Getting an education in Singapore has long been considered prestigious among numerous foreign students, including Russians. Successful studies in numerous educational institutions will make it easy to find a prestigious job in the most famous companies.

This young state gained independence in the middle of the twentieth century. In a short period of time, the country has reached a high level of development. Modern Singapore is not only futuristic landscapes and the severity of local laws. This is one of the most attractive training centers for young people from all over the world.

Education programs in Singapore and prices

Early childhood education in Singapore

feature preschool education the absence of public kindergartens is considered. A small part of the organizations is run by religious and business institutions. Preschools accept children from three years. The program includes counting, reading, modeling, music. Preschoolers are taught English and state languages.

Secondary school education in Singapore

The secondary education system includes schools, colleges and technical schools. The child moves to the middle level at the age of six years. Students go through elementary, intermediate and pre-university levels.

Free Primary School a must for all Singaporeans. From grades 1 to 4, the main level lasts. Then the orientation stage lasts for 2 years. In the initial stage program: civics, English, natural sciences, music, mathematics, drawing, as well as state languages. Additionally, children can attend aesthetic classes and a gym. Upon completion of the initial stage, a PSLE ​​certificate is issued.

High school education begins at the age of 12. Based on the results of the primary level exams, study groups, each of which has its own course:

  • academic;
  • technical;
  • express;
  • special;
  • integrated program.

Graduates of special and express courses are eligible to enter junior colleges. Receive technical education can be in technical schools and polytechnics. The choice of direction is possible if there is a certain certificate of A-, O- or N-level, which is issued after the end of the middle stage. The next step is preparing for the university.

How to enter the university

specificity educational system small state is a meritocracy. This is a social structure in which a place in society depends on personal achievements and abilities, and not on solvency or origin.

Gifted young people have the right to enter the university without passing the entrance exams. Graduates of technical schools and incomplete colleges are required to provide the selection committee with information about their academic performance. In most cases, additional courses are required. Graduate high school must provide an A-level certificate. The applicant takes additional exams at the request of the admission committee.

Higher education in Singapore

System higher education in Singapore not only gives the student the necessary knowledge, but also encourages him to further development. The country has:

  1. Independent Universities. After completing specialized courses, the graduate receives a diploma or an academic degree.
  2. National Universities. People come here to get bachelor's or master's degrees.
  3. Polytechnic institutes. People come to these educational institutions for practical knowledge. Students learn only the skills necessary for a successful start to work.
  4. Technical university(Nanyang Technological University, the only one in the state).

Notable Universities in Singapore

  1. National University of Singapore(NUS, National University Singapore). The largest university in Singapore. It takes 1st place in the national ranking and 12th place in the world ranking. Known as the largest research center.
  2. Nanyang Technological University(Nanyan University of Technology). Offers the study of engineering, design, etc. Internships are provided. You can get knowledge in full-time and part-time form.
  3. Singapore Management University(Singapore Management University). The university includes schools of law, economics, business, etc.
  4. SIM University(also known by the abbreviated name UniSIM). Founded in 2005. Included in the top ten universities in the national ranking.
  5. University of Nevada Las Vegas Singapore. It is among the 40 best universities in the state. The main building is located in Singapore, the capital of the country.
  6. Singapore University of Technology and Design(SUTD, Singapore University of Technology and Design). The state higher educational institution was founded in 2009. A year of study costs about $17,000.
  7. Temple University Singapore. Takes 39th place in the national ranking. The main building is located in the capital of the state.
  8. Curtin University Singapore. Ranked among the top 40 higher education educational institutions countries.
  9. University of New South Wales Asia. Is in number 50 top universities Singapore.
  10. James Cook University Singapore(Singapore James Cook University). Founded in 2003.

Bachelor's, Master's, PhD

Studying at a university in Singapore includes 3 stages:

  1. Undergraduate. The applicant takes an English exam, SAT 1 and SAT 2 tests. The first part of the test involves passing mathematics, spelling and reading. The second part of the test depends on the chosen institution.
  2. Master's degree. If the bachelor decided to get additional knowledge in the chosen specialty, he enters the master's program. Exams vary by university. The organization has the right to annually revise the list of entrance examinations.
  3. Doctorate. There are no uniform requirements for admission to doctoral studies. Each institution has its own rules.

Education in Singapore for Russians

Documents must be submitted 2-3 months before the start school year. The application is submitted on the organization's website along with scans of all the necessary documentation translated into English. Upon admission, a Russian applicant passes all the same tests as an applicant of any other state.

After submitting the application, the prospective student receives registration number in the SOLAR system. The applicant must then fill out an application for student visa(Student's Pass Unit). The application is considered for about two weeks. The cost of the service is SGD 90.

Foreigners are rarely denied a visa. However, the student will be forced to adhere to strict rules, non-compliance with which entails deportation:

  1. You can skip no more than 10% of the lectures.
  2. The educational process should last at least fifteen hours a week.
  3. A student visa does not allow you to officially work.

Tuition fees in Singapore

The higher the prestige of the organization, the higher the price. visit kindergarten will cost up to 1 thousand dollars annually. The price of the middle stage is 1-3 thousand dollars per month. The cost of pre-university education is from $700 to $17,000 annually. Undergraduate programs cost between $10,000 and $32,000 per year. For a master's degree, you will have to pay from 15 to 42 thousand dollars annually. English courses cost 2 thousand dollars for 4 weeks.

Additionally, you need to pay (up to 3 thousand dollars) accommodation, medical insurance, food, utilities, public transport, stationery and books.

Free education options

You can get higher education both on a paid and free basis. Students from Singapore do not pay for their studies poor families. Thanks to special government programs, excellent students get the opportunity to study at the budget department. Students who qualify for the FAS program are also exempt.

Some employers are interested in getting a specialist trained taking into account the specifics of the company. In this case, the future employer pays for the university course to the most promising students. Any talented student, regardless of their nationality, can receive financial assistance from a Singaporean company. The organization providing funding will require the specialist to sign the contract. The graduate will be required to work for several years at the company that sponsored him.

In order to partially cover the costs, it is necessary to submit documents to the institution offering scholarship programs. The country has a system of subsidizing undergraduate and graduate students. In some universities, only citizens of Asian countries can enter the budget department.

Language classes

Teaching for foreigners in most cases is carried out in English. If the applicant studied the language at home, it is necessary to provide a certificate confirming his language competence. It is advisable to take a course in a certain direction: English for marketers, businessmen, engineers, etc. You can sign up for courses at the university or at one of the language schools.

Study for Russians after 11th grade

It is impossible for Russians to start their studies in Singapore right after the 11th grade. Before admission, the applicant undergoes a preparatory program at the university, lasting up to 10 months. Upon admission to the magistracy, a motivation letter, recommendations from employers (if you have work experience) and teachers, results or a notarized translation of the diploma are required.

Studying in little Singapore has many advantages. However, a foreigner must also take into account the shortcomings of the educational system, which create certain difficulties for a citizen of another state.


(National University of Singapore, abbreviated as NUS) is the oldest and largest public university in Singapore, both in terms of the number of students and the number of study programs offered by the university. The university has three campuses. The main one is located in the south-west of the country's capital - Singapore, in the Kent Ridge area, the other two - in the towns of Bukit Timah and Outrem.

The National University of Singapore consistently ranks among the top universities in the world. So, according to the results for 2017, he entered the top 15 World University Rankings according to QS University Rankings, and also won the 43rd place in the Best Global Universities Rankings according to the American edition of US News.

Every year, the National University of Singapore hosts up to 26,000 students from all over the world. Representatives of various nationalities, cultures and religions come here for a quality education that meets world standards and a diploma quoted all over the world, which opens up the possibility of successful employment in companies of any state for university graduates.

In addition, the student center of the National University of Singapore invites you to actively express yourself in non-academic activities. In their free time, students can do volunteer work, play in the theater, play sports or dance. The presence of sports grounds, concert halls and rooms in the student center, as well as experienced teachers will help make university life even more interesting, contributing to the most complete, multilateral development personal qualities students.

Education programs at the National University of Singapore

Today the National University of Singapore offers 27 educational programs undergraduate and 115 master's programs, as well as the opportunity to get a doctoral degree, take summer educational courses and take part in an exchange program with partner universities.

Education at the university is built according to the British principle - students study in small groups, the teacher devotes a lot of time to each of them, usually no more than 4-5 disciplines are studied during one semester.

Within the walls of the university you can get an education in one of the following areas:

  • Architecture;
  • Arts and Humanities;
  • Industrial Design;
  • Music;
  • Business;
  • Information Technology;
  • The medicine;
  • Dentistry;
  • pharmaceuticals;
  • Jurisprudence;
  • Management;
  • Natural Sciences;
  • Construction;
  • Engineering.

A feature of NUS is the possibility of simultaneous study at different faculties according to the program double degree and obtaining the so-called double diploma. The Double Degree Program allows students to receive degree simultaneously in two disciplines. As a result, a graduate of this program will become a universal specialist in demand in the labor market. At the same time, studying under the Double Degree program will take much less time than mastering two specialties separately. However, you will have to work harder to get a double degree.

Admission to the National University of Singapore

From the British, Singapore inherited a 12-year system of secondary education. Therefore, a Russian applicant, in order to become a student of the National University of Singapore, will need additional year of academic preparation. To compensate for the missing year, you can:

  • Graduate from high school in Singapore or any English-speaking country;
  • Study for 1 year at a Russian university;
  • Complete the Foundation Preparatory Program.

For admission to the National University of Singapore, you must submit for consideration admission committee the following documents:

  • Motivation letter;
  • Certificate of secondary or secondary specialized education;
  • Upon admission to the master's program - a diploma of complete higher education;
  • Results of the international language exam: TOEFL - not less than 580 points or IELTS - not less than 6.0 points;
  • 3 characteristics from teachers of the past place of study or from the place of work.

Once your application has been reviewed, you will receive a letter inviting you to an interview or denial of admission. You will be offered to use skype to pass the interview, so you don’t have to go to Singapore just for this.

The admission process to the National University of Singapore usually takes no more than 3-4 months. Classes at the university begin in October. Therefore, those wishing to get an education in this educational institution should take care of the preparation required documents towards the end of spring - beginning of summer.

Depending on the chosen specialty and the program of study, it may be necessary to pass an entrance exam, for example, in biology for those wishing to enter the medical faculty. To find out if you need to take exams for admission to the department you are interested in, you should visit the university website, as the data can change every academic year.

Accommodation and meals

Accommodation options

Students will have to be puzzled by the question of their accommodation long before their arrival in Singapore, immediately after receiving a letter confirming enrollment.

NUS students have access to the following paid accommodation options for the duration of training:

  • Student hostel
  • Apartments

The university offers more than 10,000 rooms and 300 studio apartments (for married students) located within or within walking distance of the campus. There are accommodation options in single or double rooms.

Regardless of the type of accommodation and location, all rooms are equipped with:

  • Beds with mattresses;
  • Wardrobes;
  • jobs;
  • bookshelves;
  • Air conditioners;
  • Internet.

Please note that when choosing to stay in an apartment, utilities and air conditioning are additionally paid.


Meals (breakfast + dinner) are also paid separately in all cases. During the holidays, meals are not provided for students.

The meal plan usually includes Asian dishes, vegetarian or Muslim menus. If none of the proposed options suits you, then you can refuse them and take care of finding a cuisine to your liking on your own - there are many inexpensive cafes in the city offering a menu of cuisines from all over the world.


The cost of studying at the National University of Singapore for the 2020-2021 academic year:

Academic year (training) - from 1 832 482 rubles.
- Academic year (accommodation) - from 647 363 rubles.

A photo


NUS Because video

NUS Campus video

NUS Student Life video


QS World University Rankings 2015/16: how not to make a mistake with the choice foreign university

The official data of the QS World University Rankings 2015/16 has been published. This ranking contains information about the top 100 world universities in 42 specialties: with its help, applicants will be able to find out about the leading universities in the chosen field, which can greatly simplify the choice of an educational institution.

Prospects for Higher Education in Asia

Asia is still "terra incognita" for many Russians. Especially if we are talking not about an exotic vacation, but about getting a quality education. Perhaps it will be a discovery for you that it is not at all necessary to go to England or the USA in order to receive a diploma that is quoted all over the world.

Here you will find information on how to apply to a university in Singapore on your own.

Students begin their studies at universities in Singapore in September or January - depending on the chosen program. For September programs, the application deadline is March-April, but those who apply for a scholarship must apply even earlier, in January-February.

The admission process, including the selection of a university and program, passing IELTS / TOEFL, SAT I, II / GRE, GMAT tests and preparing documents takes at least a year. Taking into account the time required to prepare for the tests, and the fact that after the first attempt the score may not be enough for admission to the chosen university, it is better to lay down for all 2-2.5 years.

Remember that at universities in Singapore, there are employees who receive a salary for answering questions from students. Be sure to request information from the universities you are interested in by asking questions on the pages of universities in Singapore!

The sequence of actions for admission to a university in Singapore

STEP 1: Choose the right universities

If you already know which university you want to apply to, skip to Step 2. If not, read the guide on how to choose a university in Singapore. Need help - order the service of individual selection of the university and program.

STEP 2: Choose a specialization and program

If you know exactly what profession you want to get, great! See the Singapore university program search engine and choose the right programs.

Still contemplating which program to choose? Then watch a guide to choosing programs in Singapore, as well as a video about professions that will be in demand in the world and in Russia in the next 5-20 years.

STEP 3: Find out the contents of the package of documents and application for admission, register on the university website

You can apply to several universities or to several programs of the same university. Most universities in Singapore set their own application deadlines.

A complete list of admission requirements and information on the deadlines for accepting documents can be found on the website of the selected university, and details can be requested from representatives of the university, whose job is to answer applicants' questions.

Applications and documents public universities Singapore are sent online, to private ones - both online and in paper form, which is more difficult and longer. Applications must be submitted through the website of the selected university.

Before sending applications, write to the selected universities in Singapore what you are going to do and want to know in detail the contents of the package of documents and applications for admission - the requirements of universities differ. Find out the exact entry requirements before you start preparing your application to avoid unnecessary work or not preparing some document in emergency mode.

Need help verifying your application for admission? Order the service of checking the application and documents.

STEP 5: Prepare documents for the application for admission

For Russians and students from the CIS countries to enter universities in Singapore, a school certificate is not enough - they will need to undergo additional pre-university training.

The standard package of documents for admission to the undergraduate program in Singapore includes:

  • document(s) on 12-year education, for example, a diploma from the Singapore Polytechnic, or a certificate of completion of 11 classes at home + to choose from: 1-2 university courses, or A-levels, or Foundation, or IB. There is a wide variety of international pre-university programs. Be sure to find out what diplomas and qualifications the chosen university accepts.
  • in ranking universities SAT I and SAT II test results will be required - general and in subjects;

Documents for admission to the master's program in Singapore:

  • a bachelor's degree from a university in your country or abroad;
  • a certificate confirming knowledge of the English language;
  • successful completion of the GRE or GMAT tests;
  • recommendations from teachers and/or employers.

For admission to creative specialties you need to prepare a portfolio.

Document confirming previous education

The main document on the basis of which the university makes a decision on enrollment is a document confirming the previous education. When it comes time to apply to a university, applicants most often do not yet have it on hand.

In this case, when applying, you must specify the deadline for receiving the results of the final exam and the document on graduation, and the university will set you a personal deadline for submitting a complete set of documents.

A recommendation, or a reference to a student from a teacher or employer, is a required document for admission to most universities in Singapore. Having requested this document at home, you can often hear: “write something, and I will sign it.” Never submit such recommendations to the university!

Step 6: Take the TOEFL or IELTS - English Proficiency Test

If you received a previous education in a language other than English, you are required to pass a test and prove sufficient knowledge of English for successful studies at the university.

STEP 7: Pass SAT tests for bachelor's degree, GRE, GMAT - for master's degree

For admission to undergraduate programs in universities in Singapore, you must provide the results of two American SAT tests - general and subject. These tests are one of the most important criteria by which members of the selection committee evaluate applicants; their results are also taken into account when allocating scholarships.

You will need GRE and/or GMAT tests for admission to graduate school.

It is desirable that the tests with the scores you need be on hand no later than October of the year preceding admission.

STEP 8: Prepare a portfolio, pass other tests

For admission to some specialties, you will need to prepare a portfolio or pass additional tests / exams. There are few such specializations. So, you will need a creative portfolio for design and architecture, a “live” exam for acting, music and similar specialties, as well as a profile exam for medical specialties, pharmaceuticals and nursing. For admission to some universities for master's programs in business and finance and - always - for the MBA, the GMAT test is required.

STEP 9: Pay the Application Fee

Singapore universities charge a fee for considering an application for admission in the amount of $ 20 / 15 USD. You will receive an email from the university with payment instructions.

STEP 10: Submit an application and wait for a response from the university

If you prepared the application yourself, postpone the submission for a few days - of course, if the deadlines allow - to carefully check everything again.

Would you like to have your application reviewed by experts?
Order the service of checking the application and documents.

And be patient. Most universities will respond within two to three months after sending the application, that is, if you apply for September, the results will be communicated to you in May. You will have time to settle visa and academic formalities, tuition and relocation issues.

At this stage, you will also need to communicate closely with the university - be sure to find out everything down to the smallest detail from representatives of Singapore universities.

Good luck! Break a leg!

Low tuition fees, highly qualified teachers, overcoming stereotypes, as well as a unique experience of communicating with people of a different nationality and religion - this is what studying at.

In total, there are not many higher educational institutions in the country - five institutes and four universities. But the education received in each of them will be guaranteed to be excellent, since the learning process in both public and commercial universities is under strict control by the Ministry of Education. Thanks to this, educational institutions in Singapore occupy quite high positions in the world rankings.

Education in Singapore universities, institutes and colleges is conducted in English, which is the official language of the state, which ensures a constant influx of foreign students who want to broaden their horizons and improve their knowledge of foreign languages.

Benefits of studying at universities in Singapore

  1. Relatively low cost of education. Of course, depending on the chosen institution, the cost of one academic semester will differ, but still the prices for education in Singapore are significantly lower than in other leading countries of the world - Canada, the USA, England. In addition, the state is pursuing a social policy, according to which students, including foreign students, are returned part of the funds spent on education.
  2. The educational process takes place in English. The first Prime Minister of the Republic of Singapore made English the official language of the new state, so all subjects are taught exclusively in English.
  3. The high quality of the education received. For example, the National University of Singapore, according to the newspaper "Times", takes 18th place in the list of the best universities in the world.
  4. Diplomas obtained in higher education institutions in Singapore are recognized in all developed countries.
  5. Very low cost of living (on average it is $ 500 per month). Most often foreign students a place in the hostel is provided. Living conditions on campuses are much better than in other countries in Southeast Asia.
  6. Extremely low crime rate in Singapore. The risk of being robbed or attacked by hooligans is practically zero here.
  7. Singapore is one of the largest business centers in the world, which allows you to explore the features of business from a different angle. In addition, already established businessmen take advanced training courses at the universities of this state, with whom you can get to know and learn a lot of interesting things.

Disadvantages of getting an education in Singapore

Difficulties in understanding local residents. Despite the fact that Singapore is a pro-Western state, the majority of its inhabitants are from Asian countries, so their English language very often sparse, and also often mixing English with Asian languages, which makes it much more difficult to communicate with Singaporeans outside the university walls. Also very popular is slang, which is called Singlish and is a mixture of English, Indian, Chinese, Malay, as well as Australian and American dialects;

The cost of education, which, although much lower than the cost of studying in European countries and the United States, is much higher compared to prices in China, Vietnam and Thailand. It is also quite expensive to rent an apartment, so you need to think in advance about getting a place in a hostel or choosing a family with whom you will live. It must be taken into account that, in addition to the direct cost of training, you will have to buy training material;

A small selection of higher education institutions, which is represented by only nine institutes and universities. The information provided on the Internet is extremely scarce and describes only the main aspects of getting an education. In addition, there may be a problem with training in highly specialized areas. It may also happen that you have to study in a more broad-based program than you originally planned;

- . Be prepared to sweat outside and freeze indoors. Singapore is located almost on the equator of the Earth, so it is almost always hot and humid here, and there are often unpredictable downpours. Saved by the fact that student dormitories and classrooms educational institutions equipped with air conditioners;

- . As soon as you set foot on Singapore soil, you will see a lot of prohibition signs. It is not allowed here to do something that no one in other countries will pay attention to. For example, on the streets of Singapore you can not spit out chewing gum, which, by the way, is not sold anywhere. The atmosphere of constant, total control can be oppressive at first, but it also has a positive, reverse side. It is thanks to the many fines and other sanctions that it is possible to achieve perfect order in the city.

Top 5 Universities in Singapore

1. National University of Singapore was founded in 1980. It offers education in the following faculties: Humanities, social sciences, design, ecology, engineering, public service, medicine and dentistry, law. The university also includes a music conservatory.

2. Nanyang Technological University(Nanyang Technological University) was established in 1991. It has 23,000 students from different countries. Strong point Institute is considered to study engineering subjects.

3. (Singapore Management University), founded in 2000. This is a private university, but with partial government funding. The university includes schools of business, economics and accounting, social sciences, and information systems. The university works closely with the American Carnegie Mellon University.

4. Established in 2006 and offers programs in the arts, social sciences and natural sciences.

5. Nanyang Polytechnic College(Nanyang Polytechnic) opened in 1992 and includes six faculties: engineering, information technology, business and management, design, biology, medicine, chemistry. The total number of students is 12,000.
