"Undoubtedly every National Socialist must sooner or later come to terms with the so-called 'occult' facts." Reichswart newspaper, August 30, 1937. The most terrible thing in the fight against such an adversary as Nazism is not the answers to the questions. The worst thing is when they pretend that no questions exist at all.

When you start reading about the Nazi space project Aldebaran, it's hard to get rid of the thought that it's all just fiction. But as soon as you come across information about the same project in the name of Wernher von Braun, it becomes a little uncomfortable. For many years after the Second World War, SS-Standartenführer Wernher von Braun was not just anyone, but one of the key figures in the American project of flying to the moon. The Moon, of course, is much closer than the planet Aldebaran. But on the other hand, the flight to the moon, as you know, took place.

So there are questions, and a lot of them. It's all about who and how to answer them.

Here are just a few.

What was the SS expedition looking for, which was held under the auspices of the occult and mystical organization Anenerbe, in distant Tibet in 1938? And why were the SS men allowed to go where the Europeans were ordered to go?

What goals did another SS expedition pursue - not just anywhere, but to Antarctica?

Why in last years war, the Fuhrer throws the main finances of the Reich not on tanks and planes, but on mysterious and rather ghostly projects of the same Anenerbe? Does this mean that the projects were already on the verge of implementation?

Why was the interrogation of SS Standartenführer Wolfram Sievers, the general secretary of the Anenerbe, so abruptly interrupted at the Nuremberg trials, as soon as he began to name names? And why was a simple SS colonel so hastily shot among the most important war criminals of the "Third Reich"?

Why was it Dr. Cameron, who was present in Nuremberg as part of the American delegation and studied the activities of the Anenerbe, then headed the CIA Blue Bird project, within which psychoprogramming and psychotronics were developed?

Why is it that in the report of the American military intelligence, dated 1945, the preamble says that all the activities of the Anenerbe were pseudo-scientific in nature, while the report itself recorded, for example, such a “pseudo-scientific” achievement as a successful fight against a cancer cell?

What is this strange story about the discovery of the corpses of Tibetan monks in SS uniforms in Hitler's bunker at the end of the war?

Why did Anenerbe urgently seize the documentation of scientific laboratories and any secret societies, along with the archives of special services in each of the countries that had just been captured by the Wehrmacht?

Early nineteenth century. The daughter of a Russified German Helena Blavatsky between Europe and America. On the way, she stops by Egypt, then Tibet. Blavatsky is a great adventurer, she knows that the key to her success is constant movement. Where she lingers for at least a few months, behind her, like behind a comet, a trail of scandals and revelations is immediately created, including the disclosure of the very earthly mechanisms of her "clairvoyance" and "evocation of spirits." Blavatsky quickly became fashionable. Europe was waiting for something like that, and it appeared.

To begin with, Blavatsky told the world that she had observed flying Buddhist monks in Tibet. In the same place, in Tibet, some secret knowledge was allegedly revealed to her. Madame Blavatsky tried to present them in the book The Secret Doctrine, combining in it all possible information about Eastern occultism and Hinduism with breaking news science. It turned out to be unusual and attractive for contemporaries who are waiting for either the end of the world or the second coming.

It was Blavatsky who dictated the dangerous fashion of linking practical science, Eastern occultism and traditional European mysticism. If her ideas had not gone beyond the boundaries of European secular salons, trouble, perhaps, would not have happened. But the recipe for the explosive mixture also came to Germany.

Historians are absolutely right when in school textbooks they explain the prerequisites for Hitler's rise to power by the most difficult socio-economic conditions in Germany at that time, the geopolitical consequences of defeat in the First World War, the disappointment and resentment of the army, revanchist sentiments in society. But the main thing that united all this was national humiliation.

A nervous young man who wanted to become an artist stood idle for hours in front of the “magic spear” exhibited in the Vienna Museum. It was believed that whoever wields this spear can rule the world. And this ex-soldier I really wanted to rule the world, because he lived in poverty, and his artistic talents were not recognized as talents. Who could be more dangerous than such a young man? And in whose head can the darkest magic formulas and mystical ideas?

In any case, when the army counterintelligence informant Adolf Schicklgruber attended meetings of the Germanenorden secret society, his psyche was already sensitive to unusual spells and ritual rites. In turn, the key figures of the secret societies very quickly noticed a suitable candidate for the post of the future leader of the nation. The network of these secret societies actually developed the mechanism of the fascist regime.

As you know, "Mein Kampf" Hitler wrote in a Munich prison after the failed Nazi coup. In prison, he was sitting with Rudolf Hess. And Professor Haushofer, one of the most influential people in the Thule society, visited them there. Professor Hitler liked it, after which the leadership of the Thule moved his political career from its place. And while still in prison, Dr. Haushofer began to read some mysterious lectures to the future leaders, which prompted Hitler to take up literary work.

And here another question arises in addition to the above list - an extremely important one in order to understand what nevertheless happened in the "Third Reich". But was the faith of the highest SS hierarchs in everything mystical and otherworldly sincere?

It looks like yes and no. On the one hand, the leaders of National Socialism were well aware of what a strong effect, from the point of view of managing people, all these medieval visions with grails, flaming torches and so on can give. And here they exploited typical German romanticism with typical German pragmatism.

On the other hand, the daily performance of occult rituals and complete immersion in mysticism could hardly have left their own psyche without a trace.

And, finally, the third. All the years of their stay in power, the Nazis experienced an unconscious fear of future retribution. Was not the passion for mysticism the drug that helped to drown out this fear at least for a moment?

The world of mystical hobbies of the future Fuhrer, most likely, was miserable and painful. But the very warehouse of his psyche fully corresponded to the requirements that the people who nominated him had. Just like the warehouse of Himmler's psyche. With all the doubts that the chief of the SS was able to master Madame Blavatsky's rather intricate, heavy expositions, he could at least hear about her ideas from his party comrades. But there is no doubt that the Reichsfuehrer appreciated them. Moreover, this provincial school teacher sincerely considered himself the Prussian King Henry in a new reincarnation (he was captured at the end of the Second World War, when Himmler made his way to the grave of his ancient namesake). According to some of his associates, including the commander of the Belgian SS division de Grel, there was no other leader in the Reich who so sincerely and passionately wanted to eradicate Christianity in the world.

Whether the Fuhrers sincerely believed in the occult or not, in any case, these people, apparently, were eager to practice black magic in the national, and then preferably in the global.

Researchers who are trying to catch some kind of system in the mystical ideas of the hierarchs of the "Third Reich" and explain a huge number of strange mysteries - the history of secret orders and societies like "Germanenorden" and "Thule", the development of nuclear and psychotronic weapons, hard-to-explain expeditions under the auspices of the SS, let's say, to Tibet - these researchers make one serious mistake. Analyzing the events, comparing them, they proceed from the fact that the leaders of the Reich were people who knew a certain secret, initiated into something serious, who mastered - at least partially - Tibetan secret knowledge. But the Fuhrers were not like that! And this concerns, first of all, Hitler himself, who, solely on the basis of his "clairvoyance", forbade the development of the FAA project at the very moment when success was already looming on the horizon. Yes, the Wehrmacht generals and scientists were close to suicide when they heard about this "enlightenment" and the order of the leader!

Finding out exactly which of the researchers is right - those who are looking for a secret meaning or insisting on a purely materialistic explanation of what happened - is a thankless task, because the truth does not belong to either one or the other. The future leaders of the "Third Reich" simply faced things and matters that they were not able to understand, much less manage, due to their lack of any serious educational base. Namely, it serves as a kind of protective barrier for any person who is interested in the otherworldly and mystical. With illiterate and insufficiently educated people, the “other world” is able to play too cruel jokes, completely subjugating their consciousness and paralyzing their will.

It seems that something similar happened to the not very literate leaders of the Reich. They became blind prisoners of their own hallucinoid ideas about the world of the mystical and the unknown. And on their example, the so-called subtle world has very clearly demonstrated that it is not worth experimenting with it without special training.

What happened in the Reich is very reminiscent of one of the Strugatsky novels, where on a distant planet a society in the early stages of development suddenly encounters modern technology. And the slaves there are busy sitting in cars and turning all the knobs in a row until the right lever is blindly found.

And now let's remember concentration camps Nazis with incomprehensible either in their meaning or in cruelty pseudo-medical experiments on people. Meanwhile, everything is not very complicated: these are theorists from Anenerbe - one of the most mysterious mystical organizations, either existing under the control of the SS, or even controlling the SS itself - they tried to squeeze out some secret knowledge of Eastern occultism and European mystics practical theories. For example, they were very interested in the so-called "blood magic". And in the concentration camps, the subordinates of the SS - and, therefore, to all the crazy ideas that were born in the depths of this organization - the doctors were already trying to put the same blood magic into practice.

Most of the time, nothing worked. But then they had a lot of human material, which could be experimented with without any restrictions. And as is often the case in the experimental sciences, the original goal is not achieved, but instead a pipeline of endless experiments leads to other - unexpected - by-products.

It is possible that the alchemists in black SS uniforms (and all the employees of the same Anenerbe were members of the SS and had the corresponding ranks) worked blindly, and therefore any practical results that they achieved can be considered accidental. But the question is not whether it was an accident or not. The question is that the results, in many respects, still were. We just don't really know what...

Aggressive materialists try to simply ignore obvious riddles. You can believe in mysticism, you can not believe. And if we were talking about the fruitless seances of exalted aunts, it is unlikely that the Soviet and American intelligence would spend huge forces and risk their agents to find out what is happening at these seances. But according to the memoirs of Soviet military intelligence veterans, its leadership was very interested in any approaches to the Anenerbe.

Meanwhile, getting close to Anenerbe was an extremely difficult operational task: after all, all the people of this organization and their contacts with the outside world were under the constant control of the security service - SD, which in itself testifies to many things. So it is not possible today to get an answer to the question whether we or the Americans had our own Stirlitz inside Anenerbe. But if you ask why, you will run into another strange riddle. Despite the fact that the vast majority of intelligence operations during the Second World War are declassified today (with the exception of those that subsequently led to the work of active agents already in post-war years), everything related to the development of Anenerbe is still shrouded in mystery.

But there is, for example, evidence of the already mentioned Miguel Serrano - one of the theorists of national mysticism, a member of the secret society "Thule", at whose meetings Hitler visited. He claims in one of his books that the information obtained by the Anenerbe in Tibet significantly advanced the development of atomic weapons in the Reich. According to his version, Nazi scientists even created some prototypes of a combat atomic charge, and the Allies discovered them at the end of the war. The source of information - Miguel Serrano - is interesting if only because for several years he represented his homeland Chile in one of the UN commissions on atomic energy.

And secondly, immediately in the post-war years, the USSR and the USA, having seized a significant part of the secret archives of the "Third Reich", make breakthroughs in the field of rocket science, the creation of atomic and nuclear weapons, and space research that are almost parallel in time. And they begin to actively develop qualitatively new types of weapons. Also, immediately after the war, the two superpowers were especially active in research in the field of psychotronic weapons.

So the comments, which claim that the Anenerbe archives, by definition, could not contain anything serious, do not stand up to scrutiny. And in order to understand this, you do not even need to study them. It is enough to get acquainted with what was charged to the Anenerbe organization by its president Heinrich Himmler. And this, by the way, is a total search for all archives and documents of national special services, scientific laboratories, Masonic secret societies and occult sects, preferably around the world. A special expedition "Anenerbe" was immediately sent to each country newly occupied by the Wehrmacht. Sometimes they did not even expect occupation. In special cases, the tasks assigned to this organization were carried out by the SS special forces. And it turns out that the Anenerbe archive is not at all theoretical studies of German mystics, but a multilingual collection of a wide variety of documents captured in many states and related to very specific organizations.

Part of this archive was discovered in Moscow several years ago. This is the so-called Lower Silesian archive "Ahnenerbe", taken Soviet troops during the storming of Altan Castle. But it is not most of of all archives of Anenerbe. Some military historians believe that much fell into the hands of the Americans. This is probably true: if you look at the location of the Anenerbe departments, then most of them were located precisely in the western part of Germany.

Our part has not been seriously studied by anyone so far, there is not even a detailed inventory of the documentation. The very word "Anenerbe" today, few people know. But the evil genie, who was released from the bottle by the black magicians of the SS and the Anenerbe, did not die along with the Third Reich, but remained on our planet.

edited news olqa.weles - 25-02-2012, 08:06

The mystery of "Wilhelm Gustloff"

Considered the main ideologist of Nazism, Adolf Hitler's deputy for "ideological training" of members of the National Socialist Workers' Party of Germany, Alfred Rosenberg, was born in 1893 in the city of Revel, on the territory belonging to Russian Empire. Later, he studied in Riga and even in Moscow, where in 1918 he graduated from the Higher Technical School with a degree in civil engineering.

After coming to power in 1933, Hitler appointed Rosenberg head of the Foreign Policy Office of the NSDAP. Already during the Second World War, in fact, just before the attack on the USSR, in the spring of 1941, a special center for the problems of the eastern territories was created under the NSDAP Foreign Policy Department. On his birthday, April 20, 1941, Adolf Hitler informed Rosenberg that, given his excellent knowledge of the Russian language and the "Slavic question" in general, he decided to appoint Rosenberg Minister for the Occupied Eastern Territories. The Fuhrer had no doubt that the Wehrmacht would break the resistance of the Red Army, and the vast expanses of Russia would be under German rule.

By an evil irony of fate, it was on May 9, 1941 that Rosenberg presented Hitler with draft directives on policy issues in those territories that the Wehrmacht was to occupy as a result of an attack on the USSR, it was planned to dismember the state, create governorships, Germanize the Baltic states and part of Belarus, as well as a number of other similar events. . Among other projects, it was planned to carry out a specific economic policy aimed at completely draining funds from the occupied regions and obtaining cheap, slave labor. work force. It was also planned to create special Einsatzkommandos with a headquarters personally subordinate to Alfred Rosenberg to search for, capture and export cultural property to Germany.

These same teams, working in close contact with representatives of the Main Directorate of Imperial Security, must decide directly on the ground the fate of historical monuments, representatives of culture and art, and similar issues. As it seemed to the author of the project, the teams would begin to move deep into the occupied Russian territory along with the advancing units of the Wehrmacht ...

On September 8, 1941, the Germans firmly closed the blockade ring around Leningrad, and Wehrmacht officers looked with curiosity through binoculars at the dome of St. Isaac's Cathedral and the high spire of the Admiralty. The famous Tsarskoye Selo, with all its unique historical monuments, museums and palaces, turned out to be in the hands of the enemy. But the Germans were especially interested in the legendary "Amber Room", located in the Catherine Palace of Tsarskoye Selo - with all the precautions it was supposed to be dismantled, carefully packed and sent to Austria, to the city of Linz, where the National Socialists created a grandiose museum of Adolf Hitler. In his opinion, the work of the old German masters should decorate not Russian palaces, but the museum of the leader of the German people.

The "Amber Room" was immediately taken over by representatives of the headquarters of Rosenberg, in which they were actively assisted by the RSHA. The route of the stolen masterpiece ran through East Prussia, whose Gauleiter was Erich Koch, notorious for his cruelty - he actually ruled there from 1928, and after the Nazis came to power in 1933 he was "elected" chief president East Prussia. In the same 1941, Hitler appointed him Reichskommissar for Ukraine.

Much later, after the defeat of Germany in World War II, when many German archives fell into the hands of the Allies, including the archives of the Rosenberg headquarters, which was engaged in outright robbery of the territories occupied by the Wehrmacht, it became clear with what scrupulous thoroughness the Einsatzkommandos kept records and described their "prey". This happened with the Amber Room: the archive contained a surprisingly detailed inventory of everything that the Germans put in boxes and prepared for shipment to East Prussia.

The special-purpose cargo was supposed to be delivered on military trucks to the railway station, and then reloaded into wagons guarded by the SS and sealed. According to not fully verified data, allegedly a convoy of trucks carrying boxes with the dismantled "Amber Room" were raided by Soviet aircraft on the way to the station - naturally, the pilots did not know that they were firing and dropping bombs on a masterpiece of world significance. For them, it was just a convoy of enemy trucks.

According to the testimonies of some German soldiers and officers given by them after the war, some of the boxes were broken and some of the amber details were taken by some of those accompanying the cargo as a keepsake. Such testimony causes, to put it mildly, quite a strong doubt and complete distrust - you need to know how strong the discipline was in German military units and, among other things, such a valuable cargo was probably accompanied as a guard not only by Wehrmacht soldiers, but also by the SS men and, of course, employees of Rosenberg's headquarters. Do not forget: the "Amber Room" was expected in Linz, in the museum of the leader of German science, Adolf Hitler! Who at that time from the soldiers and officers of the Wehrmacht would have dared to steal the exhibits intended for the Fuhrer Museum? Such actions could punish the death penalty!

In addition, the operation to remove the "Amber Room" from Tsarskoe Selo was led by the Gauleiter himself and the chief president of East Prussia, Erich Koch. Western independent experts believe that Koch, always distinguished by extreme cruelty and separatist sentiments, could passionately desire to take possession of the unique "Amber Room" himself and probably made some attempts to "pocket" the masterpiece. Koch never hid his cruelty, and he always skillfully hid separatism and exorbitant ambitions - by the way, he died only in 1986, but he never said anything to anyone about the fate of the Amber Room. Or are we simply unaware of his possible revelations?

According to the documents, the special cargo nevertheless reached East Prussia and there it was temporary, and perhaps permanent? - Gauleiter Erich Koch became the owner. It was not worth joking with Hitler, but the Gauleiter was very cunning and well able to weave intrigues, while remaining, it seems, completely unrelated. There is a version that it was on the instructions of the Gauleiter that his confidants began to skillfully maneuver the special cargo and succeeded so much in this that no one still knows where he is. Koch probably knew this for sure, and he ordered the Amber Room to be hidden. But it is equally likely that this is not the case at all.

For some reason, few researchers pay attention to the fact that during the period of active hostilities there are no documentary references to the famous masterpiece stolen by Rosenberg's henchmen in Tsarskoye Selo. The “Amber Room” never arrived in Linz, and Adolf Hitler, who was very mindful of such things and vividly followed the fate of all the unique creations, for some reason never once asked where the “Amber Room” was promised to him ?! But the Fuhrer had a huge private collection, estimated at a fabulous amount, and tried to constantly replenish it with new arrivals.

Again, some traces of the stolen masterpiece appear only three and a half years later, in January 1945, when the Red Army launched a decisive offensive on almost all fronts and struck especially hard in the Western direction. East Prussia found itself in the face of a real threat of imminent collapse. It was during this period that one of the largest German ships "Wilhelm Gustloff" was located there - at the end of the war, this marine giant of the Third Reich was turned into a floating base for submarines. The commander of the submarine fleet of the Reich, Admiral Dönitz, gave the order to send the Wilhelm Gustloff to Kiel to use it there as a floating base for the deployment of the planned new major submarine operations in the Baltic Sea and the Atlantic Ocean.

The German command decided to use the passage of a huge steamship to Kiel to evacuate some of the important cargo and personnel from East Prussia - the Red Army was constantly increasing the strength of its attacks and the pace of the offensive, so the Nazis were seriously afraid of not having time to run away. So on board the "Wilhelm Gustloff", in addition to the crew of the floating base, there were more than nine thousand passengers: employees of the RSHA of various ranks, cadets of evacuated military schools, pilots of naval aviation, submariners resting at that moment on the base, officers of various rear services of the Wehrmacht, party officials and others.

There is witness's testimonies that secret special cargoes of an unknown nature and purpose were also lifted aboard a huge steamer. In particular, the witnesses indicated that the naval officers mentioned the need to handle the cargo with extreme care. But whether it was the legendary "Amber Room" is not exactly known.

Finally, the loading was completed, and the huge steamer went out to the open sea. However, the Nazi sea giant was not destined to reach Kiel - the Soviet submarine S-13, commanded by Lieutenant Commander Marinesko, was looking for a target not far from the coast. Noticing the huge silhouette of the Wilhelm Gustloff at dusk, the Red Fleet submariners prepared for a torpedo attack. Insufficient lighting only contributed to the success of the Soviet sailors: three torpedoes fired by them hit the side of the German superliner one after another. Literally in a matter of minutes, the Wilhelm Gustloff sank and lay down on the ground, approximately at a depth of forty meters.

Now it is almost impossible to establish who was the first to connect the tragedy of the German steamship and the feat of the Soviet submarine with the stolen Rosenberg team in Tsarskoye Selo with the legendary "Amber Room". But the mystery of "Wilhelm Gustloff" imperiously pulled a chain of new, already post-war events associated with unsolved mysteries and unsolved mysteries.

Officially, the location of the German superliner that sank after a torpedo attack was established eleven years after its death, in 1956. The Wilhelm Gustloff lay on the ground in international waters. Seventeen years later, in the summer of 1973, a large group of Polish scuba divers made several dives on purpose and examined the ship's hull. Imagine their surprise when, having penetrated through the giant holes, they saw that someone had already been there before them and even tried to cut through the thick steel bulkheads with underwater cutters. Who did it? Those who knew exactly the secret of the Wilhelm Gustloff's cargo? And only the secret services of Nazi Germany knew her!

It is quite plausible that the former SS men and members of the Einsatzkommando took all measures to be the first to get to the mysterious cargo - in 1956, many participants in those events now far from us remained alive. They certainly could know exactly where and what exactly to look for on a huge sunken ship.

But were they looking for the legendary "Amber Room"? In East Prussia, there were enough other, no less exciting, interesting and terrible secrets. It can be reasonably assumed that such secret and clandestine goods were taken out on the superliner, such as documentation of the Wolfschanze Fuhrer's headquarters located in East Prussia, archives of the Eastern Branch of the Abwehr, secret files of the Gestapo, Reichsbank values ​​​​not exposed to water and much, much more. For example, it is known that the Germans usually hermetically sealed metal boxes with currency, and gold and precious stones are not afraid of sea salt and water at all: they do not lose value even after lying at the bottom for hundreds of years!

Was only "Wilhelm Gustloff" able to attract seekers of mysterious treasures? As it turns out, in that square of the sea at the bottom there is practically a whole cemetery of unsolved secrets and next to - or almost next to - with the superliner sunk in 1945 by Captain-Lieutenant Marinesko, the huge ship General von Stuben, the transport steamer Moltke, lie on the ground, patrol ship Hitler's Navy "Posse", the German ship "Goya" and several other ships. Each of them went to the bottom just in the victorious spring of 1945, and on each of them could be the Amber Room, and any other mysterious and mysterious, and possibly precious secret cargo.

As for the "Amber Room", then, according to the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Russian Ministry of Defense, it may well be in Hitler's reserve headquarters, located in the highlands of Thuringia in Germany. However, the German government did not react to these data.

According to other information that leaked to the press in the last decade of the 20th century, the legendary amber masterpiece nevertheless ended up in the collection that belonged to Koch. Allegedly, he hid it in an underground labyrinth located under the main square of the German city of Weimar. Perhaps this is not so, but for some reason the Germans urgently concreted all the entrances to the system of underground bunkers near Weimar.

And the Wilhelm Gustloff superliner still lies in the dark depths of the cold Baltic waters and patiently waits for the dark secret stored in its holds, twisted by explosions of torpedoes, to be revealed.

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Infantrymen of the division "Grossdeutschland". THE USSR. 1943 Bundesarchive Photos

In Germany, the book "Soldiers" ("Soldaten") was published - a documentary study dedicated to the Wehrmacht military personnel. The unique feature of the book is that it is based on the revelations of German soldiers, which they shared with each other in POW camps, unaware that the Allies were listening in and recording conversations on tape. In a word, the book included all the ins and outs, everything that the Nazis avoided writing in letters from the front and mentioning in their memoirs.

As Spiegel magazine points out, "Soldiers" finally buried the myth of the unsullied Wehrmacht (“We carried out the order. We burned the SS - we fought.”) Hence the subtitle: “On how they fought, killed and died” (“Protokollen vom Kaempfen, Toeten und Sterben”). It turned out that senseless murders, torture, rape, bullying were not the prerogative of Sonderkommandos, but were routine for the German army. Wehrmacht prisoners of war recalled the crimes committed as something taken for granted, moreover, many flaunted military "exploits", and no one was especially tormented by remorse and remorse.

Cover of the book "Soldiers".

As often happens, the book appeared due to a sensational discovery: the German historian Soenke Neitzel, while working in British and American archives on a study on the Battle of the Atlantic, stumbled in 2001 on listening transcript, in which a captured German submarine officer spoke with unusual frankness about his military everyday life. Further research revealed a total of 150 thousand pages similar transcripts that Naitzel processed with the sociopsychologist Harald Welzer.

During the war, about a million Wehrmacht and Waffen-SS troops were taken prisoner by the British and Americans. Of these, 13 thousand were placed under special supervision in specially equipped places: first in the Trent Park camp (Trent Park) north of London and in Latimer House (Latimer House) in Buckinghamshire, and from the summer of 1942 also in the United States in Fort Hunt, State Virginia. The cells were stuffed with bugs, in addition, among the prisoners of war there were spies who, if necessary, directed the conversation in the right direction. The Allies thus tried to ferret out military secrets.

If the British bugged officers and senior officers, in the United States they paid close attention to the rank and file. Half of the prisoners of war at Fort Hunt were lower ranks, even non-commissioned officers were no more than a third, and officers - one sixth. The British formed 17500 dossiers, and almost each of them has more than 20 sheets. Several thousand more dossiers were filed by the Americans. The transcripts contain candid testimonies from representatives of all military branches. Most of the prisoners of war were captured in North Africa and on the Western Front, but many of them managed to visit the east, on the territory of the USSR, where the war was essentially different.

" Thing». Eastern front. Bundesarchive Photos

If during the war the allies were interested in military secrets, then the modern researcher and reader would rather be interested in the opportunity to see the war from the inside, through the eyes of an ordinary German soldier. To one of the main questions: how quickly a normal person turns into a killing machine, the study by Neitzel and Welzer gives, as Spiegel notes, a disappointing answer: extremely fast. Being able to carry out naked violence is a disturbing experiment, and a person is much more susceptible to this temptation than it might seem. For many German soldiers, the "adjustment period" lasted only a few days.

The book contains a transcript of a conversation between a Luftwaffe pilot and a scout. The pilot notes that on the second day of the Polish campaign, he had to strike at the station. He missed: 8 out of 16 bombs fell in a residential area. “I wasn't happy about it. But on the third day I didn't care anymore, and on the fourth day I even felt pleasure. We had entertainment: before breakfast, fly out to hunt lone enemy soldiers and shoot them with a couple of shots, ”the pilot recalled. However, according to him, they also hunted civilians: they entered the column of refugees in a chain, firing from all types of weapons: “The horses were scattered to pieces. I felt sorry for them. There are no people. And the horses were sorry for last day».

As the researchers note, the conversations that the prisoners of war had among themselves were not heart-to-heart conversations. Nobody talked about the existential: life, death, fear. It was a kind of social chatter, with banter and boasting. The word "kill" was not actually used, they said "nail", "remove", "shoot". Since most men are interested in technology, conversations often boiled down to discussing weapons, aircraft, tanks, small arms, calibers, as well as how it all works in combat, what are the disadvantages, what are the advantages. Victims were perceived indirectly, simply as a goal: a ship, a train, a cyclist, a woman with a child.

Wehrmacht soldiers photograph the execution of a partisan. THE USSR. 1941-42. Bundesarchive Photos

Accordingly, there was no empathy for the victims. Moreover, many of the German soldiers whose conversations were tapped by the Allies did not distinguish between military and civilian targets. In principle, this is not surprising. At the first stage of the war, such a division was still observed at least on paper, and with the attack on Soviet Union disappeared even from the documents. At the same time, according to Naitzel and Welzer, it would be wrong to say that the Wehrmacht completely abandoned moral criteria. War does not abolish moral norms, but it changes the scope of their application. As long as the soldier acts within the limits deemed necessary, he considers his actions to be legitimate, even if they involve extreme cruelty.

According to this principle of "delayed morality", among the Wehrmacht soldiers it was considered unacceptable, for example, to shoot downed pilots descending on a parachute, but the conversation was short with the crew of a wrecked tank. Partizan shot on the spot for there was a widespread belief among the troops that he who shot their comrades in the back deserved no better. The killing of women and children was still considered cruelty in the Wehrmacht, which, however, did not interfere soldiers to commit these atrocities. From a conversation between radio operator Eberhard Kerle and SS infantryman Franz Kneipp:

Kerle:“In the Caucasus, when partisans killed one of ours, the lieutenant didn’t even have to order: we grab pistols, and women, children: to hell with everyone they saw.”

Kneipp:“Our partisans attacked a convoy with the wounded and killed everyone. Half an hour later they were captured. It was near Novgorod. They threw them into a large pit, ours stood up on the edges from all sides and finished them off with machine guns and pistols.

Kerle:.“They were shot in vain, they should have died slowly.”

German soldiers in Italy on vacation with local women. 1944 Bundesarchive Photos

Determining the limits of application of moral principles, as the authors of the book "Soldiers" note, depends not so much on individual beliefs as on discipline, in other words, on whether the military leadership considers certain actions as crimes or not. In the case of aggression against the USSR, the Wehrmacht command definitely decided that acts of violence against the Soviet civilian population will not be prosecuted and punished, which, of course, led to an increase in bitterness on both sides on the Eastern Front. It is noted that, compared with the Wehrmacht and the Red Army, the Western allies acted more humanely, although they did not take prisoners during the first phase of the operation in Normandy.

The lion's share in the conversations of prisoners of war of the Wehrmacht were "talks about women." In this regard, Senke Neitzel and Harald Welzer note that the war was the first opportunity for the vast majority of German soldiers to go abroad and see the world. By the time Hitler came to power only 4% of the German population had foreign passports. For many, the war became a kind of exotic journey, where the isolation from home, wife and children was closely associated with a feeling of complete sexual freedom. Many of the prisoners of war recalled their adventures with a sigh of regret.

Muller:“What wonderful cinemas and coastal cafe-restaurants in Taganrog! I have been to many places by car. And around only women who were driven to forced labor.

Faust:"Oh, damn you!"

Muller:“They paved the streets. Stunning girls. Driving by in a truck, we grabbed them, dragged them into the back, processed them and threw them away. Boy, you should have heard them arguing!”

German infantrymen. Eastern front. Bundesarchive Photos

However, as it appears from the transcripts, stories about mass rapes provoked condemnation, although not too harsh. There were certain boundaries beyond which the captured soldiers of the Wehrmacht, even in confidential conversations with their comrades, tried not to cross. stories about sexual torture and bullying, whose victims were spies caught in the occupied Soviet territories, were transmitted from a third person: “In the previous officer camp, where I was sitting, there was one stupid Frankfurter, a young insolent lieutenant. So he said that they…” And then came the shuddering description. “And imagine, eight German officers were sitting at the table, and some of them smiled at this story,” the narrator concluded.

The awareness of the Wehrmacht soldiers about the Holocaust was, apparently, greater than is commonly believed. In general, talk about the extermination of the Jews does not take up much space from the total volume of the transcripts - about 300 pages. One explanation for this may be that not many members of the military were aware of efforts to address the "Jewish question" in a targeted manner. However, as Spiegel points out, another, more plausible explanation is that the extermination of the Jews was quite common practice and was not considered as something specifically worthy of discussion. If we were talking about the Holocaust, then mainly about the technical aspects associated with the destruction of many people.

However, none of the participants in the conversation was not surprised by what he heard and no one questioned the veracity of such stories. “The extermination of the Jews, as can be concluded with all persuasiveness, was integral part worldview ideas of Wehrmacht soldiers, and to a much greater extent than was previously believed, ”the researchers conclude. Of course, there were people in the Wehrmacht who opposed what was happening. On the other hand, as the authors of "Soldier" note, we must not forget that the army was a cast of the then German society, which tacitly accepted the establishment of the Nazi dictatorship, and racial laws, and repressions, and concentration camps. It would be illogical to expect that the Wehrmacht could be better than the rest of Germany.

For many years, scientists from all over the world studied one of the most mysterious objects of the Nazis. And now researchers are confident that they have never come close to unraveling the main secrets of these mysterious buildings.

Reporting by Dmitry Soshin.

Not just a bunker, a large underground fortress. Hitler wanted to seal the eastern borders of the Third Reich with a reinforced concrete castle. "Lair earthworm"- the largest defensive system in Europe - was built for almost 10 years.

Sylvia Banek, historian-enthusiast: "Rails of a narrow-gauge railway pass here. During the war, electric trains ran here, they carried soldiers and equipment."

Underground life was so intense that the tunnels gradually became squares and stations, although without platforms and waiting rooms. The waypoints near the "Northern Station" still work like new.

Silvia Banek, a student from Poznań, has been studying the "Lair of the Earthworm" for a long time. She is one of the few who are allowed to bring curious historians and journalists here. 5 years ago, the authorities set up guards near the entrance to the bunker: they are worried not only by teenagers who draw "graffiti". People began to disappear into the dungeon - 30 kilometers of tunnels have not been fully explored.

Sylvia Banek, enthusiastic historian: "This is a rather dangerous place. There is no complete scheme of all firing points and all tunnels. We have to fence off all unexplored places."

Bats are the only guardians of the dungeon. There are so many of them here that the old ventilation shafts local authorities declared a nature reserve.

Everything was in the underground city: railway stations, hospital, barracks. And in the wing was a large armory room. Toward the end of the war, workers were brought here and machines were installed. For the underground factory, the cable had to be re-laid.

Engines for combat aircraft were assembled in a Polish underground. The workshop worked until February 1945: by that time, the Red Army had encircled the Mezeretsky district.

Every year, on Victory Day, military-historical clubs "play out" the assault on the underground citadel. In fact, "Earthworm's Lair" was printed out in 2 days. The surviving defenders of pillbox No. 712, the only firing point that held the defense, were released by the Red Army men home.

Robert Yurga, historian-enthusiast: "There were almost no officers among the Germans, soldiers, almost boys, lived in concrete bags. It seems that the command simply forgot about them."

If earlier speleologists and thrill-seekers from Holland and Germany aspired here, recently the Poles living in the neighborhood want to go underground.

Sylvia Banek, historian-enthusiast: "They come here several times, and not to look at the rusty rails! They ask a lot of questions. They are not indifferent to how their homeland was liberated."

Historians from Warsaw dream of dismantling the brickwork and getting to the side, "reserve" tunnels. By order of Stalin, they were walled up immediately after the war. And, perhaps, then "Earthworm's Lair" will reveal all its secrets.

Secrets of the Third Reich. After Stalingrad, few of the highest Nazi bosses and leaders of the Wehrmacht believed in the final victory. But there was still a chance to complete great war"draw" - at the beginning of 1943, the Reich still had a powerful army; German troops occupied a vast space from the Atlantic to the Don. But after the defeat at Kursk, even the biggest optimists no longer counted on anything.

In a strange way, besides Hitler himself, one more person did not succumb to the general, poorly hidden despondency - the Reichsfuehrer SS Heinrich Himmler. Although, it would seem, it was he who should have been worried in the first place.

Himmler was one of the most knowledgeable people in the Third Reich. Information from all over the world flocked to him - despite all the difficulties, the German agents worked well and, on the whole, presented a more or less correct (by no means embellished) picture of events.

The chief of foreign intelligence, Walter Schellenberg, repeatedly proved to Himmler almost irrefutably that the only saving way out for Germany was immediate negotiations (at least with the British and Americans).

But Himmler answered Schellenberg's numerous proposals vaguely and evasively. The general meaning of his strange answers tended to be that there are things about which Schellenberg (for all his knowledge) knows nothing. And it is these mysterious things that will save Germany ... But only he, Heinrich Himmler, and the Fuhrer himself know about them.

The last secret of Heinrich Himmler

What exactly, secretly from the other leaders of the Reich, Hitler and Heinrich discussed at their meetings, it became clear only many years after the end of the war.

They discussed the creation of a new miracle weapon. But it was not at all about the atomic bomb and not about the amazing rockets of Wernher von Braun, capable of flying hundreds of kilometers. Hitler and Himmler discussed the reconstruction of ... a flying saucer, spaceship aliens from another world.

After the war, this fact was completely accidentally leaked from the secret archives of the Allies. However, perhaps this was not an accident, but a deliberately organized leak of information.

The publication and investigation of new, completely unbelievable facts were extremely difficult. Few people wanted to do this, because from the very beginning it was clear that everything was so strange and implausible that the general public would in any case classify such messages as cheap sensations and would never believe in them.

But! There were several photographs, the authenticity of which was confirmed by numerous experts.

These unique photographs show several Nazi officers and an amazing disc-shaped aircraft hovering a few meters above the ground!

It is unlike any of the aircraft that have ever existed on our planet. And only the sign of the swastika on board confirms that this is a reality.

This device was built on the basis of drawings that were brought from the legendary Kullu Valley by a man who remained in history under the undercover pseudonym "Raja".

In addition to photographs, another, very peculiar document has been preserved - a designer's report addressed to Adolf Hitler on the progress of testing one of these disks in 1944.

It contains the most interesting specifications new weapon: “Apparatus F-7. Diameter - 21 m. Vertical lifting speed - 800 m / s. Horizontal flight speed - 2200 km / h.

Aircraft designers of the world managed to achieve approximately similar characteristics only ... in the 80s, with the appearance of the SU-27 fighter!

It is no wonder that Hitler cherished ties with Tibet so much.

By the way, among the papers that the winners got in 1945, there was a letter from the regent of the Dalai Lama to the Fuhrer of the German nation:

“Dear Mr. King Hitler, Ruler of Germany. May health, joy of Peace and Virtue be with you! Now you are working to create a vast state on a racial basis.

Therefore, the head of the German expedition, Sahib Schaeffer (SS Sturmbannfuehrer, Himmler's confidant, who led the expedition to Tibet - ed.) had no difficulties on the way to Tibet.

Accept, Your Grace, King Hitler, our assurances of continued friendship!

Written on the 18th day of the first Tibetan month, the year of the Earth Hare.

The regent of the Dalai Lama sent almost a thousand ministers to help "King Hitler". After the capture of Berlin, the allies were extremely surprised to find several hundred charred bodies, in which experts recognized ... residents of Tibet!

Later it was found that they all committed suicide - according to ancient custom burned themselves alive.

After Stalingrad, Hitler again decides to seek help from the Tibetan magicians. He is looking for connections with the shamans of the ancient Hindu religion Bon-po, who, according to his firm conviction, directly communicate with spirits (by the way, many tried to penetrate the secrets of Bon-po - an expedition of both the NKVD of the USSR and the British special services once visited Tibet ).

The next expedition was equipped in the shortest possible time. She had to ask the Bon-po priests for help, and also find a way to the location of which the previous expeditions had identified as the borderland of the state of the Dalai Lama and the Chinese province of Kham.

Hitler and Heinrich Himmler believed that it was the help of the inhabitants of Shambhala that should bring victory to the German weapons and force the Eternal Ice to retreat.

In early 1943, 5 SS officers secretly left Berlin for Lhasa. The expedition was led by Himmler's confidant Peter Aufschnaiter and climber Heinrich Harrer. But Hitler's envoys were not destined to reach Tibet - their path ran through British India, where, by sheer chance, they were arrested by representatives of the British colonial authorities.

Several times they made daring attempts to escape, but they managed to break free only after a few years. In 1951, Harrer (who nevertheless made his way to Tibet to the Bon-po shamans) returned to his homeland in Austria, bringing with him a large number of mysterious materials.

The archive was immediately arrested by the British secret services, confiscated and disappeared without a trace in the bowels of the special storage facilities. Some researchers claim that such interest of the special services in Harrer's documents was connected with the film, which depicts the ritual by which the Bon-po shamans communicated with the spirits. But this rite could no longer help Hitler.

Why did Hitler order the Berlin subway to be flooded?

It was not military defeats, not strategic considerations, and not statistics on the ratio of resources of the Axis countries and the coalition of allies that convinced Hitler that Germany would be defeated in the war. The Fuhrer finally lost faith in victory after ... the collapse of the expedition to Shambhala.

Allied troops approached the borders of Germany even before the “finishing” of the F-7 apparatus was completed. Experimental versions of the outlandish design had to be destroyed so that they would not fall into the hands of the rapidly advancing allied armies. Meanwhile, there was no news from the expedition sent to Tibet. There was no more hope...

According to occult prophecies, the impossibility of the onset of the Age of Fire means one thing - the End of the World should soon follow. These days, eternal night will fall on the earth, and flood waves will overwhelm the cities, washing away the hated servants of the Eternal Ice.

But ... the long-awaited denouement does not come. The events are by no means bringing near the End of the World and not even the end of Germany, but only the end of the “thousand-year Reich”.

At this time, strange motives appear in Hitler's statements. He, who has always extolled the German people, the German race, and sworn allegiance to Greater Germany, suddenly begins to speak of the Germans with contempt and almost disgust. Dr. Goebbels, infected with Hitler's sentiments, welcomes ... Allied aircraft that bombed German cities:

“Let the achievements of the idiotic 20th century perish under the ruins of our cities!”

More and more orders are being issued for the destruction of cities and the massacre of prisoners of war. None of these orders has a military meaning - on the contrary, the forces needed at the front are spent on their execution. The reprisals against prisoners of war and concentration camp prisoners seem absolutely insane, as if Hitler is performing a mass sacrifice.

In fact, it was. Hitler continued to believe in mystical revelations. And according to his theories, the energy released into space from the simultaneous mass death of a huge number of people will shift the earth's axis by several degrees and lead to a flood and glaciation of the planet.

The last attempt to cause a global flood was a ritual that shocked the battered executioners of the Black Order of the SS with its cruelty. The failed Messiah of Fire ordered the floodgates to be opened and the Berlin subway to be flooded. In those terrible days, the subway tunnels were a refuge for hundreds of thousands of wounded soldiers and civilians who took refuge here from the fire that fell on the capital of the Reich during the battles for Berlin. The waters of the Spree, which rushed into the metro in a swift stream, claimed the lives of 300,000 people ...

Historians have long puzzled over how this horrific and, as it seemed, ABSOLUTELY POINTLESS act could be explained. Within the framework of common sense, he did not find ANY explanation. But by then, Hitler had long since traded common sense for the wild theories of the late Hans Gorbiger.

The Old Gods did not hear Hitler. When he committed suicide, the world did not turn over and the earth's axis did not budge.

Following his Fuhrer, another mystic, a brilliant doctor of philosophy and an admirer of Dostoevsky, the virtuoso propaganda minister Joseph Goebbels, left this world. Before his death, he poisoned six of his children. His last appeal to the people ended with strange words: "Our end will be the end of the universe."

Few listened to Goebbels in those days. But those who heard him, for sure, thought that the chief propagandist, as always expressed figuratively. And it never occurred to anyone that Goebbels himself, most likely, understood his words absolutely literally.

Luckily he was wrong...

Secrets of the Third Reich. What was it

Modern man it is hard to believe that the head of the largest power in the world for many years in his political and military calculations was guided by the dictates of spirits, ancient legends, secret signs and magic spells.

Nevertheless, even skeptical historians unanimously admit that both Hitler and the top leadership of the Reich (primarily Heinrich Himmler) not only showed interest in occult practices, but also checked their decisions with the instructions of otherworldly forces.

The presence next to the leaders of the Nazi regime of various kinds of sorcerers, soothsayers and adherents of secret Eastern teachings, the epic with secret Tibetan expeditions, attempts to saturate the SS order with a mixture of ancient Germanic, medieval and Eastern mysticism - all this historical facts, repeatedly confirmed by countless testimonies.

And here comes the most difficult question. What was it? Blurred mind of a psychopath Hitler? A clever quackery that used the ignorance and lack of culture of most of the leaders of the Reich? Or was there really something behind this that went beyond our usual materialistic ideas?

The version about charlatans will have to be dismissed on the move. Hitler's acquaintance with occult practices began long before he came to power and had a very long (more than twenty years) history. All this time Hitler lived in complete real world and was engaged in things that require earthly pragmatism, iron logic and common sense from a person.

If Hitler, like an impressionable and gullible young lady, had “hovered in the empyrean” all this time, he would never have reached the heights of power, and even more so, he would not have conquered half of Europe.

According to numerous memoirs (starting from the personal translator of the Fuhrer Paul Schmidt and ending with ministers and field marshals), Hitler had by no means a humanitarian mindset - he showed great interest in technology, was well versed in weapons, was excellent at the most complex economic issues and masterfully manipulated hundreds of figures and facts , which repeatedly baffled his closest associates.

Simply put, Hitler was a MORE THAN PRACTICAL MAN.

If we add to all this the Fuhrer's manic suspicion, it becomes clear that deliberately leading him by the nose with deft false mystical tricks was not only dangerous, but simply impossible.

Roughly the same can be said about Himmler. After all, he was not just an abstract dreamer who in the evenings from idleness fell into fantasies about other worlds and aliens. Himmler was the AUTHENTIC head of several secret services (from Schellenberg's foreign intelligence to the secret police of the Gestapo Müller). It was all the more impossible to captivate him with clever quackery.

There are also great doubts about the psychopathic manifestations of Hitler or the peculiarities of Himmler's psyche, as the reasons for their passion for secret knowledge. Signs of mental disorders in Hitler began to be observed only in 1943 (after the Stalingrad disaster). Before that, he gave the impression of a calm person.

His famous temper tantrums were often nothing more than a well-staged performance - there is quite a lot of evidence of this. Otherwise, he was completely a normal person. Therefore, the version of madness will also have to be discarded, especially since, we note again, Hitler began experiments with the occult and secret teachings long before the end of the war, when his mental health really deteriorated.

Secrets of the Third Reich

The most plausible version seems to be the following.

At the beginning of Hitler's political career, representatives of secret societies, who had certain knowledge (possibly acquired in the east) about unconventional methods of influencing the human psyche and mass consciousness, really paid attention to him.

The leaders of these societies were by no means charlatans - they developed a number of amazing abilities in Hitler, above all the ability to magnetize the crowd.

Hitler was convinced with his own eyes that secret knowledge brings very real results. Apparently, the expeditions to the Kullu Valley also brought Hitler something that could eventually become a real superweapon in his hands. Perhaps mysticism had nothing to do with it at all.

If you do not believe in otherworldly forces, then it is quite logical to assume that the inhabitants of Tibet (cut off from the world for thousands of years) retained knowledge (including technical ones) that they inherited at one time from contacts with extraterrestrial civilizations.

In any case, the passion for Tibetan mysticism played a cruel joke on Hitler. While he equipped secret expeditions to the Kullu Valley and designed a superweapon in the form of a flying saucer, the real possibilities of creating new weapons passed by his attention.

In particular, the German leadership underestimated theories about nuclear fission and missed the opportunity to create an atomic bomb. The construction of the famous V-rockets was more successful, but, according to their chief designer, Wernher von Braun, this work began too late and progressed extremely slowly.

In a sense, one could say that the ancient legend of the Kullu Valley (and the amazing blueprints) paradoxically saved us all by diverting Hitler's attention from promising nuclear physics. After all, the majority of those living on the planet would never have been born if a nuclear bomb had been in the hands of a person who considered himself the Forerunner of Fire ...
