Full-time training form

course ___1____ semester ___1-2_____

lectures _0__ hour.

practical classes___72____hours.

laboratory work ____-___ hour.

including using MAO lek. ___-__/etc. 6__/lab. _____ hour.

total classroom hours___72_____ hours.

including using MAO ___20__ hour.

independent work __45______ hour.

including preparation for the exam _27_ hour.

control works (number)

coursework / course project ______-____ semester

credit ______1____ semester

exam_____2______ semester

Working programm compiled in accordance with the requirements of the State Educational Standard of Higher Education, approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated 30.03.2015 326

The work program of the discipline was discussed at a meeting of the department social sciences SHGN FEFU. Minutes No. "1" _02 September ____ 2016

Head of the Department _________________________ Kuzina I.G.

Compiled by Professor, Ph.D. __________________ Erokhina L.D.

I. The work program was revised at a meeting of the department:

Protocol dated "_____" ________________

Head of Department _______________________ __________________

(signature) (acting surname)

II. The work program was revised at a meeting of the department:

Protocol dated "_____" _________________ 200 No. ______

Head of the Department _______________________ Kuzina I.G.

(signature) (acting surname)


Master's degree in 39.04.01 Sociology

study profile“Sociology of management”

course title: Gender aspects of management activities

Elective part of Block 1, 4 credits

Instructor: Erokhin L.D. Candidate of philosophical sciences, professor

At the beginning of the course a student should be able

get main theoretical concepts and approaches in understanding and explaining model solutions in gender relation in management;

· the principles of the gender methodology capable of revealing the hidden designs of gender discrimination in management.

learning outcomes:

After completion this course students have to be able to apply methodology of gender researches in the solution of problems of political leadership, labor market, the private sphere of life of men and women, etc..

course description:

The course addresses of key issues: theories of gender roles, features of women "s and men"s leadership, concept of gender asymmetry, principles of gender equality, possibility of permission of the gender conflicts.

The teaching materials on the course provide extensive use of active, creative and interactive lessons, combined with private study in order to create and develop the professional skills of the students.

These teaching materials on the course include the following materials:

1. Course syllabus;

2. Materials for practical training lessons;

3. Materials for students' private study;

4. Test and examination materials;

Main course literature:

1. Gender sociology and psychology. comp. A. V. Alimpiyeva (1)

2. Feminologiya and gender policy: the textbook for higher education institutions / E. M. Zuykova, R. I. Eruslanov; Russian state social university. – M.: Dashkov and Co, 2015. – 306 pages (3)

3. Fenenko Yu. V. Sociology of management : the textbook for students of higher education institutions, students on social and humanitarian specialties. – Electron. textdata. – M.: UNITY-DANA, 2012. – 214 with. – Access mode:

4. Efimenko A. Z. Sociology of management. Part 1: education guidance. – Electron. textdata. – M.: Moscow state construction university, EBS DIA, 2015. – 240 with. – Access mode:

5. Efimenko A. Z. Sociology of management. Part 2: education guidance. – Electron. textdata. – M.: Moscow state construction university, EBS DIA, 2015. – 160 with. – Access mode:

Additional literature

1. Anthology of the gender theory: collection / comp. E. Gapova, A. Usmanov. - Minsk: Pro-pileas, 2000. - 384 with. (2)

2. Belozor F. I. Sociology of management: education guidance. – Electron. textdata. – Saratov: Ouch Pi Er of Media, 2012. – 560 with. – Access mode:

3. Volkov Yu. E. Sociology : the education guidance for undergraduates. – Electron. textdata. – M.: Dashkov and To, 2014. – 398 with. – Access mode:

4. Gender examination of textbooks for the higher school: the collection of articles / under the editorship of O. A. Voronina. – M.: Moscow center of gender researches, 2005. –260 pages (1) of

5. Gender studies and feminology: education guidance / . – M.:: Flint, 2009. – 383 pages (3) of

6. Gender. Culture. society. Sociology of the gender relations: aspects of social anthropology and social work: education guidance / ; Saratov: Saratov state technical university, 2006. – 314 pages (1) of

7. Fundamentals of gender policy (gender studies): the education guidance for higher education institutions. . – M.: Prospect, 2008. – 206 pages (2) of

8. Petrova R. G. Gender studies and feminologiya: the education guidance for higher education institutions. – M.: Dashkov and Co, 2010. – 271 pages (1) of


The work program prepared on the basis of the requirements of the federal state educational standard of higher professional education in the direction of training establishes the minimum requirements for the knowledge and skills of the master and determines the content and types of training sessions and reporting. The discipline "Gender aspects of managerial activity" is included in the variable part, the discipline of choice, the curriculum for preparing students in the field of study 39.04.01 Sociology. The discipline is implemented at the Department of Social Sciences.

The total labor intensity of mastering the discipline is 4_ credit units, _144__ hours. The curriculum provides for practical classes (72 hours), independent work of the student (45 hours). The discipline is implemented on the _1__ course in _1-2__ semesters.

The final forms of knowledge control for masters studying global processes in accordance with the Curriculum are a test and an exam.

The goals of studying the discipline:

The purpose of the course "Gender Aspects of Management" is to master the main theoretical concepts and approaches in understanding and explaining the model of gender equality, and which can and should be presented as a complex interweaving of the whole set social problems in all its originality.

The tasks of studying the discipline:

Masters mastering the theoretical tools accepted in modern sociological science, which allow explaining the logic of constructing gender relations;

Understanding the nature and content of the main gender issues of management;

To reveal the structure and principle of functioning of the mechanisms of gender relations and the possibility of their use as a methodological tool for managerial trajectories;

Reveal the specifics of the manifestation of gender aspects of management in various spheres of public life;

To form the skills to identify and explain the patterns of management of social processes, manifested in gender issues;

Acquire the skills of independent search and analysis of information, critical and constructive attitude to the existing theoretical and methodological approaches to the analysis of modern gender relations; the ability to formulate and defend their own hypotheses, independently find appropriate arguments for this;

To comprehend and evaluate the main ways proposed by science to address the gender aspects of management;

The course is designed to show the features of modern gender relations and problems.

The place of discipline in the structure of the BRI

The discipline "Gender aspects of managerial activity" is logically connected with the disciplines "Modern society in the context of globalization", "Sociology of small groups" and others.

Initial requirements to mastering the discipline

To master the discipline "Gender Aspects of Management", masters use the knowledge, skills and abilities formed in the course of studying the sociological disciplines of the bachelor's program: general sociology, sociology of management, sociology of labor, gender sociology, etc.

The student has the following preliminary competencies:

OK-2 The ability to analyze the main stages and patterns of the historical development of society in order to form a civic position;

GPC-2 Ability for critical perception, generalization, analysis professional information setting a goal and choosing ways to achieve it.

The process of studying the discipline is aimed at the formation of the following competencies:

Code and wording of competence Stages of competence formation
OK-5 the ability to use modern methods and technologies (including information) in professional activities Knows modern methodology, methods and technologies (including information) scientific research and practice in the field of professional activity; the main trends and directions of development of the sphere of their professional activity.
Can analyze modern scientific achievements in the field of methodology and technology; independently study modern methods and technologies and apply them in their own professional activities.
owns developed skills of independent professional activity, the ability to use modern methods and technologies (including informational ones) to improve the level of their own professional qualifications.
OK-7 - knowledge of a foreign language in oral and written form for the implementation of interpersonal, intercultural and foreign language communication Knows the lexical minimum of a foreign language in oral and written form in the volume provided for by the standard; the main grammatical phenomena of the studied language in comparison with the Russian language; rules for the implementation of interpersonal, intercultural and foreign language communication.
Can use the basic lexical and grammatical means of a foreign language in communicative situations of official business and informal communication; understand the content of various types of texts in a foreign language; independently find information about the language being studied from various sources; write abstracts, make messages and reports in a foreign language.
owns a foreign language in oral and written form at a level that allows to carry out the main types of speech activity; various ways of verbal and non-verbal communication in a foreign language environment.
OK-9 - the ability to analyze the main stages and patterns of the historical development of society to form worldview positions Knows the specifics of historical knowledge; the main stages and patterns of the historical development of society; the history of Russia as an integral part of world history, the main socio-economic and political processes of the development of our country and its historical traditions; place of man in the historical process.
Can apply the categorical and conceptual apparatus of historical science, knowledge about the laws of historical development in the process of forming one's own citizenship, in the study of history social work; correctly search for historical information; apply it to solve cognitive, professional problems.
owns historical methods in the analysis of social processes and problems; methods of searching for historical documents and their critical evaluation; methods of historical description and explanation; the skills of a reasoned presentation of one's own point of view on the problems of the history of society.

The program provides for such methods of active learning as: discussion, conference, presentations creative tasks and sociological research.


Lectures are not included in the curriculum.

II. STRUCTURE AND CONTENT OF THE PRACTICAL PART OF THE COURSE 72 hours Interactive forms of learning -


Main literature:

1. Gender sociology and psychology. comp. A.V. Alimpiev (1)

2. Feminology and gender policy: a textbook for universities / E. M. Zuykova, R.I. Yeruslanova; Russian State Social University. – M.: Dashkov i K°, 2015. – 306 p. (3)


4. Fenenko Yu.V. Sociology of management [Electronic resource]: a textbook for university students studying in social and humanitarian specialties. – Electron. text data. – M.: UNITI-DANA, 2012. – 214 p. – Access mode:

5. Efimenko A.Z. Sociology of management. Part 1 [Electronic resource]: tutorial. – Electron. text data. – M.: Moscow State University of Civil Engineering, EBS DIA, 2015. – 240 p. – Access mode:

6. Efimenko A.Z. Sociology of management. Part 2 [Electronic resource]: tutorial. – Electron. text data. – M.: Moscow State University of Civil Engineering, EBS DIA, 2015. – 160 p. – Access mode:

additional literature:

1. Anthology of gender theory: collection / comp. E. Gapova, A. Usmanova. -Minsk: Propylaea, 2000. - 384 p. (2)

2. Belozor F.I. Sociology of management [Electronic resource]: textbook. – Electron. text data. - Saratov: IP Air Media, 2012. - 560 p. – Access mode:

3. Volkov Yu.E. Sociology [Electronic resource]: textbook for undergraduates. – Electron. text data. – M.: Dashkov i K, 2014. – 398 p. – Access mode:

4. Gender expertise of textbooks for high school: collection of articles / ed. O. A. Voronina. - M.: Moscow Center for Gender Studies, 2005. -260 p. (1)

5. Genderology and feminology: textbook / [L. D. Erokhin, A. K. Erokhin, S. V. Kovalenko and others]. - M .: : Flinta, 2009. - 383 p. (3)

6. Gender. Culture. Society. Sociology of gender relations: aspects of social anthropology and social work: textbook / [N. I. Lovtsova, E. R. Yarskaya-Smirnova, A. Yu. Slepukhin and others]; Saratov: Saratov State Technical University, 2006. - 314 p. (1)

7. Fundamentals of gender policy (genderology): textbook for universities. [G. I. Klimantova, M. G. Kotovskaya, N. M. Stepanova and others; under. ed. G. I. Klimantova]. - M.: Perspective, 2008. - 206 p. (2)

8. Petrova R. G. Genderology and feminology: textbook for universities. – M.: Dashkov i K°, 2010. – 271 p. (1)

and software

In the implementation of the educational process are used Information Technology data processing (licensed Microsoft Office software); presentation (Microsoft Office software PowerPoint package); network search engines, electronic library systems (University library on-line, ELS of the publishing house "LAN", ELS "", virtual library "INTUIT", interuniversity electronic and others).


assimilation educational material impossible without the independent work of students. In the course of such work, the content is translated in accordance with the individual style of thinking, methods of cognition, and experience.

Ways of cognition and self-learning are not always adequate to the structure and characteristics of information. Therefore, it seems necessary to provide special training for masters both in the structure of conflictological knowledge and in the methods of its development.

Independent work of the master should begin already at the lecture, and the lecturer is obliged not only to orient students to independent work at lectures, but also to help them develop the most productive methods for searching and mastering information.

The use of this method involves the construction of a seminar as a dialogue between the teacher and students. In the internal dialogue, the masters, together with the teacher, put questions and answer them or fix questions in the abstract for further clarification during independent tasks, individual consultation with the teacher or discussion with other masters, as well as at the seminar.

The following conditions are necessary for the dialogic inclusion of a teacher with masters:

2. the teacher not only recognizes the master's right to his own judgment, but is also interested in it;

3. new knowledge looks true not only because of the authority of the teacher, scientist or textbook author, but also because of the proof of its truth by a system of reasoning;

4. the material of the lecture includes a discussion of different points of view on the solution of educational problems, reproduces the logic of the development of science, its content, shows ways to resolve objective contradictions in the history of science;

5. communication with masters is built in such a way as to lead them to independent conclusions, to make them accomplices in the process of preparation, search and finding ways to resolve contradictions created by the teacher himself;

6. The teacher builds questions to the input material and answers them, raises questions from students and stimulates an independent search for answers to them during the lecture. Ensures that the student thinks with him.

Problematic issues- these are questions, the answer to which is not contained either in the previous knowledge of students, or in the available information presented (writing on the board, tables on the wall, etc.) and which cause intellectual difficulties for students. Problematic issues contain a problem that has not yet been disclosed, an area of ​​the unknown, new knowledge, for the extraction of which some kind of intellectual action is necessary, a certain purposeful thought process.


Classes require a laptop and multimedia projector to demonstrate presentations.

Attachment 1


federal state autonomous educational institution

higher professional education

"Far Eastern Federal University"


By discipline

Gender aspects of managerial activity

Direction of preparation 39.04.01 Sociology

Master's Program "Sociology of Management"

Full-time training form


1. General characteristics of the content of independent work of masters

Studying proccess in higher educational institution is largely based on the independent work of masters, without which it is difficult to fully master the complex program material and learn, and in the future constantly improve the acquired knowledge and skills.

Independent work is extracurricular and is intended for self-acquaintance of the master with certain sections of the course according to the materials recommended by the teacher and preparation for the implementation of individual tasks for the course.

Independent work of masters, provided for by the curriculum, corresponds to a deeper assimilation of the course being studied, forms the skills of research work and focuses on the ability to apply theoretical knowledge in practice.

aim independent work of masters is:

Consolidation, expansion and deepening of knowledge, skills and abilities acquired in the classroom under the guidance of teachers;

The study of additional materials on the studied disciplines and the ability to select the necessary material from various sources;

Education of independence, organization, self-discipline, creative activity, the need for the development of cognitive abilities and perseverance in achieving goals.

The proposed approach to mastering the material enhances the motivation for classroom and extracurricular activities, which provides the necessary level of knowledge in the disciplines studied and improves students' readiness to pass tests and exams.

Independent work of the masters consists of preparing for practical classes, taking notes on recommended sources and studying research literature, writing and defending essays, and preparing for the test.

Some types of independent work of masters, requiring brief special explanations, can be specified in individual consultations with the teacher.

The department draws up and strictly implements schedules of individual consultations to clarify issues that caused difficulties for the masters and provide assistance in performing various tasks, and group consultations are held before the offset.

In the process of performing independent work, it is recommended to be guided by educational, periodic, scientific, technical and reference literature contained in the FEFU library, Internet resources, these guidelines. When performing tasks, special importance is attached to the use of computer technology.

Control over independent work can be carried out in the form of defense of individual works, interviews, discussion of reports, as well as during the examination session and intermediate monitoring, including testing.

Current control is carried out by the teacher in the process of conducting all types of classes. Intermediate control is intended for a practical comprehensive assessment of the development of sections of the course, and is carried out by preparing answers to the questions asked by the teacher by the masters. It is carried out regularly in the form of practical work, tests.

Independent work outside the classroom

It is important for masters to take into account the fact that preparation for practical classes does not mean duplication of lecture material. It is necessary to study the recommended sources, make a brief summary. In addition, some topics require an additional independent creative search for the Master. Insufficiently clear questions should be recorded and addressed to the teacher.

Independent work is usually regulated by the teacher. These can be various tasks, the implementation of which is taken into account in the tests:

a) special tasks for comprehending the material covered (for example, draw up a diagram of the structure of the study; draw up a table of empirical research methods; select illustrations for theoretical provisions, etc.);

b) the study of individual topics or questions from textbooks and additional scientific literature. Since a variety of textbooks and literature are currently used, masters can receive ambiguous and insufficiently complete information. In this situation, it is advisable to provide them with a plan containing all the components of the structure. sociological knowledge;

d) taking notes of primary sources or writing abstracts.

For taking notes or drawing up abstracts, it is advisable to offer separate sections, paragraphs, fragments. It is necessary to give preliminary detailed recommendations on the implementation of such a complex and important work.

Schedule for the implementation of independent work on the discipline "Gender Aspects of Management"

The School of Arts and Humanities trains psychologists, sociologists, philosophers, theologians, historians and journalists, culturologists and designers.

The School of Arts and Humanities offers a list of current areas of study for bachelors and masters, as well as professional retraining and advanced training programs. In accordance with their abilities, talents and interests, an applicant can choose whether to devote his university years to studying the nature of social relations, finding solutions to fundamental philosophical problems or comprehending the logic of historical events, immersing himself in the world of human psychology or engaging in journalistic creativity, culture, and design with enthusiasm.

Whatever direction of preparation of the School of the Humanities the applicant chooses, he can be sure that the courses he is studying will help develop communication skills, creativity, analytical thinking, to form an integral idea of ​​the development of modern society, as well as the social, political and historical features of the cultural landscape.

The leadership of the School pays great attention to the development of international cooperation. Therefore, by enrolling with us, applicants get the opportunity to join the foreign experience of their mentors, go on a foreign internship, participate in grants, competitions and olympiads: the School is ready to assist and support all such initiatives.

The school is rightfully proud of its traditions of classical liberal education (historical education is 90 years old, journalistic education is 50 years old), the high degree of faculty, and the friendly atmosphere in which students are immersed. All this suggests that studying at the School of Humanities will be interesting, and its graduates will have a successful future.



In the discipline "Archaic religions"

Field of study: 033400.62 "Theology"

Form of training: full-time / part-time


In system vocational training practical classes, being an addition to the lecture course, allow you to acquire and improve professional competencies. The content of practical classes and the methodology for their implementation should ensure the development of the student's research activity. In the course of their implementation, conditions are created for the development of scientific thinking and analytical skills of students. Practical exercises allow you to test the knowledge of students, and therefore they act as an important means of sufficiently prompt feedback.

At the lecture, the student reaches a certain level of understanding, i.e. he establishes certain connections and relationships with the phenomena under study, forming still fragile associations and preliminary concepts. Practical exercises are designed to strengthen the formed connections and associations, to deepen and expand the initial ideas.

Objectives of practical classes:

help students systematize, consolidate and deepen theoretical knowledge;

· to teach students how to solve practical problems, to promote the mastery of the skills and abilities of philosophical, ideological, socio-ethical, cultural studies of the activities of religious institutions;

· teach students to carry out scientific analysis of sources (historical documents, confessional literature, etc.);

· to form the desire to continuously learn independently, i.е. master the methods, methods and techniques of self-learning, self-development and self-control.

To achieve these goals, a variety of material is included in the plans of practical classes, which significantly expands and supplements those theoretical positions that were reflected in the lecture course.

Practical classes are conducted with a group and are built as a conversation-discussion on each issue of the plan. The literature indicated in the list for each practical session helps to prepare for the discussion and take into account all possible positions of researchers.


(30 hours, including 8 hours using active learning methods / 12 hours, including 2 hours using active learning methods)

Lesson 1. Introduction to the course "Archaic religions" (5 / 1 hour)

Lesson plan

1. Reconstruction of the "prehistoric" spiritual culture (according to archaeological sources)

2. Main characteristics of mythological consciousness. Mythology and religion: their relationship and differences.

2. Tokarev, S.A. Early forms of religion /S. A. Tokarev; [ed. V. P. Alekseev; comp. I. V. Tarasova]. Moscow: Politizdat, 1990.- 622 p.

Lesson 2. Early Forms of Religious Beliefs (5/1 hour)

Lesson plan


2. Fetishism.

3. Magic. Types and types of magic

4. Animism.

5. Shamanism.

6. Ceremonies


1. Zubov, A. B. History of religion: a course of lectures: book. 1: Prehistoric and non-historical religions /A. B. Zubov. - M. : MGIMO-University Publishing House, 2006.- 435 p.

2. Tokarev, S.A. Early forms of religion /S. A. Tokarev; [ed. V. P. Alekseev; comp. I. V. Tarasova]. M.: Politizdat, 1990. - 622 p.

Lesson 3. Religious systems of the peoples of Western Asia (4/1 hour)

Lesson plan

1. Cosmogony and anthropogony in the religious systems of the peoples of Western Asia.

2. The main characters and plots of the Sumerian-Babylonian pantheon.

3. Worldview texts of Ancient Mesopotamia

Main literature

1. Assyro-Babylonian epic / trans. VC. Shileiko. - St. Petersburg, 2007. - 641 p.

2. From the beginning began. Anthology of Sumerian poetry / transl. V. Afanasyeva. - St. Petersburg, 1997. - 496 p.

3. Reader on the history of the Ancient East / comp. A.A. Vigasin. - M., 1997. - 400 p.

4. Belitsky, M. Sumers. Forgotten world / M. Belitsky. - M .: Nauka, 2000. - 276 p.

5. Vasiliev, L.S. History of Religions of the East / L.S. Vasiliev. - M.: Nauka, 1992. - 416 p.

6. Source study of the history of the Ancient East / ed. A. Vigasina. - M., 1984. - 392 p.

Lesson 4. Religion and mythology ancient egypt(4/2 hours)

Lesson plan

1. Stages and features of the history of ancient Egyptian society.

2. The main systems of cosmogony and cosmology (pre-dynastic period; Heliopolis, Germopol, Memphis).

3.Pantheon: characters and plots.

4. "Book of the Dead". Temple and cult. Sacralization of power

Main literature

1. Kees, G. Mortuary beliefs of the ancient Egyptians: trans. from German / G. Kees. - St. Petersburg: Neva, 2005. - 496 p.

2. Korostovtsev, M.A. Religion of Ancient Egypt./ M.A. Korostovtsev. - St. Petersburg: Neva magazine; Summer Garden, 2000. - 464 p.

3. Monte, P. Egypt of the Ramses./ P. Monte. - M.: Nauka, 1989. - 376 p.

4. Cancer, I.V. Egyptian mythology./ I.V. Crayfish. - St. Petersburg: Neva; Summer Garden, 2000. - 416 p.

Lessons 5-6. Religion and mythology of the ancient Greeks and Romans

(4/2 hours)

Lesson plan

1. Sources for studying the religion of the ancient Greeks and Romans.

2. Folk, Aedic and Orphic Greek religions.

3. Greek mythology.

4.Pantheon of ancient Rome. Holidays, rituals and priesthood. The veneration of the state and the emperor among the ancient Romans

Main literature

1. Kuhn, N.A. Legends and myths of Ancient Greece./ N.A. Kun. - Novosibirsk: Science. Siberian branch, 1992. - 320 p.

2. Nagovitsyn, A.E. Mythology and religion of the Etruscans./ A.E. Nagovitsyn. - M.: Refl - book, 2000. - 496 p.

3. Nilsson, M. Greek folk religion. / M. Nilsson. - St. Petersburg: Aletheya, 1998.

4. Posternak, A.V. History of Ancient Greece and ancient rome in a summary: Textbook./ A. V. Posternak. - M.: PSTBI, 1999. - 192 p.

Lesson 7. Religious representations of the Celts, Germans and Slavs

(4 / 1 hour)

Lesson plan

1. Sources of study

2. Mythology and pantheon.

3. Rites and holidays


1.Illustrated history of religions. In 2 volumes. Vol. 2: India. Jainism. Buddhism. Hinduism. Persians. Rivers. Romans. Balts and Slavs. Germans / Ed. D.P. Chantepie de la Saussay. - M .: Peace Fund, 1992. -528 p.

2. Religious traditions of the world. In 2 vols. T. 2.- M .: Kron-press, 1996. - 640 p.

3. Eliade, M. History of faith and religious ideas. T.1: From the Stone Age to the Eleusinian mysteries. / M. Eliade. - M.: Criterion, 2002. - 464 p.

Lesson 8. History of Zoroastrianism (2/2 hours)

Lesson plan

1. Sacred texts of Zoroastrianism.

2. The evolution of the Zoroastrian creed.

3. Rites and holidays of Zoroastrianism. Rules of ritual purity.

4. Peculiarities of parsism

Main literature

1. Boyes, M. Zoroastrians. Beliefs and customs. / M. Beuys. - M.: Nauka, 1987. - 303 p.

2. Meytarchiyan, M.B. The funeral rite of the Zoroastrians. / M.B. Meytarchiyan-M.: Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 1999. - 243 p.

Lesson 9. Jewish Monotheism (2/2 hours)

Lesson plan

1. Sources of study and periodization of Judaism.

2. Biblical period. Features of the Jewish Bible.

3. Talmudic period. Composition of the Talmud.

4. Rabbinic period. Kabbalah, Yezidism, Hasidism.

5. Modern Judaism: Orthodox, Reformation and Conservative.

6. Rites and holidays of Judaism.

7. Judaism in Russia.

Main literature

1. Shuraki, A. History of Judaism. - M.: AST-Astrel, 2008.- 192 p.


Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution

higher professional education

"Far Eastern Federal University"






in the direction of preparation 48.03.01 "Theology"

Profile "Culture of Orthodoxy"


I. Requirements for the procedure for conducting the state exam

The state exam is a professionally oriented interdisciplinary exam in the direction 48.03.01 "Theology", which establishes the compliance of the graduate's preparedness with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Education.

The program of the state exam was drawn up in accordance with the requirements of the state educational standard in the direction 48.03.01 "Theology" (confessional educational profile - "Christian (Orthodox) Theology"), approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated February 17, 2014 No. 124.

The exam is held orally.

In the process of studying the religious experience accumulated over a long historical period, the monuments of Christian culture, the intellectual and spiritual wealth of the Christian tradition, students develop the ability for independent thinking, mastery of modern methods of analyzing various phenomena of religious life, religious and philosophical problems of human existence and modern civilization. Graduates must have knowledge of the problems of Christian theology, the ability to navigate the history of dogma and institutional forms of religious life, monuments of Christian writing, history and the current state of relations between Christian denominations, modern religious and non-religious interpretations of scientific data, as well as the skills of textual and exegetical analysis of the Bible as the most important doctrinal source of Christian theology.

The purpose of the state exam is to test the student's general scientific, general professional and profile-specialized competencies, knowledge of the basic sections of theology, understanding of scientific tasks and problems in the field of professional activity. The state exam program is built on a complex principle, that is, it involves consideration of specific issues and problems in the context of the entire system of theological knowledge. On the state exam the student must:

Show the place of a particular issue in the system of theological knowledge;

be able to identify the structure of the question;

Show an understanding of the theological issues of the issue;

be able to justify the stated theses, that is, to confirm them with references to the basic texts and the necessary facts; if necessary, build logical justifications;

know the key events and names related to the topic of the question, as well as be able to explain the most important terms used in the answer;

· have an idea of ​​the current state of scientific development of the issue;

· have an idea about the actualization of the problem in the modern life of the Orthodox Church.

In terms of general fundamental readiness, a bachelor in theology meets the following requirements:

· has a holistic view of the processes and phenomena occurring in the spiritual life;

· capable of self-learning upon completion of the training program, capable of acquiring new knowledge;

· owns the basics of scientific analysis and forecasting of various phenomena and processes in the field of spiritual culture.

Questions submitted for the state exam are compiled according to the content of the following disciplines of the basic and optional parts:

B1.B.26. History of the ancient Christian Church

B1.B.19. History of Christian literature and patristics

B1.B.27. History of the Russian Orthodox Church

B1.B.22. Dogmatic theology

B1.V.OD.5. Comparative theology

B1.C.OD.2. Introduction to Old Testament Exegesis

B1.C.OD.3. Introduction to New Testament Exegesis

B1.V.OD.10. History of Western Christianity

The following layout of questions in exam tickets is proposed:

The first question on the discipline "Dogmatic theology".

The second question on one of the disciplines: "History of the ancient Christian Church", "History of Christian writing and patristics"; "Comparative Theology"; "A History of Western Christianity".

The third question is about the disciplines "Introduction to the exegesis of the Old Testament" or "Introduction to the exegesis of the New Testament", since the Bible is the most important source of Christian theology.

The procedure for passing the exam includes preparation on ticket questions (up to 60 minutes) and the graduate's answer to ticket questions and questions asked by SEC members (up to 30 minutes).

No more than 5 students can be in the classroom at the same time.

Decisions of the SEC are taken at closed meetings by a simple majority of votes of the members of the commission participating in the meeting, with the obligatory presence of the chairman of the commission or his deputy. In case of an equal number of votes, the chairman of the commission (or the deputy chairman of the commission replacing him) has the right of a casting vote.

The results of state exams conducted orally are announced on the day they are held, after the protocols of the meetings of the examination commissions are drawn up in the prescribed manner.

Students who have received an unsatisfactory grade in the state exam are not allowed to continue passing the final certification tests, and on the basis of the protocol of the state examination committee, the explanatory note of such a student (the act of the impossibility of obtaining an explanation from the student) and the submission of the EP administrator are subject to expulsion from FEFU.

The graduate must show:

1. knowledge in the field of the history of Christianity (the main stages in the history of the Christian Church (ancient Christian Church; Russian Orthodox Church; Western Christianity);

2. knowledge in the field of fundamental positions of the Christian dogma; differences between Orthodox, Catholic and Protestant creeds and cult practices;

3. knowledge in the field of biblical studies and the history of Christian literature and patristics;

4. skills and abilities to apply the foundations of this knowledge in the analysis and forecasting of trends in the development of religious culture in modern world in Russia and abroad;

5. possession of methods and techniques of specific research in the field of religion, including comparative and retrospective, practical skills in collecting and analyzing information about the religious life of society.



The concept of apophatic and cataphatic theology. The content of the doctrine of the essence of God. Ontological (apophatic) and kataphatic (spiritual) properties of the being of God.

About God, one in essence. The concept of the nature (essence) of God. The concept of apophatic and cataphatic theology. The doctrine of the being of God. Ontological or apophatic properties of the being of God: originality, immutability, eternity, immeasurability and omnipresence. The content of the doctrine of the essence of God. Cataphatic or spiritual properties (names) of God: wisdom, reason, omniscience; omnipotence; all-bliss; goodness, love, mercy; holiness and light: truth.

The doctrine of God as the Creator of the world. Motivation, purpose and perfection of creation. Creation of man. The duality of human nature. composition of human nature. Appointment of a person. The state of man before the fall.

The general doctrine of God the creator of the world. Views on the origin of the world in non-Christian concepts. The essence of the Christian doctrine of the origin of the world. The participation of all the Persons of the Holy Trinity in the work of creation. Motivation and purpose of creation. The perfection of creation. The order of creation of the world and the main types of creation. Creation of the invisible and angelic world.

Human Origins. Origin from Adam and Eve of the entire human race. Darwinism. Pre-Adamism. Polygenism. Marriage. God-established way of reproduction of people. Opinions about the origin of souls: the pre-existence of souls, an opinion about the creation of souls, an opinion about the birth of souls. The value of the body in the composition of human nature. The essential difference between the soul and its independence from the body or spirituality. Soul and spirit. Trichotomy and dichotomy. Properties of the human soul: independence of the soul, spirituality of the soul, reasonableness of the soul, freedom, immortality. Appointment of a person. The Necessity of God's Providence for Primordial Man. His actions. Primitive state of man. Bliss of the forefathers in paradise.

Teaching about the Savior Jesus Christ. The Eternal Council of the Most Holy Trinity on the salvation of the human race. Teaching about the Face of the Savior. The Lord Jesus Christ as true God and true man. The sinlessness of Jesus Christ.

The content of the doctrine of God the Savior. Eternal Council of the Holy Trinity. (The eternity of this decision. The participation of the Persons of the Holy Trinity. The significance for us of the Pre-eternal Council of God). Testimonies of Holy Scripture about Jesus Christ as true God and true man. The sinlessness of the Lord Jesus Christ. The difference between Christ and man. Docetism: material and formal. Arianism.

Unity of the Hypostasis of the Lord Jesus Christ. The Hypostasis of the Lord Jesus Christ as the Hypostasis of the Word. The image of the hypostatic union in Christ of two natures. The meaning of the terms "inseparable" and "unchanging or immutable", "inseparable" and "inseparable".

The Meaning of the Term "Hypostasity" in the Doctrine of the Hypostasis in the Lord Jesus Christ. Hypostasis of the Lord Jesus Christ. Disclosure of Oros IV Ecumenical Council.

The concept of redemption. Legal theory of atonement. 20th century theories of redemption: moral and organic. The high priestly ministry of Jesus Christ: a propitiatory sacrifice to God. Sacrifice on the Cross. Restoration of the union between God and man. Saving fruits of Christ's sacrifice.

Etymology of the word "redemption". Atonement in Holy Scripture. Orthodox tradition about redemption. Legal theory of atonement. The moral theory of redemption. "Organic" theory of redemption.

The High Priestly Service of the God-Man: a propitiatory sacrifice to God. Restoration of the union between God and man, destroyed by sin. Saving fruits of Christ's sacrifice. Its significance in relation to the consequences of the fall, the bestowal of the fullness of blessings.

The Kingship of Jesus Christ. The manifestation of the kingship of Jesus Christ in the days of humiliation. Miracles of the Savior. The prophetic ministry of Jesus Christ. Gospel Law of Faith. Gospel law of activity.

The Kingship of Christ. The manifestation of the royal ministry (power) of Jesus Christ in the days of humiliation. Miracles as an explanation and justification of his teaching, as an omen of a future life. Evidence of the divine mission and dignity of Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ as a prophet. Gospel Law of Faith. Gospel law of activity. Fulfillment of the Old Testament. Messianic places of the Old Testament. Prophecies of Jesus Christ.

Teaching about God the Holy Spirit. The necessity of Divine help for people to assimilate the salvation that is given to them in Christ and by Christ. The sending of the Holy Spirit and His work for our salvation. Revelation teaching about grace. The participation of the Persons of the Most Holy Trinity in the distribution of saving grace.

The need for grace in order for people to assimilate the salvation that is given in and by Christ. The Descent of the Holy Spirit and Its Significance in Man's Salvation. The Teaching of Holy Scripture on Grace. The meaning of the word "grace". Grace as a property of the being of God. Grace is the power of God. Participation of the Divine Persons in the distribution of grace.

Kinds of grace. Special Gifts of Grace. The relation of grace to freedom. Grace in advance. The Importance of Faith and Good Works in Salvation. Grace that preserves and restores spiritual life. The necessity of the Church in the work of sanctification.

Kinds of grace. Prevenient grace, its actions. The Need for Saving Faith for Conversion. The value of faith and good works in the salvation of man. Grace that restores and preserves spiritual life. Necessity for the work of sanctification and salvation of the Church.

24. The concept of the Church of Christ. Church of Christ on earth. Church images. Jesus Christ is the founder of the Church. Purpose of the Church. Essential properties of the true Church of Christ: Unity, Holiness, catholicity, Apostleship.

The concept of the Church of Christ. Images of the Church in the Bible and patristic writings. Foundation of the Church by Jesus Christ, its purpose. Christological and pneumatological aspects of the Church.

Essential properties of the true Church of Christ. Unity of the Church. Holiness of the Church. Conciliarity of the Church. Apostleship of the Church.

Mystery of repentance. Establishment of the Mystery. External and internal action of the sacrament of repentance. condition for the forgiveness of sins. Mystery of the Unction. Establishment of the Mystery. External and internal action of the Sacrament.

Definition of the sacrament of Penance and its establishment. Preparation for the Sacrament of Penance. Conditions for the Sacrament. Form of confession and meaning. Mystery of the Unction. Biblical Foundations of the Sacrament of Unction. Outer side of the Sacrament.

Eucharist. Establishment of the Mystery. The change of bread and wine in the Sacrament of the Eucharist. The image of the stay of the Lord Jesus Christ in the Holy Gifts. The relation of the Eucharist to the Calvary sacrifice. Necessity of Communion of the Holy Mysteries.

Meaning and Significance of the Sacrament of the Eucharist. Differences between the Orthodox teaching on the Sacrament of the Eucharist and the Catholic; Protestant. Establishment of the Sacrament of the Eucharist. Conditions for the celebration of the Sacrament of the Eucharist. Conditions for participation in the Sacrament. The Eucharist as a Sacrament of the Church. Connection of the Sacrament of the Eucharist with other Sacraments. Transubstantiation (transposition) of bread and wine in the Sacrament. Relation of the Sacrament of Thanksgiving to the Calvary Sacrifice. Necessity and Salvation of Communion.

About God as the Judge and Recipient for each person in particular. Death of the body and immortality of the soul. Private court. Retribution after a private trial. The state of the souls of the righteous and the souls of sinners after a private judgment. Church prayers for the dead.

About God as the Judge and Recipient for each person in particular. Death of the body and immortality of the soul. Private court and bribes after it. The state of the souls of sinners and the righteous after a private judgment. Prayers of the Church for the dead. Criticism objections against. Church discipline in prayers for the dead. The afterlife of babies. Roman Catholic doctrine of purgatory.

About God as the Judge and the Recipient for the entire human race. Second Coming of Christ. Antichrist, the time of his coming, wrestle him with the Kingdom of Christ and defeat him from the Lord. Resurrection of the dead. Changing living. End of the world. Universal Court. Opening of the Kingdom of Glory. The state of the righteous and the state of the condemned.

About God as Judge for the whole human race. The doctrine of the second coming of Jesus Christ, the uncertainty of his time and the signs of his coming. The time of the coming of the Antichrist. The battle of the Antichrist with the Kingdom of Christ. The direction of events in the world for the salvation of the human race. Second Coming of Christ. Resurrection of the dead, reality and universality. Simultaneous resurrection of the dead. Changing living. End of the world. Universal Court. Its reality and mode of accomplishment. The end of the grace-filled Kingdom of Christ and the opening of the Kingdom of Glory. Falsity of chiliasm. Blessed state of the righteous. Degrees and eternity of their blessedness. condition of the convicts. The degrees and eternity of their torments.



39. Bible. The concept of inspiration. Structure of the Greek and (Slavonic) Bible. The number of books of the Bible and their division by content. Translations. Translation of LXX and its meaning. Formation of the canon of Holy Scripture. The main types of interpretation of the Holy Scriptures (with examples). Basic themes and methods of biblical studies.

The concept of Holy Scripture. The name of the composition of the sacred books: the Bible, the Old and New Testament. The origin of the Bible and its significance in the life of a Christian. The concept of the inspiration of Holy Scripture. The uniqueness, popularity, vitality of the Bible as a book. The division of the sacred books according to the time of writing into the Old Testament and the New Testament. Number of books of the Old Testament. Their location in the Greek, Slavic and Hebrew Bibles. The division of the books of the Old Testament according to their content into law-positive, historical, instructive, prophetic. Major translations of the Holy Scriptures. The LXX Translation and Its Significance for the Church. Formation and approval of the canon of Holy Scripture.

Different types of meaning of Holy Scripture: literal meaning and mysterious meaning (types, parable, apologist, vision, symbol). Ways of explaining the Holy Scripture, borrowed from the Holy Scripture itself and from auxiliary sources. Context, parallel passages, originals and translations. The Church as the main authority in the interpretation of the Holy Scriptures. Significance of Holy Tradition for the interpretation of the text of Holy Scripture. Data from various sciences to understand the meaning of Holy Scripture. Old Testament exegesis. Traditional Jewish Exegesis. Christian exegesis. Interpreters. The main types of interpretation of the Holy Scriptures (literal, allegorical, anagogical, tropological).

40. Book of Genesis. Structure. Summary and main idea.

Author, time, purpose of writing the book of Genesis. Summary and main idea. Biblical story of the creation of the world. Creation of man. The stay of people in paradise. The fall of Adam and Eve and its consequences. The main stages of spiritual and moral development and formation of the Old Testament humanity. History of antediluvian mankind. Children of Adam. Flood. Noah and his family. History of the Babylonian pandemonium. The patriarchal period in the history of the Jewish people, from the election of patriarch Abraham to the death of patriarch Joseph (19-17 centuries BC).


Sermon on the Mount.

Sermon on the Mount by the Evangelists Matthew and Luke. The beatitudes are the "golden chain of virtues". Jesus Christ and the Law. Law of love. About charity, prayer and fasting. About relations with the world. About non-judgment of the neighbor. Golden Rule. Two ways.


64. The subject of patristics. The concept of "holy fathers of the Church". Early patristics. Apostolic men. Sts. Clement of Rome, Ignatius the God-bearer. Early Christian Apologists. Shmch. Justin the Philosopher and others.

Subject and object of patristics. The concept of "holy fathers of the Church". Early patristics. The life and works of apostolic men: St. Clement, Ep. Roman; ssmch. Polycarp, Ep. Smirnsky; holy Ignatius, Ep. Antioch. Early Christian apologists and their creations. svshm. Justin the Philosopher, Tatian, Athenagoras, ep. Theophilus of Antioch, Hermias the philosopher, and others.




1. Religious studies. Scientific and theoretical journal

2. Religion and law. Information and analytical journal.

3. State, religion, church in Russia and abroad

4. Bulletin of the Moscow University. Series 7. Philosophy

5. Bulletin of the Moscow University. Episode 8

6 people. Popular science illustrated magazine

7. Vestnik PSTGU. Series History, history of the Russian Orthodox Church

8. Vestnik PSTGU. Series Theology, Philosophy

9. Questions of history

10. Questions of philosophy

11. Domestic history

12. Proceedings of the Department ancient Russian literature



by discipline

"History of national journalism"

031300 - "Journalism"


Index of some periodicals

hell mail- monthly literary magazine F. Emin, 1769

Apollo- illustrated magazine on fine arts, music, theater and literature, 1909-1917

Arguments and Facts is a daily socio-political newspaper founded in 1978

Library for reading- classic "thick" encyclopedic journal of the 19th century, founded by Smirdin, editor O. Senkovsky, 1834–1864

Vedomosti- the first Russian printed newspaper, founded by Peter I, 1702-1727

Herald of Europe– magazine 1802–1830

Herald of Europe (II)- liberal magazine founded by M. Stasyulevich, 1866–1918

Scales- scientific-literary and critical-bibliographic journal, the main organ of Russian symbolism, 1904-1909

evening dawn- Masonic magazine published by N. Novikov, 1781

Vladivostok, the first newspaper of Vladivostok, 1883–1906

Around the world- popular science and regional studies magazine, founded in 1861

Time- magazine of the Dostoevsky brothers, 1861-1863

all sorts of things- a weekly satirical magazine published by Catherine II, 1769

Gubernskie Vedomosti- the general name of the network of official publications (newspapers) in the province that existed from 1838 to 1917

Children's Reading for the Heart and Mind, the first children's magazine in Russia, published by N. Novikov in 1785–1789

Ancient Russian Vivliofika- the first Russian historical journal published by N. Novikov, 1773-1775, 1787-1791

Monthly essays, for the benefit and amusement of employees, the first Russian journal, published at the Academy of Sciences in 1755–1764

Painter, weekly satirical magazine N. Novikov, 1772

Star- Soviet monthly literary magazine, published since 1924

The Golden Fleece - monthly art and literary-critical magazine, 1906-1909

News- Socio-political and business Soviet newspaper, founded in 1918

Spark- a revolutionary illegal newspaper founded by V.I. Lenin, 1900–1905

Bell- A. Herzen's newspaper

TVNZ- originally a newspaper of the Central Committee of the All-Union Leninist Young Communist League, founded in 1925

a red star- daily newspaper of the Ministry of Defense of the USSR (RF), founded in 1924

Red nov, a literary-artistic and critical-journalistic journal, created with the participation of V.I. Lenin and A.M. Gorky, one of the editors in the 1930s. was A. Fadeev, 1921–1942

Crocodile- Soviet weekly humorous magazine, 1922-2002

Culture and life, newspaper of the Propaganda and Agitation Department of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks, 1946-1951

Leningrad- Soviet thin literary magazine, 1940-1946

LEF, a magazine of futurists, in which V.V. Mayakovsky, 1923–1925

Fashion monthly- the first Russian women's magazine published by N. Novikovs, 1779

Sea collection

Moskovskie Vedomosti– official newspaper, 1756–1917

Moscow magazine- literary magazine N. Karamzin, 1791-1792

Moscow sheet- daily city newspaper, founded in 1881

Moscow Telegraph- a two-week encyclopedic journal by N. Polevoy, 1825–1834

in a literary position– literary-critical magazine

At the post– literary-critical magazine, 1923–1925

Independent newspaper

Niva- the most popular "thin" illustrated weekly of tsarist Russia, the publication of A.F. Marx, 1870–1918

New monthly essays- scientific and literary journal of the Academy of Sciences, 1786–1796

New LEF- Futurist magazine, edited by V. Mayakovsky, 1927–1929

New world- monthly literary and art magazine, founded in 1925

new time- A. Suvorin's newspaper, a sample of high-quality press of the 19th - early 20th centuries, 1876-1917

spark- weekly illustrated magazine, founded by S. Propper, renewed by M. Koltsov, 1899-1918, 1923 - to the present.

Domestic notes, encyclopedic journal, 1818–1884

Petersburg penny

Useful entertainment- moral and religious magazine, 1760-1762

polar Star, almanac of the Decembrists, 1823–1825

North Star (II), magazine (almanac) A. Herzen, 1855–1868

Spirit Mail, literary magazine I.A. Krylova, 1790

Truth, a political newspaper created by V.I. Lenin in 1912

Government Gazette- official newspaper Russian Empire, 1869–1918

Speech- political newspaper, the central organ of the constitutional democratic party, editor P.N. Milyukov, 1906–1917

Russian newspaper- the official press organ of the government of the Russian Federation, established in 1990

Russkiye Vedomosti- socio-political newspaper, 1863-1918

Russian messenger– political and literary magazine by M. Katkov, an example of the conservative press, 1856–1906

Russian invalid- military newspaper, 1813-1917

Russian wealth– populist magazine, 1876–1918

Russian banner, newspaper of the Black Hundreds, editor A. Dubrovin, 1905–1917

Russian word - daily Moscow newspaper, 1895-1918

Sankt-Peterburgskie Vedomosti, official newspaper, 1727–1917

St. Petersburg Scientific Vedomosti, the first journal of criticism and bibliography, published by N. Novikov, 1777

Satyricon– popular weekly satirical magazine, 1908–1913

northern bee- popular newspaper F.V. Bulgarina, 1825–1864

Mixture, satirical magazine, 1769

Soviet Russia- newspaper of the Central Committee of the CPSU, founded in 1956

Contemporary- a journal founded by A.S. Pushkin, 1836–1866

USSR in construction- Soviet illustrated magazine of news and propaganda, 1930–1941, 1949

son of the fatherland- historical and political journal N. Grech, 1812–1852

Telescope- encyclopedic journal N. Nadezhdin, 1831–1836

Work- Soviet newspaper, founded in 1921

industrious bee- the first private magazine in Russia, published monthly in 1759, publisher A. Sumarokov

Drone- weekly satirical magazine N. Novikov, 1769-1770

morning light- a moral and religious monthly magazine published by N. Novikov, 1777–1780

economic store- A. Bolotov's magazine, published by N. Novikov in 1780–1789

name index

Agranovsky A.A.

Agranovsky A.D.

Agranovsky V.A.

Amfiteatrov A.V.

Belinsky V.G.

Bulgarin F.V.

Burenin V.P.

Herzen A.I.

Gilyarovsky V.A.

Grech N.I.

Doroshevich V.M.

Catherine II

Ilf I.A.

Karamzin N.M.

Katkov M.N.

Koltsov M.E.

Krylov I.A.

Lenin V.I.

Lomonosov M.V.

Menshikov M.O.

Miller G.F.

Milyukov P.N.

Nekrasov N.A.

Nemirovich-Danchenko V.I.

Nenashev M.F.

Novikov N.I.

Ovechkin V.V.

Peter I

Petrov E.P.

Pisarev D.I.

Pobedonostsev K.P.

Pushkin A.S.

Saltykov-Shchedrin M.E.

Senkovskiy O.I.

Simonov K.M.

Suvorin A.S.

Sumarokov A.P.

Sytin I.D.

Tvardovsky A.T.

Chernyshevsky N.G.

Chekhov A.P.

Emin F.A.

Ehrenburg I.G.


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