Geoecological research is based on the conceptual base of complex and sectoral physical and geographical disciplines with the active use of the ecological approach. The object of physical and geoecological research is natural and natural-anthropogenic geosystems, the properties of which are studied from the standpoint of quality assessment environment as a habitat and human activity,

In complex physical and geographical studies, the terms "geosystem", "natural-territorial complex" (NTC), "landscape" are used. All of them are interpreted as natural combinations of geographic components or complexes of the lowest rank, forming a system of different levels from the geographical envelope to the facies.

The term "PTC" is a general, out-of-rank concept, it focuses on the regularities of the combination of all geographical components: masses of the solid earth's crust, hydrosphere (surface and groundwater), air masses of the atmosphere, biota (communities of plants, animals and microorganisms), soils. Relief and climate are distinguished as special geographical components.

NTC is a spatio-temporal system of geographic components, interdependent in their location and developing as a whole.

The term "geosystem" reflects the system properties (integrity, interconnection) of elements and components. This concept is wider than the concept of "PTC", since every complex is a system, but not every system is a natural-territorial complex.

In landscape science, the term "landscape" is the basic one. In its general interpretation, the term refers to a system of general concepts and denotes geographical systems consisting of interacting natural or natural and anthropogenic complexes of a lower taxonomic rank. In the regional interpretation, the landscape is considered as a NTC of a certain spatial dimension (rank), characterized by genetic unity and a close relationship of its constituent components. The specificity of the regional approach is clearly visible when comparing the concepts of facies - natural boundary - landscape.

A facies is a PTC, throughout which the lithology of surface deposits, the nature of the relief, moisture, one microclimate, one soil difference, one biocenosis are the same.

The tract is a NTC, consisting of genetically related facies and usually occupying the entire form of the mesorelief.

The landscape is a genetically homogeneous NTC, having the same geological foundation, one type of relief, climate, consisting of a set of dynamically coupled and regularly repeating tracts, characteristic only of this landscape.

The typological interpretation focuses on the uniformity of PTK, dispersed in space, and can be considered as their classification.

When studying NTC transformed by economic activity, the concepts of an anthropogenic complex (AC) are introduced, as purposefully created by man and having no analogues in nature, and a natural-anthropogenic complex (NAC), the structure and functioning of which are largely predetermined by natural prerequisites. Transferring the regional interpretation of the landscape to the anthropogenic landscape (AL), according to A. G. Isachenko, it should be understood as anthropogenic complexes of regional dimensions. The general interpretation of the landscape makes it possible to consider anthropogenic landscapes as an out-of-rank concept. The anthropogenic landscape is, according to F. N. Milkov, a single complex of equivalent components, feature which is the presence of signs of self-development in accordance with natural laws.

The human-transformed NTCs, together with their anthropogenic objects, are called geotechnical systems. Geotechnical systems (landscape-technical, according to F. N. Milkov) are considered as block systems. They are formed by natural and technical blocks (subsystems), the development of which is subject to both natural and socio-economic laws with the leading role of the technical block.

Natural and economic geosystems are considered from the position of the triad: "nature - economy - society" (Fig. 2). Depending on the type and intensity of anthropogenic impact, natural and economic geosystems of various ranks are formed secondary to landscapes.

Lecture number 3.

Topic: Classification of methods of physical and geographical research.

1. Classification according to the criterion of universality.

2. Classification of methods according to the method of study.

3. Classification by position in the system of stages of cognition.

4. Classification by classes of problems to be solved.

5. Classification according to the criterion of scientific novelty

As a manuscript

RYBAKOV Alexander Anatolievich


dissertations for competition degree candidate of geographical sciences

Orenburg 2004

The work was carried out at the Institute of the Steppe of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Scientific Supervisor: Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences,

Doctor of Geographical Sciences Chibilev Alexander Alexandrovich

Official opponents of Doctor of Geology and Mineralogy

Sciences, Professor Demina Tamara Yakovlevna

candidate of geographical sciences, associate professor

Yurina Svetlana Vladimirovna

Lead organization: Russian Research

Institute of Cultural and Natural Heritage named after D.S. Likhachev

The defense will take place on February 1, 2005 at (]_ hours at a meeting of the dissertation council of the Kyrgyz Republic No. 212.181.63 at the State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Orenburg State University" at the address: 460018, Orenburg, Pobedy Ave., 13, aud. CH-NS

The dissertation can be found in the library of the State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Orenburg State University"

Scientific Secretary

dissertation council, ^^ R.Sh. Akhmetov

candidate of geographical sciences


The relevance of the work. Landscapes transformed by anthropogenic activity play important role in shaping the modern face of the Earth. Among the variety of anthropogenic landscapes, a certain place belongs to mining, in the modern structure of which the quarry-dump type of terrain dominates. The study of the features of the structure and dynamics of mining landscapes is one of the most urgent tasks of modern geoecology.

On the territory of the Orenburg Urals, ancient and ancient copper mines are widespread. Of great importance among them were the Kargaly mines located on the eastern outskirts of the General Syrt upland, in the upper reaches of the Upper Kargalka, Tok and Maly Uran rivers, 60 km north-north-west of Orenburg. The area of ​​the Kargaly mines covers an area of ​​566.0 km2 and stretches from northwest to southeast for 53 km with a width of up to 19 km. The total area of ​​mine workings, expressed in the landscape, is 102.7 km2 or 18.0% of the territory of the mine area.

The history of mine development has two main stages. The beginning of the first developments dates back to the early Bronze Age (1U-III thousand BC), and the end - to the 2nd millennium BC. During this period, the northeastern center of metalworking of the Circumpontian metallurgical province was formed in the Urals, and the Kargaly mines became the leading center of metalworking in the system of the Eurasian metallurgical province.

The revival of the mines took place in the middle of the 18th century and is associated with the name of the Simbirsk merchant I.B. New mines were arranged on the site of developments of the Bronze Age, which contained in dumps a large amount of ferruginous malachite, which was not used in ancient times for smelting ore. The operation of mines in modern times continued until 1913. During this time, copper smelting production was formed in the South Urals, associated specifically with the development of ores from the Kargaly mines .

The radical transformation of landscapes accompanying the development of the deposits of the Kargaly mines, combined with the subsequent long stage of their natural restoration, determined the uniqueness of this territory. At present, these ancient mines are the most valuable scientific testing ground that requires comprehensive study. Original anthropogenic-natural complexes were formed here, characterized by increased structural diversity and activity of geodynamic processes, which determines their facies richness, mosaic and increased biological diversity. The Kargaly mines are an object

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heritage of international importance, in connection with which they deserve the status of a specially protected area.

Despite the uniqueness of the territory of the Kargaly mines, fundamental scientific research was carried out only in the last two decades and was aimed at studying them in historical and archaeological terms and at substantiating the organization of a natural and historical reserve.

Purpose and objectives of the study.

The main purpose of the work is to study the structure and dynamics of the natural-anthropogenic complexes of the Kargaly mines in order to assess the current geoecological situation and justify measures for their protection and rational use.

Reveal the role of the Kargaly mines in the formation of the ancient center of copper-smelting production and determine the main stages of their development;

Substantiate the scientific and cultural significance of the Kargaly mines and develop proposals for the protection and rational use of the Kargaly mines.

Subject of study: the structure and dynamics of landscapes associated with the development of copper ore deposits, and their assessment as objects of natural, historical and cultural heritage.

The content of the dissertation work was based on the results of field and cameral research obtained by the author during 2000-2003. In preparing the work, numerous scientific publications on the topic, materials from scientific archives and special funds were analyzed. The work used a set of methods for physical-geographical and geoecological studies, comparative historical analysis, took into account materials based on special methods of analysis (radiocarbon, metallographic, palynological, etc.).

The scientific novelty of the work consists in the following: numerous materials of scientific publications and the results of surveys devoted to the study of natural and historical and archaeological features of the Kargaly mines are summarized;

for the first time, on the basis of landscape-geographical and historical-archaeological approaches and methods, a comprehensive study of the natural-anthropogenic complexes of the Kargaly mines was carried out, the landscape-typological structure of key territories was revealed;

the role of ancient mining activities in the differentiation of natural ecosystems, accompanied by the complication of their structure and the activation of geodynamic processes, is determined;

A typology of natural and anthropogenic landscapes of the Kargaly mines has been developed;

Structural and dynamic features of mining technical landscapes of mines are revealed;

Use of research results. The provisions and conclusions of the dissertation work can be used by specialists of environmental institutions as a rationale for the organization of a protected area with special environmental management regimes, as well as in the development of training courses in secondary and higher educational institutions and organization of tourism activities

1 The Kargaly mines ensured the safety of the steppe ecosystems of the General Syrt, and therefore they are carriers of valuable information about the soil, biological and landscape diversity of the region.

2. The radical transformation of landscapes caused by the exploitation of mines, combined with long periods of geoecological

rehabilitation, led to the formation of a complex system of natural and anthropogenic complexes

3 The area of ​​the Kargaly mines is one of the largest concentrations of unique historical, cultural and natural objects in Northern Eurasia that need further study and protection.

4 Kargaly mines have a significant recreational and tourist potential, which predetermines the need for the development of appropriate infrastructure.

Approbation of work. The main provisions of the dissertation work were reported at scientific-practical and international conferences, meetings and seminars of various levels: regional scientific-practical conferences of young scientists and specialists (Orenburg, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004); international scientific conferences "Natural and cultural landscapes: problems of ecology and sustainable development" (Pskov, 2002), "Reserve work in Russia, principles, problems, priorities" (Zhigulevsk, 2002), "International (XVI Urals) archaeological meeting" (Perm , 2003), III International Symposium "Steppes of Northern Eurasia" (Orenburg, 2003). II International Conference of Young Scientists and Specialists "Strategy for Nature Management and Conservation of Biodiversity in the 21st Century" (Orenburg, 2004).

The structure and scope of the dissertation

The dissertation work consists of an introduction, 5 chapters, a conclusion, a list of references from 200 sources. The total volume of the dissertation is 165 pages, including 30 figures, 11 tables, 5 appendices

The Introduction discusses the relevance of the problem of studying the geo-ecological state of modern landscapes of ancient and ancient copper mines in the Orenburg Cis-Urals. The goals and objectives of the work are formulated. Modern studies of mining landscapes are associated with the processes of the relationship of anthropogenic landforms with the natural landscape and the development of a classification of natural-anthropogenic complexes. These issues are considered in the works of F.N. Milkova (1973), V.I. Fedotova (1972; 1985; 1989), V.N. Dvurechensky (1974), B.P. Kolesnikov and JI.B. Motorina (1976), D.G. Panova (1964), A.I. Lutsenko (1971).

An outline of the history of the study of the area of ​​the Kargaly mines since the 18th century is given. The first literary information about the Kargaly mines appeared in the 18th century in the works of P.I. Rychkov (1769), P.S. Pallas (1768), I.I. Lepekhina (1769) Information about the fossil fauna and flora of the mines is reflected in the works of F.F. Wangenheim von Qualen (1841), E.I. Eichwald (1861), I.A. Efremov (1931; 1937; 1954), G.D. Musikhin (1999 ) The study of the geological structure of the Kargaly mines is devoted to the works of N. Koksharov (1843), R. Murchison and E. Verneuil (1849), Antipov 2nd (1860), A. Shtukenberg

(1882), A. Nechaev (1902), H V. Polyakov (1929); but the most detailed analysis of the geological situation is by B.JT. Malyutin (1929-1939) and M I Proskuryakov (1971) Local historian and archaeologist S.A. Popov (1971; 1982) wrote about the Kargaly mines as the most valuable object of historical and cultural heritage. Since 1989, expeditions of the Institute of Archeology of the Russian Academy of Sciences (under the direction of E.N. Chernykh - 1993; 1997; 2002) and the OGPU (under the direction of N.L. Morgunova - 1991) have been engaged in historical and archaeological research on the territory of the mines. Since 1993, the Steppe Institute of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences has carried out a complex of geobotanical, archaeological, geological and landscape geoecological studies in the study area. The results are reflected in the works of A.A. Chibileva and others (1993; 1998), G.D. Musikhin (1999), V.M. Pavleychik et al. (2000), C.B. Bogdanova (2001; 2002).

" Chapter 1. Materials and methods of research

The chapter describes the source materials and research methods. The study of the territory of the Kargaly mines was carried out in three stages: preparatory, field work and cameral.

The preparatory stage included the collection and analysis of cartographic, literary and stock materials. The main sources of primary cartographic information were the stock materials of the Orenburg Geological Committee, the Orenburg Land Management and Design and Survey Enterprise, the Orenburg Regional Committee for Land Resources and Land Management, the Committee for Culture and Art of the Administration of the Orenburg Region. To clarify the boundaries and areas of the study area, as well as the landscape features of individual areas, large-scale topographic, agricultural, soil, and geobotanical maps were processed.

The processing resulted in the compilation of a number of preliminary maps, on the basis of which primary information was obtained on the administrative-territorial position of the study area and individual sites, landscape, soil, geobotanical features of the study area. Based on these maps, primary expeditionary routes were outlined.

Field studies were carried out by stationary and route I methods. In key areas identified as a result of the reconnaissance,

complex surveys were carried out in geomorphological, landscape, geobotanical and archaeological areas.

The stage of desk research included the following main stages:

drawing up landscape-typological maps of various scales using landscape mapping methods and applying the results of field research;

Calculation of the coefficients of complexity of the landscape pattern, the task of which was to compare the change in the impact of mining operations on the landscape structure of the tracts;

Typification of natural-anthropogenic complexes using landscape principles and approaches, as well as assessment of their current geoecological state;

Development of criteria for museumification of objects of natural and historical and cultural heritage on the territory of the Kargaly mines, allocation of functional zones and justification of environmental management regimes.

Chapter 2. Natural conditions for the formation of geosystems of the Kargaly mines

The chapter deals with the geoecological prerequisites for the formation of the geosystems of the Kargaly mines - natural conditions, as a natural background, on which specific features associated with the development of copper mines are superimposed. Data on the geographical location of the study area are given, natural conditions are analyzed: geological and geomorphological structure, features of hydrography and hydrogeology, climatic indicators, soil and vegetation cover.

Ancient mining and modern agricultural activities in the study area have radically transformed natural complexes, which is why they have become rare landscapes in their natural state. Based on the studies, the geoecological state of quasi-natural reference areas was determined, the most interesting of which are: Syrtovo-Kargalinsky forests, Myasnikovskaya forb-cereal steppe, aspen groves of Myasnikovsky and Ordynsky ravines, Myasnikovskaya grove.

The paper presents, compiled by the author, a landscape-typological map of the study area, a detailed description of terrain types. A combined analysis of the landscape-typological map and the map of areas for the development of copper ore fields made it possible to reveal a pronounced confinement of the latter to the valley-beam type of terrain and the near-valley areas of the syrt-upland type of terrain. This, apparently, is associated with more favorable conditions for the occurrence of ore bodies located in near erosion incisions and largely devoid of cover deposits.

Chapter 3. History and nature of mining activities in the mines of the Orenburg Urals

The chapter provides an overview on the history and nature of anthropogenic mining activities associated with the development of copper sandstone deposits, both in the territory of the Kargaly mines and within the Orenburg Cis-Urals.

Based on literary, archival and field studies, three groups of copper mines in the Orenburg Cis-Urals have been identified, differing in the time of their operation: 1) ancient mines, 2) mines of the early modern period; 3) mines of the late modern period.

The ancient Kargaly mines, the Saigachi mine, Tuembetovsky were developed both in the Bronze Age and in the New Age. Their antiquity is reliably established by the presence of traces of mining operations (“Chudsky mines”) before the start of large-scale mining of the 18th century (according to P.I. Rychkov, P.S. Pallas and others), as well as mass finds of production tools dated to the Bronze Age, rough ore, slag, the so-called "copper splashes and cakes".

In the early period of the New Age (before the abolition of serfdom), the Kargaly mines, the mine on the city of Yangizka, copper mines near the villages of Priuralsky, Ostrovninsky, Giryalsky, the tract Rudnichnoye, mines on Mount Goryun, near the village. Fedorovka 1st and with. Alexandrovka. It is possible that some of them were developed in antiquity, but there is no reliable information. The work was carried out by the owners of copper smelters and was mainly of an exploratory nature. The most large-scale mining and technical work was carried out at the Kargaly mines. Basic labor force were ascribed peasants, therefore, soon after the abolition of serfdom in 1861. most of the aforementioned mines were abandoned. Small mines of this time today are 1-2 adits or pits and a group of dumps; often adits and pits have long been filled up and only dumps have been preserved.

In the late period of the New Age (after the abolition of serfdom), the Kargaly mines, the mines of Sorkul (Schlitter), Karagashtinsky, Kyzyl-Adyrsky, Kuchukbaevsky were developed. In connection with the decrease in available reserves at the Kargaly mines in the 60-90s of the XIX century, the search and development of deposits on the left bank of the Ural River was carried out. In fact, these mines are just exploration areas of huge mining allotments that are not inferior to the area of ​​the Kargaly mines.

A feature of the Kargaly mines is the phenomenal mining and technical transformation of the surface, which began in ancient times. Anthropogenic (mining) landforms are not inferior to natural forms in their severity in the modern landscape. Open pit ore mining was carried out from clearings, pits and quarries. With the help of pits, pipes and shafts, deep-lying ore bodies were mined. Near the mine workings, on areas of tens of square kilometers, dumps of mined waste rock and defective ore are located. Mining work has led to a redistribution of surface and underground runoff

The natural-anthropogenic complexes of the Kargaly mines are fundamentally different from the mining landscapes of other mines of the Bronze Age and the New Age, also based on the cuprous sandstones of the Urals (Saigachiy, Rudnitskoye, Tuembetovsky, etc.). The latter are isolated tracts, consisting of one or two spacings, shafts or adits, bordered by a ridge of dumps. Fine-mosaic fields of failures characteristic of the Kargaly, an extraordinary variety of natural, mining, historical and archaeological objects, are absent in these mines. The Kargaly mines have even less in common with

modern developed copper-pyrite deposits of the Southern Trans-Urals. The landscape and historical and cultural originality becomes even more obvious when compared with other major ancient centers of copper mining and processing in the North Caucasus, the Balkans and the Middle East (Belotserkovskoye, Strandzha, Wadi al-Arab), which are not characterized by the collapse of the roof of underground workings and the formation of various kind of negative landforms.

The chapter pays attention to the description of the archaeological objects of the Bronze Age miners-metallurgists and the buildings of the New Age, both related and not directly related to mining activities. cultures of the beginning of the III millennium BC. with a stone mold used for casting copper axes (E.N. Chernykh, 2000). On the territory of three sections of the Kargaly mines, traces of Bronze Age settlements, disturbed by mining structures of the 18th-19th centuries, were recorded. Burial necropolises of miners and metallurgists were studied by N. L. Morgunova near the village. Uranbash in 1992 and C.B. Bogdanov near the village. Pershin and Komissarovo in 2001 (Bogdanov, 2002). One of the dwellings of the settlement of miners-metallurgists of the 18th century was investigated during excavations by E.N. Chernykh on the Gorny hill (Chernykh, 2002).

Traces of a Neolithic settlement dated back to 5,000 B.C. were found near the Novyky hut. AD, preceding in time the period of mine development. In the Pershinsky and Komissarovsky burial grounds, groups of inlet burials of the early Sarmatian time (4th-2nd centuries BC) were revealed - the period when the Kargagty mines had been abandoned for more than five centuries.

Chapter 4

The chapter analyzes the developments of F.N. Milkova (1973; 1978; 1986), L.V. Motorina (1975), V.I. Fedotov (1985; 1989), and other authors on the classification and typology of mining landscapes, the main criterion of which is the method of mining.

The classification developed by us (Table 1) determines the place of the natural-anthropogenic complexes of the Kargaly mines in the landscape sphere. In contrast to the classifications of the above authors, in the rank of order (at a higher level), we single out zonal types of landscapes in order to equalize the role of the lithogenic base, climate and biotic components in the formation of modern landscapes. An order of magnitude lower is the "option", due to the fact that anthropogenic activity is one of the most significant landscape-forming factors. The classification of underground landscapes is currently insufficiently developed; we have singled them out at the level of order, class and type of tract.

Table 1 Taxonomic system of typological units of natural and anthropogenic landscapes of the Kargaly mines

Taxonomic unit of landscapes Typological category of landscapes


Steppe order

Option natural anthropogenic (option)

Flat industrial class

High plains subclass mining industrial

Terrain type syrt-rolly, slope, ravine-beam, floodplain, and above floodplain-terrace subsidence-dump, subsidence

The type and type of the tract are steppe and forb-steppe areas, ravine birch-aspen groves, ravines and gullies, slopes of various exposures and steepness, etc. beams, etc.) multi-temporal with shrubs and mixed grass-meadow vegetation on washed-out-washed soils, seasonal lakes, etc., including complex tracts of waste dump complexes

DEPARTMENT Underground

Order of underground mine workings

Class ore cuprous sandstones

Type of tract horizontal (drifts, etc.) and vertical (mines, etc.) mine workings of various degrees of preservation, grottoes and cornices, etc.

In addition, when classifying mining landscapes, one should proceed from the criteria that determine the current geoecological state of these territories: the time of completion and stages of mining, the nature (melioration, natural processes) and the degree of restoration, modern geodynamic activity, the intensity of processing of the primary landscape, etc.

The landscape-typological structure of the Kargaly mines was considered on the example of 5 key sites ("Panic", "Myasnikovsky", "Staroordynsky", "Uranbash-Ordynsky", "Syrtovo-Kargalinsky"), for which large-scale landscape-typological maps and profiles were developed and compiled the key areas (Figure 1) characterize the natural-anthropogenic complexes composing them.

Figure 1 - Landscape profile of the "Panic" site.

Symbols of the rock - 1 - conglomerates, 2 - clays and marls with sand interlayers, 3 - deluvial Quaternary deposits, 4 - cuprous sandstones and marl clays containing fossil flora and fauna, soils and their indicators - 4 - ordinary low-humus chernozems, 7 - complex soils of mining and technical facies, 8 - washed-out-washed soils of ravines and gullies, 9 - rubble index, 10 - washout index, 11 - deflation index, plant communities - 12 - complex vegetation of mining and technical facies, 13 - forb-grass communities , 14 - birch pegs

Typical tracts corresponding to certain types of mining operations and their consequences are characterized. When assessing the current geoecological state of the tracts, in addition to determining their morphometric parameters, special attention was paid to the study of the structure and composition of the vegetation cover.

Dips are the most numerous type of simple tracts. They are funnels formed as a result of collapses of the roof of underground cavities at the site of the development of large lenses of ore. They are characterized by various sizes - from 2-3 to 50-70 m in diameter and from 1 to 20-25 m deep. In the deepest funnels, ice remains throughout the warm season, and shallow temporary lakes form in cup-shaped silted dips. The dips are usually concentrated in large clusters, consisting of several tens or hundreds of individuals, interspersed with other types of landscape tracts.

The presence of fresh sinkholes is evidence of the modern dynamism and instability of the mining landscapes of the Kargaly mines. The colonization of funnels occurs in stages, initially with mesophilic species: tarragon tarragon (Artemisia draciinculus), stinging nettle (Urtica dioica), narrow-leaved fireweed (Chamaenerion angustifolium),

Thuringian chatma (Lavatera thuringiaca), Tatar motherwort (Leonurus tataricus), Ural larkspur (Delphinium uralense), etc. Subsequent stages of overgrowth of sinkholes as a result of the formation of a complex of reclaimed soils in combination with increased moisture are characterized by the colonization of various types of shrubs: Tatar honeysuckle (Lonicera tatarica) , shrub caragana (Caragana frutex), spirea crenata (Spiraea crenata), brittle buckthorn (l-rangula alnus), needle rose (Rosa aciculari), steppe cherry (Cerasus fruticosa), laxative gesture (Rhamnus cathartica), low bean (Amygdalus papa ).

Dumps are also numerous, on average 1.5-5 m high, and are located in hilly asymmetric heaps around adits and shafts on areas of several hundred square meters. A direct relationship has been traced between the morphometric parameters of dumps, the nature and composition of the soil and vegetation cover, and the age of their formation. Weakly sod dumps of the 18th-19th centuries. are characterized by the presence of complex groups with a predominance of Mugodzhari thyme (Thymus mugodzharicus), needle-leaved carnation (Dianthus acicularis), two-eared ephedra (Ephedra distachya), Russian cornflower (Centaurea ruthenica), creeping kochia (Kochia proslrata). On the dumps of the 2nd-3rd millennium BC, plant communities close to natural steppe communities are noted. Phytocenoses of feather grass, fescue-feather grass and forest grassland formations predominate with the participation of characteristic species, wormwood (Artemisia austriaca), Turkestan beetroot (Alyssum turkestanicum), thin-legged slender ( Koeleria cristata), hairy breast (Crinitaria villosa), multi-flowered headweed (Jurinea multiflora), etc.

Screes are a very specific type of tracts formed on the steep slopes of beams as a result of the dumping of waste rock from adits and mines. The most significant screes, stretching for several hundred meters, are compactly concentrated on the Myasnikovsky and Ordynsky ravines, where they overlap the gully thalwegs. Thus, screes have a certain landscape-forming role, changing the hydrological regime of gullies and ravines. Small natural dams that retain moisture throughout the season are located along the beams above the screes, or much lower, near their mouths. In this regard, aspen-poplar and aspen-birch groves, thickets of steppe cherry, interspersed with areas of forb-feather grass steppes, are formed near the talus.

Screes are also noted, which are relatively small segmental tongued slums of the dump of a separate mine or adit, which are found everywhere on gentle slopes.

Spacing - tracts, which are shallow, but wide prospecting sections, punched along the bottom and slopes by pits and adits, bordered by a dump of a horseshoe-shaped or ring-shaped shape. On each of the 11 sites of the Kargaly mines, 1-2 spacings are distinguished, overgrown with shrubs and birch crooked forests.

Adits - horizontal or inclined (up to 10-15 °) workings-driving, cut in the bedrock massif of sandstones in steep sides of beams or vertical walls of separations. The adits, punched at the foot of the steep slopes of the beams and in the spacing, as a rule, are littered at the entrance. Underground workings of a complex configuration extend for kilometers, expanding in places where copper ore accumulates and intersecting with drifts and mines. Traces of habitation of various kinds of troglophiles (in particular, bats) were not found.

Mines - vertical penetrations with a diameter of 1.5 to 3 m, having an average depth of 30-40 m. At a depth of more than 5-7 m, the mines communicate with drifts and adits. Some of the shafts have preserved traces of wooden fasteners near the mouths in the form of symmetrical holes cut in the walls. Separate mines of the New Age are equipped with short, but wide and high side adits, which served to transport waste rock and ore to the surface by carts.

Technological sites for the primary enrichment of copper ore, located near the spreads, mines and adits, as a rule, are located above the dumps and screes. They are slightly soddy, the surface layer is saturated with copper oxides to a depth of 1.52 m, so they are clearly visible from the surface in the form of ring-shaped or horseshoe-shaped accumulations of malachite chips. The sizes of the sites vary from 50 to 300 m2. In the areas "Gorny" ("Staroordynsky") and "Ordynsky ravine" they date back to the Bronze Age.

Figure 2 Typical mosaic combination of dominant types of mining facies (left bank of the Myasnikovsky ravine) Symbols: 1 - dips, 2 - suffusion-sink depressions, 3 - overburden dumps.

The conducted studies show that, depending on the position of mining sites in relation to the types of terrain and their structural elements, as well as the nature of the anthropogenic microrelief, different types landscape facies and their complexes differing in the nature of the vegetation cover and the degree of their leveling by denudation processes (Figure 2).

The gentle slopes are characterized by a combination of sinkholes and dumps, which have retained their sharpest outlines. The sinkholes and the foothills of the dumps are usually occupied by thickets of shrubs, petrophytic-steppe vegetation is developed on the dumps, and the background is created by forb and forb-grass communities due to some excess of their moisture. the most typical for the Kargaly mines of the dominant types of mining facies (Figure 3).

On steep and sloping slopes, dips and dumps are rare and largely destroyed by denudation; Here, in places, entrances to horizontal workings are marked.

objects at different geomorphological levels.

Symbols I - gentle elevated damp slope, II - steep riverine slope, III - floodplain, IV - gentle valley slope, nature of the vegetation cover - 1 - zonal grassy steppes, 2 - forest tracts, 3 - forb-grass mesophytic steppe, 4 - thickets of bushes, 5 - anthropogenic variants of geocomplexes

At the lower level (near the soles of the slopes, near erosion incisions, on river floodplain terraces) under conditions of natural elevated

Moisture in combination with small-contrast dissection of the relief by mining forms creates conditions for the formation of extensive shrub thickets and forest clumps. Forms of the anthropogenic relief are in a slightly more destroyed state than on gentle elevated slopes.

In order to determine the significance of mining facilities in the formation of the morphostructure of geocomplexes and the role of other factors in the differentiation of the selected tracts, the entropy complexity, diversity and heterogeneity were calculated for five heterogeneous areas of the Kargaly mines. The results of the analysis (Table 2) show that the degree of complexity and diversity of the structure of the geosystems of the Kargaly mines depends on the leading factor of landscape differentiation, which for a given territory are objects associated with mining activities. At the same time, mining facies, forming a diffuse<

linear structure of geosystems, significantly complicate the lateral and vertical structure of syrt landscapes, superimposed on their parallel-cellular pattern.

Table 2 - Correlation ratios between morphological coefficients and landscape elements.

Correlation ratios Mining objects Sloping and steep slopes of southern exposures Ravines and gullies

Landscape complexity 0.67 -0.68 -0.31

Landscape imagery 0.6 -0.93 -0.38

Landscape heterogeneity 0.56 -0.53 0.23

The analysis of the table below shows that the leading landscape-forming role is played by mining facies, which determine the contrast of manifestations of the ancient metallurgical geocomplexes of the Kargaly mines in the structure of syrt types of terrain. ravine-beam facies shows the importance of mining facies in the formation of landscape morphostructure (

Kargaly mines These tables also reflect the significance of insolation asymmetry in the structure of landscapes. A negative correlation for the sloping and steep slopes of the southern exposure with a high reliability index (0.25-0.8) indicates the impact of factors more significant than insolation-circulation processes. The role of channel processes in the formation of these geocomplexes is small.

The study of geodynamic processes at the Kargaly mines made it possible to identify the dominant values ​​of sinkholes above underground cavities and to determine the patterns of their spatial distribution

Based on the analysis of the arable suitability of soils and the nature of the relief, the landscape structure of areas devoid of mining facies was modeled. The results obtained show that in this case the share of arable land increases several times, so mining facilities "preserve" land from possible plowing (Table 3)

Table 3 - The structure of agricultural land in the "Panic" site, existing and modeled in the absence of mining facies.

Structure of agricultural land Arable land, ha Pastures, ha Hayfields, ha

existing 76.8 492.2 13.3

simulated 400.0 182.3 0.0

The high dynamism of modern mining landscapes in terms of the nature of the development of numerous and multifaceted geodynamic processes (denudation slope dumps, landslide, reo- and hydrochemical, etc.), as a rule, creates certain geo environmental problems. In the case of the Kargaly mines, almost all the negative consequences of development over a long period have been weakened by natural processes to such an extent that the current geoecological situation here can be assessed as favorable.

Ancient mining objects of different ages form a landscape characterized by increased ecotopic and biological diversity. Tracts of anthropogenic origin determine the complexity of the landscape pattern, increased ecotopic and biological diversity. The analysis of the flora of the Kargaly mines indicates the presence here of species of various ecological groups and, in general, uncharacteristic for the zonal steppe ecosystems of the Common Syrt. Ecotopes of anthropogenic origin contribute up to 30% of uncharacteristic species to the flora of the surrounding steppe ecosystems at the expense of mesophytic and petrophytic species.

The ecotopic richness of the territory and the almost complete absence of modern economic activity determine the presence of rare plant species. The Red Book of Russia (1988) includes the following plants found on the territory of the Kargaly mines: feather grass (Stipa dasyphylla), Zalessky's feather grass (S zalesskii), pinnate feather grass (Spennata), large-flowered kopek (Hedysarum grandiflorum), Razumovsky's kopek (H razoumovianum) The rock-mountain-steppe and hypoendemic species include Ural carnation (Dianthus uralensis), needle-leaved carnation (D acicularis), spiked arthropod (Oxytropis spicata), Mugodzhar thyme (Thymus mugodzharicus), and Bashkir smolenka (Silene baschkirorum). Of the relics, two-eared ephedra (Ephedra distachya), desert sheep (Helictotrichon desertorum), Altai toadflax

(Lmaria altaica) The number of other rare species is rapidly declining due to various kinds of anthropogenic activities and due to growth on the border of its range: many-flowered hollywort (Oxytropis jloribunda), Russian knapweed (Centaurea ruthemca), round-leaved bellflower (Campanula rotundifolia), brittle bladderwort (Cysroptens fragilis), etc.

Thus, the area of ​​the Kargaly mines, in addition to being unique in historical and archaeological terms, is an excellent testing ground for studying the processes of restoration of steppe vegetation, a habitat for a number of rare species and a valuable object for the conservation of the biodiversity of the region.

Chapter 5. Prospects for the protection and rational use of the Kargaly mines

The area of ​​the Kargaly mines is promising from the point of view of the development of recreational and tourist activities, as well as the museumification of objects of historical, cultural and natural heritage.

Figure 4 - Natural and historical and cultural objects on the territory of the Kargaly mines Functional zoning of the museum-reserve.

Natural-cultural and natural complexes A "Panic", B "Myasnikovsky", C "Sgaroordynsky", D "Syrtovo-Kargalinsky", E "Urapbash-Ordynsky" (according to A. A. Chibilev) Historical and archsological sites I "Tok-Uransky" , And "Dikarevsky", III "Panic", IV "Myasnikovsky", V "West-Usolsky", VI "East-Usolsky" VII "Ordynsky", VIII "Portnovsky", IX "Uranbashsky", X "Orlovsky", XI "Petropavlovsky" Functional zones of the Museum-Reserve 1 Regulated conservation regime, 2 Limited nature management (regime of landscape and archaeological reserves), 3 Traditionally environmentally oriented nature management

The optimal nature management regime in the territory of the Kargaly mines should be aimed at preserving the cultural and natural heritage and be developed taking into account the prevailing trends in socio-economic development and the ecological state of the region. A comprehensive analysis of the current state of natural and mining landscapes of the study area, the representativeness and diversity of workings of different ages, areas and compactness of sites made it possible to identify three types of functional zones of the projected museum-reserve (Figure 4).

The zone of regulated conservation regime includes the territory of five sections of the museum-reserve with a total area of ​​2075 hectares: 1) "Gorny-Staroorda" (350 hectares); 2) "Myasnikovsky" (182 hectares); 3) "Panic" (583 ha); 4) "Syrtovo-Kargaly scaffolds" (750 ha); 5) "Uranbash-Orda" (310 ha). They are confiscated from land users, a special regime is introduced for them - nature management, which ensures the preservation and maintenance

optimal state of ecosystems. To restore and maintain the state of the steppe areas, it is necessary to monitor their condition and take measures to exclude any kind of economic activity in the first years and then periodically, as necessary. To prevent the accumulation of excessive steppe felt, a set of measures is needed - moderate grazing, haymaking.

When planning the future development of the museum-reserve, it is necessary to take into account the real biological resources of the territory and create favorable living conditions for animal species typical of Kargaly (roe deer, badger, etc.).

The zone of limited nature management with the regime of archaeological reserves should cover all landscape and historical areas of the Kargaly mines. These territories remain with land users, all types of subsoil use (mining, oil production) are prohibited. The laying of roads and other communications, plowing, all types of construction, the arrangement of summer camps for livestock and other work must be coordinated with the environmental protection authorities, as well as with the administration of the museum-reserve.

The zone of landscape-adaptive nature management occupies the territory adjacent to the mine sites and located inside< внешнего контура исторического меднорудного поля. В сельскохозяйственном

use, it is advisable to introduce adaptive landscape technologies. Pasture animal husbandry should take into account the optimal load of livestock and * be provided with specially equipped watering places Exploration and development

mineral deposits should be carried out on the basis of environmental impact assessment projects.

Among the innovative projects that can be offered to land users located in the area of ​​the Kargaly mines is the creation of a horse farm to provide equestrian tourism, the production of koumiss and the construction of a koumiss clinic.


1 The Kargaly mines are a unique representative of the ancient developments of copper deposits in the Orenburg Cis-Urals. During development periods ( ancient time, early and late periods of modern times) they were the center of metallurgical production in Northern Eurasia.

2. Background landscapes, on which anthropogenic landforms are superimposed, are predominantly represented by syrt-rolly and valley-beam types of terrain. bodies and made it possible to develop them by adits.

3. The high modern reo dynamic activity of landscapes of the Kargaly mines is associated, first of all, with the formation of sinkholes.

forms that are the dominant mining facies of the area. In addition to them, overburden dumps, scree, mines, adits, spacing and technological sites are widespread.

4. Modern classifications of mining landscapes are mainly based on the method of extraction of minerals and do not take into account many specific features characteristic of the area of ​​the Kargaly mines due to the antiquity of their development. The classification developed by us involves the inclusion of the following criteria: a) the intensity of landscape transformation; b) completion time and development stages; c) the nature and degree of recovery; d) modern geodynamic activity.

5. Differentiation of the morphological structure of the landscapes of the Kargaly mining and metallurgical complex is associated with three leading factors: a) the formation of an extensive halo of mineralization with clear boundaries of the copper-bearing formation of the Upper Tatar substage of the Upper Permian;

b) insolation asymmetry of the morphostructure of slope geosystems;

c) mining activities with long recovery stages, which dramatically complicate vertical and lateral interactions

between natural components, which led to the activation of I

geodynamic processes.

6 Transformation of the landscapes of the area of ​​the Kargaly mines, accompanying mining and metallurgical activities, further determined the selective plowing, which is why natural reference sites have been preserved here, which are the most important sources of information about the landscape, soil, and biological diversity of the ecosystems of the Common Syrt.

7 Tracts of anthropogenic origin determine the complexity of the landscape pattern, increased ecotopic and biological diversity. Ecotopes of anthropogenic origin determine

increased, in comparison with the surrounding steppe ecosystems of the General Syrt, the proportion of mesophytic and petrophytic species. The Kargapa mines can be considered as a landscape and botanical refugium.

8. The developed long-term scheme for the organization of the museum-reserve "Kargapinsky mines" with a total area of ​​2075 hectares provides for the establishment of special environmental management regimes in the designated functional areas: -Kargaly scaffolds", "Uranbash-Ordynsky"; b) limited nature management, with the regime of archaeological reserves; c) landscape-adaptive nature management.

9. The area of ​​the Kargaly mines is a unique complex of concentration of objects of mining, historical, cultural and natural heritage. In this regard, it is a promising object for the development of recreational and tourist activities.

1. Rybakov A.A. Kargaly ancient GMTs as a socio-cultural system // Educational, scientific, industrial and innovative activities of higher education in modern conditions: Materials of the International Anniversary Scientific-Practical. conf. - Orenburg, 2001. - S. 48-49.

2. Rybakov A.A. Anthropogenic landscapes of the Kargaly GMC // Region, scientific-practical. Conf of Young Scientists and Specialists: Sat. materials. - Orenburg, 2001. - S. 225-226.

3. Rybakov A.A. Copper mines of the southeastern periphery of the Kargaly ancient GMC // Region, scientific-practical conference of young scientists and specialists: Collection of materials - Orenburg, 2002. - P. 103-104.

4. Chibilev A.A., Rybakov A.A., Pavleichik V.M., Musikhin G.D., Anthropogenic landscapes of the Kargaly copper mines in the Orenburg region // Natural and anthropogenic landscapes. - Irkutsk-Minsk, 2002. - S. 68-74. 1 (author's share 40%).

5. Rybakov A A Ancient and ancient copper mines of the Central Orenburg region // Natural and cultural landscapes: problems of ecology and sustainable development - Pskov, 2002. - P. 124-126.

6. Bogdanov CB, Ryabukha AC, Rybakov AA, Prospects for the organization of the National Park on the basis of objects of historical, cultural and natural heritage of the Kargaly ancient GMTs // Reserve business in Russia: principles, problems, priorities - Zhigulevsk - Bakhilova Polyana, 2002. - S. 450-452. (author's share 30%).

7. Rybakov A.A. Modern value of the ancient Kargaly cupriferous sandstone deposit // Region, scientific-practical. conf. young scientists and specialists: Collection of materials. - Orenburg, 2003. S.106-107.

8. Rybakov A A Landscape specificity of archaeological sites of the Kargaly ancient mining and metallurgical center // International (XVI Ural) archaeological meeting: Proceedings of the international. scientific conf. - Perm, 2003. - S. 251-252.

9. Rybakov A.A. Kargaly mines through the eyes of researchers of the 18th-19th centuries. // Steppes of Northern Eurasia. Standard steppe landscapes: problems of protection, ecological restoration and use. Proceedings of III Intern. Symposium, - Orenburg, 2003. - S. 423-424.

10. Rybakov A.A. The raw material base of the copper industry in the territory of the Orenburg Urals in the XVIII-XIX centuries. // Orenburg region in the system of Eurasian provinces and regions of Russia. Vseros. scientific-practical. conf. - Orenburg, 2004. - S. 52 - 55.

11. Rybakov A.A., Ryabukha A.S. Objects of mining activity of the Bronze Age and the New Age on the territory of the Kargaly mines // Strategy of nature management and biodiversity conservation in the XXI century. conf. young scientists and specialists. - Orenburg, 2004. -S. 111 - 113. (author's share 70%).

Publishing house "Orenburg province" License LR №> 070332 460000, Orenburg, st. Truth, 10, tel. 77-23-53 Signed for publication on December 23, 2004. Format 60x84 1/16. Typeface Times Roman Circulation 100 copies.

RNB Russian Fund

Chapter 1. Materials and methods of research.

Chapter 2. Natural conditions for the formation of geosystems

Kargaly mines.

2.1. Geographical position.

2.2. Features of relief, geology and formation of 22 deposits.

2.3. Climatic features.

2.4. Ground and surface waters.

2.5. Soil cover.

2.6. Plant cover and fauna.

2.7. Landscape-typological features.

Chapter 3. History and nature of mining activities in the mines of the Orenburg Urals.

3.1. Geography of distribution of ancient and old copper mines on the territory of the Orenburg Cis-Urals.

3.1.1. Ancient mines.

3.1.2. Mines of the early modern period.

3.1.3. Mines of the Late Modern Period.

3.2. History of developments of the Kargaly mines.

3.3. The nature of mining activities.

3.4. Archaeological sites related to 52 mining activities.

3.5. Archaeological objects not related to the periods of mine development.

Chapter 4

4.1. Problems of classification.

4.2. Landscape-typological structure of key areas.

4.3. The current state of the main types of tracts.

4.4. Analysis of morphostructural features of geocomplexes of 85 Kargaly mines.

4.5. The main features of the dynamics of mining landscapes.

4.6. geoecological significance.

4.6.1. Preservation of natural and natural-anthropogenic geosystems.

4.6.2. Conservation of biological diversity.

Chapter 5. Perspectives for protection and management

Kargaly mines.

5.1. Security issues.

5.2. The structure of modern nature management.

5.3. Territorial organization of the museum-reserve and nature management regimes in functional zones.

5.3.1. Regulated protected area.

5.3.2. Zone of limited nature use.

5.3.3. Zone of traditional environmentally directed nature management.

5.3.4. Monuments of nature.

5.4. Prospects for protection, restoration and recreational development.

Introduction Dissertation in earth sciences, on the topic "Analysis of the landscape structure of natural and anthropogenic complexes of the Kargaly mines"

Landscapes transformed by anthropogenic activity play an important role in shaping the modern appearance of the Earth. Among the variety of anthropogenic landscapes, a certain place belongs to mining, in the modern structure of which the quarry-dump type of terrain dominates. The transformation of the relief by mining, the change in the integrity of geological structures, the regime of groundwater, the destruction of the soil and vegetation cover leads to the formation of geosystems that differ from natural ones in specific features. The study of the features of the structure and dynamics of mining landscapes is the most urgent task of modern geoecology.

On the territory of the Orenburg Urals, ancient and ancient copper mines are widespread. Among them, the most important were the Kargaly mines, the history of development of which includes two main stages. The first developments date back to the early Bronze Age (4th-3rd millennium BC), ending in the 2nd millennium BC. During this period, the northeastern center of metalworking of the Circumpontian metallurgical province was formed in the Urals, and by the 2nd millennium BC. n. e. The Kargaly mines are becoming the leading metalworking center in the system of the Eurasian Metallurgical Province.

The revival of the mines took place in the middle of the 18th century and is associated with the name of the Simbirsk merchant I.B. New mines were built on the site of Bronze Age mining, which contained in dumps a large amount of ferruginous malachite, which was not used in ancient times for smelting ore. The exploitation of mines in the New Age continued until 1913. During this time, copper smelting production was formed in the Southern Urals, which is associated precisely with the development of the ores of the Kargaly mines.

The territory of the Kargaly mines has long attracted researchers. The first literary information about the Kargaly mines appeared in the 18th century. Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences N.P. Rychkov, who visited the mines in 1762, noted that most of the current developments are ancient mines, clearly indicating the professionalism of the ancient miners: “However, this should not be left without an announcement that with all factories , now located in the Orenburg province, the existing mines for the most part are essentially ancient mines, according to which it is quite clear that the ancient inhabitants of these places in mining, and especially in the smelting of copper, once had great and strong crafts. .

Researchers who visited the mines in the 18th century were more interested in samples of fossil flora and fauna. In 1768, P.S. Pallas informed the Imperial Academy of Sciences that he had sent to St. Petersburg the trunk of a huge petrified tree originating from the Kargaly mines and “requested by the Senate for the Imperial Kunstkamera”. In his travel notes, he mentions: “a copper mine named Saigachiy, located not far from the western bank of the Berdyanka River, which flows into Lik from the left side above Orenburg.”

In 1769, I. Lepekhin, on his way to South Bashkiria, visited the Kargaly mines, leaving short notes in some areas of the mines. In 1840, Wangenheim Kvalen published information about the fossil fauna of the mines - finds of bones of lizards and fish. E. Eichwald establishes a new species of fossil ganoid fish from copper sandstone mines.

Geological studies of that time at the Kargaly mines were clearly inferior to paleontological ones. English scientists R.I. Murchison and E. Verneuil in their work "Geological Description of European Russia and the Ural Range" only casually mention "a vast country containing copper-sand ores". A general overview of the distribution of cuprous sandstones was made by the mining engineer Antipov-P. He reported that mining work at the Kargaly mines is carried out without surveying plans and without fastening, and the workings in the mines are curving in all directions, of irregular shape and size.

A continuous geological survey of the mines was carried out in the 20s of the XX century in connection with an assessment of the prospects for exploiting this deposit in the context of the emergence of more cost-effective technologies. The study of mining engineer K.V. Polyakov is devoted to the identification of copper reserves in the dumps of the Kargaly mines, according to which the ore reserves were estimated at 1.5 million tons, and the total copper reserves - 17.25 thousand tons.

The most detailed geological surveys at the Kargaly mines were carried out from 1929 to 1939 under the direction of B.JI. Malyutin. As a result of the work, the confinement of the deposit to the channel facies was proved and the relationship of elevated copper concentrations with carbonic plant residues was experimentally confirmed. The total copper reserves of this region were estimated at 200 thousand tons.

In the 60s of the XX century, in connection with the possibility of finding rare elements in the cuprous sandstones of the Urals, as well as the prospect of discovering larger deposits, practical interest was again shown in them. As a result of studies carried out by geologists under the leadership of A.V. Purkin and V.L. Malyutin, the Kargalinskoye copper deposit was recognized as unpromising and in 1971 removed from the balance sheet as having lost its industrial significance. The last significant work on cuprous sandstones, where the Kargalinskoye field was covered, was a report by M.I. Proskuryakov et al., compiled in the same 1971.

In studies of the fossil fauna of the Kargaly mines, we note, first of all, the work of the paleontologist and science fiction writer I.A. Efremov, who studied the mines in 1929, 1936 and 1939. The research resulted in publications that reflect information about paleontology, geology, the history of geological research, information about ancient and old developments in mines, maps of ore allotments. He wrote an artistic story-essay about his adventures in the mines and the fate of local miners.

In recent decades, the Kargaly mines have been intensively studied in historical and archaeological terms.

In 1988, during exploration work in the area of ​​the Kargaly mines, carried out by the Institute of Archeology of the Russian Academy of Sciences (under the leadership of E.N. Chernykh), expeditions of the Orenburg State Pedagogical Institute (N.L. Morgunova), the Institute of the Steppe of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (S.V. Bogdanov ) settlements and burial mounds were found adjacent to individual mines, from which a conclusion was made about the time of these developments. Surveys by the expedition of the Institute of Archeology of the Russian Academy of Sciences revealed a settlement of miners-metallurgists at the Gorny site and compiled a security passport for the Kargaly mines, as a monument of history and culture of republican significance. Based on the results of these explorations, it became obvious that the Gorny, Panika, Myasnikovsky, Ordynsky sites are of the greatest interest for historical and archaeological research, since the ancient monuments on their territory were destroyed by the mine workings of the New Age to a lesser extent than on others. Later, an exploratory trench was laid on the Gorny site on the territory of the settlement, and in 1991-1992. On the territory of the Kargaly ore field, 15 more points with ancient and ancient cultural layers were discovered. Orenburg archaeological expedition of the OGPI led by H.JI. Morgunova and O.I. Powder carried out excavations of the burial mound near the village. Uranbash.

The main goal of archaeological research in the 90s of the XX century, including expeditionary and cameral laboratory work, was to reveal the main features of the production of the early period of the Kargaly mines. The problem of correlation of Kargaly mines with metallurgical centers and provinces of Eurasia in the Bronze Age, as well as the place and significance of the Kargaly complex in the structure of each of these systems (Circumpontian and Eurasian metallurgical provinces) was studied.

The research of the Steppe Institute of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences is devoted to the problem of studying, preserving and optimally using the objects of natural and cultural heritage of the Kargaly mines. In 1993, the Institute of the Steppe of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences under the leadership of A.A. The certification of natural attractions carried out by the Institute of the Steppe of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences made it possible to include a number of objects of scientific, educational and environmental value in the list of natural monuments approved by the order of the Administration of the Orenburg Region No. 505-r dated May 21, 1998 "On Natural Monuments of the Orenburg Region" (Appendix 1) . By Decree of the President of the Russian Federation (No. 176 of February 20, 1995) the Kargaly mines were given the status of a monument of cultural, historical and natural heritage of federal significance.

In 2000-2001 The Laboratory of Historical, Cultural and Natural Heritage of the Institute of the Steppe conducted a comprehensive archaeological and geoecological expedition with the participation of the author of the study. As a result of archaeological excavations, the mounds of the Pershinsky burial ground were investigated and excavations of the Komissarovskoye burial ground began.

The radical transformation of landscapes during the development of the deposits of the Kargaly mines and the subsequent long stage of their natural restoration determined the uniqueness of this territory. At present, these ancient mines are the most valuable scientific testing ground that requires comprehensive study. Original anthropogenic-natural complexes have formed here, characterized by increased structural diversity and activity of geodynamic processes, which determines their facies richness and mosaicity, as well as increased biological diversity. The Kargaly mines are an object of historical, cultural and natural heritage of international importance, and therefore deserve the status of a specially protected area.

The purpose and objectives of the research:

The main purpose of the work is to study the structure and dynamics of the mining landscapes of the Kargaly mines in order to assess the current geoecological situation and justify measures for their protection and rational use.

In accordance with the goal, the following tasks were solved:

Reveal the role of the Kargaly mines in the formation of the ancient center of copper smelting production and determine the main stages of their development;

To study the natural and anthropogenic conditions and factors that determine the modern landscape structure of the Kargaly copper mines;

Reveal the nature of ancient mining activities and determine the current geo-ecological state of anthropogenic objects;

Determine the degree of differentiation of natural systems under the influence of mining activities and the ability to restore steppe ecosystems;

Based on complex landscape studies, to identify the role of ancient mining activities as a factor determining the preservation of natural geosystems and forming anthropogenic-natural ones with increased structural and biological diversity;

Substantiate the high scientific and cultural value of the Kargaly mines and develop proposals for the protection and rational use of the Kargaly mines.

Object of study: natural and anthropogenic complexes of the Kargaly copper ore region.

Subject of study: the structure and dynamics of landscapes associated with the development of copper ore deposits and their assessment as objects of natural, historical and cultural heritage.

Used materials and research methods.

The content of the dissertation work was based on the results of field and cameral research obtained by the author during 2000-2003. In preparing the work, numerous scientific publications on the topic, materials from scientific archives and special funds were analyzed. The work used a set of methods for physical-geographical and geoecological studies, comparative historical analysis, took into account materials based on special methods of analysis (radiocarbon, metallographic, palynological, etc.).

The scientific novelty of the work is as follows:

Numerous materials of scientific publications and results of surveys devoted to the study of natural and historical-archaeological features of the Kargaly mines are summarized;

For the first time, on the basis of landscape-geographical and historical-archaeological approaches and methods, a comprehensive study of the natural-anthropogenic complexes of the Kargaly mines was carried out, the landscape-typological structure of key territories was revealed;

The role of ancient mining activities in the differentiation of natural ecosystems, accompanied by the complication of their structure and the activation of geodynamic processes, has been determined;

A set of measures aimed at protecting and optimizing the use of natural resources at the Kargaly mines has been developed.

The most significant scientific results obtained personally by the author are as follows:

A typology of natural and anthropogenic landscapes of the Kargaly mines has been developed; structural and dynamic features of mining landscapes of mines are revealed;

The high scientific, educational and recreational significance of the Kargaly mines is substantiated.

The reliability of the scientific provisions, conclusions and recommendations of the work is confirmed by a significant amount of data obtained in the course of expeditionary research and their analysis based on the principles and methods of physical geography and landscape science, as well as a detailed study of numerous literary and fund sources.

The practical significance of the work lies in the prospective establishment of special environmental management regimes aimed at preserving the unique ancient mining landscapes of the Ural steppe and in developing the recreational and scientific and educational potential of the territory.

Use of research results. The provisions and conclusions of the dissertation work can be used by specialists of environmental institutions in the organization of a specially protected area and the establishment of environmental management regimes, as well as in the development of training courses in secondary and higher educational institutions and the organization of tourism activities.

Key Protected Provisions:

1. The Kargaly mines ensured the safety of the steppe ecosystems of the General Syrt, and therefore they are carriers of valuable information about the soil, biological and landscape diversity of the region.

2. The radical transformation of landscapes caused by the exploitation of mines, combined with long periods of geo-ecological rehabilitation, led to the formation of a complex system of natural-anthropogenic complexes.

3. The area of ​​the Kargaly mines is one of the largest concentrations of unique historical, cultural and natural objects in Northern Eurasia that need further study and protection.

4. Kargaly mines have a significant recreational and tourist potential, which determines the need for the development of appropriate infrastructure.

Approbation of work. The main provisions of the dissertation work were reported at scientific-practical and international conferences, meetings and seminars of various levels: regional scientific-practical conferences of young scientists and specialists (Orenburg, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004); international scientific conferences "Natural and cultural landscapes: problems of ecology and sustainable development" (Pskov, 2002), "Reserve work in Russia, principles, problems, priorities" (Zhigulevsk, 2002), "International (XVI Urals) archaeological meeting" (Perm , 2003), III International Symposium "Steppes of Northern Eurasia" (Orenburg, 2003), II International Conference of Young Scientists and Specialists "Strategy for Nature Management and Biodiversity Conservation in the 21st Century" (Orenburg, 2004).

The structure and scope of the dissertation.

The dissertation work consists of an introduction, 5 chapters, a conclusion, a list of references from 200 sources. The total volume of the dissertation is 165 pages, including 30 figures, 11 tables, 5 appendices.

Conclusion Thesis on the topic "Geoecology", Rybakov, Alexander Anatolievich


The conducted research allows us to formulate the following conclusions:

1. The Kargaly mines are a unique representative of the ancient developments of copper deposits in the Orenburg Cis-Urals. During the periods of development (ancient time, early and late periods of modern times), they were the center of metallurgical production in Northern Eurasia.

2. Background landscapes, on which anthropogenic landforms are superimposed, are represented mainly by syrt-rolly and valley-beam types of terrain. The extraction of cuprous sandstones is confined mainly to various structural elements of erosion incisions (slopes, upper edge and bottom), which practically opened up ore bodies and made it possible to develop them by adits.

3. The high modern geodynamic activity of the landscapes of the Kargaly mines is associated, first of all, with the formation of failure forms, which are the dominant mining facies of this territory. In addition to them, overburden dumps, scree, mines, adits, spacing and technological sites are widespread.

4. Modern classifications of mining landscapes are mainly based on the method of extraction of minerals and do not take into account many specific features characteristic of the area of ​​the Kargaly mines due to the antiquity of their mining. The developed classification assumes the inclusion of the following criteria: a) intensity of landscape transformation; b) completion time and development stages; c) the nature and degree of recovery; d) modern geodynamic activity.

5. Differentiation of the morphological structure of the landscapes of the Kargaly mining and metallurgical complex is associated with three leading factors: a) the formation of an extensive halo of mineralization with clear boundaries of the copper-bearing formation of the Upper Tatar substage of the Upper Permian; b) insolation asymmetry of the morphostructure of slope geosystems; c) mining activities with long recovery stages, which dramatically complicate the vertical and lateral interactions between natural components, which led to the activation of geodynamic processes.

6. Transformation of the landscapes of the area of ​​the Kargaly mines, accompanying the mining and metallurgical activity, further determined the selective plowing, which is why natural reference sites have been preserved here, which are the most important sources of information about the landscape, soil, and biological diversity of the ecosystems of the Common Syrt.

7. Tracts of anthropogenic origin determine the complexity of the landscape pattern, increased ecotopic and biological diversity. Ecotopes of anthropogenic origin determine an increased proportion of mesophytic and petrophytic species compared to the surrounding steppe ecosystems of the Common Syrt. Kargaly mines can be considered as a landscape-botanical refugium.

8. The developed long-term scheme for organizing the Kargaly Mines Museum-Reserve with a total area of ​​2175 hectares provides for the establishment of special environmental management regimes in the designated functional areas: -Kargaly scaffolds", "Uranbash-Ordynsky"; b) limited nature management, with the regime of archaeological reserves; c) landscape-adaptive nature management.

9. The area of ​​the Kargaly mines is a unique complex of concentration of objects of mining, historical, cultural and natural heritage. In this regard, it is a promising object for the development of recreational and tourist activities.

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157. Proskuryakov M.I. Generalization of the results of exploration and field work on cuprous sandstones in the Orenburg Cis-Urals for 1950-70: Manuscript. / Orenb. geolkom. - Orenburg, 1971. 115 p.

158. Purkin A.V., Barkov A.F. et al. A note to substantiate the search for industrial copper deposits in the Upper Permian deposits of the Urals / Ural., Bashkir, and Orenb. geol. ex. Sverdlovsk, 1961. - 65 p.

159. Sheina A.V., Deryagina G.S. Report on the work carried out on the Permian copper sandstones for the period from 1962 to 1965. / Ural. geol. ex. - Sverdlovsk, 1965. 103 p.

160. Funds of the Committee on Land Resources and Land Management1. Orenburg region

161. Technical report on the correction of soil survey materials of Kolkhoz im. Karl Marx of the Sakmarsky district of the Orenburg region / A.S. Lobanov, S.A. Samsonov, L.T. Voronkova-Orenburg, 1991. 74 e.; Soil, map.

162. Technical report on the correction of soil survey materials of the Krasnaya Zhitnitsa state farm, Sakmarsky district of the Orenburg region / N.I. Skoptsov, A.N. Strelnikov, A.S. Lobanov. - Orenburg, 1990. 93 e .; Soil, map.

163. Skoptsov N.I., Strelnikov A.N., Lobanov A.S. Orenburg, 1990. - 93 e.; Soil, map.

164. Technical report on the correction of soil survey materials of the Progress collective farm, Alexandrovsky district, Orenburg region. / M.G.Kit, Z.ILtsyuk. Lvov, 1986. - 63 e.; Soil, map.

165. Technical report on the correction of soil survey materials of the state farm. Karl Marx Aleksandrovsky district of the Orenburg region. / M.G.Kit, Z.I.Yatsyuk Z.I. Lvov, 1986. - 93 e.; Soil, map.

166. Technical report on the correction of soil survey materials of the Uranbash state farm, Oktyabrsky district, Orenburg region. / N.I. Skoptsov, V.P. Menshikov, A.N. Strelnikov. - Orenburg, 1986. 107 e.; Soil, map.

167. Technical report on the correction of soil survey materials of the Rassvet collective farm, Oktyabrsky district, Orenburg region. / N.I. Skoptsov, V.P. Menshikov, A.N. Strelnikov. - Orenburg, 1990. 71 e.; Soil, map.

168. Cadastre of monuments on the territory of the Kargaly mines (according to A.A. Chibilev 149.) p / p Name of the object Brief description Location and land user Area, ha Type of monument1. Alexandrovsky district

4. Study of the functioning of natural and natural-anthropogenic geosystems

4.1. Landscape-geochemical research methods

One of the most important methods for studying the functioning of geosystems is the method of conjugated geochemical analysis (CGA).

Conjugate Analysis- this is a specific research method in landscape geochemistry, which consists in the simultaneous study of the chemical composition of all components of the landscape (rocks, weathering crust, surface and groundwater, soils, vegetation) and the geochemical relationship between landscapes.

The SGA method is a way of knowing an object through finding empirical dependences of differentiation chemical elements in the landscape and is the basis of the theoretical provisions of the geochemistry of landscapes.

In general, the development of the method is associated with the study of the differentiation of chemical elements, the disclosure of the mechanism of this differentiation at the level of geochemical processes, and the ecological and geochemical assessment of the quality of the environment.

Basic concepts. The concept of elemental landscape (EL) or elementary geochemical system (ELGS) is the main concept in landscape geochemistry. The successive ELGSs from the local watershed to the local depression represent a geochemically conjugated series - a geochemical catena or a cascade landscape-geochemical system (CLGS). The term local geochemical landscape is used to designate a territory in which a repetition of certain landscape catenas is observed.

The conjugate analysis reveals the chemical elements characteristic of elementary landscapes and makes it possible to trace their migration within the complex (radial migration) and from one complex to another (lateral migration).

The most important factor differentiation of substances in landscapes are geochemical barriers, ideas about which are one of the fundamental principles of studying the migration and concentration of chemical elements in landscapes.

Geochemical barriers are such areas of the landscape where, at a short distance, there is a sharp decrease in the intensity of migration of chemical elements and, as a result, their concentration.

Geochemical barriers are widespread in landscapes; anomalously high concentrations of elements are often formed on them. AI Perelman identifies two main types of barriers - natural and man-made. Each type is subdivided into three classes of landscape-geochemical barriers: 1) biogeochemical; 2) mechanical; 3) physical and chemical. The latter occur in places of change in temperature, pressure, redox, alkaline-acid and other conditions. Morphologically, geochemical barriers are divided into radial and lateral.

Radial geochemical structure. Radial geochemical structure reflects the migration of elements within an elementary geochemical landscape, and is characterized by a number of landscape-geochemical coefficients.

Radial Differentiation Coefficient shows the ratio of the content of a chemical element in the genetic horizon of the soil to its content in the parent rock.

Biological absorption coefficient shows how many times the content of the element in the ashes of the plant is greater than in the lithosphere or rock, soil.

Water migration coefficient reflects the ratio of the content of the element in the mineral residue of water to its content in water-bearing rocks.

The graphical model for the expression of the considered dependencies are geochemical diagrams. The value of variation in the distribution of the element in soil horizons relative to the parent rock can serve as a criterion for the contrast of radial differentiation.

Lateral geochemical structure. The lateral geochemical structure characterizes the relationship between the components of elementary landscapes in the landscape catena.

According to the conditions of migration, B. B. Polynov singled out autonomous and subordinate elementary landscapes. To autonomous, called eluvial, include the surfaces of watershed spaces with a deep occurrence of the groundwater level. Matter and energy enter such landscapes from the atmosphere. In relief depressions, subordinate (heteronomic) landscapes are formed, which are subdivided into superaqueous(surface) and subaqueous(underwater). M. A. Glazovskaya identified a number of intermediate groups of elementary landscapes: in the upper parts of the slopes - transeluvial, in the lower parts of the slopes and dry hollows - eluvial-accumulative(transaccumulative), within local depressions with a deep level of groundwater - accumulative-eluvial elemental landscapes.

Coefficientlocal migration shows the ratio of the content of the element in the soils of subordinate landscapes to autonomous ones.

The typification of catenas is carried out on the basis of the obtained analytical data on the content of elements in soils and parent rocks. Lithologically, monolithic catenas are the most methodologically convenient objects for studying the lateral migration of elements.

Technogenic migration of elements in landscapes. The main consequence of anthropogenic impact on the natural environment is the formation of anomalous concentrations of chemical elements and their compounds as a result of pollution of various components of the landscape. The identification of technogenic anomalies in various environments is one of the critical tasks ecological and geochemical assessments of the state of the environment. To assess the pollution of the natural environment, sampling of snow cover, soils, surface and underground waters, bottom sediments, and vegetation is used.

One of the criteria for the anomalous ecological and geochemical state is technogenic concentration coefficient (K s), which is the ratio of the content of the element in the considered technogenically polluted object to its background content in the components of the natural environment.

Technogenic anomalies have a multi-element composition and have a complex integral effect on living organisms. Therefore, in the practice of environmental and geochemical work, the so-called total pollution indicators are often used. , characterizing the degree of pollution of the whole association of elements relative to the background.

The quality of natural environments can be determined using a system of environmental and geochemical indicators: air pollution index (API), water pollution index (WPI), total soil pollution index (Z c), technogenic concentration coefficient (K c), etc. Each of the indices has its own calculation method. The general methodological approach is that the calculation takes into account the hazard classes of pollutants, quality standards (MACs) and average levels of background pollution.

Scheme of ecological and geochemical research includes three stages: 1) landscape-geochemical analysis of the territory; 2) ecological and geochemical assessment of the state of the natural or natural-anthropogenic environment; 3) landscape geochemical forecast.

Ecological and geochemical research consists of a period of preparation for field work, the actual field period, the most important part of which is the collection of samples at observation points, and an office period, including analytical, graphical-mathematical and cartographic processing of field materials, their explanation and writing a report.

Stage of landscape-geochemical analysis of the territory. At the stage of preparation for field work, a program is drawn up, research methods and the optimal mode of implementation are selected, general geographic and sectoral analytical and cartographic materials are analyzed.

The methodology for conducting field landscape-geochemical studies depends on the goals, objectives and scope of work. However, regardless of these issues, the geochemical study of landscapes is based on the identification and typology of elementary landscapes. The result of the research is an idea of ​​the radial geochemical structure of the vertical profile of an elementary landscape and an analysis of the catenary geochemical differentiation of cascade systems.

Stage ecological and geochemical assessment The current geochemical state of the territory includes a geochemical indication of the state of the environment. There are two approaches here. One of them is related to the identification and inventory of anthropogenic sources of pollution: the structure, composition and quantity of pollutants. These data are obtained by analyzing emissions, effluents, solid waste (emissions). Another approach is to assess the degree and nature of the real distribution (emission) of pollutants in natural environments.

Analysis of the geochemical transformation of natural landscapes under the influence of technogenesis consists in studying the restructuring of the radial and lateral structures of the landscape, the direction and speed of geochemical processes and the geochemical barriers associated with them. The result of these studies is usually an assessment of the compatibility or incompatibility of natural and technogenic geochemical flows, the degree of variability and resistance of natural systems to technogenesis.

Stage of landscape-geochemical forecast. The task of this stage is to predict the development of changes in the natural environment based on the study of past and present natural and natural-anthropogenic conditions. Such studies are based on ideas about the stability of natural systems to technogenic loads and the analysis of their responses to these impacts. This approach is reflected in the views of M. A. Glazovskaya on technobiogeomes– territorial systems with a similar response to the same type of anthropogenic impacts.

4.2. Landscape-geophysical research methods

occupies a special place in geoecology. balance method, which is a set of techniques that allow you to explore and predict the development of geosystems by comparing the inflow and outflow of matter and energy. The basis of the method is the balance (balance matrix, model), which contains a quantitative assessment of the movement of matter and energy within the system or when it interacts with the environment. The balance method makes it possible to trace the dynamics of daily and annual cycles, to analyze the distribution of matter and energy flows through different channels.

Scientific research based on the method of balances includes the following stages: 1) drawing up a preliminary list of income and expenditure items; 2) quantitative measurement of parameters by items of income and expenditure; 3) compilation of maps and profiles of the distribution of parameters; 4) accounting for the ratio of incoming and outgoing parts and identifying trends in system changes.

Method of balances in the study of natural geosystems. In physical and geographical studies, the equations of radiation, heat, water balances, biomass balance, etc. are widely used.

Radiation balance is the sum of the inflow and outflow of radiation fluxes absorbed and emitted by the atmosphere and the earth's surface.

Thermal balance is considered as the sum of heat fluxes coming to the earth's surface and leaving it.

Water balance determines the difference between the input and output of moisture in the geosystem, taking into account the transfer of moisture through the air in the form of vapors and clouds, with surface runoff, with ground runoff, in winter with snow transfer.

Biomass balance determines the dynamics of biomass and its share in the geomass structure of the PTC. For example, the balance equation of the woody part of the forest has two income items: long-term growth - wood and seasonal - leaves; and three expense items: litter and eating, respiration losses, and leaf litter. Biomass is defined in wet weight, dry matter weight or ash content. To determine the energy, biomass is converted into calories released during the combustion of each individual organism.

Quantitative relationships between the productivity of vegetation and resources of heat and moisture are determined using indicators of the radiation balance for the year, atmospheric precipitation for the year and the radiation dryness index.

Energy balance in the study of geosystems is one of the few approaches that make it possible to analyze the state and functioning of natural and natural-anthropogenic systems in common units of measurement. The theoretical basis of the energy balance is the concept of open thermodynamic unbalanced systems. Energy enters the natural geosystem mainly from solar radiation, and the natural-anthropogenic system from two sources - solar radiation, which is converted into chemical energy of plant tissues; and from artificial energy in the form of fuels, goods and services, determined by the accumulated energy intensity. Within the system under consideration, only a small part of the energy (less than 1%) is used to meet the needs of people, the rest is subjected to various transformations, which are accompanied by heat loss. The final stage of these transformations is a certain amount of energy accumulated in the primary production of plants and in certain goods. The universality of energy characteristics ensures their application to complex natural and natural-anthropogenic geosystems, which makes the use of the energy balance method an effective tool for studying environmental problems.

Landscape and geophysical research are aimed at highlighting the vertical structure and functioning of the geocomplex. Considered as the main object stacks– daily states of the structure and functioning of the PTC.

The study of geocomplexes is carried out mainly during stationary observations, where they study the transformation of solar energy, moisture circulation, biogeocycle, vertical structure PTK. The long-term approbation of the technique has made it possible to carry out landscape geophysical studies not only by the stationary method, but also by the expeditionary route method, based on the base of stationary observations in the research region.

Initially, geomasses are distinguished in the PTC, and geohorizons are identified by their ratio. Geomasses and geohorizons are the backbone elements of the vertical structure of the geocomplex, and the leading process is the change in the vertical structure.

Geomass they are distinguished by the uniformity of the aggregate state, close values ​​of the specific gravity and specific functional purpose. For example, the soil contains pedomass of various mechanical compositions, lithomass (inclusions), hydromass (soil moisture), phytomass of roots, mortmass (litter, peat), zoomass (soil mesofauna).

Geohorizons– relatively homogeneous layers in the vertical profile of geocomplexes. Each geohorizon is characterized by a specific set and ratio of geomasses. Geohorizons are easily distinguished visually; their set changes during the year, in contrast to the layered structure of vegetation or genetic soil horizons.

Geohorizon indexing is based on the following rules: in the horizon index, geomass classes are indicated in descending order (by mass); after the geomass class, all types are indicated with a comma; after the index, its boundary relative to the soil surface (in meters) is indicated. The increase or decrease in geomass is shown by up or down arrows, and the indices of photosynthetic phytomass, which are in a passive state in winter, are given in brackets.

Stationary observations made it possible to substantiate the indication stacks according to the vertical structure of geocomplexes. The daily state is distinguished by a combination of the following three groups of features: thermal regime, moisture, and changes in the vertical structure.

480 rub. | 150 UAH | $7.5 ", MOUSEOFF, FGCOLOR, "#FFFFCC",BGCOLOR, "#393939");" onMouseOut="return nd();"> Thesis - 480 rubles, shipping 10 minutes 24 hours a day, seven days a week and holidays

240 rub. | 75 UAH | $3.75 ", MOUSEOFF, FGCOLOR, "#FFFFCC",BGCOLOR, "#393939");" onMouseOut="return nd();"> Abstract - 240 rubles, delivery 1-3 hours, from 10-19 (Moscow time), except Sunday

Ulyanova Valentina Vladimirovna The study of natural-anthropogenic complexes of the city in the courses of geography of the basic school (On the example of the city of Blagoveshchensk): Dis. ... cand. ped. Sciences: 13.00.02: Moscow, 2002 222 p. RSL OD, 61:02-13/980-4


Chapter 1. The system of knowledge about the natural complexes of the city in science and in school geography

1 The system of knowledge about the PTC of the city in science 13

2. Transformation of natural components in the conditions of the existence of a large city and reflection of knowledge about them in school geography 36

3 Structure and characteristics of natural and modified complexes of the city of Blagoveshchensk

Chapter 2. Methods of studying urban landscapes in school geography courses 87

1. Educational role of knowledge about urban PTC 88

2. Improving the structure and content of knowledge about urban landscapes in the geography courses of the basic school 96

3. The experience of studying the PTK of the city in the practice of the main school ... 108

4. Methodological conditions for studying the urban landscape in the school course of geography 117

4.1. Formation of the concept of the urban landscape 118

4.2. Methods of geographical research of anthropogenic landscapes in relation to school geography 129

4.3. Preparing a geography teacher to study the PTC of the city at school 140

Chapter 3

1. Conditions for organizing an experiment 156

2. Results of the ascertaining experiment 159

3. Results of the training experiment 166

Conclusion 167

References 170

Attachment 1

Introduction to work

Modern tasks in the field of education and upbringing of schoolchildren are aimed at its modernization: at a significant increase in attention to the development of the individual in the learning process, at the activation of the creative forces and abilities of students. The success of solving the set tasks is determined by many factors, the most important among them is the content of education, which is characterized by increased demands on the improvement of the material, taking into account modern scientific and technological achievements, system-structural, regional and environmental approaches.

Significant prospects in solving the above tasks open up opportunities for improving the system of knowledge about natural territorial complexes (NTC), which are generally recognized as the fundamental theoretical core of geographical science and are widely represented in school geography. Possessing a high scientific potential, this knowledge plays an important role in solving many problems of our time and, first of all, problems arising in the "Society - Nature" system.

In modern conditions, due to the growing anthropogenic impact on natural complexes, it must be stated that there are practically no landscapes left on Earth that would not experience direct or indirect technogenic impact. The problem of the intensity of anthropogenic impact on the state of the NTC is recognized as one of the main ones in scientific research and viewed from various perspectives. The solution of this problem in the geographical aspect is a social order for geographical science: "... the issues of rational nature management, optimal location of industrial production, agriculture, population, in connection with this, the analysis and forecasting of the development of natural and technical geosystems is brought to the fore." It is this circle of problems that belongs to modern geographical science. In this case, human activity is considered as the impact of a territorially organized factor, therefore, taking into account the state of the territory, predicting its development trends is based on the study of natural complexes.

The largest of them is the geographic shell of the Earth. The geographical envelope is divided into natural-territorial complexes of different ranks. The main step of this division is the landscape. In turn, the interaction of society and nature in geography is usually considered at the global, regional and local (topological) levels. Despite the importance of the major regional and global problems of mankind, we believe that the key to understanding them lies at the topological level. The impact of the natural environment on society is transformed by local conditions, so that a person interacts not with nature in general, but with the natural conditions of specific landscapes.

However, today the system of knowledge about the NTC studied at school is not fully consistent with the ideas of modern geography about natural zoning, which takes into account the specifics of urban areas.

The analysis of normative documents testifies to the increased attention to the regional component of basic geographical education. Selection in the basic curriculum federal, national-regional and school components is not only an incentive to study their area, but also gives it national importance. Therefore, with the further improvement of local history knowledge in school geography, it is necessary to pay attention to its local level, that is, to the city, village in which schoolchildren live, which, due to the current environmental situation, the need to take into account and control the anthropogenic differentiation of the territory.

The continuous growth of cities and urban agglomerations, which currently covers the entire planet, contributes to an increase in the number of urban schoolchildren. However, in the conditions of a large city, the organization of students to study natural territorial complexes encounters great difficulties, since a direct relationship with the natural environment is difficult. As a result of the construction development of the area on which the city is located, as well as a very highly concentrated economic activity, the natural and geographical conditions are

significant changes. Thus, urban schoolchildren are placed in special conditions for studying the PTK of their area, which is provided for by the requirements of the traditional geography program for general educational institutions.

For the vast majority of urban schoolchildren, "nature" begins outside the city. As a result, a false idea is formed in the minds of students that the interconnections between the components of nature, environmental problems exist somewhere far away from them, outside the city. Consequently, most of the complex geoecological concepts are speculative, abstract.

But cities are growing, occupying an ever larger area, mastering different altitude levels, latitudinal zones, relief types, transforming natural components. And, nevertheless, in cities there are rocks and relief, climate, rivers flow, flora and fauna are preserved, that is, all components of nature are present. Therefore, as the study showed, it is so important for urban schoolchildren to study the city's PTK, their anthropogenic changes in the process of studying their area. After all, a city, as a rule, is located within several natural complexes, each of which is characterized not only by its natural properties, but also by its different ability to self-purify and resistance to anthropogenic loads. The current situation allows us to conclude that there is a contradiction between the importance of studying urban PTK and their absence in the PTK system in the basic school geography course.

In this regard, the issues of developing a methodology for studying the natural complexes of the city by students in the course of the geography of the main school are relevant, which has not yet been reflected in a special study.

Purpose of the study: Development of a methodology for studying urban landscapes in the geography courses of the basic school (grades 6-8).

The analysis of scientific publications on the landscapes of the city, school programs, textbooks, methodological manuals and familiarity with the educational process made it possible to put forward the following working hypothesis: knowledge level

students of cities about natural complexes, their anthropogenic transformation, as well as their educational role will be higher if; to introduce the concept of "urban landscape" into the system of knowledge about PTK; knowledge about urban landscapes will be presented in the system and the methodological conditions for their formation will be determined. Achieving the set goals and testing the hypothesis puts forward the need to solve a number of problems:

1. Determine the content of knowledge about urban landscapes in modern science and their reflection in school geography.

    To reveal the amount of knowledge necessary for schoolchildren about urban landscapes on the example of the city of Blagoveshchensk.

    Develop a system for increasing the complexity of knowledge about urban landscapes in relation to geography in basic school.

4. Establish the most effective methodological conditions of the form
schoolchildren's knowledge of urban landscapes and experimentally
check them out.

Object of research the process of forming knowledge about natural complexes, and their anthropogenic change (on the example of the city of Blagoveshchensk).

Subject of study: system of knowledge about urban landscapes.

The methodological basis of the study is: dialectical theory of knowledge; didactics of general education; pedagogical and age-related psychology; geographical education concept.

The theoretical basis of the study was the work: on the study of the essence of the pedagogical process: V. V. Davydova, L. V. Zankova, I. Ya. Lerner, D. B. Elkonin, I. S. Yakimanskaya and others; studies on geographical local history: A. V. Darinsky, K. F. Stroev, M. A. Nikonova, K. V. Pashkanga, A. 3, Safiullina, and others, works that reveal the theory and methods of teaching geography: T P. Gerasimova, I.S. Matrusova, N. G. Pavlyuk, L. M. Panchesnikova.

To solve the problems posed in the study, methods of theoretical and empirical levels were used at various stages of work, Theoretical Methods included an analysis of the geographical (works on

physical geography, urban landscape science), psychological, pedagogical and methodological literature on research problems: the content of education, local history and teaching methods, analysis of regulatory documents on the research problem in order to substantiate its relevance, determine the initial foundations and highlight the main areas of experimental work. empirical methods included targeted observation of the learning process, a survey, questioning, interviewing, analysis of written work. Conducting a stating, search and training experiment. At the empirical level, field observations were carried out in the city of Blagoveshchensk and its environs.

Research stages: The study was conducted from 1998 to 2001 and included three stages. The starting, and later corrective, position for the study was the results of the analysis of the author's own pedagogical experience (work: since 1995 - in a secondary school - a teacher of geography, since 1997 - in a lyceum - a teacher of local history, head of a local history circle, at the same time working at the Department of Geography Blagoveshchensk State Pedagogical University

At the first stage (1998 -1999) - ascertaining, the goals and objectives of the study were determined, and experimental materials were developed. The state of the problem in the practice of teaching teachers was studied: by attending classes, analyzing articles in the journal Geography at School. For this purpose, a survey was conducted among teachers and students of schools in the years. Blagoveshchensk, Belagorsk, Zeya, Skovorodino, Svobodny, Tynda, Shimanovsk. The relevance, problem, research hypothesis and its direction were confirmed, and the main provisions of the research hypothesis presented above were formulated. The collection of information data on the geography of the city of Blagoveshchensk was carried out.

Second stage (1999 - 2000) hadsearch character. IN During the experiment, the most effective methodological conditions for studying the natural and anthropogenic complexes of the city and urban landscapes were tested.

school geography course. The research hypothesis was refined and the main theoretical provisions presented in the dissertation were formulated.

Third stage (2000 - 200 1yy). Conducting a learning experiment, during which the effectiveness of the methodology for studying the natural and anthropogenic complexes of the city was revealed on the basis of wide approbation in the practice of a mass school. The research results were summarized in publications and the text of the dissertation. The experiment involved the author of the study, students and teachers of the following schools (see Table 1).

Table 1

At this stage, the analysis of the results of the experiment and the correction of the theoretical provisions of the study were carried out. Conclusions are drawn about the need to study urban landscapes in the system of knowledge about PTK in the course of the geography of the main school and the conditions for the methodology for studying them.

In total, eleven teachers and 2051 students from schools in the cities of Blagoveshchensk, Belagorsk, Zeya, Svo-

Bodny, Skovorodino, Tynda, Shimanovsk. This made it possible to judge the reliability of the findings in terms of the representativeness of the sample of experimental classes.

Information base The study of the landscape characteristics of the city of Blagoveshchensk was based on the data of the AMURKNII, the State Geological Enterprise "Amurgeologia", the Hydrometeorological Observatory, the Committee for Land Resources of Blagoveshchensk, the Committee for Nature Protection of the Amur Region, the work of G.V. Korotaev, as well as personal observations of the author with schoolchildren and students during field practices

Scientific novelty and theoretical significance of the work lies in the fact that for the first time in the methodology of geography, a substantiation was given and the structure and content of the system of knowledge about the PTC were improved by including a new concept of "urban landscape" in this system. The optimal combination of methods, techniques and teaching aids used in the formation of knowledge about urban landscapes in each course is revealed. At the same time, a special role in the educational process belongs to: specifically - figurative thinking, comparison, generalization, work with integrated plans and natural-technogenic and profiles, reliance on local history knowledge and related subjects, various types of visual aids that provide systematization of knowledge and a more complete disclosure of the essence of "the complexity of nature", "the relationship between nature and society" .

Practical significance and implementation of the study. A new concept has been introduced into the knowledge system about PTK, which must be included in programs and textbooks; the application of the developed methodology for studying urban landscapes in the practice of teaching will most successfully form ecological thinking among schoolchildren, understand the essence of the relationship "Nature - Society"; developed a system of practical tasks for the study of natural and anthropogenic complexes of the city; based on the results of the study, a program was developed for studying the urban landscape in the 8th grade. The materials of the study can be used in the process of improving the qualifications of teachers of

native schools, as well as in the training of students-geographers of pedagogical universities.

Approbation of work and publication. The main provisions and results of the dissertation research were reported and discussed at the scientific-practical and scientific-methodological conferences of the Blagoveshchensk State Pedagogical University (1998-2001). Interuniversity scientific and practical conference "Professional orientation in teaching and educating students" (Blagoveshchensk, February, 1999), interuniversity scientific and practical conference "Youth of the XXI century: a step into the future" (Blagoveshchensk, April, 2001), as well as at the methodological section XIV Youth All-Russian Scientific Conference "Geographical ideas and concepts as a tool for understanding the world around" (Irkutsk, April 17-19, 2001), international conference on local history, dedicated to the 150th anniversary of the Museum of Local Lore. G.S. Novikov-Daursky in the city of Blagoveshchensk, at the advanced training courses for school teachers in the Amur Region. Based on the materials of the study, practical classes were held for students of the Belarusian State Pedagogical University in the course of local history for four years. Various aspects of the research problem are reflected in 9 publications.

Taken out for defense a methodology for studying urban landscapes, which consists in improving the system of knowledge about the NTC through the formation of the concept of "urban landscapes" in the course of observations and practical work on the ground.

Thesis structure reflects the logic of the study and includes: an introduction, three chapters, a conclusion, a list of references, including 246 sources and 2 appendices. The presentation of the material is illustrated with tables, charts, figures and diagrams. The volume of the text without the bibliography and appendices is 169 pages. Annex 2 is 125 pages long.

The system of knowledge about the PTC of the city in science

Half a century ago, scientists geographers called for "to rise from the analysis of individual components to the patterns of development of the urban natural landscape as a whole." As stated by V.V. Pokshishevsky: - "landscapes of cities do not disappear, they are greatly transformed, but still they do not stop developing according to the laws of nature, therefore, a physical and geographical study of cities is necessary" [p. 177-191]. In his writings, a plan was proposed for studying the natural conditions of cities, which has not lost its significance at the present time. The natural complex of the city was assessed by him not only as a "mother" natural landscape, but as a complex of natural components that have been greatly altered as a result of human activity. However, at the beginning they did not receive development, since in the 30s and 40s there was an opinion of some economic geographers about the city as a point on the map. The impetus for work on the physical geography of the city was given by the works of N.N. Baransky about the geographical position, in which the idea is expressed that it is not enough to say where the city is located, it is also necessary to show how it is located relative to natural objects. An article by N.I. Lyalikov, in which he raises the question of the mutual influence of urban and natural factors and encourages scientists to study this special type of interaction between nature and society. He considered "urban landscapes" - ((external material forms of city life.

These ideas found their followers, thanks to which urban landscape science by the mid-60s. took shape as one of the branches of landscape science, which studies cities as special natural-territorial complexes that are products of the socio-historical situation, arise and develop in specific physical and geographical conditions. A theory of urban landscape science is being developed, as well as a physical-geographical classification of cities, as evidenced by the works of scientists. The study of cities among physico-geographers was carried out by: A.I. Klimov, A.I. Kryukov, F.I. Milkov, FV. Tarasov, and others.

The need to study the nature of cities was also pointed out by D.L. people ... if we do not recognize technical structures as part of nature, then we will come to the absurd conclusion that the entire urban population lives outside nature and it does not affect it in any way” [p.6].

Separate articles of the first researchers of urban landscapes A.S. Kryukova, Ya.R. Dorfman, F.N. Milkova, A.G. Isachenko, F.V. Tarasov, suggested that urban landscapes be considered cultural and generated by technical civilization. First try complex characteristics city ​​was undertaken in the dissertation of A.S. Kryukov and his article, they traced the changes in the natural complex under the influence of man. A number of applied works appear in the characterization of individual components: in the field of engineering geology - F. V. Kotlova, V. R. Krogius, R. Legget of urban climatology - B. P. Alisov, I. I. Kovalenko, L. N. Orlova , I.A. Shevchuk , L.A. Ramensky, G.E. Landsberg. The study of urban soils and their erosion, depending on the type of land and economic development of the territory, are devoted to the works of A.D. Gerrald, E.T. Mamaeva, M.N. Strictly new and others.

In the seventies, more and more works appeared considering the city as a type of landscape in which the interaction of nature and man is most pronounced. For example, in the work of F.N. Milkov "Man and Landscape", B.C. Preobrazhensky "Modern landscapes as natural-anthropogenic systems" . During these years, the general geographical concept of studying the city was determined (A.V. Lepin, 1970; R. Leggett, 1976; F.V. Kotlov, 1977), later - ecological and geographical (I.P. Gerasimov, 1976; V.B. Sochava, 1978; I. P. Gerasimov, A. G. Doskach, 1987), The latter concept provides not only an analytical study of urban landscapes, but also their mapping using satellite imagery. These directions formed the theoretical basis of the doctrine of urban landscapes, defining the urban landscape as the "extreme expression" of the cultural landscape, which is understood as any natural landscape where the mutual relations between its components are changed by human activity.

In other words, this is a landscape that has lost its original appearance of the natural complex. The nature of cities is changing so much that some geographers talk about the disappearance, destruction of landscapes in cities. But this is an erroneous point of view. This is not difficult to verify when considering the landscape map of the city of Chernivtsi compiled by Ya.R. Dorfman, for architectural and planning work. The map clearly shows four different landscapes within the city, which did not "disappear" at all as a result of the construction of the city. They are even emphasized by the placement of certain functional parts of the city, by building types that are different in different landscapes. Therefore, V.V. is right. Pokshishevsky, who claims that the landscapes of cities do not disappear, they are greatly transformed, but still do not stop developing according to the laws of nature, and therefore a physical and geographical study of cities is necessary.

Historically, several concepts have developed in the study of the urban landscape, the description of which is determined by the development of scientific geographical knowledge in general and the views of scientists themselves on the object of study. Among these concepts, E.G. Kolomyts proposes to single out four main, natural; natural and social; ecological and landscape-geochemical. The issue of disclosing the content of the concept of "urban landscape" is considered in them from different angles.

Educational and upbringing role of knowledge about urban PTK

Education in the modern era is designed to shape the personality, it must not only teach, but also educate and develop, that is, it must be the unity of the interdependent functions of education, development and upbringing. Therefore, one of the objectives of our study was to determine the educational role of the study of urban landscapes.

Updating the content of education at the present stage is associated in many respects with such changes that make it possible to turn it from a mechanism for the transmission of knowledge and the formation of skills and abilities into a means of developing a person with heuristic, geographical (complex), environmental thinking, efficiency, purposefulness, initiative and creativity. in solving problems and non-standard tasks both in the educational and in the future professional activity accompanied by the mastery of new mental techniques, the development of one's own worldview.

Personal development is inextricably linked with its interaction with the outside world. It is no coincidence that recently theorists and practitioners of education have increased their attention to the specifics of local territories, and one of the leading goals of education at the present stage, according to many researchers, is the inclusion and practical training the younger generation to life in a certain area of ​​their locality.

As the researchers note, regionality in the educational process acts as a result and as a means of achieving the goals of geographical education. As a learning tool, the urban landscape has a number of didactic (educational, developmental and educational) functions in the educational process of the school. Under the functions ("function" from Latin - execution, implementation) in didactics they understand the purpose, the possibilities of this or that means, component educational process in achieving learning objectives. The identification of the didactic functions of urban landscapes thus determines the subsequent content of this section.

It should be noted that in pedagogical research the didactic value of studying the PTC of one's area as a whole has been proved, but it has not been refracted on the subject of urban landscapes. In this regard, it is necessary to determine: 1) what role urban landscapes play in the educational process of the school in general and the study of PTK, in particular; 2) what special, unique role is played by the national-regional component (NRC) in the study of urban landscapes.

An analysis of the activities of teachers, the results of a survey, and their own pedagogical experience show that many geography teachers have a rather one-sided idea of ​​the functions of studying cities. Modern researchers of the problem of methodology for studying the nature of cities (N.I. Rodzevich, I.B. Shilina and others) point to the geoecological function of cities as one of the most important ways of educating schoolchildren. However, the developing, teaching and educational opportunities of urban landscapes are much wider.

From an educational point of view, the study of the PTC of the city helps to concretize the knowledge of students about natural-territorial complexes, about their changes, enables students to better understand the interdependence of relations between the components of the natural complex, as well as nature and society. Formation of ideas about territorial diversity, about the complexity of the problems of interaction between society and nature, on the basis of specific geographical material form a system of principles and views, students in relation to the Earth as a natural habitat. On the example of the urban landscape, schoolchildren clearly define the role of man in the formation of modern landscapes.

The traditional educational system is based on the division of the educational process into separate subjects, as a result of which the world in the imagination of the student is torn into facts, hypotheses, theories, laws, concepts, "often poorly interconnected and of no importance to the child." Under these conditions, the study of PTK in the conditions of the city is able to integrate subject fields and form a new thinking of the student based on a holistic view of the world, nature and man. "Polysubjectivity" in the study of urban landscapes allows for interdisciplinary coordination in the process of teaching the composition of the landscape characteristics of urban PTK. Students learn to systematically use the knowledge of different subjects when performing tasks of a complex, anthropogenic nature. Undoubtedly, a good knowledge of one's locality is an integral element of a holistic geographical picture of the world, the formation of which is one of the main educational goals modern school. In the process of studying urban PTK, at the junction of subjects of natural science and the humanities, ideas are formed about the scientific picture of the world (nature and society), about the laws of their development.

The formation of a scientific worldview should be considered as an integral part of the intellectual and moral development of students.

In this regard, it should be noted that the specificity of the city as an object of study determines the peculiarities of its cognition and evaluation by schoolchildren. Man knows the world from early childhood. This knowledge is carried out spontaneously, not in the logic of science, but in the logic of human life through personal daily observation and communication activities, supplemented by school education. Therefore, acquaintance with the nature of the city is often limited by the level of emotional perception, fragmentary, unsystematic knowledge. A comprehensive, integrated approach is needed, aimed at bringing into the system of personal orientations the sum of those disparate information about the whole variety of possible forms and ways of human interaction with the natural environment that the student already has. It is urban landscapes, due to their specificity, that have a special ability to integrate a wide variety of regional information obtained at various lessons during previous years of study, as well as new ones, which allows it to become an organizing subject of study of the PTC, in which several disciplines can be merged into one on a regional basis: "The city is a kind of integrator, which captures all the results of changing natural landscapes."

Conditions for organizing the experiment

In order to test the effectiveness of the developed methodology, a pedagogical experiment was organized, which was conducted in 1998-2002. in several stages and covering about 2051 students. This is the most effective method introduction of innovations in pedagogy, which is "the observation of a pedagogical phenomenon in created and controlled conditions" .

The purpose of the pedagogical experiment of the dissertation work is to test the hypothesis that the study of "urban landscapes" in the system of knowledge about PTK increases the level of knowledge of urban students about natural complexes, their anthropogenic transformation, as well as their educational role. When developing general and particular issues of organizing a pedagogical experiment, we used the requirements for it, justified in the works of SI .. Arkhangelsky, Yu.G. Babansky and others. In order to obtain reliable data in the organization of the experiment, a number of requirements were taken into account:

1. Preliminary setting of observation goals to determine the initial data in order to clarify the research hypothesis;

2. Creation of optimal conditions and organization for experimental work;

3. Development of the experimental procedure itself;

4. Accounting and accurate recording of facts in the course of observing the experiment;

5. Organization of systematic registration of the data obtained by methods known to science: tables, questionnaires, etc.

7. Processing of the obtained material through theoretical analysis and methods of mathematical statistics, in order to obtain objective results;

8. Students in the experimental classes had approximately the same level of learning and learning ability, at least 2,000 schoolchildren participated in the experiment, geography teachers had a long work experience.

Teachers from schools in the cities of Blagoveshchensk, Belagorsk, Svobodny, Tynda, Zeya, and Shimanovsk took part in the experiment. At the same time, the experiment was conducted by a dissertation student at schools No. 5, 15 and pedagogical lyceums at the Belarusian State Pedagogical University (see Table 1). This made it possible to judge the reliability of the findings in terms of the representativeness of the sample of experimental classes.

To conduct a pedagogical experiment in experimental classes, a methodology was specially developed for typical lessons, practical work on the ground, winter (1 day) and summer (7 days) local history workshops in accordance with the goals and objectives of the study. In the control classes, the lessons were conducted according to the usual methodology.

The pedagogical experiment was carried out in two stages: ascertaining and teaching experiments.

Ascertaining experiment.

Purpose: selection of content and formation of a system for studying urban landscapes in the course of geography of the main school.

The peculiarity of the ascertaining experiment lies in the analysis of shortcomings in the process of transferring theoretical knowledge to students, the implementation of which is designed to improve the structure and content of the system of knowledge about PTC.

During the experiment, the following tasks were solved:

Determine the content of the material for the study of "urban landscapes", as well as the methodological conditions for their study. To identify the level of knowledge of students about the PTK of their area in a big city, studying according to the traditional program and according to the proposed experimental program.

To solve the tasks at this stage of the experiment, the following diagnostic methods were used: pedagogical observation of the author of the study; conversation, interviewing and questioning of teachers and students; analysis of diagnostic tests to identify theoretical knowledge and practical skills of students who studied with different teachers, generalization of pedagogical experience; statistical methods of data processing.

The participants of the experiment were prepared with a variety of educational and methodological materials: questionnaires, tasks for conducting diagnostic tests, methodological developments, recommendations for practical work on the ground in the city. Important for ensuring the work of the participants in the experiment were the ones proposed by the dissertation student: the program for the study of urban landscapes and the system of practical work on the ground in the geography course of the main school.

Study of the natural-anthropogenic complex Kazantsevsky Mys

Efremov Rodion Grade 7

Branch of the Municipal State Educational Institution of the Zyuzinsky Secondary School Kazantsevskaya Main comprehensive school Barabinsky district of the Novosibirsk region

Head: Chabanova Natalya Vitalievna,

geography teacher of the highest category.

d. Kazantsevo


Work plan.

1. Introduction 2-3

2. Theoretical justification 3

3.1. Geographical position of Kazantsevsky Cape 4

3.2. Climate 4

3.3.Character of the surface and type of soil 4-5

3.4. Waters, their properties 5-6

3.5. Plant and animal life 6

4. Conclusion 6

5. List of used literature 7

Appendix: 1.Kazantsevsky Mys 8

2. Excursion to Kazantsevsky Mys 9

3. Temperature data for 2016 10

4. Graph of the annual course of temperatures 11

5. Wind direction for 2016 and wind rose 12

6. Soil profile laying 13

7. Meadow soil profile description form 14

8. Form for describing the soil profile of a birch forest 15

9. Form for description of the soil profile of the pine forest 16

10. Morphological properties of soils of Cape 17

11. Soil profiles 18

12. Lake Chany 19

13. Salinity of the water of Lake Chany 20

14. Determination of the pH-environment of lake water 21

15. Evidence that Lake Chany belongs to water bodies of the sodium chloride class22

16. Determination of water hardness 23

17. Plants, inhabitants of Kazantsevsky Mys 24

18. Classification of plants, inhabitants of Cape 25

19. Medicinal plants of Kazantsevsky Mys 26

20. Animals-inhabitants of Kazantsevsky Mys 27

21. Classification of animals, inhabitants of the Kazantsevsky Cape 28

22. Plants and animals listed in the Red Book of the NSO 29

23. Changing nature by man 30

1. Introduction.

On the 125th anniversary of the founding of the city of Barabinsk, which is the center of the Barabinsky district, we decided to pay special attention to the amazing natural monument of the Novosibirsk region, the peninsula Kazantsevsky Cape, which is well known not only in our area, but also outside the Novosibirsk region. (Appendix 1) On the shore of Lake Chanov in the Cape, you can see young people resting, and amateur fishermen, and tents of visiting guests. This is a favorite vacation spot of the local population. A beautiful lake, the amazing vegetation of the Cape, consisting of pines, oaks, birches, berry meadows with the intoxicating aroma of flowering field herbs, flying gulls over the lake, clean blue sky on sunny days, all this has always attracted a person, involuntarily made him admire the discreet beauty of nature.

We wondered why only in the Cape you can see pines and oaks, because they do not grow in other forests of our area. They always grew here, or were planted by man. Therefore, we decided to study the Kazantsevsky Cape as a natural complex and find out whether it is really natural or natural-anthropogenic, newly created by man on a natural basis.

Objective: explore the characteristic natural features of the Cape Kazantsevskiy peninsula.

Work tasks:

    Find out the geographical position of the Kazantsevsky Cape and the history of its origin.

    To study the main natural components: soils, vegetation, wildlife, inland waters, climate.

    Give an assessment of the ecological state of the Kazantsevsky Cape.

Working hypothesis : Cape Kazantsevskiy is a natural-anthropogenic complex.

Subject research work is the nature of the peninsula Kazantsevsky Mys

object research workis the Kazantsevsky Mys peninsula.

Materials and research methodology: in the summer of 2017, we studied the literature on this topic and laid three soil profiles in the Cape - in a birch forest, in a pine forest and in a meadow, studied the climate, the properties of the water of Lake Chany and the inhabitants of the Cape.

Research methods :

1. Theoretical (study and analysis of literature, meeting with forestry workers, setting goals and objectives).

2. Experimental (Sampling of bottom soil and determination of its inhabitants, chemical analysis of water samples

3. Empirical (observations, descriptions and explanations of research results)

Novelty research lies in the fact that for the first time we conducted a study of the nature of the Kazantsevsky Cape and made a conclusion about its ecological state, since in preparing the work we did not find such information anywhere.

2. Theoretical justification

Based on the work of BeruchashviliMoscow State University, 1997, AbsalamovI. A. "Environmental assessmentlandscapes"M.: MGU, 1992.AbsalamovI. A. "Environmental assessmentlandscapes"M.: Moscow State University, 1992. , Kucher T.V. Geography for the curious., M., Bustard, 1996, we found that aboutThe main object of study of physical geography is the geographical envelope of our planet as a complex material system. It is heterogeneous in both vertical and horizontal directions. In the horizontal direction, the geographic shell is subdivided into separate natural complexes. A natural complex is a territory that is distinguished by the peculiarities of natural components that are in complex interaction. Natural components are relief and rocks, climate, inland waters, soils, animals, plants.

Each natural complex has more or less clearly defined boundaries, has a natural unity, manifested in its external appearance (lake, swamp, forest, meadow).

All natural components in the natural complex are intertwined with each other.

Natural complexes come in different sizes. The largest natural complexes are continents and oceans. Within their limits, smaller complexes are distinguished - parts of the continents and oceans. Depending on the amount of heat and moisture, i.e., on the geographical latitude, there are natural complexes of equatorial forests, tropical deserts, taiga, etc. Examples of small natural complexes can be a ravine, a lake, a forest. And the largest natural complex is the geographical shell. (1, p 88)

All natural complexes experience a huge influence of man. Many of them have been heavily modified by human activities. Man creates man-made natural complexes - parks, gardens, fields, cities. (9, p 87)

Plan for the study of the natural complex (4, p317)

1.Geographic location.


3. The nature of the surface and the type of soil.

4. Waters, their location.

5. Vegetation and fauna.

6. Changes in the components of the natural complex under the influence of man.

3. The main part "Research of the natural-anthropogenic complex Kazantsevsky Cape"

In the summer of 2017, we made a tour of the Cape Kazantsevsky Peninsula (Appendix 2)

3.1. Geographical position.

Cape Kazantsevsky is a natural monument of the Novosibirsk region, which is located on the shore on the peninsula of the same name.Located in the south of the West Siberian Plain, in the Novosibirsk region, Barabinsky district, on the territory of the Zyuzinsky rural administration. It was founded as a natural monument on September 17, 1997. The total area is 185 hectares. The boundaries of the natural monument of regional significance "Kazantsevsky Cape" are clear and are determined from the northern, western and southern sides by the coastline of the Kazantsevsky Cape peninsula of Lake Chany, from the eastern side - by boundary signs (warning and information signs shields) 3 km 750 m east of the western tip peninsulas.( 12 ) . We met with A.N. Denisov, a resident of our village, who worked as a forester and around 1980 they were planting in the Cape. At that time, oaks, pines, bird cherry, hawthorn, acacias were planted. Until that time, the vegetation of the cape was represented by birches and aspens.

    1. Climate.

According to the weather observation calendar for 2016, we received the following temperature data. (Appendix 3)

Average annual temperature +6.45 C

The average annual rainfall is 330mm.

We built a graph of the annual course of temperatures (Appendix 4)

They also determined the direction of the winds for 2016 and built a wind rose (Appendix 5). In this wayclimatecontinental. The territory is remote from the Pacific and Atlantic oceans.Due to the openness of the territory to the north, our area is accessible to the invasion of arctic air masses, which are characterized by low temperatures and low humidity.

3.3. The nature of the surface and the type of soil.

Having analyzed physical map NSO, we came to the conclusion that in morphological and structural terms, the territory of the Cape has a flat relief. It is located within the Baraba lowland (Baraba) with heights of 90-150 m. (7, p. 46-48.) The territory of the peninsula is located in a forest-steppe natural zone, which is characterized by fields, meadows, birch and birch-aspen copses and groves (choppings) and the most fertile chernozem soils. Within the territory ofCape, we laid three soil profiles - in a birch forest, a pine forest and a meadow. (Appendix 6) We sketched profiles, compiled forms for describing profiles, (Appendix 7-9) determined soil properties using traditional methods (3, p 631) (Appendix 10)

As can be seen from the table,significantly different horizon powerBUThumus horizonaccumulation organic matter due to the dying biomass of green plants. In the soil profile of the birch forest, the humus layer is 12 cm - 4-8%, and in the meadow - 21 cm - 6-10%, in the pine forest the humus-alluvial horizon is 5 cm, and then comes the podzolic horizon. (5, p 42 ) (Appendix 11) Thus, we concluded that the soils in the meadow are chernozem, in the birch forest - gray forest, in the pine forest - soddy-podzolic soils.

3.4. Waters, their properties.

The peninsula Kazantsevsky Cape is washed by the waters of Lake Chany from the northern, southern and western sides. (Appendix 12)

Lake Chanydrainless lake located in the Baraba lowland in the Novosibirsk region, the largest lake in Western Siberia. Lake Chany is located at an altitude of 106 meters above sea level. The lake is 91 kilometers long and 88 kilometers wide.(11, p. 350) The area of ​​the lake is unstable and currently, according to various estimates, ranges from 1400 to 2000 km². The basin of the lake is flat. The lake is shallow, depths up to 2 meters make up 60% of the total area of ​​the lake. We have determined the salinity chemical composition water, water hardness.

We determined the salinity of water by the method of evaporation - 5 grams of salt per 1 liter of water.We also tracked the change in salinity depending on precipitation and snowmelt. (Appendix 13)

Thus, we have established that the salinity of water in Lake Chany varies frominflow fresh water.(heavy rainfall - 08/07/2017, snowmelt - 04/27/2017).

We determined the pH of lake water in two ways - a test system for express water analysis and an indicator of methyl orange. The color of the control strip determined the pH value of -7, which corresponds to a neutral environment. Methyl orange in lake water retained an orange color, which also corresponds to a neutral environment. (Appendix 14)

After analyzing the work of O.A. Alekina Fundamentals of Hydrochemistry L, Gidrometeoizdat, 1970, we learned that Lake Chany belongs to the reservoirs of the sodium chloride class. (2, p 31) We decided to prove this experimentally.

1. They took a copper wire and burned it in the flame of an alcohol lamp. After it was covered with a black coating, it was lowered into the lake water and then brought back into the flame. As the water evaporated, the color of the flame was observed to change to a bright yellow. This confirms the presence of sodium ion in the water of Domashnee Lake.(

To determine the presence of a chlorine ion, we used a test system. The result was 1.2 mg per 1 liter of water. Thus, we have proved that sodium and chlorine ions are present in the water of the lake and it belongs to the water bodies of the sodium chloride class. (Appendix 15)

We determined the hardness of lake water by the method of dilution. (Appendix 16) A large amount of soapy foam appeared on the surface of the water, which was hardly washed off the hands and from which soap bubbles were easily blown. Thus, the water in the lake is soft.

    1. Vegetation and fauna.

Using the literature, we identified some plants (6, pp. 12-32) (Appendix 17) that grow on the territory of the Cape and classified them. (Appendix 18).We also learned that many medicinal plants grow in Kazantsevsky Cape. (10, pp. 200-231) (Appendix 19)

During excursions and in conversation with the villagers, we learned that the following representatives of the animal world live in the Cape: roe deer, elk, fox, hare, hedgehog, frog, lizard, from insects we saw a spider - a cross, a butterfly - urticaria, from birds - woodpecker, swans. Perch, carp, pike perch, ide fish live in Lake Chany. (Appendix 20) We also classified these animals(6, pp. 12-32)(Appendix 21).

After analyzing the Red Book of the Novosibirsk Region, we also learned that there are many endangered plants and animals in Cape Kazantsevsky and subject to protection (8). garbage, stench from rotting landfills, burnt areas from fires (Appendix 22)

4. Conclusion.

In the course of our work, we studied the natural features of the Cape Kazantsevsky Peninsula: we found out the features of its geographical location, considered the main natural components - soils, vegetation, wildlife, inland waters, climate. It was established that the territory of the Cape is heavily polluted by humans.

We confirmed the working hypothesis - Cape Kazantsevskiy is a natural-anthropogenic complex. We made this conclusion based on a comparison of the species diversity of the vegetation of the Cape and the forests surrounding the village - oaks and pines are not found anywhere else, which means they were planted by man, which was confirmed in a conversation with forestry workers.


1. AbsalamovI. A. "Environmental assessmentlandscapes"M.: MGU, 1992. 88 p.

2. Alekina O.A. Fundamentals of hydrochemistry L, Gidrometeoizdat, 1970, 31s.

3. Anuchin N.A., Atrokhin V.G., Vinogradov V.N. et al. Forest Encyclopedia: In 2 vols., vol. 2 / Ch. ed. Vorobyov G.I.; Edit.col.:. - M.: Sov. encyclopedia, 1986.-631 p., ill.-soils4. BeruchashviliN. L., Zhuchkova V.K., "Methods of complex physical and geographical research". M.: Publishing houseMoscow State University, 1997. 317 p.
5. DobrovolskyVV Geography of soils with the basics of soil science. M.: 1989. 42 p.

6. Kozlova M.A., Oligera I.M.School atlas-determinant, M, Enlightenment, 1988, 12-32s.

7. Kravtsov V.M., Donukalova R.P. Geography of the Novosibirsk region. - Novosibirsk: INFOLIO - press, 2003. 46-48s.

8. Red Book of the NSO
9. Kucher T.V. Geography for the curious., M., Bustard, 1996, p. 87

10. Pimenova M.E. Svyazeva O.A.). "Atlas of habitats and resources of medicinal

Plants of the USSR", 200-231.

11. Popolzin A. G. Lakes of the south of the Ob-Irtysh basin. - Novosibirsk: Zap.-Sib. book. publishing house, 1967. 350s

12.Internet sources: )

Attachment 1.

Kazantsevsky Cape

Appendix 2

Excursion to Kazantsevsky Mys

Appendix 3

Temperature data for 2016

Appendix 4

Annual temperature chart

Conclusion: The lowest temperatures were recorded in January -19.7 C, the highest - in July - +24 C.

Appendix 5

Wind direction for 2016 and wind rose.







Rose of Wind

Conclusion: the most recorded winds are western, northwestern, southwestern directions - 128.

Appendix 6

Bookmark soil profiles

Appendix 7

Meadow soil profile description form.

Annex 8

Birch Forest Soil Description Form

Appendix 9

Pine Forest Soil Description Form

Annex 10

Morphological properties of Cape soils.

Morphological properties

birch forest

Pine forest


Soil profile structure

Forest litter up to 5 cm

Humus horizon-12 cm

Washout horizon10 cm

Washing horizon-12 cm

mother breed

Forest litter up to 3 cm

Humus-eluvial horizon-5 cm

Podzolic-10 cm

Washing horizon-12 cm

mother breed

Forest floor-7 cm

Humus horizon-15 cm

Washout horizon 12 cm

Washout horizon 13 cm

mother breed


changes from gray to light gray, thenthe soil acquires a brown tint of blotches. Below is the yellow-brown parent rock.

Changes from light gray to whitish, then brown

The color of the soil profile of the meadow is from dark gray to black. Below is the yellow-brown parent rock..


fresh in the upper layers and moist in the lower layers

from fresh in the upper layers to dry in the deeper layers.

Mechanical composition

clay soil


clay soil










The soil is finely cracked

Has no cracks

The soil is thinly cracked

Biological neoplasms

wormholes - winding moves of worms;



roots - rotten large plant roots;

dendrites - patterns of small roots on the surface of structural horizons.

wormholes - winding moves of worms;

dendrites - patterns of small roots on the surface of structural horizons.


(rhizomes, bulbs, remains of forest floor

roots and other parts of plants of varying degrees of decomposition

roots and other parts of plants of varying degrees of decomposition(rhizomes, remains of forest floor, etc.).

The nature of the transition of horizons

transition is clear, lingual

the transition is noticeable, slightly wavy

Soil type

gray forest



Annex 11.

soil profiles

Pine forest Birch forest


Annex 12

Lake Chany

Annex 13

Salinity of Lake Chany

date of



4 ppm


5 ppm


5 ppm.


4 ppm

Changes in water salinity in Lake Chany

Output: the salinity of the water in Lake Chany decreases due to the influx of fresh water - heavy rainfall - 08/07/2017, snowmelt - 04/27/2017.

Annex 14.

Determination of the pH-environment of lake water.

Annex 15.

Evidence that Lake Chany belongs to water bodies of the sodium chloride class.

Proof of the presence of sodium ion in the water of Lake Chany.

Proof of the presence of chlorine ion in water

Annex 16.

Determination of water hardness.

Appendix 17

Plants, inhabitants of the Kazantsevsky Cape

Bracken Fern Sphagnum Moss Scaly Oak

Common pine Hawthorn blood red Timothy meadow

Red clover Common birch

Annex 18.

Classification of plants, inhabitants of the Cape

Appendix 19

Medicinal plants of Kazantsevsky Mys

Rust name

Application area


hawthorn blood red

Preparations (tincture of flowers, liquid fruit extract) are used as a cardiotonic agent for functional disorders of cardiac activity, heart failure, weakness in severe illnesses, with angioedema, initial form hypertension, insomnia and hyperthyroidism with tachycardia.



An infusion and decoction of birch buds are used as a diuretic and choleretic agent, as well as externally for cuts and abscesses. A preparation made from purified coal is used as an adsorbent for etching with poisons and bacterial toxins, as well as for flatulence.


Stinging nettle

It is used as a hemostatic, enhancing the contractile activity of the uterus, increasing blood clotting. Leaves contribute to an increase in hemoglobin content.


Raspberry ordinary

Raspberries are used as a strong diaphoretic and antipyretic for colds.


Dandelion officinalis

The roots are used to stimulate appetite, improve the activity of the digestive tract and as a choleretic agent, as well as a mild laxative for chronic constipation.


Plantain large

A preparation made from an aqueous extract of the leaves is used for chronic hypacid gastritis, as well as peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum. The juice of fresh leaves heals wounds. Leaf extract has a calming and hypnotic effect



Wormwood preparations are used as an aromatic bitterness to stimulate appetite and stimulate digestion, a normalizing agent for the secretion of gastric juice, loss of appetite, insomnia, diseases of the liver and gallbladder.


Common bird cherry

Infusion and decoction of berries is used as an astringent. Fresh fruits, leaves, flowers, bark and buds have bactericidal, fungicidal, protistocidal and insecticidal effects.



The herb has anti-inflammatory and bactericidal agents. It is used in the form of infusions, decoctions, extracts for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.


Rose hip

Used as a multivitamin remedy for beriberi.

Annex 20

Animals - inhabitants of the Kazantsevsky Cape .


Roe deer sib Fire fox Woodpecker

mute swan

Annex 21.

Classification of animals, inhabitants of the Kazantsevsky Cape

same way

Nettle family - Vrticaeceae.

Annex 22.

Plants and animals listed in the Red Book of the Novosibirsk Region

Siberian iris - iris Siberia feather grass - Thalictrum petaloidum bluebell nettle leaf

Campanula trachelium

mute swan Cygnus olorblack-throated loon Gavia Arctica

bean goose Anser fabalis fabalis Apollo vulgaris - Parnassius apollo

Annex 23.

Changing the nature of Kazantsevsky Cape by man .
