To start working with the subconscious, you need to accept as an axiom one very important thing - Everything that happens in your life is created by you yourself, consciously or unconsciously, in cooperation with the subconscious. If in your life there is an alcoholic husband, a drug addict son, or any other problem of “allegedly another person” - all this is created by you. This is the fundamental concept of human life, which is Master of your life. You can live in a different model - " Victim Tyrant". This concept involves suffering from the actions or non-actions of other people, external forces, good or bad luck, and so on. Choose for yourself which one you like best.

The scheme of communication with the subconscious, which I will give here, has been developed V. Sinelnikov and is described in many of his books: “Love your illness”, “The Power of Intention”, etc.

So the first thing you do when you have some kind of problem (it can be anything that you want to change, from which you experience suffering or discomfort. The only condition is that you yourself are responsible for all the events that occur in your life , the problem should sound, for example, like this, “What or with what actions or thoughts did I create an alcoholic husband in my life”, i.e. sound from you.

First step: Relax, calm down, listen to your breathing. Ask your subconscious mind: Dear my subconscious, are you ready to work with me on the problem now .... " Next, you need to carefully listen to your feelings inside. You can get the answer either in thoughts, or in sensations, or in a picture. Feel it more yes or more no. If you did not receive an answer, V. Sinelnikov gives another way - with the help of fingers or just the body. In this method, you ask the subconscious to choose a signal with the help of the body or fingers, which will mean "yes" and one that will mean "no". Be sure to remember to thank him after each interaction with the subconscious.

* What to do if you received a negative answer from the subconscious? In this case, you thank your subconscious mind and ask it to choose the problem that it thinks you need to work on at the moment.

Second step: So you got the answer or the signal "Yes". The subconscious is ready to work with you. Now we need to formulate the problem. V. Sinelnikov always asks the same question: "How do you know that you have this problem?" What do you feel? Do you feel? What is happening in the body? Or do you feel nothing and tests are an indicator? Imagine all this in detail.

Third step: Appeal to the Subconscious: Dear my subconscious, please tell me what my thoughts, emotions or actions led to the emergence of ….. (problem) in my life? Now wait for a reaction from the subconscious. It can give you an answer in the form of a memory, in the form of a picture, in the form of a stream of sudden surging emotions. If you do not understand the answer, turn to the subconscious, say what you do not understand, and ask him to decipher the answer.

Fourth step: Thanks for the reply. Ask a question: " Dear subconscious, what positive role did this program play in my life? Why did I need her? »

* An important point: the answer in all cases should not contain the particle “not” or some other negative information. You can always reformulate it yourself in a positive way. For example, not to get rid of dislike for yourself, but to start loving and respecting yourself.

Fifth step: At this stage, you need to turn to the subconscious again: “ Thank you my subconscious for wanting to teach me….. (your previous answer). Create at least 3 new ways of behaving, thinking to realize those important positive intentions that you carry out for me. Let these methods be more harmonious than the old ones (*which led to the problem*) and bring good to me and the whole world around." And here in this step you carefully receive 3 new ways of thinking or behavior from the subconscious, write them down and be sure to PERFORM.

Sixth step: Now you need to make a correction. Appeal to the subconscious: Do all parts of my subconscious agree with the new ways of behaving?? » The answer is “Yes” – great, implement it! The answer is "no" - reach out to those parts of the subconscious mind that disagree and ask them to unite with those parts that created new behaviors and make corrections together. When all parts of the subconscious mind agree with the new behaviors, you can move on to the next step.

Seventh step: Launch for implementation. Contact: " My subconscious mind, take charge of implementing new behaviors in my life at the right time and place, and once you're ready, give me a "Yes" answer.»

In order to understand the topic, I advise you to read V. Sinelnikov's books, go to his seminar or watch a video on youtube. Everything is laid out there.

Good luck! Be happy, harmonious and healthy!

"Love your sickness", so called Valery Sinelnikov's first book, released in 1999 and immediately brought the author huge popularity. But with the popularity came questions: "How is it? Why should I love my illness, because it causes me so much suffering!". However, Dr. Sinelnikov believes that any troubles in life, including illnesses, carry positive intentions. Therefore, you can ... agree with them!

To be healthy and happy, a person needs to be in a state of dynamic balance with the environment. Moreover, this balance should be manifested not only on the physical, but also on the psychological level. Negative emotions, such as anger, resentment, fear, irritation, envy, unbalance a person and contribute to the emergence of various diseases.

How to live a joyful, happy life without illness and stress? To do this, you will have to change nothing less than your worldview.

Are you the master of your life?

Valery Sinelnikov identifies two models of consciousness in people:

  1. Model "Tyrant - Victim". People in whom this model of consciousness predominates are set up aggressively towards the world around them. They blame the government, ecology, heredity, external circumstances for their troubles. Their life is a constant struggle. The struggle for a place in the sun, career peaks ... Love, in their opinion, must be won without fail, and beauty always requires sacrifice. They are constantly experiencing mass negative emotions: pride, fear, anger, resentment, which destroy their health and their lives.
  2. Model of consciousness "Master (Wizard)" involves a person taking responsibility for his life, health, success, etc. A person with this model of consciousness believes that he lives in a world of abundance, where there is always the right job, the right amount of money, the right information and people. This person lives in harmony with the world, so illness and failure bypass him.

Working with the unconscious

Another key point in this technique is work with the subconscious. The human mind has all the information possible in the universe. The key to it is our unconscious. plunging into light trance(you can do it yourself) find answers to any questions. What is the cause of illness or ailment, what lesson should be learned from this or that situation, how to make difficult choices - all the answers are in our subconscious. The unconscious most often speaks to us in the language of images, less often - sensations or individual words. It will take some time to decipher and understand these signs, but when you find mutual language with your subconscious - the results will please you very much.

By mastering the techniques of working with the unconscious, you can prevent trouble and neutralize obstacles more before that, how did they appear in your life. Everything that we see around us is attracted into our lives by ourselves. Suppose you are on a bus and a pickpocket pulled out a wallet from one of the passengers. There was an uproar, but the thief was never caught. Ask yourself: "What in yourself could attract this situation into your life?". Maybe lately you have been feeling anxious about money, greed or jealous of more affluent people? By working with these emotions, you can prevent a similar situation in your life before it even appeared in it.

Valery Sinelnikov's technique includes elements NLP and Ericksonian hypnosis. In addition, it was significantly influenced by the works Louise Hay, Stanislav Grof, Sergei Lazarev, Galina Shatalova, Carlos Castaneda and Vladimir Megre. V. Sinelnikov also recognizes the influence on his ideas Vedic Orthodoxy, schools Zen Buddhism, Sufism, yoga and Taoism.

Currently, this technique is more than "recipes" for treating diseases or finding a way out of specific difficult situations. This is a view and attitude to life in general, taking responsibility for your actions, words and thoughts. This is new outlook allowing you to find harmony with the world and yourself.

If a Have you read the book by Valery Sinelnikov "Love your illness" and other books on working with the subconscious, you have the intention to become the Master of your life, to be healthy, wealthy and happy man, but for some reason you:

Unable to get in touch with your subconscious;

Are you wondering - "Is this an answer from the subconscious or did I come up with it myself"?;

You want to know the causes of a problem/illness/poverty and reprogram them

This course is for you!


The course is completely hands-on!

Consists of 5 practical lessons.

The training format makes it possible to pay attention to each person, to help in practice deal with individual difficulties that arise in the process of establishing contact and working with the subconscious.

allow YOUR Questions and problems already during the course!

In classes led by an experienced trainer, you will be able to unleash the resources of your subconscious, get access to vital information, you can once and for all "make friends" with your subconscious and in the future easily and quickly establish contact with it.

The ability to communicate with your subconscious does not depend on age, gender, profession or material wealth.

This ability is available to absolutely everyone! And you will see this on the course!

There are no people who cannot communicate with the subconscious.

All you need is firm intention and the right practical action.

On the course you:

Get detailed step-by-step plan for working with the subconscious, which takes into account many pitfalls that many people do not know about;

Learn once and for all easy and quick to establish contact with your subconscious;

Find a way to your subconscious and learn to identify and transform the causes of problems, negative attitudes that interfere with life;

- learn understand the positive intention of any life situation and carry out reprogramming;

Learn to take responsibility for your life and become the master of your life, magician and creator!

- make new friends and associates.

The video course is designed so that you can return to the material covered and improve your skills at any time!

These abilities will remain with you forever, moreover, every time you will be able to make contact, solve various life issues faster and easier, wherever you are (in transport, at work, at home before going to bed, etc.).

Course leader - Roman Sukhinin, practical psychologist, subconscious mind expert, hypnotherapist, personal trainer, host of seminars, webinars, teacher of the Valery Sinelnikov School, creator and leader of the Online School of Dr. Sinelnikov.

The course consists of 5 lessons.

Enrollment course fee2 260 rub / 47 $

V.V. Sinelnikov is a well-known practicing psychotherapist, psychologist, homeopath, author of unique psychological methods, who have helped millions of people regain their health, improve their well-being and experience the joy of life, presents its student and follower - Dr. Sergei Slobodchikov. The unique model of the new consciousness developed by Dr. Sinelnikov, effective author's methods and strategies will help you achieve real results after you go through the whole process step by step. practical course together with his student and follower Sergei Slobodchikov.

The method of immersion and subconscious reprogramming


- In previous books written by Valery Sinelnikov, the method of communicating with your subconscious is described in sufficient detail. It is called the method of immersion and subconscious reprogramming. Practice shows that communication with the subconscious is the most important point in the process of analyzing those situations that we create for ourselves with our thoughts, our behavior. At the same time, this method causes certain difficulties when trying to apply the acquired knowledge in practice.

Readers have several typical questions: is it harmful to communicate with your subconscious? How long and how often can you communicate with him? Is it always necessary to question the subconscious in such detail, or can communication be simplified? Will there be unpleasant consequences after communication? Before answering these questions, let's remember that the division of our mind into consciousness and subconsciousness is very arbitrary. There is no clear line between conscious and subconscious processes. Consciousness is always only the present moment - here and now. For example, you are reading these lines now. This means that now your consciousness is working. The subconscious is memory, ideas about the future, professional skills, your dreams and fantasies. The subconscious mind controls the activity of internal organs. For example, heart rate, breathing rhythm, bowel function and many other functions of organs and systems of the human body.

While you are reading, you are thinking, breathing, sitting or lying down, digesting your breakfast. That is, your body performs a lot of things for which your subconscious mind is responsible. However, we know that with certain skills, a person is able to change the rhythm of cardiac activity or consciously regulate certain functions of internal organs. Indian yogis can change the heart rate by willpower.

Therefore, answering the above questions, we can firmly say that it is not only desirable, but also necessary to communicate with the subconscious. And the more the better! In principle, we are constantly communicating with our subconscious. Sometimes we simply brush aside the answers or do not understand them. We do not understand these clues of the Universe, which our subconsciousness has organized for us.

Many of you have been able to receive answers from the inner voice before. It was necessary to “reproach” the question of interest to a person for some time in oneself, often asking it. The answer came like a guess! The method of immersion and subconscious reprogramming allows you to do this in a systematic, consistent and conscious way. If we talk about the consequences of communicating with your inner voice, then if all the rules of communication are followed, the consequences can only be the most positive.

Alexander, sitting near the window, seemingly absent-minded, asks for the floor.

What can happen to me if I break any rules? he asks.

- Nothing will happen! First, you create the rules yourself. And you have the power to change them. Secondly, compliance with the rules is, first of all, a correctly asked question.

If the question is asked incorrectly, then the answer will be incomprehensible.

Often, people starting to master practical skills for the first time have the following questions: “But didn’t I come up with this answer myself? And does it correspond to reality? Is this answer correct?

Let's remember that when communicating with our subconscious, we ask it to give an answer on a conscious level, through consciousness. And how is it through consciousness? It means thought. That is, what came to mind immediately after the question was asked - this is the answer of the subconscious. It all depends on the way we perceive the world. From the predominance of one or another system of perception: visual (eyes), auditory (ears), kinesthetic (bodily sensations).

Let's talk more about how to get a response. Many are waiting for some unusual phenomena - a thunderous voice, or bright inscriptions on the wall, or something of the same kind. Everything is much more prosaic and at the same time more interesting! As mentioned earlier, we have always been able to communicate with the subconscious, so I consider it necessary to draw your attention to the fact that the answers from the subconscious come in the form of volatile, fleeting images. This process can be controlled. Just give a task to your subconscious.

Tell yourself: “Don't rush! Give me a clear picture. Or repeat what has already been shown.

Your inner mind can give you the answer in the form of a voice in your head. Either in the form internal sensations or maybe a combination of the above methods. Let's not forget about two more channels of perception - olfactory and gustatory. They are less pronounced, but sometimes they can be very significant. So, partners in a couple attract each other, including by the smell, which is produced by pheromones - the hormones of love.

- It's about me! The man almost bounces in his seat. My name is Levon. I flew in from Armenia. My family life did not work out precisely for this reason. All good was the woman with whom I met. And the housewife is good, and the views on life coincide, and there is harmony in bed. But the smell from her is not the same! It's not that she's not hygienic. With this, everything is just fine. But that's not the smell! And so they parted. Obviously, there was a discrepancy on a subconscious level.

Levon's story caused a noticeable animation in the hall.


- Let's continue. Be careful what you think! Some thought came, albeit unpleasant, unexpected, perhaps frightening. Don't dismiss such thoughts. Thank your subconscious! After all, it teaches you something important. Only then will you become the real masters of your life when you begin to automatically respond to any of your thoughts!

I'll tell you about my experience. My wife and I went to a seminar in Gurzuf. Sitting behind the wheel, I "for some reason" thought that it would be nice to buy a radar detector. Immediately, already out of habit, I thought: “Why did I create such a desire to buy a radar detector?” My eyes fall on the speedometer - ninety kilometers per hour. “Here is the answer! - think. “We are driving through a settlement where the speed is limited to sixty kilometers per hour.” Although it is early morning and the track is completely empty, I gently press the brake pedal. The arrow smoothly drops to the desired mark. In a matter of seconds after turning the road I see a traffic police inspector with a headlight-radar in his hand. He looks at the indicator, indifferently waves his baton - everything, they say, is in order, drive through! The wife, with surprise, quickly assessing the situation, exclaims: “Well, you give, Seryozha!” And I thank my subconscious for the fact that there is already an “anti-radar” there, and I try to pay more attention to the speedometer needle.

So, finally, we begin to communicate with our inner "I", that is, with the subconscious.

Dear readers! Are you not too involved in the process? Have you forgotten that we are at a seminar? And that the technique is mastered in the presence of several dozen like-minded people?

People are sitting around you. Many of them read books by V.V. Sinelnikov. Some of them get productive communication with the subconscious. And some, just like you, do not quite clearly manage to recognize the answers of the inner voice. In fact, you came to this seminar in order to learn to understand the answers of your subconscious. And therefore, learn to change your life in the direction you need.

Problem Definition


- I understand perfectly well that each of those present here has accumulated quite a lot of problems that require the fastest resolution. Everyone has their own and differ both in quality and quantity. It should be noted that these problems are already insoluble at the conscious level. Because if you could figure them out on your own, then you would not be sitting in this room. Therefore, you need a different approach to resolve problems. And this approach provides a method of communication with your inner "I".

From all your variety of problems, take only one. You can take a simple one for a start, although this is unprincipled. Having learned to communicate with your subconscious on this problem, you will successfully understand all the others. Therefore, it is necessary to correctly and correctly voice it.

For example, you are sick and would like to understand the causes of your illness. Determine for yourself all your complaints related to this disease. There is no need to list medical diagnoses, very often they do not correspond to reality at all. Any medical diagnosis is a template-generalization, but all generalizations are false.

Nina Petrovna asks for help in voicing her problem.

- My medical diagnosis, - she says, - sounds like this: "chronic deforming arthrosis-arthritis of the knee and ankle joints with a violation of their functions." Help me to properly ask myself about my illness.


- Formulate your problem as follows: “I experience pain when standing up, walking, bending over. Periodically, the joints swell.


- O! I almost forgot about my gastritis.


- Say to yourself this: "My problem is that I experience stomach pain, nausea, heaviness after eating."

Alexey Pavlovich! Can you state your problem?

- Good! I'll try. My problem is that until now I have not been able to build a relationship with my son.


- Correctly. Let me give you another example. There are many things that annoy you in the world around you. It would be correct to formulate the problem as follows: “I annoy myself by using the people around me”; “I allowed myself to be stepped on my foot” - or like this: “I scolded myself in line with this aunt.”

- I got myself sick with this disease! a man shouts happily from the audience.


- Could be so. But it would be better to say: "I created this disease in myself."

In this case, you take responsibility for yourself, realizing that you yourself have created this or that situation for yourself. The people around you only voice, screen your own thoughts. Once the issue has been identified, we move on to the next step.

Nina Petrovna holds out her hand.

– So what does it do? she asks. - I have been living with this problem for years, and now I can instantly deal with it? Does it really happen?


- Of course you can, if you answer the questions - how did you create the situation? Why do you need it? And how to get out of it?

Now let's move on to the next step.

Creating an image


– Now it is necessary to visualize that part of the subconscious that is responsible for creating the problem. That is, to determine how it could look. Let's assume that your subconscious mind looks something like this. We know perfectly well that the subconscious is a rather arbitrary, ephemeral concept and cannot look like anything. It cannot be seen, heard, felt. But you can communicate with him through thought. Let's assume that the part of your subconscious that is responsible for your problem is something like that. Ask yourself: “What object, phenomenon, image is associated with the part of me that created this problem for me for my learning?”

- Can I have an example?


- Certainly! Here's an example for you. I'm walking the path of my life. It's like the saying: "To live life is not to cross a field!" There is an obstacle in my path. The image, which corresponds to a part of my subconscious, I associate with a huge boulder, weighing about a ton, dark gray, cool to the touch. This huge boulder “looks like” a part of my inner “I” that created this problem.

Someone ready to voice their associations?

Elena raises her hand.

- I was talking about my problem. Remember? I couldn't get along with my husband. So, the part of my subconscious that created this problem for me is like a cactus in a flower pot on the window. Round, very prickly, ten centimeters high.

A 60-year-old man says this about his illness:

- I have pain in the upper abdomen, a feeling of heaviness, heartburn, which appear an hour and a half after eating. These phenomena have been disturbing for a number of years. After the question asked to oneself: “What does the part of the subconscious look like that created this problem? What does she look like? - I received an answer in the form of a picture on the mental screen - a white silicate brick, weighing about four kilograms. Therefore, a part of the subconscious is associated with the brick, which created this problem for him.

Alexey Pavlovich asks for the floor.

- It seems to me a certain ball with thorns.


– Can you see it on your inner screen? Please determine the possible characteristics of your ball - its dimensions, weight, color, material from which your ball is "made", the length of its spines.

Alexey Pavlovich:

- Yes! I see it all clearly, clearly in my mind's eye. This is a black metal ball, shiny, cold to the touch, weighing twenty-five kilograms, about a meter in diameter. It feels like it's hollow inside. Spines of different lengths and different colors. And only in dark colors.


- Good! Thank you. Very often parts of the subconscious are associated with various geometric shapes on the mental screen, such as bundles of energy, clouds, balloons, and so on. If you "saw" such a picture, then consider it carefully. Determine the approximate dimensions, weight, color, volume, texture, surface, temperature. The images you have can be very different. Don't be surprised and don't be scared. These are your thoughts, these are your associations - take what is happening for granted.

- May I tell you about myself? a young woman with glasses rises from her seat. Judging by the lenses in her glasses, she has a strong degree of myopia. - My name is Svetlana. My friend and I came to your seminar from Moscow.

Recently, my eyesight has deteriorated. The part of the subconscious that created this problem for me is like a knight in armor, with his visor down.


Why a knight? And why is the visor lowered?

The woman thinks for a while. Her vision blurs. After one or two minutes, she, as if not yet completely out of deep dive into himself, slowly says:

I asked these questions to my subconscious. The first thing I thought about was that there is a lot of evil in the world around us. Therefore, it must be protected from it. The lowered visor symbolizes protection, but it is hard to see through it. And I do not want to see the injustice around me. It turns out that I do not want to see this injustice?


- Naturally! You don't want to see something in this world that really annoys you. Here is your subconscious and created myopia for you, protecting you from this evil and injustice.

I want to draw the attention of the audience! At this step, through your image, you already receive information about the causes of your illness or problem.


- Well, you must! How many times have I tried to find the cause of my myopia and could not. That's what it means to ask the right question!


Let's leave our images alone for a while. We will need them a little later. Now thank your subconscious for the answers you received, by the way, do not forget to do this every time.

Nina Petrovna says bitterly:

“But I don’t see anything, I can’t imagine anything!


– For those who could not imagine an image corresponding to the problem, I suggest one more attempt: remember yourself at the time when you first had this problem. Or when you acutely experienced unpleasant moments associated with it. Remembered? Assume the presence of a certain object or event, a phenomenon that would be "similar" to your problem.

Nina Petrovna:

- I can’t do anything, I don’t see any pictures, no objects.


- Good! You, Nina Petrovna, and those who cannot now associate the problematic part of the subconscious with some kind of physical object, phenomenon - do not be discouraged! Listen carefully, remember. We are all different. And if something doesn’t work out for you, it doesn’t mean that you are not capable of learning. You just do better with something else. Try to do this later, in a more relaxed environment, but in the meantime, move on to the next step and learn other ways to communicate with the subconscious.

Figurative receipt of answers "YES" - "NO"


– Now try to visualize the images behind the words “YES” and “NO”. In the same way that you saw the images corresponding to the part of your subconscious that created your problem, try to determine for yourself what the word "YES" and the word "NO" might look like.

The woman raises her hand and says:

- I have "YES" - the sun is shining, "NO" - clouds in the sky.


- The most common associations-images are: "YES" - sunlight, "NO" - it's raining, "YES" - plus, "NO" - minus. Once at a reception, a woman answered like this: “YES” - a smile, “NO” - a back.

We have just tried to visualize the images behind the "YES" and "NO", but you do not yet know how the answer will be received from your inner mind. You ask yourself the following question: “Is my subconscious mind now ready to communicate with me about the essence of this problem on a conscious level?” The answer may come in the form of an image. For example, you imagined sunlight. And there was an understanding that you are ready to communicate with yourself and discuss this problem. And this means that you have a feeling of inner harmony. If you have received consent, then proceed to the next step.

Svetlana raises her hand

- My friend Marina received a negative answer. She is too shy to talk about herself.


- Marina, if you want, you can not voice your problem aloud. What answer did you receive from your subconscious?

– I have clear visual images, but I received a “NO” response to the question about the willingness to communicate about my problem.


Take another problem for consideration, and you can return to this one a little later, when you learn. This option is also possible - ask your subconscious: “How did I create a situation for myself that my subconscious does not want to communicate with me?”

- You know, I got a strange answer: "Fears"!


- Remember, please: there are no strange answers, you just are not ready to take responsibility. Ask yourself, “What do I need to understand from this answer? What image is behind the word "fear"?

Marina continues after a pause:

- I saw myself in my youth, afraid to go to take the exam, which then failed. I understand this answer as follows - I am afraid that I will not be able to solve the problem. I'm afraid to fail this exam.


- I'm talking directly to your subconscious, Marina. Let it solve this problem boldly. Later, after we learn how to communicate with the subconscious, we will master the technique of interacting with our fears. Now your subconscious mind is ready to communicate with you?

- I got a joyful answer "YES"!

Leading, speaking to the audience:

- Another option is also possible. Those seminar participants who received the answer “NO”, ask yourself: “And when will you, my subconscious mind, be ready to communicate with me?”

I remember a patient who heard such an answer from the subconscious: “On Monday!”

Indeed, on Monday she received information regarding her problem. In the future, she had significant positive changes in her fate.

A young man sitting in the front row raises his hand. Then he gets up and introduces himself:

My name is Arkady. I understand the word "YES" with a feeling of inner agreement, which is accompanied by a feeling of warmth in the chest and upper abdomen. It happens?


- It also happens. How many people, so many options for communicating with your inner "I". In your case, there is a predominance of the kinesthetic system of perception (sensations emanating from the body). Other systems can also be included, then we are talking about a combination of two or three systems.

– Yes, at first I felt warmth in my chest, then I saw my fiancee in my memories and thought that she would help me cope with my problem.


- Amazing! Try to pay attention to how and in what way you get answers to the questions you ask yourself. For example, I will now ask - do you have grandchildren?

Thirty-year-old Svetlana gets up with a somewhat surprised face, after the host addressed her.

No, I don't have grandchildren!


- And how did you find out about this, how did you understand that you have no grandchildren?


- I think I can figure it out. First I saw a picture in which my five-year-old son was, then I compared your question with this picture, I had a feeling of internal disagreement and, sorry, a feeling of bewilderment. Because you asked about grandchildren. Then the answer was "NO" in my head.


- Perfectly! Let you not be puzzled - I specifically asked this question in order for you to quickly understand the mechanism of communication with the subconscious. I repeat once again: the first thing you thought about in response to the question you asked yourself is the correct answer of your subconscious.

finger method


– For those who have not received a visual response, try the “finger” method described in the book “Love Your Sickness”. Let's remember it again.

You need to take a comfortable position, preferably sitting. It is not recommended to go to bed if you are at home, as you can fall asleep faster than make contact with the subconscious. Especially if you are tired. Agree with the subconscious mind that the signal of the presence of contact will be the lifting of a finger on the hand. You do not yet know which finger will correspond to which answer - "YES" or "NO". Therefore, you turn inside yourself with a request: “My subconscious! Show me with a wave of your finger what the answer is "YES".

You sit and just wait for an answer and suddenly you realize that your index finger on your right hand is a little numb, it has a tingling sensation and it begins to rise with ragged movements with a small amplitude. And you clearly understand that this is the answer "YES". Thank your subconscious for the answer and move on to the next step. Again, turn inward with a request: “My subconscious! Point out with your finger what the answer is "NO".

While you were saying this phrase aloud or to yourself, you caught yourself thinking that the index finger on your left hand was numb and began to rise with the same subconscious movements, and you understand that this is the answer "NO".

- And for me, - says a woman from the second row, - the whole right hand rose to the answer "YES". And the answer is "NO" - the little finger on the left hand.


- Amazing! This is probably the subconscious mind wants to emphasize your individuality.

Now, after you have decided on how you understand your subconscious responses, ask this question: “Is my subconscious mind ready to communicate with me?”

And you get a clear "YES" answer. If you get the answer "NO", then there are some barriers to communication. It can be poor health, unfavorable external environment, fear of communication, distrust of oneself. Remove possible obstacles and start communication another time.

pendulum method


- I bring to your attention another way of communicating with yourself - this is the method of the pendulum. We can use our body as a pendulum. Stand up straight, straighten your shoulders, put your feet together, shake your arms slightly to relieve tension. Look straight ahead. Turn to yourself with a request: “My subconscious, with the movement of my body, show what the answer will be “YES”!” In this case, your body may involuntarily sway forward, or backward, or sideways.

Please be careful not to fall. If your body has swung forward, then thank yourself. Now you already know that swinging forward means the answer is "YES". Then you turn to yourself again and say: “My subconscious mind, show with the movement of my body what the answer is “NO”!” Let's say you swing back and you realize that it means "NO". If the answers are unconvincing, then ask your subconscious mind to clearly repeat the answers. The pendulum method in a very large number of cases gives a positive result, and students quickly find contact with the subconscious. Although, on the other hand, this method is not entirely convenient, since it implies the presence of a sufficiently comfortable environment for communicating with oneself. If suddenly you need to communicate with yourself in the boss's office or in transport, then your body movements may seem strange to others.

So, you have established contact with the subconscious. And you know how to get an answer from him.

First magic question


- At this stage, we will analyze the FIRST MAGIC QUESTION - WHAT? How do we create problems for ourselves?

But first, let's turn to ourselves with the following question: “Is my subconscious mind ready to give me an answer, how did I create / created my illness (problem situation) for myself?”

If you got the answer “YES”, then proceed to the next question. It will sound like this: “My subconscious, let me understand, how exactly did I create / created this disease (problem) for myself? What thoughts, emotions, behavior?

After the question is asked, mentally turn to your past - distant, or maybe not very. Indeed, in the past, with your thoughts and deeds, you created the prerequisites for the emergence of a problem situation in the present.

A solid, overweight man sitting in the front row suddenly jumps up sharply. At the same time, the ballpoint pen, which he held in his right hand, with all his might, in his hearts, throws it on the floor. Plastic splashes fly in all directions, and he shouts:

- I understand! I realized how I created her illness!

The hall freezes in shock.


– Calm down, please. Tell me what got you so excited?

- The fact is that my wife has recently had serious memory lapses. I advised her both in our regional center and in Kyiv. The diagnosis is "amnesia". Where it came from is not clear, the forecast is also not clear. And just now, using your method, I asked myself: “How did I create memory problems with my wife?”

I got an amazing response from my inner voice: “You yourself did not want her to interfere in your studies at work, in your relationship with the children from your first marriage. You yourself told her: “Mind your own business, forget about my work and about my past life". I have fairly strong psychic abilities. That, obviously, “helped” her to forget EVERYTHING.


- Don't feel guilty about it. Neither you nor your spouse are guilty of anything, but you both need to take responsibility. Any event is a collective work, which means that together you created amnesia for her, no one can do anything with her without her will.

- Thanks! I already understood what I need to do to get her memory back. I am very grateful to you!


- Let's continue. After this emotional story, you will have to once again turn to the subconscious with the question: “Let me understand (show me, tell me, let me feel) what exactly: what kind of negative thoughts, emotions, behavior - have I created this problem for myself?

The answer comes as a guess, in the form of visual memory images or in the form of an auditory response. What you are thinking about now is the answer of your subconscious. Suppose you see some thought image, ask yourself: “My subconscious mind, let me understand what my emotion, my behavior corresponds to this image?”

Svetlana, can you tell us what answer you received to the question - how did you create your myopia?


- I saw myself in childhood, present at the scandal of my parents. To the question "What kind of negative emotions did I create this problem? the answer was received: “Grievance against parents! Unwillingness to see their scandals and drunken fights.

But I have known this for a long time, I had guessed about it before, and nothing new came to my mind!


- Certainly! You have received this information for a long time, but it has remained empty information, without practice it has not grown into knowledge. So the problem is still the same. Now you can deepen this topic by asking, “How else could I have created this problem?” You will ask this question several times until you understand that everything possible reasons dismantled. I draw your attention to the fact that we have analyzed the FIRST MAGIC QUESTION - WHAT? How do we create problems, diseases, negative situations for ourselves?

Second magical question


- Here communication with our inner mind continues, and we find the answer to the SECOND MAGICAL QUESTION - FOR WHAT? Why do I need this problem?

We say to ourselves: “My subconscious mind, let me know what positive intention you are doing for me by creating this problematic situation for me?” In other words, “What does this situation teach me, what is good about it, what do I need to learn from it?” For example, you had a problem: you experienced difficulties in understanding with loved ones.

Asking yourself questions, you realized how you created such a difficult relationship - resentment and fear of losing your soul mate "Why do I need this?" you ask yourself. And you get this answer: “Change your attitude. Learn to see the world beautifully. Experience the joy of communicating with your family and friends. After you have received the answer, do not forget to thank yourself and ask the same question again: “Why do I need this - to change my attitude towards myself? What will the situation give me when relationships in the family change? You get the answer: “Peace. Harmony".

Asking this question consistently (no matter how short or long this chain is), we will definitely come to the conclusion that all these problems are necessary for life, for happiness. And the positive intention behind a problematic situation only leads us to a happy life.

Svetlana, did you understand why you needed myopia? What is the positive intention behind your deteriorating vision?

Svetlana, after a pause, says in confusion:

“Honestly, I don’t understand what can be good about my vision problem ?!

Leading, speaking to the audience:

- Can someone in the hall tell Svetlana what is the positive intention of her myopia? So I see that Arkady really wants to help us.

- I think the positive intention of her problem is to pay attention to the following: she does not want to see anything bad in her life.


“Almost right, Arkady. I said "almost" because the idea is correct, but formulated negatively - there is a "not" particle. Try to formulate the same thing, but in other words, positively.

- Good! It sounds positively: Sveta's subconscious teaches her to see and accept everything in life as it is.


- Thank you, Arkady, for the hint! I realize that until now I have not accepted much in my life. I really didn't want to see much. It came down to hate. My myopia shielded me from my own aggression!


- It's great, Svetlana, that you understand this. By accepting the world around you as it is, you will become a harmonious and happy person.

And we can only come to happiness under one, the most important and only condition - if we observe the law of purity of thoughts: everything that I do, I do for myself and for the benefit of others, or at least not to the detriment of others. If this law is not respected, then our subconscious and the subconscious of the people with whom we are in contact will create new learning situations for us. At the same time, there can be no question of any punishment, just as there can be no question of guilt. But taking responsibility and understanding the essence of what is happening will lead us, through the creation of new patterns of behavior, to a new happy life. Life free from negative situations, problems, illnesses.

I believe that by this moment of immersion, everyone has already learned to receive and interpret the answers of their subconscious. If so, then move on and move on to the next step.

The third magic question


- And finally, we ask ourselves the THIRD MAGICAL QUESTION - HOW? This is the last of the three magical questions: “How, in what way will you manage to solve a problem situation?”

In this step, you will be creating three new behaviors.

A woman in the hall raises her hand:

- My name is Margarita. Tell me, why do we need to create exactly three behaviors? And where to put the old model?


- We do not throw away the old model of behavior, we do not deny it. After all, you lived with this model of behavior for many years, or even decades. The human brain is very unique in this respect. Having learned this model only once, we cannot part with this way of responding to a very changeable world around us almost all our lives. And so we lead ourselves to problematic situations.

No matter how good, even wonderful, a model of behavior may be, it alone will certainly lead to problems. So the old way of responding to environment we don't forget. We became related to him, as the hero of A. Myagkov was related to the cast-iron winged horse in the folk movie “Office Romance”. Let's put this old model of behavior in the locker of our memory on a shelf. Suddenly, we will have to urgently take advantage and show aggression, to repulse a person who has encroached on our dignity and health. And only then we ask ourselves: “How did I create this situation? How did I attract this person to me, with what negative thoughts and behavior?

Now oh three models. Why three new models? Not two or ten? One is not enough, since one behavior model will certainly lead to problems, as mentioned above. Two are not enough, since we will constantly be faced with a choice: which one to choose, which one to prefer. Remember Buridan's donkey, which starved to death near two haystacks. He didn't know which haystack to start with. Therefore, three new behaviors are just what you need. This is the minimum freedom of choice. Want more - please! The more the better, the more flexibility you will have. It is noticed that successful man one who has more freedom of choice, many behaviors.

So you turn to yourself and say, “My subconscious mind, create three new behaviors! Let these models be more reliable, better, more timely. May they be favorable for me and for the world around. As soon as you create the first one, show me what kind of behavior it will be. Or if the visualization is not expressed, then change the phrase: “My subconscious mind, create a new behavior model and, as soon as such a model is ready, give me the answer “YES”. Then you ask your subconscious mind to keep creating new behaviors.

Margarita again rises from her seat with the question:

Until now, I have received answers from the subconscious, but as soon as I start asking questions about behavior patterns, the subconscious immediately falls silent. There is some kind of brake, some kind of obstacle inside me.


- If you do not receive a response from your subconscious, ask, looking into this internal obstacle: "What do I need to understand from the presence of internal resistance?"


End of introductory segment.


To begin with, we must accept the fact that we ourselves are responsible for everything that happens to us. Even illnesses and accidents are beneficial to us in some way, some part of us wanted them to happen. If you do not recognize this, the next steps will not make sense.

So, directly the work itself with the subconscious. Select the problem you would like to work on. Get into a comfortable sitting or lying position, close your eyes and relax.

Turn inside yourself and mentally say: “Dear subconscious, I ask you to communicate with me. Please show me the answer "yes". Here you need to monitor your condition. Some image may come, a finger twitch, become hot, etc. Signs can be very different.
If you are not sure that you have understood the sign correctly, ask your subconscious mind to show it again, telling it that you need to remember it better.
Similarly, ask to show the answer “no”.

Now ask: “Dear part of my subconscious, responsible for what the name of the problem is, are you ready to talk to me?”. If the answer is no, postpone the work for another time, perhaps you are not yet ready to solve the problem or are simply tired.

If the answer is “yes”, ask the following question: “What are my thoughts, feelings, actions and emotions that led to the name of the problem?”. Here some thoughts may arise, images or memories may emerge. The question can be repeated several times until you feel that you have learned everything. It is necessary to emphasize the word "MY", because it was your thoughts and actions that led to this situation.

The next question is: “What positive effect does the name of the problem give me?”. The question can also be repeated several times.

Then comes a very important part. Ask: “Dear subconscious, using all my imagination and all my creative resources, please create at least three new ways of behavior to achieve a positive effect. The new behavior should be more effective, more favorable for me and the world around me. When you create the first way, please show me the answer is “yes”. Usually the answer comes in a few seconds.

When all three responses have been received, ask: "Dear parts of my subconscious mind, do you have any objections to the new ways of behaving?" If the answer is “yes”, you need to ask the subconscious mind to replace the method with another one.

After correcting, ask: "Dear subconscious mind, are you ready to take responsibility for performing new behaviors in the right place at the right time?" If there is a positive answer, say: “Then do what you have planned!”
After that, you need to thank the subconscious and end the communication.


From the first time it may not be possible to establish contact with the subconscious. To forge effective work may take several months.

Helpful advice

To better relax, you can tighten all the muscles, and then relax. The muscles of the face are often tense. A little massage helps to relax them.
It is necessary to communicate with the subconscious mind respectfully, do not forget to thank him for every answer.

Man is perfect biological mechanism, but not everyone uses the opportunities given to him by nature. Intuition, inner voice, subconscious… These words have different sounds, but they are united by a common meaning. The ability to anticipate events, make the right decisions, listening to the signals of your body or the world around you, and have knowledge that helps in everyday life - all this is available to anyone from birth. As people age, they listen to themselves less and less. But it is never too late to start developing the subconscious mind.


subconscious area for ordinary person shrouded in a light haze of mysticism. It cannot be touched, it cannot be seen, it is impossible to fully understand the mechanism of its action. How older man becomes, the less he believes in what he cannot explain. However, if you begin to treat your subconscious as a normal function of the brain, the mysterious fog will dissipate. Think of it as a simple skill that can be developed.

Decide which way you are more comfortable receiving signals from your subconscious mind. Feelings, sounds, colors - for each person this process is individual. Someone receives in a dream, while someone makes important decisions, visual images are born or various sensations arise in the body. The subconscious communicates with others, concentrating their attention on certain objects of the external world (symbols, signs).

Watch your reactions and learn to concentrate. Every person experiences spontaneous manifestations of the subconscious, learn to control them and call them consciously. This can only be achieved by training. Ask yourself questions and watch your reactions and feelings. The answer may not come immediately and not in the form in which you expected, but over time you will learn to interpret the information and begin to receive answers faster.

The most difficult thing in this process is not to forget to look for the answer. The human brain is somewhat disorganized, people cannot think about the same thing for a long time: the thought jumps from subject to subject. Choose for yourself a training aimed at increasing attention and concentration. Today, there are many materials that help develop these qualities. In a bookstore, pay attention to the shelves with applied literature.

Live in harmony with yourself and with the world around you, be open to positive thoughts and feelings. The more you are nervous, stressed, uncomfortable, the more you concentrate on the fact that you feel bad, that everything around you is against you. You are not looking for answers and are only busy with your negative experiences, and there is no time left to listen to what your subconscious mind is telling you.

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  • subconscious development

subconscious part human mind unmanageable. Nevertheless, you are still constantly inextricably linked with your subconscious. How? With the help of the signals they send!


Another signal from your subconscious mind is pain. This "comrade" always comes to you at those moments when something is wrong with the body, contrary to its normal state. Take a look at a simple example. You fell and hurt your leg, which is immediately reported to you by a sharp pain at the site of the injury. She draws attention to the fact that the leg is injured and needs urgent help. The same example can be given with a headache indicating overwork.

The dreams that you see are also signals that the subconscious mind sends you. Those people with whom you communicate in a dream, those actions that you perform, and those words that you pronounce are signals indicating that something is bothering you. For example, you see in a dream a friend with whom you have not communicated for a long time, and suddenly he reports a disaster that has happened in his life. The next day, you, worried about the scene you saw in a dream, think only that you need to contact this person as soon as possible. The subconscious sent this signal not to say that something bad really happened to your friend, but to show you that you are worried about this person, because you have not seen him for a long time.


The signals sent by your subconscious very often carry some meaning, especially your dreams that you dream are capable of. But remember that most dream moments are just remnants of emotions experienced the day before, and they simply reflect your state.

Helpful advice

You can learn to communicate with your subconscious in order to exchange information with it, and for this there is a special technique developed by Dr. Sinelnikov. Here is one exercise from this technique: stand up straight and freeze in this position for a while. At some point, the subconscious will give you a signal, and it will be expressed in the movement of your body: forward, backward, right or left.
