Date of_____ ______________


The formation of a reasonable motive for choosing a profession involves students' awareness of the totality of its inherent motivational features (leading individual needs and motives, inclinations, aspirations, etc.). Identification of the basic needs and motives of activity, in connection with the analysis of the student's professional intentions, makes it possible to include the motive for choosing a profession in the system of other motivational tendencies of the individual. Thus, the process of relating oneself to the world of professional work becomes more conscious, personally significant for the student.

Methodology "Questionnaire of professional readiness"

Diagnosed psychological qualities. Professional intentions, interests.

The questionnaire is based on the principle of self-assessment by students of their capabilities in the implementation of certain skills (educational, creative, labor, social, etc.) of their real, experienced and formed in personal experience emotional attitude arising from the performance of certain types of activities, and their preference or unwillingness to have these types of activities in their future profession.


Read the questions carefully. You must give three answers to them and evaluate them in points (from 0 to 2).

1. How well do you know how to do what is asked in the question:

I do, as a rule, well - 2

doing medium - 1

doing bad - Oh

2. How did you feel when you did this:

positive (pleasant, interesting, easy) - 2

neutral (don't care) - 1

negative (unpleasant, uninteresting, difficult) - O

3. Would you like the action described in the question to be included in your future work:

I don't care - 1

Enter your scores in the answer table (the cell number in the table corresponds to the question number). In each cell of the answer table, you need to put down points corresponding to your answers to all three questions. In each question, you rate first your “skill” (1), then your “attitude” (2) and then your “desire” (3). In the same sequence, you put down evaluation scores in a table cell.

If you have never done what is asked in the question, then instead of points, put dashes in the box in the first two questions (1 and 2) and try to answer only the third question.

When reading the question, be sure to pay attention to the words "often", "easily", "systematically", etc. Your answer should take into account the meaning of these words.

If from the several actions listed in the question you know how to do one thing, then evaluate it with three marks.

Work carefully, don't rush

OCG questions:

1. Make extracts, clippings from various texts and group them according to a certain attribute.

2. Perform practical tasks in laboratory work in physics (draw up and assemble circuits, troubleshoot them, understand the principle of operation of the device, etc.).

3. For a long time (more than 1 year) independently, patiently perform all the work that ensures the growth and development of plants (water, fertilize, replant, etc.).

4. Compose poems, stories, notes, write essays recognized by many as interesting, worthy of attention.

5. Restrain yourself, do not “pour out” your irritation, anger, resentment, bad mood on others.

6. Select the main thoughts from the text and draw up a short summary, plan, new text based on them.

7. Understand physical processes and patterns, solve problems in physics.

8. Conduct regular observations of developing plants and record these observations in a special diary.

9. Make beautiful products with your own hands from wood, fabric, metal, dried plants, threads.

10. Patiently, without irritation, explain to someone what he wants to know, even if you have to repeat it several times.

11. It is easy to find errors in written works on the Russian language and literature.

12. Understand chemical processes, properties chemical elements solve problems in chemistry.

13. Understand the developmental features and external distinguishing features of numerous plant species.

14. Create finished works of painting, graphics, sculpture.

15. Communicate a lot and often with different people without getting tired of it.

16. In foreign language lessons, answer questions and ask them, retell texts and prepare stories on a given topic.

17. Debug any mechanisms (bicycle, motorcycle), repair electrical appliances (vacuum cleaner, iron, lamp).

18. Own free time mainly spend on the care and observation of some animal.

19. Compose music, songs that are successful with peers and adults.

20. Attentively, patiently, without interrupting, listen to people.

21. When performing tasks for foreign language without any difficulties to work with foreign texts.

22. Adjust and repair electronic equipment (receiver, tape recorder, TV, disco equipment).

23. Regularly, without reminding adults, perform the work necessary to care for animals: feed, clean (animal and cages), treat, train.

24. Publicly, for many viewers, play roles, imitate, portray someone, recite poetry, prose.

25. To captivate children with business, play, story younger age.

26. Perform tasks in mathematics, chemistry, in which you need to make a logical chain of actions, using various formulas, laws, theorems.

27. Repair locks, faucets, furniture, toys.

28. Understand the breeds and types of animals: horses, birds, fish, insects; know their characteristic external signs and habits.

29. Clearly distinguish what is talentedly done by a writer, playwright, artist, director, actor, and what is not, and be able to substantiate this orally or in writing.

30. Organize people for any business, events.

31. Do math assignments that require good knowledge mathematical formulas, laws and the ability to apply them correctly when solving problems.

32. Perform actions that require good coordination of movements and manual dexterity: work on a machine, on an electric sewing machine, assemble and assemble products from small parts.

33. Immediately notice the smallest changes in behavior or in appearance animal or plant.

34. Play on musical instruments, publicly perform songs, dance numbers.

35. Do work that requires mandatory contact with many different people.

36. Perform quantitative data calculations (using formulas and without them), derive various patterns and consequences based on this.

37. From standard parts intended for the assembly of certain models, products, design new ones invented independently.

38. Specially engage in-depth study biology, anatomy, botany, zoology, read scientific literature, listen to lectures, scientific reports.

39. Create on paper and in the original new, interesting models of clothes, hairstyles, jewelry, interior design, design novelties.

40. Influence people: convince, prevent conflicts, settle quarrels, resolve disputes.

41. Work with symbolic information: draw up and draw maps, diagrams, drawings.

42. Perform tasks in which you need to mentally imagine the location of objects or figures in space.

43. Practice for a long time research work in biological circles, at biological stations, in zoo circles and nurseries.

44. Faster and more often than others to notice unusual, amazing, beautiful things in the ordinary.

45. Empathize with people (even not very close ones), understand their problems, provide all possible assistance.

46. ​​Accurately and accurately perform "paper" work: write, write out, check, count, calculate.

47. Choose the most rational (simple, short) way to solve the problem: technical, logical, mathematical.

48. When working with plants or animals, carry manual physical work, adverse weather conditions, dirt, specific smell of animals.

49. Persistently, patiently strive for perfection in the created or performed work (in any field of creativity).

50. Speak, report something, express your thoughts aloud.

Results processing

Designate the top cells of the five columns in accordance with the types of professions from left to right: 1 - "Ch - 3" (person - sign), 2 - "Ch - T" (person - technology), 3 - "Ch - P" (person - nature ), 4 - "Ch - X" (person - artistic image), 5 - "Ch - H" (person - person).

When starting to process the results, a professional consultant or a student first finds in the answer table those question numbers (cells) that are rated "0" points or a dash ("-"). With such an assessment of skills, the next two marks for the same question (2nd and 3rd) are not taken into account when calculating the total scores on these scales (they can be crossed out in the table). Then, for each professional area, the total amount of points scored is calculated (separately “skills”, separately “relationships” and separately “professional wishes”). As a result of this calculation, a clear picture of the ratios of marks on three scales is formed: the student’s skills, his emotional attitude and professional wishes, preferences in each professional area and for each specific issue(type of activity).

OPG answer sheet

Evaluation of results

Comparison and selection of the most preferable for a given student professional sphere(or several areas) are made on the basis of a comparison, firstly, of the sums of points scored in different professional areas separately on the scales of "skill", "emotional attitude", "professional preference". Attention is drawn to one or more professional areas in which these amounts are the largest. Then, in each area, the sums of points scored according to these three scales are compared with each other. A positive assessment is such a combination in which marks on 2-3 scales are quantitatively combined with the real skills of the student, i.e. with the first mark. For example, a ratio of three ratings like "10-12-11" is more favorable than a ratio of "3-18-12". The preference in the first example is more justified by the availability of relevant skills.

It is obligatory to analyze in all areas the questions for which the highest score is given, i.e. "2-2-2" (first of all), as well as questions in which the two highest marks are combined with the average ("2-2- 1" or "1-2-2"). This is necessary, firstly, in order to narrow the entire professional field to some specialties in this field. For example, work in the area of ​​\u200b\u200b"Ch - 3" can be carried out with letters, words, texts - a philologist, historian, editor, etc.; with a foreign sign, text - a programmer, mathematician, economist, etc. Secondly, in order to “go beyond” one area to professions that occupy an intermediate position between different areas. For example, a math teacher (“Ch - Ch” and “Ch - 3”), a fashion designer (“Ch - X”, “Ch - T”), etc.

« Lab #4

This questionnaire is based on the principle of self-assessment by students at the same time of their capabilities in the implementation of certain skills specified by the questionnaire (educational, creative, labor, social, etc.), their real, experienced and formed in personal experience emotional attitude that arises every time when performing the tasks described in questionnaire of activities and their preference or unwillingness to have assessed activities in their future profession.

OCG enables the professional consultant to obtain sufficiently reliable information about the presence, mutual combination, successful implementation and emotional reinforcement of professionally oriented skills and abilities in adolescents, which allows him, on the basis of these data, to judge the degree of readiness of the optant for successful functioning (study, work) in certain professional area.

The basic principles underlying the organized criminal group

The types of activities, occupations, situations presented in the questionnaire to the optant for evaluation should be close and understandable to him, i.e. must necessarily be represented in his past experience. Assessing his capabilities, his attitude and professional position, the optant only fixes his own way of behavior, his conscious and repeatedly evaluated (by himself, parents, teachers, comrades) successes and failures in the implementation of certain activities, his emotional experience, which, as a rule, accompanied the implementation of this activity. In this case, it is easy for a professional consultant to determine the validity or invalidity of his professional preferences.

All the types of activities, occupations and situations described in the questionnaire, according to the requirements that they present to a person, according to the conditions, means or object of labor, should be correlated with the most typical representatives of the profession in five professional areas:

Ch-Z (Man is a sign)

Ch-T (Human - technology)

Ch-P (Man - nature)

Ch-H.o. (Man is an artistic image)

H-H (Man - man)

Instruction to the subject

Read each statement carefully. You must give 3 answers to it and evaluate them in points (from 0 to 2):

1. How well do you know how to do what is written in the question:

I usually do well - 2 points

I do average - 1 point

I do poorly, I don’t know how at all - 0 points

2. How did you feel when you did this:

Positive (pleasant, interesting, easy) - 2 points

Neutral (don't care) - 1 point

Negative (unpleasant, uninteresting, difficult) - 0 points

3. Would you like the action described in the question to be included in your future work:

Yes - 2 points

Anyway - 1 point

No - 0 points
You enter your scores in the answer table (the cell number in the table corresponds to the question number). In each cell of the answer table, you must put points corresponding to your answer to all 3 questions. In each question, you evaluate first your "skill", then "attitude" and then "desire". In the same sequence, you put down the evaluation points in the cell of the table.

If you have never done what is written in the question, then instead of points, put a dash in the box in the first two questions and try to answer only the third question.

When reading the question, be sure to pay attention to the words "often", "easily", "systematically", etc. Your answer should take into account the meaning of these words.

If from the several actions listed in the question you know how to do one thing, then you evaluate it with three marks.

Work carefully, do not rush!

How to use the questionnaire.

The optant is asked to carefully read the instructions for working with the questionnaire. And in the case of an individual consultation, tell the professional consultant how he is going to work with him. When conducting a group consultation, the professional consultant himself explains in detail to the optants the procedure for filling out the questionnaire, drawing their attention to the following:

1) answer “I can do it well”, i.e. you can put 2 points only if he did it not once, but many times, and, as a rule, he did it well.

2) It is necessary to put “0” points in “skills” both for a year a student does something badly, and when he does not know how to do it (i.e. he tried, but it didn’t work out);

3) If the student has never tried to do what is written in the question, then instead of points, he puts a dash in the right cell of the answer table when assessing skills and his attitude, and, if he can, he answers only 3 questions about his professional preference; if he can’t, then instead of the 3rd grade, he also puts a dash.

Fixing the results

In the process of working with the questionnaire, the optant fills in a special table of answers, which contains 4 columns. The numbers and letters in the cells of the answer sheet correspond to the numbers and designations of the questions.

Results processing

The top cells of the five columns are designated in accordance with the types of professions from left to right:

1. Ch-W 2. Ch-T 3. Ch-P 4. Ch-H.o. 5. H-H

In each cell of the table, the optant puts 3 marks in points:

1. Assessment of your skills

2. Assessing your emotional attitude

3. Evaluation of your professional wishes, preferences.

Starting to process the results, the professional consultant first finds in the table of answers those question numbers (cells) for which the optant gave 0 points or put a dash when evaluating skills. With such an assessment of skills, the next two assessments for the same question are not taken into account when calculating the total scores on these scales (conditionally, they can be crossed out in the table). Their professional consultant takes into account only in the qualitative analysis of each area.

The professional consultant calculates the total score in each professional area, which was scored separately by "skills", separately by "relationships" and separately by "professional preferences". As a result of this calculation, the professional consultant has a clear picture of the ratios of assessments on 3 scales: the optant's skills, his emotional attitude and professional wishes (preferences) both in each professional area and for each specific issue (type of activity).

Evaluation of results

A professional consultant makes a comparison and selection of a professional field or several fields preferred for a given optant based on a comparison, firstly, of the sums of points scored by different professional fields separately on the “professional preference” scale. Attention is drawn to one or those professional areas in which these amounts are the largest. Then they are compared in each area. The sums of points scored according to these three scales among themselves. A combination is positively evaluated, in which the scores on scales 2 and 3 are quantitatively combined with the actual skills of the optant, i.e. with 1 rating. For example, a ratio of three grades like 10-12-11 is more favorable than a ratio of 3-18-12. The preference of the optant in the first example is more justified by the fact that he has the appropriate skills.

The questions for which the optant gave the highest score in points, as well as questions in which the two highest scores are combined with the average, are necessarily analyzed in all areas. This is necessary, firstly, in order to narrow the entire professional field to some specialties in this field. For example, work in areas W-W can be carried out with letters, words, texts (philologist, historian, editor), with signs and texts in a foreign language (technical translator, guide-translator), with mathematical signs (programmer, mathematician, economist). Secondly, in order to “go beyond one sphere into professions that occupy an intermediate position between different spheres. For example, a math teacher (C-C and C-W), a fashion designer (C-X.O. and C-T), etc.

Based on the results of the answers of the subject, a conclusion is made about which area professional activity he is inclined.

The nature of the work with the questionnaire and the form of fixing the results provide the professional consultant with the opportunity to quantify in a comparative way the ratio of skills, emotional attitudes and professional preferences of optants both within each professional area and between areas. This makes it possible to differentiate the results obtained, even if quantitatively (according to the total score) they coincide in several professional areas.

All conclusions and hypotheses made by a professional consultant as a result of the use of OPG should be correlated with information obtained using other methodological tools used in the practice of individual professional consultation.


I can, I can (often, easily, systematically, like, want)

1 . Analyze the content of scientific, educational, artistic texts, highlight the main thing, make generalizations, conclusions.

2. Repair mechanical and electrical devices used in everyday life (lock, faucet, iron, lamp, bicycle, motorcycle).

3. For several years, independently grow any plants, timely performing all the work that ensures their growth and development (watering, transplanting, fertilizing, etc.).

4. Write poetry, prose, notes, essays, which are highly valued by many artistically.

5. When communicating with people, to gain an external manifestation of a bad mood, irritation; be patient and friendly even with not very nice people.

6. Make extracts from large texts, group them according to a certain attribute, make notes.

7. Adjust and repair electronic equipment, receiver, tape recorder, TV, disco equipment.

8. Collect collections of plants, study their various types.

9. Make elegant gift items from paper, wood, fabric, metal, plants, etc. (panels, decorations, souvenirs, bouquets).

10. Explain content educational material, a way to solve a complex problem, etc. clear, easy to understand for everyone.

11. In a foreign language, answer questions and ask them, retell texts, participate in a dialogue.

12. According to a clear pattern (recipe, diagram, pattern, plan), serve the product - culinary, sewing, model, detail, etc.

13. Understand the developmental features and external distinguishing features of numerous plant species.

14. Create finished works of fine art: painting, graphics, sculpture.

15. Constantly provide real help to different people who need it.

16 . Work with texts in a foreign language: translate, analyze, rewrite, edit.

17. Compose and assemble diagrams of various instruments and devices: understand the principle of their actions.

18. Give a lot of time to the care and observation of any animal: feed, clean, heal, teach.

19. Compose music, songs that are successful with peers and


20. Engage with young children: play, read, etc.

21. Perform tasks in mathematics, in which it is required to compose a logical chain of actions, using various formulas, laws, theorems.

22. From typical parts intended for the manufacture (assembly, tailoring, etc.) of certain models or products, create new ones invented independently

23. Specially observe the life of animals in nature, study their habits, characteristic forms of behavior.

24. In front of many spectators, play roles in performances, recite poetry, prose.

25. Quickly and correctly recognize the essence of an unfamiliar person, i.e. to understand the reasons for his actions, to see the "true face", often hidden behind external behavior.

26. Perform quantitative calculations, data calculations (using formulas and without them), derive certain consequences based on this, establish patterns. 27. Perform tasks (on geometry, drawing, etc.), in which it is required to mentally imagine the location of objects or their elements in space.

28. Understand the breeds and types of domestic and wild animals, insects, fish; their characteristic external signs and habits.

29. Perform musical works (plays, songs), dance numbers.

30. To exert an active influence on different people: to convince them to act this way and not otherwise, to reconcile, educate, captivate with their own interests.

31. Work with information presented in the form of conventional signs, symbols; compile and read maps, diagrams, drawings, graphs.

32. Find a more rational (simple, short) way of solving a problem: logical, technical, design, etc.

Diagnostics of the professional orientation of high school students

Participation in career guidance and assistance to students in an informed choice of profession is one of the most important aspects of work school psychologist. This activity includes:

a) identifying the interests, inclinations of students, personality orientation, primary professional intentions and their dynamics;

b) determination of social attitudes and assistance in their formation;

c) determination of the choice motivation and its structure;

d) formation of readiness for introspection and self-assessment, the real level of claims;

e) determination of the severity and structure of abilities;

f) determining the level of development of various aspects of the personality, the dynamics and variability of manifestations, life style, the possible “price” of activity (conflict, tension, anxiety, a tendency to monotony, potentialities and their realization, stability and perseverance, purposefulness, etc.) ;

g) implementation of professional selection, if necessary - primary professional selection;

h) determining the degree of compliance with the "personality profile" and professional requirements, making adjustments to the professional intentions of students;

i) participation in conducting classes with students on the course "Fundamentals of choosing a profession"

Scheme of individual vocational guidance conversation with students

Student's professional intentions

What is going to do after the end of the IX grade:

study in the X grade, vocational school, technical school (write down the full name of the educational institution);

work (write down the full name of the enterprise, workshop, department, specialty).

What does he know about the content of the chosen profession, about the conditions of study, work?

Does he know about the requirements of the chosen profession for a person?

What do parents advise to do after the end of the ninth grade? Does the student agree with their opinion?


What educational interests predominate (“favorite” and “unloved” subjects)?

Are there any interests associated with choosing a profession (reading specialized literature, talking about the profession with a specialist, visiting educational institutions)?

How does he develop interests related to the choice of profession?

Do parents provide assistance in developing academic and career interests? What is it?


What tendencies does the student name? learning activities, in circle work, in free time from study)?

Are there any inclinations associated with the choice of profession (“trial of strength”)?

How does one develop inclinations related to the choice of a profession?

Do parents provide assistance in developing inclinations for any professional activity? What is it?


What abilities does the student find in himself (in learning activities)?

Whether there is a professional ability, i.e. abilities necessary for the successful development of the chosen profession?

How does it develop abilities related to the choice of a profession (trains memory, attention, improves physical fitness, deepens knowledge about the profession)?

Do interests, inclinations coincide with the abilities of the student (coincide partially or do not coincide at all)?

Does the student know the opinion of teachers and parents about his abilities? Does he agree with their opinion?

How does the student think, do teachers, parents help him in developing his abilities?

Personal qualities

What personal qualities, in the opinion of the student, are most pronounced in him (positive or negative)?

What qualities, in his opinion, need to be developed for the successful development of the chosen profession?

How does he develop the qualities necessary for successful professional activity?

Is he self-educating?

Do teachers and parents help in the development of personal qualities?

Ready to choose professional path

How does the student evaluate their progress in learning activities?

For what academic subjects, in his opinion, will knowledge be needed in further professional activities?

Does the student feel that they will be able to fulfill their professional intentions? What can prevent this?

In case of non-fulfillment of the main plans, are there spare ones?

Literature for reading.

Circle, elective, in-depth study of individual subjects.

The topic of the report in the class is about the chosen profession.

Meeting with a specialist.

Councils for development, improvement of individual qualities.

Date of initial consultation.

Differential diagnostic questionnaire (DDO; E.A. Klimov)

Scales: types of professions - man-man, man-technology, man-sign system, man-artistic image, man-nature Test purpose

Purpose of the test

The method is intended for selection for Various types professions in accordance with the classification of types of professions by E.A. Klimova. It can be used for career guidance of teenagers and adults.

The subject must select only one type of activity in each of the 20 pairs of proposed activities and put a “+” sign in the corresponding cell of the answer sheet.

The examination time is not limited. Although, the subject should be warned that questions should not be thought about for a long time and usually it takes 20-30 minutes to complete the task.

It can be used individually and in a group.

The experimenter can read questions to a group of subjects, but in this case, the response time is limited. This method is used when the experimenter must work in a limited time interval.

Instructions for the test

“Suppose that after proper training you can do any job. But if you had to choose between only two options, which would you choose?


1a. Take care of animals 1b. Serve machines, devices (monitor, adjust)
2a. Help the sick 2b. Compile tables, diagrams, programs for computers
Behind. Monitor the quality of book illustrations, posters, art postcards, records 3b. Monitor the condition and development of plants
4a. Process materials (wood, fabric, metal, plastic, etc.) 4b. Bring the Goods to the consumer, advertise, sell
5a. Discuss popular science books, articles 5 B. Discuss fiction books (or plays, concerts)
6a. Raise young animals (animals of any breed) 6b. Train comrades (or juniors) in performing any actions (labor, training, sports)
7a. Copy drawings, images (or tune musical instruments) 7b. Operate any cargo (lifting or vehicle) means - crane, tractor, diesel locomotive, etc.
8a. Communicate, explain to people the information they need (at the information desk, on excursions, etc.) 8b. Design exhibitions, showcases (or participate in the preparation of plays, concerts)
9a. Repair things, products (clothing, equipment), housing 9b. Search and correct errors in texts, tables, figures
10a. To treat animals 10b. Perform calculations, calculations
11a. Breeding new varieties of plants 11b. Design, design new types of industrial products (cars, clothes, houses, food, etc.)
12a. To sort out disputes, quarrels between people, to convince, explain, punish, encourage 12b. Understand drawings, diagrams, tables (check, clarify, put in order)
13a. Observe, study the work of amateur art circles 13b. Observe, study the life of microbes
14a. Maintenance and adjustment of medical devices 14b. Provide medical assistance to people in case of injuries, bruises, burns, etc.
156. Artistically describe, depict events (observed and represented) 15a. Compile accurate descriptions-reports of observed phenomena, events, measured objects, etc.
16a. Do lab tests in the hospital 16b. Receiving, examining patients, talking with them, prescribing treatment
17a. Paint or paint the walls of rooms, the surface of products 17b. Carry out installation or assembly of machines, devices
18a. Organize cultural trips of peers or younger to theaters, museums, excursions, hiking trips, etc. 18b. Play on stage, take part in concerts
19a. Produce parts, products (cars, clothes) according to drawings, build buildings 19b. Engage in drawing, copy drawings, maps
20a. To fight plant diseases, pests of the forest, garden 20b. Work on keyboard machines (typewriter, teletypewriter, typewriter, etc.)

Processing and interpretation of test results

Key to the test

Occupation types Question numbers

Human nature 1a, 3b, 6a, 10a, 11a, 13b, 16a, 20a
Man-technique 1b, 4a, 7b, 9a, 11b, 14a, 17b, 19a
Man-man 2a, 4b, 6b, 8a, 12a, 14b, 16b, 18a
Human sign system 2b, 5a, 9b, 10b, 12b, 15a, 19b, 20b
Man-artistic image 3a, 5b, 7a, 8b, 13a, 15b, 17a, 18b

One point is awarded for each match with the key.

Interpretation of test results

"man-nature" - all professions related to crop production, animal husbandry and forestry;
"human-technique" - all technical professions;
"man-man" - all professions related to serving people, with communication;
"man-sign" - all professions related to short calculations, digital and alphabetic signs, including musical specialties;
"man-artistic image" - all creative specialties.

Brief description of types of professions

I. "Man-Nature". If you like to work in the garden, take care of plants, animals, love the subject of biology, then get acquainted with the professions of the “man-nature” type.

The subject of labor for representatives of most professions such as "human nature" are:

Animals, conditions of their growth, life;
plants and their growing conditions.

Study, investigate, analyze the state, living conditions of plants or animals (agronomist, microbiologist, livestock specialist, hydrobiologist, agrochemist, phytopathologist);
grow plants, take care of animals (arborist, field grower, flower grower, vegetable grower, poultry farmer, livestock breeder, gardener, beekeeper);
carry out the prevention of plant and animal diseases (veterinarian, quarantine service doctor).

Psychological requirements of professions "man-nature":

Developed imagination, visual-figurative thinking, good visual memory, observation, the ability to foresee and evaluate changing natural factors;
since the results of the activity are revealed after a rather long time, the specialist must have patience, perseverance, must be ready to work outside teams, sometimes in difficult weather conditions, in mud, etc.

II. "Man-Technology". If you like laboratory work in physics, chemistry, electrical engineering, if you make models, understand household appliances, if you want to create, operate or repair machines, mechanisms, apparatuses, machine tools, then check out the "human-technique" professions.

The subject of labor for representatives of most professions such as "man of technology" are:

Technical objects (machines, mechanisms);
materials, types of energy.

Specialists in this field have to perform the following activities:

Creation, installation, assembly of technical devices (specialists design, construct technical systems, devices, develop processes for their manufacture. Machines, mechanisms, devices are assembled from individual components, parts, regulate and adjust them);
operation of technical devices (specialists work on machine tools, manage transport, automatic systems);
repair of technical devices (specialists identify, recognize faults technical systems, devices, mechanisms, repair, regulate, adjust them).

Psychological requirements of professions "man-technician":

Good coordination of movements;
accurate visual, auditory, vibrational and kinesthetic perception;
developed technical and creative thinking and imagination;
the ability to switch and concentrate attention;

III. "Man-sign system". If you like to perform calculations, drawings, diagrams, keep file cabinets, systematize various information, if you want to do programming, economics or statistics, etc., then get acquainted with professions like “man-sign system”. Most professions of this type are associated with the processing of information.

The subject of labor for representatives of most professions of the "human sign system" type are:

Texts in native or foreign languages ​​(editor, proofreader, typist, clerk, telegraphist, typesetter);
figures, formulas, tables (programmer, ZVM operator, economist, accountant, statistician);
drawings, diagrams, maps (designer, process engineer, draftsman, copyist, navigator, surveyor);
sound signals (radio operator, stenographer, telephone operator, sound engineer).

Psychological requirements of professions "man-sign system":

Good operational and mechanical memory;
the ability to long-term concentration of attention on abstract (sign) material;
good distribution and switching of attention;
accuracy of perception, the ability to see what is behind the conventional signs;
perseverance, patience;
logical thinking.

IV. "Man-Artistic Image".

The subject of labor for representatives of most professions of the “human sign system” type is:

Artistic image, ways of its construction.

Specialists in this field have to perform the following activities:

Creation, design of works of art (writer, artist, composer, fashion designer, architect, sculptor, journalist, choreographer);
reproduction, production of various products according to the model (jeweler, restorer, engraver, musician, actor, cabinet maker);
reproduction of works of art in mass production (porcelain painter, stone and crystal grinder, painter, printer).

Psychological requirements of professions "man-artistic image":

Artistic ability; developed visual perception;
observation, visual memory; visual-figurative thinking; creative imagination;
knowledge of the psychological laws of emotional impact on people.

V. "Man-man".
The subject of labor for representatives of most professions of the "man man" type are:

Specialists in this field have to perform the following activities:

Education, training of people (educator, teacher, sports coach);
medical care (doctor, paramedic, nurse, nanny);
consumer services (salesman, hairdresser, waiter, janitor);
information service (librarian, guide, lecturer);
protection of society and the state (lawyer, policeman, inspector, soldier).
Psychological requirements of professions "man-to-man":

The desire to communicate, the ability to easily make contact with strangers;
sustainable good health when working with people;
benevolence, responsiveness;
the ability to restrain emotions;
the ability to analyze the behavior of others and one's own, to understand the intentions and mood of other people, the ability to understand people's relationships, the ability to resolve differences between them, to organize their interaction;
the ability to mentally put oneself in the place of another person, the ability to listen, take into account the opinion of another person;
the ability to speak, facial expressions, gestures;
developed speech, the ability to find mutual language with different people; the ability to convince people;
accuracy, punctuality, composure;
knowledge of human psychology.

The absence of a serious idea of ​​the student about the future life path- a sign of infantilism. Without a serious attitude towards the future, there can be no responsible attitude towards the present. Without a deep thinking of the future - the near and the distant - a person cannot count on success in life. A scheme for constructing a student's personal professional plan, which will help the graduate form a reasonable and realistic professional plan. 1. The main goal (what I will do, I will be like that, where I will be, what I will achieve, the ideal of life and activity). 2. A chain of immediate and more distant specific goals (what and where to study, prospects for improving skills). 3. Ways and means to achieve immediate goals (conversations with people, a test of strength, self-education, training courses, admission to educational institution). 4. External conditions for achieving goals (difficulties, possible obstacles, possible opposition of certain people). 5. Internal conditions (assessment of one's capabilities: state of health, ability to theoretical or practical training, perseverance, patience, personal qualities necessary for work in this specialty). 6. Fallback options for goals and ways to achieve them in case of insurmountable obstacles to the realization of the main goal.

Questionnaire of professional readiness (OPG) author Kabardova L.N.

Description of the technique. This questionnaire is based on the principle of self-assessment by students at the same time of their capabilities in the implementation of certain skills set by the questionnaire (educational, creative, labor, social, etc.), their real, experienced and formed in personal experience emotional attitude that arises every time when performing the described in the questionnaire of activities and their preference or unwillingness to have assessed activities in their future profession.

Instruction: Read the question carefully. You must give 3 answers to it and evaluate them in points (from 0 to 2).

  1. How well do you know how to do what is written in the question:
  • I usually do well - 2
  • doing medium - 1
  • doing bad - 0
  • What feelings did you have when you did this:
    • positive (pleasant, interesting, easy) - 2
    • neutral (don't care) - 1
    • negative (unpleasant, uninteresting, difficult) - 0
  • Would you like the action described in the question to be included in your future work:
    • yes - 2
    • anyway - 1
    • no - 0

    You enter your scores in the answer table (the cell number in the table corresponds to the question number). In each cell of the answer table, you must put points corresponding to your answers to all 3 questions. In each question, you rate first your “skill” (1), then your “attitude” (2) and then your “desire” (3). In the same sequence, you put down the evaluation points in the cell of the table.

    If you have never done what is written in the question, then instead of points, put dashes in the cell in the first two questions (1 and 2) and try to answer only the third question.

    Work carefully, do not rush!

    Professional Readiness Questionnaire

    The technique was developed to identify the professional inclinations of schoolchildren; it can be used by teachers and psychologists when conducting career guidance work.

    Professional readiness is defined as a subjective state of the individual, meaning the desire and ability to engage in this type of professional activity. The questionnaire is based on a person's self-assessment of their inclinations and capabilities.

    Instruction. Read all 50 statements of the questionnaire carefully. After reading each statement, answer the three questions below and rate your answers in points (from 0 to 2):

    1. How well do you know how to do what is written in the statement?

    I do, as a rule, well - 2 points;

    I do medium - 1 point;

    I do poorly, I don’t know how at all - 0 points.

    2. What feelings did you have when you did this?

    Positive (pleasant, interesting, easy) - 2 points;

    Neutral (don't care) - 1 point;

    Negative (unpleasant, uninteresting, difficult) - 0 points.

    3. Would you like the action described in the statement to be included in your future work?

    Yes - 2 points;

    Anyway - 1 point;

    No - 0 points.

    Enter your scores in the "Table of Answers" (the cell number in the table corresponds to the number of the statement). In each cell, you must give points corresponding to your answers to all three questions. For each utterance, you first evaluate your ability - "y", then the attitude - "o", then the desire - "g". In the same sequence, you put down the evaluation points.

    If you have never done what is written in the statement, then instead of points, put dashes in the cell for the first two questions (“y” and “o”) and try to answer only the third question (“g”).

    When reading statements, be sure to pay attention to the words "often", "easy", "systematically", etc. Your answer should take into account the meaning of these words.

    If you can only do one of the actions listed in the question, then you are evaluating this action.

    Questionnaire text

    1. Make extracts, clippings from various texts and group them according to a certain attribute.

    2. Perform practical tasks in laboratory work in physics (collect and draw up diagrams, troubleshoot them, understand the principle of operation of the device, etc.).

    3. For a long time (more than one year), independently perform all the work that ensures the growth and development of plants (water, fertilize, replant, etc.).

    4. Compose poems, stories, notes, write essays recognized by many as interesting, worthy of attention.

    5. Restrain yourself, do not “splash out” your irritation, anger, resentment, bad mood on others.

    6. Select the main thoughts from the text and draw up a short summary, plan, new text based on them.

    7. Understand physical processes and patterns, solve problems in physics.

    8. Regularly monitor the developing plant and record the observation data in a special diary.

    9. Make beautiful products from wood, fabric, metal, dried plants, thread.

    10. Patiently, without irritation, explain something incomprehensible to someone, even if you have to repeat it several times.

    11. It is easy to find errors in written works on the Russian language and literature.

    12. Understand chemical processes, properties of chemical elements, solve problems in chemistry.

    13. Understand the developmental features and external distinguishing features of numerous plant species.

    14. Create finished works of painting, graphics, sculpture.

    15. Communicate a lot and often with different people without getting tired of it.

    16. In foreign language lessons, answer questions and ask them, retell texts and compose stories on a given topic.

    17. Debug any mechanisms (bicycle, motorcycle), repair electrical appliances (vacuum cleaner, iron, lamp).

    18. Spend your free time mainly on the care and observation of some animal.

    19. Compose music, songs that are successful with peers and adults.

    20. Attentively, patiently, without interrupting, listen to people.

    21. When performing assignments in a foreign language, work with texts without much difficulty.

    22. Adjust and repair electronic equipment (receiver, tape recorder, TV, disco equipment).

    23. Regularly, without reminding adults, take care of animals: feed, clean (animal and cage), treat, train.

    24. Publicly, for many viewers to play roles, portray someone, recite poetry, prose.

    25. To captivate young children with business, play, and storytelling.

    26. Perform tasks in mathematics, chemistry, in which it is required to draw up a logical chain of actions, using various formulas, laws, theorems.

    27. Repair locks, faucets, furniture, toys.

    28. Understand the breeds and types of animals (horses, birds, fish, insects, etc.), know their characteristic external features and habits.

    29. Always clearly see what is done by a writer, playwright, artist, director, actor with talent and what is not, and be able to substantiate this orally or in writing.

    30. Organize people for any business, events.

    31. Perform tasks in mathematics that require a good knowledge of formulas, laws and the ability to correctly apply them when solving.

    32. Perform actions that require good coordination of movements and manual dexterity: work on a machine, electric sewing machine, assemble products from small parts.

    33. Immediately notice the smallest changes in the behavior of an animal or the appearance of a plant.

    34. Play musical instruments, publicly perform songs, dance numbers.

    35. Do work that requires mandatory contact with many different people.

    36. Perform quantitative calculations, data calculations (according to formulas and without them), derive various patterns based on this, identify consequences.

    37. From standard parts intended for the assembly of certain models, products, design new ones invented independently.

    38. Specially engage in in-depth study of biology, botany, zoology (read scientific literature, listen to lectures, scientific reports).

    39. Create on paper and in the original new, interesting models (clothes, hairstyles, jewelry), interiors, product designs.

    40. Influence people, convince, prevent conflicts, settle quarrels, resolve disputes.

    41. Work with symbolic information: draw up and draw diagrams, maps, drawings.

    42. Perform tasks in which you need to mentally represent the location of objects or figures in space.

    43. For a long time to be engaged in research work in biological circles, at biological stations, in zoo circles and nurseries.

    44. Faster and more often than others to notice unusual, amazing, beautiful things in the ordinary.

    45. Empathize with people (even not very close ones), understand their problems, provide all possible assistance.

    46. ​​Accurately and accurately perform "paper" work: write, write out, check, count.

    47. Choose the most rational (simple, short) way to solve a problem: technical, logical, mathematical.

    48. When caring for plants or animals, perform hard physical work, endure adverse weather conditions, dirt, and a specific smell.

    49. Persistently, patiently strive for perfection in the created or performed work (in any field of creativity).

    50. Speak, report something, express your thoughts aloud.

    Processing of results and conclusions Determination of inclination (highest preference) to any professional field is carried out on the basis of a comparison of the sums of points (vertically for each column of the table) on three scales (skills, attitudes, desires). Zero indicators are not taken into account and can only be taken into account in a qualitative analysis. A combination is positively evaluated, in which high scores in answering questions “o” and “g” correlate with the real skills of the subject, i.e. with a high score on the first scale - “y”. For example, the ratio of three ratings of the 10-12-11 type is more favorable than the ratio of 3-18-12, since in the first case the ratings are more justified by the presence of relevant experience in this field of activity.

    Answer table

    Designations: Ch-Z - "man - sign", Ch-T - "man - technology", Ch-P - "man-nature", Ch-Ho - "man - artistic image", Ch-Ch - "man - man" ; y - assessment of skill, o - assessment of attitude, g - assessment of desire. The utterances that the subject rated with the highest score, i.e. 2-2-2, as well as the utterances in which the two highest scores are combined with the average, i.e. 2-2-1 or 1-2-2, are necessarily analyzed. This is necessary, firstly, in order to narrow the professional field to some specific specialties (for example, a tendency to work in the field of “human sign” (philologist, historian, editor, translator, journalist, etc.)), secondly, in order to go beyond one sphere to professions that occupy an intermediate position (for example, a mathematics teacher - "a person is a sign", a fashion designer - "a person is an artistic image").

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    This questionnaire is based on the principle of self-assessment by students of their capabilities in the implementation of certain skills (educational, creative, labor, social, etc.), their real attitude to activities and their preference (unwillingness) to implement activities in their future profession. All types of activities, occupations and situations described in the questionnaire, which are presented to a person in the process of work or study, correlate with the most typical representatives of professions in five professional areas: “P-Z”, “P-T”, “P-P”, “ H - X", "H - H".

    This questionnaire allows you to confirm, specify the information on the DDO test and, perhaps, supplement the interpretation according to the professional interest of the optant.


    Each column of cells in the answer sheet corresponds to one of the types of professions. The columns marked with letters represent the scores of the three responses to each question:

    A - assessment of their skills;

    B - assessment of one's emotional attitude;

    B - assessment of their professional wishes, preferences.

    When starting to process the results, you should first carefully review the answer sheet and note the numbers of questions for which the subject in the “skills” column rated “0”. These questions should be completely excluded from processing. An example is the ratio of ratings "0-12-11". In this case, the second and third grades are also excluded when calculating points on the corresponding scales (emotional attitude and professional positions). They are taken into account only in the qualitative analysis of each area.

    Further, the sum of points in each professional area is calculated on the scales of "skill", "attitude" and "professional wishes". Attention is drawn to the ratio of assessments on these scales both in each professional area and for each specific issue (type of activity).

    Answer form

    W-W W-T W-P W-X W-H

    1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3

    Ch-Z - man - sign system

    Ch-T - man - technology

    C-P - man - nature

    Ch-X - man - artistic image

    H-H - man - man


    The highest number of points in a certain column indicates the predominant manifestation of professional interests and inclinations towards a particular group of professions. Let's consider the "diagnoses" received at high rates in professional fields. When making a diagnosis, it is necessary to take into account other combinations of high, medium and low indicators.

    The choice of the most preferred professional field (or several fields) is made on the basis of a comparison of the sums of points scored in different professional fields according to the “professional preferences” scale.

    Attention is drawn to those professional areas in which these amounts are the largest. Then, in each area, the scores scored on three scales are compared with each other. The preferred combination is in which the scores on the second and third scales are quantitatively combined with the score on the first scale, which reflects the real skills of the subject. For example, the ratio of assessments like "10-12-11" is more favorable than the combination "3-8-12", since the preferences of the subject in the first case are more justified by the presence of appropriate skills.

    Further, individual questions are analyzed, the answers to which were rated in points "2-2-2", as well as "2-2-1", "1-2-2". This is necessary, firstly, in order to narrow the professional field to specific specialties. For example, work in the field of "man-sign" can be carried out with letters, words, texts (philologist, historian, editor, etc.); with foreign characters, texts (technical translator, guide-interpreter); with mathematical signs (programmer, mathematician, economist, etc.). Secondly, it makes it possible to go beyond one sphere to professions that occupy an intermediate position between different areas, for example, a mathematics teacher (the “person-person” and “person-sign” spheres), a fashion designer (the “person-artistic image” and "man-technique"), etc.

    Based on the results of the answers of the subject, a conclusion is made about which area of ​​professional activity he is inclined to.

    1. "Man is a sign." You have inclinations and show interests when performing calculations, drawings, diagrams, systematizing various information. Most professions of this type are associated with the processing of information: numbers, formulas, tables, drawings, diagrams, maps; texts in native or foreign languages. Abilities that ensure the success of professional activity in this area: logical thinking, good memory for words and numbers, the ability to long-term concentration of attention on sign material. Professions that may suit a person with this type of focus: software engineer, economist, accountant, civil engineer, architect, surveyor, designer, process engineer, mechanical engineer, welding engineer, sociologist, journalist, editor, proofreader, translator, linguist , clerk.

    2. "Man - technology." The basis of your professional field is physics, chemistry, electrical engineering, do you like or used to do laboratory work in these subjects at school. You are willingly engaged in modeling, understand technology, love manual labor, namely, to create, operate, repair machines, mechanisms, devices. Most professions are related to technical professions, namely: work on machine tools, transport management, automatic systems; repair of technical devices, their creation, installation, assembly of technical devices, development of the process for their manufacture of units and parts of machines and mechanisms, work with devices, regulation and their adjustment. Abilities that ensure the success of professional activity in this area: a high level of concentration and stability of attention, good visual and motor memory,13 good coordination of movements, developed technical and creative thinking and imagination. Professions that may suit a person with this type of orientation: carpenter, carpenter, furniture restorer, adjuster, assembler, draftsman, civil engineer, mechanical engineer, transport engineer, designer, mechanical engineer, welding engineer, metallurgical engineer, foundry engineer, electrical engineer and others.

    3. "Man - nature." The sphere of your professional interests and inclinations is connected with nature, plant and animal organisms and the desire to work in this professional field. You are happy to take care of plants, animals, are not indifferent to the environment. Abilities that ensure the success of professional activity in this area: intuition, analytical abilities, mental flexibility, forecasting regarding the growth and development of natural objects, the ability to endure prolonged physical and mental stress in various weather conditions. Professions that may suit a person with this type of orientation: forester, horse breeder, beekeeper, vegetable grower, poultry breeder, livestock breeder, gardener, agronomist, microbiologist, livestock specialist, hydrobiologist, agrochemist.

    4. "Man - an artistic image." The basis of your professional sphere is made up of professions related to literary and artistic activities, fine arts, acting, and music. You like to write an essay, notes, make beautiful products with your own hands, create paintings, graphics, create new interesting models of clothes, interior design, and design novelties on paper and in the original.

    You notice the unusual and beautiful in the ordinary faster and more often than others. Most professions of this type are associated with: the creation of works of art, as well as reproduction, manufacturing of various products according to the model and works of art in mass production (for example, a master in painting). Abilities that ensure the success of professional activity in this area: creative and artistic abilities, a high level of imagination, intuitiveness, openness to new perceptions.

    Professions that may suit a person with this type of orientation: artist, architect, designer, writer, art historian, writer, philologist, journalist, fashion designer, jeweler, restorer, engraver, musician, actor, cabinetmaker.

    5. "Man - man." The scope of your professional interests and inclinations is related to teaching, educating, guiding and serving people. You know how to patiently, carefully listen to people, explain, convince, prevent conflicts, resolve disputes, and provide all possible assistance. You enjoy being around people and interacting closely with them.

    Abilities that ensure the success of professional activity in this area: verbal abilities, good development of figurative and verbal-logical memory, communication skills (communication and interaction with people, the ability to establish contacts), responsiveness, goodwill, exactingness to oneself and others. Professions that may suit

    a person with this type of orientation: teacher, educator, psychologist, nurse, trainer, personnel manager, office manager, social teacher, service sector workers (salesman, technologist, merchandiser, hairdresser, waiter, etc.).

    6. "Man is a sign" and "Man is a technique". The scope of your professional interests and inclinations go beyond one professional area, occupy an intermediate position between these areas of professions. Professions that may suit a person with this type of orientation: mechanical engineer, transport engineer, civil engineer, mechanical engineer, software engineer, electrical engineer for automation and others.

    7. "Man is a sign" and "Man is a man." The scope of your professional interests and inclinations is in these two areas. You like to systematize material, analyze, collect information, solve problems through reflection, but at the same time you are focused on working in a group with people, teaching them, providing counseling, organizing group events, discussions. Professions that may suit a person with this type of orientation: teacher of mathematics, physics, chemistry, economics, philologist, historian, sociologist, editor, translator, financial manager, anti-crisis management specialist, commodity expert, marketer, technologist, commodity expert, etc.

    8. "Man is a sign" and "Man is an artistic image." The scope of your professional interests and inclinations is in these two areas. This means that you not only create your own works of art, but also know how to systematize information in your field of art and culture, scientific research, logical analysis, create original projects (realizing them graphically, in new models of clothing, interior design, design innovations). Professions that can suit a person with this type of orientation: designer, architect, computer graphics engineer, image maker, music editor, clip maker, etc.

    9. "Man - technology" and "Man - artistic image." The scope of your professional interests and inclinations is in these two areas. You like not only activities aimed at technical objects, but you can make beautiful products with your own hands, create finished works of painting, graphics, create new interesting models of clothing, interior design, and design novelties on paper and in the original.

    Professions that may suit a person with this type of orientation: architecture, designer, civil engineer, art casting metallurgical engineer, sewing production technologist.

    10. "Man - technology" and "Man - man". The scope of your professional interests and inclinations is in these two areas. Your skills and desires are related to professions in which work is directed to technical objects, while you are able and willing to work with people and manage them. Professions that may suit a person with this type of orientation: labor teacher, master mentor, mechanical engineer in mechanical engineering technology 15, foundry engineer, electronics engineer, production manager, civil engineer, etc.

    11. "Man - man" and "Man - artistic image." The scope of your professional interests and inclinations is in these two areas. You are focused on working in a group with people, namely to teach, explain,

    explain, listen carefully, and at the same time embody their creative ideas (musical, acting, stage, literary and artistic activities, etc.). Professions that may suit a person with this type of orientation: director, producer, dance teacher, teacher acting skills, organizer of exhibitions and openings, editor, etc.

    12. "Man - man" and "Man - nature." The scope of your professional interests and inclinations is in these two areas. Professions of these types require constant interaction with people, the ability to establish and maintain contacts with people, and also require love for nature, for everything "living". Professions that may suit a person with this type of orientation: valeologist, environmental engineer, organizer of zoological exhibitions, leader of geographical expeditions, TV show host about flora and fauna, etc.

    INSTRUCTIONS: Read the questions carefully. For each of them you need to give three answers, evaluating them in points. The answer is recorded in the appropriate cell of the answer sheet, where the numbers indicate the numbers of questions, and the letters indicate the cells for three answers.

    First, you evaluate how well you can do what is written in the question (cell "a"):

    I do, as a rule, well - 2 points;

    I do medium - 1 point;

    I do it badly, I can’t do it at all, I never did it - 0 points.

    Then evaluate the sensations that you have when you do this (cell "b"):

    Positive (interesting, easy) - 2 points;

    Neutral (don't care) - 1 point;

    Negative (not interesting, difficult) - 0 points.

    The third answer should reflect whether you would like the action described in the question to be included in your work (cell "c"):

    Yes - 2 points;

    Anyway - 1 point;

    No - 0 points.

    When reading the question, be sure to pay attention to the words "often", "easily", "systematically", etc. Your answer should take into account the meaning of these words.

    If from the several actions listed in the question you know how to do one thing, then it is this action that you evaluate with three marks.

    Questionnaire text

    1. Make extracts, clippings from various texts and group them according to a certain attribute.

    2. Perform practical tasks in laboratory work in physics (collect and draw up diagrams, troubleshoot them, understand the principle of operation of the device, etc.).

    3. For a long time (more than one year), independently perform all the work that ensures the growth and development of plants (water, fertilize, replant, etc.).

    4. Compose poems, stories, notes, write essays recognized by many as interesting, worthy of attention.

    5. Be sensitive and friendly.

    6. Select the main thoughts from the text and draw up a short summary, plan, new text based on them.

    7. Understand physical processes and patterns, solve problems in physics.

    8. Regularly monitor the developing plant and record these observations in a special diary.

    9. Make beautiful products with your own hands: from wood, material, dried plants, threads.

    10. Patiently, without irritation, explain to someone what he wants to know, even if you have to repeat it several times.

    11. It is easy to find errors in written works on the Russian language and literature.

    12. Understand chemical processes, properties of chemical elements, solve problems in chemistry.

    13. Understand the developmental features and external distinguishing features of numerous plant species.

    14. Create finished works of painting, graphics, sculpture.

    15. Communicate a lot and often with different people without getting tired of it.

    16. In foreign language lessons, answer questions and ask them, retell texts and compose stories on a given topic.

    17. Repair any mechanisms (bicycle, motorcycle), electrical appliances (vacuum cleaner, iron, lamp).

    18. Mostly spend your free time on the care and observation of some animal.

    19. Compose music, songs that are successful with peers and adults.

    20. Protect the rights and safety of people.

    21. When performing assignments in a foreign language, work with foreign texts without much difficulty.

    22. Adjust and repair electronic equipment (tape recorder, TV, etc.).

    23. Regularly, without reminding adults to perform the work necessary to care for animals: feed, clean (animal and cages), treat, train.

    24. Publicly, for many viewers to play roles, imitate, portray someone, recite poetry, prose.

    25. To captivate young children with business, play, and storytelling.

    26. Complete tasks in mathematics, chemistry, in which you need to compose

    a logical chain of actions, using various formulas, laws, theorems.

    27. Repair locks, faucets, furniture, toys.

    28. Understand the breeds and types of animals: horses, birds, fish, insects. Know their characteristic external signs and habits.

    29. Always clearly see what is done by a writer, playwright, artist, director, actor with talent and what is not, and be able to substantiate this orally or in writing.

    30. Organize people for any business, events.

    31. Perform tasks in mathematics that require a good knowledge of formulas, laws and the ability to apply them correctly when solving.

    32. Perform actions that require good coordination of movements and manual dexterity: work on a machine, electric sewing machine, assemble and assemble from small parts.

    33. Immediately notice the smallest changes in the behavior or appearance of an animal or plant.

    34. Play musical instruments, publicly perform songs, dance numbers.

    35. Do work that requires mandatory contact with many different people.

    36. Perform quantitative calculations, data calculations (according to formulas and without them), derive various patterns and consequences based on this.

    37. From standard parts intended for the assembly of certain models, products, design new ones invented independently.

    38. Specially engage in in-depth study of biology, botany, zoology - read scientific literature, listen to lectures, scientific reports.

    39. Create on paper and in the original new, interesting models of clothes, hairstyles, jewelry, interior design, design innovations.

    40. Influence people, convince, prevent conflicts, settle quarrels, resolve disputes.

    41. Work with symbolic information: draw up and draw maps, diagrams, drawings.

    42. Perform tasks in which you need to mentally imagine the location of objects or figures in space.

    43. For a long time to be engaged in research work in biological circles, at biological stations, in zoo circles and nurseries.

    44. Faster and more often than others to notice unusual, amazing, beautiful things in the ordinary.

    45. Empathize with people (even not very close ones), understand their problems, provide all possible assistance.

    46. ​​Accurately and accurately perform "paper" work: write, write out, check, count, calculate.

    47. Choose the most rational (simple, short) way to solve a problem: technical, logical, mathematical.

    48. When working with plants or animals, perform manual physical labor, endure adverse weather conditions, dirt, and the specific smell of animals.

    49. Persistently, patiently strive for perfection in the created or performed work (in any field of creativity).

    50. Speak, report something, express your thoughts aloud.
