The younger generation from Belarus, Kazakhstan, Russia, Ukraine is increasingly striving to get an education in Europe. Spanish universities are especially attractive for study. According to experts from the British company Quacquarelli Symonds, 3 Spanish universities entered the Top 50 educational institutions in the world. In total, about 50,000 foreign students, including Russians, study in the country.

To the pluses higher education in Spain also includes:

  1. Affordable pricing policy. If you wish, you can actually find a course that costs 750 € per academic year;
  2. High quality educational services. In educational institutions, they provide a solid baggage of theoretical knowledge, promote an individual approach to each student, use the creative potential of the individual, musical and artistic abilities with maximum benefit;
  3. The third argument in favor of studying in Spain is often its functionality. With a bachelor's or master's degree, you can find a job in the EU countries, Russia and the CIS countries.

The education system in Spain consists of five stages:

  • Preschool (Educación Infantil);
  • Primary school (Educación Primaria) - compulsory for a child from 6 years old. Lasts 6 years;
  • The intermediate level consists of the compulsory basic part of the Educación Secundaria Obligatoria and the additional training of the Bachillerato;
  • The highest level (Educación superior) is represented in Spain by universities of three types: public, private and spiritual. In total, there are about 50 public and 10 private universities in the country. In many universities, there are medical faculties, where it is possible to receive a full-fledged education. In all categories of universities, education is paid, but those who wish can receive a grant or scholarship and study for free;
  • Professional training. Such programs are offered by colleges, institutes, faculties of additional education at universities, higher schools, technical schools. Students and parents should understand that this is rather an analogue of the Russian secondary vocational education, college or technical school.

The structure of higher education

In Spain, higher education belongs to the pan-European Bologna system and branches into three parts:

  • 1 step - Estudios de pregrado or bachelor's degree (grado) - training lasts 4 years, it is possible to obtain any specialty;
  • Stage 2 - Estudios de postgrado or master's degree - the course lasts from one to two years. It is planned to acquire a narrow specialization and prepare for research activities;
  • Stage 3 - Doctorado or graduate school- the course is similar to the Russian graduate school, lasts three years, provides for scientific activity and obtaining a doctoral degree.

In some higher schools there are additional programs. They are called máster, experto o especialista universitario and are the second step. In fact, they are more consistent with refresher courses with a lot of practice. Lasts 1-2 years and includes a large number of hours of practical training. These courses are expensive, even in state universities, the cost of studying for a master remains very high.

Curricula and plans, pricing policy of universities are not controlled by the state - these issues are within the competence of the educational institution. The age of the applicant is of little interest to others and is limited by common sense. Before the age of 18, a young man is unlikely to receive a certificate, and after 40 it is irrational to study for a bachelor's degree, but it is quite possible to finish master's or master's courses. The academic year in Spanish universities begins on September 15 and ends on June 15.

Expert advice: Most foreigners prefer to get their education in a master's degree. They receive a bachelor's degree at a domestic university, at the same time improve their Spanish and collect the necessary information about the prospects for further study. Then they apply for a master's degree to one of the Spanish high schools. Studying according to this scheme is cheaper and more conscious.

Conditions of admission

For admission, you must submit a package of documents and pass the entrance tests in Spanish.

Subjects taken usually include:

  • Spanish language;
  • Foreign language (including Russian);
  • Writing an essay;
  • History or philosophy (at the choice of the applicant).

In addition to the compulsory subjects, the applicant passes four additional disciplines.

Please note: for all foreign students, a prerequisite is the translation of the school certificate or diploma into the state language and its notarization. To do this, you first need to contact the Spanish Ministry of Education.

In fact, there are not many conditions for foreign applicants. It is important that an applicant for study meets two points:

  1. Getting a secondary education at home. The proof of this will be a certificate of complete secondary education. Upon admission to the master's or postgraduate studies, bachelor's and master's degrees are presented, respectively;
  2. Good command of Spanish or English. For proof, it is enough to provide a certificate or pass the test directly at an educational institution.

Below is a list of certificates that are accepted by all universities in Spain. Passing scores depend on the requirements of the institution and the competition between applicants.

  • Cambridge: level C;
  • IELTS: 6;
  • TOEFL CBT: 213;
  • TOEFL IBT: 82;
  • TOEFL PBT: 550.

List of required documents

For admission after the 11th grade of a Russian school, you need to prepare a package of documents:

  • International passport;
  • State certificate of complete secondary education. Only duly certified documents are accepted. Good marks in the certificate will add the chances of admission;
  • Visa. It is enough for students to apply for a study visa;
  • Motivation letter with summary reasons why there was a desire to study here.

Additionally, the university can request documents at its discretion.

Passing trial tests

Selectividad (selectividad) or introductory tests in higher schools in Spain are held 2 times a year: in early June and early September. Accordingly, registration for testing begins in April or early July.

Samples consist of two blocks:

  1. The first part - four required exams in profile subjects;
  2. The second part - 2 additional exams for those wishing to increase the chances of admission.

Additional tests are highly recommended for students applying for:

  • Faculties of Medicine;
  • Legal specialties;
  • Foreign languages;
  • Control;
  • Architecture.

All exams are conducted in Spanish.

Cost of education

In public universities, part of the cost of training is borne by the budget, the amount of coverage is 75%, so you can often hear that education in Spain is budgetary. The student only has to pay a quarter of the cost.

The situation is different with private and religious institutions. Here education is completely paid, on average, the cost of training is 5,000 €, in public school for a similar course you will have to pay about 1,300 €.

  1. Initially, the cost of 1 block of classes - ECTS-credit - is calculated (this is about 30 academic hours) for faculties, a system of benefits and a scale of calculations are prescribed. The price of one ECTS-credit varies from 12 to 30 €, depending on the university and the program;
  2. At the next stage, the student chooses the blocks of classes that he will attend in academic year... The minimum bar is 30-35 credits per year, the standard amount is 60 blocks. If there is a desire to accelerate the study - there is an opportunity to choose even more blocks, if you want to extend the study for a larger number of years - they recruit the minimum number;
  3. After drawing up an individual program, it remains to multiply the cost of 1 ECTS-credit by the number of blocks, calculate the available benefits and reduction factors.

The cost of one year varies from 757 € at the Faculty of Tourism at the Universidades de Andalucia to 14,730 € at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Navarra. Prices shown are valid for 2019.

Is it possible to study for free

To get in Spain free education, you need to try hard. First, applicants look for a preferential program or scholarship from a university. It is necessary to take into account the fact that applicants for one grant can be from 30 to 50 people. Therefore, if a future student does not fit the picture of an ideal scholarship holder, then it is worth taking a closer look at the budget education programs in public universities in Spain.

What grants and scholarships exist

You can start your search with the state programs of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Agency for International Cooperation.

To get the desired result, you need to carefully study:

  1. Financing conditions;
  2. Obligations to return to Russia;
  3. A system of penalties, and do not rush to send a resume.

For example, the “Sandwich Program for 24 months” assumes that the student studies at home for the first six months, the second semester in Spain, and then returns to his home country. To act in a focused manner, experts advise choosing one or two programs and carefully preparing the necessary developments, resumes, and taking tests.

  • Embassy of Spain in the Russian Federation, Moscow, Bolshaya Nikitskaya st., 50/8, [email protected] and

Spain is a picturesque country of Cervantes, Gaudí and Almodovar, known for its wonderful architecture, mild climate and fiery music. In addition to numerous tourists, thousands of foreign applicants come here every year to get a high-quality and affordable European education.

Higher education in Spain has its own characteristics - it can only be obtained at a university, and in this sense Spain remains an extremely conservative country. Spanish universities are among the oldest tertiary educational institutions in the world, like, for example, the University of Salamanca, founded in 1218. It was here that the first woman professor Beatrice de Galindo taught Latin, Columbus presented his initial sailing project to the theological faculty, and according to legend, it was here that Cervantes and Hernán Cortes studied.

Today, higher education in Spain can be obtained at one of more than 50 universities. Most of them are state-owned, the second largest is private. The third, the rarest category - theological universities, that is, those under the patronage of the Catholic Church (in them, in addition to specialized education, they provide in-depth knowledge on the subject of "History of Religion").

The curriculum in Spanish universities is one of the highest quality and multifaceted in Europe. Here, classical disciplines are taught at a high level: philosophy, history, physics, geography and Latin and, of course, Spanish philology. Among applicants entering universities in Spain, modern specialties are especially popular, such as Information Technology, business and administration, advertising, and art objects - graphics, design and architecture.

Universities in Spain

All universities in Spain differ from each other not only in the profile of study, but also in the number of stages or in the level of qualifications, as well as in the established learning rules - each university chooses its own educational policy. To enter a Spanish university, the applicant must be an adult, pass the special Selectividad entrance exams and provide a Bachillerato secondary education diploma, approximately corresponding to the diploma of a Russian college. Some universities in Spain require students to take special one-year COU preparatory courses (mainly medical and mathematical universities). For those who are 18 years old and older, there are special one-year preparation courses for the Acceso a Selectividad entrance exams, which include intensive training in the Spanish language and specialized subjects required for admission to universities in Spain.

If the applicant has a Russian diploma, then it must be legalized at the Spanish Ministry of Education, which will take from 1 to 1.5 years. But this will allow you to enter the first cycle of study without entrance exams.

And one more important point: since exams and training in universities in Spain are conducted almost exclusively in Spanish, the applicant's language level should be at least confident B2.

Those who already have higher education, but do not want to be satisfied with what has already been achieved, can get a second higher education in Spain. For those who wish, there are special two-year programs Licenciado 2 ciclo. Upon graduation, students receive a second higher education diploma from a Spanish university, which is recognized throughout Europe.

European education is highly regarded all over the world and provides an opportunity to find a high-paying job both at home and in a foreign company. Spain is one of the most attractive countries for obtaining a diploma, so many foreign students, including Russians, are trying to pass exams and enter Spanish higher education institutions.

What is the higher education system

Most of the universities are located in Madrid, the capital of the country, and Catalan Barcelona. Some universities were founded in the Middle Ages. Today, about two million students study in the kingdom. There are relatively few foreign students. The number of places in educational institutions for citizens of other states does not exceed 5%.

A prospective student can choose a public or private university. You can also give preference to a specialized institute or business school. There are branches of international universities in Spain.

The academic year at a Spanish university is divided into semesters or trimesters. Educational program includes lectures, seminars, term papers and practice. The semester ends with exams. To assess the knowledge of students, a system of credits is used. Most educational institutions teach in Spanish or English.

Universities in Spain offer a three-level study program:

  1. Undergraduate... Many Spaniards start working after completing their bachelor's degree. However, they will have significantly fewer opportunities for career growth than those who have completed their master's or doctoral studies. Depending on the chosen specialty, training lasts 3-4 years.

  2. Master's degree... The specialist receives deeper knowledge of the chosen specialty. The term of study is from one to two years.

  3. Doctorate... You can enter doctoral studies only after graduating from the master's program. Obtaining a doctorate degree allows you to engage in scientific activities.

How to apply to Spanish universities

A prospective foreign student needs to know Spanish language... You can master it in Spain by enrolling in. However, it is much better to prepare for study abroad at home. It is advisable to obtain an international DELE certificate, which is issued on behalf of the Spanish Ministry of Education. The document has no expiration date and eliminates the need to take a language exam on the territory of the kingdom.

The system of higher education implies passing the entrance exam -. This test allows you to assess the preparation of the applicant. Selectividad includes basic and specific stages.

The first stage is considered mandatory. The second entrants are optional. It is very difficult to pass the entrance exam. Information on how to enroll in a Spanish University cannot be found in one source. Each institution has its own requirements.

The most famous universities in Spain

Select good university or the institute is not easy. High quality education differs in most of the Spanish universities. It is better to give preference to universities located in large cities... Quality control of education in megalopolises is much stricter than in small settlements. The most popular educational institutions include:

  • Complutense University of Madrid(Universidad Complutense de Madrid). The oldest state university in the kingdom, established at the end of the 15th century. The students of this educational institution were many famous Spaniards;

  • King Juan Carlos University(Universidad Rey Juan Carlos). The university was founded at the end of the twentieth century. The university offers a wide range of study programs;

  • University of Valencia(Universitat de Valencia). You can also get a quality education in Catalonia. The educational institution was founded simultaneously with the Complutense University of Madrid;

  • Pompeu Fabra University(Universitat Pompeu Fabra). Located in Barcelona. The educational institution was founded at the end of the last century. Studying at the university guarantees employment for more than 80% of graduates.

The cost of studying in Spanish universities

To save on tuition, you need to choose a public educational institution. A private university offers to pay several times more.

After the adoption of a new education law in 2012, prices at universities in the kingdom have risen by 30%. Foreign students have to pay more than Spaniards. The cost depends on the prestige, location of the educational institution and specialty. Among the most expensive universities is the Complutense University of Madrid. The most prestigious among students in most cases will be the Faculty of Medicine.

The range of cost of higher education in Spain is from 2000 € to 7000 € per year. To get a master's or doctor's degree, you will have to pay even more - up to € 30,000 per year. The student needs to be prepared for other expenses:

  1. Study materials, stationery... At a public university, tuition fees include the use of libraries, laboratories, computers and textbooks. However, some tutorials, pencils, pens, rulers, etc. need to be purchased by yourself. The costs will be from 20 € per month.

  2. Accommodation... State universities provide places in hostels. However, there are not enough of them for all students. Housing rental costs from 200 € to 600 € per month, depending on the locality and the prestige of the area.

  3. other expenses... You will have to spend money on transport, food and clothing. Paying students can afford to visit cafes and restaurants, as well as cultural and entertainment institutions. The average cost level can be 1000 €.

Free higher education in Spain every year becomes more difficult for both foreigners and citizens of this state. A difficult economic situation has developed in the kingdom, forcing the government to close some programs for financing educational institutions.

Higher education in Spain for Russians

It is very difficult for Russians to get a free higher education in Spain. This requires good knowledge language. In the entrance exam, the applicant must show not only the skills that high school gave him.

Demonstrate good training in the chosen specialty. Students from Russia are recommended to get an education at a domestic university or complete at least 2-3 courses. This option will speed up adaptation to an unfamiliar environment.

Higher education in Spain for Russians is possible to get free of charge. However, the student will have to pay the running costs. does not give the opportunity to work legally. Students are not paid for internship at work. The country is in an economic crisis. Finding a job is difficult even for local residents.

Passing is an opportunity to get acquainted with other people's customs and gain experience in communicating with residents of other states. Despite the difficult economic situation in the country, Spain continues to attract foreigners with its unique culture and mild climate.

An interesting and highly paid job can be found in many countries of the world after graduating from one of the universities in Spain.

Affordable tuition fees, modern educational facilities, world educational standards, comfortable living conditions, interesting story and beautiful nature - these are the undoubted advantages of studying in this country.

Diplomas from universities in Spain are recognized from the European Union, Latin America, USA, Canada, Russia.

You can study by exchange, translation, or continue your Master's studies with a Bachelor's or Master's degree in your home country.

The structure of training at a university in Spain

Higher education diplomas can only be issued by universities. There are 50 public and 20 private higher education institutions in Spain. The programs in any of them are licensed. The largest universities in Spain are located in Madrid and Barcelona.

Education is paid everywhere. Consists of three cycles. The duration of the first cycle is 4 years, the second - 1-2 years, the third - 2 years. After completing each cycle, students receive the corresponding degree (see table).

Students of technical specialties study at higher technical schools, humanitarian specialties - at university faculties. Three cycles are available there and there.

At universities, there are also colleges and schools that provide training in first-level programs or prepare for admission to a bachelor's degree at a university.

Universities in Spain

The list of top universities in Spain is as follows:

  1. Complutense University (Madrid)
  2. Polytechnic University (Madrid)
  3. University of Seville (Spain)
  4. University of Granada (Spain)
  5. Polytechnic University of Catalonia (Barcelona)
  6. Autonomous University of Barcelona
  7. University of Barcelona.
  8. University of Salamanca (Spain)
  9. University of Cadiz (Spain).
  10. Alicante University (Spain).

In them, students can study in humanitarian and technical specialties. Along with the traditional faculties (philology, economics, law, IT technology), there are programs such as oceanography, maritime science (University of Cadiz), fine arts (University of Salamanca), the study of solar and nuclear energy, nanotechnology (Polytechnic University of Madrid) ...

There are no “pure” medical universities in Spain, but there are medical faculties in 49 public and 15 private institutions in Spain. After completing the bachelor's degree, the graduate is awarded the Grado en entermeria degree, which gives the right to work as a nurse (nurse) in any clinic in the world. In order to become a doctor, you need to complete a master's degree and obtain a Master's degree. The opportunity to engage in scientific activities and teach is given to students who have completed the third cycle of study and defended a thesis. Medical education received in Spain is considered one of the best in Europe.

Cost of education

The cost of studying at universities in Spain depends on the location of the university (in the capital it is more expensive than in the provinces), on the chosen specialty, on whether this university is public or private.

A year of study at state universities costs approximately 1500 - 3000 euros, in private - from 7000 to 15000 euros.

Students will also have expenses for:

  • purchase of dictionaries;
  • additional language courses;
  • administrative services of the university (issuing a student card, maintaining a personal file, etc.);
  • library card (insignificant amount).

You can use language laboratories, laboratory equipment, and the library fund for free.

Almost all foreign students attend Spanish courses. One hour of individual lessons costs 18-20 euros, group lessons - 10 euros.

Some universities teach in English, so knowledge of English will be an absolute plus. Many students also learn French, which is very “close” to Spanish and is easy to learn.

Living expenses

  1. To rent an apartment. In the capital, the cost of a small studio apartment varies from 400 to 1200 euros per month, in the provinces it is about a third cheaper. The advantage of this option is that you choose comfortable housing, the minus is the cost of transport.
  2. The cost of a student residence is approximately 300 euros / month. It varies depending on the number of students staying in the same room and the availability of various amenities. There are dorm rooms, which are mini-apartments, with a private bathroom and kitchen. In other cases, the bathroom may be one for several student rooms. Dorms are usually located on college campuses and there are no travel costs.
  3. Transport costs: monthly subscription for all types of transport - 50 euros.
  4. Nutrition. 100-200 euros.

How to proceed

You can enter a university in Spain after graduating from high school.

Absolutely all applicants must pass the Selektividad exam (an analogue of the Russian Unified State Exam). It consists of two parts:

  • Spanish language test and foreign language short text;
  • exam in a specialized subject.

Preparation for exams at universities in Spain for Russian applicants begins several years before admission. There are two ways:

  1. Study in Spanish for two years high school according to the Bachillerato program, pass the exam in it. For admission to medical and mathematical specialties, it is often required to additionally complete a year training courses at the university.
  2. Prepare for the entrance exams in language school... The course lasts 22 weeks and starts in January. Studied the Spanish language, the history of the country, geography, literature.

The maximum score for Selektividad is 10. An applicant is considered to have passed the exam if he scored more than 5 points. Further, you can send your documents to various universities. Your documents will be accepted at the university where you scored a passing score and "fit" into the quota of places for foreign students.

Translation training

Students of Russian universities, having studied several courses at home, can transfer to study at universities in Spain. You must pass the DELE language exam (TOEFL analogue). It is held in May and November, you need to register for it in advance, it will take 5-7 months to wait for the finished certificate. Next, take a certificate of incomplete higher education, which should indicate the curriculum (a list of subjects indicating the number of hours for each, exams, tests and grades received). All this is translated into Spanish and certified by a notary. If educational plans Russian and Spanish universities are different, you will have to pass the academic difference.
