Introspection of an extracurricular activity

"Game-KVN "Visiting a fairy tale" with students in grades 1 and 3.

Teacher: Anikina S.V.

Given extracurricular activity refers to a series of classes on the moral education of children in primary school within the subject week.

Lesson form: non-traditional - "Game-quiz".

This form of conducting a lesson significantly increases the motivation of learning, efficiency and productivity. learning activities, ensures the work of the whole group, allows students to reveal their abilities, "liberate" thinking.

This lesson appliesto type complex application of knowledge and methods of activity.

This lesson is based onmethod emotional immersion, which best contributes to the implementation of the main task of education: the activation of creativity in students through imagination and fantasy.

In preparation for the lesson, both age and individual characteristics of students were taken into account: a high interest in reading, general educational skills and abilities developed at a sufficient level, enough high motivation, which was stimulated by the non-traditional form of the lesson. .

Selected Methods corresponded to the tasks of the lesson, the nature and content educational material, the level of knowledge, skills and abilities of students. Thus, verbal methods were used: explanation, questions; visual methods: visual presentation, slide show; practical; partially exploratory, methods of stimulating the motives of interest in learning: cognitive tasks.

Forms of organization of activities at the lesson : frontal and group. The activity of students at different stages of the lesson was high.

First there was a warm-up. Then tasks for thinking alternated with tasks for memory, for ingenuity.

The competition task was supposed to remember not only the content of fairy tales, but also the words of the characters. The children also liked guessing which objects according to the description belong to the heroes of fairy tales. The children were able to show their creativity in the task “Guess the fairy tale and color the picture”, where everyone could try themselves as an artist.

At every stage of the game students were asked to evaluate their activity and creative findings. In junior school age the process of self-formation of the personality begins due to the development of the structures of the child's consciousness: motivating one's actions, being critical towards oneself and others, reflection, self-responsibility, etc. Children have a need for self-esteem, as the basis for the formation of the need to know oneself and one's inner position, however, still with a focus on the authority of external evaluation (teacher's evaluation).

Psychological atmosphere was friendly in class.

Conclusion: the game was held on a high emotional upsurge, with a high pace. All the assigned tasks were achieved. Meeting with a fairy tale gave children the opportunity to feel new sensations and experience new situations, and this The best way get away from the daily routine and boredom

Introspection of the lesson

classes in literary reading V senior group"Tales of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin" conducted by the teacher of the MOU "Progymnasium No. 2 GP Terek"
For two months we were engaged in project activities on the topic “Tales of A.S. Pushkin”: we studied the biography of A.S. Pushkin, got acquainted with his fairy tales, made crafts, a joint creative work parents and children on illustrating Pushkin's fairy tales.
Bottom line project activities it was a lesson on the developing program "Rainbow", which had a triune goal: teaching, developing, educational.

1. Educational tasks:

Develop interest in fiction;
-expand children's knowledge about the fairy tales of A.S. Pushkin;
- develop communication skills.

2. Developmental tasks:

Learn to listen to the rhythm and melody of the text;
- help expressively, using facial expressions, gestures to participate in dramatizations;
- to form an emotional attitude to the works of the poet;
- to teach to analyze the actions of heroes, to establish connections, to make generalizations and conclusions;
-activate memory, attention, thinking;
- Develop curiosity.

3. Educational tasks:

Raise love, reverent attitude and pride in Pushkin;
- to form a careful attitude to the book;
-to consolidate the ability of children to express their knowledge and impressions in productive activities;
- develop civic feelings, cultivate morality, kindness, responsiveness and patriotism.
-cause an emotional response in the soul of each child when studying the material.

4. Equipment:

Screen, laptop, unfinished fakes "Goldfish", portrait of A.S. Pushkin, candles, projector, live fish.

5. Used technologies:
 game;
 information and communication;
 design;
 person-oriented;
 health-saving;
 Integrated learning.

All parts of the lesson were interconnected.
Moved smoothly from one part to another.
At the first stage, relying on the knowledge of children, they remembered the main facts and events from the life of A.S. Pushkin and based on them gave new ones.
The dramatization of an excerpt from the fairy tale “About Tsar Saltan”, in which the pupils of the group played, aroused great interest among the children. Here, the children demonstrated their knowledge of fairy tales, communicative qualities, artistry, and the ability to behave in front of the public.
In the next part, I implemented the integration fiction with literacy education. Here the pupils showed knowledge of letters and the ability to read the text fluently.
I moved on to the next fairy tale through the riddle about the Cockerel, which made the children think.
Throughout the session, I tried to activate mental activity and cognitive interest through a variety of pedagogical technologies.
She posed problematic questions, to which the children had to express their opinions, argue and draw conclusions.
She taught me to listen and hear my comrades and the teacher, as required by the developing program "Rainbow".
In my opinion, the appearance of a live talking goldfish was surprising. And with great desire and hope they ask the fish for the fulfillment of their desires.
Artistic productive activity children was integrated into the lesson on fiction.
Enriched throughout the lesson lexicon and developed the communication skills of children, which positively affects their development of speech in a bilingual environment.
All this was lively and interesting in a relaxed atmosphere.
Health-saving technologies were provided by the good sanitary condition of the premises, a change in the types of children's activities, a physical minute in the middle of classes, and a favorable psychological atmosphere.
I think that the children received a lot of new knowledge in the course of project activities and emotional pleasure.
I set the goal of this two-month project activity to unite family members and moral education of the younger generation.
In my opinion, I have realized all the tasks and goals.

Class: 2 "A"

Self-analysis of the lesson of literary reading. Topic: "Journey through folk tales"

Class matched the curriculum.

The topic is taken from the calendar-thematic plan.

Type classes: generalizing

The presented abstract is built in accordance with didactic and general pedagogical principles:

Continuity principle ( class was built on the basis of previous classes and joint actions of the educator and children)

Activity principle (supported motivation and interest)

The principle of accessibility (matching the individual characteristics of children)

The principle of psychological comfort (confidence, calmness, goodwill)

During classes the following tasks:

Didactic: generalize ideas about fairy tales, its features and types: magic, household, fairy tales about animals;

improve the ability to recognize fairy tale by illustration, by excerpt (i.e. by characteristics and the actions of the characters.

During the preparation of this classes carried out preliminary work with children:

1. Reading Russian folk tales(enrichment of children's vocabulary)

2. Consideration of illustrations for Russian folk tales.

3. Coloring pictures based on motives Russian folk tales

4. Playing fairy tales"Kolobok", "Turnip" with tabletop theatre.

5. Watching cartoons « Russian folk tales » .

6. Conducting didactic games: "Find outfairy tale by pictures » , "Whose hat?", "From whatfairy tale hero » etc.

At the organizational stage, a positive attitude was created among the pupils to include them in educational activities. Conducting reflection "Mood" emotionally colored class and allowed me to identify the mood of the children before the start classes.

At the next stage classes through the artistic word introduced the children to the topic, stimulating interest in it. The children were asked to go to journey through Russian folk tales, they accepted the game plot with interest, tuned in to joint activities (using relaxation to develop the ability to relax and imagine, which is very difficult for our children).

The main task of the main stage classes- Summarize children's knowledge about Russians folk tales , about the main characters of these fairy tales.

into the structure classes tasks for the development of cognitive activity of children, creative abilities are included.

In the main part, the motive for participating in lesson was:

Slideshow combined with explanations and questions;

Health saving technologies: gymnastics for the eyes smoothly turning into a physical training session combining with the theme;

playing out fairy tales"Turnip"- contributed to the development of initiative in children and independence, relieve tightness and stiffness. So the kids are active in showing fairy tales expressed the state of the character with the help of facial expressions, voice, intonation in the image characteristic features heroes. Actively participated in the preparation fairy tales.

At the final stage, the children were asked to remember in which fairy tales they visited, What the most important thing in Russian folk tales what they were interested in and remembered the most. The participation of each child was marked by praise, a positive assessment. At the end classes children received coloring pages with heroes as a gift Russian folk tales.

Outcome classes Reflection was held for the guys in a playful way, for themselves, to reveal the mood of the children at the end classes.

Target classes reached children have enriched knowledge about Russian folk tales, their main characters

The use of the above methods contributed to the classes in a comfortable emotionally colored environment. Throughout children were active interested.

Duration classes meets the standards.

Conclusion: the tasks set, in my opinion, were completed.

Introspection of an extracurricular activity

"Game-quiz" Round dance of fairy tales " with students in grades 1 and 3.

Children's fairy tales are not just fictional stories that are interesting to the child, but also an excellent tool for psychotherapy that helps to correct the child's behavior and solve it. psychological problems. Fairy tales have a bewitching effect on the child, captivating him with the thread of the story to unknown countries along with fairy-tale characters. Children take the fairy tale for granted, which does not cause them any criticism or discussion.

This extra-curricular activity belongs to a series of classes on the moral education of children in elementary school.

Lesson form: non-traditional - "Game-quiz".

This form of conducting a lesson significantly increases the motivation for learning, the effectiveness and productivity of educational activities, ensures the work of the entire group, allows students to reveal their abilities, “liberate” thinking.

For both first graders and third graders, playing is important! According to doctors and psychologists, a healthy child is a child who is in a good mood, who speaks well, communicates calmly and… plays well. The game is a means of self-disclosure, and it is very important for a child to be able to freely express his inner world. For him, the game is a peculiar way of communicating with the outside world.

This lesson applies to type complex application of knowledge and methods of activity.

This lesson is based on method emotional immersion, which best contributes to the implementation of the main task of education: the activation of creativity in students through imagination and fantasy.

In preparing for the lesson, we took into account the age and individual characteristics of students: a high interest in reading, general educational skills and abilities developed at a sufficient level, a fairly high motivation, which was stimulated by the non-traditional form of the lesson.

General didactic goal: development of skills to independently apply knowledge and transfer to new conditions.


Creation of conditions for the formation reading skills, to generalize and systematize knowledge about fairy tales;

Development of reader's memory, attention, creative thinking;

Raising the desire for independent reading through the opportunity to show their knowledge and compare it with the knowledge of other students;

Facilitate the integration of students of different age groups.

Our Chosen Methods corresponded to the tasks of the lesson, the nature and content of the educational material, the level of knowledge, skills and abilities of students. Thus, verbal methods were used: explanation, questions, dramatization; visual methods: visual presentation, slide show; practical; partially exploratory, methods of stimulating the motives of interest in learning: cognitive tasks.

Forms of organization of activitiesat the lesson: frontal, group and steam room. The activity of students at different stages of the lesson was high.

First there was a warm-up. Then tasks for thinking alternated with tasks for memory, movement, and quick wits.

During last job- drawing the fairy tale "Kolobok in a new way", the students were once again convinced that good always triumphs over evil. That we love fairy tales because in them the wishes of the heroes are always fulfilled. That fairy tales help us communicate better in life.

At every stage of the game students were asked to evaluate their activity and creative findings. At primary school age, the process of self-formation of the personality begins due to the development of the structures of the child's consciousness: motivating one's actions, being critical of oneself and others, reflection, self-responsibility, etc. Children have a need for self-esteem, as the basis for the formation of the need to know oneself and their internal position, however, still with an orientation towards the authority of external assessment (the assessment of the teacher).

Psychological atmosphere was friendly in class.

Conclusion: the game was held on a high emotional upsurge, with a high pace. All the assigned tasks were achieved. Meeting with a fairy tale gave children the opportunity to feel new sensations and experience new situations, and this is the best way to get away from the daily routine and boredom. Such light emotional shakes are very useful for the development of the child's psyche and have a beneficial effect on nervous system child.

Self-analysis of the teacher's reading lesson primary school Samoilova L.S.

There are 29 students in the class: 14 boys, 15 girls.

The composition of the class is heterogeneous. A high level of knowledge, a fast productive pace of learning activities, a high and persistent interest in learning tasks are typical for 7 people - 24%. These guys learn the material easily and quickly.

An average level of knowledge, a moderate pace of learning activity, a pronounced and intermittent interest in learning tasks in 62% of students (18 people). These children most often work according to the model, they need repeated explanation.

Low level of knowledge, slow pace of learning activities, low interest in learning tasks - 4 people (17%). These guys do not always fully absorb the material, even after a long workout. 2 students take a second course of study in the 1st grade.

Children in the class are mostly emotional, very mobile, so there is a problem in organizing group and pair work in shifts, since not everyone is ready to listen and hear the opinions of others, to choose the right solution.

Training is conducted according to the teaching materials "School of Russia". Subject area: literacy, reading. This is the tenth lesson in the post-letter period.

Lesson type: A lesson in learning new knowledge.

Subject:“The actions of heroes in the poems of A.L. Barto"

Target: to form the ability to evaluate the actions of heroes on the example of the works of A.L. Barto.


Educational : to acquaint students with the life and work of A.L. Barto and her works, to teach correctly, expressively read poetry, answer questions, evaluate the actions of heroes.

Educational : to develop speech, thinking, memory, cognitive activity, to promote the development of the communicative culture of students.

Educational : to instill a love of reading, to cultivate industriousness, respect for family members, the ability to be responsible for one's actions.

Planned results.

Personal : show interest in the works of A.L. Barto, to navigate the moral content of what is read, to realize the essence of the behavior of the characters, independently draw conclusions, correlate the actions of the characters with moral standards.

subject : predict the content of the work.


Regulatory : formulate the learning objectives of the lesson and strive to fulfill them, exercise self-control; evaluate your performance

cognitive : understand the purpose of reading; moral lessons works.

Communicative : to form the ability to express one's thoughts, answer questions, negotiate, find a common solution, develop the ability to maintain friendly relations with each other during work, respect other people's opinions.

Learning objectives were solved with the help of problematic questions, through a joint search for the wording of the topic, lesson objectives and planning joint activities.

The lesson included several stages.

Organizing time created a positive atmosphere for the lesson. The turning of the sun focused the attention of students on further work.

Actualization of existing knowledge is an important link of the entire lesson, the purpose of which is to repeat the material studied, the skills necessary for the upcoming literary analysis in the lesson.

At the stage of goal-setting and motivation of educational activity, students guessed the author and title of the work according to the assignments, formulated the topic and objectives of the lesson. This stage was extremely clear, visual, understandable to children, memorable and imaginative.

At the stage of assimilation of new knowledge, the story of a previously prepared student about the life of a poetess demonstrated the development of cognitive UUD students (the ability to extract information, analyze and process it, highlight the main thing).

During the primary verification of the assimilation of new knowledge, the work was carried out using activity-type technologies: the organization of research and collective discussion.

At the stage of primary consolidation of new knowledge, students expressively read the poem in pairs.

Creative acquisition of knowledge in a new situation made it possible to introduce students to the poem "Bunny".

Working in groups at this stage contributed to the development leadership qualities the acquisition of communication skills by children.

Examination group work went through the pattern.

When planning group work, I assumed that there would be difficulties in the work of groups, since the students were asked to complete creative task requiring a high degree of independence, but the guys did it.

And the reflection of the lesson showed a vivid emotional perception of the new material.

At the lesson, the activity of students was traced, thanks to the use of various kinds activities that aroused interest and desire in children to complete tasks.

The inclusion of a multimedia presentation in the lesson made it possible to make the lesson rich and illustrative, and also contributed to an increase in motivation for learning activities and interest in the subject.

The whole lesson is based on the activity method of teaching. At all stages, the children were involved in active mental activity. And in order for cognitive interest to become a motive for the active work of students, I posed feasible problems for my students.

She also used other teaching methods and techniques:

Problematic - search;



Methods of mutual control.

Forms of organization: used both traditional forms of work (frontal survey) and interactive ones: work in pairs and groups, research.

I used different technologies:



Problem learning;

Technology for improving general educational skills.


Health saving.

The use of general subject technology makes it possible to form the type of correct reading activity when working with text.

The alternation of activities, the timely holding of physical minutes, specially selected for the topic of the lesson, contributed to the preservation and strengthening of the health of students.

When conducting pair and group work, I set myself the goal of rallying the guys, teaching them to work together, together, listening to the opinions of others, to offer their ideas and draw a common conclusion.

Students acted in different roles: reader, informer, thinker, listener.

During the work, I was an organizer and consultant-facilitator. Communication style - benevolent, democratic.

All three types of activity were present at the lesson: cognitive - the children themselves found solutions to problems; social - children are not indifferent to what is happening around them, they answered questions, exchanged opinions; physical - finger Feedback helps to see the work of each student throughout the lesson.

At all stages, the guys were involved in active thinking and research activities. Various types of control were used: student-student (in group form and work in pairs), self-control, student-teacher.

The development of the information subject-developing environment was facilitated by work in groups. Tasks in groups were differentiated.

In the first grade, there is no grades, so when evaluating work, the colors of the traffic light are used, self-assessment sheets in the form of a table. This allows children to quickly evaluate each stage of the work and see the result of their work throughout the lesson. After the lesson, I collect self-assessment sheets and see how each student worked, what tasks the children completed easily, and

which caused problems. This allows me to take into account the difficulties encountered in preparing for the following lessons.

Throughout the lesson, it was traced: in academic terms - a constant evidence base, in personal terms - the group's help in the implementation of tasks, in emotional terms - positive emotions.

I believe that the lesson achieved its goals, because the tasks stated at the beginning of the lesson were implemented in full.

This is encouraging and sets me up for consistently high learning outcomes, which should be traced in my future activities.
