Luule Viilma - doctor, obstetrician-gynecologist. After 23 years of brilliant practice in this profession, she discovered in herself the gift of healing the most serious illnesses. Luule Viilma came to the conclusion that every person can heal himself if he is taught to free himself from the causes of illness! Only desire and will are required. Viilma's teachings are based on love and forgiveness. It helps not only to recover from a specific disease, but also to find your way to Happiness, Peace and Harmony. This book is dedicated to getting rid of the most common causes of disease. Touch the Knowledge that Health brings! Thousands of patients were healed of the most serious illnesses by studying the books of Viilma. Now it's your turn!

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The given introductory fragment of the book Luule Viilma. The book is hope, the book is salvation! Healing from any disease with the power of Love (Luule Viilma, 2015) provided by our book partner - the company Liters.

The root cause of everything

The face of our character

I discover the secrets of the spiritual world, I find the knowledge that every person has inside, and every person has all the energies that are only in the Universe. If you either read about stress, or hear about it, or see how a person shows what his stresses are doing to him, that is, he shows something good or bad with his behavior, and you can see and hear this, then this is is talking your stress, because we see only ourselves everywhere. When we develop further, that is, we release from ourselves (and each of us is love), we release certain stresses from love, then we do not see these stresses in others. Because this other person, even with his own certain stress, passes through or past me, as it were, without touching me. I do not provoke with my certain stress the manifestation of his stress.

We can release any stress, we can release our initial stresses, of which there are only two, and they are called: my mom and my dad. Because besides their energies, when I come to this world, I have no other energies. When we die in past life, then the energy that we possessed at the time of death is used to enter this life, which begins from the moment of conception. So my mom and dad add up to me.

If I am a woman, then I am a woman because I have a female body, that is, a female material shell. The material body is the exterior, and inside I have my dad. Why are women so resilient, why are women around the world living so long compared to men? Thanks to the men, lovely women. They are the stability that holds us from the inside.

And why are men so fragile, why do they leave this world so quickly? Because they are only outwardly men, but inside they are women. And it is very, very important how you, lovely men, treat your mother. Because you are this woman, and as far as you understand your mother, that is, treat her out of love, so much you see women as they are. You see not only their character, which is only accumulated positive and negative knowledge.

Symbolically, the energy of character can be imagined as a hedgehog. Have you ever seen the needles of a hedgehog: how are they located, are they parallel or intersect? When the needles go up, then their tips go up, which converge at the bottom like scissors, right? And they go down the same way. This is what says that in the character of a person there is the same thing that in everything on the globe, that is, there are two ends: good and bad. And all these stresses that accumulate inside us can become so great that they won't fit in a person. How to live? Let's say, a "tower" of one energy has grown, a "tower" of another energy, yet different energies in the amount n+ 1. And we, people, spiritual beings, came to this world to take care that our stresses did not grow so great that they would become larger than the person himself. And if they do, then they turn into character traits. And it is often said that everything can be changed in this world, but the character will remain.

Changing character means rethinking life and cleverly freeing yourself from the bad in order to achieve the desired goal. This is harder than you think and easier than you suspect. And the one who does not learn to do smartly will be forced to learn through suffering. Another person once again lives his life in torment in order to correct one of his character traits.

Unfortunately, we will die from this character as a result, because our diseases and our sufferings that accompany diseases are after all the face of our character. And to justify myself by the fact that I have such a character is pointless, just stupid. When a person consoles himself, justifies himself with his character, then this person does not understand who he really is, confuses character and himself. And so gradually, since like attracts like, those energies that we already have inside grow more and more, as they attract similar energies to themselves. And these "hedgehog needles" are growing more, higher, longer. And then it doesn't matter whether we encounter positive or negative irritations, we, like a hedgehog, raise our "needles". And what are we doing? Of course, we protect ourselves. And a person who defends himself is a person who does not know how to live, he does not know how to be himself, that is, a person. He does not know how to be love, he wants to love and wants to be loved. And how can he love if he is not himself? Or how to love him if he is not there? Then they will come to love his body, his friend. And he sells his body. And by this he proves to everyone that he loves and has the right to demand to be loved. And the frustrations got worse and worse. Because a person, a spiritual being, confuses the two levels. A person under stress is like a hedgehog. Every person has stress, but not all people are stressed.

When we are under stress, when we really have fallen into such a deep hole, then stress can be released, and our stress decreases, decreases and in one moment will shorten, like the needles of a hedgehog. What will our hedgehog be like then? It will be so soft, so cute ... And if we thrust all these needles one by one into his skin and do not let him come out, what will happen then? Before the hedgehog dies, he, like a wild animal, will attack you even more. And even after death, this corpse can get so dirty that you will exude a stench for a whole century, and maybe even longer.

All stress stems from the fear that "I am not loved."

The main stresses are guilt, fears and anger. Accumulating, they grow into each other, mutually combine and can form an intricate mixture of diseases. Guilt develops into fear, fear develops into anger. Malice destroys a person.

The chain of stress is driven by the fear of being guilty. Nobody wants to be guilty. Therefore, the most reliable way to subjugate a person who wants to be good is to appeal to his conscience. So a tyrant playing a benefactor is able to completely squeeze out the will to live from a person, without realizing that he is doing wrong. And a person dies, not being able to defend himself.

Major stresses and their interactions

Any stress eventually turns into anger.

1) In whom the feeling of guilt has settled, he is accused, and he begins to be afraid and himself turns into an accuser. Accusation is anger. Any assessment, comparison, comparison is essentially an accusation.

2) In whom fear has settled, they are scared, and he begins to scare others if only for the purpose of teaching or warning. This is already latent malice, or the struggle for life.

3) In whom there is malice, they are angry, and he himself begins to be malignant. Malice can be:

open, or leading to a crime,

hidden, or causing the disease.

Latent malice can be:

benevolent causing benign disease processes,

malicious causing malignant processes, or cancer.

No one voluntarily recognizes himself as malicious, and meanwhile, the proportion of substandard diseases in the world is rapidly increasing. Why? Because everyone wants to appear good. The desire to live in a world of illusions or in castles of dreams in the air sooner or later ends with a person falling from heaven to earth, that is, getting sick. This book says a lot about this.

A) Feelings of guilt are the stress of the heart. They make a person susceptible to disease, but in themselves they are not a disease. The feeling of guilt weakens.

B) Fears are stress on the kidneys and adrenal glands. Fears attract bad things, but by themselves they are not yet a disease. Fear makes you helpless.

B) Anger is a disease in itself. Malice settles where the movement of energy is interrupted by fear. As malice is, so is disease. Malice destroys.

Fears are arranged in the body as follows:

Fears inhibit or completely block human willpower, or the will to live. They can accumulate slowly and imperceptibly, or they can, like a lightning strike, bring a person to the grave. Fears cause inability, misunderstanding, inconsistency, inability, impossibility, etc. Constantly repeating inability becomes, in the end, unwillingness. Inability is fear. Unwillingness is anger.

Malice can be recognized by five signs, which can occur individually and which are not considered a disease. But if they appear in combination with at least one more, then they are considered a disease. These signs include:

pain- the anger of searching for the culprit;

redness- the anger of finding the culprit;

temperature- the malice of the conviction of the culprit. The most dangerous to life is the anger of self-accusation, which arises most often due to the fact that a person accepts accusations in his address. To be guilty without guilt is the hardest burden for the heart;

swelling, or overgrowth, - anger of exaggeration;

discharge, or destruction of tissue(necrosis) - the malice of suffering.

In reality, the pain does not appear alone - it hides temperature, redness, swelling or accumulation of secretions. Likewise, there are four others lurking behind other signs of anger. Together they form a humiliated malice that causes inflammation. The higher the concentration of humiliated anger, the more likely the formation of pus. Pus is unbearable humiliation.

Man appears in this world to be exalted and exalted. If he does not know how to exalt, then he does not know how to exalt and, as a result, humiliates himself and others. Humiliation is the source of all kinds of anger associated with life's struggles.

All types of anger can be reduced to one denominator - accusation. Evaluation, comparison, weighing - all this also, with a slight difference, is, in principle, an accusation. Malice destroys.

Five main types of anger can be distinguished according to their location in the body:

desire to be better than others- makes a person heartless, destroys reason;

dissatisfaction- destroys the meaning of life, takes away the taste for life;

over-demanding- splits purposefulness;

forced situation- deprives of freedom, makes a person a slave;

rejection- inhibits movement, development.

Of all the stresses, anger is the most difficult and insidious. The expansive malice of primitive man causes simple and easily treatable diseases. The higher the level of education of mankind, the more difficult it becomes: diseases. They are more difficult to detect and more difficult to heal. The most hostile disease of the physical body is malignant tumor arising from malevolent malice.

Malicious malice becomes when a person does not receive what his soul longs for, although he considers it his right to receive it, and the person becomes obsessed with his rights.

At the sight of other people's successes, such a person feels helpless in this unfair life struggle. The desire to avenge injustice can only glimmer in the back streets of the soul and never manifest itself in actions, but it exists and takes on the guise of malice.

As for AIDS, it is a disease of transition to a higher, or spiritual, level of development. AIDS is a signal that although a person is potentially ready to rise, because he has suffered enough, he is still not able to give up the benefits the visible world, i.e., the physical world. AIDS says that a person with his feelings is in the future, and with desire - in the past, but he himself does not realize this (see figure).

Disease arises from the division of life into spiritual and physical parts, between which a clear boundary is drawn, which is forbidden both for oneself and for others to step over. A person who is absolutely sure of the correctness of such an idea does not give anyone the right to shake it at least by expressing a natural human doubt. AIDS is a disease excessive rationality.

Anyone who sees the world in black and white colors deliberately cuts off all semitones from his vision of the world and does not understand that thereby turns the present into nothingness. The diaphragm, or abdominal obstruction, symbolizes the moment of the present. The surrounding fabrics symbolize the longer present - the everyday present. Whoever hurries in thoughts to the fabulous future will have to go already without a body, for in the present he does not understand and does not love his body.

The present teaches us to calmly unite opposites in ourselves. He who justifies the debauchery of his body by its physiological needs is able to step into the sanctuary from the scene of the crime and, without repenting of sin, feel like a holy person there. If a person believes that he has the immutable right to enter all doors, then the door to the spiritual world will be closed for him. Awareness of the causes of the suffering of the physical body again opens the gates to heaven in order to let in the lost lamb.

And now a person who wants to be better than others finishes his earthly path along with everyone else. Birth and death prove to every human soul its equality with others until we begin to understand this. And the quantity and quality of days of life is determined by the quantity and quality selves person.

Everything has two sides that balance each other so that the whole is in balance. In life and in the mirror image of life in a person, 49% bad and 51% good. All our stresses are included in this 49%, and I am talking about them.

If this percentage increases, then health, and later life, is in danger. Each person, without exception, is born into this world in order to learn, that is, to correct the bad, that is, to keep this one percent, missing to 50, as close to zero as possible. This means that a person is born only at the call of that bad, which in previous lives remained unknown to him as good.

A person should be like a wandering traveler who walks through life and through whom life passes like a sieve. Of these 49%, the traveler leaves only a grain of wisdom necessary for him at the bottom of the sieve. This grain elevates a person in his dignity. Unfortunately, a frightened person leaves in himself, besides a grain, a lot of all sorts of rubbish, and this is the disease. Trash is what a person considers trash. For one it is one thing, for another it is another. He who, out of a desire to please others, forms his world for the sake of someone else's opinion, leaves himself and someone else's rubbish.

For a frightened person, both good and bad can be bad, because he is afraid of being ruled by both. A frightened person is afraid of being a slave, and therefore he is a slave. Most of all, he is a slave to his stresses. Everything that a person fears, he just attracts to himself. We ourselves, more than anyone else, do ourselves badly, and look for guilt in others. Fear blocks any movement of energy, causing an overabundance of the corresponding energy in the soul and body and converting the accumulated energy into the energy of anger.

1) Excessive bad, or bad, exceeding 49%, causes physical illness in the body.

2) Excessive good, or good, exceeding 51%, causes mental illness.

Illusions, or excess goodness, cause mental deviations, developing from the accumulation of good in mental disorders and, finally, in mental illness.

A person is able to help his body himself if he has a whole mind. If there is no reason, then he cannot help himself. Parents and loved ones can help him. If they do not know how or do not want to provide mental assistance, then they have to help the body of the mentally ill, no matter how difficult it may be.

The treatment of the sick, including the mentally ill, should be the most natural concern of the patient's parents, since the child is the sum of his parents. If love reigns in the family, that is, between the parents, then the family is balanced. And the child, who is the mirror of the family, will then be balanced, and therefore healthy. Equilibrium is the relationship of two parties with each other, both on a spiritual and physical level.

As is the father of the child, so is the spirit of the child, mind and backbone. This is his material life.

As the mother of the child is, so is the soul of the child, feelings and soft tissues. This is his soul life.

All deficiencies in the bone are reflected in the soft tissues, and all deficiencies in the soft tissues are reflected in the bones. Whoever does not know how to see himself, let him look at his parents and draw a conclusion. Denying this truth will hurt you in the future.

The mother defines the world, the father creates the world.

The child is half of each one.

A sick child is the expiation of the debt of the karma of both parents.

If parents go through life judiciously, then neither they themselves, nor the child lag behind the times, and the child does not develop physical illnesses. If parents walk judiciously, not ahead of time, then neither they nor the child have mental illnesses. Discretion is equanimity, understanding, love.

A child is the sum of his parents.

The sum, as you know, is the quantity, which certainly differs from the summands in quality. Therefore, parents are happy to find themselves in a child, when the child is healthy and in a good sense is extraordinary. But if something is wrong with the child, then the frightened parents can become completely blind.

The fear of being guilty can completely destroy the desire to help.

Their own well-being is more important for those who call themselves doers of good. In real trouble, bad people come to the rescue.

Regardless of the circumstances, there is no guilt, only mistakes. And mistakes can be corrected.

Error is not sin, error is inability.

We are born exactly for this purpose, in order to learn, be it parents or children.

The only sin in the world is unforgiveness.

And people commit this sin in large numbers, not realizing that nothing can be hidden from themselves.

Sin is when the good is forgotten and the bad remains in the memory.

The memory retains that bad in which a person does not admit his own mistake and therefore ascribes it to another.

You should not blame your parents: you yourself chose them of your own free will when you decided to be reborn again. You had a need to correct the bad things in this life that they could give. You have come to love them unconditionally, as they are. If you have forgotten this, then try to remember and correct your mistakes.

Regardless of the parents, the children themselves must bring balance to their mental life.

It is good if parents understand their role in the formation of the child and help him by correcting his inner world... But if parental spiritual blindness does not allow this, then the child has chosen a more difficult life lesson and must overcome him alone.

No one should do good to anyone if the other does not want it, and at the same time, everyone has a need to do good. A person needs to do good to another or to give in order to be a person himself. But give? And what is most valuable?

When a thing is given, a little is given.

When love is given, a lot is given.

When forgiveness is granted, what is most precious is given.

Every forgiver in life will certainly have a moment when he feels that he wants to ask forgiveness from the past for leaving his past without blessed love. When the past is freed, at the same moment the future is filled with unhindered flowing love, which makes a person happy.

To forgive is to give twice, consciously and with dignity. Asking for forgiveness means replacing the given bad with good, consciously and with dignity.

With generous forgiveness, you can quietly go overboard. With a heartfelt request for forgiveness, this does not happen.

It is good when a person knows how to forgive and ask for forgiveness from a person. It is even better when he considers the forgiveness of the animal worthy. And best of all, when a person learns to forgive and ask for forgiveness from invisible energy bodies, or stress. Then the person is freed from the force of attraction of negativity and finds happiness.

There is one and only God, this is Love.

He is waiting for a person to free himself from the captivity of fear in order to begin to love him.

Man is a wanderer walking the road of his destiny. Everything that he meets on the way is necessary in the form as it is. A person only needs to change his attitude and begin to realize the bipolarity of life. The one who frees himself from his fears can begin to be aware.

To the question of whether to go our own way, we have already answered by our birth. Now everyone needs to answer how to go. Should I go stress-free or stress-free?

Despite the increase in stress, the average life expectancy of a person is increasing, which is associated with great suffering and painful death. This means that human souls need deeper and more mature knowledge, which only old age possesses. This need made it possible to discover many possibilities and ways of extending physical life. Spiritual opportunities are likely to open up as well.

Notice and awaken

Human life is the ordering of visible chaos. Everyone does it the way he knows how, wants and can. The development of man and mankind takes place in the form of a sinusoid. The more reasonable a person's thought, the less amplitude he moves along this sinusoid from one extreme to another, the less he hurts himself.

Our movement is guided by the spirit, that is, the idea, that is, the goal. From the ordering of material life, we know that in order to achieve a goal, it is necessary to have a good plan so that a good idea can come true. A shortcut, or easy implementation, leads to a small everyday goal. A long road, or a difficult realization, leads to the achievement of a large goal, important for the future.

We also know that big starts small. Who, from childhood, learns with his own hands to create something from everyday little things, he, growing up, is able to realize great goals.

Release your inability to understand what is big and what is small, and your inability to understand what is in priority and what is not important.

Otherwise, these stresses can become a stumbling block in your path.

Small things start from scratch.

Large is relative, because it has no limit.

The physical life of every child starts from scratch. The lessons that are given to him on the principle of increasing complexity take him far and high. And if there are missing links in the chain of increasing complexity, because his parents counted or he himself considered that he would not need something from what he met on the way, then whenever in the course of his life he, following a sinusoid, will fall into a similar situation, his legs will get bogged down on the road. Deeper and deeper each time - until the gap is filled.

If you have concluded that the beginning of a child's life is an insignificant thing, then you are mistaken. This insignificant thing has another, very important side, which in its invisibility suggests that the moment of conceiving a child is fundamental... Change the amount of this primary energy of life perhaps only by forgiving their parents for their mistakes, if there is a desire to understand these mistakes. If there is no desire, then life will continue, obeying only fate.

In every moment there is something big and something small. A person who does not experience fears understands this, a frightened person does not understand.

Imagine that you are standing on a road that suddenly disappears from under your feet. If this road is like a crust of ice on a muddy puddle, then nothing else. There was, however, a fright, but since only your feet got dirty, you went on. They were scared once, scared another, and on the third you will not be scared. Like a schoolboy, you have learned from experience Besides that no need to be afraid dirty puddles. Only the attitude towards the puddle has changed. This is the wisdom of the visible level. But there is another side to this case. If you understood the first time why you got dirty with dirt, then this dirt in life would no longer stick to you. Before stepping into a puddle physically, you were angry with human spiritual uncleanliness, or meanness, and a dirty puddle drew your attention to this. But you didn’t notice it. From now on, you will have to endure suffering until you understand this too. After all, meanness is inherent in everyone. Including you.

People are constantly in a hurry, and the rush is growing, so talking about such trifles seems like an amalgamation of trifles, that is, an exaggeration. Thus, a person gets bogged down deeper and deeper: to the knees, to the thighs, to the waist - and climbs out of the quagmire with abuse and accusations. And only when a person gets bogged down so that even at the cost of incredible efforts he cannot get out, he finally thinks seriously, asking himself: "Why do I find myself in such situations every now and then?" Or you are puzzling over why such troubles happen to your child.

Little things go unnoticed because of haste, and therefore because of fears. The one who is stuck in a quagmire of problems and wants to get out of it on his own, because he realizes that others cannot help him, begins to think seriously about life.

Those few who suddenly lost the ground from under their feet and the quagmire closed over their heads, and then, as if by a miracle, were again brought to the surface, begin to believe in the invisible, because on the verge of death they saw the invisible. A person who has seen the truth will want to see it and believe in it more and more.

The bulk of people do not notice the emergence of stress in themselves.

They do not acknowledge their fears, feelings of guilt, anger, since they did not notice how they arose, or how they turned into sensations. He who does not follow his feelings and thoughts will one fine moment find himself in front of a guillotine, feeling that he is being punished unfairly.

When discussing everyday problems with another person, you see how annoyed he is, talking about things that have nothing to do with him personally. It is worth noticing this only in passing that, they say, there is no point in being irritated in vain, as he immediately raises his voice, saying that he is not irritated at all. Usually, the interlocutor tries to stop such a conversation in order to avoid trouble. So neither one nor the other noticed how anger grew in both of this little thing.

Even now, reading this paragraph, you can say in the same way: “It is quite a normal conversation between polite, delicate people. Is it worth looking for the bad everywhere? " But if you look at the essence of the matter, then the interlocutor, wishing to avoid a quarrel, did not say the following: “But you're annoyed. An increased peremptory tone indicates irritation. "... Likewise, the other did not discern anger in his irritation. And since there was no quarrel, there is nothing to remember, and both continue to live as if nothing had happened. Indeed, compared to evil, such minor troubles are like a drop in the sea, which in itself cannot be called a sea. Well, the fact that such drops accumulate more than fits in the sea, goes unnoticed.

If you take up literalism and begin to prove to the other that he is still annoyed, then a large and irreconcilable quarrel would break out. The ending of this insulting quarrel would be remembered by both. One does not tolerate a lie, because he is afraid of it and in any small denial he sees not fear, but already a deliberate lie. Another does not want to admit his mistakes, fearing to seem bad, cowardly, unfair. Both do not see that what one of them is outwardly, such is the other internally.

Every day I have to be such a literalist, but so as not to hurt myself or others. I would not have been able to do this with a person who does not understand. It is especially difficult to talk about the root causes of illness of a loved one, dear one. More than once I refused, saying that one should not disturb the soul of the deceased. On the other hand, it is necessary to know this in order not to perish from the same disease yourself.

For example, a very meek, self-sacrificing person fell ill with cancer or died. How so, because he was the embodiment of kindness? Imperceptibly for themselves, people confuse meekness with helplessness, peacefulness with conciliation, willingness to go to humiliation with humility, joy with sadness, respect with love, charity with good deeds.

Desire to live life imperceptibly, without disturbing others, leads to what this modest man feared: a serious illness made him especially painfully noticeable to those close to him. At heart, everyone would like to live like a normal person, that is, to be moderately noticeable but dares not. You have to learn to dare.

An article "Runny nose comes from resentment" appeared in the newspaper, which provoked vicious attacks that this theory was hostile to humans. A certain belligerent man asked: "What am I now - to think badly about my good friend, if he walks towards the street and sniffs?" I would like to ask him if he, in his naivety, did not notice that all people are offended from time to time, because we are people. The article irritated him, because resentment is his weak point. In fact, he thought about what people would think of him now when they met him on the street, and he had a runny nose. After all, a runny nose, damn it, is not so easy to hide. A squelching nose - squelching arrogance, arrogant tearful resentment - is a traitor who appears at the most inopportune moment, to the shame of the owner. This angry man believed that the same yardstick would be applied to him that he applied to others. By the way, American doctors are already studying the relationship between resentment and the formation of cancerous tumors. And here, in Estonia, it annoys us when they say that the offense is associated with a cold. If an American says that Estonians are petty, then we get very offended and earn a runny nose. At the same time, we continue to stubbornly deny the cause of our runny nose. We want to show that we are better than others. Because of this desire, a runny nose occurs!

It is typical for people to want to get along with everyone, so that there are no different opinions and quarrels. The rationale is convincing: Why is it absolutely necessary to be for or against someone? I will refrain, and then nothing will be said against me.

What is "abstain"?

This is the fear of taking sides, so as not to make an enemy for yourself. He is the fear that the other side will not love me. Since it is usually not customary to delve so deeply into such things, especially linking them with love, then such fear does not seem to exist. A brave person is not among the abstainers - he always has his own position. The brave one says: “Your act bad". He distinguishes between a person and her erroneous act, because he knows how a person learns. The frightened person says or thinks, "You are bad." He does not dare to admit his mistakes and therefore does not know how to separate a person from an act, because he does not see back side Affairs. He especially does not notice the occurrence of small stresses, since he does not perceive emotions as stress and does not know that they accumulate.

How can you spot your mistakes before it's too late? How do you catch up with those thoughts that jump through your head at least sixteen times a minute? There are as many opportunities as there are people in the world.

I advise you to start with the minimum program: sweep one negative thought and see how it affects your day. If you learn to look at yourself from the outside, as others look at you, you will understand that this thought affects the whole day. When you master this, you will find one thought in an hour and free it. This is how they learn to follow their thoughts, words and deeds.

Bumpy Road to Spiritual Hell

Whenever a person has a good or bad feeling, when a good or bad thought when he utters a good or unkind word, does a good or bad deed, a feeling of guilt is added drop by drop in a person. For this person does not realize that both good and bad do not exist in their pure form, but have a reverse side. He doesn't say to himself: “There’s something else about this that I don’t understand yet, but I will figure it out over time.”

Feeling shame in front of himself for his actions and thoughts, a person suppresses the feeling of guilt until it stops. It seems to him that this will save him the trouble. How? As you know, people worry less about strangers. When a person becomes alienated from himself under the influence of growing stress, he stops worrying about himself. So it seemed like it became easier to live. There is more time to worry about others and to pretend to be a good person.

Muting the senses can be compared to anesthesia, which comes in varying degrees - light, medium and deep. The only difference is that with general anesthesia caused by means of medicine, a person, among other things, loses consciousness. With local anesthesia, as with denial of stress, the mind, consciousness and the ability to perceive are preserved.

For a person overcome by a sense of guilt, life rolls downhill, and this happens in stages:

I. Bad feeling, it’s BAD FEELING;

II. Bad mood, she is dejection, she is DEPRESSION;

III. Bad deed, she is complete indifference, she is APATIA.

Between these steps, there are also steps in the form of poor health, fatigue (tiredness from life, satiety with life), laziness (unwillingness to do anything, a state of lethargy), comfort, a lot of different shades of dejection, a state of mental emptiness. Negative selfishness contributes to complete apathy - the unshakable belief that I am considered bad, because they know that I am to blame. In a word, a double confidence grows in a person: I I know, what people know about my negative side although I myself am her I do not feel it. Feelings of guilt cause poor health, which provokes bad opinions of others. Although there is no objective reason for this, a person who wants to be reputed to be good takes someone else's opinion to heart, which means he agrees with it. If a judgment made by an outsider was preceded by an attack of terrible fear, it is perceived as an accusation, perceived tragically, and therefore each subsequent judgment, comparison, indication of a mistake enhances the feeling of tragedy in a person. He reacts to the slightest stimulus as if the end of the world has come. His health deteriorates, and the day comes when he he calls himself a bad person. He was bad in one, and soon becomes bad in another, and in the third, and in the fourth, as long as nothing good remains in him.

If a person, tragically exaggerating everything, requires others to be more careful about the judgments they express, then the victim of a tragic exaggeration provokes people of a tragic disposition. Having endured terrible suffering due to tragic people, a person can experience such fear and shame before tragic behavior that no one will ever see tragic behavior on his part. This means that a person does not overdo it either in words or in deeds, because he forbids himself to do this. Outwardly, he is calmness itself, and therefore everyone around him is perplexed why he constantly has clashes with tragedians who make an elephant out of a fly. Such a person intensifies and drowns, drowns and intensifies the feeling of guilt, losing faith in their own strengths and abilities, as well as the hope to solve the problem. At some point, he feels that he is not good for anything. Nobody needs him, so useless. This is how he treats himself and believes that those around him treat him the same way. This often happens, because people succumb to provocation.

Feeling obligated to be good and become everything is better bad person more often unwittingly pays attention only to good people. The more good people around him, the more uncomfortable it is for him to remain bad. It is so? And the fact that these people are just trying to give the impression of being good is another matter. A person who wants to be good does not notice this. His good wishes lead to a disastrous outcome, turning into disappointment and bitterness.

Feelings of guilt are fertile ground for everyday problems and illnesses. How sharper the feeling of guilt, the soil more blessed and the problems outgrow the person himself. Than a sense of guilt heavier, themes heavier soil and so heavier the disease growing on it. Diseases correspond to the characteristics of the feeling of guilt. When a person is angry, the feeling of guilt immediately develops into denunciation of everyone around. This is a defensive reaction. A person who sacrifices himself is usually not angry, because he considers himself to be guilty.

The worst feeling of guilt is sin.

A person who considers himself a sinner becomes hardened. The most powerful and destructive energies are generated precisely by bitterness, and they suppress feelings, like a poison of high concentration. Fear, lest people learn about his shame, caused by their own stupidity, plunges a person into apathy. When a person is overcome by despair because he has not been able to change the world, illness falls on him.

Desire to be good

Often you do not understand why, having conceived to do something, you started it, but did it completely differently and the result was different. This happens very often. Why?

Because you didn't know how to be yourself, because you did what you did under the influence of your stresses.

Stress guided you, but it should be the other way around.

Our stresses are like a storm that does everything to a person that makes a storm with a petal-light boat. The storm does not ask the boat if it can be thrown back and forth and finally drowned. The storm is simply raging, and by this he will say: you are not a helpless petal, you are a man, and you need to think in advance, and if you didn’t think, then draw conclusions later, then it will not happen again. This is important to understand.

There is such a beautiful desire - desire to be a good person... In short, this is our kindness. Kindness is the energy of a tree that makes a person a log. And kindness - such stress that you don't need to grow, grows by itself - quickly or slowly, depending on how much "fertilizer" you get. May start to grow sharply if the desire to be good rises sharply.

The desire to be good fundamentally causes benign tumors.

If we have a desire to be good in any particular area, then the corresponding place in the body will get sick. It doesn't matter where the benign tumor forms.

Kindness is such a trap that it never gets worse. Everyone around them wants to use a kind person.

This man, in order to stay alive, must now defend himself. But I’m not going to fight those people who want me to live their life, or become the way they want. And what happened happened - in less than ten years I put on 45 kg in weight. And how can you not defend yourself: the church wants to destroy, medicine wants to destroy in its own way, and the sick - well, they would generally be pulled apart piece by piece. As a result, we become more and more, which at the bodily level leads to the growth of adipose tissue. See how big I am, are you afraid of me now? And that I am afraid of you, I hide. When I deceive you - a small problem, I deceive myself - the problem is much larger, and besides, everyone can see it. And I myself only recently accepted it, but I understood.

Release your kindness, because if you want to be good, but want, what is even worse, to have a presentation, then the stress that is stronger wins, and you will have a presentation, but there will also be cancer, because the other end of obesity is it's cancer.

If I went to the place where they melt fat or do some other procedures to reduce the volume of the body, and there they would process me from all sides and make a “doll” out of me, then this energy will remain, only there will be no place inside for “ warehouse of kindness ". This energy is condensed as the body has become smaller, which creates conditions for the occurrence of cancer.

Now all over the world, a lot of attention is paid to various diets and other methods of losing weight, everyone hopes that it will turn out very beautifully, but soon these people will become seriously ill. And they do not understand what the matter is.

Fat is spiritual self-defense. A kind person is forced to defend himself, whom everyone wants to use. The other end of kindness is malice, which a kind person, not daring to express and not being able to let go, accumulates in adipose tissue. Fat is a "depot". Only now they begin to understand a little that all these methods are not right.

Be even better!

The desire to be good develops into a desire to be better, this is our pride.

Pride is the energy of a stone.

External pride is important for your external attractiveness, and internal pride is important for your internal beauty, for your humanity. The larger it is, the uglier this handsome man is. It can grow so much that a person turns into an animal. A small animal often receives a click on the nose from a small person so that it knows its place and does not become large.

The attitude towards a large animal is much more cautious - even big man will not dare to click him on the nose, so as not to provoke a fierce fight with unpredictable consequences, so you have to put up with each other's neighborhood. Keep a close eye on each other, let out a growl, sometimes even bared teeth, but, nevertheless, put up. Whoever gives slack first is dealt with. The struggle for survival inherent in the animal kingdom and the animal struggle for survival inherent in human pride are essentially the same thing.

A person who is not ashamed of his pride becomes the strong of the world this.

Pride longs for the best and is automatically offended if it doesn't get what it wants. She considers herself entitled to have what she desires. Pride will not take anything away, it longs to be presented. The positive side of pride is that it does not allow evil to be done. There are many such people about whom it can be said that their pride does not allow them to tolerate such swinishness. As a result, the search for the culprit drags on for a long time until it turns out that it is precisely such a person who is to blame. How so? Meanwhile, the pride of a person has time to develop into arrogance. Arrogance is ready to tear itself to pieces if something fails.

Pride is waiting to be given. Pride wishes receive.

Arrogance takes it by itself. Arrogance should receive; at any price .

Pride denounces others and takes offense when left empty-handed.

Arrogance denounces itself and takes offense at itself if it fails to take it away from others.

If pride is stronger than arrogance, then the person does not steal himself, but is offended that others steal, but he is not capable. Pride forbids, arrogance orders.

If arrogance overwhelms pride, then a person steals and is outraged that no one looks after their property, conniving at theft. This is his self-justification and self-defense.

Pride is a stress that does not wait to be raised, pride grows everything by itself, the faster the better, it’s good if it’s already yesterday.

Pride is stress that deprives a person of the ability to think.

Where is the ability to think? Yes, in my head. Where is it? On right. The left hemisphere is the mind, it is the memory. The right hemisphere is the ability to use knowledge, it is the ability to think. The smarter a person is and the more he is proud of his mind, considering himself better than others in this regard, the more this person destroys his brain. It may happen that only the left hemisphere will work for him. Since everything attracts a similar one, then our pride, like a stone, attracts a similar stone to itself. And they are at war. You can call it rivalry or whatever, in fact, it's a fight. And nobody will give in. Because if I give in to you, then you will be better, and I will be worse. Not just bad, but worse. And this is already a shame. And shame is the energy of death. If I don’t want to die, then I will not give in to you. I can do terrible stupid things, then repent to death, but I will not give in, because shame for a person can be worse than death, it will die better, but will not give in.

What's worse than pride?

Selfishness is worse than pride! Nothing gets worse. What is selfishness? Try to understand and tell me in one or two words what selfishness means. If a person wants to be better and gets his good, then he immediately considers himself the best, and this is - positive selfishness... Such a person believes that he has the right to demand all the best for himself.

If a person does not receive good, then he considers himself worse and feels ashamed. It is his negative selfishness... So what is selfishness? It is knowledge that evaluates... Knowing that I am better, knowing that I am worse is selfishness. It is always an egoist who evaluates. If you evaluate something as good or bad, and it is unshakable for you, it does not even occur to you to doubt that it may not be so, then your egoism speaks.

Selfishness is your insensitivity, with which you kill the one you are evaluating, not realizing that you see yourself in him, that is, as a result, you evaluate yourself and thereby kill yourself.

We receive such evaluative knowledge from birth, from school, on the street, anywhere and anytime. We catch some messages, read newspapers, watch TV, listen to the radio, use mobile phones, which, without interruption, give us a ready-made assessment of something or someone right in our ears - there is a stream of information all around. And all this remains in us. It is not mobile devices that destroy a person, but information that we catch without interruption. If a person has a mobile phone, then this person does not give rest to his phone. Instead of agreeing on something once, he calls ten times. Without interruption, check: you are good or not good, you prove your love or not.

When a person has received his good, he immediately begins to demand more, because by this time his desire has already grown. And every time good man received good, he is not happy with what he received, he wants even better. Received again - again the discontent grew.

Accumulation of discontent, which is stress on the fifth throat chakra, causes mental health problems up to serious illness. When a person strives, strives, wants and receives at some point, he begins to consider himself the best. Now he has the right to demand that everything is only good. And, putting his hand on his chest, he will say: I am not an egoist, because I want not only myself, I want all people to live well. What does he want? He wants half of humanity to go crazy and half to die. When a person proves something, for example, that he is not selfish, no matter what exactly he proves, it is always the other way around, we always prove what is not to become the nicest.

One can strive as an athlete strives to become an Olympic champion. We have one simple, hardworking, nice guy who became an Olympic champion. When he returned to Estonia from the Olympics, in his first interview in a newspaper, he began to say such nonsense: to demand that everyone in Estonia live only well, and to take responsibility on his soul for this to come true. Crazy.

The hero kills enemies

The energy of heroism is a desire to hide your shame at any cost, even at the cost of your life.

A person is ashamed of his shame and wants to deal with anyone who shames him.

Shame itself is the negativity of the past. If a person firmly knows that nothing can be changed, and then someone like me comes across to him and tries to explain that in the past it is impossible and does not need to change anything, except for his attitude, then the person is seized by fear and he becomes blind and deaf.

The shamelessness of the highest level - spiritual - includes black magic. ... Insofar as it comes about the deliberate and deliberate manipulation of the human spirit, while the person himself is not able to protect himself, because he does not know what they are doing with him, the consequences are very serious. The victim suffers suffering commensurate with the degree to which he is afraid of black magic, malicious intent, but the magician himself suffers much more. Moreover, his deeds doom first of all his direct descendants to suffering, and in the future he will have to atone for his karmic debt in subsequent lives.

The heroes of the present are the heroes of labor. We need to understand why we work so hard, why we become machines. By the way, the longer the working day, the more we become like horses, and our heart aches. Men are like this: they come to the reception, their heart hurts, and they ask: why? So briefly, in one sentence. And I will answer: because you are a horse. They understand. The more intense the work we are proud of, the more machines we are, that is, the more selfish we are.

The car does not need food and rest, whereas A person who has become a working animal needs to eat and rest. The more he works, the more food and rest he needs. Unfortunately, there are only 24 hours in a day. By lengthening the working day due to sleep, a person begins to eat faster and in large quantities. He no longer eats, but overeats, which disrupts the metabolism. Then the working day is lengthened at the expense of the family and children. It is assumed that the spouse himself (a) knows what and how to do, and children are given orders in the form of notes or phone calls. People live in a family, touching each other less and less. Neither affection nor tenderness, and their lack is felt more and more sharply, here they do not give each other, because there is nothing to give. Moreover, they are taught to look down on it. The consequences of becoming a car can be dire.

In a person who has become a machine, the ego can reach such dimensions that he does not see not only the results of the work of his neighbor, but also of the neighbor himself. If the neighbor does not perform exactly the same work and in exactly the same amount, then he, the neighbor, is worthless. A man who has become a machine is an egoist who identifies his neighbor with his work. He does not indulge children, women, or the elderly - neither the small, nor the weak, nor the sick. He has one motto: live means work. If you can't, go to hell.

In no case should you become a slave next to a machine, an executor of its will exclusively - this is humiliating for a person, and besides, you cannot love a slave. They use it.

Most of all, a person wears out, exhausts, wears out one-sided heart affection - unrequited love.

Without releasing our inferiority complex, we can love a person with all our souls, but love does not reach the addressee. She will spin in a vicious circle of self-pity, but if I, giving with one hand, immediately take it back with the other, then love never reaches my neighbor. The neighbor can be to any extent a working machine, but as long as he is alive, a person is alive in him, who reveals himself if he is truly loved. Another thing is that over time it will open up with more and more effort.

The machine has no feelings. A machine is a machine, a tractor, for example. The man says that he simply does not understand why this woman has been flirting with him for a week. This is how women and men live today. Men do not understand what women want, and women do not understand what is happening to men.

Women are quickly becoming working animals, men are becoming working machines even faster. The more a woman is a slave, the more she strives to prove that she is better. What does a man do then? He drives a slave like a whip so that this slave would be even more humiliated, so that he himself would begin to understand what was happening.

We, women, turn a man into a bum ourselves, ourselves. What does a wise woman do? A wise woman takes care of her husband's business. No, not more, fine. A wise woman makes sure that everyone has as much work as they need, no more, no less. A wise mistress knows exactly who needs what, she is the heart of the family. And who prevents us from being such a heart? No one. We ourselves. We ourselves want to be better than we are. Why? Because we consider ourselves bad. Why are we bad? We'll talk about this later. There is a lot to be said about shame. I write about this in detail in my books.

Pity and sympathy

If you suddenly feel sorry for yourself - immediately release this feeling. Self-pity undermines a person's vitality. Acute self-pity causes fainting, and constant - malaise, weakness, lack of any strength.

If you want to help someone, never feel sorry. Pity in relation to another person is a manifestation of your pride, which also needs to be released.

But compassion is the energy of love. Empathy is the ability to feel the feelings of another person.

Self-pity is like a vicious circle from which there is no way out. If a person is poor, but does not feel sorry for himself, then he becomes rich. And if a rich person feels sorry for himself, then he will begin to grow poor.

Pity is stress that can in an instant deprive a person of the last grain of strength, so much so that nothing in the world can help this unfortunate person. There is no medicine that can eliminate the energy of self-pity. You can feel sorry for yourself, you can feel sorry for others, you can feel sorry for all kinds of manifestations of life. He who laments about his life has no vitality. He who is distressed because of his health does not have the strength to recover. Those who feel sorry for themselves because they have to work do not have the strength to work. He who has pity on his neighbor does not have the strength to help his neighbor.

Those who feel sorry for themselves because of their gender have sexual dysfunctions.

Shame and sorrow

The higher the level of development, the more intra-family relations resemble the relationship of two strong stones. What does the level of development depend on? From wealth or from mind? From the mind. So, is Russia a highly developed country? Highly developed because everyone receives compulsory education.

Since tears are considered a sign of weakness as well as lack of intelligence, most people try to hold back tears. It doesn't matter to sadness whether it is hidden behind a mask of seriousness or behind a mask of laughter. The difference is that laughter can deceive the ear and causes sadness to grow, otherwise its need for freedom will go unnoticed. Suppressing sadness, containing it, can lead to a seemingly complete lack of sadness. This I call death of sorrow. The mortification of sorrow is identical with the mortification of oneself.

To understand how sadness is suppressed, as well as any other stress, imagine you have a large, ripe watermelon. You put it under the squeeze press and start squeezing. This is basically the same as saying that a good person does evil in the name of a good purpose. The crusher presses the juice out of the watermelon. The dabbler is intelligent, which means he is good. The goal is intelligent - it means good. And only the energy of sorrow was not treated well. Since invisible energy is not perceived in any way, its mortification is as if nothing.

I will try to explain below how such a misunderstanding can turn out.

Unweeped sorrow... It is also the stage of active hope for getting rid of the annoying feeling of sadness and willingness to cry. At this stage, the person actively responds to sadness. He does not dare to cry and does not want to, and cannot but cry. If such a person cries for himself, then only when no one sees him.

Despair is concentrated sorrow. There is a common expression in Estonian: I have terrible feline despair. What does this mean?

Horror is concentrated fear, in which it is no longer possible to run.... Terror paralyzes the mind and the ability to move. The cat symbolizes freedom. At the level of abstractions, this concept means hopelessness from a frightening forced situation, which leads to a complete blockage of fear and sadness. Everything accumulates inside. Sadness accumulates in a person under a completely different name and in a much more dangerous volume.

This stage is similar to the juice flowing out of a watermelon.... The harder you press, the more juice flows out until all of it flows out. Instead of letting out every tear that comes out, the person who is holding back the sadness, as it were, puts the collection vessels under the tears. Some substitute the head as a vessel, some - legs, some - stomach, some - back, some - heart, lung or liver, and some - several vessels at once. It all depends on what problems the person is saddened with.

At the stage of unspoken sadness, the following are formed:

cysts or cavity benign tumors;

accumulation of fluid in organs and cavities;

swelling in certain organs and tissues, in entire areas or throughout the body.

Shame kills the senses, and a person is feelings. We can have a terrible mountain of stress, any stress, no matter what: light, hard, difficult or simple. They are a very heavy load, but they do not kill.

The only stress that kills is shame.

When a person proves his advantage, there are many obstacles on his way. Because life always helps us so that the bad doesn't get worse.

Tell people: "You would be ashamed!"- and you can be sure that you will hit the top ten. Everyone knows for himself what to be ashamed of. Since all emotions, feelings, stresses in the aggregate form a soul, this means that SHAME KILLS THE SOUL! So that the soul does not die, there are two possibilities: to leave the body, or to begin to defend itself. He who wants to be strong begins to defend himself and suppress shame in himself, becoming a callous soul.

The highest achievement in the education system of a modern developed society is education in fear of death... The child is already taught from infancy that if he does something shameful, his parents and friends will turn away from him. They will cease to love him and be expelled from society. He will not have a job and will become a failure.

It is with pride and shame that we kill ourselves and generations.

Living in the past means living in shame.

Living in shame, a person continues to live, although in reality he is dead.

A person is born into the world in order to know himself. Knowledge is movement. Development occurs when a person has feelings. The only true feeling is love. All other feelings are a deviation from the center of balance, that is, love, and we come to correct this mistake. Raising, developing the child's feelings, parents are filled with pride, and if upbringing fails, the child immediately begins to be ashamed.

The higher the level of development, the more children are raised with shame. Why? Convenient, very convenient. Let's say the following picture: on the street, a mother and a child are quarreling. The child screams. Passers-by walk by and are indignant: "Lord, what dense people, how they came out of the forest, how are they not ashamed!" And mom is ashamed. Shame kills my mother's feelings. Mom is now so insensitive, she cannot be herself, she does not know how to ask herself, what does it mean that my child is screaming like that.

Why do children scream? You know, children will scream only on one condition: when mom is in a hurry. The child teaches this: Mom, no matter what you do now, you do not do it out of love, you do it out of fear and guilt or out of anger and shame, it doesn't matter, you don’t do it out of love, Mom, stop. If the mother stops, she will ask the child: "What's the matter with you, tell me?" Then, out of love, she is already interested in what is happening to her child. The child will stop screaming. He taught, and my mother took the lesson.

Consciously or subconsciously, at this moment it does not matter, it is important that mom is not in a hurry. Maybe the child has now saved his mother from something, no one knows from what. Maybe mom with her running around would have been hit by a car, but now, because the child stopped her, taught her not to rush, she was not hurt.

But the child is capricious, the mother is seized with shame, tomorrow the same will happen again, and then what will mother say? Mom will say to the child: "Ashamed, ashamed." If mom scolded, the child would scream even harder, and when mom says "ashamed, ashamed", then good result you can immediately see the child becomes quiet. Why? It's very simple: mom killed her baby's emotions.

The next day, mom will not say "ashamed, ashamed", mom will only look at the child, and her eyes are already ashamed. And the baby doesn't scream anymore. The next time, mom doesn't need to say or do anything, because the child has learned: if you do something shameful, then soon there will be no place for you either in the family, or in the team, or in society, or in humanity, because that no one likes such a villain. How good it is to get what I want! It is impossible to take such an ability so easily. We can kill with shame anyway. If we were ashamed because of ourselves, it would not be enough, but we are ashamed because of others, and this burns with shame much more. Well, for example, we see how someone is doing something, for example, two dogs are doing “it”. And we are indignant: "Lord, how is this allowed!" Nature teaches me in its own way: man, you don’t know how to love - learn. And I'm ashamed, ashamed. Animals do what is natural and teach: man, you are ashamed of love, naturalness, this is how you kill everything in life, the next generations. A person is ashamed, and soon his eyesight deteriorates. Life gave what a person wanted, without glasses he does not see this, right? But we do have glasses so that this feeling is preserved, and so that we can kill him even more.

Perhaps you hear someone say very rudely: "Lord, how are people still not ashamed!" And they are not ashamed. They are not ashamed, but I am ashamed. Whose rumor is being killed now? Their? No, that you are, on the contrary. They have it sharper because they shouted out. It is important to understand: everything that you are ashamed to see kills your ability to see, that is, vision, and what you are ashamed to hear, kills your ability to hear, that is, hearing. This is how it works your shame, and for those who do what you perceive as indecent, it is neither cold nor hot.

Why are people being so rude lately? You noticed? More than before. In general, Russians have always been able to use harsh words, but I think that now they are used more and more often. Recently I have been watching American films with us. Lord, there is nothing normal there, there sex is shown in the most perverted form and the vocabulary is the same. If I say: “It's not a shame,” then I will soon stop hearing. How can a person really hear that? What does "good person" mean, these people do not understand. And maybe in the next life such a person will be an asocial element.

Rudeness is needed. The more the feelings, the most important feelings, are killed, the more rudeness is required to awaken them. This is the only way to stay alive. Well, let's also say about such a feeling as the sense of smell. The more you are ashamed to smell all sorts of smelly smells, the more your sense of smell is killed, which has a different end. Smell is a material sense. And the other end is intuition. Intuition develops through what feeling? Through the sense of smell, but also through curiosity: it is interesting to "sniff" something. The shame of curiosity, of course, destroys the sense of smell and intuition too. So what to do? Let us find another end to curiosity. This is curiosity. Curiosity is an interest in life. What we have is what we study. This is especially true in boys, right? The boys know absolutely everything, they are so curious, they will find all the attics and basements, they examine all the holes, they know absolutely everything. Do they talk about it? Do not speak. Why do they then know all this? This is no longer curiosity. A curious person tells everyone about everything that he learned and saw where he put his nose. Women usually have conversations: who sleeps with whom, who walks with whom, who made a child to whom. And if we are ashamed of curiosity, then gradually we lose our sense of smell, and with it - and intuition.

Taste disappears when we shame someone for bad taste in clothes, etc. If we admire fashion shows, then we humiliate ourselves.

Touch is the most vital feeling. Lonely children play with their genitals, as this is the last thing they feel. Shame in relation to any sexual manifestation causes frigidity in women, and impotence in men.

Shame, no matter what we are ashamed of, kills this energy, which becomes an energy corpse inside us and, attracting like itself, causes a focus of the disease.

There is nothing on earth to be ashamed of. Shame is an invention of people for the convenience of manipulating each other. However, with what we have invented as shame, we are killing ourselves.

Shame is the energy of death.

A person experiencing shame and not releasing it mortifies himself.

The bashful and shy man is half dead.

Shame, if not released, turns into shame.

Shame is murder.

Self-shaming is suicide.

Shaming one's neighbor is killing one's neighbor.

Instead of shaming, release the feeling of shame, and instead of dying, start living.

Anger and fear

When a person filled with hatred begins to get angry, he pounces on someone like himself, because he, like himself, does not know how to be a person. After all, one cannot be called a man who grabs a weapon and kills a neighbor for the sole reason that he believes in a God who bears a different name. Such an act on the part of an ordinary Christian is a small mistake, a small fault, a small sin. The same mistake initiated by the church leadership is a big mistake. Everything big wars, waged with the blessing of the highest bearers of religious authority, were and are sacred wars. For whom? Of course, for those who consider violence a sacred thing. Extermination as proof of one's superiority is the result of human inability to think. In short, the result of unreasonable fear. What is the biggest fear?

The answer is: dogmatic fear, it is knowledge that is frightening.

Dogmatic thinking is a commitment to a certain gaze that grants momentary comfort to the soul, while in reality it is unshakable, final point of view, not being studied out of fear. Dogma is when they say about a thing: this is how it was, this is how it is and how it will be. The verdict is final and not subject to appeal. Of the well-known dogma (aka blind faith) is a religion that is familiar to everyone, but few people understand it.

The greatest religious fear is experienced by atheists, since, in addition to fleeing from religion, they criticize religion, exterminating it indirectly or directly. They are driven by fear and hatred of blind faith, preventing a person from developing. They do not know how to free the problem from themselves. There is no need to condemn the former “reds” who are now trying to atone for their sins in the church. Drives them to church religious fear for people at all times looked for a shrine within the walls of the temple. As you begin to release your religious fear, you will realize how great it is. It is not surprising that the moralizing teachings of church dignitaries make us shiver. Only egoists in a state of apathy are capable of treating this with stupid indifference.

Our fears are big enough to attract the heat of hellfire, that is, mental pain. Hell, if you remember this greed. A the fact that the frightening one sees himself in others is not about that now. When you begin to release your religious fear, you will be able to feel how every cell of your body trembles - this is how fears accumulated over thousands of years declare about themselves. What are the fears? All the same - fear of being guilty and fear of experiencing shame.

As you begin to release your religious fear, at first you will encounter religious moralizing more often than usual and find that it scares or annoys you. This is a normal reaction to the fact that the fear that has lodged in you has begun to move and therefore become tangible. As you continue to release fear, you will gradually realize that nothing earthly, including religion, can be perfect. Faith given to man by God turns into a religion because of the fears experienced by an earthly man, because of blind adherence to faith. The idea of ​​the ideal is simply distorted in the process of its incorrect implementation, but this is the only way we learn to learn from the lessons. Despite this, the true ideal lives in every person regardless of religion.

A frightened person lives, constantly listening to the opinions of others, and the more humiliated he becomes, the more fatal the value judgments of his neighbors become. Atheism is a product of the despair experienced by humanity, humiliated by fear and guilt. There was no longer an opportunity to atone for sins with personal earthly wealth, since it was no longer enough to satisfy the requirements of the church. The church may deny this statement, arguing that people donate freely, but in fact it is voluntary and compulsory. Not from the feeling that the church needs this, but from the knowledge that this is the way it should be, from fear - what will happen to me if I don’t donate. After all, God sees everything. But those who give the last, the church, nevertheless, continues to consider sinners.

Atheism is no less moralizing than religion, but atheism does not call material life a natural sin. Having come to atheism, humanity was able to breathe more freely for a while and raise its head. Unfortunately, it not only raised its head, but lifted its nose proudly. People do not understand that they are repeating the mistakes of the past, which is just dressing up in new clothes. They take on the soul guilt, that is, sin, even when they deny it in words. Neither religion nor atheism teach a person how to get rid of the wrong attitude towards life, for both religion and atheism are represented by people who do not realize their needs. The givers are not ready, the takers are not ready.

The time is ripe for renewal, but it is waiting for people to be ready to accept a new attitude!

If the church would recognize reincarnation, then the Christian would have something to think about in moments of doubt, when he is faced with a choice between good and evil. (After all, initially even the Bible had a chapter on reincarnation.) To correct this error, the church fathers at first would have had enough to stop unnatural moralizing and stop broadcasting in a voice beyond the grave and with false pathos. More than once I have heard pastors quote the Bible in a normal human voice. At first, I was very surprised: the words they uttered took on a completely different meaning. There was even a clear hint of revival in them. These were human words, giving a hand to the fallen, helping the lying person to get to his feet and calling the daring to prudence. The same words, spoken with false pathos, have the opposite effect, only exacerbating unforgiveness and hatred.

Life begins with a person, and a person begins with an environment, whose name is family. Or, more precisely, parents. Not knowing how to be ourselves, we depend on our parents even when we become adults. Rather, on their nature, and therefore stress. Without realizing it, we doom ourselves to a miserable situation. We stop living own life and we begin to live in the world of parental stress.

Inability and inability to explain their own needs to parents turn into inability and inability to interpret them to the rest of the world. So it turns out that we are born to assimilate those energies, the essence of which we could not understand in a previous life, but in practice we only cultivate them. Crushed under their load, we go to the next world, and in the next life we ​​have to do the same in order to complete the unfinished business. If this time it fails, we will come again and again, until we understand the meaning of life, until we understand that our life is not determined environment(it can be anything), and our attitude to this environment . When a person realizes that he sees only himself in his neighbors, then he learns from them and thanks God that they are. Seeing their vices, he is happy that they point out to him his own vices and gets rid of them. He begins to understand himself better. He ceases to consider himself good or bad and treats himself simply as a person with his own small flaws, without which life would have no meaning.

Until we realize this, we, as if abnormal, rush faster, higher and further and do not understand why the result is the opposite. If we achieve what we want, then we do not experience happiness. Gaining something, we lose something, as if we were paying a duty. Health often turns out to be such a duty. We stand helpless in front of a broken trough, and tears involuntarily come to our eyes. No strength to move on. There is no strength to fight life. We are helpless and saddened.

Straining willpower, we exhaust our vitality, but despite this we do not achieve what we want. We find ourselves in wretched situation. How else to call the situation when the child is struggling with the parents, and the parents are struggling with the child, not realizing that this is a struggle against oneself. The struggle in order to prove that it is not me who is to blame, but that my neighbor is to blame, increases the feeling of guilt. Finding himself in the position of the accused, the child is forced to fight for freedom.

Whoever has emerged victorious from a battle at least once knows the sweet taste of victory. He is convinced of his own superiority and wants to experience this feeling again and again. One battle with the parents, and after it the second and third, and there, you see, a freedom fighter was formed. Freedom fighters can fight for freedom, because nothing binds them. They have already achieved freedom from home and family. Since they did not find happiness from this, they continue to fight. They struggle with life, but do not realize that if they win, it will mean death. Freedom, in the name of which the struggle is waged, is death, but the fighters do not know this and do not want to know.

Any the struggle of life is in fact a struggle of man with himself, until life is exterminated. After each battle, the wrestler mourns his miserable position and again rushes into battle, so that his situation will worsen even more.

After the shed tears in my soul, it seems like it becomes easier, only there is no desire to get up and move on. Or maybe you have no strength? You can't tell right away. The body loses as much weight as the liquid is shed. It makes sense, isn't it? Since the body is the mirror of the soul, it becomes easier on the soul for a while. Why is there no strength to move? Because the lesson of self-pity has not been learned, which is why the former heaviness instantly rolls over, only amplified a hundredfold.

Chapter from Luule Viilma's book “Forgive myself. Without evil in yourself "

Civilization lesson

Humanity exists if there is a woman and a man. No matter how much we want to accomplish the unusual and unprecedented in life, but without the unity formed by a woman and a man, humanity ceases to exist.

Order must reign in this unity. A self-respecting person knows his place and respects the place and functions of another in the family. At the same time, this unity is a flexible and durable union that will not crush even the most severe trials.

If the family disappears, then humanity disappears. This is the level of the present civilization.

The modern crisis of humanity is a crisis of materialism. Materialism is a woman's power as well as effeminate power. Being in different lives, then men, then women, we all came here, because we need this lesson. We wanted to see what happens when a person falls under the dominion of things or wealth.

We have already learned something through suffering, but only the sick, for whom it is no longer dear due to suffering, show signs of rejection of wealth. The rest of humanity is involved in a frantic race for the coveted wealth.

Divine nature is indestructible, and a good father gives the child the opportunity to learn as painfully as the child wants, because he knows that in the end the laws of nature will prevail.

What is the task of a man in nature and in the family? What is the task of women in nature and in the family?

The task of a man is to walk, just walk and never stop, for whoever stops before life's obstacles dies. If a man walks, then in his advancement by nature is inherent in masculinity, and he does everything that is courageous without orders and without compulsion.

Masculinity includes:
... the work of the mind,
... arrangement of economic life,
... begetting children.

A man should be like a mast pine that others look up to. The pole pine does not speak, but it serves as a reference. There is no ship without a mast, and life on a boat does not go out into the open sea.

A man is the spirit of his children. The spirit is the driving force. Father's duty is to go.

A man is able to walk when there is strength for this - willpower.

Where does this power come from?

It is taken from the heart of a woman.

Understand correctly! This is about sincere love, which is called love of neighbor. This is the perfect love between people, which is more and more stingy and more and more deprived of.

A woman's task is to love her husband. Husband first of all. No one should be superior to a husband, not even a child. In the state of God there are unshakable laws that cannot and cannot be changed. The husband is not more important than the child, but he is the first person a wife should love. If she thinks otherwise, then she will be forced to suffer herself and dooms the children to suffer.

A woman should in her soul always and in everything support her husband with her love. Even at the most critical moment, a woman is able to cherish the image of her husband in her soul and support him. And if she needs help herself, then the support from her husband will not hesitate to appear. Only those who do not know how to do this can dispute this, since such a thing did not even occur to him and he did not have a chance to experience the all-conquering power of love.

When a wife loves her husband, she feeds his willpower with her love. A man's back is a symbol of willpower.

Women! Pay attention to your husband's back and watch your feelings.

If your husband's back is straight, strong, beautiful and exciting, then this is from your love. A stooped, crooked, weak and aching back indicates a lack of love from the wife. Stroke that back, wash it and ask for forgiveness for causing her a lot of pain in her life. Love her.

A woman who loves her husband never has to waste energy doing a man's work.

A woman who loves a man sees the world in its correct colors, and not in dull colors, as we are used to.

A woman who loves her husband never has to endure hardship, she gets whatever she wants.

Have loving woman there is a special property - she never needs anything superfluous. This woman owns the greatest treasure in the world - love.

A woman who loves her husband unites with him into an indissoluble whole. You have probably heard of married couples, when a few days or a week after the death of his wife, the husband leaves this world after her. This woman selflessly loved her husband. This man never had to draw strength from the side. When the source of love ran out, the person died of thirst.

If a woman loves her husband, then their perfect unity attracts like - only perfect. That is, they have perfect healthy children and perfect healthy life... Perfection, as you know, is not only good, but a constantly moving and improving balance of good and bad.

A child is born to love not his father or mother, but his father and mother.

If the wife loves the husband, then the husband loves the wife, and together they make up perfection. Now it is possible for a child to appear in order to love them and so that they can love him.

A parent who asks a child: "Who do you love more, mom or dad?" hurts his soul. When I first comprehended this wisdom, I immediately asked one four-year-old boy bluntly: "What do you think is more correct - when mom loves you or when mom loves dad?"

"Dad," he blurted out without hesitation, and stared at me with genuine amazement: "Aunt, how do you not know such an important thing?" And the very reason for the disease was the fear that he was not loved. The child turned out to be a true bearer of good.

I asked the same question to children of different ages. The little ones had one clear answer - dad. The older children, who had already learned to think about their own benefit, kept quiet, but in their souls there was a struggle. When I suggested the answer, they sighed with relief. Adult children who are on good terms with their parents generally answered: "I would not mind if mom loved dad first of all."

A modern woman does not love her husband in the first place, because she does not know how good it is to love her husband. And she will not know until sex, caring, concern, fidelity, fulfillment of duty, etc. are considered love. A modern woman lives in the excitement of earning and wins love from the whole world. Fear they don't like me makes her do as much good as possible to as many people as possible, and her husband is often the last on this list ...

Only when the husband ceases to exist: physically - dies, married - leaves the family, sexually - becomes impotent - then only the woman notices that the thing that she considered hers has disappeared somewhere.

If only now the woman realized her mistakes! Usually, there is much more violent anger, accusation, regret, desire for revenge and all that jazz. A woman rarely admits her mistakes. The modern woman is fighting for her place in life. Struggles without choosing the means. It may win, but on the lifeless ruins is there much sense in triumphant jubilation. You can't win your husband back.

This statement elicits various reactions. Most women are categorically disposed - after all, the husband is an adult, he gets his own, and if not, then he is to blame. I cannot convince you women. But if you think well and experience a true desire to know the sincere love of a natural person, then your desire will come true. And then you will agree that I was speaking the truth. If a woman loves first of all her husband, the father of her children, then their children cannot be sick.

Try to develop your feelings as follows: imagine your husband and place him in your soul the way you want, and leave him there forever. If you like to feel it next to its full size, then let it be invisible there, but tangible for you. Whenever you remember your husband, know that he needs your love now, as it is hard for him. You will feel a warm stream of love flowing from your heart into the heart of your husband, and you will feel that you feel good. At that very moment, the husband remembered with love his wife. Now you understand why at this very moment.

Once a desperate woman came into my office with a child in her arms. He was unconscious, in convulsions. Medicine could no longer help him. And then I had to resort to extreme measures. I said: "Your child is sick because you do not love his father. You hate this person. If you now realize your mistake right here and learn to love first of all the father of your child, even if you are divorced, then the child will live. If you can't, the child won't make it until morning. " What would you do in her place? She did not read my book, she had no prior knowledge, but she learned. After a few hours, the child's convulsions stopped, and in the morning we had already started a thorough and detailed analysis of the disease, which was at the same time a treatment. The mother turned out to be a clever girl, she did not deny her negativity.

If men intend to use my story as an excuse to blame women for their weaknesses, flaws and failures, then you are mistaken, my dears! A woman can love a man very much, but if he did not receive the proper upbringing from his mother, which means he inherited the fear of not being loved, from which an evil attitude towards the female sex has grown, then he will not be able to recognize his happiness and accept it.

The son of a disorderly, dissolute woman does not know how to understand his wife. In his wife, he sees a mother whose faults he hates. In the name of a better life, he wants to establish his own order. Usually such a man does not trust his wife in anything. He interferes with little things, preventing his wife from being a woman, and gradually jealousy awakens in him.

Jealousy is the measure of infidelity that the wrong side uses. The greater the infidelity, the stronger the jealousy. This feeling is always mutual, although usually at least one of the parties in jealousy is not recognized. Quiet mutual torture ends, as a rule, with a fierce battle and the breakdown of the family, if the stubborn spouses do not know how to free themselves from their "ego".

But, as you know, a man without a woman and a woman without a man cannot live normally. This is how the beautiful love of a woman perishes - love is either directed to the side, or it becomes malice. It is clear that her husband will not get it. In such a situation, a woman can correct her family life only by learning to think correctly and applying this knowledge with all her heart. If both value the family and are able to improve, then the result will not be slow to affect. The smaller the crisis, the easier it is to correct mistakes.

Anyone who wants to break the stubbornness of another can achieve his goal, but by doing so he breaks himself. But these two found each other, their spirits brought them together, for these two needed to learn life through each other. They turned out to be stupid, did not learn, and now life will teach them, but more severely. Whoever changes partners in this way will certainly remember the first one in the end, regretting their stupidity. This is the lesson of life. Since everyone comes into this life to learn just such wisdom, each subsequent partner gives him the opportunity to learn his life lesson better, but at a higher level. This will continue until the strength for intrigues runs out and until the person begins to draw conclusions from suffering. Until he admits his mistakes. Otherwise, death awaits him.

The pursuit of happiness is a hunt for external brilliance, momentary pleasure and the acquisition of a superficial life experience, which will later be repaid with pain. But, as usual, a person is strong in hindsight. Anyone who marries for money will have to suffer because of it. And if a rich man enters into a love marriage and continues to regard love as the main thing in life, then he will get rich even more. Wealth will appear to him for preservation, for this man knows the value of wealth.

Many people are no longer capable of deep feeling at all, because their parents, as well as the parents of their parents, did not know how to love. And they knew how to keep the family in order to enrich and preserve wealth.

Recently, dealing with patients, I saw through them their parents, grandparents, great-grandmothers and great-grandfathers and more and more became convinced of my sad conclusion. I must admit that if among 1000 people I find a single grandmother who loved her husband with the pure, perfect love of a man of nature, then I am happy. I am glad because I happened to see it with my own eyes!

Dear wives and husbands! I know that you are offended because you considered yourself loving, but if you believe me, then devote yourself to studying your inner self and find mistakes that require correction. If your body reacts with recovery, then you have corrected the mistakes correctly. Release the stress that you blame the other on and ask your body for forgiveness for causing it to suffer by cultivating stress.

The mother, who has not been able to give her love to the father's family, is in conflict with the children, because the children, unknowingly, blame the mother. They cannot express it, but their nervousness and moodiness speaks for themselves. While the family is still intact and in family quarrels the father's abuse outweighs, the guilty one is seen in the father. If the father is too soft and compliant, then the culprit is again seen in him. A child who doesn't even know his father may hate him, but usually the mother too. If the child is aggressive, then the parent deserves it. And that parents do not want to admit it, this is already a special article.

If a parent raising a child after the breakup of the family intends to turn the child into a weapon against the other parent, then even at first he may achieve his goal, but such a parent commits a crime. The father is the spirit of the child, the mother is the soul of the child. Look at yourself aloof and imagine that a spirit or soul is being ripped out of you and then, frightening with punishment, they are kept apart. But this is your spirit and your soul, which you love so much and for the sake of which you came into this world at all. Only you need them, and only having both of them can you be alive.
Spirit is walking. Spirit alone is eternal life.

The soul feeds the spirit. Life without a soul is torment.

Dear Parents! Which of them would you agree to give away?

Now think about what you have done to your child.

A father or mother who has left this world comes to their child as often as they want. The Spirit comes when you need help. A living person is forced to stand behind a closed door. The spirit or soul of your child is in exactly the same position ... And if you say that he himself does not want to come, then reflect on your role in his distance and correct your mistake. Only one of the parties is always guilty.

When a child is taught to hate his father, he is taught to hate his spirit. When a child is taught to hate his mother, he is taught to hate his soul.

He who hates his father hates the male sex. He who hates his mother hates the female sex.

A daughter who loves her father learns to love her husband. A son who loves his mother learns to love his wife.

If a daughter is angry with her mother, then she is also angry with herself. If a daughter hates her mother, then she automatically hates both herself and the female, since the mother is a woman.

If a son is angry with his father, then he is simultaneously angry with himself. If a son hates his father, then he automatically hates both himself and the male sex, since the father is a man.
Women! It will be best if you ask for forgiveness from your husband, ask for forgiveness from your children and, despite the bitterness, love your husband again, even if he is not with you. The father of your children needs your spiritual love at least for the sake of the life of your children. You cannot restore a broken marriage, but you need to understand your mistakes. Through the recognition and realization of a mistake, understanding also comes, like a learned lesson.

Men! Forgive your mother and wife for not being able to accomplish the most important task women in life - to love your husband. Forgive that a woman first of all expects love from her husband and does not understand that before her husband can give, he must receive. He already gives away physical strength without asking permission.

Children! Forgive your mother and grandmothers for their mistakes. Forgive the father for his mistakes. If you do not do this, you will suffer yourself, since the father is your spirit, and the mother is your soul. If these two are in a quarrel within you, then in your life there will be no forward movement and there will be no peace of mind.

A woman who can think correctly corrects mistakes made by her mother and mother-in-law.

A man who knows how to think correctly knows how to wait for this and, for his part, forgive his mother, as well as his mother-in-law and wife.

A man becomes embittered only when he cannot go on in life. He cannot go further when he has no strength. The source of strength is located in the heart of a woman.

When a woman and a man get married, and the husband, in accordance with the upbringing received at home, immediately begins to push his wife around, then the wife's heart is closed to him forever. These people will never be able to understand each other at the level of love. If they continue to live together, then only work remains for them. Whether this will satisfy them is another question. Talking about love with them is useless. And it can work out alone.

Whoever denies the energetic essence of the disease, that is, the conditionality of the disease by stresses, will not be able to heal.

If a person who has managed to learn a lesson from a divorce is able to see his own mistakes, which provoked bad in a partner, then he knows how to logically evaluate all aspects of the situation. Such a person will not hate his spouse, and he enters into a new marriage wiser. He will not repeat the old mistakes.

Whoever continues to hate his divorced spouse will not be happy until he realizes his mistakes. He can marry the most peaceful person and immediately quarrel with him, for he knows how to fabricate suffering. In his defense, he says: "Why do they allow this to be done with them!" There is a grain of truth in this - indeed, one should not allow himself to be hurt, but, unfortunately, in his statement again there is an accusation against another. He will imperceptibly accumulate anger that will destroy himself and his children.

I know a woman with a special ability to turn into alcoholics all men who associate their fate with her. She is like a kind of touchstone for testing weak, loving men. She does not experience a shortage of men, but there are no self-respecting people among them. She looks like a very good woman, kind, according to reviews - a real angel, but not one of the alcoholics became a teetotaler thanks to her love. Her own fear of not being loved has long grown into anger and took away her mental strength. The malice taken from the mother, disguised as love for men, turned against the men in order to destroy them. The first victim is the man's wallet, the second is the man himself, the woman is much more resilient. Neither she nor her men think so. Or rather, they don’t think at all.

As a child, she suffered several clinical deaths, and "left" one might say deliberately, due to a difficult relationship with her mother.

In 1968-1974 she studied at the Faculty of Medicine of the State University in the city of Tartu. For more than twenty years Luule has worked as an obstetrician-gynecologist, surgeon.

Since 1991 she has taken up private practice. Three months later, she attended an initial course in parapsychology, after which there were strong changes in her life.

“Three months later, it turned out that I - see. I do not want to use the word "clairvoyance", it would not be entirely honest. Since my friends - clairvoyants have proved to me that I see, I do not consider it to be some kind of special gift ”writes L. Viilma.

“I grew up in the era of atheism, I was taught that there is no God. But when someone mocked God, he became for me a defiler of the holy thing. I felt the presence of a higher power next to me, which supported, gave courage, controlled and fiddled with my conscience. She had no name. My existence was determined by feelings, I have always been able to convey them to others. "

Drawing on the experience of a medical practitioner, Luule Viilma created the doctrine of spiritual development, which helps to restore mental balance and find inner peace and cure various diseases.

Most practicing therapists are aware of the relationship between psychological and physiological factors in chronic autonomic disorders, and they do not hesitate to say that more than half of their patients suffer from some kind of emotional disorder that is largely responsible for their somatic complaints. Having learned to understand the precious signals that our life gives us in various ways, such as pain, ailments, illness, discomfort, we get the opportunity to independently improve the state of mind and body ...

Her books are unique working psychological techniques based on her personal and psychic experiences. They make one think about the causes of diseases, give a positive psychological attitude in overcoming diseases. This is a treasure useful information- they contain a lot of things that every person just needs to know ...

Here is a list of her books on health and peace of mind:

"Soul light"
"Stay or Go"
"Without evil in oneself"
"Warmth of Hope"
"Light source of love"
"Pain in your heart"
"In agreement with yourself"
"Forgiveness is genuine and imaginary"
"The doctrine of survival"
"Male and female beginnings"

Today, according to Luule Viilma's methods,:
- her only official student Aime Viira;
- her friend, teaching teacher Sirje Uusbek
The principles of Viilma's treatment are also used in the KoLeGa clinic, with which Luule Viilma collaborated and consulted on the admission of patients with serious illnesses.

Her husband, Arvo Viilma, is the head of Prema LTD, which sells the rights to Luule Viilma's books and everything related to her books.

Current page: 1 (the book has 12 pages in total) [available passage for reading: 3 pages]

Viilma Luule

Luule Viilma. The book is hope, the book is salvation! Healing from any disease by the power of Love

This book literally opened my eyes to the causes of all my ailments. So simply, understandably, with love, the author brings us to understand the most important thing - we ourselves are creators of both our diseases and our health ...

Ivan K., N. Novgorod

How much rubbish, how much dirt, how much rubbish I discovered in my soul thanks to this book. And not only discovered, but began to clean up. The mere awareness of the problems has noticeably improved my condition, helped me to quit smoking and get rid of fears. Now I am purposefully working on getting rid of the disease.

Vilma's books are invaluable for parents - after all, the present and future health of our children depends only on us. Now we have every opportunity to raise a healthy generation!

Evgeny P., Arkhangelsk

Get rid of bad habits the body was not so difficult, but to get rid of bad thoughts corroding the soul is not an easy job. But I believe that everything will work out - after all, Doctor Viilma leads us along the path to health, who, albeit invisibly, is always with us!

Julia T., Samara

Thanks to the authors of the book for every word of Doctor Luula, conveyed to us, for these waves of Light and Love pouring from the pages of the book!

Martha G., St. Petersburg

A wonderful book for those who do not want to get sick anymore, who want to maintain a healthy body and mind for many years!

Svetlana B., Kaliningrad

Don't ruin yourself!


Life ended in 2002 wonderful person and an amazing doctor who healed not only the body, but also the soul - Luule Viilma. This, of course, is an irreparable loss for all who knew her, for those whom she helped, for all her followers and ordinary readers.

But the books of Luule Viilma remained and there were people who painstakingly study her heritage. Until now, the stream of letters addressed to Viilma does not dry up, there are still those who hope for her help. After all, life goes on and sets before us new and new tasks.

That is why the heirs of Luule Viilma made a difficult decision - on the basis of the existing manuscripts, to publish new books in which certain issues are considered in more detail.

Here is one of these books.

All thoughts, all words in it belong to Luula Viilma herself, and her wisdom will help the reader figure out how to make his life better!

Luule Viilma was sure that everyone is responsible for their own lives, which means that only they can change it. She said: “People are different. Some are stupid, some are lazy, and some are simply worthless. There are those who have all these qualities, and their life is going well. For example, such a person works side by side with smart, hardworking and energetic people, and the business falls apart. Bankruptcy is declared. One hard worker dies because of this. The second goes to the hospital. The third is treated at home. The fourth ends up behind bars. And he, this fool and sloth, walks around with his chest outstretched, and is healthy as a bull. Why is life so unfair?

No, life is just right. Life brings out the truth. Life shows that this person is able to overcome any obstacles, because he sincerely believes that there are no desperate situations. "

Even if now you have bad habits- you can get rid of them, realizing that they are only symptoms, and the causes lie much deeper. Even if your life seems to be going downhill, only bad things happen in it, you can stop it.

This is how Viilma said:

“At the beginning of each conversation, I say what a person needs to know in order to understand me. To understand anyone or anything at all, you need to remember:

There are no bad people, but there is bad in every person.

We are here to fix the bad!

Everyone is to correct their own bad - this is life.

Life goes on as long as there is something bad that needs to be corrected.

Simply put - life goes on as long as there is work!

So, believe that you can change your life, learn a lesson from all the bad things that happened to you, stop ruining yourself - start working on yourself and your life right now.

The root cause of everything

The face of our character

I discover the secrets of the spiritual world, I find the knowledge that every person has inside, and every person has all the energies that are only in the Universe. If you either read about stress, or hear about it, or see how a person shows what his stresses are doing to him, that is, he shows something good or bad with his behavior, and you can see and hear this, then this is is talking your stress, because we see only ourselves everywhere. When we develop further, that is, we release from ourselves (and each of us is love), we release certain stresses from love, then we do not see these stresses in others. Because this other person, even with his own certain stress, passes through or past me, as it were, without touching me. I do not provoke with my certain stress the manifestation of his stress.

We can release any stress, we can release our initial stresses, of which there are only two, and they are called: my mom and my dad. Because besides their energies, when I come to this world, I have no other energies. When we die in a past life, then the energy that we possessed at the time of death is used to come into this life, which begins from the moment of conception. So my mom and dad add up to me.

If I am a woman, then I am a woman because I have a female body, that is, a female material shell. The material body is the exterior, and inside I have my dad. Why are women so resilient, why are women around the world living so long compared to men? Thanks to the men, lovely women. They are the stability that holds us from the inside.

And why are men so fragile, why do they leave this world so quickly? Because they are only outwardly men, but inside they are women. And it is very, very important how you, lovely men, treat your mother. Because you are this woman, and as far as you understand your mother, that is, treat her out of love, so much you see women as they are. You see not only their character, which is only accumulated positive and negative knowledge.

Symbolically, the energy of character can be imagined as a hedgehog. Have you ever seen the needles of a hedgehog: how are they located, are they parallel or intersect? When the needles go up, then their tips go up, which converge at the bottom like scissors, right? And they go down the same way. This is what says that in the character of a person there is the same thing that in everything on the globe, that is, there are two ends: good and bad. And all these stresses that accumulate inside us can become so great that they won't fit in a person. How to live? Let's say, a "tower" of one energy has grown, a "tower" of another energy, yet different energies in the amount n+ 1. And we, people, spiritual beings, came to this world to take care that our stresses did not grow so great that they would become larger than the person himself. And if they do, then they turn into character traits. And it is often said that everything can be changed in this world, but the character will remain.

Changing character means rethinking life and cleverly freeing yourself from the bad in order to achieve the desired goal. This is harder than you think and easier than you suspect. And the one who does not learn to do smartly will be forced to learn through suffering. Another person once again lives his life in torment in order to correct one of his character traits.

Unfortunately, we will die from this character as a result, because our diseases and our sufferings that accompany diseases are after all the face of our character. And to justify myself by the fact that I have such a character is pointless, just stupid. When a person consoles himself, justifies himself with his character, then this person does not understand who he really is, confuses character and himself. And so gradually, since like attracts like, those energies that we already have inside grow more and more, as they attract similar energies to themselves. And these "hedgehog needles" are growing more, higher, longer. And then it doesn't matter whether we encounter positive or negative irritations, we, like a hedgehog, raise our "needles". And what are we doing? Of course, we protect ourselves. And a person who defends himself is a person who does not know how to live, he does not know how to be himself, that is, a person. He does not know how to be love, he wants to love and wants to be loved. And how can he love if he is not himself? Or how to love him if he is not there? Then they will come to love his body, his friend. And he sells his body. And by this he proves to everyone that he loves and has the right to demand to be loved. And the frustrations got worse and worse. Because a person, a spiritual being, confuses the two levels. A person under stress is like a hedgehog. Every person has stress, but not all people are stressed.

When we are under stress, when we really have fallen into such a deep hole, then stress can be released, and our stress decreases, decreases and in one moment will shorten, like the needles of a hedgehog. What will our hedgehog be like then? It will be so soft, so cute ... And if we thrust all these needles one by one into his skin and do not let him come out, what will happen then? Before the hedgehog dies, he, like a wild animal, will attack you even more. And even after death, this corpse can get so dirty that you will exude a stench for a whole century, and maybe even longer.


All stress stems from the fear that "I am not loved."

The main stresses are guilt, fear, and anger. Accumulating, they grow into each other, mutually combine and can form an intricate mixture of diseases. Guilt develops into fear, fear develops into anger. Malice destroys a person.

The chain of stress is driven by the fear of being guilty. Nobody wants to be guilty. Therefore, the most reliable way to subjugate a person who wants to be good is to appeal to his conscience. So a tyrant playing a benefactor is able to completely squeeze out the will to live from a person, without realizing that he is doing wrong. And a person dies, not being able to defend himself.

Major stresses and their interactions

Any stress eventually turns into anger.

1) In whom the feeling of guilt has settled, he is accused, and he begins to be afraid and himself turns into an accuser. Accusation is anger. Any assessment, comparison, comparison is essentially an accusation.

2) In whom fear has settled, they are scared, and he begins to scare others if only for the purpose of teaching or warning. This is already latent malice, or the struggle for life.

3) In whom there is malice, they are angry, and he himself begins to be malignant. Malice can be:

open, or leading to a crime,

hidden, or causing the disease.

Latent malice can be:

benevolent causing benign disease processes,

malicious causing malignant processes, or cancer.

No one voluntarily recognizes himself as malicious, and meanwhile, the proportion of substandard diseases in the world is rapidly increasing. Why? Because everyone wants to appear good. The desire to live in a world of illusions or in castles of dreams in the air sooner or later ends with a person falling from heaven to earth, that is, getting sick. This book says a lot about this.

A) Feelings of guilt are the stress of the heart. They make a person susceptible to disease, but in themselves they are not a disease. The feeling of guilt weakens.

B) Fears are stress on the kidneys and adrenal glands. Fears attract bad things, but by themselves they are not yet a disease. Fear makes you helpless.

B) Anger is a disease in itself. Malice settles where the movement of energy is interrupted by fear. As malice is, so is disease. Malice destroys.

Fears are arranged in the body as follows:

Fears inhibit or completely block human willpower, or the will to live. They can accumulate slowly and imperceptibly, or they can, like a lightning strike, bring a person to the grave. Fears cause inability, misunderstanding, inconsistency, inability, impossibility, etc. Constantly repeating inability becomes, in the end, unwillingness. Inability is fear. Unwillingness is anger.

Malice can be recognized by five signs, which can occur individually and which are not considered a disease. But if they appear in combination with at least one more, then they are considered a disease. These signs include:

pain- the anger of searching for the culprit;

redness- the anger of finding the culprit;

temperature- the malice of the conviction of the culprit. The most dangerous to life is the anger of self-accusation, which arises most often due to the fact that a person accepts accusations in his address. To be guilty without guilt is the hardest burden for the heart;

swelling, or overgrowth, - anger of exaggeration;

discharge, or destruction of tissue(necrosis) - the malice of suffering.

In reality, the pain does not appear alone - it hides temperature, redness, swelling or accumulation of secretions. Likewise, there are four others lurking behind other signs of anger. Together they form a humiliated malice that causes inflammation. The higher the concentration of humiliated anger, the more likely the formation of pus. Pus is unbearable humiliation.

Man appears in this world to be exalted and exalted. If he does not know how to exalt, then he does not know how to exalt and, as a result, humiliates himself and others. Humiliation is the source of all kinds of anger associated with life's struggles.

All types of anger can be reduced to one denominator - accusation. Evaluation, comparison, weighing - all this also, with a slight difference, is, in principle, an accusation. Malice destroys.

Five main types of anger can be distinguished according to their location in the body:

desire to be better than others- makes a person heartless, destroys reason;

dissatisfaction- destroys the meaning of life, takes away the taste for life;

over-demanding- splits purposefulness;

forced situation- deprives of freedom, makes a person a slave;

rejection- inhibits movement, development.

Of all the stresses, anger is the most difficult and insidious. The expansive malice of primitive man causes simple and easily treatable diseases. The higher the level of education of mankind, the more difficult it becomes: diseases. They are more difficult to detect and more difficult to heal. The most hostile disease of the physical body is malignant tumor arising from malevolent malice.


Malicious malice becomes when a person does not receive what his soul longs for, although he considers it his right to receive it, and the person becomes obsessed with his rights.

At the sight of other people's successes, such a person feels helpless in this unfair life struggle. The desire to avenge injustice can only glimmer in the back streets of the soul and never manifest itself in actions, but it exists and takes on the guise of malice.

As for AIDS, it is a disease of transition to a higher, or spiritual, level of development. AIDS is a signal that although a person is potentially ready to rise, because he has suffered enough, he is still not able to give up the benefits of the visible world, that is, the physical world. AIDS says that a person with his feelings is in the future, and with desire - in the past, but he himself does not realize this (see figure).

Disease arises from the division of life into spiritual and physical parts, between which a clear boundary is drawn, which is forbidden both for oneself and for others to step over. A person who is absolutely sure of the correctness of such an idea does not give anyone the right to shake it at least by expressing a natural human doubt. AIDS is a disease excessive rationality.

Anyone who sees the world in black and white colors deliberately cuts off all semitones from his vision of the world and does not understand that thereby turns the present into nothingness. The diaphragm, or abdominal obstruction, symbolizes the moment of the present. The surrounding fabrics symbolize the longer present - the everyday present. Whoever hurries in thoughts to the fabulous future will have to go already without a body, for in the present he does not understand and does not love his body.

The present teaches us to calmly unite opposites in ourselves. He who justifies the debauchery of his body by its physiological needs is able to step into the sanctuary from the scene of the crime and, without repenting of sin, feel like a holy person there. If a person believes that he has the immutable right to enter all doors, then the door to the spiritual world will be closed for him. Awareness of the causes of the suffering of the physical body again opens the gates to heaven in order to let in the lost lamb.

And now a person who wants to be better than others finishes his earthly path along with everyone else. Birth and death prove to every human soul its equality with others until we begin to understand this. And the quantity and quality of days of life is determined by the quantity and quality selves person.

Everything has two sides that balance each other so that the whole is in balance. In life and in the mirror image of life in a person, 49% bad and 51% good. All our stresses are included in this 49%, and I am talking about them.

If this percentage increases, then health, and later life, is in danger. Each person, without exception, is born into this world in order to learn, that is, to correct the bad, that is, to keep this one percent, missing to 50, as close to zero as possible. This means that a person is born only at the call of that bad, which in previous lives remained unknown to him as good.

A person should be like a wandering traveler who walks through life and through whom life passes like a sieve. Of these 49%, the traveler leaves only a grain of wisdom necessary for him at the bottom of the sieve. This grain elevates a person in his dignity. Unfortunately, a frightened person leaves in himself, besides a grain, a lot of all sorts of rubbish, and this is the disease. Trash is what a person considers trash. For one it is one thing, for another it is another. He who, out of a desire to please others, forms his world for the sake of someone else's opinion, leaves himself and someone else's rubbish.

For a frightened person, both good and bad can be bad, because he is afraid of being ruled by both. A frightened person is afraid of being a slave, and therefore he is a slave. Most of all, he is a slave to his stresses. Everything that a person fears, he just attracts to himself. We ourselves, more than anyone else, do ourselves badly, and look for guilt in others. Fear blocks any movement of energy, causing an overabundance of the corresponding energy in the soul and body and converting the accumulated energy into the energy of anger.

1) Excessive bad, or bad, exceeding 49%, causes physical illness in the body.

2) Excessive good, or good, exceeding 51%, causes mental illness.

Illusions, or excess goodness, cause mental deviations, developing from the accumulation of good in mental disorders and, finally, in mental illness.

A person is able to help his body himself if he has a whole mind. If there is no reason, then he cannot help himself. Parents and loved ones can help him. If they do not know how or do not want to provide mental assistance, then they have to help the body of the mentally ill, no matter how difficult it may be.

The treatment of the sick, including the mentally ill, should be the most natural concern of the patient's parents, since the child is the sum of his parents. If love reigns in the family, that is, between the parents, then the family is balanced. And the child, who is the mirror of the family, will then be balanced, and therefore healthy. Equilibrium is the relationship of two parties with each other, both on a spiritual and physical level.

As is the father of the child, so is the spirit of the child, mind and backbone. This is his material life.

As the mother of the child is, so is the soul of the child, feelings and soft tissues. This is his soul life.

All deficiencies in the bone are reflected in the soft tissues, and all deficiencies in the soft tissues are reflected in the bones. Whoever does not know how to see himself, let him look at his parents and draw a conclusion. Denying this truth will hurt you in the future.

The mother defines the world, the father creates the world.

The child is half of each one.

A sick child is the expiation of the debt of the karma of both parents.

If parents go through life judiciously, then neither they themselves, nor the child lag behind the times, and the child does not develop physical illnesses. If parents walk judiciously, not ahead of time, then neither they nor the child have mental illnesses. Discretion is equanimity, understanding, love.


A child is the sum of his parents.

The sum, as you know, is the quantity, which certainly differs from the summands in quality. Therefore, parents are happy to find themselves in a child, when the child is healthy and in a good sense is extraordinary. But if something is wrong with the child, then the frightened parents can become completely blind.

The fear of being guilty can completely destroy the desire to help.

Their own well-being is more important for those who call themselves doers of good. In real trouble, bad people come to the rescue.

Regardless of the circumstances, there is no guilt, only mistakes. And mistakes can be corrected.


Error is not sin, error is inability.

We are born exactly for this purpose, in order to learn, be it parents or children.


The only sin in the world is unforgiveness.

And people commit this sin in large numbers, not realizing that nothing can be hidden from themselves.

Sin is when the good is forgotten and the bad remains in the memory.

The memory retains that bad in which a person does not admit his own mistake and therefore ascribes it to another.

You should not blame your parents: you yourself chose them of your own free will when you decided to be reborn again. You had a need to correct the bad things in this life that they could give. You have come to love them unconditionally, as they are. If you have forgotten this, then try to remember and correct your mistakes.

Regardless of the parents, the children themselves must bring balance to their mental life.

It is good if parents understand their role in the formation of a child and help him by correcting his inner world. But if parental spiritual blindness does not allow this, then the child has chosen a more difficult life lesson and must overcome him alone.

No one should do good to anyone if the other does not want it, and at the same time, everyone has a need to do good. A person needs to do good to another or to give in order to be a person himself. But give? And what is most valuable?

When a thing is given, a little is given.

When love is given, a lot is given.

When forgiveness is granted, what is most precious is given.

Every forgiver in life will certainly have a moment when he feels that he wants to ask forgiveness from the past for leaving his past without blessed love. When the past is freed, at the same moment the future is filled with unhindered flowing love, which makes a person happy.

To forgive is to give twice, consciously and with dignity. Asking for forgiveness means replacing the given bad with good, consciously and with dignity.

With generous forgiveness, you can quietly go overboard. With a heartfelt request for forgiveness, this does not happen.

It is good when a person knows how to forgive and ask for forgiveness from a person. It is even better when he considers the forgiveness of the animal worthy. And best of all, when a person learns to forgive and ask for forgiveness from invisible energy bodies, or stress. Then the person is freed from the force of attraction of negativity and finds happiness.

There is one and only God, this is Love.

He is waiting for a person to free himself from the captivity of fear in order to begin to love him.

Man is a wanderer walking the road of his destiny. Everything that he meets on the way is necessary in the form as it is. A person only needs to change his attitude and begin to realize the bipolarity of life. The one who frees himself from his fears can begin to be aware.

To the question of whether to go our own way, we have already answered by our birth. Now everyone needs to answer how to go. Should I go stress-free or stress-free?

Despite the increase in stress, the average life expectancy of a person is increasing, which is associated with great suffering and painful death. This means that human souls need deeper and more mature knowledge, which only old age possesses. This need made it possible to discover many possibilities and ways of extending physical life. Spiritual opportunities are likely to open up as well.

Current page: 3 (total of the book has 12 pages) [available passage for reading: 8 pages]

What's worse than pride?

Selfishness is worse than pride! Nothing gets worse. What is selfishness? Try to understand and tell me in one or two words what selfishness means. If a person wants to be better and gets his good, then he immediately considers himself the best, and this is - positive selfishness... Such a person believes that he has the right to demand all the best for himself.

If a person does not receive good, then he considers himself worse and feels ashamed. It is his negative selfishness... So what is selfishness? It is knowledge that evaluates... Knowing that I am better, knowing that I am worse is selfishness. It is always an egoist who evaluates. If you evaluate something as good or bad, and it is unshakable for you, it does not even occur to you to doubt that it may not be so, then your egoism speaks.

Selfishness is your insensitivity, with which you kill the one you are evaluating, not realizing that you see yourself in him, that is, as a result, you evaluate yourself and thereby kill yourself.

We receive such evaluative knowledge from birth, from school, on the street, anywhere and anytime. We catch some messages, read newspapers, watch TV, listen to the radio, use mobile phones, which, without interruption, give us a ready-made assessment of something or someone right in our ears - there is a stream of information all around. And all this remains in us. It is not mobile devices that destroy a person, but information that we catch without interruption. If a person has a mobile phone, then this person does not give rest to his phone. Instead of agreeing on something once, he calls ten times. Without interruption, check: you are good or not good, you prove your love or not.

When a person has received his good, he immediately begins to demand more, because by this time his desire has already grown. And every time a good person received a good one, he is not happy with what he received, he wants even better. Received again - again the discontent grew.

Accumulation of discontent, which is stress on the fifth throat chakra, causes mental health problems up to serious illness. When a person strives, strives, wants and receives at some point, he begins to consider himself the best. Now he has the right to demand that everything is only good. And, putting his hand on his chest, he will say: I am not an egoist, because I want not only myself, I want all people to live well. What does he want? He wants half of humanity to go crazy and half to die. When a person proves something, for example, that he is not selfish, no matter what exactly he proves, it is always the other way around, we always prove what is not to become the nicest.

One can strive as an athlete strives to become an Olympic champion. We have one simple, hardworking, nice guy who became an Olympic champion. When he returned to Estonia from the Olympics, in his first interview in a newspaper, he began to say such nonsense: to demand that everyone in Estonia live only well, and to take responsibility on his soul for this to come true. Crazy.

The hero kills enemies

The energy of heroism is a desire to hide your shame at any cost, even at the cost of your life.

A person is ashamed of his shame and wants to deal with anyone who shames him.

Shame itself is the negativity of the past. If a person firmly knows that nothing can be changed, and then someone like me comes across to him and tries to explain that in the past it is impossible and does not need to change anything, except for his attitude, then the person is seized by fear and he becomes blind and deaf.

The shamelessness of the highest level - spiritual - includes black magic. ... Since we are talking about the deliberate and deliberate manipulation of the human spirit, while the person himself is not able to protect himself, because he does not know what they are doing with him, the consequences are very serious. The victim suffers suffering commensurate with the degree to which he is afraid of black magic, malicious intent, but the magician himself suffers much more. Moreover, his deeds doom first of all his direct descendants to suffering, and in the future he will have to atone for his karmic debt in subsequent lives.

The heroes of the present are the heroes of labor. We need to understand why we work so hard, why we become machines. By the way, the longer the working day, the more we become like horses, and our heart aches. Men are like this: they come to the reception, their heart hurts, and they ask: why? So briefly, in one sentence. And I will answer: because you are a horse. They understand. The more intense the work we are proud of, the more machines we are, that is, the more selfish we are.

The car does not need food and rest, whereas A person who has become a working animal needs to eat and rest. The more he works, the more food and rest he needs. Unfortunately, there are only 24 hours in a day. By lengthening the working day due to sleep, a person begins to eat faster and in large quantities. He no longer eats, but overeats, which disrupts the metabolism. Then the working day is lengthened at the expense of the family and children. It is assumed that the spouse himself (a) knows what and how to do, and children are given orders in the form of notes or phone calls. People live in a family, touching each other less and less. Neither affection nor tenderness, and their lack is felt more and more sharply, here they do not give each other, because there is nothing to give. Moreover, they are taught to look down on it. The consequences of becoming a car can be dire.

In a person who has become a machine, the ego can reach such dimensions that he does not see not only the results of the work of his neighbor, but also of the neighbor himself. If the neighbor does not perform exactly the same work and in exactly the same amount, then he, the neighbor, is worthless. A man who has become a machine is an egoist who identifies his neighbor with his work. He does not indulge children, women, or the elderly - neither the small, nor the weak, nor the sick. He has one motto: live means work. If you can't, go to hell.

In no case should you become a slave next to a machine, an executor of its will exclusively - this is humiliating for a person, and besides, you cannot love a slave. They use it.

Most of all, a person wears out, exhausts, wears out one-sided heart affection - unrequited love.

Without releasing our inferiority complex, we can love a person with all our souls, but love does not reach the addressee. She will spin in a vicious circle of self-pity, but if I, giving with one hand, immediately take it back with the other, then love never reaches my neighbor. The neighbor can be to any extent a working machine, but as long as he is alive, a person is alive in him, who reveals himself if he is truly loved. Another thing is that over time it will open up with more and more effort.

The machine has no feelings. A machine is a machine, a tractor, for example. The man says that he simply does not understand why this woman has been flirting with him for a week. This is how women and men live today. Men do not understand what women want, and women do not understand what is happening to men.

Women are quickly becoming working animals, men are becoming working machines even faster. The more a woman is a slave, the more she strives to prove that she is better. What does a man do then? He drives a slave like a whip so that this slave would be even more humiliated, so that he himself would begin to understand what was happening.

We, women, turn a man into a bum ourselves, ourselves. What does a wise woman do? A wise woman takes care of her husband's business. No, not more, fine. A wise woman makes sure that everyone has as much work as they need, no more, no less. A wise mistress knows exactly who needs what, she is the heart of the family. And who prevents us from being such a heart? No one. We ourselves. We ourselves want to be better than we are. Why? Because we consider ourselves bad. Why are we bad? We'll talk about this later. There is a lot to be said about shame. I write about this in detail in my books.

Pity and sympathy

If you suddenly feel sorry for yourself - immediately release this feeling. Self-pity undermines a person's vitality. Acute self-pity causes fainting, and constant - malaise, weakness, lack of any strength.

If you want to help someone, never feel sorry. Pity in relation to another person is a manifestation of your pride, which also needs to be released.

But compassion is the energy of love. Empathy is the ability to feel the feelings of another person.

Self-pity is like a vicious circle from which there is no way out. If a person is poor, but does not feel sorry for himself, then he becomes rich. And if a rich person feels sorry for himself, then he will begin to grow poor.

Pity is stress that can in an instant deprive a person of the last grain of strength, so much so that nothing in the world can help this unfortunate person. There is no medicine that can eliminate the energy of self-pity. You can feel sorry for yourself, you can feel sorry for others, you can feel sorry for all kinds of manifestations of life. He who laments about his life has no vitality. He who is distressed because of his health does not have the strength to recover. Those who feel sorry for themselves because they have to work do not have the strength to work. He who has pity on his neighbor does not have the strength to help his neighbor.

Those who feel sorry for themselves because of their gender have sexual dysfunctions.

Shame and sorrow

The higher the level of development, the more intra-family relations resemble the relationship of two strong stones. What does the level of development depend on? From wealth or from mind? From the mind. So, is Russia a highly developed country? Highly developed because everyone receives compulsory education.

Since tears are considered a sign of weakness as well as lack of intelligence, most people try to hold back tears. It doesn't matter to sadness whether it is hidden behind a mask of seriousness or behind a mask of laughter. The difference is that laughter can deceive the ear and causes sadness to grow, otherwise its need for freedom will go unnoticed. Suppressing sadness, containing it, can lead to a seemingly complete lack of sadness. This I call death of sorrow. The mortification of sorrow is identical with the mortification of oneself.

To understand how sadness is suppressed, as well as any other stress, imagine you have a large, ripe watermelon. You put it under the squeeze press and start squeezing. This is basically the same as saying that a good person does evil in the name of a good purpose. The crusher presses the juice out of the watermelon. The dabbler is intelligent, which means he is good. The goal is intelligent - it means good. And only the energy of sorrow was not treated well. Since invisible energy is not perceived in any way, its mortification is as if nothing.

I will try to explain below how such a misunderstanding can turn out.

Unweeped sorrow... It is also the stage of active hope for getting rid of the annoying feeling of sadness and willingness to cry. At this stage, the person actively responds to sadness. He does not dare to cry and does not want to, and cannot but cry. If such a person cries for himself, then only when no one sees him.

Despair is concentrated sorrow. There is a common expression in Estonian: I have terrible feline despair. What does this mean?

Horror is concentrated fear, in which it is no longer possible to run.... Terror paralyzes the mind and the ability to move. The cat symbolizes freedom. At the level of abstractions, this concept means hopelessness from a frightening forced situation, which leads to a complete blockage of fear and sadness. Everything accumulates inside. Sadness accumulates in a person under a completely different name and in a much more dangerous volume.

This stage is similar to the juice flowing out of a watermelon.... The harder you press, the more juice flows out until all of it flows out. Instead of letting out every tear that comes out, the person who is holding back the sadness, as it were, puts the collection vessels under the tears. Some substitute the head as a vessel, some - legs, some - stomach, some - back, some - heart, lung or liver, and some - several vessels at once. It all depends on what problems the person is saddened with.

At the stage of unspoken sadness, the following are formed:

cysts or cavity benign tumors;

accumulation of fluid in organs and cavities;

swelling in certain organs and tissues, in entire areas or throughout the body.

Shame kills the senses, and a person is feelings. We can have a terrible mountain of stress, any stress, no matter what: light, hard, difficult or simple. They are a very heavy load, but they do not kill.

The only stress that kills is shame.

When a person proves his advantage, there are many obstacles on his way. Because life always helps us so that the bad doesn't get worse.

Tell people: "You would be ashamed!"- and you can be sure that you will hit the top ten. Everyone knows for himself what to be ashamed of. Since all emotions, feelings, stresses in the aggregate form a soul, this means that SHAME KILLS THE SOUL! So that the soul does not die, there are two possibilities: to leave the body, or to begin to defend itself. He who wants to be strong begins to defend himself and suppress shame in himself, becoming a callous soul.

The highest achievement in the education system of a modern developed society is education in fear of death... The child is already taught from infancy that if he does something shameful, his parents and friends will turn away from him. They will cease to love him and be expelled from society. He will not have a job and will become a failure.

It is with pride and shame that we kill ourselves and generations.

Living in the past means living in shame.

Living in shame, a person continues to live, although in reality he is dead.

A person is born into the world in order to know himself. Knowledge is movement. Development occurs when a person has feelings. The only true feeling is love. All other feelings are a deviation from the center of balance, that is, love, and we come to correct this mistake. Raising, developing the child's feelings, parents are filled with pride, and if upbringing fails, the child immediately begins to be ashamed.

The higher the level of development, the more children are raised with shame. Why? Convenient, very convenient. Let's say the following picture: on the street, a mother and a child are quarreling. The child screams. Passers-by walk by and are indignant: "Lord, what dense people, how they came out of the forest, how are they not ashamed!" And mom is ashamed. Shame kills my mother's feelings. Mom is now so insensitive, she cannot be herself, she does not know how to ask herself, what does it mean that my child is screaming like that.

Why do children scream? You know, children will scream only on one condition: when mom is in a hurry. The child teaches this: Mom, no matter what you do now, you do not do it out of love, you do it out of fear and guilt or out of anger and shame, it doesn't matter, you don’t do it out of love, Mom, stop. If the mother stops, she will ask the child: "What's the matter with you, tell me?" Then, out of love, she is already interested in what is happening to her child. The child will stop screaming. He taught, and my mother took the lesson.

Consciously or subconsciously, at this moment it does not matter, it is important that mom is not in a hurry. Maybe the child has now saved his mother from something, no one knows from what. Maybe mom with her running around would have been hit by a car, but now, because the child stopped her, taught her not to rush, she was not hurt.

But the child is capricious, the mother is seized with shame, tomorrow the same will happen again, and then what will mother say? Mom will say to the child: "Ashamed, ashamed." If the mother scolded, the child would scream even harder, and when the mother says “ashamed, ashamed,” then a good result is immediately evident, the child becomes quiet. Why? It's very simple: mom killed her baby's emotions.

The next day, mom will not say "ashamed, ashamed", mom will only look at the child, and her eyes are already ashamed. And the baby doesn't scream anymore. The next time, mom doesn't need to say or do anything, because the child has learned: if you do something shameful, then soon there will be no place for you either in the family, or in the team, or in society, or in humanity, because that no one likes such a villain. How good it is to get what I want! It is impossible to take such an ability so easily. We can kill with shame anyway. If we were ashamed because of ourselves, it would not be enough, but we are ashamed because of others, and this burns with shame much more. Well, for example, we see how someone is doing something, for example, two dogs are doing “it”. And we are indignant: "Lord, how is this allowed!" Nature teaches me in its own way: man, you don’t know how to love - learn. And I'm ashamed, ashamed. Animals do what is natural and teach: man, you are ashamed of love, naturalness, this is how you kill everything in life, the next generations. A person is ashamed, and soon his eyesight deteriorates. Life gave what a person wanted, without glasses he does not see this, right? But we do have glasses so that this feeling is preserved, and so that we can kill him even more.

Perhaps you hear someone say very rudely: "Lord, how are people still not ashamed!" And they are not ashamed. They are not ashamed, but I am ashamed. Whose rumor is being killed now? Their? No, that you are, on the contrary. They have it sharper because they shouted out. It is important to understand: everything that you are ashamed to see kills your ability to see, that is, vision, and what you are ashamed to hear, kills your ability to hear, that is, hearing. This is how it works your shame, and for those who do what you perceive as indecent, it is neither cold nor hot.

Why are people being so rude lately? You noticed? More than before. In general, Russians have always been able to use harsh words, but I think that now they are used more and more often. Recently I have been watching American films with us. Lord, there is nothing normal there, there sex is shown in the most perverted form and the vocabulary is the same. If I say: “It's not a shame,” then I will soon stop hearing. How can a person really hear that? What does "good person" mean, these people do not understand. And maybe in the next life such a person will be an asocial element.

Rudeness is needed. The more the feelings, the most important feelings, are killed, the more rudeness is required to awaken them. This is the only way to stay alive. Well, let's also say about such a feeling as the sense of smell. The more you are ashamed to smell all sorts of smelly smells, the more your sense of smell is killed, which has a different end. Smell is a material sense. And the other end is intuition. Intuition develops through what feeling? Through the sense of smell, but also through curiosity: it is interesting to "sniff" something. The shame of curiosity, of course, destroys the sense of smell and intuition too. So what to do? Let us find another end to curiosity. This is curiosity. Curiosity is an interest in life. What we have is what we study. This is especially true in boys, right? The boys know absolutely everything, they are so curious, they will find all the attics and basements, they examine all the holes, they know absolutely everything. Do they talk about it? Do not speak. Why do they then know all this? This is no longer curiosity. A curious person tells everyone about everything that he learned and saw where he put his nose. Women usually have conversations: who sleeps with whom, who walks with whom, who made a child to whom. And if we are ashamed of curiosity, then gradually we lose our sense of smell, and with it - and intuition.

Taste disappears when we shame someone for bad taste in clothes, etc. If we admire fashion shows, then we humiliate ourselves.

Touch is the most vital feeling. Lonely children play with their genitals, as this is the last thing they feel. Shame in relation to any sexual manifestation causes frigidity in women, and impotence in men.

Shame, no matter what we are ashamed of, kills this energy, which becomes an energy corpse inside us and, attracting like itself, causes a focus of the disease.

There is nothing on earth to be ashamed of. Shame is an invention of people for the convenience of manipulating each other. However, with what we have invented as shame, we are killing ourselves.

Shame is the energy of death.

A person experiencing shame and not releasing it mortifies himself.

The bashful and shy man is half dead.

Shame, if not released, turns into shame.

Shame is murder.

Self-shaming is suicide.

Shaming one's neighbor is killing one's neighbor.

Instead of shaming, release the feeling of shame, and instead of dying, start living.
