The article presents an overview of the ideas about the methods of effective learning in the organization of motivational bases educational process. World science tends to recognize the role of a teacher as a manager, coach, tutor, organizer, who seeks to manage and direct the actively developing cognitive activity of the teacher. A significant tendency has appeared not only to take into account the level of abilities, the development of the orientation of the personality, but also to involve it in the active process of awareness, for what purposes certain knowledge can be applied. Effective learning methods are directly related to the organization of the educational process, where structured, ordered, planned for a specific project and consistently implemented motivated steps in the learning process ensure the achievement of the predicted goal. Due to the fact that any motivation performs the function of meaning formation, in order to obtain adequate meanings of learning, it is necessary to purposefully form a special meaning-forming motivation of students, where our important task is to build a single mental picture for the entire learning process due to the rapidly changing educational environment, the rapid development of science and technology.


motivational grounds

educational environment


effective teaching methods

educational process

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2. Gasanova R.R. Methods of effective learning in the organization of attention in the educational process. / Scientific review. Pedagogical Sciences. - 2017. - No. 1. - P. 38–43.

3. Gershunsky B.S. Philosophy of education. - M.: Moscow Psychological and Social Institute, Flint, 1998. - 432 p.

4. Rozov N.Kh. Profession - teacher / Vestn. Moscow university Ser. 20. Pedagogical education. - 2016. - No. 2. - P. 3–9.

5. Romanov A.M., Romanova E.A., Gasanova R.R. Values ​​and meanings of personal and professional development of students. - M.: Institute of scientific information monitoring, 2010. - 208 p.

6. Romanov A.M. Modern school in a socially organized environment / A.M. Romanov, E.A. Romanova, R.R. Gasanova, S.V. Molchanov. - M.: FGBNU "IUO RAO", 2016. - 101 p.

7. Romanova E.A. Conceptual foundations for managing the educational information environment of the university / Law and Management. XXI century. - 2015. - No. 3 (36). – P. 45–49.

8. Romanova E.A. Formation of value orientations in preparation for professional activity students / Journal of scientific and pedagogical information. - 2009. - No. 3. - P. 12–18.

9. Rubinstein S.L. Fundamentals of General Psychology. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2000. - 720 p.: ill. - (Series "Masters of Psychology").

The current stage of development of education implies the intensity and effectiveness of the search for improvements in theories and practices, and society needs a generation that can work for results, for social security. significant achievements. In general, world science tends to recognize the role of a teacher as a manager, coach, tutor, organizer, who seeks to manage and direct the actively developing cognitive activity of the teacher. That is, a significant tendency has appeared not only to take into account the level of abilities, the development of the personality's orientation, but also to involve it in an active process of awareness, for what purposes certain knowledge can be applied. After all, “a necessary condition for the success of the educational process is the formation of the semantic sphere of the trainees, their clear understanding of the goals and meanings of educational activity” . Thus, the effectiveness of the teacher will consist of a didactic concept, certain technological chains of actions that are structurally aligned in accordance with motivational and target settings that have the form of planned, expected results.

problem learning motivation many scientists were engaged, such as: V.V. Davydov, D.B. Elkonin, G.S. Abramova, P.M. Jacobson, E.P. Ilyin, A.A. Rean, O.N. Verbitsky and others. “The development of learning motivation is characterized by a change in the attitude of students to educational activities - from negative or neutral to active, personal, creative. Educational motivation is a set of motives that, in the process of their interaction, determine the activity of the subject in the educational process and provide a professional orientation for self-development. The development of motivation is always a process of changing the hierarchy of motives, their composition, stability, the emergence of new ones, and the actualization of students' psychological formations. The very educations that provide the choice of the subject and the way to meet the needs, where the motives of self-education, self-development become the most relevant. “Studying at a university correlates with adolescence, the period of early adulthood. The main motivational lines of this age period (self-knowledge, self-expression, self-affirmation) are associated with an active desire for personal self-improvement.

In numerous scientific research the importance of educational and cognitive motives in educational activities, an orientation towards obtaining strong professional knowledge and practical skills, towards one's own growth and improvement is traced (D.B. Elkonin, A.A. Rean, V.A. Yakunin, N.I. Meshkov).

In the development of motivational processes, a decisive role is played by satisfaction with educational activities, the level of which is considered as an indicator of the effectiveness of learning, focused on increasing the student's learning motivation, both in the current period of time and in the future. There is a dependence: the stronger the student's needs are met in educational activities, the more productive his attitude to learning will be determined. Effective teaching methods are directly related to the organization of the educational process, where motivational bases are a significant factor. Structured, ordered, planned for a specific project and consistently implemented motivated steps in the learning process ensure the achievement of the predicted goal.

It should be recalled that any motivation performs the function of meaning formation, and in order to obtain adequate meanings of learning, it is necessary to purposefully form a special meaning-forming motivation of students. “Under the sense-forming motivation, one can mean such motivation that forms long-term, strategic life meanings, and is not limited to the current segment of life, the state of “here-and-now” . Hence, it is necessary to ensure not only the inner meaning of mastering a profession (a field of activity in which it will be interesting), but also its continuation, transcendence outside the actual professional sphere into the area of ​​​​the entire life of a person as an ontological subject and as a person. And any activity proceeds more efficiently and gives qualitative results when a person has strong, vivid, deep motives that cause a desire to act actively, with full dedication of strength, to overcome difficulties, adverse conditions and other circumstances, persistently moving towards the intended goal. All this is directly related to successful learning activities, in the event that students have a positive attitude towards learning, a craving for cognitive interest and a need to acquire knowledge, skills and abilities, as well as if they are brought up with concepts: a sense of duty, responsibility and other motives for learning.

For example, educational demonstration films and webinar courses on additional education, which are conducted by young scientists, teachers, managers - E.A. Romanova, K. Sarkisov, T.V. Nikishina, M. Gubina, A. Mosyagina, A. Polyansky, where the tasks of motivation in learning are set and solved:

  • Motivation in learning. When do students really want to study? How to involve and captivate them in the learning process? Interactivity, regular feedback, achievements, successes, competitiveness. Does gamification help solve these issues? Are game mechanics engaging or motivating? Fans in training. What is fun in learning, and what can it be? Motivation in blended learning. How to motivate students in a blended learning model so that they successfully complete all stages to the end with the desired result? Mandatory elements of any training. How to identify needs, interests and goals? How to conduct participatory and/or "Let's play!" training? What can be the internal and external motivation of students? Motivation strategy. What are the factors that influence students' desire to learn?
  • Case-study as an effective method of activating cognitive activity and motivating students to learn. What are the possibilities of using case-study in the educational process: from webinars to practical tasks? What modern educational methods and technologies does case-study combine with?
  • Online tools for interactive interaction in education, online services for collaboration, means of communication and interaction with educational content in learning, combining various types of learning activities (lecture courses, tests, webinars), communications (surveys, forums, blogs) in a single learning space. How to make various tools work within a single process (badges, ratings, "thank you", virtual currency, prizes, etc.)?

Analyzing and also taking into account all these new trends: involvement in the learning process, interactive gamification and fun, case-study, mixed learning models, we must take into account the components of motivation. “Because the doctrine stands out as special kind activities for which learning, mastering knowledge and skills is not only the result, but also the goal. The main motives for conscious learning, associated with the awareness of its tasks, are the natural desire to prepare for future activities and - since the teaching itself is mediated, accomplished through the mastery of knowledge accumulated by mankind, knowledge of the world - interest in knowledge.

We are committed to incorporating the use of knowledge engineering methods into teaching as the latest trend in the development of e-learning, blended learning and face-to-face learning. At the same time, we understand that information educational technologies are not only tools: the Internet and software are, first of all, the use of methods and means for extracting, processing, systematizing and applying information. Therefore, we have to ask questions and be puzzled by finding answers to them:

  • How to use modern methods and ways of working with knowledge in the daily process, in the usual practice of various types of education? What is the driving force of the educational process and how to properly manage it? How do data and information turn into knowledge and personal experience that motivates the student? How to build a model that changes during training successful student and on its basis to draw up his individual educational trajectory leading to success? How to most effectively achieve pedagogical educational goals by using the motivational components of student learning? How to compose content training course, to form with its help the skills of students in acquiring, processing, structuring and applying the acquired knowledge?

And the student needs to understand why he needs to know the proposed topic and its purpose; what is the main task of the educational problem situation contained in it, which can be comprehended if you study its content; what is its theoretical and practical significance; how it was previously applied; what could be the issues of self-control and self-assessment of opportunities to study it? It is important for students to show a plan for the trajectory of the upcoming work, which includes situations of a different nature: emotional passion and success in achieving goals; intellectual search for problems and discussions, gaming competition. Students are interested when the learning process is associated with the analysis of mistakes and achievements, the selection of forms and methods of stimulation and motivation, such as: encouragement, censure, development of the desire to be useful, motivation to search for alternative solutions, self-assessment of activities and its correction, reflection of behavior, project method, forecasting. Positive emotions arising from the process of activity significantly promote a group of students to the intended results and serve as a kind of "reinforcement" of learning motivation, which leads to the formation of its sustainability. Thus, through analysis and interpretations from the outside, the transition of external motivation and control to self-government, to skillful self-organization, self-control is carried out.

The successful formation of positive learning motives is closely related both to the effective use of various methods of stimulating the activity of students, and to the level of assimilation of methods of activity, to the level of various educational skills and abilities formed, and to the formation of educational and cognitive interest. At the same time, students get intellectual pleasure from solving problems, show interest in self-educational activities and independent acquisition of knowledge.

And we, of course, understand that without educational motivational content it is impossible to involve students in learning, and therefore it must be taken into account that in the context of the rapid development of technology it becomes difficult to pedagogically imagine a strict regulation of the content and methods of effective learning. In this regard, it is necessary to more scrupulously select methods and specifically form, develop and stimulate the motivation of students. Hence the need to form a high level of cognitive interest in the subject is our important task, and its solution will require the construction of a single mental picture for the entire learning process, where the main factors leading to its effectiveness are involved:

The style of communication of the teacher through the purposeful design of the educational process and forms of cooperation with students, including the creative approach of developing individual trajectories of developmental learning, providing for a change in activities with brief lecture presentations using multimedia, showing various sharp meaningful lecture moments, using modern tools and information and computer technologies, etc.;

The nature and level of educational and cognitive activity, increasing through the improvement of the selection of variability, various didactic material (on printed and electronic media, instructions, maps, lecture demonstration fragments); the use of various types of independent work, taking into account the motivational interests of students (tasks with cognitive and entertaining, and maybe even tricky questions); structuring the lecture, taking into account the call of an emotional response to activate cognitive mental processes, encourage shape own point perspective on the problem, as well as demonstrating the importance of knowledge and skills in life, its connection between theory and practice on vivid examples of achievements and failures.

And as a result of such work, an effective system for the development of learning motivation is formed, which includes a whole range of creative tasks for the development of motivation for learning activities, consisting of:

causal relationships,

combined information,

Planning and practical implementation.

Over the past few years, there have been dramatic changes, a transition, or rather a leap, that has irreversibly changed the properties of the educational environment. A clear request for the individualization of education has taken shape, when the student himself is motivated, chooses and implements his own trajectory of progress towards the educational goal. Not only the models of the subject and object of learning are changing at all levels and at all levels of education, but also the entire process of acquiring knowledge, their reproduction. The memorization and storage of knowledge is already complemented by the ability to search for and select information for learning in all media. With an abundance of available educational resources students need help in the form of a modern pedagogical demanded competent position that can work at all educational stages of education (full-time, online, distance), so that each student can participate in organizing their own motivated learning.

Taking into account these aspects and the ever-increasing independence of the interaction between the teacher and the student (which encourage them to be active in various technological processes: developmental education, problem-based, project-based, integrated, modular learning, games, cases, master classes, critical thinking, level differentiation, health-saving, communicative), the content of education is implemented in a new way, the achievement of goals is ensured, modern forms of teaching methods are changed and provided.

And, in conclusion, scientists 20 years ago argued that “any reforms and transformations in the field of education can be successful only if they are supported by a clear implementation program. However, what to do now in conditions of uncertainty, unpredictability, rapid development of sciences and technologies, when strict regulation of the content and methods of education becomes impossible? For teachers, it seems to be a critical and paradoxical problem to engage in creative development of individual trajectories of developmental learning, motivated learning, aiming students for further learning and activity in the environments of the future and creating conditions to help achieve it. Nevertheless, “we all remember how, quite recently, university professors took courses in “computer education”; Now is the time to take another, new step forward. Pedagogical activity is a great and difficult art, a kind of "one-actor theater", and each lesson is a kind of master class. Therefore, it is important when developing the next effective training motivational course to take into account:

1. Text leading to the goal.

2. Modern tools.

3. The complex of text design of the lecture, the motivational logistics of presenting the material.

Bibliographic link

Gasanova R.R. METHODS OF EFFECTIVE LEARNING IN THE ORGANIZATION OF MOTIVATIONAL BASES OF THE EDUCATIONAL PROCESS // International Journal of Experimental Education. - 2017. - No. 5. - P. 41-45;
URL: http://expeducation.ru/ru/article/view?id=11662 (date of access: 12/23/2019). We bring to your attention the journals published by the publishing house "Academy of Natural History"

Have you ever learned something that you literally forgot the next day? So that the time and effort invested in training are literally wasted, and skills and knowledge are never used again?

The root of this problem often lies in the way in which this knowledge was obtained. Few of us know how to learn the most effective and fast way so that new skills and knowledge are retained for at least some long time.

The answer to this problem can be the following intensification tips to speed up learning. The proposed methods will allow you to master any skill much harder and faster.

Find a significant (emotionally charged) learning goal

Man is a strange creature. We are mostly illogical and extremely emotional. One can argue about the benefits of such a device of ours, but this is just a natural mechanism inherited from our distant ancestors, tightly remembering events associated with strong emotional experiences. Previously, this mechanism ensured the survival of our species, but now we can use it to intensify learning and memory. To do this, it is necessary to emotionally connect the subject being studied. When a strong passion is attached to learning, the knowledge and skills associated with that emotion are acquired instantly and almost permanently, regardless of the quality of the emotion (although negative emotions have a slightly higher efficiency). For me, for example, after the first disk that shattered into pieces, the skill of working with an angle grinder and safety precautions were imprinted for life (I was not physically hurt, fortunately).

We need a serious incentive for learning. A large goal, tied to the emotional component, is visualized and activates the brain processes for collecting and remembering information.

As all educators know and many students guess, learning for the sake of learning is rarely a good idea. Here, situations come to mind when, after passing sessional exams, students “format” their memory, freeing themselves from unnecessary knowledge.

Michael Jordan, in fear of being eliminated from the basketball team in high school, made over a thousand free throws every morning with the goal of becoming the best player in the world (everyone knows the result).

Another example is the situation in which a person who was previously considered completely unlearned in foreign languages, a kind of anti-polyglot, was able to motivate himself so much that three months before the trip to Spain he learned to speak Spanish fluently.

Such a shift of the target point into the emotional sphere significantly increases the motivation for learning at a subconscious level, which in turn leads to an increase in the level of efficiency and speed of learning.

Do you remember? Better write it down!

Haven't written by hand in a long time? Do you think this skill has lost its relevance? In vain! The age-old truth is that the dullest pencil is better than the sharpest memory.

Studies were conducted in which the subjects were divided into two groups, in one of which the participants wrote by hand, and the second part of the group used various electronic devices. Exactly half an hour after the lecture, a survey showed the superiority of the hand-written group. A week later, another control section was taken, showing an even more pronounced superiority of the group taking notes by hand.

What can be learned from the results of this study? Firstly, it is obvious that the capabilities of the human brain are extremely poorly understood, but the experiment shows the presence effective mechanisms indirect assimilation of information, which are involved in the case of mechanical recording. Secondly, it is foolish to insist on the archaism of this method of fixing information and not use it for more effective learning.

teach someone else

Have you ever tried to explain a difficult concept or problem to someone? When you try to teach someone, you are forced to simplify concepts in order to help the other person understand them easily. This makes the task of understanding easier for you too, making the material clearer and easier to digest.

Research shows that people only remember:

  • 5% of what they learned is from the lecture.
  • 10% of what they read.
  • 20% of what they learned through audio-visual impact.
  • 30% visual demonstration (experiment, experiment).
  • 50% of the group discussion material.
  • 75% practical development of the theory.
  • 90% of what is explained to someone else.
In the learning process, you can use various auxiliary materials, such as mental maps. Having disassembled any concept “on your fingers”, you will no longer be able to forget it, no matter how much you would like to. From personal experience, I can recall a rather incidental case when an electronics teacher explained to us the principle of operation of a transistor using the example of a toilet bowl and a drain system.

Use it or kill it

Many language learners know that even after reaching a certain level of fluency and impressive length vocabulary, the lack of practice still leads to a deterioration in the skill and impoverishment of the vocabulary.

Lack of practice is detrimental to any skill. Sometimes, after long pauses, it is difficult even to ride a bicycle, to say nothing of thinner objects. Therefore, in order to maintain the level of proficiency in a skill, it is essential to allocate time for practice.

In the process of maintaining form, pay attention to the fact that your environment at least sometimes corresponds to this task. In the case of language, try to set aside time to communicate with people who are also interested in this. The commonality of interest in the subject allows us to constantly be in a state of learning in the process of communication, in addition, receiving instant feedback.

Don't forget modern possibilities. After all, before thousands of kilometers could separate you from like-minded people, but now you are just a click away. Thematic groups on social networks and forums will give you the circle of communication that you want.

Look after yourself

When you are 20 years old, you can easily run a course of lectures all night and be a cucumber in the morning, but every year the resources of the body only decrease and night vigils will lead to the fact that in the morning you will not remember anything at all. Sleep is absolutely necessary, since it is one of the phases of processing and assimilation of information. Student night cramming involves short-term memory, which is why it turns out that after passing exams, students do not know anything. Thus, if we want to preserve skills in the long term, non-regime pressure on the brain is completely unacceptable.

Dozens of studies have shown that the amount of sleep is directly proportional to the amount of information learned. Without adequate sleep and rest, worn-out neurons may not function properly, resulting in the loss of the ability to reproduce previously recorded information.

The quality of sleep also matters. Poor sleep quality negatively affects emotional balance, which, as I mentioned above, is very important for learning and has a strong impact on learning abilities. Changes in mood affect our ability to acquire and retain information.

To improve the quality of sleep, doctors recommend physical exercise. Good sleep and exercise optimize thinking, improve alertness, focus, and motivation, and spur the development of new nerve cells from stem cells in the hippocampus (a region of the brain associated with memory and learning).

The next time you are about to learn something, remember these simple tips and use at least one, I guarantee a more efficient and intensive process, and a better result. Thank you for your attention!

Angela Buldakova
Methods and techniques for teaching preschool children

The teaching method is a system of consistent interrelated ways of work of the teacher and the children being taught, which are aimed at achieving didactic tasks. Each method consists of certain techniques of the teacher and trainees. The method of learning, unlike the method, is aimed at solving a narrower learning problem. The combination of techniques forms a teaching method. The more diverse the techniques, the more meaningful and effective the method in which they are included. The choice of teaching method depends, first of all, on the purpose and content of the upcoming lesson. The teacher gives preference to one or another method, based on the equipment of the pedagogical process.

In preschool pedagogy, a classification of teaching methods is adopted, which is based on the main forms of thinking (visual-effective and visual-figurative)

Visual methods and teaching techniques


1. Observation - the ability to peer into the phenomena of the surrounding world, to notice the changes taking place, to establish their causes.

Types of observations: short-term and long-term; repeated and comparative; recognizing character; for changing and transforming objects; reproductive nature.

2. Demonstration of visual aids (objects, reproductions, filmstrips, slides, videos, computer programs).

Visual aids used to get acquainted with the environment: didactic pictures, united in a series; reproductions of paintings by famous artists; book graphics; subject pictures; educational films.


Showing ways, actions;

Sample display.

Verbal methods and teaching techniques


1. The teacher's story.

The story achieves its goal if: the teacher sets an educational and cognitive task for the children; the main idea, thought is clearly traced in the story; the story is not overloaded with details; its content is dynamic, consonant with the personal experience of preschoolers, evokes a response and empathy in them; adult speech is expressive.

2. Children's stories (retelling of fairy tales, stories from pictures, about objects, from children's experience, creative stories).

3. Conversation.

According to didactic tasks, there are: introductory (preliminary) and final (summarizing) conversations.

4. Reading fiction.


Questions (requiring ascertainment; inducing to mental activity);

Indication (integral and fractional) ;



pedagogical assessment;

Conversation (after an excursion, a walk, viewing filmstrips, etc.).

Game methods and teaching techniques


1. Didactic game

2. An imaginary situation in expanded form: with roles, game actions, appropriate gaming equipment.


Sudden appearance of objects;

Performance by the educator of game actions;

Guessing and guessing riddles;

Introduction of competition elements;

Creation of a game situation.

Practical teaching methods

1. Exercise is a repeated repetition by a child of mental or practical actions of a given content (imitative-performing nature, constructive, creative).

2. Elementary experiments, experimentation.

Elementary experience is the transformation of a life situation, object or phenomenon in order to reveal hidden, not directly represented properties of objects, establish links between them, the reasons for their change, etc.

3. Modeling is the process of creating models and using them to form knowledge about the properties, structure, relationships, relationships of objects. It is based on the principle of substitution (a real object is replaced by another object, a conventional sign). Object models, subject-schematic models, graphic models are used.

The choice and combination of teaching methods and techniques depends on:

Age characteristics of children (in the younger preschool age the leading role belongs to visual and game methods; in the middle preschool age, the role of practical and verbal methods increases; in older preschool age, the role of verbal teaching methods increases);

Forms of organization of training (the educator chooses the leading method and provides for it a variety of techniques;

Equipment of the pedagogical process;

The personalities of the educator.


Means of education is a system of objects, objects, phenomena that are used in the educational process as auxiliary.

Classification of educational means

1. Means of material culture - toys, dishes, environmental objects, TSO, games, clothes, didactic materials and etc.

2. Means of spiritual culture - books, art objects, speech.

3. Phenomena and objects of the surrounding world (natural phenomena, flora and fauna.)

A learning tool is a material or ideal object that is used by the teacher and students to learn new knowledge.

The choice of teaching aids depends on:

Regularities and principles of training;

General goals of training, education and development;

Specific educational objectives;

The level of motivation for learning;

The time allotted for the study of a particular material;

The volume and complexity of the material;

The level of preparedness of trainees, the formation of their training skills;

Age and individual characteristics of the trainees; - type and structure of the lesson;

Number of children;

children's interest;

The relationship between the teacher and children (cooperation or authoritarianism);

Logistics, availability of equipment, visual aids, technical means;

Features of the personality of the teacher, his qualifications.

Verbal methods and techniques for teaching children

Verbal methods and techniques make it possible to convey information to children in the shortest possible time, set a learning task for them, and indicate ways to solve it. Verbal methods and techniques are combined with visual, playful, practical methods, making the latter more effective. Purely verbal methods in teaching preschoolers are of limited value.

Teacher's story- the most important verbal method that allows children to present educational material in an accessible form.

The story achieves its goal in teaching children if the main idea, thought is clearly traced in it, if it is not overloaded with details, and its content is dynamic, consonant with the personal experience of preschoolers, evokes a response and empathy in them.

In the story, knowledge of different content is conveyed in a figurative form. Literary works are used as material for the stories (stories by K. D. Ushinsky, L. N. Tolstoy, V. V. Bianchi, V. A. Oseeva, etc.), stories of the teacher from personal experience.

The story is one of the most emotional methods of verbal learning. Usually it has a strong impact on the child, as the educator puts his attitude to the events that he tells about.

Storyteller Requirements:

The use of facial expressions, gestures, speech expressive means.

Expressiveness of speech.


Irregularity of information.

Before the story, the teacher sets an educational and cognitive task for the children. In the process of telling the story with intonation, rhetorical questions, he draws their attention to the most essential.

Conversation- a dialogical teaching method, which assumes that all participants in the conversation can ask questions and answer, express their point of view. The conversation is used in cases where children have some experience and knowledge about the objects and phenomena to which it is devoted.

The task of the teacher is to build a conversation in such a way that the experience of each child becomes the property of the entire team.

Ethical - education of moral feelings, the formation of moral ideas, judgments, assessments.

Cognitive - is closely related to the content of children's lives, the events of current life, with the surrounding nature and the work of adults.

For didactic purposes:

Introductory conversations - prepare children for upcoming activities, observation.

A generalizing (final) conversation is conducted with the aim of summarizing, clarifying, systematizing the knowledge acquired by children on a particular topic of educational work over a sufficiently long period of time.

* It is necessary to select works that are valuable in educational terms, appropriate for the age and level of development of children.

* The teacher prepares children for the perception of the work with a short conversation, sets them an educational and cognitive task.

* You should consider combining reading with other methods, in particular with visual ones (the same rules apply here that apply to the storytelling method).

*After reading, a conversation is held to help the child better understand the content of the work.

*During the conversation, the teacher tries to enhance his emotional and aesthetic impact on the pupils.

In the learning process are used verbal devices: questions for children, indication, explanation, explanation, pedagogical assessment.

When reading and telling works of art, the educator uses such techniques that help children understand and, therefore, better assimilate the text, enrich the speech of children with new words, that is, give them new knowledge about the world around them.

These methods are as follows:

1) an explanation of words incomprehensible to children found in the text;

2) the introduction of words - ethical assessments of the actions of heroes;

3) a comparison of two works, of which the second continues and clarifies the ethical theme begun in the first, or contrasts the behavior in similar situations of two heroes - positive and negative.

In teaching preschoolers, it is necessary to combine different types of questions:

Requiring a simple statement of facts known to the child (such as who, what, what, where, when);

Encouraging children to mental activity, to the formulation of conclusions, conclusions (such as why, why, why, for what purpose).

Questions should be specific, suggesting one or another answer of the child; exact wording.

Continuing the theme of the last lesson, we would like to introduce you to those teaching methods that have appeared relatively recently and whose active introduction into the pedagogical process is just beginning to be carried out. If we talk about the traditional educational system, then in the institutions corresponding to it, modern teaching methods can be found extremely rarely, but as for private schools, training centers and other similar organizations, new methods appear more and more often in their activities. Why these methods are credited with greater efficiency than traditional methods, you will learn from this lesson. But in addition to the advantages, we will also mention the main disadvantages of innovative methods, which should be paid no less attention to.

To begin with, we note that modern teaching methods, unlike traditional ones, are characterized by slightly different features, namely:

  • Modern teaching methods already in the process of development are adapted to a special pedagogical plan. The development is based on a specific methodological and philosophical view author
  • The technological sequence of actions, operations and interactions is based on target settings, which are a clear expected result
  • The implementation of the methods involves the associated activities of teachers and students, which have a contractual basis and which take into account the principles of differentiation and individualization, as well as the optimal use of human and technical potential. Mandatory components should be communication and dialogues
  • Pedagogical methods are planned in stages and implemented sequentially. In addition, they should be feasible for any teacher, but guarantee each student
  • An indispensable component of the methods are diagnostic procedures, which contain the tools, indicators and criteria necessary for measuring student performance.

Modern teaching methods in many cases may not have a psychological and pedagogical justification, which is why it is quite difficult to classify them in some unified way. But this does not prevent not only their application in educational activities, but also does not have any significant impact on the success of this application.

Modern teaching methods

Among the most popular modern teaching methods today are:


A lecture is an oral form of information transmission, during which visual aids are used.

The advantages of the lecture are that students are guided in large amounts of information, there are, as a rule, a large number of students in the classroom, and the teacher can easily control the content and sequence of his presentation.

The disadvantages of the lecture include the fact that there is no feedback from students, there is no way to take into account their initial level of knowledge and skills, and classes are strictly dependent on schedules and schedules.


The seminar is a joint discussion between the teacher and students of the issues being studied and the search for ways to solve certain problems.

The advantages of the seminar are the ability to take into account and control the level of knowledge and skills of students by the teacher, to establish a connection between the topic of the seminar and the experience of students.

The disadvantages of the seminar are the small number of students in the class and the requirement for the presence of a teacher.


Training is such a teaching method, the basis of which is the practical side of the pedagogical process, and the theoretical aspect is only of secondary importance.

The advantages of the training are the ability to study the problem from different points of view and catch its subtleties and nuances, prepare students for action in life situations, as well as improve them and create a positive emotional climate.

The main and main disadvantage of the training is that at the end of the training, students must be accompanied and supported, otherwise the acquired skills and abilities will be lost.

Modular learning

Modular learning is a breakdown of educational information into several relatively independent parts called modules. Each of the modules has its own goals and methods of presenting information.

The positive characteristics of the modular learning method are its selectivity, flexibility and the possibility of rearranging its components - modules.

The negative aspects are that the educational material can be learned in a piecemeal manner and become incomplete. Also, the logical connection of information modules may be lost, as a result of which knowledge will be fragmented.

Distance learning

Distance learning refers to the use of telecommunications in the pedagogical process, allowing the teacher to teach students, being at a great distance from them.

The positive characteristics of the method are the possibility of involving a large number students, the possibility of learning at home, the ability of students to choose the most suitable for classes and the ability to transfer the results of the learning process to various electronic media.

The disadvantages here are the high requirements for the technical equipment of the pedagogical process, the lack of visual contact between the teacher and the student and, as a result, reduced motivation on the part of the latter.

Value Orientation

The value orientation method serves to instill values ​​in students and familiarize them with social and cultural traditions and rules. Usually, in the process of work, tools are also used that reflect these rules and traditions.

The positive characteristics of value orientation are its assistance in the adaptation of students to the conditions real life and the requirements of the society or activity.

The weak point of the method is expressed in the fact that the student, if the teacher has embellished any points, may be disappointed in the information received when he encounters the actual state of things.

case study

Analysis of "blockages"

The method of “blockage” analysis consists in modeling situations that often arise in real life and are characterized by a large amount of work, as well as in developing the most effective ways to solve problems caused by such situations.

On the positive side, the proposed method is high motivation students, their active participation in the process of solving problems and the impact that develops analytical skills and systematic thinking.

The disadvantage is that students must have at least basic skills and abilities to solve the tasks.

Work in pairs

Based on the requirements of the pair work method, one student pairs with another, thereby guaranteeing feedback and assessments from the outside in the process of mastering new activities. As a rule, both parties have equal rights.

Working in pairs is good because it allows the student to get an objective assessment of their activities and come to an understanding of their shortcomings. In addition, communication skills are developed.

The disadvantage lies in the possibility of difficulties due to the personal incompatibility of partners.

reflection method

The reflection method involves the creation necessary conditions self-comprehension of the material by students and the development of their ability to enter into an active research position in relation to the material being studied. The pedagogical process is carried out by students performing tasks with a systematic check of the results of their activities, during which errors, difficulties and the most successful solutions are noted.

The advantages of the reflective method are that students develop the skill of independent decision-making and independent work, honed and increased sense of responsibility for their actions.

But there are also disadvantages: the field of activity of students, which is the problematic of the topic or discipline they are studying, is limited, and the acquisition and honing occurs exclusively by experience, i.e. through .

Rotation Method

The rotation method consists in assigning different roles to students in the course of a lesson or lesson, so that they can get a variety of experiences.

The advantages of the method are that it favorably affects the motivation of students, helps to overcome the negative effects of routine activities and expand their horizons and social circle.

Of the minuses, one can name the increased tension of students in cases where new and unfamiliar requirements are presented to them.

Leader-Follower Method

According to this method, one student (or group) joins a more experienced student (or group) in order to master unfamiliar skills and abilities.

The advantages of the method are its simplicity, faster adaptation of students to new activities and honing their communication skills.

The difficulty lies in the fact that the student is not always able to realize the deep psychological reasons decision-making by his more experienced partner.

Fly method

Such a simple word is a method in which current issues regarding a topic or problem being studied are solved through the exchange of information and opinions, as a result of which it becomes possible to improve students' skills.

The advantages of the method under consideration lie in its linkage to real situations in the learning process, as well as in providing students with the opportunity to use an emotional-volitional and content-problem approach when making decisions.

The disadvantages are that the teacher or discussion leader needs to be able to focus on important details and make competent generalizations that he will offer students. In addition, there is a high probability of abstract discussions, including those that have a negative emotional connotation.


The method of mythologems involves the search for unusual ways to solve problems that arise in real conditions. Such a search is carried out on the basis of metaphors, in other words, a non-existent scenario is developed that is similar to the existing one.

The positive characteristics of the method are the formation in students of a setting for a creative search for solutions to problems, and a decrease in the level of anxiety of students when they encounter new tasks and problems.

The negative aspects include reduced attention to rational and calculated actions in real conditions.

Experience exchange

The experience exchange method involves a short-term transfer of a student to another place of study (including other countries) and a subsequent return.

The presented experience contributes to the cohesion of the team, improving the quality of communication and broadening one's horizons.

The disadvantage of the method lies in the probability of occurrence stressful situations due to personal and technical difficulties in a new place.


It involves working together in small groups, the main purpose of which is to find a solution to a given problem or task. Ideas proposed at the beginning of the assault are collected together, initially without any criticism, and at subsequent stages are discussed, and one of the most productive is selected from them.

Brainstorming is effective in that it allows even students with a minimum level of knowledge and a set of competencies to participate, does not require thorough preparation, develops in students the ability to think quickly and engage in group work, has a minimal stressful effect, cultivates a culture of communication and develops the skill of participating in discussions.

But this method is not very effective for solving complex problems, does not allow to determine clear indicators of the effectiveness of solutions, complicates the process of determining the author of the best idea, and is also characterized by spontaneity that can lead students away from the topic.

Thematic discussions

The method of thematic discussions is to solve certain problems and tasks in a particular area of ​​any discipline. This method is similar to brainstorming, but differs from it in that the discussion process is limited to a specific framework, and any decisions and ideas that initially seem unpromising are immediately discarded.

The advantages of the method can be called the fact that the information base of students regarding the subject under discussion is expanding and the skill of solving specific problems is formed.

The disadvantage is the difficulty of finding a solution to the problem due to the fact that this goal can only be achieved if the teacher or discussion leader has the skill of accurately and comprehensively conveying information to less informed participants.


Consulting or, as the method is also called, counseling boils down to the fact that the student seeks information or practical help from a more experienced person on issues related to a particular topic or area of ​​research.

A positive feature of this method is that the student receives targeted support and increases his experience, both in the field of study and in interpersonal interaction.

The negative side is that the method is not always applicable, which depends on the specifics of pedagogical activity, and in some cases requires material costs for implementation.

Participation in official events

Participation in official events involves attending exhibitions, conferences, etc. by students. The bottom line is to evaluate the event and draw up a brief report, followed by its presentation to the teacher. It also implies the preliminary preparation and research of thematic issues and problems related to the theme of the event.

The positive aspects of the method are the mobilization of the student to search for information relevant to the subject of the event, the development of business communication skills, and the improvement of analytical skills.

The disadvantages include the fact that the emotions and impressions received after attending the event can distort the real objective assessment.

Use of information and computer technologies

The essence of the presented method is clear from the name - modern high-tech means of information transfer, such as computers, laptops, digital projectors, etc. are used in the pedagogical process. The information mastered by students is presented in combination with visual-figurative data (video materials, graphs, etc.), and the studied object, phenomenon or process itself can be shown in dynamics.

The advantage of the method is that the demonstration of educational material can be dynamic, individual elements of the material or all of it can be repeated at any time, the teacher can provide students with copies of the materials, which means that for subsequent study there is no need for special conditions, for example, in the classroom or classroom.

The disadvantages are that in most cases there is no interactive connection, in the process of using the method, the individual characteristics of students are not taken into account, and the teacher does not have the opportunity to have a stimulating effect on his students.

And separately, as an independent method, it should be said about special educational simulators.

Educational simulators

In the process of creating simulators, certain pedagogical tasks or discipline-related situations. This is carried out by means of special equipment, which is located in the premises intended for this.

Students master complex skills, problem-solving algorithms, psychomotor actions and mental operations for making decisions regarding the most serious situations and issues within any discipline.

There are a number of requirements for effective simulators:

  • Simulators should be developed taking into account the psychological characteristics of a particular discipline, because learning tasks should correspond to the tasks that will be encountered in real life, in terms of their functional and subject content
  • Training tasks performed on the simulator should be aimed at providing students with prompt feedback, on the basis of which it will be possible to judge the quality of the actions performed by students.
  • The simulator should be designed for repeated repetition of tasks by students, because it is necessary to achieve automatic correctness of actions. The correctness of actions, in turn, can be indicated by the comments of teachers, as well as the feelings of students received by them through the senses and experiences.
  • Training tasks that are performed using the simulator must be selected so that the complexity of the implementation increases. This allows the student not only to properly master the practice, but also not to lose

Any teaching method that is planned to be used in the pedagogical process can give the maximum result if it is found that it is really suitable for use. This can be established only by analyzing the characteristics and characteristics of students and the area in which they receive knowledge, skills and abilities.

It is also possible to evaluate the effectiveness of a particular teaching method by analyzing the content of the learning tasks and methods that are offered to students, based on whether they correspond to current problems and situations.

The productivity of the pedagogical process during the development by students of new knowledge and the acquisition of new skills requires teachers to develop an orientation system in each discipline being studied. Creating the optimal content of educational programs allows students to form systemic thinking, which will be the guarantor of their successful learning and development, the presence of cognitive interest, motivation for further learning and the development of any knowledge, skills, subjects and disciplines.

But in pedagogical activity there is not and, perhaps, there cannot be any universal method or system of methods. It is important to be able to apply A complex approach, which means that teachers should give preference in their work not only to modern or traditional teaching methods, but to apply each of them both individually and together, setting themselves the task of developing the most optimal and effective educational program.

In this lesson, we talked about modern teaching methods and pointed out their main advantages and disadvantages. Of course, we did not disclose absolutely all of their features (we did not actually set ourselves such a goal), however, the information already available should be enough to help you decide which method appeals to you to a greater extent, what you would like to understand in more detail and what to apply later in your pedagogical activity.

As for the next lesson, in it we will touch on an equally serious topic regarding the direct interaction between the teacher and students - we will talk about methods of pedagogical influence on the personality of students.

Test your knowledge

If you want to test your knowledge on the topic of this lesson, you can take a short test consisting of several questions. Only 1 option can be correct for each question. After you select one of the options, the system automatically moves on to the next question. The points you receive are affected by the correctness of your answers and the time spent on passing. Please note that the questions are different each time, and the options are shuffled.

The characteristic of teaching methods is manifested by the unity of the purposeful cognitive activity of teachers and students, the active movement towards the moment of pedagogical truth, the clarification of knowledge. Teaching methods are directly interconnected with the forms and ways of thinking, which provide an opportunity in the process of organizing the teaching interaction between a teacher and a student to penetrate the truth, the essence of a phenomenon or process of objective reality.

The following functions are inherent in teaching methods: teaching, developing, educating, encouraging (motivational) and control and correctional. With the help of the method, the learning goal is achieved (learning function), a certain pace and level of development of students (developing function), the result of education (educational function) is determined. Through methods, the teacher encourages students to learn, stimulates cognitive activity (an incentive function). All methods are intended for the teacher to diagnose the process and the result of the educational process, to make the necessary changes to it (control and correction function). The functional suitability of different methods cannot be considered constant throughout the entire educational process; it changes from junior to middle and then to senior classes. The intensity of the use of methods is also changing (for some it increases, for others it decreases).

The classification of the main teaching methods includes:

  • oral presentation;
  • discussion;
  • demonstration;
  • exercises;
  • students' independent work.

Let us consider in more detail and give a description of each teaching method.

Oral presentation and discussion

Definition 1

Oral presentation of educational material is a teaching method that provides a monologue in the form of a one-sided impact on students.

Allocate oral presentation in the form of a story, explanation, instruction, lecture.

The story is a kind of oral presentation, when the teacher (students) focus on specific facts, including their relationship and interdependence. With the help of a story, auditory perception, representation and imagination are mobilized. In the process of storytelling, children not only learn the facts, but also learn the consistent presentation of the material. The main function of the story is teaching, the accompanying functions are considered to be developing, educating, motivating and control-correctional.

As a method, the effectiveness of the story is characterized by mobilizing the interest of students, exciting their attention. The developing aspect lies in the fact that it activates mental processes, including representation, memory, thinking, imagination, emotional experiences.

Remark 1

The story can be used in working with students of any age, but the maximum effect is observed when teaching younger students.

Explanations of the teacher or students ensure the identification of the essence of the event or phenomenon being studied, including its place in the system of connections and dependencies on other events, phenomena. The function of explanation is to reveal through logical methods, convincing argumentation and evidence of the scientific basis of the law, rule, truth. During the explanation, students work on the development of formal-logical and dialectical thinking, learn to argue and prove positions.

The result of the explanation is a deep and clear understanding by the student of the essence of phenomena, their regular connections and interdependencies. The educational value of explanation lies in the development in students of the desire for truth, identifying the main thing in the material being studied and separating it from the insignificant, secondary. The method has found wide application in working with students of all age groups. However, for middle and senior school age, due to the complication of educational material and increasing intellectual capabilities, the need for explanation becomes more urgent.

Another type of oral presentation of the material is represented by instruction. It involves the setting and precise achievement of objectives in the learning process. It is used when organizing the activities of students during the lesson. Instruction is used when, in the course of teaching, the teacher must direct learning activities students in the right direction.

A lecture is a kind of oral presentation. With its help, the teacher uses in various proportions the presentation of facts and a brief auxiliary dialogue, which provides a diagnosis of the feedback received by the teacher on the quality of perception and assimilation of the material by students.

Remark 2

Through the lecture, the cognitive activity of students, their thoughts are activated, the search for answers to the questions that have arisen begins.

The subject of a school lecture may be a predominant description complex systems, phenomenon, object, process, including connections and dependencies between them. The lecture is most often used in high school when students reach the level of training required for the perception and comprehension of the lecture material.

Discussion of educational material is the second of the considered teaching methods. It involves the active interaction and influence of teachers and students on each other. There are several types of discussion, including a conversation, class-group sessions, a seminar.

The conversation between the teacher and children is the most important type of discussion of educational material. The conversation presupposes a certain stock of empirical knowledge in children. They should be sufficient for competent participation in the discussion of issues, generalizations, conclusions, movement towards the truth. The leading function of the conversation can be considered inciting, but with no less success, the method is able to perform other functions. It is no longer possible to find a method that is so versatile and effective in every respect.

Remark 3

The participation of students in a teaching conversation can be passive, that is, limited only to the presentation of facts for generalization by their teacher, or in the case when the level of readiness of children allows, active, involving students in the creative process.

The pedagogical function of the conversation is to use the knowledge and personal experience of students to enhance their cognitive activity, to involve them in an active mental search, to resolve contradictions, to independently formulate conclusions and generalizations.

For a conversation, important components are thoughtfulness and clarity in the formulation of questions, flexibility in their clarification and development. Through dialogue in the conversation, problem-based learning is also conducted, that is, tasks are set, the understanding of their essence is clarified, and issues important for understanding the problem are discussed, which leads students to independent conclusions.

The cognitive outcome of the conversation can be found as a result of the lasting assimilation of knowledge by schoolchildren, the activation of their life experience. The developmental aspect of the method is manifested in the formation of students' ability to think clearly and quickly, analyze and generalize, ask precise questions, speak briefly and clearly express their thoughts. The educational impact of the conversation is to awaken independence in children, to help them gain self-confidence.

Remark 4

Another type of discussion is a class-group lesson, which is carried out as part of a group. Here, all students are directly involved in it. A particular example is the discussion, which is an effective tool for involving all students in active work, intensifying mental activity.

Discussing learning material is most difficult when using a seminar. During the preparation of the seminar, the teacher can conduct consultations, the purpose of which is to more effectively organize the independent work of students. Particular attention should be paid to the formation of a list of literature for study, the identification of the main problems that need to be deeply understood, the determination of the degree of preparedness of students and their capabilities.

Before the seminar, the teacher should carefully consider the introductory, main and final part of the lesson, including identifying additional questions, visual aids, and practical tasks. The most difficult task for the teacher is to organize a creative discussion of the problem at the seminar.

Demonstration methods and exercises

The demonstration is a teaching method based on showing students life events, natural phenomena, scientific and production processes, the actions of instruments and apparatus for their analysis and discussion of related problems. The essence of this method is to create, with the help of actions and means, a visual image of the object or phenomenon being studied, the formation of specific ideas about its essence and content. The display, first of all, is intended to reveal the dynamics of the phenomena that the student wants to study. The method has found application in familiarization with the appearance of objects, their internal structure or location among several homogeneous objects.

Demonstration as a teaching method contributes to the effective perception and comprehension by students of the complex phenomena of reality, providing for their dynamics, movement in time and space. Through this method, the child's horizons are expanded, the process of mastering knowledge is psychologically facilitated, and a sensory-empirical base of knowledge is formed during the study. The demonstration of educational and feature films, their parts, scientific experiments, real processes in nature and society helps to thoroughly and deeply perceive the educational material.

The educational results of the demonstration are to enrich children with knowledge in their figurative and conceptual integrity, emotional coloring. The developing role of demonstration is characterized by the expansion of the general outlook, the activation of all mental processes, the excitation of a keen interest in the subjects of knowledge. The educational function of demonstration is manifested by the enormous emotional impact of the phenomena demonstrated. It deepens the assimilation of the essence of the studied material.

Remark 5

The demonstration is used in working with children of any age, including in its structure a mandatory interview with students about the material, that is, something that helps the teacher diagnose the process of learning by students.

It is customary to distinguish between types of demonstration:

  • personal demonstration by students of certain actions and behavior;
  • demonstration of something by specially trained students;
  • demonstration visual means visibility;
  • demonstration of transparencies, films, TV shows, playback of sound recordings.

Each type of demonstration has its own specific method of use in different forms of educational work. At the same time, there are General requirements for the method as a whole.

Demonstration requires preparation on the part of students, the formation of an attitude towards a purposeful perception of the material being studied. This is due to the fact that often visual aids simultaneously carry large amounts of information.

The effectiveness of the demonstration is due only when students independently study the subject, process and phenomenon, performing the necessary measurements, establishing the dependence. Thanks to these actions, active cognitive process comprehension of things, phenomena, and not other people's ideas about them.

The demonstration method in its composition contains an illustration method that involves the display and perception of an object, process and phenomenon in accordance with their symbolic image. Posters, maps, portraits, photographs, drawings, diagrams, reproductions, flat models, etc. are used here. Both methods (demonstration and illustration) are often used in close connection. They complement each other and reinforce the joint action.

The fourth teaching method is called exercise. It consists in repeated, conscious repetition of mental and practical actions to create, consolidate and improve the necessary skills and abilities.

The function of the method is to transform part of the student's knowledge into a skill and ability, which forms his readiness to act skillfully in practice. The diagnostic role of the exercise is to provide an opportunity to acquire strong skills and abilities through a deep understanding of the acquired knowledge.

Exercise is an essential part of any subject being studied. Before performing the exercise, it is always necessary to firmly master the theoretical material and undergo a thorough instruction by the teacher. This enables students to systematically reproduce the actions necessary for the formation of skills of mental operations. This is characterized by a gradual complication, an increase in the level of difficulty, the addition of elements of individual creativity. The teacher demonstrates an example of a creative approach to business, after which the children are able to engage in a holistic exercise. As a result of the work, the teacher and students conduct a discussion and analysis of success, adjusting their activities with amendments.

The learning result of the exercise is shown by the armament of a system of techniques, methods of action in the intellectual and physical culture sphere. The developing role of the method is to expand the possibilities of the student's creative self-expression, the manifestation of various abilities.

Remark 6

Performing exercises in the system strengthens the will of children, brings up perseverance, perseverance, diligence, self-control. In the highest degree comprehensively and objectively, with the help of the exercise, it is possible to diagnose the state of the strength of knowledge, the depth of their understanding by children. The qualitative side of the formed skills and abilities, the ability to use them creatively directly depends on this.

Types of exercises:

  • in accordance with the subjects taught (physical, special, complex);
  • in accordance with the nature and degree of influence on the formation of a skill (preparatory or introductory, basic with the development of an action in general, training);
  • according to the number of participants (collective and individual).

Independent work of students

An important teaching method, which involves the individual activity of the students themselves in the process of consolidating the acquired knowledge (skills, abilities) and preparing for classes, is independent work. There are several types of it: work with printed sources, independent search, independent viewing (listening) of television and radio programs.

Students spend more time working with printed sources, the main advantage of which is the possibility of multiple processing of educational information at an affordable pace and at a convenient time. The methods of working with the textbook are complex, but quite within the power of every student. They consist of:

  1. Introductory reading of the textbook or part of it at a relatively fast pace to get a general idea of ​​the content; selection of material that is directly related to the issue of interest and requires particularly careful study.
  2. Repeated, relatively slow reading with the division of the text into semantic elements, highlighting the main provisions, the author's argumentation, studying diagrams, tables, drawings. At this stage of the work, the analysis of the basic concepts, provisions, ideas of the work takes place. Conclusions are given that make it possible to form a correct report on what the textbook or its chapter has taught.
  3. Taking notes of the text being studied to fix the main provisions, their deeper and more solid understanding and fixing in memory.
Remark 7

The text of the textbook is considered studied when the student is able to reproduce its main provisions, finding their application in practice.

Independent search is a type of independent work. It allows the teacher, relying on the knowledge, skills and abilities of the children, individual abilities, to set creative search tasks for them (consulting their activities, evaluating and using the results in the educational process).

The pedagogical role of search tasks and projects is to individualize learning, expand the scope of knowledge, subject to differentiation and specialized training in an advanced program. Such tasks can introduce students to the problems of labor rationalization, research creative methods of cognition and are used in the course of studying any subject. In particular, this applies to specialized disciplines, optional and circle classes. Students form reports on long-term observations of the development of plants, animal life, natural phenomena; write reviews of scientific literature, essays on a free topic, reports on a new understanding of historical events or literary critical sources; create schemes of operation of the device, machine tool, machine with proposals in the field of improving the technological process.

The learning outcome of an independent search can be manifested in the form of an increment of new knowledge that can expand the general and profile horizons of students, in the form of mastering primary research skills.

Listening to and watching television and radio broadcasts by students on their own is also very effective if the teacher organizes and controls this process. The educational and educational role of this method is due to the high efficiency of the impact of a visual image. Information presented visually is as accessible as possible for perception. Such material can be absorbed more easily and quickly.

Other teaching methods include the video method (watching a movie, slides, etc.), the laboratory method (conducting certain studies), and programmed learning.

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