According to the latest data published by the international network Universitas 21 (U21), which includes the main leading research universities, Canada ranked third in quality higher education. The U21 rating determines the position of a higher education institution according to 20 criteria, which, according to its compilers, affect the quality of education received at a particular university or college, and its prestige. In descending order of importance, these criteria are as follows: material and technical, labor and scientific resources, funding, research base, the possibility of quick employment of students after graduation, international cooperation, tight government control. Based on the totality of these criteria, Canada was only ahead of Sweden and the United States.

Approximately 130,000 foreign students come to Canada every year. And this figure is growing from year to year, having increased over the past 10 years, at least 3 times. Studying in Canadian colleges and universities keeps up with the latest technological advances: in almost all colleges and universities, educational material is available through the internal electronic network of the educational institution, access is also possible via the Internet. Here you can get training tasks for the near future, choose a course of study, clarify the schedule of classes. Lectures given by the best specialists in their field are accompanied by multimedia presentations. Canada attracts not only with high-quality education and a fairly affordable price for studying, but also with the opportunity to apply the acquired knowledge in practice after graduation: students who have graduated from an accredited educational institution have the right to legally stay to work in Canada for up to 3 years. And thanks to the liberalization of immigration policy, many graduates of Canadian educational institutions, shortly after graduation, receive the status of a permanent resident of Canada with an excellent prospect of obtaining citizenship.

Education in Canadian universities, depending on the educational institution, will begin up to 3 times a year.

In Canada, it is customary to call universities not only universities, but also colleges, since both of them allow you to get a higher education and a bachelor's degree. As a rule, studies at universities begin 3 times a year: in September, January and May, but the acceptance of documents for study programs from applicants for state colleges and universities begins in advance, approximately 9-10 months before the planned start date of study. A foreign student should strive to enroll in a state university, since the vast majority of public Canadian universities have the right to accept foreign students with the right to obtain a subsequent permit to legally work in Canada after graduation.

Let's look at the admission requirements for Canadian universities.

It should be noted right away - there are no uniform requirements for applicants in Canada - the requirements are very different and depend on the province in which a particular university or college is located. Moreover, the requirements also depend on the university itself, since each university or college in Canada has the right to put forward its own requirements for applicants, both in terms of the composition of the documents required for submission, and the level of education of their potential students. But on average, the requirements are approximately the following: a document on complete secondary education, age at least 17-18 years old and a fairly high level of language proficiency, which is taught at the university. In most cases, this is, of course, English proficiency.

The level of language proficiency is confirmed by the passed tests. TOEFL or IELTS - for students of universities where teaching is conducted in English and DALF - for universities where teaching is in French.
In order to be admitted to a college or university for a bachelor's program, you must pass a 560 paper-based test or a 220 computer-based test, or an 84 or higher Internet-based test or IELTS with an average score of 6.5 or higher.
If you are applying for a post graduate program based on higher education, then your results should be higher: 580 for the paper-based test or 237 for the computer-based test, or 88 and higher for the Internet-based test, or IELTS for the average score 6.5 and above.
In fact, here are only minimum requirements according to the level of language proficiency. For example, at the University of Toronto or at the University of British Columbia the requirements are much higher. A university or college may set higher requirements for high-demand programs, such as the Bachelor of Nursing program: you need to pass 600 paper-based tests, or 250 computer-based tests, or 100 or more Internet-based tests. If you absolutely want to get a bachelor's degree, but failed to pass the IELTS or TOEFL test for the required score for bachelor's programs, or money to pay 4 summer course there is not enough training, or you just want to save money and pay less, then this is quite real, and we already wrote, how to save and pay less.

Future students from the CIS countries can immediately after graduation high school in their countries to enroll in public institutions of higher education in Canada. However, if yesterday's student is not yet 18 years old, then he will need a guardian, these are the requirements of Canadian laws. If you do not have relatives in Canada among citizens or permanent residents of Canada, then for such guardianship service - Guardianship Services - the parents of a foreign student will have to pay extra, but only until the student is 18 years old. It should be noted that in some provinces of Canada, for example, in British Columbia(British Columbia) A legal guardian is required for a student under the age of 19

One of the important competitive advantages when applying to programs with a high competition is the highest possible score in major subjects in the document on previous education. In other words, if you want to study in a program related to petrochemical processing, then it will be a very big plus for you to have grades of "4", and preferably "5" in chemistry at a previous stage of study, for example, at a school or university in Russia, but here if you are going to enter, for example, the program "Global business management", then it will be very good if your diploma of previous education is "good" or "excellent" in mathematics. In other words, C students are not liked anywhere.

As a rule, there are no entrance exams at universities and colleges in Canada, all enrollment results or refusals are based on the level of previous education, i.e., on the grades that you received in an educational institution. which you completed earlier.

But still, it is worth noting that sometimes after the competition of documents, it will be necessary to pass an interview, pass an additional exam, provide a portfolio and / or recommendations. In other words, the more prestigious the program, the tougher the selection, the higher the requirements for future students.
Conclusion: in order to be admitted to highly competitive programs, you must have a document of previous education with the highest possible marks.

Getting a foreigner into a college or university in Canada is not always an easy task. Many graduates of Russian schools and universities cannot cope with this task due to traditionally poor knowledge of English language. And what to do in this situation? Bury your place to study in Canada? No matter how. If the desire to learn is strong, then there is always a way out. To do this, it is enough to undergo preliminary language training. All colleges and universities in Canada have training courses language for international students. Is it possible to improve my knowledge of the language in these courses at the chosen educational institution? Of course, but the most rational choose an alternative path. Which one, you ask? Language schools, which are not lacking either in Toronto, or in Vancouver, or in other cities of Canada. So what to go to study at the first available? In no case. You need to choose carefully and the best. So, one of the best, proven, with an impeccable reputation in Toronto and Vancouver is the ILAC school. King George International College is another worthy contender for the title of the best language school in Canada with campuses located in Vancouver, Toronto, Hamilton, Victoria and other Canadian cities.
You are here, my dear compatriots, and you, I am 100% sure, will never regret it. Everything here is built rationally and conveniently, everything sets you up for studying on weekdays and for relaxing on weekends.
For young people who are fresh out of high school or who are still in school in grades 10-11, there is a great option to complete a 12th grade Canadian high school a high school in Canada and earn a Canadian-style high school diploma. Of course, this all costs money to parents, but not too much, considering what benefits your children will get in Canada by graduating from a Canadian high school.
If this does not suit you, then there is also Foundation - Magic word in Canadian.

They said the magic word, now let's find out what this word means?

Foundation - not every university in Canada can offer such a program. But still, this program is offered, among other things, by leading universities in Canada.

Let's take a look at the program Foundation one of the best universities in Canada - Simon Fraser University, located in one of the most beautiful cities in the world - Vancouver, in the province of British Columbia.

The program is truly unique. Everything is extremely honest and open, a student who wants to study at Simon Friser, but who does not speak English sufficiently, studies for 3 semesters at Fraser International College - a partner college of the university and pays about the same as this student would pay would be for 1 course at the university. During this time, the student improves his English, undergoes adaptation, receives the skills necessary for future academic studies at the university, depending on the chosen program, and moves on to the next year, provided successful delivery final exams, immediately to the 2nd year of Simon Fraser University. You do not pay extra money for studies, and your child does not waste extra time, because having prepared under the Foundation program, he goes to the university for the chosen specialty immediately for the second year. In addition, after Foundation at Fraser International College, a student can enter not only Simon Fraser University, but also other universities in North America.

The following UTP Stage II (University Trasfer Program) programs are available:

Arts and Social Sciences;
- Business Administration;
- Communication and business;
- Communication art and technology;
- Computing Science;
- Engineering Science;
- Environment;
- Health Sciences,
in a word, there is plenty to choose from.

Requirements for admission to the Foundation program:

Age 17 years and older;
- completed secondary education;
- test results in English not lower: IELTS - 5.5 points (not lower than 5.5 for Reading and Writing, not lower than 5.0 for Listening and Speaking), TOEFL iBT/Computer/Paper: 69/196/525.

It is important to understand that admission to universities is guaranteed only to those students of the Foundation program whose learning outcomes meet the entrance requirements of the university. Students with poor grades are not guaranteed admission.

You can find out more about how to choose the right educational institution in Canada, what documents you need to submit for admission, how to properly prepare documents for a visa, how to get permission to study in Canada, by calling us by phone in Moscow: 495-669-64-40.
Important! Please apply for admission to educational institutions in Canada in advance. The official deadline for receiving documents is next academic year, starting in September - February 1 of the current year. (After February 1, admission is subject to availability)

When communicating with international students who have recently applied to a Canadian university or college, the words they say most often are “I can’t believe the process was so easy and straightforward” or “Is that it?”. And it is true. Applying to the University of Canada is a very simple and straightforward procedure, and the whole process will take you no more than an hour. Probably the hardest thing to come up with is a username and password.

There are over 100 universities in Canada and they are all different. This article will present "typical" information for most higher education institutions, but in some universities the process of admission to study has its own characteristics. Therefore, it is best to study the application process for each university you are interested in applying to, and use the information in this article only as a general starting point. Here are five key steps to successfully applying to a Canadian university:

1. Review the application requirements for each Canadian university

Education in Canada is the responsibility of each individual province, so there is no central information center like UCAS in the UK or Common App in the US. If you set out to go to Canada, then you will need to apply separately to each university or college. However, there are exceptions such as the Ontario University Application Center (OUAC) where you can apply to multiple universities by completing only one form. Some other provinces also have equivalents to the OUAC system, but for the most part you will need to submit separate applications to each university.

2. Apply instantly online

Application forms can be found and completed online from start to finish. As mentioned earlier, the entire application process will take you no more than an hour (rather, about thirty minutes). Most applications only need to include your curriculum vitae, educational history and information such as interest in enrollment and motivation, and start date and certificate confirming the level of English (IELTS, TOEFL). There is usually no requirement to provide additional information in the form letters of recommendation or essay. Again, there are exceptions, so check every university in Canada. But, as the students say, “Is that all?!”

3. Find out the application deadlines for each Canadian university.

The deadlines for accepting applications to Canadian universities are often longer than in other countries. Typically, their admissions campaign starts no later than October of your high school year and runs through January or July, depending on the school. Some universities have multiple start dates for the admissions campaign in order to admit students from different countries and programs. The “typical” start date for applications is September each year, but at some universities it is January or even May, so students have a lot of options.

4. Learn the specifics of each university's admissions campaign in Canada

Many Canadian universities use a system called "rolling admission". This means that once the university has received your application and copies, it can evaluate you and decide on your admission. Sometimes it takes only a week from the moment you submit your application to the announcement of the results! There are also "competitive admission" programs. Universities that adhere to them will not evaluate your application until the admissions campaign is over. As you can see, it makes sense to clarify the details of accepting applications at universities you are interested in.

5. Find out what are the final requirements for admission to a Canadian university

Most Canadian universities will send you a "conditional offer of admission". This means that you have been pre-admitted to the university for the major you applied for (or an alternative major if you did not qualify for your desired major), but there are some requirements that must be met in order to receive full admission. Typically, these requirements include maintaining a GPA and successfully completing your high school studies. Please read this letter very carefully because it may contain requirements that are not so clear and obvious. International students can use this letter of pre-admission to begin the process of obtaining a study permit. All international students must obtain a valid study permit.

More information about study permits can be found at: www .cic Continuing your studies in Canada is a great opportunity. One of the biggest benefits of studying in Canada is that almost 95% of our universities are publicly funded and have similar accreditation standards. This means that you will receive an excellent quality education, regardless of the university you choose. The reputation of Canadian education is highly valued around the world, and a diploma from one of our universities will give students the opportunity to continue their education further, find work and fulfill themselves anywhere in the world. By applying to a Canadian university, you are making an excellent choice!

Well, welcome to Canada? For more useful articles about studying in Canada, see our section ""

If you are thinking about studying abroad, then take a closer look at Canada. There are many prestigious world-class universities that are ready to open their doors to you (if, of course, you are smart, quick-witted and can afford it). And the story of our reader Vasily Shorin, who entered the bachelor's degree at the University of British Columbia and shared his experience with us, will certainly help you make a choice. Read and hold on!

Hello! Today I would like to talk about how I entered the bachelor's degree in Canada. I hope my story is helpful and helps someone in the future.

1. Introduction

To be honest, my path is very different from the path of the people who will read this, so I will not focus on the details of my path to admission, I will only tell you the main thing. So let's go!

For a year now I have been studying at a Canadian school in the village of Whistler. I left here in September 2013 to improve my English to the level of a university in Canada, go skiing (since Whistler is a resort, and people who come here are looking for unity with nature, go in for winter sports, and in summer they go to mountains and ride bicycles), get acquainted with the Canadian education system and generally see what's going on here. I left here, to put it mildly, with rather poor English (athlete all my life + lazy, alas). Almost a year has passed since then. I can't help but say that it flew by very quickly. But okay, let's get down to business.

2. Choice of universities

Well, let's move on to the next point of our program - the choice of universities. I surfed the Internet, did some quick polls, and as a result, I came up with a small list of Canadian universities that are considered prestigious (worldwide) and which I can go to:

  1. University of Toronto, Toronto;
  2. University of British Columbia, Vancouver;
  3. McGill University (McGill), Montreal;
  4. York University, Toronto.

This is the so-called top universities in Canada. They all attracted me as one, but the University of British Columbia was my clear favorite. Honestly, I could not understand what attracted me to him, but I like him the most.

3. Admission process

The application must be sent in September-October. Having chosen the universities that I like, I came to grips with this issue. I will say right away that all universities have their own websites and the application process (except for sending official documents) takes place online. Very convenient, isn't it?

So, all universities have a different application form. Some require only standard information: address, age, where and when he studied, graduated or not. They are interested in your academic progress, what conferences you attended and so on.

Ah, I almost forgot. Sport. Yes Yes. Now many readers may have doubts about the veracity of my words, but it is worth discarding them. Everything I say next is important.

Sport is a very important occupation in life. These universities are as interested in your athletic achievements as they are in your academics. I understand that in our country you are either a student or an athlete, but what can you do?

Why is sport so important, you ask? Everything is simple. These universities are the best in the country, and three of them are in the top 50 in the world. A priori, stupid people do not go there (grades in the certificate should be at least 4, and better all 5), it follows that it is important for them to know that the applicant is a versatile person who can combine different aspects of life.

Now I will talk about another important thing when applying to universities - personal profile. A personal profile, or personal information, is a VERY important point in the application process and its further consideration. Let me tell you what it is and what it is eaten with at the University of British Columbia.

I advise you to think several times before posting this information. It’s also worth making sure that you lied beautifully, you have something to hit them with. And if not to impress, then at least to interest. Alas, they do not really need others. So, back to our topic. A personal profile is four (UBC) questions, the answer to each of which must be put in 200 words (within these limits, the more the better):

  1. Explain how you responded to a significant challenge that you have encountered and what you learned in the process. (Maximum 200 words).
  2. Describe your most significant leadership experience. Why do you consider this your most significant role? (Maximum 200 words).
  3. Tell us about an experience, in school or out, that caused you to rethink or change your perspective. What impact has this had on you? (Maximum 200 words).
  4. Describe your most significant group work experience including the role you played and your contributions. (Maximum 200 words).

As you can see, the questions are interesting. To be honest, the better you describe yourself, the more likely you are to be accepted. When the commission considers an application for admission, this item is one of the main ones (after the results of TOEFL / IELTS). As I mentioned, while filling it out, it is worth thinking several times.

Once you have filled in your information, upload a copy of your high school diploma (if any) and submit your English test results (TOEFL/IETLS). Next, you will be asked to send your officially certified certificate (if it has not yet been received, then grades for half a year). In this case, you do not need to go to a notary. You can translate your grades yourself, after having assured them from the director or vice principal. There should be a seal, as well as a signature on each sheet of translation and envelopes where you put the sheets.

4. Where did I go anyway

This is the most enjoyable item. And I was accepted to the University of British Columbia. However, due to the fact that I did not score a passing score in English (lazy, he said), I almost flew with my studies abroad. At this point I will dwell in more detail. The information will certainly be of interest to those who have problems with English, but a good certificate and a desire to study at this university.

I was lucky: in August 2014, the University of British Columbia opens an ESL (English as a second language) college, which is focused on good students with minor problems with English. It's called Vantage College. The requirements for knowledge of the language are somewhat lower there, but for the certificate they are the same. It costs more ($48,000) than the first course of regular UBC ($42,000). The price includes accommodation, meals, all sorts of things for study and, in fact, the training itself. Studying in college lasts 11 months instead of eight at the university. At the same time, the same subjects are taught as at the university, but with an additional English course.

Actually, this is only a small part that can be written. Thanks for reading this, and if I forgot something, then ask in the comments. :)

P.S. In the next post I will write more detailed information on visas, tickets and similar things.

Canada is once again one of the top three countries famous for its education system. According to the international network of leading research universities Universitas21, Canada ranks third in higher education after the US and Sweden. The U21 ranking is based on 20 criteria that, according to researchers, affect the success of a university or college (resources, investment, research, employment after graduation, international networks, public administration, etc.).

About 125,000 foreign students come to Canada every year. Studying in Canadian universities keeps pace with new technologies: many materials are available in electronic form, and lectures given by the best experts in their field are accompanied by multimedia presentations. This country attracts not only with quality education and a more reasonable price, but also with the opportunity to realize oneself after graduation - students who have received a diploma here have the right to stay and work in Canada.

Getting Started at Canadian Universities

Most universities in Canada enroll students 3 times a year. The beginning of training is September, January and May. Now public colleges and universities in Canada have begun accepting applications for study programs starting in January and May and then again in September.

Admission requirements for universities and colleges in Canada

Entrance requirements depend on the provinces to which the institutions of higher education belong. Each Canadian university puts forward requirements for applicants independently, including documents. On average, the requirements are as follows: a certificate of secondary education, age at least 18 years old (when entering the university), the level of English proficiency is above average.

Passing language tests is a prerequisite. For English-speaking students - TOEFL, IELTS or CAE. Moreover, the scores in the certificates must be high. For example, when applying for a bachelor's program for TOEFL, at least 550 for a paper test, 213 for a computer version, and 80 for an online version. The French surrender DALF.

Foreign applicants from the CIS countries immediately after school have the right to enter only state colleges, where there are various programs, including bachelor's. These schools accept students as young as 17 years of age, provided that their English/French language skills are high and that they have a sponsor or guardian in Canada. Guardianship Services (or services for the guardianship of minors) during your stay in Canada are paid extra.

For enrollment in Canadian universities, applicants from other countries are desirable to have "excellent" in major subjects. The higher your academic performance in subjects, the more opportunities for admission: a greater choice of universities and specialties. For example, if you are going to gain knowledge in biotechnology, fives in natural sciences, and for future economists - "excellent" in mathematics, etc.

Usually there are no exams in colleges and universities in the classical sense.

Sometimes, based on the results of the competition of documents, you will have to undergo an additional interview or provide additional evidence of your advantage, for example, recommendations.

Not everyone manages to immediately be enrolled in the university, because the entrance requirements are high, first of all, this concerns the level of English and the average score in the school certificate. However, there is always a way out for those who have not received the coveted package with a letter of enrollment.

If you intend to go to a Canadian university and want to be sure of a successful admission, it is better to take a preliminary preparation.

For admission to universities that occupy high positions in international rankings, it is immediately worth taking additional preparation for the Foundation program based on the university or Canadian high school in the 12th grade.

Foundation in Canadian

One of the options for preparing for admission is the University Foundation Program. This course prepares international students to study at Canadian institutions of higher education.

The duration of the program is 1 academic year. Classes begin in January and continue until September.

Requirements for entering the Foundation:

Certificate of secondary education;

Age at least 17 years old;

The level of knowledge of English is above average (5.5 points in IELTS or 475 points in TOEFL).

One type of this program, the International Foundation program (IFP), is very popular at the University of Toronto, one of best universities Canada. This is a unique opportunity that combines conditional admission to the University of Toronto and intensive course of English language.

The program is suitable for students whose level of English does not meet the entrance requirements of the University of Toronto. Foreign students with high academic results are offered intensive classes in English with conditional admission to the Faculty of Humanities and Applied Sciences. Upon successful completion of the preparatory program, the student is guaranteed admission to the faculty with a credit of one credit.

Another advantage of studying at the preparatory program of the University of Toronto is that an international student gradually delves into the student and academic environment of the largest university in Canada.

After completing the Foundation program on the basis of the 12th grade of a Canadian high school, students get the opportunity to be enrolled without exams in any university in the world that recognizes a Canadian school diploma. So, you can complete the Foundation program in Canada, and apply to universities in the UK, the USA and English-speaking universities in Europe.

It is important to understand that admission to universities is guaranteed only to those students of the Foundation program whose learning outcomes meet the entrance requirements of the university. Students with poor grades are not guaranteed admission.

Private boarding schools in Canada

Foreign students have the right to enter both public and private boarding schools, but they can only receive secondary education in Canada for a fee.

The number of private boarding schools in Canada is much smaller than in the UK: approximately 95% of schoolchildren study in public schools(public school) and only 5% - in private.

It is the small number of private boarding schools in Canada that makes them so exclusive. The difference between North American private schools is in a large selection of rich programs, the use of progressive authoring methods and the high qualification of teachers.

Education in private boarding schools in Canada is considered very prestigious, there is a competitive enrollment in many such educational institutions, although private schools rarely advertise about themselves.

The most famous private schools in Canada are:

  • Ridley College,
  • Albert College,
  • St. stansteag college,
  • Apple College,
  • Andrews College,
  • Columbia International College,
  • St. Andrews College,
  • St. michaels college,
  • Branksome Hall,
  • Collingwood School,
  • havergal College,
  • Lover Canada College,
  • Toronto French School.

Graduates of these well-known private Canadian schools easily enter the leading universities in the UK, the USA and Canada itself.

Canadian private boarding schools are no less interesting than British ones. Moreover, they are often better equipped than most British, and often American schools. Excellent facilities, comfortable dormitories, vast territories, small classes and highly qualified teachers are the distinguishing features of Canadian schools.

Some of the schools are open in the capital, some in the quiet provinces or on the ocean coast. Some occupy modern high-tech buildings, others are luxurious old buildings. Private schools can be either separate (boarding schools for boys and boarding schools for girls) or joint.

In private schools they study foreign languages, art, music, Information Technology, there are many sports sections, hobby groups at schools, students actively participate in social life schools and cities. One of the advantages of Canadian private schools is that with excellent studies and active participation in the life of the school or achieving high sports results, schools pay scholarships that cover either all or part of the costs of tuition and living. For foreigners, studying at a Canadian private school is an ideal option for preparing a child for admission to prestigious English-speaking universities in the world.

Special programs for admission to universities in Canada

If your knowledge of English is not enough, you should first unlearn language courses directly at colleges or in separate language schools.

Large language centers facilitate admission to colleges and universities in Canada without the need to take IELTS or TOEFL through special partner programs.

  1. English Academic Pathway Program (EAP)

An excellent opportunity to prepare for admission to Canadian universities is provided by the EAP program at the language college Study English in Canada (SEC).

SEC is one of the largest organizations in the Canadian education system and provides a full range of educational and related services for international students in Canada. SEC provides preparation for admission to 95 colleges and universities in Canada with the possibility of conditional admission without passing exams.

The main advantage of SEC is that SEC Toronto and SEC Vancouver English Language Learning Centers have partnerships with educational institutions at various levels within the English Academic Pathway Program.

The English Academic Pathway Program allows students to travel to Canada to study without a TOEFL or IELTS score. When enrolling in the SEC Language Schools EAP program, participants have the opportunity to apply for admission through Study English in Canada and receive conditional admission without having to take tests in their home country at 13 colleges and universities in Canada.

Thus, students for admission to one of the partner universities do not need to provide TOEFL or IELTS results if they have confirmation of acceptance into the EAP program at one of the SEC language schools for a period of at least 12 weeks.

Enrollment in one of the partner universities occurs at the stage of registration for the program. The university accepts a student after completing the program at the SEC in Toronto or Vancouver (additional conditions are possible depending on the chosen program of study at the university).

Partner colleges and universities in Canada that enroll students based on registration for the EAP program with the SEC:

  • Durham College (Oshawa, Ontario)
  • Saint Mary's University (Halifax, Nova Scotia)
  • Upper Career College of Business & Technology (Toronto, Ontario)
  • University of Fraser Valley (Vancouver and area, B.C.)
  • University of Prince Edward Island (Charlottetown, P.E.I.)

Importantly, for obtaining a visa to Canada and Study Permit (permission to study), SEC students can receive a letter of conditional admission from their chosen college or university at the same time as an invitation to language courses. This invitation can be a valid reason for obtaining a Study Permit.

During the training, students not only master the basic aspects of the English language (reading, writing, oral speech, listening and grammar) at a level that ensures high academic performance at the university and / or college, but also acquire the skills necessary for future education:

holding scientific research, writing abstracts, notes, essays;

Ability to listen and take notes;

Formal and informal public speaking;

Basic computer skills and other effective study skills.

The duration of the program is 12 weeks or more (depending on the level) for 25 hours per week.

Requirements for participants:

  • school certificate;
  • knowledge of English at the level of SEC 7 or TOEFL 65-79 or IELTS 5.0.

Language schoolsSECToronto& SECVancouver also are the official training centers of the programNorthAmericanpathServices(NAPS) . This course provides possibility enrollment without IELTS or TOEFL exams in more than a dozen colleges and universities not only in Canada but also abroad.

In addition, the SEC has a special program to prepare for admission to graduate and postgraduate programs in Canada - NAPS Pre-Masters academic Pathway program. This is preparation for admission to the Master of Science (MSc), Master of Arts (MA), Master of Business Administration (MBA), Post-Graduate Certificate, Graduate Diploma (PG) programs and others.

List of NAPS Partner Universities:

  • Laurentian University (Sudbury, Ontario)
  • St. Mary's University (Halifax, Nova Scotia)
  • Fairleigh Dickinson University (Vancouver, British Columbia)
  • Brock University (St. Catharines, Ontario)
  • DCT International Hotel and Business (Switzerland)
  • University of Prince Edward Island (Charlottetown, PEI)
  • University of Fraser Valley (Vancouver, British Columbia)
  • Royal Roads University (Victoria, British Columbia)
  • Algoma University (Sault Ste Marie, Ontario)

List of NAPS partner colleges:

  • UCCBT (Toronto, Ontario)
  • Seneca College (Toronto, Ontario)
  • Centennial College (Toronto, Ontario)
  • Sheridan College (Oakville, Ontario)
  • Niagara College (Niagara, Ontario)
  • Algonquin College (Ottawa, Ontario)
  • Fraser International College (Vancouver, British Columbia)
  • Camosun College (Victoria, British Columbia)
  • Art Institute - Vancouver (Vancouver, British Columbia)
  • Conestoga College (Kitchener, Ontario)

A training program lasting 12 weeks (or more depending on the level) for 25 hours a week.

To begin the program, you must pass the internal NAPS test and / or successfully complete SEC level 7 and above.

2. InternationallanguageAcademyofCanada

Another of the preparatory programs for international students is offered by the International Linguistic Academy of Canada - International Language Academy of Canada (ILAC), located in Toronto and Vancouver.

ILAC has a reputation as an educational institution that provides the highest standards of education, accommodation and leisure activities for students. According to the results of the international voting LTM Star Awards (a kind of "Oscar" for educational institutions), which was attended by more than 1,000 educational agencies, language schools and centers, ILAC was declared the "Best English Language School in North America".

ILAC offers a special program to prepare for admission to universities in Canada - Pre-Degree Certificate, which provides all the necessary knowledge and skills for admission to the University of Toronto and others prestigious universities Canada for bachelor's, master's and postgraduate degree programs.

The preparatory program is designed in such a way that students receive not only the missing knowledge of English, but also the skills for entering and studying at universities and colleges. Pre-Degree allows you to directly enter many colleges and universities in Canada without passing TOEFL or IELTS and additional exams.

Under the terms of the Academic Pathway Program, with good grades and reaching the required level of language proficiency (equivalent to 80-100 TOEFL points), admission to ILAC partner universities is guaranteed after completion of the preparatory course.

ILAC partner universities and colleges:

Algonquin College

Brock University

centennial college

Conestoga College

Fairleigh Dickinson University

Georgian College

George Brown College

Humber College

Kwantlen Polytechnic University

Niagara College

Sheridan College

Seneca College

Thompson Rivers University

Trent University

Vancouver Island University

University of Manitoba

University of Windsor

University of Winnipeg

The main advantage of this affiliate program is that the student immediately enters the chosen educational institution and immediately receives a long-term student visa for the entire period of study and for another 3 months after graduation. Moreover, students who complete the program with excellent marks are awarded a grant of $500 CAD.

ILAC for schoolchildren

For those who have not finished school yet, the High School Year program (for students in grades 11 and 12) is more suitable. "High School Year" includes 10 subjects, of which three relate to the study of academic English, and 7 - subjects of general education in grades 11 and 12.

The school offers a unique combination of English classes with a cultural and entertainment program. After successfully completing the 12th grade program, students receive a Canadian-style certificate of secondary education, which entitles them to enter any higher educational institution in Canada on an equal footing with Canadian applicants.

Hello, dear readers of Habr!
In this topic, I will tell you about how my main goal and, at the same time, my dream came true: to enter a Canadian university after a Russian high school. This topic will be useful for both students in grades 10-11 and their parents who want to send their child to study abroad. I will try to fully describe all the costs, pitfalls and surface rocks, the intricacies of the admission process, obtaining a Canadian visa, flight and accommodation on my own example.
For convenience, I divide the topic into parts. Enjoy reading!

1. Choice of country and university

Since about the 5th grade of high school, I have dreamed of studying abroad. In 10th grade, it's time to choose a country. Among the available English-language options, the following are clearly indicated:
  • England
  • Canada
Looking through a lot of websites of various universities from the list "Top Universities in the world", I found that Canada boasts McGill University, the University of Toronto and the University of British Columbia; England has Oxford University and Cambridge University; and the USA shines Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
I noticed the following: in the USA, education is 2 times more expensive than in England; in England education is 2 times more expensive than in Canada.
Since I am financially limited, Canada was chosen. Canadian law allows you to send documents to an unlimited number of Canadian universities (for comparison: in Russia it is allowed to send USE results only 5 universities). The only "but" is the need to pay non-refundable application fees ($150-200 apiece). Accordingly, I decided to try out 3-4 universities at once. Driven by Google, the desire to become a programmer and a list "Top Universities in Canada", I have chosen the following universities as potential targets:
  • University of British Columbia
  • McGill University
  • York University

2. Admission

A very nice feature of admission in Canada: everything (except sending documents) is done online on the websites of universities. You just need to go to the section "Undergraduate admissions" on the website, where detailed instructions for admission are located.
All universities that I selected require the following from an ordinary Russian student:
  • A copy of the certificate of secondary (complete) general education
  • Sufficient knowledge of English
And here are the first pitfalls! Admission should start at the very beginning of the 11th grade (September-October), since the acceptance of applications begins in the fall, and the certificate is issued only after the end of the 11th grade and passing the exam. But it's okay. Once again diving into the websites of universities, I found that there is a way out of this situation. You can send final grades for the first half of grade 11 to universities, attaching final grades for grades 9 and 10 to it. Such a certificate of grades can be easily obtained from the class teacher or at the school reception.
However, there are certain rules for submitting documents:
  • All submitted documents must be duplicated in English. - I personally translated all the documents without paying a single ruble to the translation agency
  • Each sheet and sealed envelope must be certified by an authorized person representing the school (principal, head teacher, teacher). That is, they must have a school seal, the name of the certifying person and his signature. - I had on each sheet and on a sealed envelope with documents: the official seal of the school, the name of the school director and his signature
  • Notarized documents are not accepted. - No need to pay a notary!
How to meet the language requirements: each university has its own, but everywhere they accept TOEFL - an English language proficiency test. I passed it in Tyumen for about $100. When registering for a test, you can specify up to 4 recipient addresses for the results. I entered the addresses of the admissions offices of the selected universities. Your task is to pay and pass the exam. The organizers will do the rest for you. You need to pass at least 90 out of 120 points. I passed on 97.
Having paid with an alpha-bank plastic card as for a regular purchase in an online store for $ 150-200 for a university, after waiting six months, having collected required documents I sent them to the admissions offices using the well-known EMS Russia (it takes about 2-4 weeks).
UBC and York responded almost immediately: I was enrolled, but with the expectation of final grades (certificate). McGill refused me. Having carefully analyzed everything, I did not find any particular reason for refusal. I wrote an email to them, saying what kind of disgrace this is happening, to which they replied with an apology and enrolling me with the expectation of the same final grades.
From that moment, having spent about $800, I was enrolled in 3 top universities Canada.
Next, I conducted a financial analysis of tuition at all universities. Prices (for a year of study) bite:
  • University of British Columbia - $30,000
  • McGill University - $40,000
  • York University - $23,300
The price includes: accommodation (8 months - throughout the study, hostel), 3 meals a day, books, lotions for learning (for example: iClicker), various student fees, tuition itself. In other words, everything is in order to study and not think about anything other than studying.
McGill, unfortunately, was weeded out as too expensive. York was eliminated due to the insufficient value of the diploma. UBC was chosen as the most optimal university.
Time passed and the school year ended. To obtain a certificate, it was necessary to pass the exam in Russian and mathematics at least for minimum score. I additionally passed English, and in the end I got 240 points (not a bad result). The certificate was received, translated, certified at the school, sent by mail to UBC.
It seems that you can already buy tickets, but it wasn’t there! I forgot about the Canadian visa!

3. Obtaining a Canadian visa

I’ll say right away: I started applying on June 13, I passed the medical examination on July 13, I received a visa on August 16. Total about 2 months.
The website of the Canadian embassy says: do not buy plane tickets before obtaining a visa. I bought tickets on August 16 using the Vnukovo airport website.
To obtain a bachelor's degree in Canada, we will need a visa called "Study Permit". It is issued for full term training, the number of entries and exits from Canada is unlimited.
I sent the documents to the consulate through Pony Express. It took about $200 for consular fees and courier services. Everything was fast, except for one “but”: during the visa process, I moved from Nizhnevartovsk to Tyumen, notified Pony Express about this, and the international passport eventually arrived in Nizhnevartovsk anyway. I argued with Pony for a long time, and in the end I received my passport only on August 24 in Tyumen.
The medical examination was passed in Yekaterinburg, I paid about $180 for it. Again, all documents are sent by the doctor.

4. Buying tickets

Oh, tickets to Vancouver! Oh why are you so precious?
I bought a round-trip ticket using the Vnukovo airport website. Why back and forth? It's funny, but it turned out cheaper: about $1500.
I fly to Vancouver from Tyumen via Moscow, Geneva and Zurich. The total flight time is about 40 hours.

5. Pleasant buns

Thanks to the fact that I got all fives in my certificate and the fact that I graduated from school with a gold medal, I became a participant in the Outstanding International Student Award program - a one-time scholarship of $2,500. It is paid in 2 installments: half in the first semester and half in the second.

6. Entertaining arithmetic

How much money did it take?
  • $800 - admission
  • $380 - visa
  • $800 - first month of hostel
  • $1,500 - airfare
How much more will it take?
  • $5,600 - hostel, meals
  • $1,000 - textbooks
  • $17,000 - tuition, student fees
Subtracting $2500 - OIS Award.
Total: $24,580 per year for studying in Canada at the University of British Columbia.
In addition: you can pay monthly for the hostel; tuition fees are held in two stages: September 5 and January 15; there is an opportunity to earn money directly at the university: about $ 500 per month.

7. Conclusion

Thank you for reading to the end!
I wrote this topic in a coffee shop in Domodedovo, waiting for a flight to Geneva. I hope the information will be useful to someone.
Ready to answer all your questions in the comments.
