of brain.

Silurian period 438-408 million years ago

During this period, the continents rose higher and the climate became cool. Photosynthesis played a huge role in the further evolution of life on Earth. In the process of photosynthesis, oxygen is released, which in the upper layers is converted into ozone, capable of absorbing deadly ultraviolet rays. The ozone layer thickened over time and finally blocked the access to excess ultraviolet rays. This made it possible for living organisms to rise from the bottom of the ocean to the surface, and then go to land.

Plants were the first to appear on land. This became possible about four hundred and ten million years ago, when the ozone layer became thick enough to completely block the access of deadly ultraviolet rays. Plants mastered the land slowly - until the next period they adapted.

The fact is that in water they were able to absorb water and food across their entire surface, and on land they could only do this by their widely branched and deeply buried roots. To live on land, plants needed a water transport system that ran from root to top, a hard skin to reduce moisture loss, and a solid foundation to keep the stem or trunk upright.

The first plant to meet all of these requirements was the cuxonia, which grew in Wales nearly four hundred million years ago. After it, other types of land plants appeared - mosses, lyes, ferns, varieties of conifers. During the Carboniferous period, which began 345 million years ago, they grew lushly, forming huge swampy forests. Some mosses in these forests were about a ten-story building, the ferns reached a height of forty-five meters, and how huge the trees were, it's hard to even imagine.

Following the plants, the simplest animals began to adapt to life on land. Adapted to breathe air.

Probably, the first of them were the most ancient arthropods, which in the process of evolution were able to acquire for themselves the simplest apparatus for breathing air. From these ancient arthropods, mites, centipedes, scorpions and other insects later evolved. All of them ate plants and for many millions of years were the only inhabitants of the land. The most curious of the ancient insects was the giant dragonfly, whose wingspan exceeded seventy centimeters.

Algae and fish continued to dominate the seas. Giant crustaceans appeared before 3m in length. Some fish have developed jaws. This allowed their owners to eat not only the simplest organisms, but also larger animals. Having overtaken the prey, with the help of their jaws, they tore it apart, and then swallowed it.

The earliest jawfish were Acanthodians. Then they were supplanted by the plasoderm, which grew to very large sizes. The largest of them, the dunkleosteus, was ten meters long. Instead of teeth, there were bone spines on his jaws, but this did not prevent him from killing and n; obese everything that caught his eye.

Devonian period 408-360 (362) million years ago

The heyday of fish. Panzer fishes developed and three types appeared: lungfinned, cross-finned and ray-finned (ancestors of modern fish).

The largest marine animals appeared - yes (u) nkleosteus 4 m length, cutting its prey in half. Later sharks appeared and migrated to the ocean.

The first amphibians appeared, descended from fish that came out on land. The reason for the release of fish was the drying up of small reservoirs.

In order not to die, the fish were forced to crawl over land to another body of water. They did it awkwardly at first, and very few probably achieved their goals. But over time, growths formed on the fins of these fish, which could be supported, and in addition to the gills, tiny lungs appeared, allowing them to absorb oxygen from the air. In the process of evolution, the fins finally turned into limbs, and the lungs expanded so much that they allowed them to breathe air constantly. This happened about 350 million years ago.

Ichthyostega was one of the first amphibians. She already has
there were well-formed lungs and limbs, reminiscent of the paws of modern amphibians and reptiles.

The ability to move both on land and on water made it possible for amphibians to maneuver in case of danger and feed on both underwater organisms and those that lived on land. Subsequently, reptiles evolved from amphibians, and from them, in turn, birds and mammals.

Among the amphibians there was a Stegocephalus, which has real limbs.

Carboniferous period 360-286 million years ago

The continents are covered with low-lying swamps and fern forests. Giant forests of warm and humid Carboniferous were teeming with giant insects, large amphibians... The wingspan of insects reached 75 cm long.

During this period, the first reptiles appear - Dimetrodon, Edaphosaurus. A "sail" stretches along their backs, allowing them to regulate their body temperature.

Perm 286-245 (250) million years ago

The climate is getting colder, it becomes more arid. Continents rise, lakes and seas dry up. The number of ferns, horsetails and lyres is decreasing. Mountain building takes place. The glaciation of the southern hemisphere is coming.

At the end of the Permian period, animals appear, similar to reptiles, which gave rise to mammals. During this period, a mass extinction of species occurs on the earth due to climate change.


"Mesozoic" - "average life". They call it the era of reptiles.

Triassic period 245-208 million years

After disappearingspecies on Pangea (one continent) a warmer and more humid climate is established. Treelike fern forests covered the spaces.

Dinosaurs appear. The first flying reptiles appear. The presence of the oldest oviparous mammals (like the platypus and echidna)

Jurassic period 208-144 million years

Dinosaurs grow to gigantic proportions. Many flying reptiles appear (quetzalcoatl - 12 m wingspan) and an intermediate step to birds - Archeopteryx. The emergence of placental mammals.

Cretaceous period 144-66 million years

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2 Practical lesson Description of individuals of the species by morphological criterion Purpose: to study the criteria of the species morphological, physiological, genetic, geographical, ecological, biochemical; consider on specific examples of plant and animal species the morphological criterion. Equipment: herbarium material, photographs, drawings of plant and animal organisms. Course of the lesson: 1. Consider the organisms of plants and animals offered to you. Compare them according to the proposed criteria. Fill the table. MORPHOLOGICAL FEATURES OF ORGANISMS Signs for comparison Object 1 Object 2 Appearance: Geographical habitat Lifestyle Ecological significance Shoot, leaf arrangement on the stem, leaf shape and size, type of venation, root system, flower, inflorescence Body shape, head, proportions of the trunk, structure of limbs; color of skin, wool; height, size 2. Arrange in the correct sequence the categories included in the structure of the species: population, subspecies, individual, variety 3. Two types of twin can be distinguished by characteristics: habitat, behavior, karyotype of somatic cells, features of the external structure, size and number chromosomes, the genotype of the cells of the organism 4. Modern ideas about the biological species: species are created and unchanged; species do not really exist; the species really exists, the species are unstable and dynamic; the species exists for a certain time, and then either dies out or changes; any variability in nature is speciation 5. How does the concept of cosmopolitan differ from endemic? Explain the answer. Give examples. Conclusion: Make a conclusion by answering the question, Why can't you use only one of the species criteria when determining the species?

3 Practical lesson Analysis of adaptations of organisms to the environment Purpose: to form the concept of the adaptability of organisms to the environment, to study the mechanism of the emergence of adaptations, to be able to classify adaptations, to reveal their significance for organisms. Equipment: reference books " General biology»P.102, photographs and drawings of organisms of animals and plants. Work progress: Task 1 Determine the correspondence between the shape of the body and the organism that has it. Expand its meaning: Body shape: torpedo, knotty, leafy, bizarre Shark, stick insects, moth caterpillar, dolphin, seahorses, anglers Task 2 Determine the correspondence between body color and the organism that has it. Expand its meaning: Body color: protective, dismembering, warning Zebra, tiger, ptarmigan, bees, wasps, cabbage butterfly caterpillar, white hare, Madagascar beetle, young gray monitor lizards, spotted salamander, walrus cubs, aphids, giraffes. Task 3 What is the difference between masking and demonstrating? Give examples. Activity 4 Give examples of mimicry. How is Bates's one different from Müller's? Conclusion: Expand the mechanism of formation and the meaning of adaptations. Why fitness is never absolute Practical lesson "Analysis and evaluation of various hypotheses of the origin of life" Purpose: acquaintance with various hypotheses of the origin of life on Earth. Progress. Read the text "The variety of theories of the origin of life on Earth." Fill in the table: Theories and hypotheses The essence of the theory or hypothesis Evidence 3. Answer the question: What theory do you personally adhere to? Why? "Variety of theories of the origin of life on Earth." 1. Creationism. According to this theory, life arose as a result of some supernatural event in the past. It is adhered to by the followers of almost all the most common religious teachings. The traditional Judeo-Christian concept of the creation of the world, as set out in Genesis, has caused and continues to cause controversy. Although all Christians acknowledge that the Bible is the Lord's testament to the people, there is controversy over the length of the “day” mentioned in Genesis. Some believe that the world and all organisms inhabiting it were created in 6 days, 24 hours each. Other Christians do not regard the Bible as a scientific book and believe that the Book of Genesis contains the theological revelation about the creation of all living beings by the omnipotent Creator in a form understandable to people. The process of divine creation of the world is thought of as having taken place only once and therefore inaccessible for observation. This is enough to take the whole concept of divine creation out of the box. scientific research... Science deals only with those phenomena that are observable, and therefore it will never be able to either prove or disprove this concept. 2. The theory of a stationary state. According to this theory, the Earth never arose, but existed forever; it is always capable of supporting life, and if it has changed, then very little; species have always existed too.

4 Modern dating methods give ever higher estimates of the age of the Earth, which allows proponents of the steady state theory to believe that the Earth and species have always existed. Each species has two possibilities, either population change or extinction. Supporters of this theory do not recognize that the presence or absence of certain fossil remains may indicate the time of appearance or extinction of a particular species, and cite coelacanth as an example of a representative of cross-finned fish. According to paleontological data, the cross-fin became extinct about 70 million years ago. However, this conclusion had to be revised when live representatives of the crossfin were found in the area of ​​Madagascar. Proponents of the stationary state theory argue that only by studying living species and comparing them with fossil remains can a conclusion about extinction be made, and even then it may turn out to be incorrect. The sudden appearance of a fossil species in a certain layer is explained by an increase in its population or movement to places favorable for the preservation of remains. 3. The theory of panspermia. This theory does not offer any mechanism for explaining the primary origin of life, but puts forward the idea of ​​its extraterrestrial origin. Therefore, it cannot be considered a theory of the origin of life as such; it simply takes the problem somewhere else in the universe. The hypothesis was put forward by J. Liebig and G. Richter in the middle of the 19th century. According to the panspermia hypothesis, life exists forever and is transferred from planet to planet by meteorites. The simplest organisms or their spores ("seeds of life"), getting on a new planet and finding favorable conditions here, multiply, giving rise to evolution from the simplest to complex forms. It is possible that life on Earth arose from a single colony of microorganisms, abandoned from space. To substantiate this theory, multiple UFO sightings, rock paintings of objects similar to rockets and "astronauts", as well as reports of alleged encounters with aliens are used. When studying the materials of meteorites and comets, many "precursors of the living" were found in them, such as cyanogens, hydrocyanic acid and organic compounds, which may have played the role of "seeds" that fell on the bare Earth. The supporters of this hypothesis were the Nobel Prize winners F. Crick, L. Orgel. F. Crick was based on two circumstantial evidence: the universality of the genetic code; necessary for the normal metabolism of all living things of molybdenum, which is now extremely rare on the planet. But if life did not originate on Earth, then how did it arise outside of it? 4. Physical hypotheses. Physical hypotheses are based on the recognition of the fundamental differences between living matter and non-living matter. Consider the hypothesis of the origin of life put forward in the 30s of the XX century by V.I. Vernadsky. Views on the essence of life led Vernadsky to the conclusion that it appeared on Earth in the form of a biosphere. The fundamental, fundamental features of living matter require not chemical, but physical processes for its occurrence. This should be a kind of catastrophe, a shock to the very foundations of the universe. In accordance with the hypotheses of the formation of the Moon as a result of the separation from the Earth of the substance that previously filled the Pacific Trench, widespread in the 30s of the XX century, Vernadsky suggested that this process could cause that spiral, vortex motion of the earth's substance, which did not repeat itself. Vernadsky interpreted the origin of life on the same scales and time intervals as the origin of the Universe itself. In a catastrophe, conditions suddenly change, and living and inanimate matter emerges from protomatter. 5. Chemical hypotheses. This group of hypotheses is based on the chemical characteristics of life and connects its origin with the history of the Earth. Let's consider some of the hypotheses of this group. At the origins of the history of chemical hypotheses were the views of E. Haeckel. Haeckel believed that first, under the influence of chemical and physical reasons, carbon compounds appeared. These substances were not solutions, but suspensions of small lumps. Primary lumps were capable of accumulating various substances and growing, followed by division. Then a nuclear-free cell appeared, the original form for all living things on Earth. A certain stage in the development of chemical hypotheses of abiogenesis was the concept of A.I. Oparin, put forward by him in the years. XX century. Oparin's hypothesis is a synthesis of Darwinism with biochemistry. According to Oparin, heredity was the result of selection. In Oparin's hypothesis, the desired will be

5 is valid. At first, her features of life are reduced to metabolism, and then its modeling is declared to have solved the riddles of the origin of life. J. Burpap's hypothesis suggests that abiogenically generated small nucleic acid molecules of several nucleotides could immediately combine with those amino acids that they encode. In this hypothesis, the primary living system is seen as biochemical life without organisms, carrying out self-reproduction and metabolism. Organisms, according to J. Bernal, appear a second time, in the course of the isolation of individual sections of such biochemical life with the help of membranes. As the last chemical hypothesis of the origin of life on our planet, let us consider the hypothesis of G.V. Voitkevich, put forward in 1988. According to this hypothesis, the occurrence of organic matter is transferred to outer space. Under the specific conditions of space, organic substances are being synthesized (numerous organic substances are found in meteorites, carbohydrates, hydrocarbons, nitrogenous bases, amino acids, fatty acids, etc.). It is possible that nucleotides and even DNA molecules could have formed in outer space. However, according to Voitkevich, chemical evolution on most planets Solar system turned out to be frozen and continued only on Earth, having found suitable conditions there. During the cooling and condensation of the gas nebula, the entire set of organic compounds appeared on the primary Earth. Under these conditions, living matter appeared and condensed around the abiogenically generated DNA molecules. So, according to Voitkevich's hypothesis, biochemical life originally appeared, and in the course of its evolution, separate organisms appeared.

6 PRACTICAL EXERCISE ANALYSIS AND ASSESSMENT OF DIFFERENT HYPOTHESES OF HUMAN ORIGIN Purpose: to establish similarities and differences in the structure and life of humans and apes; analyze the main stages of anthropogenesis; develop the skills of critical analysis of scientific facts that testify "for" or "against" certain hypotheses. Equipment: figures, tables, photographs, 3D models of the main stages of human anthropogenesis, reference books on general biology. PROCESS OF THE LESSON: 1. Karl Linnaeus in the 18th century first gave the species name Homo sapiens (Homo sapiens) Determine the systematic position of a person according to the following criteria: Kingdom --- Subkingdom --- Type --- Subtype --- Class --- Detachment--- Suborder --- Section --- Superfamily --- Family --- Genus --- Species Man, Animals, Mammals, Chordates, Primates, Narrow-nosed, Monkeys, Higher Narrow-nosed, People, Homo sapiens, Multicellular, Vertebrates 2 Choose from the listed factors of human evolution, biological and social. Factors: labor operations, social lifestyle, heredity, struggle for existence, speech, natural selection, consciousness, variability, abstract thinking, social competition, mutations, human genetic diseases 3. Using the data of the reference book, textbooks, tables, models, make up the pedigree of Homo sapiens. 4. Evaluate the proposed facts from the point of view of argumentation of the main hypotheses about the origin of man: Evolutionary path of Creation Neutral facts 1. The presence of atavisms in a person; 2. the presence of different races of Homo sapiens; 3. very complex social structure of human society; 4. the generality of the structure of the main organ systems in humans and animals; 5. the presence in the geological layers of fossil remains of animals that do not exist at this time; 6. the presence of hair on the head of a person; 7. impossibility at the moment to make a complete picture of the emergence of man from wild ancestors; 8. complex structure of the human brain in comparison with animals; 9. the complexity of behavior and manifestations of human mental activity; 10. the presence of rudiments in a person; 11. the ability to use tools; 12.the presence of fossil remains of great apes that could have been ancestors modern man; 13. large size of the human brain in comparison with animals; 14. the presence of human tribes leading a primitive lifestyle; 15. the presence of articulate speech only in a person Make a conclusion by answering the question, what is evidenced by the facts of argumentation of hypotheses of human origin? “Modern biology has accumulated a lot of facts indicating the possible origin of man from ape-like ancestors. At the same time, there are some facts that do not fit into this theory "

7 Test "Development of life on Earth" Variant The hypothesis of the origin of life from inanimate matter: A) biogenesis; B) panspermia; C) abiogenesis; D) creationism. 2. Who formulated the biochemical hypothesis of the origin of life: A) Schleiden and Schwann; B) A.I. Oparin; C) Watson and Creek; D) Müller and Haeckel. 3. Indicate which taxon is the ancestor of amphibians: A) Shellfish; B) Quill-finned fish; C) Ray-finned fish; D) Cartilaginous fish. 4. Indicate the correct sequence of the Earth's evolutionary eras, starting with the last one, which lasts now, to the most ancient: A) Archean B) Mesozoic C) Cenozoic D) Paleozoic 5. Eukaryotes appeared: A) in Archea; B) in the Proterozoic; C) in the Paleozoic; D) in the Mesozoic; 6. Indicate when the first chordates appeared: A) in the Cambrian period; B) the Ordovician period; C) the Silurian period; D) Archean era. 7. When Conifers appeared: A) Devonian period; B) Permian period; B) Triassic period; D) Carboniferous period. 8. The heyday of saber-toothed tigers: A) Anthropogenic; B) Paleogene; C) Neogene; D) Cretaceous. 9. Find an unnecessary concept and explain your choice: A) Triassic; B) Jurassic; C) Neogene; D) Cretaceous. 10. Determine the taxonomic position of the following species: African elephant; Forest dandelion; 11. The main events of the Cretaceous period: A) the flourishing of gymnosperms; B) the appearance of angiosperms; C) the flowering of foraminifera; D) the appearance of placental mammals; E) the flowering of flying dinosaurs. Test "Development of life on Earth" Option 2 1. Hypothesis of the origin of life from living matter: A) biogenesis; B) panspermia; C) abiogenesis; D) creationism. 2. Who formulated the panspermia hypothesis: A) Schleiden and Schwann; B) Watson and Creek; C) Müller and Haeckel; D) Arrhenius and Vernadsky. 3. Indicate from whom the birds originated (one of the hypotheses): A) Brontosaurus; B) Pterodactyl; C) Ichthyosaurus; D) Archeopteryx. 4. Indicate the correct sequence of the eras of the Earth's evolution, from the most ancient to the present time: A) Archean; B) Mesozoic; C) Cenozoic; D) Paleozoic. 5. Prokaryotes appeared: A) in Archea; B) in the Proterozoic; C) in the Paleozoic; D) in the Cenozoic. 6. Indicate when the first mammals appeared: A) the Carboniferous period; B) the Triassic period; B) Cretaceous period; D) Jurassic period. 7. When angiosperms appeared: A) Permian period; B) Cretaceous period; C) Jurassic period; D) Carboniferous period. 8. The heyday of dinosaurs: A) Neogene; B) Paleogene; C) Jurassic; D) Triassic; 9. Find an unnecessary concept and explain your choice: A) Anthropogenic; B) Cambrian; C) Ordovician; D) Silurian. 10. Determine the systematic position of the following species: Himalayan bear; Tiger lily; 11. The main events of the Carboniferous period: A) the appearance of cross-finned fish; B) the formation of the first terrestrial biogeocenoses; C) the appearance of conifers; D) the appearance of the first insects; E) the appearance of the first reptiles

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Appendix to the PLO of secondary general education, approved by order of the director of school 57/6 of 08/31/17. WORKING PROGRAM ON BIOLOGY 10-11 CLASS Basic level 1. Planned results of mastering the program:

2 1. Requirements for the level of preparation of 11th grade students: As a result of studying biology at a basic level, the student must: 1. know / understand the basic provisions of biological theories (cellular, evolutionary

LESSONS THEMATIC PLANNING. 11 CLASS 27 LESSONS THEMATIC PLANNING “BIOLOGY. GRADE 11. PROFILE LEVEL ”The planning is based on the program“ Biology. 10 11 grades. Profile

The main stages of animal evolution Performed by EA Sotnikova, student gr. F-112 From unicellular animals to multicellular ones. Undoubtedly, the first on Earth were the ancient protozoa. From them modern

1. Requirements for the level of training of students: 2 As a result of studying biology at the basic level, the student must: 1. know / understand the basic provisions of biological theories (cellular, evolutionary theory of Ch.

Municipal budgetary educational institution of the city of Abakan "Secondary school 24" WORKING PROGRAM in biology (basic level) for grades 10-11. Biology work program

Explanatory note The work program in biology for the class is compiled taking into account the Federal State Standard, an approximate program of secondary (complete) general education in biology (extended

Correspondence of the material of the textbook “Biology. Textbook for grade 9 "State educational standard of basic general education in biology (2004) and recommendations on the use of resources of the Federal

The work program of the subject "Biology" for grades 0 Planned results of mastering the subject Appendix 5 Approved as part of the PLO SOO Order MAOU "SOSH 45" dated 3.08.207 64a As a result

1. Planned results of mastering the academic subject The student must know: signs of biological objects: living organisms; genes and chromosomes; cells of the human body; the essence of biological processes:

The work program of the subject "Biology" (Basic level) 0 - grade I. REQUIREMENTS TO THE LEVEL OF TRAINING OF STUDENTS ON THE SCHOOL "BIOLOGY" As a result of studying biology at the basic level

The struggle for existence is a system of complex and diverse relationships between individuals within a species, between different species, as well as between different species and abiotic conditions. Forms of struggle for existence

I. Planned results of mastering the academic subject "Biology" As a result of studying biology at a basic level, the student must know / understand the main provisions of biological theories (cellular, evolutionary

The work program for the 11th grade provides for training in biology in the amount of 1 hour per week during the academic year, 34 hours per year. The work program is based on the following normative documents

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1. Planned results As a result of studying biology at a basic level, the student must know / understand the main provisions of biological theories (cellular, evolutionary theory of Charles Darwin); the teachings of V.I. Vernadsky

The work program of the subject "Biology" is drawn up in accordance with the requirements of: - Federal component of the state educational standard of secondary general education; - Educational

Class Program Number of hours Textbook total per week 9 Pasechnik V.V. M .: Bustard 200 Biology Program for educational institutions 0- Agafonova I.B., Sivoglazov V.I. General secondary (complete) program

The work program in biology for students in grades 10-11 was developed based on the requirements for the results of mastering the basic educational program of secondary general education. The work program is calculated

WORK PROGRAM ON BIOLOGY 11 CLASS, BASIC LEVEL Explanatory note This work program is based on the Federal component of the state standard of general education (secondary

2 phrases, an integer, a sequence of numbers or a combination of letters and numbers. 6. The number of tasks in one version of the test 50. Part A 38 tasks. Part B 12 tasks. 7. Test structure Section 1.

Mandatory minimum content Biology as a science. Methods scientific knowledge The object of the study of biology is wildlife. Distinctive features of living nature: level organization and evolution. Main levels

The work program in biology is compiled in accordance with the requirements of 1. Law of the Russian Federation "On Education" 273 dated December 29, 2012 2. Federal component of the state educational standard of the main

Explanatory note The work program is drawn up in accordance with :. By order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated 05.03.2004 089 "On the approval of the federal component of state educational standards for primary

The program of the course "Biology" is included in the collection of program material "Biology: grades 5-9": program. M .: Ventana-Graf 03. Authors: I.N. Ponomarev, V.S. Kuchmenko, O.A. Kornilov, A.G. Dragomilov, T.S.

Work program on the subject "Biology" Grade 9. Planned subject results of mastering the discipline: mastering knowledge about living nature and its inherent laws; structure, life and environment

Biology. General patterns Biology work program for 2015-2016 academic year compiled on the basis of the program of basic general education in biology, grades 6-9 N.I. Sonin, recommended by the Department

Appendix 0 to the Main educational program secondary general education (FC SES) Work program of the academic subject Biology 0- grades Requirements for the level of training of graduates As a result of studying

Municipal autonomous educational institution "Lyceum 9" of the Asbest city district Supplement to the educational program Work program of secondary general education on the subject "Biology"

Contents 1. Biology as a science ........ 10 1.1. Problems and methods of biology .. 10 1.2. Layered organization of life and biological systems ... 12 2. Cell as a biological system .................... 16

Good time of the day, dear seventh graders!

In this message, we will take a journey to the beginning of time. We will try to see and find out how the Earth developed, what events took place on it millions, or even billions of years ago. What organisms and how appeared on Earth, how they replaced each other, in what ways and with the help of what evolution proceeded.

But before we look at new material, test your knowledge of the topic

"Charles Darwin on the origin of species":

  • Forms of struggle for existence # 1
  • Forms of the struggle for existence No. 2

“Time is long,” said James Hetton, and indeed, it took an incredibly long time for the titanic and amazing transformations that have taken place on our planet. When flying to spaceship about 4 billion years ago, in the part of the Universe where our Sun is located today, we would observe a picture different from that which astronauts see today. Recall that the Sun has its own speed of movement - about two dozen kilometers per second; and then it was in another part of the Universe, and the Earth at that time was still just born ...

So, the Earth was just born and was in the initial stage of its development. She was a red-hot little ball, swaddled in vortex clouds, and her lullaby was the rumble of volcanoes, the hiss of steam and the roar of hurricane winds.

The earliest rocks that could have formed during this turbulent infancy were volcanic rocks, but they could not remain unchanged for long, for they were subjected to fierce attacks of water, heat and steam. The earth's crust sagged, and fiery lava poured over them. The rocks of the Archean era, the most ancient rocks known to us today, bear the traces of these terrible battles. These are mainly shales and gneisses that occur in deep layers and are exposed in deep canyons, mines, and open pits.

In such rocks - they were formed about one and a half billion years ago - there is almost no evidence of life.

The history of living organisms on Earth is studied by the remains, imprints and other traces of their vital activity preserved in sedimentary rocks. Science does it paleontology .

For ease of study and description, all the history of the earth is divided into lengths of time, having different durations and differing from each other in climate, intensity of geological processes, the appearance of some and the disappearance of other groups of organisms, etc.

The names of these periods of time are of Greek origin.

The largest such units are EONS, there are two of them - cryptose (hidden life) and phanerozoic (manifest life) .

Eons are divided into eras. There are two eras in Cryptozoic - Archean (the most ancient) and Proterozoic (primary life). Phanerozoic includes three eras - Paleozoic (ancient life), Mesozoic (middle life) and Cenozoic (new life). In turn, the eras are divided into periods, the periods are sometimes divided into smaller parts.

According to scientists, the planet Earth was formed 4.5-7 billion years ago... About 4 billion years ago, the earth's crust began to cool and hardened, conditions arose on the Earth that allowed living organisms to develop.

Nobody knows exactly when exactly the first living cell appeared. The earliest traces of life (bacterial remains) found in ancient deposits of the earth's crust are about 3.5 billion years old. Therefore, presumably the age of life on Earth is 3 billion 600 million years. Let's imagine that this huge period of time fits within one day. Now on our "clock" - exactly 24 hours, and at the time of the emergence of life they showed 0 hours. Each hour contained 150 million years, each minute - 2.5 million years.

The most ancient era of the development of life - the Precambrian (Archaean + Proterozoic) lasted for an incredibly long time: over 3 billion years. (from the beginning of the day to 8 pm).

So what was going on at the time?

By this time, the first living organisms were already in the aquatic environment.

The living conditions of the first organisms:

  • food - "primary broth" + less fortunate brethren. Millions of years => broth becomes more and more diluted
  • depletion of nutrient reserves
  • the development of life has come to a standstill.

But evolution has found a way out:

  • The emergence of bacteria capable of using sunlight convert inorganic substances into organic ones.
  • Need hydrogen => decompose hydrogen sulfide (to build organisms).
  • Green plants get it by splitting water and releasing oxygen, but bacteria do not yet know how to do this. (It is much easier to decompose hydrogen sulfide)
  • Limited amount of hydrogen sulfide => crisis in the development of life

A "way out" has been found - blue-green algae have learned to split water into hydrogen and oxygen (this is 7 times more difficult than splitting hydrogen sulfide). This is a real feat! (2 billion 300 million years ago - 9 a.m.)


Oxygen is a by-product. Oxygen accumulation → life threatening. (Oxygen is necessary for most modern species, but it has not lost its dangerous oxidizing properties. The first photosynthetic bacteria, enriching their environment, in fact poisoned it, making it unsuitable for many of their contemporaries.)

From 11 o'clock in the morning, a new spontaneous generation of life on Earth became impossible.

The problem is how to deal with the increasing amount of this aggressive substance?

Victory is the emergence of the first organism to breathe oxygen - the emergence of respiration.

On the ground


What does the science of paleontology study?

What eras and periods in the history of the Earth do you know?

About 3.5 billion years ago, an era began on Earth biological evolution, which continues to this day. The face of the Earth was changing: breaking apart single land masses, continents drifted, mountain ranges grew, islands rose from the depths of the sea, glaciers crawled in long tongues from the north and from the south. Many species have arisen and disappeared. Someone's history was fleeting, while others remained virtually unchanged for millions of years. According to the most conservative estimates, now our planet is inhabited by several million species of living organisms, and throughout its long history, the Earth has seen about 100 times more species of living beings.

At the end of the 18th century. arose paleontology - a science that studies the history of living organisms from their fossil remains and traces of life. The deeper the layer of sedimentary rocks with fossils, traces or imprints, pollen or spores is located, the older these fossil organisms are. Comparison of the fossils of various layers of rocks made it possible to distinguish several time periods in the history of the Earth, which differ from each other in the features of geological processes, climate, the appearance and disappearance of certain groups of living organisms.

The largest periods of time into which the biological history of the Earth is subdivided is zones: cryptose, or Precambrian, and Phanerozoic. Aeons are divided into era. In the Cryptozoic, two eras are distinguished: the Archean and the Proterozoic, in the Phanerozoic - three eras: the Paleozoic, Mesozoic and Cenozoic. In turn, eras are divided into periods, and in periods, epochs, or departments, are distinguished. Modern paleontology, using the latest research methods, has recreated the chronology of the main evolutionary events, quite accurately dating the appearance and disappearance of certain species of living beings. Consider the stage-by-stage formation of the organic world on our planet.

Cryptose (Precambrian). This is the oldest era, which lasted about 3 billion years (85% of the time of biological evolution). At the beginning of this period, life was represented by the simplest prokaryotic organisms. In the oldest sedimentary deposits known on Earth Archean era, discovered organic matter, which, apparently, were part of the oldest living organisms. Fossilized cyanobacteria have been found in the rocks, whose age is estimated by the isotope method at 3.5 billion years.

Life during this period developed in an aquatic environment, because only water could protect organisms from solar and cosmic radiation. The first living organisms on our planet were anaerobic heterotrophs, which assimilated organic matter from the "primary soup". The depletion of organic reserves contributed to the complication of the structure of primary bacteria and the emergence of alternative ways of feeding - autotrophic organisms arose about 3 billion years ago. The most important event of the Archean era was the appearance of oxygenic photosynthesis. Oxygen began to accumulate in the atmosphere.

Proterozoic era began about 2.5 billion years ago and lasted 2 billion years. During this period, about 2 billion years ago, the amount of oxygen reached the so-called "Pasteur point" - 1% of its content in the modern atmosphere. Scientists believe that such a concentration was sufficient for the emergence of aerobic unicellular organisms, and a new type of energy process arose - respiration. As a result of a complex symbiosis of different groups of prokaryotes, eukaryotes appeared and began to develop actively. The formation of the nucleus led to the emergence of mitosis, and later meiosis. Sexual reproduction began about 1.5–2 billion years ago. The most important stage in the evolution of living nature was the emergence of multicellularity (about 1.3-1.4 billion years ago). The first multicellular organisms were algae. Multicellularity has contributed to a sharp increase in the diversity of organisms. It became possible to specialize cells, form tissues and organs, distribute functions between parts of the body, which led to further complication of behavior.

In the Proterozoic, all the kingdoms of the living world were formed: bacteria, plants, animals and fungi. In the last 100 million years of the Proterozoic era, a powerful surge in the diversity of organisms has occurred: various groups of invertebrates (sponges, coelenterates, worms, echinoderms, arthropods, molluscs) have arisen and reached a high degree of complexity. The increase in the amount of oxygen in the atmosphere led to the formation of the ozone layer, which protected the Earth from radiation, so life could go to land. About 600 million years ago, at the end of the Proterozoic, fungi and algae came to land, forming the oldest lichens. At the turn of the Proterozoic and the next era, the first chordates appeared.

Phanerozoic. The eon, consisting of three eras, covers about 15% of the entire lifetime of life on our planet.

Palaeozoic began 570 million years ago and lasted about 340 million years. At that time, intense mountain-building processes accompanied by high volcanic activity were singing on the planet, glaciers replaced each other, and from time to time the seas advanced and retreated on land. In the era of ancient life (Greek palaios - ancient), there are 6 periods: Cambrian (Cambrian), Ordovician (Ordovician), Silurian (Silurian), Devonian (Devonian), Carboniferous (Carboniferous) and Permian (Permian).

V Cambrian and Ordovician the diversity of the ocean fauna is increasing, this is the heyday of jellyfish and corals. Ancient arthropods - trilobites appear and reach a huge variety. Chordates develop (Fig. 139).

V silure the climate is becoming drier, the land area is increasing - the single continent of Pangea. In the seas, the mass distribution of the first true vertebrates begins - jawless, from which fish later evolved. The most important event of the Silurian is the emergence of spore plants - psilophytes on land (Fig. 140). Following the plants, ancient arachnids emerge on land, protected from dry air by a chitinous shell.

Development of life on Earth "class =" img-responsive img-thumbnail ">

Rice. 139. Fauna of the Paleozoic era

V devonian the diversity of ancient fish is increasing, cartilaginous fish (sharks, rays) dominate, but the first bony fish also appear. In small, drying up reservoirs with insufficient oxygen, lungfish appear, which, in addition to the gills, have air respiration organs - saccular lungs, and cross-finned fish with muscular fins with a skeleton resembling the skeleton of a five-fingered limb. The first terrestrial vertebrates - stegocephals (amphibians) - originated from these groups.

V Carboniferous on land, there are forests of treelike horsetails, lycopods and ferns, reaching a height of 30–40 m (Fig. 141). It was these plants that, falling into tropical swamps, did not rot in a humid tropical climate, but gradually turned into coal, which we now use as fuel. In these forests, the first winged insects appeared, resembling huge dragonflies.

Rice. 140. First Sushi Plants

Rice. 141. Carboniferous forests

In the last period of the Paleozoic era - Permian- the climate became colder and drier, therefore those groups of organisms, the vital activity and reproduction of which were completely dependent on water, began to decline. The variety of amphibians is decreasing, whose skin constantly required moisture and whose larvae had a gill type of respiration and developed in water. Reptiles become the main hosts of sushi. They turned out to be more adapted to new conditions: the transition to pulmonary respiration allowed them to protect the skin from drying out with the help of horny integuments, and eggs, covered with a dense shell, could develop on land and protected the embryo from environmental influences. New types of gymnosperms are formed and widely distributed, and some of them have survived to the present time (ginkgo, araucaria).

Mesozoic era began about 230 million years ago, lasted about 165 million years and included three periods: Triassic, Jurassic and Cretaceous. In this era, the complexity of organisms continued and the pace of evolution increased. For almost the entire era, gymnosperms and reptiles predominated on land (Fig. 142).

Triassic- the beginning of the heyday of dinosaurs; crocodiles and turtles appear. The most important achievement of evolution is the emergence of warm-bloodedness, the first mammals appear. The species diversity of amphibians is sharply reduced and seed ferns are almost completely dying out.

Rice. 142. Fauna of the Mesozoic era

Cretaceous period characterized by the formation of higher mammals and real birds. Angiosperms appear and spread rapidly, gradually replacing gymnosperms and ferns. Some angiosperms that originated in the Cretaceous period have survived to this day (oaks, willows, eucalyptus, palms). At the end of the period, there is a mass extinction of the dinosaurs.

Cenozoic era, which began about 67 million years ago, continues today. It is subdivided into three periods: Paleogene (Lower Tertiary) and Neogene (Upper Tertiary), with a total duration of 65 million years, and Anthropogenic, which began 2 million years ago.

Rice. 143. Fauna of the Cenozoic era

Already in paleogene the dominant position was taken by mammals and birds. During this period, most modern orders of mammals are formed, the first primitive primates appear. Angiosperms (tropical forests) dominate on land; in parallel with their evolution, the development and increase in the diversity of insects is taking place.

V neogene the climate becomes drier, steppes are formed, and monocotyledonous herbaceous plants are widespread. The retreat of the forests contributes to the emergence of the first great apes. Species of plants and animals, close to modern ones, are being formed.

Last anthropogenic period characterized by a cooling climate. Four giant glaciations led to the emergence of mammals adapted to the harsh climate (mammoths, woolly rhinos, musk oxen) (Fig. 143). Land bridges arose between Asia and North America, Europe and the British Isles, which contributed to the widespread dispersal of species, including humans. Approximately 35-40 thousand years ago, before the last glaciation, people reached North America along the isthmus at the site of the present Bering Strait. At the end of the period, global warming began, many species of plants and large mammals became extinct, and modern flora and fauna were formed. The largest event of the anthropogen was the appearance of man, whose activity became the leading factor in further changes in the animal and plant world of the Earth.

Review questions and assignments

1. By what principle is the history of the Earth divided into eras and periods?

2. When did the first living organisms appear?

3. What organisms was the living world represented in the Cryptozoic (Precambrian)?

4. Why did a large number of amphibian species become extinct in the Permian period of the Paleozoic era?

5. In what direction was the evolution of plants on land?

6. Describe the evolution of animals in the Paleozoic era.

7. Tell us about the features of evolution in the Mesozoic era.

8. What impact did extensive glaciations have on the development of plants and animals in the Cenozoic era?

9. How can you explain the similarity of the fauna and flora of Eurasia and North America?

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Each of us is sometimes worried about such questions, which are difficult to find answers. These include understanding the meaning of one's existence, the structure of the world, and much more. We believe that everyone once thought about the development of life on Earth. The eras that we know are very different from each other. In this article, we will analyze in detail, and how exactly its evolution took place.


Katarchei - when the land was lifeless. Volcanic eruptions were everywhere, ultraviolet radiation and oxygen was lacking. The evolution of life on Earth began its countdown precisely from this period. Through interaction chemical substances that enveloped the earth, the properties characteristic of life on earth begin to form. However, there is another opinion. Some historians believe that the Earth has never been empty. In their opinion, the planet has existed for as long as life on it.

The era of Katarchea lasted from 5 to 3 billion years ago. Studies have shown that during this period the planet did not have a core and earth's crust. An interesting fact is that at that time the day lasted only 6 hours.


The next era after the Katarchean is the Archaean (3.5-2.6 billion years BC). It is divided into four periods:

  • neoarchean;
  • mesoarchean;
  • paleoarchean;
  • eoarchean.

It was during the Archean that the first protozoa were born. Few people know, but the sulfur and iron deposits that we mine today appeared during this period. Archaeologists have found the remains of filamentous algae, the age of which allows them to be attributed to the Archean period. During this time, the evolution of life on Earth continued. Heterotrophic organisms appear. Soil is formed.


The Proterozoic is one of the longest periods in the development of the Earth. It is divided into the following stages:

  • mesoproterozoic;
  • neoproterozoic.

This period is characterized by the appearance of the ozone layer. It was also at this time, according to historians, that the volume of the world's oceans was fully formed. The Paleoproterozoic era included the Siderian period. It was in it that the formation of anaerobic algae took place.

Scientists note that it was in the Proterozoic that global glaciation took place. It lasted for 300 million years. A similar situation is characteristic of the Ice Age, which was much later. During the Proterozoic, sponges and mushrooms appeared among them. It was during this period that ore and gold deposits were formed. The Neoproterozoic era is characterized by the formation of new continents. Scientists note that all flora and fauna that existed during this period are not the ancestors of modern animals and plants.


Scientists have been studying the geological eras of the Earth and the development of the organic world for a long time. In their opinion, the Paleozoic is one of the most significant periods for our modern life. It lasted about 200 million years and is divided into 6 time periods. It was during this era of Earth development that terrestrial plants began to form. It should be noted that during the Paleozoic period, animals came to land.

The era of the Paleozoic was explored by many famous scientists. Among them are A. Sedgwick and E. D. Phillips. It was they who divided the era into certain periods.

Paleozoic climate

Many scientists did research to find out Eras, as we said earlier, could last long enough. It is for this reason that during one chronology on a certain area of ​​the Earth at different times there can be an absolutely opposite climate. So it was in the Paleozoic. At the beginning of the era, the climate was milder and warmer. There was no zonality as such. The oxygen percentage increased steadily. The water temperature ranged from 20 degrees Celsius. Over time, zoning began to appear. The climate became hotter and more humid.

By the end of the Paleozoic, as a result of the formation of vegetation, active photosynthesis began. More pronounced zoning appeared. Climatic zones were formed. This stage has become one of the most important for the development of life on Earth. The era of the Paleozoic gave impetus to the enrichment of the planet with flora and fauna.

Plant and animal kingdom of the Paleozoic era

At the beginning of the Paleozoic period, life was concentrated in water bodies. In the middle of the era, when the amount of oxygen reached a high level, land development began. Its very first inhabitants were plants, which first performed their vital activity in shallow water, and then moved to the shore. The first representatives of the flora who mastered the land were psilophytes. It is worth noting that they had no roots. The process of the formation of gymnosperms is also attributed to the Paleozoic era. Treelike plants also appeared. In connection with the appearance of flora on the earth, animals gradually began to appear. Scientists suggest that herbivorous forms were the first to emerge. The process of development of life on Earth lasted for quite a long time. Eras and living organisms have been constantly changing. The first representatives of the fauna are invertebrates and spiders. Over time, insects with wings, ticks, mollusks, dinosaurs, and reptiles appeared. In the late Paleozoic, significant climatic changes took place. This led to the extinction of some animal species. According to preliminary estimates, about 96% of the inhabitants of the water and 70% of the land died.

Mineral resources of the Paleozoic era

It is with the Paleozoic period that the formation of many minerals is associated. Rock salt deposits began to form. It is also worth emphasizing that some oil basins originate precisely from the beginning of the formation of coal strata, which make up 30% of the total. Also, the formation of mercury is associated with the Paleozoic period.


The next after the Paleozoic, was the Mesozoic. It lasted for about 186 million years. The geological history of the Earth began much earlier. However, it was the Mesozoic that became the era of activity, both climatic and evolutionary. The main boundaries of the continents were formed. Mountain building began. The division of Eurasia and America took place. It is believed that the climate was the warmest. However, at the end of the era, the ice age began, which significantly changed the flora and fauna of the earth. Natural selection has taken place.

Flora and fauna in the Mesozoic era

The Mesozoic era is characterized by the extinction of ferns. Gymnosperms and conifers predominate. Angiosperms are forming. It is in the Mesozoic period that the flowering of the fauna begins. Reptiles are becoming the most developed. In this period, there were a large number of their subspecies. Flying reptiles appear. Their growth continues. By the end, some representatives weigh about 50 kilograms.

In the Mesozoic, the development of flowering plants gradually begins. By the end of the period, a cold snap sets in. The number of subspecies of near-water plants is decreasing. Invertebrates are also gradually dying out. It is for this reason that birds and mammals appear.

According to scientists, birds originated from dinosaurs. They associate the emergence of mammals with one of the subclasses of reptiles.


The Cenozoic is exactly the era in which we live today. It began about 66 million years ago. At the beginning of the era, continental division was still taking place. Each of them was dominated by its own flora, fauna and climate.

Cenozoic is distinguished by a large number of insects, flying and marine animals. Mammals and angiosperms predominate. It was at this time that all living organisms evolve strongly and differ in a large number of subspecies. Cereals appear. The most important transformation is the appearance of a Homo sapiens.

Human evolution. Initial stages of development

The exact age of the planet is impossible to determine. Scientists have been debating this topic for a long time. Some believe that the age of the Earth is 6,000 thousand years, others that more than 6 million. I guess we will never know the truth. The most important achievement of the Cenozoic era is the emergence of Homo sapiens. Let's take a closer look at exactly how this happened.

There are many opinions regarding the formation of humanity. Scientists have repeatedly compared a wide variety of DNA sets. They came to the conclusion that monkeys have the most similar organism to humans. It is impossible to prove this theory to the end. Some scientists argue that the human body and the pig are also quite similar.

Human evolution is visible with the naked eye. At first, biological factors were important for the population, but today they are social. Neanderthal, Cro-Magnon, Australopithecus and others - all this through which our ancestors passed.

Parapitecus is the first stage in the development of a modern person. At this stage, our ancestors existed - monkeys, namely chimpanzees, gorillas and orangutans.

The next stage of development was the Australopithecus. The first remains found were in Africa. According to preliminary data, their age is about 3 million years. Scientists examined the find and came to the conclusion that Australopithecines are quite similar to modern humans. The growth of the representatives was quite small, about 130 centimeters. The mass of Australopithecus was 25-40 kilograms. Most likely, they did not use the tools, since they have never been found.

A skilled man was similar to Australopithecus, but, unlike them, he used a primitive tool. His hands and phalanges were more developed. It is believed that it is a skilled person who is our direct ancestor.


The next stage of evolution was Pithecanthropus - Homo erectus. His first remains were found on the island of Java. According to scientists, Pithecanthropus lived on the territory of the Earth about a million years ago. Later, the remains of Homo erectus were found in all corners of the planet. Based on this, we can conclude that Pithecanthropus inhabited all continents. The body of a bipedal person was not much different from the modern one. However, there were minor differences. Pithecanthropus had a low forehead and distinct brow ridges. Scientists have found that a bipedal person led an active lifestyle. Pithecanthropus hunted and made simple tools. They lived in groups. So it was easier for Pithecanthropus to hunt and defend themselves from the enemy. Findings in China suggest that they also knew how to use fire. Pithecanthropus developed abstract thinking and speech.


Neanderthals lived about 350 thousand years ago. Found about 100 remnants of their life. The skull of the Neanderthals was domed. Their height was about 170 centimeters. They had a fairly large physique, well-developed muscles and good physical strength. They had to live in an ice age. It was thanks to this that the Neanderthals learned how to sew clothes from leather and keep the fire constantly. There is an opinion that the Neanderthals lived only on the territory of Eurasia. It is also worth noting that they carefully processed the stone for the future tool. The Neanderthals often used wood. From it, they created tools and elements for dwellings. However, it should be noted that they were quite primitive.


Cro-Magnons were tall, which was about 180 centimeters. They had all the characteristics of a modern man. Over the past 40 thousand years, their appearance has not changed at all. After analyzing human remains, scientists concluded that the average age of Cro-Magnons was about 30-50 years. It is worth noting that they created more complex views weapons. Among them are knives and harpoons. The Cro-Magnons fished and therefore, in addition to the standard set of weapons, they also created new ones for comfortable fishing. Among them are needles and much more. From this we can conclude that the Cro-Magnons had a good developed brain and logic.

A reasonable man built his dwelling from stone or dug it out in the ground. For greater convenience, the nomadic population created temporary huts. It is also worth noting that the Cro-Magnons tamed the wolf, turning it over time into a watchdog.

Cro-Magnons and art

Few people know that it was the Cro-Magnons who formed the concept that we now know as the concept of creativity. On the walls of a large number of caves, rock carvings made by Cro-Magnons have been found. It is worth emphasizing that Cro-Magnons always left their drawings in hard-to-reach places. Perhaps they played some kind of magical role.

The technique of drawing drawings among the Cro-Magnons was varied. Some clearly traced the images, while others scribbled them out. The Cro-Magnons used colored paints. Mostly red, yellow, brown and black. Over time, they even began to grind out figures of people. You can easily find all the found exhibits in almost any archaeological museum. Scientists note that Cro-Magnons were quite developed and educated. They loved to wear jewelry made from the bones of animals they killed.

There is a rather interesting opinion. It used to be thought that the Cro-Magnons drove out the Neanderthals in an unequal struggle. Scientists today assume otherwise. They believe that for a certain amount of time, Neanderthals and Cro-Magnons lived side by side, but the weaker ones died from a sharp cold snap.

Let's summarize

The geological history of the Earth began many millions of years ago. Each era has contributed to our modern life. We often don’t think about how our planet developed. Studying the information about how our Earth was formed, it is impossible to stop. The history of the evolution of the planet is capable of captivating everyone. We strongly recommend taking care of our Earth, at least so that after millions of years the history of our existence will have someone to study.
