Job description class teacher

1. General Provisions

1.1. real job description developed on the basis of the tariff and qualification characteristics for the positions of employees of educational institutions, agreed with the Decree of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of August 17, 1995 No. 46, taking into account the changes introduced by the Decree of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of November 22, 1995 No. 65. When compiling the instruction, approximate recommendations were taken into account on the organization of the labor protection service in an educational institution of the system of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, approved by order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation N 92 of February 27, 1995; guidelines for organizing the activities of the class teacher in general education institutions (letter of the Ministry of Education dated 06/21/2001 No. 480 / 30-16); methodological recommendations "On the implementation of the functions of a class teacher by pedagogical workers of state and municipal educational institutions" (Order of the Ministry of Education and Science No. 21 of 03.02.2006).

1.2. The class teacher is appointed by order of the director of the school from among the teachers working at the school with the consent of the teacher.

1.3. Control over the activities of the class teacher is carried out by the deputy director for educational work.

1.4. In their activities, the class teacher is guided by the Constitution and laws of the Russian Federation, decisions of the Government of the Russian Federation and educational authorities at all levels, rules and regulations of labor protection, fire safety, as well as the Charter of the school and other local acts, observes the Convention on the Rights of the Child.

2. Functions

The main functions of the class teacher are:

1. Organizational and coordinating:

Establishing a connection between the educational institution and the family;

Interaction with subject teachers working in the classroom, other specialists of the educational institution;

Accounting and stimulation of various activities of students, including in the system additional education children;

Individual, impact and interaction with each student and the team of the class as a whole as subjects of this activity;

Maintaining documentation (class journal, diaries, personal files of students, work plan of the class teacher, journal of the class teacher).

2. Communicative:

Regulation interpersonal relationships between students;

Establishment of subject-subject relations between the teacher and the student;

Promoting a general favorable psychological climate in the team;

Assistance to students in the formation of communicative qualities.

3. Analytical and predictive:

The study of the individual characteristics of students and their dynamics development;

Determination of the state and prospects for the development of the classroom team.

3. Job responsibilities

The class teacher has the following duties:

3.1. Plans classroom activities for each academic year and each academic quarter. The work plan is approved by the deputy director of the school for educational work no later than five days from the beginning of the planning period.

3.2. Ensures the safe conduct of the educational process, promptly notifies the school administration of each accident, takes measures to provide first aid;

3.3. Organizes the study by students of the rules of labor protection, rules traffic, behavior in everyday life, on the water, etc., instructs students with mandatory registration in the classroom log or the instruction log;

3.4. Forms the motivation for the teaching of each individual child, studying his age and individual characteristics for the development and stimulation of cognitive interests;

3.5. Provides assistance to students learning activities; Identifies the causes of low academic performance, organizes their elimination;

3.6. Respects the rights and freedoms of students;

3.7. Promotes the acquisition of additional education by students through a system of circles, clubs, sections, associations organized at school, institutions of additional education for children and at the place of residence;

3.8. Creates conditions for the successful existence of the child in general education school, promotes diversified creative development personality, spiritual and moral development;

3.9. Together with the self-government bodies of students, he actively promotes healthy lifestyle life; conducts physical culture, sports and other events that promote the health of students in the classroom;

3.10. Ensures the unity of the educational impact on the student of the family and the school, carries out work with parents; if necessary, involves the competent authorities to protect the rights of the child or provide financial assistance, provides social protection for children;

3.11. Creates a favorable microenvironment and moral and psychological climate for each student in the class;

3.12. Promotes the development of communication skills among students, helps the student to solve problems that arise in communication with friends, teachers, parents;

3.13. Carries out the study of the personality of each student in the class of his inclinations, interests, directs self-education and self-development of the student's personality, makes the necessary adjustments to the system of his education;

3.14. Analyzes the state and determines the prospects for the development of the class team;

3.15. Submits a written report on its activities to the deputy director of the school for educational work at the end of each academic quarter;

3.16. Maintains class documentation in the prescribed manner, controls the filling in of diaries by students and putting marks in them;

3.17. Participates in the work of the pedagogical council of the school;

3.18. Systematically attends school-wide events together with the class;

3.19. Systematically increases its professional qualification; participates in the activities of methodological associations;

3.20. Works according to the schedule drawn up approved by the principal of the school;

3.21. Organizes the duty of the class around the school according to the schedule approved by the director of the school;

3.22. Complies with ethical standards of behavior at school, at home, in in public places corresponding social status teacher.

4. Rights

The class teacher has the right, within his competence:

4.1. Receive information about the mental and physical health of children;

4.2. Monitor the progress of each student;

4.3. Monitor attendance at school by children;

4.5. Coordinate and direct the work of teachers of this class in a single direction;

4.6. Organize educational work with the students of the class through the holding of "small teachers' councils", pedagogical councils, thematic and other events;

4.7. Submit proposals agreed with the class team for consideration by the administration, the council of the educational institution;

4.8. Invite parents (or substitutes) for a conversation;

4.9. In agreement with the administration of the general education institution, apply to the commission on juvenile affairs, the psychological, medical and pedagogical commission, the commission and councils for family assistance to schools at enterprises;

4.10. Determine an individual mode of work with children based on a specific situation;

4.11. Conduct experimental work on the problems of education.

4.12. For an increase in the official salary, bonuses and other measures of material and moral incentives;

4.13. Participate in competitions, festivals and other events both personally and his pupils;

4.14. For logistics and methodological support the educational process organized by him;

4.15. For support and assistance from the administration;

4.16. For advanced training and professional skills within the walls of the school and the system of additional professional education.

5. Responsibility

In accordance with the law Russian Federation The class teacher is responsible for:

5.1. For the life and health of the students of the class during the events held by them, as well as for the violation of their rights and freedoms.

5.2. For non-performance or improper performance without good reason of the Charter and the Internal Labor Regulations of the school, the legal order of the school principal, local regulations, job duties established by the job description;

5.3. Bears personal responsibility for the improper implementation of anti-terrorist security requirements at the school in accordance with applicable law.

5.4. For the use, including a single one, of methods of education related to physical and (or) mental violence against the personality of the student, as well as the commission of another immoral offense;

5.5. For guilty causing the school or participants educational process damage in connection with the performance (non-performance) of their duties, the class teacher bears material liability in the manner and within the limits established by labor and (or) civil legislation.

6. Relationships. Relations by position

6.1. Interacts with subject teachers, represents the interests of his pupils at the pedagogical council, includes their extracurricular work in subjects, various subject circles, electives, participation in subject weeks, olympiads, theme evenings and other events;

6.2. Together with a teacher-psychologist, he studies the individual characteristics of students, the process of adaptation and integration in micro and macro society; coordinates the relationship between a psychologist and parents, helps to determine the choice of a profession based on psychological and pedagogical research;

6.3. Collaborates with teachers of additional education, promotes the inclusion of schoolchildren in various creative associations of interest (circles, sections, clubs) operating both at school and in institutions of additional education;

6.4. Promotes the inclusion of children in the activities of a children's public organization, cooperating with senior counselors, organizing information about existing children's and youth public organizations and associations;

6.5. Collaborates with school librarians in order to expand the student's reading circle;

6.6. Organizes work to improve the pedagogical and psychological culture of parents through holding parent meetings, joint activities

6.7. He constantly takes care of the health of his pupils, using information received from medical workers.

On the shoulders of the class teacher lies the coordination of the process of upbringing and education of the class entrusted to him in high school. He is responsible for the results of educational activities received by students, corrects its organization and helps students. The activities of the class teacher are described in the job description.

The job description of the class teacher for the Federal State Educational Standard for 2018-2019 is regulated by the order of the Ministry of Education and Science dated February 3, 2006 No. 21 “On approval guidelines on the implementation of the functions of the class teacher by pedagogical workers. It indicates General requirements to a specialist, his duties and functions, rights and measure of responsibility.

What does a class teacher job description include?

The class teacher is appointed to the position by order of the headmaster. This position can be occupied by a teacher who has received a secondary or higher specialized education. Duties of the class teacher wide: he manages the educational process, interacts with families of students and external organizations, prepares documentation, represents the interests of children. When compiling a job description, a specialist should take into account the provisions enshrined in the Federal State Educational Standard.

In his work, the class teacher should be based on:

  • person-centered approach;
  • the concept of upbringing that is relevant in an educational institution;
  • the results of the analysis of the phenomena of life;
  • tolerance;
  • taking into account the material and social situation of the families of students;
  • taking into account the level of upbringing and family circumstances of children.

The structure of the work of the class teacher can be represented as follows:

  • organizational, analytical and prognostic activity in the educational process;
  • class life control;
  • study and use of modern methods of education.

The work of a class teacher can take place in such forms as conversations, discussions, discussions, games, debates, trainings, meetings with various people, excursions, socially significant work activities, competitions, and creative activity of children. As part of duties of the class teacher under the law on education he conducts conversations, lectures, meetings, extra-curricular activities with parents.

Table 1. Job responsibilities of the class teacher according to the instructions

Required education and skills

Fundamentals of adolescent psychology and physiology, methods of working with gifted and difficult children, the norms of the current legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of education, the Convention on the Rights of the Child, local acts. The teacher needs to have developed communication skills, as well as:

  • plan work and predict its results;
  • set and achieve short-term and long-term goals;
  • build harmonious relationships with children, colleagues and parents;
  • stimulate the initiative of children, support them;
  • carry out educational activities;
  • apply moral and aesthetic technologies in work.

Goals and objectives of the work

The aims of the work are:

  • work with students to harmonize relations in the educational space, unlocking their potential;
  • V duties of the class teacher according to the law on education 2018 building harmonious relationships in the classroom;
  • building productive relationships with parents, administrators, and other educators.

Klassruk monitors compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards, conducts safety briefings, talks about a healthy lifestyle, optimizes the study load, and applies health-saving technologies.

Individual work with students

Keeping a diary of observations. The allocation of groups of students according to interests and abilities, the definition of a "risk group". Diagnosis of the psychophysical development of children, outlining their skills and abilities, assessment of intellectual, sports and creative abilities.

Visiting families, conducting personal files, preventing deviant behavior. Contribute to the disclosure of potential and harmonious development of students.

Working with the class team

Functions of the class teacher for GEF include:

  • monitoring the attendance and progress of students, checking diaries, maintaining statutory documentation, interacting with subject teachers, increasing student motivation;
  • carrying out activities to create a favorable environment in the classroom, assessing the internal climate in the team;
  • various cool events, attracting children to electives and circles;
  • control of the organization of class self-government, organization of labor activity (duties, cleaning of the territory).

Working with parents and the environment

Systematic work with parents, analysis of family and living conditions, increasing the pedagogical knowledge of parents, involving the family in extracurricular activities, holding parent meetings.

educational impact

Harmonious development of the child's personality, educational activities, conversations, etc.


Constant self-development, by taking refresher courses, studying literature, participating in the exchange of pedagogical experience, competitions, conferences, seminars.

Rights and responsibility

The rights of the class teacher include:

  • monitoring the academic success of children;
  • obtaining information about their psychophysiological development;
  • work with parents by invitation to the school;
  • the presence of subject teachers in the lessons;
  • bringing students to disciplinary responsibility;
  • encouraging students for their success;
  • initiation of work improvement;
  • the use of methodological support for teachers and administration;
  • protection of one's own honor and dignity.

For non-fulfillment or dishonest fulfillment of duties, the class manager faces administrative liability.

The functions assigned to the class teacher are fixed in the Charter of the school.

Approximate structure of the job description of the class teacher

Structure job description of the class teacher for GEF built on the same principle as other job descriptions. The main sections will be:

  • general provisions,
  • official rights and obligations,
  • responsibility.

The general section contains short description qualification requirements and a description of the position of the class teacher. This section includes the following items:

  • full title of the position, to which category of employees it belongs;
  • order of appointment and dismissal;
  • the order of subordination: to the director of the school and the head teacher for UVR;
  • who will perform the duties of the class teacher in the absence of an employee;
  • what laws and regulations the employee is guided by in his work;
  • qualification requirements.

In the section "Officers duties and rights" of the class teacher points discussed above. At the same time, the list of duties may be changed by the Charter of the school, then the instruction section is adjusted.

The section on class teacher responsibilities briefly lists the types of responsibilities:

  • for non-compliance with the job description, failure to comply with the orders of the director, violation of school rules - disciplinary responsibility;
  • physical or moral abuse of students - dismissal from office;
  • for carelessness in maintaining documentation - a penalty in accordance with the organizational documents of the school;
  • causing damage to school property - liability under civil or labor law.

To facilitate the work of the staff, we suggest downloading an example of the job description of the class teacher.

Features of the duties of the class teacher

The high responsibility of the work is also associated with certain difficulties that the teacher faces when performing duties of a class teacher at a school according to GEF.

One of the key difficulties is that the job description indicates the forms, methods and types of work of a teacher, but does not mention the time required for such work. Therefore, class hands often suffer from a lack of time, while employment contract classroom management is an additional responsibility that is performed in work time. However, the time cost is often inversely proportional to the salary increase for classroom management. In order to perform the functions of a class teacher with greater efficiency, we recommend taking a remote advanced training course:

As practice shows, a full-fledged classroom management cannot be combined with the main activity. What are the duties of a classroom teacher? and why does it require 35–40 hours a week? This:

  • checking diaries and discipline - at least an hour every day;
  • maintenance of school documentation, organization of creative and labor activities - at least an hour a day;
  • participation in competitions, competitions, cleaning, etc.

It is a common practice to appoint a subject teacher to the post of class teacher. However, in some educational institutions, the class teacher is completely or partially removed from the teaching load. At the same time, the teacher is called a class mentor, tutor, curator.

The second visible problem that pops up in the analysis functional duties of the class teacher, is the vagueness of the wording of the instruction, as well as the introduction in certain institutions of such duties that reduce the motivation of teachers. For example, collecting money, disclosing personal information, etc.

Some difficulties may also arise in relations with the school administration and colleagues when:

  • the class teacher, in accordance with the official duties of the Federal State Educational Standard and the internal order of the school, replaces absent colleagues;
  • develops and agrees syllabus for a year or a quarter;
  • reports to the administration on the work done.

As seen, The class teacher performs such functions as motivation, organization, control of the educational process within the class entrusted to him, creation of harmonious relations with children, teachers and families, organization extracurricular activities children. However, for the successful performance of such functions, the employee's activities must be properly organized and fairly paid.

To learn more about the class management system and the responsibilities of a class teacher, see the following articles:

Briefly about the position of the class teacher, his functions and responsibilities according to the Federal State Educational Standard

Federal State Educational Standards (Federal State Educational Standards) contain requirements for implementation processes educational programs, as well as the requirements for the activities of the class teacher. When compiling a job description, the provisions enshrined in the Federal State Educational Standard should be taken into account.

The class teacher is tasked with organizing the educational work of the class. Most often, these functions are assigned to the subject teacher. In some educational institutions, the class teacher does not have at all or has a minimum teaching load, then he is called a class teacher, tutor, class curator.

The functions that are assigned to the class teacher are enshrined in the Charter of the school. Officially, the class teacher is tasked with organizing students, but in practice this process comes down to helping students self-organize, supporting their initiatives and creative impulses. Other functions of the class teacher include:

  • organization academic work class;
  • organization of extracurricular life of the class;
  • social assistance and protection of students;
  • interaction with parents of students.

Approximate job description structure

For all positions that are in the staffing of the school, job descriptions are being developed. At the same time, the structure of all job descriptions is unified. You can take the following option as a basis, when the instruction consists of sections on:

Don't know your rights?

  • general provisions,
  • official duties,
  • rights,
  • responsibility.

When developing a job description for a class teacher, such a document structure is quite acceptable. Later in the article we will tell you what information should be placed in each section.

General instruction section

The first section of the instruction contains a brief description of the position and qualification requirements that are set for a candidate for the position of class teacher. So, this includes the following:

  • the full name of the position (class teacher), and to which category of employees this position belongs;
  • the procedure for appointment and dismissal (the decision is made by the principal of the school, issuing a corresponding order);
  • chain of command: the class teacher may report directly to the school principal or teacher for OIA;
  • who is responsible for class leadership during the absence of an employee;
  • what the class teacher is guided by in his work: laws (in particular, the Federal Law “On Education” dated December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ) and other regulations, the Convention on the Rights of the Child, the Charter of the school, etc .;
  • qualification requirements: as a rule, an employee must have a higher Teacher Education and experience working with children for at least a year, but not necessarily as a form teacher.

Duties of the class teacher

This section of the job description may contain the following job responsibilities assigned to the class teacher:

  • keep a progress log;
  • to draw up personal files of students;
  • organize a class team, which is manifested in the issuance of instructions, work with the class asset, the formation of duty duties, the organization of creative events;
  • organize vigils;
  • arrange meals for students;
  • form a cash fund to meet class needs and manage funds from it;
  • control attendance, find out the reasons for absences;
  • work with student diaries;
  • create conditions for expanding the horizons of students, the range of their interests;
  • contribute to the formation of a favorable climate in the team, strengthening friendly relations;
  • help students to adapt at the beginning of the educational process;
  • conduct class hour s;
  • ensure the protection of the rights of students, their interests;
  • conduct career guidance work with high school students;
  • hold classroom meetings with parents.

The charter of the school or other documents may impose other duties on the class teacher, then this section of the instruction is adjusted.

The rights of the class teacher

This section displays the rights that the class teacher is vested with for the smooth performance of their duties. In almost all educational institutions, the class teacher can:

  • be present at the lessons of a subject teacher held in a supervised class, but at the same time it is impossible to interrupt the lesson or make comments to the teacher during the lesson;
  • to study how the educational process takes place in the lessons conducted by the subject teacher;
  • bring students from their class to disciplinary responsibility in accordance with the school documents governing this process;
  • to encourage students from their class in accordance with the normative documents of the school;
  • actively cooperate with colleagues, participate in the pedagogical council of the school, make proposals for improving the learning process;
  • cooperate with medical workers, employees of social services and inspections for minors;
  • improve your qualifications.

This is not an exhaustive list of rights and may be expanded or modified as necessary.

Responsibility of the class teacher

A section that briefly lists the types of responsibility to which a class teacher can be held, and the reasons for this. As a standard, it is prescribed here that the class teacher can:

  • for non-compliance with job descriptions, violation of school rules, failure to comply with the order of the director of the school and other violations - to bring to disciplinary responsibility;
  • for the use of physical or moral violence against students - to be dismissed, which is not considered a measure of disciplinary responsibility;
  • for causing damage to school property - to bring to liability according to the rules of civil or labor legislation.

Classroom management is another area of ​​activity for a subject teacher, and job descriptions help to delineate duties, give the teacher additional rights and, at the same time, additional functions. At the same time, job descriptions for the class teacher and for the subject teacher should not overlap, which is taken into account when developing them.

Job description

class teacher in accordance with GEF

1. General Provisions

1.1. This job description defines the duties, rights and responsibilities of the class teacher.

1.2. The class teacher belongs to the category of specialists.

1.3. A person with a higher or secondary specialized pedagogical education and a high motivation for educational activities is appointed to the position of a class teacher.

1.4. The class teacher is appointed to the position and dismissed by order of the headmaster.

1.5. For the period of vacation or temporary disability of the class teacher, his duties may be assigned (on the basis of the order of the school director) to a teacher who does not have a class teacher and works in this class.

1.6. The class teacher reports directly to the deputy director of the school for educational work and, if he implements the program for organizing extracurricular activities of the class, to the deputy director for extracurricular work, and then to the director of the school.

1.7. The class teacher should know:

Normative acts regulating the activities of the school and the teachers working in it;

the Convention on the Rights of the Child;

Internal labor regulations;

business ethics and interpersonal communication;

Pedagogy, including the theory and methodology of education;

General, age and social psychology;

age physiology;

The methodology for organizing various types of extracurricular activities of schoolchildren: gaming, cognitive, labor (industrial), socially significant volunteer, leisure and entertainment, sports and recreation, tourism and local history, problem-value communication, artistic creativity;

Programs for organizing extracurricular activities of schoolchildren and the rules for their development;

Safety and fire protection regulations.

2. Job responsibilities

2.1. Set your own goals for your work actual problems development of students in the class entrusted to him.

2.2. Independently develop a plan for their work and, if the class teacher becomes the organizer of extracurricular activities of students in their class, a program (or its module) for organizing extracurricular activities of students in the class.

2.3. To study the characteristics, interests, needs, abilities of schoolchildren and help them in their implementation.

2.4. To acquaint schoolchildren with the possibilities of their participation in extracurricular activities organized by educational institution; stimulate self-determination of class students in this area school life help them in choosing the most appropriate types of extracurricular activities and forms of their participation in them.

2.5. Carry out the necessary activities to unite the class team.

2.6. Support socially significant initiatives of schoolchildren, encourage them to self-government, supervise the self-government activities of class students.

2.7. Carry out outreach work.

2.8. Together with subject teachers, monitor the readiness of the class for training sessions (provision of textbooks, manuals, notebooks, atlases, maps, stationery, etc.).

2.9. To monitor the attendance of students in the class of lessons, find out the reasons for missing classes, if necessary, take measures to eliminate them.

2.10. Monitor the progress of students in the class, take measures to eliminate school debts by schoolchildren, regularly inform parents about the progress of their children.

2.11. To control deviant manifestations in the development of students in the class; if necessary, carry out pedagogical correction; in especially difficult and dangerous cases, inform the higher management about it.

2.12. Organize meals for class students in the school cafeteria.

2.13. Within the time limits set by the administration, organize the duty of the class around the school, the participation of the class in subbotniks for cleaning school premises and school grounds, and wet cleaning of the office assigned to the class.

2.14. Monitor the safety of property and the sanitary and hygienic condition of the office assigned to the class.

2.15. Take care of the decent appearance, correct speech and good manners of students in the class.

2.16. Take care of the health of students, involve them in physical education and sports activities.

2.17. Organize activities with students in the class to prevent injuries, traffic accidents, accidents, etc.

2.18. Ensure that children comply with safety regulations and sanitary and hygienic standards during extracurricular activities with the class.

2.19. Provide (if necessary) first aid to schoolchildren in cases of illness or injury during their stay at school or joint participation in extracurricular activities with the class teacher.

2.20. Notify the higher management and parents of all emergencies related to the health and life of the children of the class entrusted to him and that occurred during the period of the children's stay at school.

2.21. Monitor and take action to ensure that students comply with the Student Rules and the School Charter.

2.22. Monitor the rights of the child in the school.

2.23. Help your students in solving their difficult life problems.

2.24. Work with parents of students in the class individually; in terms convenient for parents and the class teacher himself, hold parent meetings; if necessary, visit the families of students at home.

2.25. Collaborate with subject teachers working in the classroom, teachers of additional education, the curator of the activities of children's public associations, a social pedagogue, a medical worker in order to coordinate their educational efforts and provide students with necessary assistance learning.

2.26. Participate in the work of the Pedagogical Council of the school, the Methodological Association of class teachers, as well as in meetings held by the school, seminars to which class teachers are invited.

2.27. To take part in drawing up a school-wide plan of educational work and monitoring the educational process organized at the school, conducting the necessary diagnostic studies in his class, analyzing his professional activities together with the deputy director for educational work and expressing expert opinion on issues of interest to him.

2.28. Keep the necessary documentation: class journal, personal files of students, student diaries; help the school administration collect the necessary statistical information about the students in the class.

2.29. Undergo periodic free medical examinations.

3. Rights

3.1. Independently determine the goals, priority areas, content and forms of work with students of the class entrusted to him.

3.2. Independently choose the form of planning your work with the class; develop a program (or its individual modules) for organizing extracurricular activities of students of the class entrusted to him.

3.3. To refuse the participation of the class entrusted to him in the events of the district, city, regional or all-Russian scale, if they, in the opinion of the class teacher, do not contribute to solving the problems existing in the class and do not meet the goals of working with the class set by him.

3.4. Do not allow third parties without permission to be present during the conduct of his joint activities with the class.

3.5. Request from the management, receive the material and technical means, information materials and legal documents necessary for the performance of their duties, and use them at the disposal of the school.

3.6. Give schoolchildren during classes and breaks mandatory orders related to their observance of discipline, safety precautions and sanitary and hygienic standards.

3.7. To bring schoolchildren to disciplinary responsibility for actions that disrupt the educational process.

3.8. Make proposals for the development and improvement of the educational process at school.

3.9. Attend (in agreement with the teacher) conducted by subject teachers, teachers of additional education, educators of the extended day group, social pedagogue, school psychologist activities with the children of his class.

3.10. Participate in meetings that discuss issues related to professional activity.

3.11. To get acquainted with complaints and other documents containing an assessment of his work, to give explanations on them.

3.12. Improve your qualifications and pass certification in the prescribed manner.

3.13. Require the principal of the school and the deputy director for educational work to assist in the exercise of their rights and duties.

4. Responsibility

4.1. For the performance of the duties assigned to him.

4.2. For the organization of their work, the timely and qualified execution of orders, orders and instructions from the higher management, regulatory legal acts on their activities.

4.3. For the rational and efficient use of material, financial and other resources.

4.4. For compliance with internal regulations, sanitary and hygienic standards, fire safety and safety.

4.5. For violation of normative legal acts, the class teacher can be brought to disciplinary, material, administrative and criminal liability in accordance with the current legislation, depending on the severity of the misconduct.

Cyclogram of the work of the class teacher


    Working with late students and finding out the reasons for the absence of students in the classroom. Monitoring student progress. Catering for students. Organization of duty in the classroom. Individual work with students.
    Check student diaries. Carrying out class activities according to the plan. Work with parents (if necessary). Work with subject teachers (if necessary).
    Attending classes in your class. Visiting families of students. Meeting with the parent asset. Participation in raids together with members of the DC, the school ombudsman.
Once a quarter
    Making a class journal at the end of the quarter. Participation in the meeting of the MO class teachers. Analysis of the implementation of the work plan for the quarter, correction of the plan of educational work for the next quarter. Conducting a parent meeting.
Once a year
    Registration of personal files of students. Analysis of educational work for the year. Filling in the diagnostic cards of students.

educational system

"One for all and all for one"

    The concept of the educational system of the class

      Goals and objectives of the educational system of the class

Target: free development of personality, creation of conditions for self-expression, self-affirmation, self-realization of each student.

    to develop the subjectivity of the personality of each student; create conditions for the intellectual, moral, communicative, aesthetic and physical self-expression of the personality of a younger student; support the creative aspirations and actions of each child.

      Directions of the educational system of the class




    development of cognitive interest, independence, ingenuity;

    formation of interest in the process of cognition;

    education of reader activity;

    implementation of ecological, aesthetic, patriotic, vocational education of younger students.

Forms of work:



Reading Five Minutes.

"Labor, artistic activity"


    stimulation of the need for productive creative activity through direct acquaintance with various types of artistic activity;

    formation creative imagination, curiosity;

    implementation of aesthetic education of schoolchildren;

    education of accuracy, familiarization with the creation of comfort around oneself;

    creating an atmosphere of joy, admiration in the process of collective search activity of students.

Forms of work: - conversations;

Creative contests;

Collective affairs;


"Cool team"


    the formation of the moral qualities of students: the ability to make friends, cherish friendship;

    instilling in children the moral norms of a civilized society;

    disclosure of the essence of moral relations between people;

    the formation of skills and habits that facilitate establishing contacts in communication, creating an atmosphere of trust.

Forms of work:- themed class hours;

Practical lessons;


Reading fiction on this topic.



    formation of a healthy lifestyle;

    preservation and strengthening of children's health through introduction to a healthy lifestyle;

    development in children of the need to create a healthy environment in school and family.

Forms of work:- themed class hours;

Meetings with medical workers;

Practical lessons;

Sport competitions;

Morning work-out;

Physical minutes in the classroom;

Hiking in the forest.



    development of communicative qualities of personality, artistry, cognitive interest, independence;

    the formation of creative imagination, originality, emotionality of perception;

    cultivating a respectful attitude towards the opinion of another person.

Forms of work:- educational games;


Thematic holidays;


Family evenings;

Cool get-togethers.

"Culture of Behavior"


    the formation of cultural behavior skills in children;

    instilling in students the need to comply with the rules of conduct in public places.

Forms of work:- themed class hours;

Individual conversations;

Practical lessons.

      The mechanism of construction and functioning of the educational system.

The educational system is based on the methodology of collective creative work. It is based on the following principles and approaches:

    naturalness- you need to accept the child as he is;

    cooperation– work is built on partnership, respect, trust;

    activity approach - in the activity, relations between pupils are changed, strengthened, developed;

    person-centered approach- respect for the personality of the child, his individuality, respect for his thoughts, feelings, expectations.

      Stages of educational work with the class.

Stage 1:"Let's Get Acquainted" (Grade 1)

Objective: to study the interests, needs, inclinations of students.

Stage 2:"Guys! Let's live in peace!" (grade 2)

Task: creation of prerequisites for the formation of a class team.

Stage 3:"Without friends, I'm a little bit!" (grade 3)

Task: creating favorable conditions for the formation of a normal psychological microclimate in the classroom.

Stage 4:“What one does not do, we will do together” (Grade 4)

Task: education of independence, development of the ability to organize a collective business.

      Criteria and ways of studying

the effectiveness of the educational system.

All activities on modeling, building and developing the educational system of the class are aimed at ensuring that the student within four years can develop personal qualities that correspond to the image of the primary school graduate formed by the teacher, students and parents. It consists of five potentials of the individual:

- moral: students' perception and understanding of such values ​​as family, school, teacher, motherland, friendship, etc.; the need to comply with the rules for students; the ability to distinguish between good and bad deeds of people; correctly assess their actions and the behavior of classmates;

- informative: observation, activity and diligence in educational work; sustained interest in learning;

- communicative: ability to speak and listen; the ability to empathize, sympathize, show attention to other people, animals, nature; formation of primary skills of self-regulation;

- art: aesthetic susceptibility of objects and phenomena in the natural and social environment; the presence of a personal emotionally colored attitude to works of art;

- physical: compliance with the daily routine and rules of personal hygiene; the desire to be strong, fast, agile and hardened.

Criteria the effectiveness of the educational system of the class are:

    the formation of the moral, cognitive, communicative, artistic and physical potential of the personality of a younger student;

    manifestation of the individuality of each student and the class community as a whole;

    class team formation.

According to these criteria, the following can be used methods studying the effectiveness of the educational process:

    Development Research Methods cognitive processes personality of the younger student.

    sociometric methods.

    Questionnaire "Me and my school".

    A short test of creative thinking.

    Mood flower test.

    Creative workshop "Me and the class in which I live."

    Gathering - a collective conversation about the results of the past month or the case.

    1. Expected Result.

    Parents in the system of educational work

The key to successful educational activities with students is the cooperation of the class teacher with parents, because the family has provided and continues to provide significant influence on the development of the child's personality. Therefore, make parents active participants pedagogical process is an important and responsible task of the teacher. To solve it, it is necessary to organize work with parents in the following areas:

Study of families of students;

Pedagogical education of parents;

Ensuring the participation of parents in the preparation and conduct of collective affairs in the classroom;

Individual work with parents;

Informing parents about the progress and results of education, upbringing and development of students.

    Directions of individual work with students

The main areas of individual work with students are:

The study of the individual characteristics of students, the specifics of the conditions and the process of their development;

Establishing interpersonal contacts with each child;

Creation of conditions in the class team for the manifestation and development of real and potential abilities of students, the realization of socially valuable and personally significant interests and needs of schoolchildren;

Providing individual assistance to students who have difficulty adapting to the life of the class, relationships with teachers and other members of the school community, the implementation of norms and rules of conduct in the educational institution and beyond;

Interaction with parents in order to design an individual development trajectory for students;

Assistance to pupils in activities for self-knowledge, self-determination and self-development;

Diagnostics of the results of training, education and development of each student, taking into account their personal achievements.

Scheme of interaction of the class teacher

in the system of educational work

  1. Class teacher - subject teacher

The success of the educational process in the classroom is impossible without the cooperation of subject teachers working in a team. The class teacher and teachers ensure the integrity, purposefulness of the pedagogical process in the classroom. In working with the student team and individual students, all teachers solve common educational and upbringing tasks: the development of cognitive activity, creativity, independence, responsibility.


    study of the personal characteristics of teachers, their capabilities in organizing educational work with children;

    study of the features of the teaching activity of the teacher, his contacts, relations with children;

    regulation of relations between class teachers, between teachers and children, between teachers and parents;

    definition of common goals, organization joint activities upon their achievement;

    pedagogically expedient use of the capabilities of teachers in the organization of educational work with children and parents.

    Class teacher - school ombudsman

The interaction of the class teacher and the school ombudsman is aimed at jointly identifying the causes of the child's problems and conducting social and pedagogical correctional work to provide assistance and prevent possible problem situations.


1. identification of the problems and difficulties that children have, on the one hand, and their interests and needs, on the other hand;

2. timely solution conflict situations,

3. providing social assistance and support to students;

4. promoting the realization of the rights and freedoms of children, creating a concrete and safe environment at school;

5. ensuring the protection of life and health, promoting a healthy lifestyle among children;

6. development of democratic foundations for the life of children's groups;

7. maintaining partnerships with the child's family, jointly solving children's problems;

8. interaction with teachers, parents, social

services to help children in need of care and

guardianship, as well as those who find themselves in difficult life situations.

    Class teacher - circles of interest

The process of education cannot effectively realize its functions if it does not include the activities of hobby groups, the specific organization of which allows creating favorable conditions for the development of the child's creative abilities, to meet his communication needs, for self-expression, self-affirmation, self-determination among peers.


1. development of the creative potential of students;

2. formation of the need for communication, creative activity and self-organization;

3. development of communicative qualities of students;

4. formation of artistic and aesthetic taste.

    Class teacher - family

Of great importance in the work of parents of younger students is a well-thought-out and well-organized system of cooperation. The meaning of the pedagogical interaction between the family and the school is to create conditions for the normal life of the child (comfortable, joyful, happy), for his individuality in common house"school-family".


1. creation of a unified educational environment in which the personality of the child develops;

2. involvement of parents in the purposeful process of the educational process of the school;

3. inclusion of parents in various spheres of life of the OS;

4. Improving the psychological and pedagogical culture of parents.

    Class teacher - children

Primary school students are in constant contact with the class teacher, who is also their teacher. Such close cooperation obliges the class teacher to build the upbringing process as a whole very clearly, competently, and thoughtfully.

Extracurricular activities of students should be based on the following principles.

The principle of openness. Younger students plan life in the classroom together with the class teacher, make adjustments and suggestions from an adult, taking into account their interests, needs and desires. The class teacher should listen carefully to the opinion of the children.

The principle of the attractiveness of the future business. The class teacher should captivate students with the end result of the work being done, they are not interested in abstract and vague goals.

The principle of activity. Younger students are students who experience a boom in school activities. They want to actively participate in all the activities that are held at school, they are driven by the desire to receive praise, to look successful in the eyes of the teacher and their parents. The children are interested in competitions, holidays, competitions, theatrical performances, etc., so the class teacher should offer students a variety of extracurricular activities.

The principle of freedom of participation. When offering children participation in an extracurricular activity, it is necessary to take into account their opinion. This can be expressed in providing students with the opportunity to choose a task, taking into account their interests, personal qualities and abilities. This approach of the class teacher teaches the child already in the younger school age responsibility for the execution of assigned tasks.

Feedback principle. Each extracurricular activity, large or small, must end with reflection. jointly With students need to discuss each time what worked and what did not work out, to study their opinion, to determine the mood and perspective of participation in future class activities. The teacher himself needs to be honored in events. This has a positive effect on the relationship of students with the class teacher.

The principle of co-creation. This principle combines two methods: cooperation and creativity. Working with younger students, the teacher should give students the right to choose a partner in the work being done. This increases the effectiveness of the work performed by students, stimulates its success.

The principle of success. Both an adult and a child need to be significant and successful. The degree of success determines the well-being of a person, his attitude towards the people around him, the world around him. The class teacher should see the participation of each child extracurricular activities and appreciate it.


The main task of the second stage of the implementation of the program "I am a citizen of Russia" was the task of rallying the class team and involving children in socially useful activities.

The work was carried out in five areas: patriotic, legal, labor, environmental and aesthetic.

Throughout the school year, work continued in the classroom to familiarize the children with the rules of conduct at school and their implementation. For this, such events were held as conversations “Remember the rules of behavior at school”, “How to behave in the canteen”, a class hour “By what rules we live at school”. Practice shows that students are well aware of all the rules, explain the need to comply with them, but they themselves do not always follow them. Therefore, in the next academic year, work on instilling cultural behavior skills at school, at home, on the street must be continued.

Work was carried out to form the status of a “student” among the children, to involve them in intellectual activity. The holidays “Hello, school family”, “Dedication to readers”, the conversation “I am a student”, the story contest “I love my school”, the quiz “Our school bag” have passed. The analysis of progress at the end of the year showed that out of 12 students in class 6 finished the year with good students.

The formation of a healthy lifestyle, the preservation and strengthening of children's health took place through such events as the Autumn and spring sports days, "Cross of Nations", competitions between classes, dynamic pauses in the classroom, conversations "Daily routine", " Bad habits”, a drawing competition “Say no to a cigarette!”. The cleanliness and order in the classroom, which was maintained by the students, also contributed to the health of the children.

The spiritual development of a person is impossible without instilling love for the Motherland, a sense of pride in one's country, village, school, class. During the year, discussions “Symbols of the native land”, “History of my village” were held, drawing competitions “Our land”, “Autumn has come to the village”, labor troops “Let it always be clean in our village”, they helped in the design of the stands of the school museum.

Work on the labor education of students went through the organization of duty in the classroom, the dining room, participation in the autumn and spring eco-landing.

During the year, work was also carried out with the parents of the students in the class. Parent meetings, individual conversations were held every quarter, and advisory assistance was provided.

Much of the planned was achieved, but there are problems: the level of upbringing among some children remains low, parents are still little interested in the affairs of their children, they are reluctant to go to school, although a group has already been formed that takes an active part in all events /

2013-14 academic year

Target: creation of favorable conditions for the disclosure and development of the abilities of each child. Tasks: 1. development of cognitive activity of students; 2. education of independence, self-discipline; 3. the formation of the intellectual, moral, physical potential of the child's personality; 4. development of creative abilities; 5. team building, the creation of a community of children, teachers and parents; 6. education of love and respect for the Motherland, its history and culture; education of respect, love and respect for one's relatives and friends;

7. formation of a culture of student behavior.


preventive work

with children from disadvantaged families

for 2013-2014 academic year

Traditionally, the main institution of education is the family. What a child acquires in the family during childhood, he retains throughout his life. The importance of the family as an institution of education is due to the fact that the child lives in it for a significant part of his life, and in terms of the duration of his impact on the personality, none of the institutions of education can be compared with the family. It lays the foundations of the child's personality, and by the time he enters school, he is already more than half formed as a person.

The family can act as both a positive and a negative factor in upbringing. The positive impact on the personality of the child is that no one, except for the people closest to him in the family - mother, father, grandmother, grandfather, brother, sister, treats the child better, does not love him and does not care so much about him. And at the same time, no other social institution can potentially do as much harm in raising children as a family can.

The analysis shows that at the moment in our country the socio-economic, psychological functions of the family have been significantly deformed. A steady trend has emerged to reduce the role of the family in the upbringing and development of children, ensuring their moral and physical health. Crisis state of the family social institution, aggravated by the spread of crime, alcoholism, drug addiction, vagrancy, orphanhood with living parents.

Children reflect the way of life of fathers and mothers. Among reasons that give rise to "difficult" children, the following can be distinguished:

    lack of targeted educational work with children from an early age;

    ignorance of their interests and needs;

    unfavorable family and domestic relations;

    lack of control over the behavior of children, neglect, inattention to children;

    excessive connivance or cruelty of punishment for committed misconduct;

    overemployment of parents in the sphere of social production;

    loss of emotional contact with children.

Re-education of the child must begin with the correction of relations within the family.

Program goal: assistance to the family in overcoming difficulties in the upbringing and education of children.

Program objectives:

    increasing the psychological and legal culture of parents in the field of interpersonal, family, parental relationships;

    assistance in overcoming conflict situations in the family;

    correction of intra-family relations.
Principles used in working with families:
    increasing the prestige of a healthy family; increase in active life position; communicative culture (emotional, informational, logical, speech, spiritual); support for family self-realization; social partnership of all services; problem prevention.

Work plan


Predicted result:the formed motivation of parents for independent and effective solution of emerging problems in the family.


individual work

with gifted children

for 2013-14 academic year

Gifted children are a special world of childhood, the intellectual potential of society, and the task of the teacher is to understand this world, to direct all efforts to transfer maximum experience and knowledge to children. Each child is gifted in his own way, and it is more important for the teacher to identify not the level, but the quality of giftedness. An important feature of gifted children is their cognitive need. They are willing and easy to learn, they are distinguished by sharpness of thinking, observation, exceptional memory, they show versatile curiosity, often go headlong into this or that matter. These children are distinguished by the ability to clearly express their thoughts, demonstrate the ability to apply knowledge in practice, and show exceptional ability to solve various problems. They are characterized by acute perception of the world around them, the ability to focus on several activities at once, a high threshold of perception, and a long period of concentration. IN modern society the importance of the intellectual and creative human potential has increased, the task of society is to consider and develop the abilities of all its representatives. Unfortunately, not every person is able to realize their abilities. A lot depends on the family and the school.The task of the family is to see in time, to discern the abilities of the child, the task of the school is to support the child and develop his abilities, prepare the ground so that his abilities are realized The thirst for discovery, the desire to penetrate into the innermost secrets of being are born at the school bench. Already in primary school you can meet such students who are not satisfied with working with school textbooks, they are not interested in working in the classroom, they read dictionaries, encyclopedias, special literature, look for answers to their questions in different fields of knowledge. Therefore, it is so important at school to identify everyone who is interested in various fields of science and technology, to help bring their plans and dreams to life, to put schoolchildren on the road of search in science, in life, to help them fully reveal their abilities. Working with gifted and highly motivated children is extremely necessary and continues to be mastered as one of the priority areas of work for the class teacher and subject teachers.

Program goal: creation of conditions for the development of mentally gifted students; improving the quality of education; expanding opportunities for the development of their individual abilities.

Program objectives:

  • personality development of gifted students;

    development of educational activities;

    development of a positive self-concept;

    development of creative independence;

    development of communication skills;

    development of reflective skills.

The priority of individuality.

    the principle of maximum diversity of opportunities provided for personal development;

    the principle of increasing the role of extracurricular activities;

    the principle of individualization and differentiation of education;

    the principle of creating conditions for joint work of students with minimal participation of the teacher;

    the principle of freedom of choice for students of additional educational services, assistance, mentoring.

Forms of work:

    group classes with gifted students;

    subject circles;

    hobby groups;


    participation in olympiads;

    research activity.

Student Plan


Predicted result:

    improving and improving the quality of knowledge and skills of students;

    development of general erudition of children, expansion of their horizons;

    development of creative and logical thinking, communication skills of students.


individual work

with underachieving students

for 2013-2014 academic year

One of the main problems that school teachers have to solve is working with poorly performing students.

Weak students are considered to be students who have weak mental abilities and weak learning skills, a low level of memory, or those who lack effective learning motives. It is no secret that the number of such students in schools is approximately 10-15%. To prevent this category of students from becoming underachieving, systematic work with underachieving students is necessary.

The main problem is the inconsistency of the structure educational space mass school, traditional forms of teaching the personality traits of each child. Against the background of school failures, constant failure, the cognitive need disappears very soon, sometimes irrevocably, and learning motivation does not arise. Therefore, special “supportive” work is absolutely necessary to help children with learning difficulties to successfully master educational material. Additional exercises are needed, which contain a well-thought-out system of helping the child, concluding in a series of "tips", which are based on the sequence of operations necessary for successful learning. In addition, these children need more time to practice the skill.

Program goal: elimination of gaps in the knowledge of students in the subjects studied.

Program objectives:

    creating conditions for the successful individual development of the child;

    creating a situation of success, the most effective stimulus for the cognitive activity of students;

    awakening the natural curiosity of children;

    formation of a responsible attitude of students to educational work;

    increasing the responsibility of parents for the education of children in accordance with the Law on Education.

The principle of building the program: individual priority.

Program Implementation Principles:

    creation of conditions for the realization of individual characteristics and capabilities of the individual;

    building an individual development path together with adults.

Pedagogical technologies used in the work:

    individualization of the educational process;

    teaching the skills of self-educational and search activities;

    dialogue form of education;

    game forms of education;

    memos, cards, creative tasks.

List of underachieving class students

Student Plan


Predicted result: closing gaps; successful completion of the school year.

Individual work plan

with a student standing at the HSC

Surname, name of the student _______________________________________________________________

Date of birth ____________ Class _____________

Home address _______________________________________________________________________

Date of registration ________________ Date of deregistration __________________

Rights and obligations of the class teacher:

The following ideas are the basis of the job responsibilities of the class teacher:

  • The child is the subject of his development.
  • Even the most "difficult" child wants to be good, only he needs help.
  • They bring up non-classroom hours, moralizing, pointing out to the child his mistakes and mistakes, brings up joint and individual ACTIVITIES.
  • The teacher is an assistant, a protector of his pupils in the conflicts of school life.
  • Only the teacher whom children respect, love, whose way of life they secretly or openly imitate, educates.

The class teacher has the right:

  • Receive regular information about the physical and mental health of children;
  • Monitor the learning progress of each student, noting successes and failures in order to provide timely assistance;
  • Coordinate the work of subject teachers who have an educational impact on his students through the holding of pedagogical councils, "small" teachers' councils and other forms of correction;
  • Determine (develop, create, together with a psychologist, social workers, doctors) programs of individual work with children and parents of students;
  • Invite parents (persons replacing them) to educational institution;
  • Participate in the work of school self-government structures: the teachers' council, the administrative council, the scientific and methodological council and other public bodies of the school;
  • Take the initiative, make proposals for improving the activities of the school, come up with a business, constructive criticism, submit for consideration the administrative council, scientific and methodological council opinions and proposals agreed with the class team;
  • To refuse assignments that are not peculiar to him, not included in the scope of his duties;
  • Conduct experimental and methodological work on various problems of educational activities;
  • Creatively apply new methods, forms and techniques of education, guided by the only principle of "do no harm";
  • Choose a form of improving pedagogical skills through a system of retraining of teaching staff, participation in various group and collective forms of methodological work, through the education system and on-site internships;
  • To defend one's own honor and dignity in school self-government and protection bodies in case of disagreement with the assessment of the state of educational work in the class team.

The class teacher does not have the right to:

  • Humiliate the personal dignity of the pupil, insult him with an action or word, inventing nicknames, hanging labels, etc .;
  • Use grade (school score) to punish a student;
  • Abuse the trust of the child, violate the word given to the pupil, deliberately mislead him;

The class teacher as an administrative person is obliged to:

  • Organize the educational process;
  • Monitor student attendance at class;
  • Involve class students in the systematic activities of the class and school-wide team, as well as establish links with other groups and teams;
  • To study the living conditions of children;
  • To fix deviations in the development and behavior of pupils, in difficult situations to inform the administration about this;
  • To assist pupils in solving acute life problems;
  • Promote their social and legal protection;
  • Maintain documentation reflecting the progress and effectiveness of educational work (personal files of students, class journal, student diary);
  • Involve school teachers, parents of students, specialists in educational activities various areas science, art;
  • Constantly improve your qualification level on issues of pedagogy, psychology, theory and practice of education.

Organization of work of the class teacher

  • The general rules for organizing the work of the school and the teaching staff follow from the Labor Code (Labor Code) of the Russian Federation, set forth in Art. 130.
  • The number of educational events - at least two per month (one of which may be school-wide).
  • The number of classroom parent meetings is at least one meeting per quarter.
  • Progress reports are submitted to the administration.
  • During the holidays and summer time, the work of the school is established according to the additional plan.
  • Coordination of the activities of class teachers and control over their work is carried out by the deputy director of the school for educational work.

Documentation and reporting

The class teacher maintains the following documentation:

  1. cool magazine;
  2. plan of educational work with the class team;
  3. student diaries;
  4. personal files of students;
  5. folders with the development of educational activities (optional).

Cyclogram for the class teacher


1. Working with latecomers and finding out the reasons for the absence of students.

2. Catering for students.

3. Organization of duty in the classroom.

4. Individual work with students.


1. Checking student diaries.

2. Holding activities in the classroom.

3. Working with parents (according to the situation)

4. Meeting with a nurse for information about the illness of students.


1. Meeting with the parent asset.

2. Work planning meeting (as scheduled).

Once every quarter.

1. Registration of a class magazine at the end of the quarter.

2. Analysis of the implementation of the work plan for the quarter.

3. Holding a parent meeting.

Once a year.

1. Holding an open event.

2. Registration of personal files of students.

3. Analysis and drawing up a class work plan.
